SmartPlant Explorer Users Guide

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Transcript of SmartPlant Explorer Users Guide

  • SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide

    Version 2009 HF2 (06.00.00)

    May 2010/August 2010

    DSPE2-PE-200002G - Updated

  • Copyright Copyright 1997-2010 Intergraph Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Including software, file formats, and audiovisual displays; may be used pursuant to applicable software license agreement; contains confidential and proprietary information of Intergraph and/or third parties which is protected by copyright law, trade secret law, and international treaty, and may not be provided or otherwise made available without proper authorization from Intergraph Corporation.

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    Trademarks Intergraph, the Intergraph logo, PDS, SmartPlant, SmartMarine, FrameWorks, I-Convert, I-Export, I-Sketch, IntelliShip, INtools, ISOGEN, MARIAN, SmartSketch, SPOOLGEN, SupportManager, and SupportModeler are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intergraph Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. MicroStation is a registered trademark of Bentley Systems, Inc. Other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.

  • SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide 3

    Contents SmartPlant Explorer .................................................................................................................................... 7

    New Features in SmartPlant Explorer .................................................................................................... 7 Version 2009 .................................................................................................................................... 7

    Administering SmartPlant Explorer ........................................................................................................... 9

    Administrating Common Tasks ............................................................................................................... 9 SmartPlant Explorer COM+ Application Identity Utility ........................................................................... 9 CAD Loop Drawings ............................................................................................................................. 10 System Security .................................................................................................................................... 11

    Integrated Windows Authentication ................................................................................................ 12 Certificate Authentication................................................................................................................ 12 Switch Authentication Method ........................................................................................................ 13 Change Session Timeout ............................................................................................................... 13

    Users and Roles.................................................................................................................................... 14 Add a User ...................................................................................................................................... 15 Delete a User .................................................................................................................................. 16 Add a Role ...................................................................................................................................... 16 Delete a Role .................................................................................................................................. 17

    Application Modules .............................................................................................................................. 17 Add an Application .......................................................................................................................... 18 Remove an Application................................................................................................................... 18

    Understanding the Interface ..................................................................................................................... 21

    Using the Tree View .............................................................................................................................. 22 Command Menu.................................................................................................................................... 22

    Related Items Command ................................................................................................................ 23 Properties Command ...................................................................................................................... 24 Generate SmartPlant Instrumentation Reports .............................................................................. 24 Generate SmartPlant Reports ........................................................................................................ 26 View in 3D Command ..................................................................................................................... 27 View CAD Loop Command ............................................................................................................ 27

    Viewing Drawings ................................................................................................................................. 27 View Properties ..................................................................................................................................... 28 Toolbars ................................................................................................................................................ 29

    Main Toolbar ................................................................................................................................... 29 Report Toolbar ................................................................................................................................ 30 Graphic Toolbar .............................................................................................................................. 33 Application Toolbar ......................................................................................................................... 35

    Favorites ..................................................................................................................................................... 37

    Access Tab (Favorite) ........................................................................................................................... 37 Create a Favorite .................................................................................................................................. 38 Rename a Favorite ............................................................................................................................... 38 Save As IE Favorite .............................................................................................................................. 39 Edit Access to a Favorite ...................................................................................................................... 39 Delete a Favorite ................................................................................................................................... 39

  • Contents

    4 SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide

    Display Favorite Properties ................................................................................................................... 39 Administer Favorites ............................................................................................................................. 40

    Actions ........................................................................................................................................................ 41

    URL Tab ................................................................................................................................................ 41 Parameters Tab .................................................................................................................................... 42 Name Tab (Action) ................................................................................................................................ 42 Access Tab (Action) .............................................................................................................................. 43 Applies To Tab (Action) ........................................................................................................................ 43 Create a New Action ............................................................................................................................. 44 List Actions ............................................................................................................................................ 44 Edit Action ............................................................................................................................................. 44 Delete an Action .................................................................................................................................... 45

    Explorer Defined Reports ......................................................................................................................... 47

    Common Tasks for Reports .................................................................................................................. 47 Report Results Tab ............................................................................................................................... 48 Definition Tab ........................................................................................................................................ 49 Name Tab (Report) ............................................................................................................................... 52 Access Tab (Report) ............................................................................................................................. 52 Applies To Tab (Report) ........................................................................................................................ 53 Create a New Report ............................................................................................................................ 53 Edit Report Definition ............................................................................................................................ 54 Define Criteria for a Report ................................................................................................................... 54 Name a Report ...................................................................................................................................... 55 Set Report Access to Yourself .............................................................................................................. 55 Set Report Access to a Single User...................................................................................................... 55 Set Report Access to Specified Roles .................................................................................................. 56 Delete a Report ..................................................................................................................................... 56 Delete a Report Name .......................................................................................................................... 56

    Graphic Reports ........................................................................................................................................ 57

    Definition (Graphic Reports) ................................................................................................................. 57 Name Tab (Report) ............................................................................................................................... 60 Access Tab (Report) ............................................................................................................................. 60 Applies To Tab (Report) ........................................................................................................................ 61 Create a New Graphic Report ............................................................................................................... 61 Edit Graphic Report Definition .............................................................................................................. 61 Delete a Graphic Report ....................................................................................................................... 62

    Navigating Between Modules ................................................................................................................... 63

    Access the PDS 3D Module from the SmartPlant Instrumentation Module ......................................... 66 Access the PDS 3D Module from the SmartPlant PID Module ............................................................ 68 Create Model Actions ............................................................................................................................ 70 Access the PDS 3D Module from the PDS PID Module ....................................................................... 70 Access the SmartPlant Instrumentation Module from the SmartPlant PID Module .............................. 72 Access the SmartPlant Instrumentation Module from the PDS PID Module ........................................ 73 Access the PDS PID Module from the SmartPlant Instrumentation Module ........................................ 74 Access the PDS PID Module from the SmartPlant PID Module ........................................................... 75 Linking to PDS PID ............................................................................................................................... 76 Access the SmartPlant PID Module from the SmartPlant Instrumentation Module .............................. 79

  • Contents

    SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide 5

    Access the SmartPlant PID Module from the PDS PID Module ........................................................... 80 Navigate Between Modules Using the Intermodule Navigation Wizard ............................................... 81

    PDS 3D Module .......................................................................................................................................... 87

    Add a Project (PDS 3D Module) ........................................................................................................... 87 Create a DSN Using SQL Server ODBC Driver ............................................................................. 88 Configuration of Oracle Networking Components .......................................................................... 88

    Remove a Project (PDS 3D Module) .................................................................................................... 89 Models Tab (PDS 3D Module) .............................................................................................................. 89 Item Tag Tab (PDS 3D Module) ........................................................................................................... 90 Location Tab (PDS 3D Module) ............................................................................................................ 90

    SmartPlant Instrumentation Module ........................................................................................................ 91

    Administrating SmartPlant Instrumentation Common Tasks ................................................................ 91 Add a Site (SmartPlant Instrumentation Module) ................................................................................. 92 Update a Site (SmartPlant Instrumentation Module) ............................................................................ 92 Update Properties (SmartPlant Instrumentation Module) ..................................................................... 93 Update Administrator Database Password (SmartPlant Instrumentation Module) ............................... 93 Remove a Site (SmartPlant Instrumentation Module) .......................................................................... 93 Add a Domain (SmartPlant Instrumentation Module) ........................................................................... 94 Update a Domain .................................................................................................................................. 94 Remove a Domain (SmartPlant Instrumentation Module) .................................................................... 94 Define SmartPlant Instrumentation Web Server ................................................................................... 95 Add a Plant (SmartPlant Instrumentation Module) ............................................................................... 95

