Snow Squalls: Environment, Forecasting, and Hazard Mitigation

1 Snow Squalls: Environment, Forecasting, and Hazard Mitigation PETER C. BANACOS ANDREW N. LOCONTO NOAA / National Weather Service, Burlington, Vermont GREGORY A. DEVOIR NOAA / National Weather Service, State College, Pennsylvania Sunday, 1 December 2013 _______________ Corresponding author address: Peter C. Banacos, NOAA/NWS/Weather Forecast Office, 1200 Airport Drive, S. Burlington, VT 05403. E-Mail: [email protected]

Transcript of Snow Squalls: Environment, Forecasting, and Hazard Mitigation

Page 1: Snow Squalls: Environment, Forecasting, and Hazard Mitigation


Snow Squalls:

Environment, Forecasting, and Hazard Mitigation



NOAA / National Weather Service, Burlington, Vermont


NOAA / National Weather Service, State College, Pennsylvania

Sunday, 1 December 2013


Corresponding author address: Peter C. Banacos, NOAA/NWS/Weather Forecast Office, 1200 Airport

Drive, S. Burlington, VT 05403. E-Mail: [email protected]

Page 2: Snow Squalls: Environment, Forecasting, and Hazard Mitigation



The rapid onset of blinding snowfall, strong winds, and falling temperatures associated with

snow squalls can result in hazardous and potentially deadly road surface conditions. Transportation

disruptions and threats to personal safety and property can be greatly disproportionate to the

modest snowfall accumulations observed in such events, making snow squalls an important forecast

and communicative challenge. To identify favorable synoptic and mesoscale snow squall

environments, a ten-year climatology of snow squalls producing surface visibility ≤ 0.5 statute miles

associated with upper troughs and cold fronts was constructed for three sites over northern New

York and Vermont. A total of 36 snow squalls were identified, including 21 at Burlington, Vermont

(BTV). The snow squalls had a median duration of heavy (moderate) snow lasting 17 (26) minutes,

and – for those events affecting BTV - a median snow accumulation of only 1.0” (2.5 cm).

A composite study based on these 36 events was performed using North American Regional

Reanalysis data and a control dataset for winter 2005-06. All identified snow squall events occurred

on the cyclonic shear side of a mid to upper tropospheric jet streak and within deep-layer

cyclonically curved flow. Surface-based instability (median CAPE < 50 J kg-1), high relative humidity

in the 0-2 km AGL layer, frontogenetic forcing, and strong surface isallobaric (rise/fall) couplets

were often found with the snow squalls. The isalloarbic wind was found to add constructively to the

background gradient flow, and combined with steep near-surface lapse rates acted to produce the

squall conditions. The presence of CAPE was the best discriminator between the snow squall cases

and the control. As a result of their convective nature, snow squalls were observed most often

during the daylight hours with 69% of the events occurring between 13-23 UTC. Results from the

composite study were used to formulate a four-panel visualization display and a multivariate, non-

dimensional snow squall parameter. Case examples are utilized to demonstrate these forecasting aids.

Strategies aimed at societal mitigation of snow squalls as a transportation hazard are also discussed.

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1. Introduction

Mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) organized near cold fronts producing short-lived

heavy snow, an accompanying wind shift and sudden increase in wind speed, and decreasing

temperatures (Fig. 1) are typically referred to as snow squalls or – to differentiate from lake-effect

squalls - snow “bursts” (Pettegrew et al. 2009; Milrad et al. 2011). Snow squalls along or ahead of

cold fronts fit into a class of events called “high impact, sub-advisory” (HISA; DeVoir and Ondrejik

2008) in that they typically do not reach National Weather Service (NWS) criteria for an official

winter weather advisory or warning product, yet can result in loss of life and damage due to

vehicular crashes (DeVoir and Ondrejik 2008; Table 1), especially during high traffic (rush hour)

periods (e.g., highway "pile-ups"). These transportation impacts stem largely from the very low

visibility in heavy snow, slippery or icy road conditions, and driver anxiety and confusion due to

rapidly deteriorating weather and road conditions (DeVoir 2004). Without a forecast of significant

snow accumulation, casual recipients of forecasts calling for, e.g., “scattered snow showers”, have

little reason to postpone travel, and often no advance warning of potentially severe visibility and

road impacts from brief blizzard-like conditions. The rapid onset of adverse weather conditions in a

snow squall makes driver adaptation (reduced speed and increased braking distance) difficult. A lack

of preparation for the exceedingly quick deterioration of conditions in a snow squall suggests that

societal impacts mimic the first snowfall of the season, in which significantly higher number of fatal

crashes have been reported compared to travel on other snowy days (Eisenberg and Warner 2005).

Negative impacts to transportation can also be experienced for hours following snow squalls

in flash freeze situations, in which falling snow that initially melts on untreated, warm surfaces creates

a layer of ice as road surface temperatures abruptly decrease following the coincident passage of the

cold front. To mitigate societal impact, further work is needed both in accurately forecasting and

effectively communicating snow squall events such that: (1) travelers are better informed, and might

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avoid, the most hazardous time periods and (2) road crews can effectively pretreat surfaces to limit

the potential for icy conditions.

Research on non-lake effect snow squalls has primarily focused on case studies. An

unusually intense and long-lived line of snow squalls with surface wind gusts in excess of 50 kt (25.7

m s-1) and cloud-to-ground lightning affecting an area from the eastern Dakotas through the upper

Mississippi Valley to the southern Great Lakes on 11-12 February 2003 was documented by

Pettegrew et al. (2009). This event occurred on the cyclonic shear side of a 135 kt (69 m s-1) 300-hPa

jet and with an associated mid-tropospheric shortwave trough. At the surface, the snow squalls were

organized along a cold front having low-level frontogenetic forcing and 50-mb mean mixed-layer

CAPE values ~ 100 J kg-1. While the convective line differed from warm season squall lines in terms

of having lower radar reflectivity (only 40-45 dBZ no higher than 3.7 km AGL), no identified rear-

inflow jet or trailing stratiform precipitation region, a separate study noted that the 11-12 February

2003 event resembled a composite for strongly-forced wind producing MCSs in limited moisture

environments (so-called low-dewpoint derechos; Corfidi et al. 2006) or strongly forced, low-instability

cold fronts (van den Broeke et al. 2005), except with a vertical temperature structure supportive of

snow (Corfidi et al. 2006). In the absence of a convective cold pool developed through evaporative

effects, strong winds could be the result of dynamically induced large isallobaric wind effects, as

might occur within an intense isallobaric gradient along a front or as part of a thermally direct

frontogenetic circulation.

Milrad et al. (2011) diagnosed a snow “burst” event over eastern Ontario and western

Quebec on 28 January 2010. Similarly, this study concluded that quasi-geostrophic forcing, low-level

frontogenesis along an arctic front and a markedly unstable environment (with steep 925-700-hPa

lapse rates of 8-9 C km-1) produced organized convection “rooted in the near-surface boundary

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layer”. Moreover, the authors documented a moist absolute unstable layer (MAUL; Bryan and

Fritsch 2000) associated with the moist convection and large values of mesoscale ascent in the snow

squall environment. The authors noted that “a climatology of similar and null events would allow

diagnostics to determine what tools an operational forecaster can use to better assess the

occurrence” of similar events on the “short- and medium-range time scales”.

