Sme (Irr) - Csc Reso 1300486

@n8ntdfrwm {ty5t sgtrydflg fG$weggssd#tr Pcra sc loum B,4Y4N lmplementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 10156 (An Act Conferring Upon Members of the Sangguniang Bayan, Sangguniang Panlungsod and Sangguniang Panlalawigan, the Appropriate Civil Service Eligibility Under Certain Circumstances, and for Other Purposes) x---- -------x Number: 13CC4B6 Promulgated: *3 i'lAlt Zt'ii RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Section 12 (2), Chapter 3, Subtitle A, Title l, Book V of the Revised Administrative Code of 1987 provides that the Civil Service Commission (CSC) shall prescribe, amend, and enforce rules and regulations for carrying into effect the provisions of the Civil Service Law and other pertinent laws; WHEREAS, a major function of the CSC is the grant of civil service eligibilities under special laws and CSC issuances to qualified individuals without taking the regular civil service examinations; WHEREAS, Republic Act (RA) No. 10156, otherwise known as "An Act Conferring upon Members of the Sangguniang Bayan, Sangguniang Panlungsod and Sangguniang Panlalawigan, the Appropriate Civil Service Eligibility under certain Circumstances, and for other Purposes" was signed into law on December 20, 2011; WHEREAS, Section 2 of RA No. 10156 provides that the Civil Service Commission (CSC), in consultation with the Department of the lnterior and Local Government, shall promulgate the necessary rules and regulations to implement said Act; WHEREAS, the implementation of the grant of civil service eligibility embodied in RA No. 10156 shall forrn partof CSC's function and program on the grant of eligibility under special laws and CSC issuances; NOW, THEREFORE, foregoing premises considered, the Commission hereby RESOLVES to adopt and prescribe the following lmplementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 10156, f \,r' In a Rarc to Serve: Resftonsive, Accessible, {lourteous and ffictive Public Sentice 3 CSC Building, IBP Road, Constitution Hills, 1126 Quezon City . A %1-79351931-7939193|-8092 . E [email protected] . r4



Transcript of Sme (Irr) - Csc Reso 1300486

@n8ntdfrwm{ty5t sgtrydflgfG$weggssd#trPcrasc loumB,4Y4NlmplementingRules and Regulationsof Republic Act No.10156 (An ActConferring Upon Members oftheSangguniangBayan, SangguniangPanlungsodandSangguniangPanlalawigan,the Appropriate CivilService Eligibility UnderCertainCircumstances,andforOtherPurposes)x-----------xNumber: 13CC4B6Promulgated:*3 i'lAlt Zt'iiRESOLUTIONWHEREAS,Section12 (2), Chapter 3, SubtitleA, Titlel, BookV of theRevisedAdministrativeCode of 1987providesthat the Civil ServiceCommission (CSC)shall prescribe,amend,and enforce rulesand regulationsfor carryinginto effectthe provisions of the CivilServiceLawandotherpertinent laws;WHEREAS,a major functionof the CSC is the grant of civil serviceeligibilitiesunderspeciallaws and CSC issuancesto qualifiedindividualswithout takingtheregularcivil serviceexaminations;WHEREAS,RepublicAct (RA) No. 10156, otherwise knownas "An ActConferring uponMembersof the SangguniangBayan, SangguniangPanlungsod and Sangguniang Panlalawigan,the Appropriate Civil ServiceEligibilityunder certain Circumstances,and for other Purposes"was signedinto law on December20, 2011;WHEREAS,Section 2 of RA No.10156provides that the Civil ServiceCommission(CSC), in consultationwith the Departmentof the lnterior andLocal Government,shall promulgate the necessaryrules andregulationstoimplementsaid Act;WHEREAS,the implementationof the grant of civil serviceeligibilityembodiedin RA No. 10156shall forrnpartof CSC's function and programonthe grantof eligibilityunderspecial laws and CSCissuances;NOW, THEREFORE,foregoingpremisesconsidered, the CommissionherebyRESOLVESto adopt and prescribethe following lmplementingRules and Regulationsof Republic Act No. 10156, f\,r'In a Rarcto Serve: Resftonsive, Accessible,{lourteousand ffictive Public Sentice3 CSCBuilding,IBPRoad,Constitution Hills,1126 Quezon City . A %1-79351931-7939193|-8092 . E [email protected] . r4 Regulations:lTryll': i:l i:19111.1t? .THE IMPLEMENTINGRULESANDREGULATIONSOFREPUBLIC ACTNO. 