    Add a Plant ..................................................................................................................................... 95 Update a Plant ...................................................................................................................................... 96 Remove a Plant..................................................................................................................................... 96 Defining SmartPlant Instrumentation Engineer Users .......................................................................... 96 Add a User as a SmartPlant Instrumentation Engineer ........................................................................ 96

    SmartPlant Electrical Module ................................................................................................................... 97

    Add a Site Server (SmartPlant Electrical Module) ................................................................................ 97 Remove a Site Server (SmartPlant Electrical Module) ......................................................................... 97

    PDS PID Module ......................................................................................................................................... 99

    Add a Project (PDS PID Module) .......................................................................................................... 99 Update a Project (PDS PID Module)................................................................................................... 100 Remove a Project (PDS PID Module) ................................................................................................. 100

    SmartPlant PID Module ........................................................................................................................... 101

    Administering SmartPlant PID Module ............................................................................................... 101 Add a Site Server (SmartPlant PID Module) ................................................................................ 101 Remove a Site Server (SmartPlant PID Module) ......................................................................... 101

    SmartPlant PID Module Reports ......................................................................................................... 102 Generate SmartPlant Reports ...................................................................................................... 102 SmartPlant Layout and Filter Defined .......................................................................................... 103 Activate a Display Set on a Drawing (SmartPlant PID Module) ................................................... 103 View Equipment within a Drawing ................................................................................................ 104

  • Contents

    6 SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide

    Printable Guides ...................................................................................................................................... 105

    Printing PDF Files ............................................................................................................................... 105

    Index ......................................................................................................................................................... 107

  • SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide 7

    S E C T I O N 1

    Intergraph SmartPlant Explorer unlocks the value of your plant information for the entire life cycle. Using the simple interface of Microsoft Internet Explorer, SmartPlant Explorer gives you controlled access to a wide array of project-generated information.

    Because SmartPlant Explorer has three levels of access; Administrator, User, and Viewer;

    you may not have permission, depending on your access level, to some commands or features described in help. Help identifies the commands and features that are only available to administrators or users.

    After upgrading to Version 2009, or after installing a service pack you must restart your computer.

    New Features in SmartPlant Explorer The following new features have been added:

    Version 2009 The SmartPlant Instrumentation module now displays Enhanced SmartLoop drawings as they

    were generated by the software, using the specific preferences and settings from the domain that the drawing was generated in, based on the user configuration in SmartPlant Explorer.

    You must have installed SmartPlant Instrumentation 2007 SP6 HF 13 or higher or

    SmartPlant Instrumentation 2009 SP1, for this feature to work. In the Settings.js file, change the var INtools_DomainSpecificEslPreferences =false;

    to true. This file can be found in the home folder where you installed SmartPlant Explorer in the Web Server folder.

    In the SmartPlant P&ID module when opening a report for one of the following categories; Equipment Mechanical Vessel Heat Transfer When the item you select appears in more than one drawing, you can now select a specific drawing to be displayed instead of the default drawing. For example, if you choose a vessel that appears in drawing 1 and drawing 2, you can now select which of the drawings to display.

    SmartPlant Explorer 2009 supports Windows Vista Business Client 32-bit mode with Users Access Control (UAC) on.

    When installing Active X controls UAC must be turned off. Once installed you can restart UAC on your machine.

    The SmartPlant P&ID module now supports the display and control of Typicals. The SmartPlant Electrical module now allows you to preview registered documents prior to


    SmartPlant Explorer

  • SmartPlant Explorer

    8 SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide

    It is now possible for users registered in one domain, to access data and reports in another domain and save them to Excel.

    SmartPlant Explorer now gives you the option to generate your reports in the current browser window or in a new browser window.

    For this functionality to work you must disable you browsers pop-up blocker.

    It is now possible when working in SmartPlant Explorer to connect to different SmartPlant Instrumentation databases from the same SmartPlant Explorer server.

  • SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide 9

    S E C T I O N 2

    The following section contains information for use by the SmartPlant Explorer Administrator on adding and removing modules, the application modules, system security, users, and roles.

    Administrating Common Tasks The following tasks are performed when you administer SmartPlant Explorer.

    Add and remove application modules Add the application modules to your SmartPlant Explorer server. For more information, see

    Add an Application (on page 18). Remove the application modules from your SmartPlant Explorer server. For more information,

    see Remove an Application (on page 18).

    Add and remove roles and users Add or remove roles and users to the SmartPlant Web Server package in Microsoft Component Services, thereby controlling access to SmartPlant Explorer. Add roles to the web server package. For more information, see Add a Role (on page 16). Add users to roles. For more information, see Add a User (on page 15). Remove users so they cannot access SmartPlant Explorer. For more information, see Delete

    a User (on page 16). Remove a role so users in that role cannot access SmartPlant Explorer. For more information,

    see Delete a Role (on page 17).

    SmartPlant Explorer COM+ Application Identity Utility The SmartPlant Explorer COM+ Application Identity utility enables you to grant SmartPlant Explorer users access to specific SmartPlant Explorer application modules. Also, you can use this utility to restart all the SmartPlant Explorer COM+ applications. This is especially useful as you do not have to run the Windows Component Services and restart each application one by one. To start the SmartPlant Explorer COM+ Application Identity utility, in the SmartPlant Explorer home folder navigate to the following path and run the SPEUserAdmin.exe file: SmartPlant Explorer home folder > WebServer > System > SPEUserAdmin.exe The options are as follows:

    Available COM+ applications This group box contains all the available COM+ applications that you can select when granting application module access to SmartPlant Explorer users. Note that SmartPlant Web Server, SPWebDependencies, and SmartPlant Explorer Viewers are not available here because these three applications must be selected at all times when granting access rights. The software selects these applications automatically. SmartPlant Explorer PDS 3D Module Grants access to the PDS 3D Module application module.

    Administering SmartPlant Explorer

  • Administering SmartPlant Explorer

    10 SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide

    SmartPlant Explorer PDS PID Module Grants access to the PDS PID Module. SmartPlant Explorer SmartPlant Instrumentation Module Grants access to the SmartPlant Instrumentation Module. SmartPlant Explorer SmartPlant Electrical Module Grants access to the SmartPlant Electrical Module. Select all Selects all the available applications.

    Drawing converter Drawing converter module Grants access to the Drawing converter module.

    Restart All Applications Restarts all the existing SmartPlant Explorer COM+ applications (including SmartPlant Web Server, SPWebDependencies, and SmartPlant Explorer Viewers). This command does the same thing as the Windows Component Services.

    Account These options allow you to define a SmartPlant Explorer user account to receive access rights to the application modules that you selected in the Available COM+ applications group box. Interactive user - The current logged on user Grants access rights to the user who is currently logged to Windows. This user Grants access rights to the user whose use name and password is defined below. User Allows you to type a user name, usually a Windows logon name. Password Allows you to type a password, usually a Windows logon password. Confirm password Allows you to type the password again for confirmation.