The only previous study of snow squalls taking a composite approach was that of Lundstedt

(1993), which was geared toward creation of a snow squall forecasting technique. In his

development of the Wintertime Instability Index (WINDEX) forecast nomogram (his Fig. 3), nearly

90 cold frontal passages over northern New England were used to establish relationships between

Nested Grid Model (NGM) values of moisture, instability (lapse rate), and lift (derived from the 12-

hr lifted index change before and after frontal passage) with observed weather at Concord, New

Hampshire. He calibrated WINDEX for < 3 statute mile (mi) visibility in snow, a criteria

corresponding to instrument flight rules (IFR) with recognition of snow squalls as an aviation

hazard. While the WINDEX technique has been used with some success in the Northeast U.S., it is

based on tabular model output at a limited number of stations and was formulated from a numerical

model no longer run operationally. A modern, graphical composite parameter for forecasting snow

squalls is developed in this paper, in a method similar to what has been done for other types of

moist convection including the significant tornado and supercell composite parameters (Thompson

et al. 2003, 2004) and derecho composite parameter (Evans and Doswell 2001).

This paper examines snow squalls with several goals: (1) establish a better understanding of

associated environmental conditions on the meso- and synoptic-scales, (2) develop a forecast

approach and composite snow squall parameter to aid in prediction and enhanced situational

awareness, and (3) discuss the adverse effects on road transportation and preliminary NWS efforts

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to mitigate those adverse effects. The goal of societal mitigation is aligned with NWS Impact-based

Decision Support Services (IDSS; NOAA 2013), which aims to inform officials of critical weather

conditions that have specific adverse impacts on public safety and the activities of the general public.

This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes data and methods used in

constructing the synoptic climatology of snow squalls. In Section 3, results are presented showing

surface characteristics, synoptic and mesoscale environmental structures of snow squalls. Section 4

discusses snow squall forecasting and the snow squall parameter. Section 5 presents three case

examples. Section 6 offers a concluding discussion, including how forecasting and communication

the threat associated with snow squalls can be improved to lessen negative transportation impacts.

2. Data and methods

Surface data (METAR) archives from the National Climatic Data Center were searched over

10 cool seasons (2001-02 through 2010-11) at Burlington (BTV) and Montpelier (MPV), Vermont,

and Massena, New York (MSS) (Fig. 2) for the occurrence of snow squalls. Since no formal AMS

Glossary or World Meteorological Organization definition exists for what constitutes a snow squall,

we chose to identify occurrences of moderate or heavy snow (surface visibility ≤ 0.5 sm)

accompanied by any increase in wind speed and a wind direction from 190-360o. The wind direction

criterion was applied to reduce the dataset to a reasonable size and remove most moderate or heavy

snow observations in association with Nor’easters. The DOC/NOAA publication Surface Weather

Observations and Reports (FMH-1; OFCM 2005) states that a squall is: "A strong wind characterized by

a sudden onset in which the wind speed increases at least 16 kt and is sustained at 22 kt or more for

at least one minute." It became apparent early on that the FMH-1 criteria was rarely achieved,

including for known events having road transportation impact in terms of crashes and significant

traffic delays that were important to the goals of the study. Thus, any increase in wind speed with

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the onset of visibility ≤ 0.5 mi in snow was considered a snow squall for the purpose of this


Each prospective observation (hourlies and/or specials) was compared with 2-km radar

composite reflectivity archives to manually determine if the snow was associated with one or more

narrow convective bands (as would occur with a mobile cold front and/or shortwave trough), and

not from a stratiform or broader low-level warm-air advection setup. This method resulted in 36

unique snow squall events, 6 of which were “hybrid” events where pre-existing bands of lake-effect

precipitation interacted with a cold front (Fig. 3). From the surface data archive, the timing,

duration, peak winds, temperatures, lowest visibility, and characteristics of the upper flow were

logged (Table 2). A contract surface observer augmented Automated Surface Observation System

(ASOS) reports at BTV, so hourly changes in snow board measurement and snow water equivalent

were also logged for the 21 identified events occurring at BTV.

With snow squall dates and times recorded, hourly North American Mesoscale (NAM)

model soundings and time-height cross-sections were examined for representative kinematic and

thermodynamic patterns using BUFKIT (Mahoney and Niziol 1997). For synoptic-scale surface and

upper-air conditions, daily composite means and climatological departures from the 36 case sample

were analyzed using the North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR; Mesinger et al. 2006). NARR

grid files were also used to spatially examine fields associated with each event using the General

Meteorological Package (GEMPAK; version 5.11.1) (desJardins et al. 1991).

A host of kinematic, thermodynamic, and moisture variables were assessed using a bilinear

interpolation from the gridded NARR to the ASOS location for the nearest NARR time to the snow

squall start time. Variables were also examined for a control dataset composed of all the 3-hourly

NARR time steps from 1 November 2005 through 31 March 2006, minus the 7 snow squall time

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steps from that winter (a total of 1201 grids). Differences between the snow squall and control

datasets emerged for some variables, allowing us to develop forecasting aids including a four-panel

visualization and a non-dimensional snow squall parameter, which are discussed in sections 4 and 5.

3. Results

a. Surface environment

Snow squall occurrence at the 3 ASOS sites in the Burlington, Vermont, NWS Weather

Forecast Office (WFO) area of responsibility were found across 5 months (November through

March) with a peak of 10 events in February (Fig. 4a). Events were most common between 13-23

UTC (25 cases) and less frequent during the overnight hours (11 cases between 01-09 UTC; Fig. 4b).

Despite low sun angles during the winter months, the occurrence of surface-based instability is

higher during the daylight hours and likely plays a role in the observed diurnal variation. Also,

visibility is higher at night for the same intensity snowfall owing to different coefficient of extinction

measurements on ASOS (Rasmussen et al. 1999). This instrumentation effect may have contributed

to the smaller number of snow squall events meeting the ≤ 0.5 sm visibility criteria at night.

Consistent with our personal experiences, snow squalls are intense but brief events with the

duration of continuous heavy snow (ASOS visibility ≤ 0.25 sm) for the middle 50% of events lasting

between 14-24 minutes, and the longest event lasting 47 minutes (Fig. 5). The period of continuous

snow with visibility ≤ 0.50 sm lasted 15-36 minutes for the middle 50% of cases (Fig. 5). An analysis

of the 21 cases at BTV shows that the median amount of snow produced with a snow squall is 1.0 in

(2.5 cm), with an interquartile range between 0.4 – 2 in (1.0 - 5.1 cm; Fig. 6a). For the highest

inclusive 12-hr period, snowfall amounts had a median value of only 1.6 in (4.1 cm), suggesting the

majority of the snow occurs during the period of the snow squall, with only one case exceeding the

local winter weather advisory criteria of 4 in (10.2 cm)/12 h. This confirms the “sub-advisory”

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nature of snow squall events. The median snow-water equivalent produced with the squalls is just

0.05 in (0.13 cm; Fig. 6b), not an amount that would typically be viewed as significant. The snow-to-

liquid ratio associated with these events is relatively large: 17:1 to 30:1 for the interquartile range

(Fig. 6c). These relatively high snow-to-liquid ratios are likely a function of limited-moisture

continental westerly flow combined with optimized deposition microphysics with saturated

conditions in the dendrite growth zone (-12 to -18 oC), which will be shown later.

