Smart targets


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Page 1: Smart targets

Smart targets for solo performance.

S I want to be able to Play ‘what difference does it make by the smiths’,

1. Study Chord scale relationship from the what difference does it make tablature 2. Look at Tonal centres throughout the song. 3. Break the song down into sections 4. Practice slowly – one section at a time. 5. Shift patterns/scales to different keys to gain a greater understanding.

M How will we know when I’ve reached this goal.

1. Be able to play each section at 140bpm 2. Be able to play entire song at 140bpm 3. Be able to play each section at 150bpm 4. Be able to play entire song at 150bpm 5. Be able to play each section at correct tempo of 170bpm 6. Be able to play entire song at correct tempo of 170bpm.

A Achievable – How will I achieve this goal?

I will achieve my goal of playing what difference does it make by practicing section by section with a Metronome for a minimum of 30 minutes a day (7 days a week). Learn scales for improvisation (outro) in at least two positions.

R How relevant is this. This style of music is relevant to the style of my guitar playing. It will also help me improve my general musicianship by understanding the chord scale relationships. Learning new scales will enable me to achieve a greater understanding of my instrument and theoretical harmony.

T Committing time. This goal will take me one month of regular daily practice. My goal will be reached once I am able to play the song ‘what difference does it make’ fluently with no noticeable mistakes.