    CAD Loop Drawings To view CAD Loop drawings in SmartPlant Explorer, the CAD drawing extension used by your CAD software must be recognized by the Internet Information Services (IIS). To add the extension to those recognized by SmartPlant Explorer's IIS do the following: 1. Log on to the computer where the SmartPlant Explorer Web Server is installed. 2. From the Windows Start menu, select Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Internet

    Information Services (IIS) Manager. 3. On the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager dialog box navigate to Web Sites >

    Default Web Site > SPEX. 4. On the SPEX icon, right-click and from the shortcut menu select Properties. 5. On the SPEX Properties dialog box, click on the HTTP Headers tab. 6. Click MIME Types. 7. On the MIME Types dialog box, click New. 8. Type the extension and MIME type, for example .igr or .dwg. 9. Click OK on all the subsequent dialog boxes until you finish the process.

  • Administering SmartPlant Explorer

    SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide 11

    System Security Every time a user attempts to access the SmartPlant Explorer Web Server, the Web server authenticates, or confirms, the identity of the user to ensure that the user has a valid Windows account. This method is indispensable for limiting access to your data. Different authentication methods are available from which you can choose: Basic Authentication - Prompts users to type user names and passwords. Integrated Windows Authentication - Cryptographically obtains user identification

    information from the web browser of the user. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Client Certification Authentication - Authenticates users by

    checking the contents of an encrypted digital identification that the web browser submits during the logon process.

    You selected either the Basic or the Integrated Windows Authentication method when you installed the SmartPlant Explorer Web Server.

    SmartPlant Explorer does not support Anonymous Authentication or Digest Authentication.

    Basic Authentication The Basic authentication method is a widely used, industry- standard method for collecting user name and password information. Basic authentication proceeds as follows: 1. The user's Web browser displays a dialog box where users can enter their previously

    assigned Windows account user names and passwords. 2. The Web browser then attempts to establish a connection using this information. (The

    password is Base64 encoded before being sent over the network). 3. If the server rejects the information, the Web browser repeatedly displays the dialog box until

    the user either enters a valid user name and password or closes the dialog box. 4. When your Web server verifies that the user name and password correspond to a valid

    Windows user account, a connection is established. For information about setting up Basic authentication, see IIS Documentation. The disadvantage is that Web browsers using Basic authentication transmit passwords in an unencrypted form. By monitoring communications on your network, someone could easily intercept and decipher these passwords by using publicly available tools. Therefore, Basic authentication is not recommended unless you are confident that the connection between the user and your Web server is secure, such as a direct cable connection or a dedicated line.

    Integrated Windows authentication takes precedence over Basic authentication. The browser will choose integrated Windows authentication and will attempt to use the current Windows logon information before prompting the user for a user name and password.

  • Administering SmartPlant Explorer

    12 SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide

    Integrated Windows Authentication Integrated Windows authentication is a secure form of authentication because the user name and password are not sent across the network. When you enable integrated Windows authentication, the user's browser proves its knowledge of the password through a cryptographic exchange with your Web server, involving hashing. Integrated Windows authentication can use both the Kerberos v5 authentication protocol and its own challenge/response authentication protocol. If Directory Services is installed on the server, and the browser is compatible with the Kerberos v5 authentication protocol, both the Kerberos v5 protocol and the challenge/response protocol are used; otherwise only the challenge/response protocol is used. The Kerberos v5 authentication protocol is a feature of the Windows Distributed Services architecture. In order for Kerberos v5 authentication to be successful, both the client and server must have a trusted connection to a Key Distribution Center (KDC) and be Directory Services compatible. For more information about the protocol, see the Windows documentation. Integrated Windows authentication proceeds as follows: 1. Unlike Basic authentication, it does not initially prompt users for a user name and password.

    The current Windows user information on the client computer is used for the integrated Windows authentication. Note, Internet Explorer, version 4.0 and later, can be configured to initially prompt for user information if needed.

    2. However, if the authentication exchange initially fails to identify the user, the browser will prompt the user for a Windows user account user name and password, which it will process by using integrated Windows authentication.

    3. Internet Explorer will continue to prompt the user until the user enters a valid user name and password, or closes the prompt dialog box.

    Although integrated Windows authentication is secure, it does not work over HTTP Proxy connections. Therefore, integrated Windows authentication is best suited for an intranet environment, where both user and Web server computers are in the same domain.

    Certificate Authentication You can also use your Web server's Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) security features for two types of authentication. You can use a server certificate to allow users to authenticate your Web site before they transmit personal information, such as a credit card number. Also, you can use client certificates to authenticate users requesting information on your Web site. SSL authenticates by checking the contents of an encrypted digital identification submitted by the user's Web browser during the logon process. (Users obtain client certificates from a mutually trusted third-party organization.) Server certificates usually contain information about your company and the organization that issued the certificate. Client certificates usually contain identifying information about the user and the organization that issued the certificate.

  • Administering SmartPlant Explorer

    SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide 13

    Client Certificate Mapping You can associate, or map, client certificates to Windows user accounts on your Web server. After you create and enable a certificate map, each time a user logs on with a client certificate, your Web server automatically associates that user to the appropriate Windows user account. This way, you can automatically authenticate users who log on with client certificates, without requiring the use of either Basic or integrated Windows authentication. You can either map one client certificate to one Windows user account or many client certificates to one account. For example, if you had several different departments or businesses on your server, each with its own Web site, you could use many-to-one mapping to map all of the client certificates of each department or company to its own Web site. This way each site would provide access only to its own clients.

    Switch Authentication Method 1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Internet Services

    Manager. 2. Open the computer where you installed the SmartPlant Explorer Web Server. 3. Double-click Default Web Site on the server. 4. Right-click SPEx. 5. Click Properties on the shortcut menu. 6. Click the Directory Security tab. 7. Click Edit in the Anonymous Access and Authentication Control group. 8. Select Basic Authentication or Integrated Windows Authentication. You cannot use both

    authentication methods at the same time with SmartPlant Explorer. You must select one or the other.

    9. Click OK. 10. Click OK. 11. Exit the Internet Services Manager.

    Change Session Timeout 1. Log on as an administrator on the web server. 2. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Internet Services

    Manager. 3. Open the Internet Information Server folder. 4. Double-click your computer name to expand the branch. 5. Double-click Default Web Site to expand the branch. 6. Right-click SPEx and select Properties on the shortcut menu. 7. Select the Virtual Directory tab. 8. Under the Application Settings, click Configuration. 9. Select the App Options tab. 10. Change the Session timeout option to new timeout period. 11. Click OK. 12. Click OK on the SPEx Properties dialog box.

  • Administering SmartPlant Explorer

    14 SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide

    The SmartPlant Explorer Web Server disconnects an inactive client connection after 20 minutes (the IIS default setting). This disconnection ensures that memory and processing resources on the web server are not wasted on inactive connections. However, if you are frequently receiving the "Your connection to the SmartPlant Explorer server has timed out" message, you may want to increase this timeout period. We do not recommend setting the timeout period greater than 20 minutes unless your web server has the memory and processing resources to handle it.