The median peak sustained wind speed and wind gust within 2-h of squall occurrence for all

36 cases was 9 m s-1 (18 kt) and 12.5 m s-1 (25 kt), respectively (Fig. 7a). That these squalls are often

associated with cold fronts is evident in the decrease in temperature and low-level drying that occurs

in the 2-m data following the squall passage (Fig. 7b); the median decrease in temperature

(dewpoint) was -4.2oF (-6.6oF) 3 h after snow squall passage. Twelve of the cases began with 2-m

temperatures ≥ 0oC. Median sea-level pressure rises of +2.5 hPa (+3.7 hPa) over 2-h (3-h) are

evident following squall occurrence (Fig. 7c), consistent with passage of a cold front.

b. Tropospheric environment

An examination of the NARR composite fields show that the upper tropospheric flow is

cyclonically curved in the mean, with the study area on the cyclonic shear side of a 50-55 m s-1 300-

hPa jet streak extending from the southern Great Lakes to the mid-Atlantic coast and offshore (Fig.

8a). There is also split upper flow, with a subtropical branch of the upper jet extending from

northwestern Mexico across the south-central and southeastern CONUS, and a northern branch jet

from south-central Canada, yielding generally confluent flow across the east coast of the United

States. The associated upper trough is associated with a large negative geopotential height anomaly,

with 300-hPa heights 200 m less than the 1979-2001 climatological average over northern New

England and southeastern Canada (Fig. 8b). The mid-tropospheric flow also features cyclonic flow

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across New England with the mean 500-hPa trough axis across New York and Vermont (Fig. 9).

The core of strongest 500-hPa winds (35-40 m s-1) was similarly located from southeastern Michigan

east-southeastward to off the New Jersey and mid-Atlantic coast (Fig. 9).

Lower-tropospheric cold-air advection is evident in the mean 850-hPa geopotential heights

and temperatures just upstream of the study area (Fig. 10a), along with temperatures in the favorable

dendrite growth zone. The coldest temperatures are located south of James Bay at -22oC. The

strongest 850-hPa winds are across western New York into Pennsylvania at 16-18 m s-1 (32-36 kt;

Fig. 10b). Again, northern New York and Vermont are embedded within cyclonic flow. Deep layer

cyclonic flow is evident at all tropospheric levels, consistent with the composite environment for

low-dewpoint derechos (Corfidi et al. 2006). At the surface, a cold front is evident in the composite

mean with a sea-level pressure trough along the St. Lawrence River valley. A strong 925-hPa

temperature gradient is located just to the north and west across southwestern Quebec and

southeastern Ontario (Fig. 11).

c. Mesoscale characteristics of snow squalls (time–height cross–sections)

In this subsection, we examine a NAM time–height cross section for an individual case on 7

December 2008 to show structural characteristics of a snow squall as the system traversed BTV. The

frontal structure is apparent in the strong gradient of equivalent potential temperature (e), especially

near and below 1 km AGL (Fig. 12a). There is also evidence of potential instability ( ⁄ )

indicated by "folding" of the 280 K e surface just in advance of the front. This instability will be

realized owing to the upward vertical motion associated with the front.

The intersection of upward vertical motion (-18 bs-1) and saturation in the dendrite growth

zone (Fig. 12a) yielded favorable microphysics for heavy snow production (Cobb and Waldstreicher

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2005). The highest wind speeds were coincident with the cold frontal passage at 22 UTC with a

maximum of 17.5 m s-1 (35 kt) between 0.5 and 1 km (Fig. 12b). Steep lapse rates - including a

MAUL from the surface to 900 hPa - promoted downward momentum transfer and the period of

gusty winds at the surface, which gradually lessened in the hours following frontal passage.

Time–height cross sections examined in addition to the 7 December 2008 event (not shown)

displayed some similar characteristics: (1) low-level upward vertical motion maximum in the lowest 2

km AGL along the leading edge of a baroclinic zone, (2) saturation in the lowest 2-3 km AGL

coincident with potential instability, and (3) relatively strong low-level horizontal wind speeds, with a

maximum just to the cold side of the surface front. This is consistent with the strong linear ascent

found in severe wind-producing MCSs associated with low moisture and instability values (Corfidi et

al. 2006). As such, it is useful for forecast purposes to view snow squalls as a cold season type of

MCS. Given smaller instability values and lesser precipitation loading and evaporative cooling

effects, it seems likely that the linear organization of convective precipitation and winds are reliant

on upscale (frontogenetic and synoptic-scale) forcing to bring about the squall and forward

propagation, rather than through cold pool dynamics induced by the convection.

d. Thermodynamic and wind environment

Snow squall characteristics evident in the archived NAM time-height cross sections focused

further examination on the low-level wind, moisture, and instability environment for the sample of

36 snow squall events over Vermont and northern New York using NARR data analyzed via

GEMPAK. Summarized below are some of the key environmental parameter results for the snow

squall events and the 1201 time steps available from the 2005-06 control dataset.

The 0-2 km AGL mean wind speed had a median value of 11.6 m s-1 (22.5 kt) for the 36

snow squall events, with the interquartile range from 9-13.1 m s-1 (17.5-25.5 kt) (Fig. 13a). The

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control sample generally had lower wind speeds (median of 8.4 m s-1 / 16.3 kt), though there is

considerable overlap between the two samples. The low-level relative humidity, also showed overlap

between the two datasets, but with the snow squall events slightly more moist and covering a smaller

interquartile range (Fig. 13b).

Larger differences were found in the instability measures. Whereas a typical winter day has

no SBCAPE, the snow squall database had a median value of 36 J kg-1, which is above the 90th

percentile of the control (Fig. 13c). Similarly, the 0-2 km AGL e difference displayed large positive

values for the control database (interquartile range from 4.5 to 15.5oC), but had values clustered near

zero for the snow squall cases (median -1.0oC), owing to the presence of neutral stability or potential

instability for the majority of events (Fig. 13d). The moisture-instability parameter space shows

clustering of the snow squall cases versus the control (Fig. 14), suggesting potential forecast value of

these variables.

