Slideshare For Business Crash Course


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In this document you will learn the basic information about Slideshare, so that you can discover exactly what Slideshare is and how you can harness the power of this massive network to grow your business. You will have access to easy to understand information that will show you how and why you should consider using Slideshare as part of your business strategy.

Transcript of Slideshare For Business Crash Course

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Slideshare For Business5 Day Crash Course


Juan G

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Chapter 1 - Slideshare for Business Crash Course

Welcome to the first Chapter in the Slideshare for Business Crash Course. In this report you will receive valuable information that will help you learn how to use Slideshare to grow your business.

In this Chapter, we are going to talk a little about what Slideshare is, how it works and how you can use it to gain more exposure for your business.

Just in case you aren’t familiar with Slideshare, it is one of the largest communities online andis used for sharing presentations with the world. Currently it receives more than 60 million visitors every month with a whopping 130 million pages viewed. It is currently ranked as No. 122 among websites most visited in the world. There have been over 10 million presentation loaded to Slideshare.

Even though Slideshare is designed to allow you to share your presentations with millions of consumers across the globe, it also gives you the ability to share other types of documents, including PDF files, videos, webinars and more. However, many business owners don’t know it exists or they overlook it because they don’t realize what a valuable resource it can be, when used properly.

Getting started with Slideshare is extremely easy and completely free. All you have to do is visit and create an account. You can also login with your Facebook or LinkedIn account to make this process even easier.

They also have a Pro version available, which adds a few more bells and whistles to your account, but we will talk more about that in another chapter. When you're just getting started using this powerful platform a free account will work just fine.

What makes Slideshare even better is you are not limited to sharing your content strictly on their network. You can also embed your presentations on your blog and other social networkslike LinkedIn, Facebook Twitter etc.

Another thing that makes this such a powerful tool for your business is that your presentationshave the potential to spread virally, because not only can you share your content other members of this massive network can share it as well, which makes it an excellent way to get your message across to a wide an eager audience.

Homework: Go sign up for your Slideshare account and spend some time looking around the site, viewing some of the presentations uploaded by other members.

You'll also want to spend some time customizing your profile. Once you're logged in, you'll find a link to your account settings under the person icon in the upper right hand of the page. It's important to add a good photo and your business contact information, so you can begin

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branding your business on Slideshare.

I would also like you to look at this quick presentation. It shows you some of the great benefitsof using Slideshare:

That's it for this chapter. We have a lot to go over in the next few chapters if you want to learn how to use Slideshare to grow your business, so make sure you review the next chapters soon. We will be talking more about setting up your account how to get started sharing your content on Slideshare.

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Chapter 2 - Slideshare for Business Crash Course

It’s time for your second Chapter in the Slideshare for Business Crash Course. I hope youfound Chapter 1 informative and have had some time to set up your Slideshare account, workon your profile and explore some of the presentations available, including the one I recommended in Chapter 1.

In this Chapter, we are going to talk more about setting up your account, customizing your profile and sharing your presentations with the world.

As we discussed in Chapter 1, Slideshare is a massive social network not unlike Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube, so when it comes to setting up a solid profile the process is very straightforward.

If you haven't already done so, you'll want to take some time to go through each step under the account settings tab and make sure that you are providing plenty of information about your business. Many business owners overlook this step and don't spend enough time optimizing their profile. This is a big mistake and one you should avoid. By taking the time to set up a good profile not only will you make it easier for people (your target audience) to find, follow and share your presentations, it will also help with search engine optimization, which we will discuss later on in this course.

Once you have completed your profile, it's time to start sharing your presentations. If you don't have any prepared don't worry they're very simple to create with software like PowerPoint, Open Office or Keynote if you're a Mac user.

Of course, you don't just want to throw up anything. You want to make sure that the content you're uploading to Slideshare is helpful, informative and engaging to your target audience.

A good place to start is with content you have already created. For instance, you can convert articles, blog posts or even a collection of helpful tweets into a presentation. You can also include clickable links inside your presentations so that you can direct your viewers to your business and increase traffic to your website.

Here is a quick tutorial that will show you how:

Here is a blog post with even more details:

To enhance your presentation even more you can and should include attention grabbing images, some text, music and narration. You can even add video clips. This will give it a moreprofessional feel and make it more enjoyable and engaging for viewers.

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TIP: Of these three, the images are the most important, because people expect presentationsto be visually appealing and if you upload slides that include nothing but text your viewers will click away before the reach the end of your presentation.

After your presentation is complete it’s time to upload it to Slideshare. To do this log in to youraccount and click upload. From there you will have the option to upload files from your computer or from your Dropbox account.

When adding your presentations it’s important to make sure to adhere to the terms and conditions of the website to avoid getting your account removed or worse. You also want to make sure that you provide a catchy title, a good description, choose an appropriate category and include related tags. You can also choose whether you want it to be public or private.