    Users and Roles After installing the SmartPlant Explorer Web Server, you need to define which roles and users have access to SmartPlant Explorer. Roles are groups of users who have access to SmartPlant Explorer. You add users to roles using their standard logon details for the Windows domain. Users can be individual Windows users or Windows user groups. Users login to the SmartPlant Explorer Web Server using their regular Windows user name and password. SmartPlant Explorer checks the defined roles and users in the Component Services on Windows to verify that they have been granted access. If they have access, SmartPlant Explorer starts.

    All users must have Windows logon privileges to the SmartPlant Explorer Web Server. Users without logon privileges cannot access SmartPlant Explorer even though they have been added to a SmartPlant Explorer Role. By default, the software creates three roles, or groups, when you install SmartPlant Explorer: Administrator, User, and Viewer. You can add more roles, for example, Purchasing, by using the Component Services Explorer. You should add more roles when you want to more finely control who can view what reports.

    Administrators - Full access to all SmartPlant Explorer features, including defining reports, editing reports, and controlling who can run which reports and actions. In addition, Administrators can add and remove application modules and projects from the SmartPlant Explorer tree view. Users - Less access than Administrators, but can still define and edit report definitions and actions. Users cannot control who can run which reports. Viewers - Most limited access. Viewers can only run reports and view the results. Viewers cannot create any new report definitions or actions.

  • Administering SmartPlant Explorer

    SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide 15

    Users who belong to more than one role are granted the access privileges of the higher role. For example, if John were in the User and Viewer roles, John would have User privileges. Users who belong to more than one role are able to run all Actions available to all the roles of which they are members.

    In addition to adding a user to a role, the user must have Windows logon privileges to the SmartPlant Explorer Server, either directly or by being a member of a Windows User Group that has logon privileges. You can add your own roles using the Component Services Explorer. If you create roles, you must add those roles to the component interface so SmartPlant Explorer knows the needed access privileges. The four component interfaces in SmartPlant Explorer are: _AllActions - Roles in this interface can modify every Action menu in the application regardless to whom and to what the Actions apply. By default, the Administrator role belongs to this interface. _Application - Roles in this interface can add and remove SmartPlant Explorer Modules. By default, the Administrator role belongs to this interface. _SPApplication - Roles in this interface can access SmartPlant Explorer. By default, the Administrator, User, and Viewer roles belong to this interface. _UserSpecificActions - Users in Roles in this interface can create, delete, and modify their own Actions. Other users do not see these Actions. The user cannot modify Actions that other users own. By default, the Administrator and User roles belong to this interface. In addition to one of the component interfaces, you must add your own roles to the ObjectControl interface. If you do not want to add your custom roles to the interfaces, you can still define access privileges by adding the user to both your custom role (to control what Actions they see) and to one of the delivered roles (to control access privileges). In some ways, this is a better than the alternative because you can define a single Administrator for your custom role and set the remaining role members as Users or Viewers.

    Roles that are not in _UserSpecificActions or _AllActions cannot modify actions or reports at all.

    Add a User 1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Component Services. 2. Select the computer on which the SmartPlant Explorer Server is installed.

    If the SmartPlant Explorer Server is not listed under Computers, right-click the Computers folder and click New. Then type the name of the server.

    3. Double-click COM+ Applications. 4. Double-click SmartPlant Web Server. 5. Double-click Roles. 6. Double-click the roles to which you want to add a user. 7. Right-click the Users folder under the role. 8. On the shortcut menu, point to New, and click User. 9. Identify the user you want to add. 10. Click OK. 11. Right-click the SmartPlant Web Server package.

  • Administering SmartPlant Explorer

    16 SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide

    12. On the shortcut menu, click Shut down.

    All users, regardless of the roles to which they belong, must have Windows logon privileges on

    the SmartPlant Explorer Server. Users without logon privileges cannot access SmartPlant Explorer even if they have been added to a Role.

    You can add a Windows User Group instead of individual users.

    Delete a User 1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Component Services. 2. Double-click the computer on which SmartPlant Explorer Server is installed.

    If the SmartPlant Explorer Server is not in the list of computers, right-click the Computers folder and click New. Then type the name of the server.

    3. Double-click COM+ Applications. 4. Double-click SmartPlant Web Server. 5. Double-click Roles. 6. Double-click the role from which you want to remove a user. 7. Double-click the Users folder under the role. 8. Select the user. 9. Press Delete. 10. Right-click the SmartPlant Web Server package. 11. On the menu, click Shut down.

    Add a Role 1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Component Services. 2. Select the computer on which the SmartPlant Explorer Server is installed.

    If the SmartPlant Explorer Server is not in the list of computers, right-click the Computers folder and click New. Then type the name of the server.

    3. Double-click COM+ Applications. 4. Double-click SmartPlant Web Server. 5. Right-click Roles. 6. Point to New, and click Role. 7. Type the role name. 8. Click OK when prompted if you are certain that SmartPlant Explorer Web Server supports the

    changes. 9. Double-click Components. 10. Right-click SPEApplication.SPApplication, and then select Properties. 11. Select the Security tab. 12. Place a check by your role. 13. Right-click the SmartPlant Web Server package. 14. On the menu, click Shut down.

    Users must belong to one of the three delivered roles; Administrator, User, or Viewer; in

    addition to any custom-defined roles.

  • Administering SmartPlant Explorer

    SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide 17

    You must add new roles to the ObjectControl interface in addition to one of the other interfaces (see "Users and Roles" on page 14).

    You need to restart SmartPlant Explorer in Internet Explorer to see the change.

    Delete a Role 1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Component Services. 2. Select the computer on which the SmartPlant Explorer Server is installed.

    If the SmartPlant Explorer Server is not listed under computers, right-click on the Computers folder and click New. Then type the name of the server.

    3. Double-click COM+ Applications. 4. Double-click SmartPlant Web Server. 5. Double-click Roles. 6. Select the roles that you want to delete. 7. Press Delete. 8. Click OK when prompted if you are certain that SmartPlant Explorer Web Server supports the

    changes. 9. Right-click the SmartPlant Web Server package. 10. On the menu, click Shut down.

    You need to restart SmartPlant Explorer in Internet Explorer to see the change.

    Application Modules SmartPlant Explorer has two main parts: the SmartPlant web server and one or more SmartPlant application module servers. The web server provides the central services for the SmartPlant application modules. These services include the roles, components, and basic actions required to interact with the individual application module servers. Users connect to the web server using the http protocol, for example, http://myserver/spe. Through Internet Explorer, the user requests to see application data. The web server forwards this request for information to the corresponding application module server (PDS 3D Module, SmartPlant Instrumentation Module, SmartPlant Electrical Module, SmartPlant PID Module, or PDS PID Module). The application module server retrieves requested information from the application-specific database and passes that information back to the web server. The web server formats the information as HTML pages and then displays the pages to the user. The web server and the application modules servers must be installed on the same computer. You do not have to add all the available application modules. For example, if you only use SmartPlant Explorer to view SmartPlant Instrumentation data, you do not need to add the PDS 3D, SmartPlant Electrical, SmartPlant PID, or PDS PID modules. Note that you can navigate between the data of different application modules that have been added to the web server, for example SmartPlant P&ID and SmartPlant Instrumentation. For details about navigating between application modules, see Navigating Between Modules (on page 63).