4. Forecasting snow squalls and the snow squall parameter

An ingredients-based approach to forecasting snow squalls would necessarily include the

traditional triad of ingredients for moist convection (moisture, instability and a source of lift;

Doswell 1987), plus others including sufficient low-level wind magnitude and a vertical temperature

profile supporting snow. Visualization of these ingredients might include a four-panel display

including sea-level pressure, 0-2 km RH, SBCAPE or 0-2 km e difference, and some measure of the

low-level mean wind speed (lowest 0-2 km for consistency). An AGL perspective is important;

parameters based on pressure-level can be compromised near the ground owing to surface elevation

differences. One could use mass convergence to infer the presence of upward vertical motion

through mass continuity, but, in the complex terrain of northern New York and Vermont, mobile

areas of low-level convergence were difficult to identify within a quasi-steady field of convergence

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associated with upslope and downslope signatures induced by flow over the orography. Because

squalls are surface-based features typically near fronts, an alternative is to plot 2-h or 3-h isallobars,

where the leading edge of the strongest isallobaric rise gradient is generally along the axis of

strongest low-level convergence1. Since station pressure measurements are reduced to sea-level, this

effectively eliminates the terrain-related influences and allows the forecaster to visualize areas of

convergence stemming from the isallobaric wind and associated transient pressure couplets.

Inclusion of low-level isotherms or e lines are also useful, consistent with the baroclinic zones

observed in the snow squall synoptic climatology and time-height cross sections. Low-level

frontogenetic forcing can be examined to assess upward vertical motion with the associated

thermally direct circulation. Four-panel visualization examples are shown in Section 5.

For a quick diagnosis, some forecasters use a single composite parameter to highlight the

favored areas for a particular atmospheric phenomenon. Examples of such parameters include the

significant tornado parameter (SIGTOR) and supercell composite parameter (SCP) (Thompson et

al. 2003; 2004) available operationally from the SPC mesoanalysis website: Doswell and Schultz (2006) point out potential

limitations associated with such approaches, and these types of composite parameters do not have

physical meaning. However, when properly validated they can be shown to have diagnostic utility,

especially for situational awareness purposes under ever-present operational time pressures. Since

situational awareness is particularly problematic for these low quantitative precipitation forecast

(QPF) snow squall events, it’s advantageous to have a graphical way to highlight favored areas for

snow squalls. With the forecaster’s attention focused on a potential snow squall, a more thorough

diagnose can then take place, which can be based on an ingredients based approach.

1 The geostrophic wind is non-convergent on an f plane. The ageostrophic wind can be broken into the isallobaric and

inertial-advective components, with the isallobaric wind typically larger near the surface.

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Our approach to a composite snow squall parameter highlights where it is moist, unstable,

windy, and cold enough for snow, based on the NARR results. The snow squall parameter (SNSQ)

factors were set up as follows:


where ̅̅ ̅̅ is the mean relative humidity in the surface (2 m) to 2 km AGL layer, |

| is the vertical equivalent potential temperature difference between the surface and 2 km AGL,

and ‖ ⃗̅ ‖

is the mean wind speed in the surface to 2-km AGL layer. Each of the factors in

(1) was calibrated using the snow squall dataset distribution (Fig. 13) using a value between the 25th

and 50th percentile to achieve a value of 1 for a favorable condition of that variable. Values greater

than 1 for each factor contribute to a larger SNSQ, which generally means a more favorable

environment for snow squalls. As can also be seen in (1), the SNSQ parameter approaches zero as

any one factor approaches zero; this is preferable as each factor is considered necessary for the

occurrence of snow squalls. If either or both of the first two factors become negative, the equation

is also set to zero (to avoid having a positive result if both the RH and instability factors contribute

negative values). Since lapse rates tend to be steep in association with snow squalls, a test of the

boundary layer temperature is generally sufficient to exclude environments that are too warm for

snow (near surface melting is the only issue). A wet-bulb threshold of 1oC is set at 2 m, with the

SNSQ parameter “zeroed out” in areas where the surface wet-bulb temperature exceeds this value.

The factor which includes the sfc-2 km AGL wind speed helps to eliminate near-zero wind

environments that prone to snow squall development. Lift is assessed independently; since the

convection is surface-based and strongly forced, the presence of surface isallobaric couplets and

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low-level frontogenesis is generally helpful for finding areas of linear ascent (often coincident with

cold or arctic frontal boundaries).

From NARR data2, the SNSQ parameter was calculated for all 36 cases in our dataset,

yielding a median value of 1.0. The 2005-06 control dataset had a median value of zero (Fig. 15).

This indicates good separation between the typical cold season value and the value associated with

the nearest NARR time step to snow squall occurrence. The time series analysis (Fig. 16) of the

snow squall parameter also shows the relatively infrequent occurrence of positive SNSQ values,

subjectively indicating a good signal-to-noise ratio. Finally, the probability of detection (POD) for all

36 cases and the false alarm ratio (FAR) based on the 2005-06 control was calculated, assuming a

snow squall “yes” forecast at a particular threshold of the SNSQ parameter (Fig. 17). As expected,

nearly all events are captured at a value of 0.1, but the POD drops off as some events are “missed”

as a progressively higher threshold is used. Likewise, the FAR is 0.4-0.5 at values of SNSQ

parameter below 1. However, if a lower threshold of visibility is applied (3 sm instead of 0.5 sm), the

FAR is considerably lower (0.1-0.25), suggesting that many of the false alarms are “near misses”

having convective snow showers that are just above the 0.5 sm visibility threshold. Regardless, high

FARs are a general problem with these types of multivariable parameters and have been observed in

other applications of a similar approach (Thompson 2003, 2004). The above results suggest the

SNSQ parameter as a reasonable diagnostic for assessing favorable snow squall environments. Our

recommendation is to use the SNSQ parameter as a first step toward an in-depth assessment of the

moisture, instability, wind, and thermal regime in question for forecast refinement.

5. Snow squall case studies

a. 17 January 2013: Southeast Canada into northern New England

2 SNSQ parameter values will likely be greater when higher spatial and/or temporal resolution data are used as input,

owing to better resolution of convective-scale processes.

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Snow squalls on 17 January 2013 are used to demonstrate the predictive efficacy of the

SNSQ parameter and 4-panel layouts in identifying snow squall environments using NARR data. An

arctic frontal boundary swept across a large portion of Ontario and Quebec on the evening of the

16th (Fig. 18) and into northern New England during the early to mid-morning hours on the 17th.

Surface observations indicated that the arctic front was producing snow squalls as it progressed

across Quebec and eastern Ontario (Table 3); visibilities as low as 0.13 sm in heavy snow with

rapidly falling surface temperatures (from -4°C to -14°C in 20 minutes at Mattagami Airport,

CYNM) were observed. The arctic front gradually weakened as it crossed the international border,

but still produced visibilities as low as 0.25 sm at Saranac Lake, New York (SLK) and snow-covered

road conditions during the morning commute.