10156,AN AGT CONFERRINGUPONMEMBERS OF THE SANGGUNTANGBAYAN,SANGGUNIANGPANLUNGSOD ANDSANGGUNIANGPANLALAWIGAN,THEAPPROPRIATECIVIL SERVICE ELIGIBILITYUNDERCERTAINCIRCUMSTANCES,ANDFOR OTHER PURPOSESRULEIPRELIMINARYPROVISIONSsection 1.Title - TheseRules shall be knownand cited as thelmplementing Rulesand Regulations of RepublicAct No.10156.section2.Purpose- These Rulesare promulgated to prescribe theprocedure and guidelines for the implementationof the provisions ofRepublicAct Rules shailbe construedandappliedin accordancewith the languageand spirit of thelaw.RULE IIDEFINITION OF TERMSsection4.Definitionof rerms. - For purposes of theseRules,theterms shall be defined, as follows:a) Baccalaureate/Bachelor's Degree -an academicdegreeconferredon an individual who has successfuily completedcollegiatestudies.b) Gareerservice ProfessionalEligibirity a civir serviceeligibilityresultingfromtaking andpassing the career ServiceProfessionalExamination,whichis appropriatefor positionsinthe second level, the educationrequirement of whichis at leastcompletionof a baccalaureate/bachelor's degree.c) career service subProfessionalEligibility - a civil serviceeligibilityresultingfromtaking and passing the career servicesubProfessionalExamination,whichis appropriatefor positionsin the firstlevel,the education requirement of which is at least72 unitsleadingto a baccalaureate/bachelor's degree. -t"r.r'lmplementingRules and Regulations:lryliT: 11 Y iiil1:. ll:."First Level Positions - include clerical,trades, crafts, andcustodialservice positionswhich involve non-professionalorsubprofessional work in a non-supervisory capacityrequiringatleast seventy-two(72) unitsleadingto abaccalaureate/bachelor'sdegree.Regular SanggunianMembers are membersof theSanggunianwho were elected at large or according to politicaldistrictduring localelections.Sanggunian - the legislativebodyof the province, city, ormunicipality,membersof which are duly elected at largeor bypoliticaldistrictsduringlocal elections and the representativesfrom sectors as specifiedunder the Local Government Codeof1991.Sanggunian Members - for purposesof these Rules,refertothe vice governorand vice mayor,as presiding officers of theirrespectiveSanggunian, and the regularsanggunianmembers.SanggunianMemberEligibility - civilserviceeligibilitygrantedto SanggunianMembers,as defined under theseRules, byvirtue of the required numberof yearsof servicein theSanggunianand educational attainment.Second Level Positions - includeprofessional,technical,andscientificworkin a non-supervisoryor supervisory capacityrequiring completionof at least a baccalaureate/bachelor'sdegree.RULE IIIGRANT OFCIVIL SERVICEELIGIBILITYSection5.Title of Eligibilityand Qualification Requirements -Sanggunian Memberswhomeet the qualification requirementsshall begrantedthe correspondingcivil serviceeligibility,as follows:a) SanggunianMemberFirst Level Eligibility - a civil serviceeligibility equivalentto CareerService SubProfessionalEligibilitywhich shallbe granted to the SanggunianMemberswho shallmeet the following qualification requirements:a.1 have served as SanggunianMember for an aggregateperiodof six (6) years;anda.2 havecompletedat leastseventy-two (72) unitsleadingto abaccalaureate/bachelor's degree. a\.-d)e)s)h)i)lmplementing Rulesand Regulationsof RepublicActNo.10156. . ./p4b) SanggunianMember Second LevelEligibility - a civil serviceeligibilityequivalentto CareerService Professional Eligibilitywhich shall be grantedto the SanggunianMembers who shallmeet the following qualificationrequirements:b.1 haveserved as SanggunianMemberfor an aggregateperiodof nine(9) years; andb.2 have completed a baccalaureate/bachelor'sdegree,Section6.Appropriatenessand Applicability of the SanggunianMemberEligibility.The civil serviceeligibilitygranted underthe lawshall be consideredappropriatefor secondandfirstlevelpositionsinthe career seryice, except those which require qualifications in skillsortrade test and/orrequiringpassing the Boardor Barexaminations, orrequiringeligibilities provided underotherspecial laws, andshall beapplicable,as follows:a) The SanggunianMember First LevelEligibility shall beapplicablefor entrance and promotionto first levelcareerservicepositionsonly;andb) The SanggunianMemberSecondLevel Eligibility shall beapplicable for entrance and