  • Administering SmartPlant Explorer

    18 SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide

    Add an Application 1. Start SmartPlant Explorer in Internet Explorer by typing http:///spex/ where

    is the name of the web server. You must allow session cookies. You can verify this setting by opening the Internet

    Options dialog box, selecting the Privacy tab, and then clicking Advanced.

    2. Right-click SmartPlant Explorer Web Server . 3. On the shortcut menu, click Add Application. 4. Type the server name where the SmartPlant Explorer application module that you want to add

    is installed. 5. Click Search to display which modules are installed on that server. 6. From the list, select the module to load. 7. Click Add Selected Module. 8. On the Installation Done message box, click OK. 9. If you have saved application data, you are asked if you want to reuse the data. Click Yes to

    reuse the data. Click No to install default application data. 10. If you are using the saved data, your published sites must be updated. Choose whether or

    not to let SmartPlant Explorer update the sites for you if prompted.

    If you choose not to reuse the application data, the saved data is deleted from the server and

    the default data is installed. You must add an application before you can view any projects created with that application. You must have administrator privileges to add an application. The application module that you are adding must have already been installed.

    Remove an Application 1. Right-click one of the following application icons:

    PDS 3D .

    SmartPlant Instrumentation . PDS PID . SmartPlant PID . SmartPlant Electrical .

    2. On the shortcut menu, click Remove Application. 3. Select Save information. 4. Click Yes to confirm that you want to remove the application. 5. If prompted, click Yes to save data from the application that you are removing or No to remove

    the application without saving data.

    You can save custom actions, reports, favorites, and published application data when you

    remove the application. SmartPlant Explorer can then reuse this information when you reinstall this application. If you are not sure, we recommend that you save the information.

    The software does not delete or affect your production application data in any way. You are only removing the ability to view that data from the SmartPlant Explorer Web Server.

  • Administering SmartPlant Explorer

    SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide 19

    You must have administrator privileges to remove an application.

  • Administering SmartPlant Explorer

    20 SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide

  • SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide 21

    S E C T I O N 3

    The SmartPlant Explorer interface is divided into several areas: The Tree View is the primary navigational area of the interface. The Main View displays reports, drawings, and other information that you requested to see. The Properties View displays the properties of a selected item. The Properties View is hidden

    by default but appears automatically when you ask to view properties. When viewing the properties of an item, the note section, for example the Loop note,

    Instrument note, Panel note, and so forth, only displays the first 2,000 characters of the note. Several toolbars provide relevant commands for the current activity. Popup menus (also called context menus) display commands for a selected item.

    Understanding the Interface

  • Understanding the Interface

    22 SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide

    Using the Tree View The tree view, located on the left of the SmartPlant Explorer window, is a hierarchical view of all the applications, sites, domains, projects, plants, plant structures, and other plant items for which you have permission to view. The tree functions similarly to other tree views that are familiar to you such as Windows Explorer. Click to expand items and click to collapse items. You can resize the tree view, or you can hide it entirely using the toolbar command.

    Each item in the tree has commands associated with it. Right-click the item to display a shortcut menu. Click the item to activate the default command. For each item, the default command is the first listed command on the menu followed by a separator. If there is no dividing line on the menu, there is no default command defined. For example, in this picture the default command is View Plant Structures. In addition to the delivered commands, you can add your own custom commands to an item.

    Only those nodes that the user has been given access rights in the Plant Role Properties > SmartPlant P&ID > P&ID Objects in SmartPlant Engineering Manager, are visible in the tree view. For example, a user has access rights to plants 1 and 3, but plant 2 the user has None selected in the P&ID Objects, only plants 1 and 2 will be visible in the tree view.

    Command Menu The command menu appears when you right-click an item. In this example, New Refinery was right-clicked. However, there are command menus available for all of the items in the tree view as well as the item icons in the title bar.

  • Understanding the Interface

    SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide 23

    You can click the item to activate the default command without displaying the menu. For each item, the default command is listed first on the menu separated from other commands by a break line. In this example, the View Item Types command is the default command.

    SmartPlant Explorer associates commands with a plant item and a particular user or role. This feature gives you the flexibility to allow some users the ability to run a command on a particular plant item while other users cannot. For example, users in a role called Maintenance can run a report called Service Location. However, users who are not in the Maintenance role do not see the report on their command menu. Furthermore, reports and actions are set so that they are only available for certain plant items. For example, an equipment report does not appear on a relief valve's command menu. You can add your own Actions and Reports to the command menus by right-clicking the plant item type, and then selecting Reports > New > Explorer Defined or Actions > New.

    Related Items Command When a selected item has other item related to it, a Related Items... command appears on the right-click menu. In this example, Document, Equipment, Line, Loop, Panel:Device and Unit are related items to the selected tag item. Different plant items have different related items.

  • Understanding the Interface

    24 SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide

    Properties Command The Properties command appears on the menu when a selected item has viewable properties. Properties appear in the Properties view.

    When viewing the properties of an item, the note section, for example the Loop note,

    Instrument note, Panel note, and so forth, only displays the first 2,000 characters of the note.

    Generate SmartPlant Instrumentation Reports The Generate SmartPlant Instrumentation Reports command menu appears on the menu when SmartPlant Instrumentation reports are available for the selected item. Different plant items have different reports available for them.

    You must setup the SmartPlant Instrumentation Web Server before you can generate reports. For more information, see Define SmartPlant Instrumentation Web Server (on page 95). The following SmartPlant Instrumentation reports are available in SmartPlant Explorer:

    Domains Instrument Type Report (Standard) Instrument Type Report (Details) Equipment Report (No Grouping) Equipment Report (Grouping by Type) Equipment Type Report I/O Type Report Line Numbers Report (No Grouping) Line Numbers Report (Grouping by Type) Line Type Report Location Report Manufacturer Report Model Report P&ID Drawing Number Report Status Report

    Plant and Other Hierarchy Items at this Level Cable Summary Take-Off Report Cable Gland Take-Off Report Control System Tag List Device Panel List Report (per Plant)

  • Understanding the Interface

    SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide 25

    Cabinet List Report All Tag Numbers (For all Units) Device Cables List Non-Device Cables List Device Panel Connection Distant DSC/PLC List Junction Box List Report Loop Summary Report (For all Units) Repair Details Report Marshaling Rack List Report Non-Distant DCS/PLC List Spare Parts Without Connection (available only with INtools version 5)

    Unit or Lowest Item in the Hierarchy Device Panel List Report (per Unit) All Tag Numbers (For Current Unit) Loop Summary Report (For Current Unit)

    Tag Calculation Tag Signal Instrument Specification Process Data I/O Card Tag Assignment (Per Tag) Calibration Point Summary Report Instrument Calibration Result Sheet Enhanced SmartLoop Fieldbus Segment Diagram

    Loop Smart Loop Point to Point Loop Tag Numbers

    Cable Cable Layout Style 1 Cable Layout Style 2 Cable Schedule

    Panel, DCS Panels, and PLC Panels I/O Card Tag Assignment (Per Panel and Strip) I/O Map Panel-Strip with Adjacent Connections Panel-Strip without Adjacent Connections (Style 1) Panel-Strip without Adjacent Connections (Style 2)