The low-level thermodynamic and moisture conditions that led to snow squall development

based on the NARR analysis are shown in Fig. 18. Steep low-level lapse rates, inferred by negative

vertical θe difference in the 0-2 km AGL layer, combined with saturated conditions in that layer

resulted in surface-based CAPEs of up to 100 J kg-1 (Fig. 18d). Strong isallobaric wind convergence

(shaded in Fig. 18c) suggested linear forcing for ascent along the arctic front at 0300 UTC 17

January, which is associated with low-level frontogenetic forcing (Fig. 18d). The combination of the

0-2 km AGL θe -difference and saturated 0-2 km RH contributed to SNSQ parameter values

between 2 to 5 (Fig. 19a). Canadian composite reflectivity (Fig. 19d) shows the linear organization of

the snow squalls collocated with positive values of the SNSQ parameter and strongest isallobaric

gradient. Associated ascent can be inferred from the convergence of the isallobaric wind along the

baroclinic zone (Fig. 18c). Fig. 19b and 19c show decreasing SNSQ parameter values with the

weakening frontal boundary in northern New York and Vermont, with a decrease in low-level

isallobaric wind convergence (not shown). Composite reflectivity indicated that the convection

became less organized through 1500 UTC as low-level frontal ascent weakened across northern New

Page 17: Snow Squalls: Environment, Forecasting, and Hazard Mitigation


York and Vermont (not shown). However, the stronger isallobaric convergence and higher values of

the SNSQ parameter depicted over northern Maine at 1500 UTC (Fig. 19c) were associated with

heavy snow at Caribou, ME beginning at 1505 UTC.

b. 11 February 2003: Midwestern snow squall

The 11-12 February 2003 “snow derecho” case was chosen to demonstrate applicability of

the SNSQ parameter to an area outside the study domain (Midwest and Great Lakes). The 11-12

February 2003 snow squall event resembled a cool season derecho (Burke and Schultz 2004; Corfidi

et al. 2006) and produced a combination of severe wind gusts (i.e., ≥ 50 kt), cloud-to-ground

lightning and up to 3 in (7.6 cm) of snow within one hour across an area from the Dakotas to New

York over a period of 21 h (Fig. 20). A detailed analysis of the event can be found in Pettegrew et al.


Using the NARR, the SNSQ parameter combined with sea-level pressure and surface

isallobars (Fig. 21a-c) effectively highlights the most significant area of snow squall activity apparent

in mosaic composite reflectivity at 11/2100 UTC, 12/0000 UTC, and 12/0300 UTC (Fig. 21d-f).

The greatest SNSQ parameter values are just upstream of the most intense activity in the radar

comparisons, likely owing - in this case - to the very strong 0-2 km AGL wind speeds that are

upstream of the greatest instability and moisture. This is where the leading edge of the SNSQ

parameter values and leading edge of the strongest isallobaric gradient can be useful for inferring the

onset of heavy snow and squall conditions (Fig. 22). There are other areas with non-zero values of

the SNSQ parameter, which corresponded to convective snow shower activity across the northern

Great Lakes (lake effect snow) and the central Appalachians. The linearly-organized frontal snow

squalls occurred with the favorable low-level moisture, instability and wind regime encapsulated by

Page 18: Snow Squalls: Environment, Forecasting, and Hazard Mitigation


the SNSQ parameter in combination with the frontogenesis forcing (convergence and low-level

ascent) where the isallobaric gradient was strongest.

c. 2 January 2012: Upper Ohio Valley and western Pennsylvania

A snow squall and flash freeze event affected portions of the Ohio Valley, the eastern Great

Lakes and northern New England on 2 January 2012. Four fatalities and dozens of injuries were

reported, along with interstate highway closures across several states. The most severe impacts

were: a 41-vehicle pileup on I-75 in northern Kentucky, 30+ accidents on I-70 near St. Clairsville,

OH, a 30-vehicle pileup on I-77 near Beckley, WV, several multi-vehicle pileups in Indianapolis, IN,

a 30-vehicle pileup in Jefferson County, PA and a morning pileup on Lake Shore Drive in Chicago,

IL. The evolution of this case is compelling to examine in terms of convective mode and observed

road surface conditions.

Partial melting and refreezing of falling snow on untreated highways led to extensive road

icing in this case. The snow squalls followed multiple days of above-freezing minimum

temperatures and widespread soaking rains from the Ohio Valley to western New England on 28

December 2011, and additional rain on 1 January 2012. Runoff from rainfall possibly reduced or

eliminated all prior road treatments. Low-level cold air advection early on 2 January 2012 allowed

surface temperatures to fall below 0oC from west to east.

Snow squalls developed during the morning and afternoon hours of 2 January 2012. At 1800

UTC, positive values of the SNSQ parameter covered a rather broad area from the central Great

Lakes east and southeast across New York and northern New England, as well as portions of the

upper Ohio Valley (Fig. 23a). The SNSQ parameter favorably encompassed the widely scattered

snow showers evident on mosaic composite reflectivity at 1755 UTC (Fig. 23b). Unlike the frontally-

forced snow squall cases, the absence of linear forcing in this case resulted in convective activity that

Page 19: Snow Squalls: Environment, Forecasting, and Hazard Mitigation


was cellular, within a broad region of surface-based CAPE of 50-100 J kg-1 and 0-2 km mean RH ≥

60% (Fig. 24). This further suggests the strong convergence of the isallobaric wind is an indicator of

linear organization and substantial downwind propagation (faster forward motion) of the snow

squalls, something absent on 2 January 2012.

6. Summary and discussion

A composite study of snow squall environments was performed across Vermont and

northern New York by systematically searching surface observations at BTV, MPV, and MSS over

10 cool seasons. The ASOS observations indicated that moderate to heavy snow generally lasts < 30

min and is typically associated with falling temperatures and a pressure jump in the ensuing 1-2 hrs,

consistent with other types of squall lines. The snow squalls often occurred along cold fronts and

with intense isallobaric gradients, a function of the upscale forcing that often accompanies these

MCSs. The associated downstream-directed isallobaric wind component and associated

convergence drives system propagation (increasing the forward rate of motion), whereas evaporative

effects and resultant surface-based cold pools are more likely to drive forward-propagation in warm

season squall lines. The synoptic environments were characterized by deep-layer cyclonic flow with a

cold front approaching from the northwest in the mean. All 36 snow squall events occurred on the

cyclonic shear side of the maximum mid-upper tropospheric winds.

A comparison of the snow squall events with a control sample from the winter 2005-06

shows that snow squalls occur in atypical wintertime environments with the presence of potential

instability and modest SBCAPE (generally < 100 J kg-1). Surface-based instability and 0-2 km relative

humidity and wind can be effective in identifying favorable environments when combined with basic

sea-level pressure and temperature data. A snow squall parameter was developed to highlight

favored kinematic and thermodynamic environments for snow squalls. The collocation of positive

Page 20: Snow Squalls: Environment, Forecasting, and Hazard Mitigation


SNSQ parameter values with the leading edge of the strongest isallobaric gradient and low-level

frontogenetic forcing was useful for finding linearly organized snow squalls near cold fronts

producing surface visibilities ≤ 0.5 sm, as demonstrated in the included case studies and an analysis

of POD and FAR for the 2005-06 cold season (Fig. 17).

Snow squalls can range from being a nuisance to a serious transportation hazard, and the

small amounts of snowfall typically involved does not lend itself to heightened situational awareness

of the forecaster or of the general public. In terms of the meteorology, displays of instability should

be appropriately scaled for wintertime situations (e.g., CAPE contours and associated color tables

highlighting values of 10-100 J kg-1, not 100-1000 J kg-1). The advocated 4-panel displays and SNSQ

parameter should also aid in diagnosing favorable snow squall environments. Antecedent weather

and (warm) temperature conditions can reduce or eliminate melting and anti-skid agents from

roadways. Rapidly falling temperatures, especially if the road surfaces were initially above freezing,

after squall passage can cause flash freezing quickly producing icy road conditions contributing to

crashes and road closures. Meteorological and non-meteorological factors must both be diagnosed

to anticipate the most severe transportation impacts (e.g., timing of squall with traffic volume).

