Small Biomass CHP - compact unit 40 kW electricity / 100 kW thermal power


Transcript of Small Biomass CHP - compact unit 40 kW electricity / 100 kW thermal power

Manufacturer of small-scale combined heat and power generation units. Electric production capacity 30 kW – 500kW modularly. Distributors in Europe, North America and Australia. References: -  3 x 30kW Oulu, Finland, 2009-2011 -  40 kW Nurmes, Finland, 2012 -  30 kW Ilomantsi, Finland, 2013 -  40 kW, Alpua, Finland, 2013 -  70 kW, Stamford, England, 2013 -  40 kW, Oulu, Finland 2014 -  40 kW, Timmins, Ontario, Kanada, 2014 -  30kW, Leeds, England, 2014 -  80 kW, Sydney, Australia, 2014 -  80 kW, Grasheide, Belgium, in progress

Fuel  in  

Gas  cooling  and  heat  recovery  

Gas  filtering  

Gas  cooling  and  heat  recovery  

Gas  mixer  

Electricity  and  heat  from  gas  engine  

Ash  collec:on  

Volter  Outdoor  model  

Volter  Indoor  model  

Pictures by:

Understanding the fuel quality requirement is very important

Good quality fuel -> clean gas -> simple process



“I  have  done  gasifica:on  research  and  development  at  VTT  since  1981,  Volter´s  gasifier  is  the  first  ideal  working  downdraH  gasifier  that  I  have  come  across.  Congratula:ons!  

                     Esa  Kurkela,  Development  manager  at  VTT                        Gasifica:on  and  Gas  Cleaning  Technologies  

Model:        Volter  30  (40)    Fuel:          Wood  chips  (birch,  spruce,  pine,  aspen)  Fuel  moisture:      <18%  Par1cle  size:    8mm  ≤  P  ≤  50mm,  fine  par:cles  (<3,15mm)  <1%,  all  <63mm    Plant  structure:    Steel  frame  Color:      As  per  agreement    Fuel  supply:      Spring  agitator,  auger,  rota:ng  feeder  Gasmotor:      Agco  Sisu  Power  4,9L,  4-­‐cyl.  (8,4L,  6-­‐cyl.)  Output:      Generator  output  30kW  (40kW),  thermal  80kW  (100kW)  Plant  usage  (e):    ca.  1,5-­‐2,5kW  Fuel  consump1on:  ca.  3,5  m3  (4,5  m3)  of  chips/24h  at  100%  power  level  Automa1on:    Schneider  electric  PLC,  GSM  –alarms,  remote  internet  control  Connec1ons:    Electricity  cable,  Heat  channel,  water  line,  broadband,  GSM-­‐connec:on  Installa1on:    Asphalt  or  concrete  base  Ash  removal:    Automa:c  ash  removal  Maint.  interval:    once  a  week  Other:        

Fuel drying

-Example of dryer equipmet delivered by Lauber

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