    Cabinet Panel, Device Panel, Junction Box Panel, and Marshalling Rack Panel Panel-Strip with Adjacent Connections Panel-Strip without Adjacent Connections (Style 1) Panel-Strip without Adjacent Connections (Style 2) Enhanced Panel-Strip without Adjacent Connections (Style 2)

  • Understanding the Interface

    26 SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide

    Terminal Strip I/O Card Tag Assignment (Per Panel) I/O Map Panel Strip With Adjacent Connections Panel Strip Without Adjacent Connections (Style 1) Panel Strip Without Adjacent Connections (Style 2) Enhanced I/O Card Assignment (available only with INtools version 6 or newer) Enhanced Internal Cross Wiring (available only with INtools version 6 or newer) Enhanced Panel-Strip (available only with INtools version 6 or newer) Enhanced Strip Signals (available only with INtools version 6 or newer)

    Wiring Equipment I/O Card Tag Assignment (Per Panel) I/O Map Enhanced I/O Card Assignment Enhanced Internal Cross Wiring Enhanced Panel-Strip Enhanced Strip Signals

    Generate SmartPlant Reports The Generate SmartPlant Reports command displays all of the system level SmartPlant P&ID reports that are available for the selected item type. You can then select the SmartPlant P&ID report that you want to run from SmartPlant Explorer. You cannot define or edit SmartPlant P&ID reports in SmartPlant Explorer.

    You need to have Microsoft Excel 2003, or 2007 to view SmartPlant Reports. After a SmartPlant P&ID report is displayed in Internet Explorer, you can drag the icon from

    the Address ribbon to your desktop to create a shortcut that can be used to re-run the report without having to go through SmartPlant Explorer.

    Some SmartPlant Reports are not available unless you install SmartPlant P&ID on the same computer as the SmartPlant Explorer SmartPlant PID Module. The following error message appears when you try to run one of these reports: "Error running SmartPlant report 'Report Name'. This report contains a reference to a component that does not exist on the SmartPlant PID Module server. One possible solution to this problem is to load SmartPlant P&ID on the SmartPlant Explorer SmartPlant PID Module server."

    For the reporting services to function correctly, the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) 3.0 (for Microsoft Windows Server 2003 and Microsoft Windows XP Professional) must be installed.

  • Understanding the Interface

    SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide 27

    View in 3D Command The View in 3D command displays all the 3D SmartPlant Review models that contain the selected item. This command is only available in the PDS PID application module when viewing an item type report. In addition, you must have the PDS 3D application module installed and have a common project between PDS PID and PDS 3D.

    View CAD Loop Command The View CAD Loop command is the default command on the Command menu when creating Loop reports. You use this command to display the CAD Loop drawing of the selected loop.

    For this command to function correctly you must have added the drawing extension of your CAD software to the MIME Types of the SPEX properties in the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

    See also CAD Loop Drawings (on page 10)

    Viewing Drawings Drawings display in the main area of SmartPlant Explorer. You can use the drawing view controls to zoom in or out, fit, pan, and magnify different areas of the drawing to better view the drawing. If you are viewing a SmartPlant P&ID drawing, the display criteria indicators show if the drawing labels, borders are displayed and the level of the errors and warnings that are being displayed in the drawing. Click on the label and border indicators to toggle off and on the display. Use the Set Display Criteria command to edit the error and warning settings. The indicators can also be used to change the settings they represent. If the settings are simple toggles, clicking the indicator changes the value and the drawing is updated immediately. If the setting requires additional information (such as level), the Set Display Criteria dialog appears. To find out more about an item in the drawing, place the cursor over the item. When the item highlights, you can right-click to display the available item commands, or left-click to display the properties of the item.

  • Understanding the Interface

    28 SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide

    If you have Intergraph SmartPlant Markup installed, you can use the Markup File command to open the drawing in SmartPlant Markup.

    View Properties Displays the properties of the selected item. You can view item properties either in alphabetical order or categorized by type.

    You can show or hide the Properties view by clicking Toggle Properties Display on the

    main toolbar. You can display or hide properties whose values are null, by clicking on the Hide/Display

    blank values button.

    Some item properties do not support being viewed by category. When viewing the properties of an item, the note section, for example the Loop note,

    Instrument note, Panel note, and so forth, only displays the first 2,000 characters of the note.

  • Understanding the Interface

    SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide 29

    Toolbars Toolbars provide fast access to frequently-used commands. SmartPlant Explorer provides several toolbars depending on the active command.

    The Main toolbar is always visible in the upper-left corner of SmartPlant Explorer and toggles

    the display of the tree view, properties view, favorites, and displays help. The Report toolbar appears when you are working with or viewing tabular or graphic reports

    and provides access to create, save, and edit reports. A similar toolbar displays in the same location when defining and editing actions.

    The Graphic toolbar appears when you are viewing a drawing. An application toolbar (not shown above) displays when application specific commands are

    available in certain circumstances.

    Main Toolbar Log Off

    Closes your connection to the SmartPlant Explorer web server. While you are not absolutely required to log off, we recommend that you log off when you have finished using SmartPlant Explorer. Logging off immediately releases the memory and other server resources required to support your connection. If you do not log off, the server resources for your connection remain open for another 20 minutes (the default session timeout), preventing the resources from being used by another person. For instructions on changing the default session timeout period, see Change Session Timeout (on page 13).

  • Understanding the Interface

    30 SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide

    Toggle Tree Display Displays or hides the tree view. You may want to hide the tree view when you are viewing a

    wide report or if a report and the View Properties window are both active.

    Toggle Properties Display Displays or hides the Properties window.

    Select Display Set Opens a dialog box that allows you to select a display set defined in SmartPlant P&ID.

    This command is only available when a drawing is displayed.

    Show Favorites Activates the favorites page in the main view. After the favorites page is active, you can run,

    rename, or delete the favorites that you have access to. You can access your favorites directly from any page by clicking the word Favorites on the

    main toolbar, and selecting a favorite from the menu.

    Views Select whether you want to view large icons, small icons, or no icons.

    Add SmartPlant Explorer to Your Internet Explorer Favorites Click to add SmartPlant Explorer to your Internet Explorer Favorites. Note that you should

    not use the Internet Explorer Add to Favorites command for this purpose as it can cause SmartPlant Explorer to time out. Use only this SmartPlant Explorer command.

    Report Toolbar Set Report Result Display Options

    If you are viewing a SmartPlant Explorer tabular report, click this command to customize the Report Results table. Wrap Text - Makes text extend to multiple lines as needed to fit in the column width. No Wrap Text - Makes all long text appear on one line. Set Table Filtering Case Sensitive - Sets case sensitivity for column filtering for the table.

    For example, if you define custom filtering for a column using the word Plant, if this option is on, the filter ignores the word plant.

    Reset All Defaults - Returns all table settings that you have altered to the settings used to create the table.

  • Understanding the Interface

    SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide 31

    Set Display Criteria If you are viewing a drawing, click this command to customize the display of drawing

    properties and inconsistency indicators. A set of icons above the drawing on the right side indicates the table options. Labels - Toggle on or off to display labels in the drawing. Drawing Borders - Toggle on or off to display the drawing border. Notes - Toggle on or off to display notes in the drawing. Errors above severity - Toggle on or off to display errors in the drawing. You can specify the

    severity level of the errors that appear. Warnings above severity - Toggle on or off to display warnings in the drawing. You can

    select the severity level of the warnings to appear. Approved Warnings - Toggle on or off to display approved warnings in the drawing.