Snowfall amounts in squalls were typically around 1 inch (2.5 cm), under NWS advisory and

warning criteria complicating how forecast offices should best disseminate and communicate the

associated threat to transportation. Traditionally, the Emergency Alert System (EAS) has been

leveraged to convey life threatening weather. While there may be some benefit to a NWS Snow

Squall Watch or Warning product (as are issued by Environment Canada) short-fused warnings, in

particular, result in a reactive mindset, which may not be particularly beneficial unless the lead time

exceeds that typically associated with other types of convective warnings. IDSS implies targeted

information via one-on-one briefings to allow for a proactive and strategic mindset, and one that in this

application would allow for hazard mitigation through pre-treatment of road surfaces, etc.

Page 21: Snow Squalls: Environment, Forecasting, and Hazard Mitigation


NWS forecast offices have increased efforts to mitigate the effects of short-fused HISA

events by partnering with emergency management and local public works departments to provide

IDSS support. In 2004, WFO State College, Pennsylvania began an experimental partner project

with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PENNDOT) and the Pennsylvania State

Police (PSP) to reduce the severe impact of HISA events along the Interstate 80 corridor (I-80) in

central Pennsylvania. This stretch of I-80 has a history of devastating multi-vehicle accidents during

snow squalls (Loganton, PA in 2001, Milesburg, PA in 2004; Table 1), resulting in many deaths and

injuries and millions of dollars of economic loss. The Loganton, PA pileup in December 2001 that

left 8 dead and 45 injured was a primary motivating factor behind this partnership, while another

(the Milesburg, PA pileups of January 2004) served to promote greater awareness of the problem

and the urgent need for agencies to work together with WFO State College to prevent future


As part of the partnership, a snow squall notification plan was designed to aid mitigation

activities by PENNDOT and PSP. The plan includes pretreatment of roads and PENNDOT

vehicles and State Police cruisers running their lights to slow the stream of automobile and truck

traffic headed into intense snow squalls. In the years since the I-80 experimental notification

project’s implementation, no significant HISA incidents have occurred on this stretch of I-80

crossing central Pennsylvania. This can be attributed at least in part to the notification plan and

cooperation between WFO State College with PENNDOT and PSP. In contrast, severe HISA

impacts have continued to occur outside of the experimental notification area. While phone and e-

mail notification procedures and issuance of Special Weather Statements (SPS) have been effective

in reducing HISA impacts on I-80 in Pennsylvania, a more visible, efficient and automated method

of disseminating this information is needed. The prospect of improved snow squall forecasting with

tailored IDSS should help minimize the severe transportation impacts posed by snow squalls. An

Page 22: Snow Squalls: Environment, Forecasting, and Hazard Mitigation


integrated approach leveraging geographic information systems (GIS), social media, variable-

message Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) signs along roadways, and possibly EAS activation

could all better address the non-meteorological and human decision-making factors important to

mitigating negative travel impacts associated with snow squalls.

Improvement in the scientific and communicative accuracy of snow squall forecasts would

be of value to the general public. A formal cost-loss ratio analysis (Roebber and Bosart 1996;

Murphy and Ehrendorfer 1987) is beyond the scope of this work, but those interested in snow

squalls as an interdisciplinary problem might consider the cost associated with treating a certain

amount of state or interstate highway versus the cost involved to law enforcement and emergency

personnel in responding to multiple accidents in the absence of such actions. Of course, the

documented loss of life that has accompanied some of these situations alone necessitates formal

notification plans between operational forecasters and federal, state, and local agencies to minimize

such tragedies. A measurable and desired outcome of improved snow squall forecasts and

development of notification plans would be the prospect of decreased highway crashes and pileups in

association with such systems.

Acknowledgments. The authors thank Paul Sisson for his insights and support of this project. The

authors are grateful to John Goff, Rich Grumm, Brian Miretzky, Andy Nash, David Nicosia, and

Jeff Waldstreicher for their helpful reviews and suggestions. The NARR composite images were

provided by the NOAA/ESRL Physical Sciences Division from their Web site


Disclaimer. The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect

those of NOAA or the NWS.

Page 23: Snow Squalls: Environment, Forecasting, and Hazard Mitigation



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Page 27: Snow Squalls: Environment, Forecasting, and Hazard Mitigation



Table 1. A sample of known high-impact, sub-advisory (HISA) events related to snow squalls across

the Great Lakes, Northeast U.S., and southeastern Canada.

Date Time (LST) State/ Province

Character Transportation Impacts

12 Mar 1998 1235 MA, NH Snow Squalls Fatal 30-35 vehicle pileup on I-495 near Rt2 (Boxboro, MA). Two fatalities including 3-month-old girl.

12 Feb 1999 0900 WI Snow Squalls (1 day after record warmth)

Pileups involving 80 cars on 2 freeways – near Menomonee Falls, WI, 18 injured

28 Dec 2001 1600 PA Snow Squalls I-80 pileups near Loganton, 8 dead, 45 injured, more than 100 vehicles; I-81 pileups near Hazleton, PA (1 fatality)

2 Dec 2003 0600 MA Snow Squalls Boston metro area, 500+ accidents. Widespread, multiple hour traffic delays.

6 Jan 2004 1215 PA Snow Squalls Fatal I-80 pileups. 6 dead, 17 injured, Highway closed 2 days.

12 Feb 2006 1130 MI Snow Squalls 86 vehicle chain reaction pileup on US 31, 25 injured.

26 Feb 2006 0920 PA Snow Squalls 25 accidents over a quarter mile stretch of I-81. Highway closed for 5 hours.

7 Dec 2006 1535 PA Snow Squalls 15-vehicle pileup, no injuries/fatalities despite conditions similar to 6 Jan 2004.

16 Jan 2008 1045 WV Snow Squalls Numerous accidents, 8-vehicle pileup on I-81. 2 fatalities.

20 Jan 2008 1300 ON Snow Squalls 100 vehicles involved in several pileups, 1 dead, 29 injured. Highway closure.

10 Feb 2008 1230 NY Blowing Snow/Whiteout

1 Dead, 24 injured in I-390 pileup near Rochester, NY. 37 mph gusts created near zero visibility.

10 Feb 2008 1400 PA Snow Squalls 68-car pileup on I-81. 1 dead and 36 inj. Highway closure.

8 Jan 2009 0819 WV Snow Squalls 9 separate wrecks, one involving 16 vehicles (6 tractor trailers), 15 injuries. Highway closure.

2 Jan 2012 1000-1600 OH, KY, PA, MD,VA

Snow Squalls/Flash Freezes

Numerous multi-vehicle pileups on I-75 (OH, KY), I-80 (PA), I-70 (MD), I-81 (VA), Dozens injured.