promotion to first level and secondlevel careerservice positions.RULEIVCOVERAGESection7.SanggunianMembers Entitled tothe GrantofEligibility - The following SanggunianMembers, who have beenelectedafter the effectivity of the LocalGovernmentCodeof 1991(RA 7160) or on May 11 , 1992onwards and havemet therequirements,shallbe entitled to the grant of Sanggunian MemberEligibility:a) SangguniangBayan - the vice mayor, as presidingofficer,andthe regularSanggunianMembers;b) SangguniangPanlungsod - the vice mayor, as presidingofficer,and the regularSanggunianMembers;c) Sangguniang Panlalawigan - the vice governor, as presidingofficer, and the regular SanggunianMembers. a\,r'lmplementingRules and Regulations:11:tvl1': 1:: i: i9i11:../l: ,Section8.SanggunianMembers Not Entitledto the GrantofEligibility- The followingMembersof the Sanggunianwho were notelected at largeor by political districtshall not be entitledto the grantofeligibility:a) President of provincial, city, or municipal chapter of the Liga ngmgaBarangay;b) Presidentof the panlalawigan,panlungsod, and pambayangPederasyonng mga SangguniangKabataan;andc) Sectoralrepresentatives to the SanggunianPanlalawigan,Bayan,or Panlungsod.RULEVCOMPUTATION OF AGGREGATEYEARSOF SERVICESection9.Basis of Computationof Years of Service - Thecomputationof the aggregate yearsof serviceof a SanggunianMembershall be basedon the actual numberof years of serviceassanggunianmemberin the official recordsof the Departmentof thelnterior andLocalGovernment(DILG)and its regionaloffices.Section 10. Years ofService which are lncluded intheComputation - The numberof years of serviceof a SanggunianMemberin anySanggunian(i.e. province, city,or municipality)and inone or more Sanggunian(i.e. in anotherprovince, city, andmunicipality)shallbe accumulatedfor the purposeof computingandcompletingthe requiredaggregatenumberof yearsof service.Section 11. Years of Servicewhich are Excluded from theGomputation- Thefollowingyearsof serviceshallbe excluded in thecomputationof therequisiteaggregateyearsof service:a) yearsof servicein other positionsheld in the Sanggunian,thefunctions of which do not belong to that of a SanggunianMember,as mandatedunder the LocalGovernmentCodeof1991 and servicesin othergovernment agencies;b) years of service in the Sanggunian,whichhave already beenincluded in the computationof the aggregateyears for the grantof the SanggunianMemberFirst LevelEligibility,in case aSanggunian Memberwho has beengrantedthe SanggunianMember First LevelEligibilityshallsubsequentlyapply for the ,-\Sanggunian MemberSecondLevelEligibility;and(_/lmplementingRules and Regulationsof RepublicActNo.10156. . . /p6c) yearsof service of the SanggunianMember in the Sanggunianduring the termin which his/her supposed electionwas recalledby appropriateauthority.RULEVIIMPLEMENTATIONOF THE LAWSection 12. Decentralizedlmplementation - The CSC RegionalOffices(CSC ROs)shallaccept and processapplicationsandconferSanggunianMembereligibilityto qualifiedSanggunianMemberswhose last term or years of serviceis in the province, city, ormunicipalityu nder theCSCRO's respectivegeographical jurisdiction.RULEVIIFILING OF APPLICATIONFOR THE GRANTOF ELIGIBILITYSection 13. Filing PeriodThe prescriptiveperiodfor filing ofapplicationfor the grant of Sanggunian MemberEligibilityshallbe inaccordancewith the following rules:a) For SanggunianMemberswhohavealready completedthe six(6) or nine (9) yearsservicerequirementprior to or uponeffectivityof these Rules,the prescriptive period shall be withinfive (5) yearsfrom the effectivityof theseRules;b) For incumbentSanggunianMemberswho shallcomplete the six(6) or nine (9) years service requirement in May2013, theprescriptiveperiodshallbe within four (4) years from thecompletionof the servicerequirement;andc) For all SanggunianMemberswho shallbe elected in theMay 2013elections andthereafter,the prescriptive periodshallbe withintwo (2) years uponmeetingthe required numberofyearsof service.RULE VIIIAPPLICATIONREQUIREMENTSSection14. DocumentaryRequirementsThe SanggunianMember whowill apply for the grantof Sanggunian MemberEligibilityshallcomplywiththe followingdocumentary requirements:a) Properly accomplishedApplicationForm,CS Form 101-J(March 2013); r