    Save Records your changes to the current report or action. If you are saving a new report or action,

    but have not defined a name, the Name tab appears. After defining a name, click Save again.

    After you save the changes, the software overwrites the original report or action. If you want to keep the original report or action, use the Save as New command to create a new report or action.

    If the report or action you are saving is the default for a plant item, you are prompted whether or not to keep the default setting.

    Viewers cannot create new reports. You must have User or Administrator access to create new reports.

    Save as New Saves the changes that you made to an existing report or Action as a new report or Action.

    The software does not change the original report or Action. If you want to change the original report or Action, use the Save command.

    The Save As New command prompts you for a new report or Action name. When you type the

    name, the software removes all existing names associated with the original report or Action from the new report or Action.

    Viewers cannot create new reports or actions. You must have User or Administrator access to create new reports or actions.

  • Understanding the Interface

    32 SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide

    Save As Favorite Saves a copy of the active report, drawing, or page to the Favorites page. Click Show

    Favorites to display the Favorites page.

    Put Data in Excel Moves the Report Results data into a Microsoft Excel workbook. SmartPlant Explorer

    automatically writes a Web Query into the workbook that you can use to automatically update the report in Excel without returning to SmartPlant Explorer.

    You must have Microsoft Excel 97 or later loaded on your computer to use this option.

    Define New Report Creates a new SmartPlant Explorer defined tabular report and activates the Definition tab so

    you can define the report contents. Be sure to click Save if you want to keep the report after you have defined it.

    Viewers cannot create new reports. You must have User or Administrator access to create new reports.

    Define New Application Report Creates a new application defined report. For example, you can create a SmartPlant Explorer

    report using layouts and filters defined for a SmartPlant P&ID Engineering Data Editor View. Be sure to click Save if you want to keep the SmartPlant Explorer report after you have defined it.

    This command is disabled if the application you are using does not include application specific

    reports. You cannot define SmartPlant Instrumentation or PDS PID reports using this command. Viewers cannot create new reports. You must have User or Administrator access to create

    new reports.

    Markup File

    Opens the drawing that you are currently viewing in SmartPlant Markup. This command is only available when you have Intergraph SmartPlant Markup loaded on your computer and you are viewing a drawing.

  • Understanding the Interface

    SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide 33

    Move Up Moves a selected row up in the report definition. Moving a row up in the definition moves the

    corresponding column to the left in the report. This toolbar command is only available when you select a single row on the Definition tab.

    Delete Deletes the selected row or rows from the report definition. This toolbar command is only

    available when you select rows on the Definition tab. Deleting a row cannot be undone. You have to redefine the row or exit the report without

    saving your changes if you change your mind.

    Move Down Moves a selected row down in the report definition. Moving a row down in the definition moves

    the corresponding column to the right in the report. This toolbar command is only available when you select a single row on the Definition tab.

    Graphic Toolbar Set Colors

    Sets the background, selected item, and highlight colors on a drawing. The background color selection is valid for only the active drawing. The selected item and highlight colors are saved on a per session basis. That is, each drawing you view until you log off uses the selected item and highlight color you select. You can set the default selected item and highlight colors for the software by having your system administrator to edit the settings.js file that is found where you installed SmartPlant Explorer in the folders\SmartPlant\Explorer\Web Server. See Color Table Reference (ColorTable.htm) for more information on available colors.

    This command is only available when a drawing is displayed. You can define different color settings for SmartPlant and PDS P&ID drawings.

    Zoom In Increases the drawing view magnification so you can better see details in the drawing. You

    remain in zoom in mode until you right-click, click Select , or press Esc. This command is only available when a drawing is displayed.

  • Understanding the Interface

    34 SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide

    Zoom Out Decreases the drawing view magnification so you can better see the overall drawing. You

    remain in zoom out mode until you right-click, click Select , or press Esc. This command is only available when a drawing is displayed.

    Fit Resets the drawing view magnification so you can see the entire drawing.

    This command is only available when a drawing is displayed.

    Pan Repositions the drawing so you can see another drawing area without changing the view

    magnification. You remain in pan mode until you right-click, click Select , or press Esc. This command is only available when a drawing is displayed.

    Zoom Area Increases the drawing view magnification of an area that you define with two points.

    This command is only available when a drawing is displayed.

    Magnify Activates a second window that displays the immediate area around your cursor with

    increased magnification. You can transfer what is displayed in the second magnification window to the main window by pressing the SHIFT key and clicking in the main window. The magnification level of the window is controlled by scroll bar on the right side. Move the scroll bar up to decrease the magnification. Move the scroll bar down to increase the magnification.

    This command is only available when a drawing is displayed.

    Previous View Provides a graphic undo for the last view manipulation. You cannot undo more than one

    operation. This command is only available when a drawing is displayed.

  • Understanding the Interface

    SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide 35

    Select Activates the Select mode. When in Select mode, you can click an item in the drawing to view

    that item's properties. Right-click on an item to view the context menu for that item. You can use Select to exit the continuous zoom and pan modes.

    This command is only available when a drawing is displayed.

    Application Toolbar Engineering Project

    Filters the report results to include only those items in the engineering project. You can use the Include As-Built command to view both the engineering project data and the as-built project data in the same report.

    This command is only available when you are logged in as a SmartPlant Instrumentation Engineer user, and you are running a report from an Engineering Project Plant in an Owner/Operator domain.

    Include As-built Reruns the active report to include the plant as-built information. SmartPlant Explorer then

    filters the report results to create a comparison report between the plant engineering project data and the plant as-built data.

    You can use the Engineering Project command to view only the plant engineering project data.

    This command is only available when you are logged in as a SmartPlant Instrumentation

    Engineer user, and you are running a report from an Engineering Project Plant in an Owner/Operator domain.

    By default, the as-built items appear in blue in the report for all users. If you prefer another color for the as-built items, ask your system administrator to edit the c:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Explorer\Web Server\settings.js file. See Color Table Reference (ColorTable.htm) for more information on available colors.

  • Understanding the Interface

    36 SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide

  • SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide 37

    S E C T I O N 4

    A Favorite is a one-click way to run a SmartPlant Explorer report, to display a drawing, or to show item types without having to navigate down through the tree view to a specific point. The favorite does all of the necessary connections for you. Favorites are located on the Favorites page, which you can access by clicking Show Favorites on the main toolbar. You also can activate a favorite from any page by selecting the word Favorites from the toolbar, and then selecting the favorite from the menu.

    You can add SmartPlant Explorer to your Internet Explorer Favorites. You can then use SmartPlant Explorer Favorites command to access a drawing or report that you need. Similar to reports, the ability to save, rename, and delete a favorite is based on user access level. Viewers can open favorites and display favorite properties. Users can open, rename, and delete favorites for those reports and drawings that they can edit. Administrators can open, rename, and delete any favorite. Access to an individual favorite is based initially on the report or drawing access that the favorite was saved. For example, if you define a report that is only available to yourself, the favorite saved for that report would only be available to you. If the report is available to everyone is a specific group, then the favorite is available to everyone in that group. You can change the access rights to the favorite by using the Access tab on the favorite properties dialog box.