31 Jan 2013 0900-1030 PA, OH, MI, IN

Snow Squalls Multi-vehicle pileups on I-80 (PA), I-75 (MI, 3 fatalities, 20 injuries), and I-70 (IN, 1 fatality, 10 injuries), Highway closures.

Page 28: Snow Squalls: Environment, Forecasting, and Hazard Mitigation


Table 2. Listing of 36 snow squall events used in composite study. Min VSBY indicates minimum observed visibility in statute miles. Start time refers to the time of first moderate snow report. PK WND references to maximum observed gust, with coincident sustained wind speed and direction (in kt). “Start Temp” and “End Temp” refer to the observed temperature immediately prior to the first moderate snow report and the ending temperatures two hours after the starting time, respectively. Case dates labeled with an asterisk are “hybrid” cases, as described in Fig. 3.


Min VSBY (sm)

Start Time (UTC)

Vsby ≤ 0.25 sm (minutes)

Vsby ≤ 0.50 sm (minutes)

PK WND (within 1hr of min vsby)

Start Temp (oC)

End temp (oC)

*3/23/2002 BTV 0.25 2211 35 48 27013G19KT 0 -0.6

1/13/2003 MSS 0.25 1653 14 38 22021G24KT -5 -3.9

*2/9/2003 MPV 0.25 2100 14 26 31011G18KT -7.2 -7.8

12/2/2003 MPV 0.25 1551 19 28 31013G17KT -7.8 -9.4

3/15/2004 MSS 0.25 744 9 9 26020G32KT 1.7 1.1

3/23/2004 BTV 0.25 2340 38 45 30011G23KT 0.6 -1.1

12/3/2004 BTV 0.25 2200 14 20 35010KT -4.4 -6.1

12/17/2004 MPV 0.25 1442 20 20 30021G29KT 0 -3.3

1/11/2005 BTV 0.50 124 N/A 3 29013G25KT 1.1 -1.1

2/13/2005 BTV 0.25 924 17 89 34017G21KT -4.4 -6.7

2/20/2005 BTV 0.50 311 N/A 13 34011G19KT -7.2 -7.8

11/24/2005 BTV 0.50 2341 N/A 13 27015G21KT -1.1 -2.2

12/20/2005 BTV 0.50 2222 N/A 11 32012G19KT -3.3 -5

*2/7/2006 MPV 0.25 447 4 44 32010G16KT -3.9 -6.7

2/24/2006 BTV 0.13 1510 47 64 31019G31KT -3.9 -5

3/1/2006 BTV 0.50 309 N/A 10 33015G23KT -9.4 -11.7

3/15/2006 MPV 0.25 624 7 13 29016G21KT -0.6 -2.2

3/19/2006 MPV 0.25 1414 24 24 29013G17KT -7.2 -6.7

1/10/2007 BTV 0.25 1410 12 35 33015G20KT -5.6 -10.6

1/24/2007 MPV 0.25 1348 10 15 31011G16KT -7.2 -5.6

*2/5/2007 MPV 0.25 1534 17 70 31014G21KT -16.7 -17.2

2/9/2007 BTV 0.50 728 N/A 26 34018G23KT -8.3 -11.1

3/5/2007 MPV 0.25 1742 21 31 30018G30KT -2.8 -3.9

11/30/2007 MSS 0.25 2128 15 20 21016G25KT 0.6 0

12/8/2007 BTV 0.25 1721 14 25 32020G29KT 2.8 0

1/20/2008 BTV 0.25 612 8 11 34019G26KT -6.7 -10

2/10/2008 BTV 0.25 1629 22 35 33013KT 0.6 0

2/15/2008 MPV 0.25 2012 26 26 32014G24KT -1.1 -5.6

12/7/2008 BTV 0.25 2038 16 22 30019G26KT -1.7 -5.6

*1/25/2009 BTV 0.25 2054 18 48 36010G18KT -10 -11.7

1/30/2009 BTV 0.25 2242 29 39 27006G16KT -1.7 -4.4

12/29/2009 BTV 0.25 818 25 25 32018G30KT -2.8 -11.1

1/28/2010 BTV 0.13 1918 14 29 28012G20KT 0 -2.2

*11/27/2010 BTV 0.13 1707 15 23 30013G31KT 0 0.6

Page 29: Snow Squalls: Environment, Forecasting, and Hazard Mitigation


2/19/2011 MPV 0.25 549 11 11 29027G37KT 3.9 0

3/2/2011 MSS 0.25 1355 30 30 29020G28KT 2.8 -1.7

Table 3. Listing of Canadian METAR reports associated with the snow squall on 16-17 January 2013.

CYYU 161900Z 33020KT 1/8SM +SN +BLSN VV001 M14/M35 A2944 RMK SN8 PRESRR SLP962

CYNM 162300Z AUTO 33028G37KT 1/4SM +SN BLSN VV005 M17/M19 A2936 RMK MAX WND 33037KT AT 2300Z PRESRR SLP968

CYXR 162354Z AUTO 32028G38KT 230V330 1/8SM +SN SCT014 BKN019 BKN027 OVC070 M08/M10 A2948 RMK MAX WND 27038KT AT 2345Z PRESRR SLP998

CYSB 170146Z 35021G28KT 1/2SM R22/2800VP6000FT/D SHSN DRSN VV003 RMK SN8 CYVO 170148Z 32020G28KT 1/2SM -SN BLSN VV007 M14/M15 A2951 RESN RMK


Page 30: Snow Squalls: Environment, Forecasting, and Hazard Mitigation



Fig. 1. Meteogram showing frontal passage with snow squall conditions at Massena, New York

(KMSS) on 2 March 2011. The frontal passage occurred just before 1400 UTC. Heavy snow was

observed from 1353 UTC until 1428 UTC.

Page 31: Snow Squalls: Environment, Forecasting, and Hazard Mitigation


Fig 2. Regional map across New York and Vermont showing the three ASOS locations used in

developing the snow squall database for this study (Massena, NY (MSS), Burlington, VT (BTV), and

Montpelier,VT (MPV)).

Fig. 3. The 2-km radar mosaic composite reflectivity (dBZ) for a representative (a) standard snow

squall case and (b) a hybrid case with a pre-existing lake effect snow band.

Page 32: Snow Squalls: Environment, Forecasting, and Hazard Mitigation


Fig. 4. Temporal distribution of 36 snow squall events collected at 3 ASOS sites over northern New

York and Vermont from 2002 through 2011. (a) Monthly distribution and (b) hourly distribution of

snow squall events (based on start time of event).

Page 33: Snow Squalls: Environment, Forecasting, and Hazard Mitigation


Fig. 5. Box and whisker plot showing the duration of moderate and heavy snow (in minutes) for 36

snow squall events across New York and Vermont as reported by ASOS. Solid bar represents

median value, filled box shows the interquartile range, from the 25th to 75th percentile, and the ends

of the whiskers correspond to the 10th and 90th percentile values. The “x” represents extreme values

in the dataset. 30 of the 36 events had observed heavy snow, as denoted by n.

Fig. 6. As in Fig. 5 except the subset of 21 cases occurring at Burlington, Vermont for (a) snow

amount, (b) liquid equivalent precipitation, and (c) snow-to-liquid ratio. The left box and whisker

graphic shows the value during the hour(s) containing the squall, and the right graph shows the

highest value for the 12-hour period including the hour the snow squall occurred.