    Access Tab (Favorite) Specifies the users who can run this Favorite.

    You must own the Favorite to define new access privileges for it. Make the favorite available only to myself - Select this option to make the favorite available only to yourself. No other users can see this favorite. Make the favorite available only to this user - Select this option to make the favorite available only to one specified user. Only the user that you specify can see and run this favorite. Make the favorite available to all users in the following roles - Select this option to make the favorite available to all users in the roles that you specify. Only users in the roles that you specify can see and run this favorite. Add Role - Adds a role to the list of roles that can see and run this favorite. Select the All Roles option to add all the currently defined roles to the list. Delete Selected Role - Removes the selected role from availability to run this favorite. Delete All Roles - Removes all listed roles from availability to run this favorite. Make the favorite available to all users - Select this option to make the favorite available to all users in all roles. The favorite is even available to users and roles that you may add in the future.


  • Favorites

    38 SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide

    Create a Favorite 1. Navigate to the report, graphic report, drawing, or item type page that you want to create a

    favorite for. 2. Click Save as Favorite . 3. Select a language for the favorite name. The default language is the Internet Explorer default

    language. 4. Type a name for the favorite. The suggested name is comprised of the application,

    connection, item type, and current page title. 5. Click Add Name. 6. Click OK.

    You must have User or Administrative access to create a favorite. Use slashes [ / ] in the name where you want the favorite name to wrap on the Favorites page.

    If you do not include slashes, the name wraps where necessary according to the space available. If you want a slash in the name, use two slashes. The slash is also used to define where a new submenu occurs on the Favorites menu.

    You can create one name for the favorite per language.

    Rename a Favorite 1. Click Show Favorites . 2. Right-click the favorite that you want to rename. 3. Select Rename from the menu. 4. Select the language of the name that you want to change. 5. Edit the name. 6. Click Update Name. 7. Click OK.

    You must have User or Administrative access to rename a favorite. Users can only rename

    favorites that they have created. Use slashes [ / ] in the name where you want the favorite name to wrap. If you do not include

    slashes, the name wraps where necessary according to the space available. If you want a slash in the name, use two slashes.

  • Favorites

    SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide 39

    Save As IE Favorite This option allows you to add SmartPlant Explorer to your Internet Explorer favorites.

    1. Click Add SmartPlant Explorer to Internet Explorer Favorites . 2. On the Add Favorite dialog box, type a name for the Internet Explorer favorite. 3. Select a folder for the favorite. 4. Click OK.

    Do not use the Internet Explorer menu command or toolbar icon to add a page to the Internet

    Explorer favorites. Use only the method described in this procedure.

    Edit Access to a Favorite 1. Click Show Favorites . 2. Right-click the favorite to edit access for. 3. Select Favorite Properties from the menu. 4. Select the Access tab. 5. Modify the Favorites access rights as needed. 6. Click OK.

    Delete a Favorite 1. Click Show Favorites . 2. Right-click the favorite that you want to delete. 3. Select Delete from the menu. 4. Click Yes to confirm that you want to delete this favorite.

    You must have User or Administrative access to delete a favorite. Users can only delete favorites that they created.

    Display Favorite Properties 1. Click Show Favorites . 2. Right-click the favorite that you want to view properties for. 3. Select Favorite Properties from the menu.

    Favorite properties display the SmartPlant Explorer module, connection, item type, and favorite names used to create the favorite. The names of users or roles that have access to the favorite also display.

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    Administer Favorites This feature allows a SmartPlant Explorer Administrator to manage all the existing favorites that have been created on the current web server. Users who do not have administrative privileges do not have access to this feature. Administrators can view all the existing favorites that are organized in a table. It is possible to filter the data in the table and perform a number of actions with the existing favorites. 1. In the SmartPlant Explorer tree view, right-click SmartPlant Explorer Web Server. 2. On the shortcut menu, click Favorites Administration to open the SmartPlant Explorer

    Favorites page.

    3. To filter the data display on the SmartPlant Explorer Favorites page, do one or more of the

    following: From the Application list, select an application module or filter according to SmartPlant

    Explorer actions. Under Connection, type a value that shows where a favorite points to. Under Class, type a value that shows the tree hierarchy level that a favorite belongs to. From the Users list, select a user's group level assigned to a favorite. Under Favorite Page Name, type a name according to which you want to filter the

    display. 4. Right-click a favorite page name or click the row select buttons and then on the shortcut menu

    click one of the following commands: Open opens the selected favorite page (you must have appropriate access rights to

    open a page) Delete deletes the selected favorite Favorite Properties allows you to view the properties of a favorite Rename renames the favorite page Save as IE Favorite saves the selected favorite as an Internet Explorer favorite

    You can use the Tab key to apply the filter you entered under Connection, Class, and

    Favorite Page Name. You can select multiple rows by holding down Ctrl or Shift keys and clicking the rows.

  • SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide 41

    S E C T I O N 5

    Actions are calls to other web applications that pass data gathered by SmartPlant Explorer to the other applications. The receiving application must support Universal Resource Locator (URL) calls. You can define new Actions by right-clicking the plant item you want to assign an Action to and clicking Action > New on the command menu. To run an action, right-click the plant item, and then select the Action to run from the menu.

    You must have Administrative access to create, modify, or delete external page type actions.

    URL Tab Specifies the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of an external application that you want to call and where you want the external application to appear.

    You must have SmartPlant Explorer Administrator permissions to define URL settings. URL of External Page to Call Type the URL to the external application page that you want to call. Refer to the external application documentation for the correct URL address. If calling another SmartPlant Explorer module, you can use relative paths to files under the SP Explorer hierarchy (for example, ..\applications\speintools\intermodule.asp). Open in - Specifies where the external web page appears. The Main Frame of SPEx The external application appears in the main frame of

    SmartPlant Explorer. The main frame is to the right of the tree view where reports appear. Using this option, you can still access the tree view and main toolbar of SmartPlant Explorer.

    The Current Internet Explorer Window The external application replaces SmartPlant Explorer in the active Internet Explorer window. Using this option, you must click Back to return to SmartPlant Explorer.

    A New, Independent Window The external application appears in a new Internet Explorer window with all of the Internet Explorer toolbars you current have displayed. Using this option, you have full access to both SmartPlant Explorer and the external application.

    A New, Independent Window with only a Title Bar The external application appears in a new Internet Explorer window without any toolbars. Using this option, you have full access to SmartPlant Explorer.

    A Hidden Window The external application runs in a hidden Internet Explorer window. Use this option when you need to complete an action, like displaying a dialog box in the external application, but you do not need to see anything in the web page that starts the process.

    Preview - Displays the URL and parameters as you have currently defined them.


  • Actions

    42 SmartPlant Explorer User's Guide

    Parameters Tab Specifies constants and parameters that you need to pass to the external application. Refer to the external application documentation for a listing of available parameters and acceptable values.

    You must have SmartPlant Explorer Administrator access privileges to define parameter settings. Table/Parameter - Specifies whether you want to pass a database table or a parameter constant to the external application. To pass a parameter, select CONSTANT. Otherwise, select the database table from which you want to pass an attribute to the external application. Attribute/Parameter Value - Specifies the parameter value to pass or the database table attribute to pass depending on what you selected in the Table/Parameter box. Fo