Page 34: Snow Squalls: Environment, Forecasting, and Hazard Mitigation


Fig. 7. As in Fig 5 except for (a) wind speed and wind gust (kt) within 2 hours of squall occurrence,

(b) 3-h temperature and dewpoint change (F) following squall occurrence, and (c) sea-level pressure

change (mb) immediately preceding the squall to 2-h and 3-h later.

Fig. 8. The NARR composite (a) 300-hPa mean geopotential heights (m, solid lines) and winds (m s-

1, color filled) and (b) 300-hPa mean geopotential heights (m, solid lines) and 21-day centered height

anomalies (color filled) for all 36 snow squall events over the WFO Burlington forecast area.

Page 35: Snow Squalls: Environment, Forecasting, and Hazard Mitigation


Fig. 9. As in Fig. 8, except the 500-hPa composite mean geopotential heights and winds.

Fig. 10. As in Fig. 8 except for (a) composite mean 850-hPa geopotential height (m, solid lines) and

temperatures (oC, color filled) and (b) composite mean 850-hPa geopotential height (m, solid lines

and wind speed (m s-1, color filled).

Page 36: Snow Squalls: Environment, Forecasting, and Hazard Mitigation


Fig. 11. As in Fig. 8, except for composite mean sea-level pressure (Pa, solid lines) and 925-hPa

temperatures (color filled, every 1oC).

Page 37: Snow Squalls: Environment, Forecasting, and Hazard Mitigation


Fig. 12. Time-height cross sections of the NAM run at 1200 UTC 7 December 2008 at Burlington,

VT (BTV) as viewed in BUFKIT. Panel (a) shows contours of equivalent potential temperature

(black solid lines, every 2 oK), upward (red solid) and downward (blue solid) vertical velocity (ub/s),

and the band of favorable dendrite snow growth (within the purple lines) where the air temperature

was between -12 oC and -18 oC and saturated with respect to ice. Hourly QPF from the NAM is

shown as blue bars with amounts annotated in inches. The panel (b) shows the relative humidity (≥

70%) and isotachs (solid lines, kt).

Page 38: Snow Squalls: Environment, Forecasting, and Hazard Mitigation


Fig. 13. As in Fig. 5, except for the NARR data closest in time to snow squall occurrence

interpolated to the METAR station affected by the snow squall (denoted by “w/Squall”). The

“Control” includes all available time steps from 1 November 2005 through 31 March 2006. Shown

are (a) the 0-2 km AGL mean wind speed (m s-1), (b) the 0-2 km AGL mean relative humidity (%),

(c) SBCAPE (J kg-1), and (d) 0-2 km AGL equivalent potential temperature difference (K). There

were 16 unavailable relative humidity NARR grids, resulting in a smaller sample for that variable.

Fig. 14. Scatterplot of the 0-2 km AGL e difference (K) versus 0-2 km AGL mean relative humidity

(%) for the 36 snow squall events (yellow dots) and the 2005-06 control dataset (gray dots).

Page 39: Snow Squalls: Environment, Forecasting, and Hazard Mitigation


Fig. 15. As in Fig. 13 except for the snow squall parameter (non-dimensional).

Fig. 16. Time series of 3-hrly NARR data interpolated over at Burlington, VT showing value of the

snow squall parameter (dimensionless) from 1 November 2005 through 31 March 2006.

Page 40: Snow Squalls: Environment, Forecasting, and Hazard Mitigation


Fig. 17. Plot of probability of detection (POD, solid blue line) and false alarm ratio (FAR, dashed

red line) for snow squall forecasts at a visibility threshold of ≤ 0.5 statute miles. The FAR at a

visibility threshold corresponding to an IFR condition (< 3 statute miles) is also shown (dashed gray

line). The POD is derived from the 36 snow squall case dataset. The FAR is based on the 2005-06

control dataset.

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Fig. 18. NARR analysis at 0300 UTC 17 January 2013 of (a) mean 0-2 km AGL relative humidity

(color filled, %) with sea-level pressure (black lines, every 2 mb), mean 0-2 km wind (full barb 5 m s-

1), and 925-hPa e (red dashed lines, every 2oK); (b) 0-2 km AGL e difference, sea-level pressure

(black lines, every 2 mb), and 1 oC wet-bulb isotherm at 2 m AGL (red dashed line); (c) 3-hrly sea-

level isallobars (every 1 mb) with isallobaric wind (full barb 5 m s-1), and divergence of the isallobaric

wind (convergent areas shaded, 10-5 s-1); (d) surface-based CAPE (J kg-1) and 925-hPa Petterssen

frontogenesis (blue lines, positive values every 10 K (100 km)-1 (3 h)-1).

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Fig. 19. The NARR analysis of the SNSQ parameter (color filled, dimensionless) plotted with sea-

level pressure (black lines every 2 mb) and 3 hourly isallobars (every 1 mb; red solid lines indicate

rises with blue dashed lines for falls) for 17 January 2013 at (a) 0300 UTC, (b) 1200 UTC, and (c)

1500 UTC. Canadian mosaic composite reflectivity (dBZ) at 0200 UTC 17 January 2013 (d) showing

line of snow squall activity southeast of Landrienne, Quebec, denoted by yellow ellipse. The WSR-

88D mosaic composite reflectivity over the northeastern United States on 17 January 2013 at (e)

1155 UTC and (f) 1525 UTC.

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Fig. 20. Isochrones (red lines) showing approximate position of squall line during the period 0600

UTC 11 February 2003 through 1500 UTC 12 February 2003. Yellow values show peak wind gusts

as recorded by ASOS stations in knots. Cyan values correspond to maximum hourly snowfall

amounts associated with snow squall passage at ASOS stations. Cloud-to-ground lightning based on

National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN; Orville 2008) data is objectively analyzed on 40x40

km grid at thresholds of 1 and 3 strikes for the period 2000 UTC 11 February 2003 through 1200

UTC 12 February 2003.

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Fig. 21. The NARR analysis of the SNSQ parameter (color filled, dimensionless) plotted with sea-

level pressure (black lines every 2 mb) and 3 hourly isallobars (every 1 mb; red solid lines indicate

rises with blue dashed lines for falls) at (a) 2100 UTC 11 February 2003, (b) 0000 UTC 12 February

2003, and (c) 0300 UTC 12 February 2003. Mosaic composite reflectivity (dBZ) at (d) 2100 UTC 11

February 2003, (e) 0000 UTC 12 February 2003, and (f) 0300 UTC 12 February 2003.

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Fig. 22. As in Fig. 18, except at 0000 UTC 12 February 2003.

Fig. 23. The NARR analysis of the (a) SNSQ parameter (color filled, dimensionless) plotted with

sea-level pressure (black lines every 2 mb) at 18 UTC 2 January 2012, and (b) the mosaic composite

reflectivity (dBZ) at 1755 UTC 2 January 2012.

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Fig. 24. As in Fig. 18, except for 1800 UTC 2 January 2012.