After you are done uploading you can manage your slides by clicking on the “My Uploads” linkunder your profile tap in the upper right hand corner of the page.

Homework: Here are two things I want you to do before your next Chapter.

1. Spend some more time working on your profile so that it provide plenty of information aboutyour business.

2. Create and upload a brief presentation about yourself or your business, so that you can geta good feel for how the platform works.

That's it for this Chapter. In the next Chapter, we will be talking about search engine optimization (SEO) and social marketing with Slideshare.

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Chapter 3 - Slideshare for Business Crash Course

This is Chapter 3 in the Slideshare for Business Crash Course. I hope you found Chapter 2 informative and have tweaked your profile and uploaded your first presentation to Slideshare.

Today we are going to talk about some of the benefits of using Slideshare to market your business and the importance of using good SEO in your descriptions and your presentations.

With social marketing becoming increasingly popular, it’s even more important for business owners to stay current with all of the ways potential customers are searching for information. Slideshare is one of those ways and it can be an extremely important part of your marketing strategy when used correctly.

When you first visit the Slideshare homepage, you are instantly presented with the top and featured presentations of the day. Your goal as a business owner should be to get your presentations listed there.

To make this happen it is important to create and upload content that is both visually and mentally stimulating to viewers. This is especially true when you are trying to promote your products and services on this particular platform, because when most people think slide showthey think ‘BORING’ and it’s your job to prove them wrong.

Here are some quick tips for creating powerful presentations of your own:

- Keep your presentations short, sweet and to the point. A good rule of thumb is to use no fewer than 10 and no more than 50 slides, unless you have a really good reason.

- Keep it entertaining, by including unexpected visuals, sound and humor when appropriate.

- 15 words or less! When adding text to your slides less almost always better. If you can't summarize what you have to say in 15 words or less try breaking it up into additional slides.

- Keep your text to a minimum and your fonts big. A 30-point font works great for most presentations, because it's easy to read.

- Consistent design counts. Just because you can add special effects and cool clipart to your slides doesn't mean you should. It's important to use visuals to enhance the message you're trying to convey rather than just to decorate an empty slide.

I mentioned in your last Chapter, using good keywords (SEO) in your titles, descriptions and within presentations is extremely important, because not only does it help people find your content it’s also because Slideshare transcribes your presentations, which means search engines like Google will index them.

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Here a few quick guidelines that will help ensure they’re listed properly:

- The title of your presentation is important because it is the first thing that people see and it shows up as the clickable link in the search engine results. So be sure to be as descriptive as possible and include relevant keywords.

- The description of your presentation should be around 150 – 350 words, content rich and include good keywords for optimum results.

- The tags for your presentation should be chosen carefully, because they will most likely be what people type into the search field. You can add up to 20 tags, so try to think about use allof the ways and keywords that people might use when searching for the information you are presenting.

- The category you add your presentation to is important as well. Choosing the right category helps ensure that your audience finds your presentation.

Another thing to keep in mind is that uploading content to Slideshare allows you to take advantage of their domain authority, so a well-crafted and SEO friendly presentation can help increase the search engine rankings for your business website as well.

Homework: Before the Chapter, I would like you to send some time optimizing the presentation you created for the search engines. Make sure that you include a catchy, keyword focused title and description. You can do free research with the Google keyword toolbox:

That's it for this Chapter. In your next Chapter, we will be talking about some simple tips and techniques that you can use to improve the results you receive from Slideshare.

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Chapter 4 - Slideshare for Business Crash Course

Welcome the fourth Chapter in the Slideshare for Business Crash Course. Well, we are winding down to the end of this short course. However, there’re a few things we need to cover, so you can take full advantage of everything that Slideshare has to offer.

That's why in this Chapter were going to go over some simple tips and techniques that you can use to help improve your overall results.

First, choose your topic wisely and do your research. When you take the time to plan your presentation, it will make the creation process much easier. When choosing a topic always keep your audience in mind.

Ask yourself:

- What they are their interests?- What problems do they have?- How can you help solve those problems?

When you stay focused on creating presentations that are relevant and hold value for your target audience, you will naturally gain more followers and attention for your business.

Here is a nice presentation that talks about using your content to get results:

Just like on other social media sites, growing a community of followers is extremely important to your success on Slideshare. When someone follows you, your updates will automatically show up in their newsfeed every time you upload a new presentation, giving them new opportunity to like, comment or share your content.

They will also be notified when you make or reply to a comment, which helps spread your reach even further. It also helps encourage social engagement. One of the best ways to grow your list of followers is by following and commenting on popular presentations related to your topic.

A good way to do this is to visit the home page and browse through the top and featured presentations of the day. Look for presentations that have a lot of views and click through to see if it is being commented on by other members. If it is be sure to join the conversation, like and follow the publisher.

Use your title slide like a headline. Just like any other type of content creation your presentations have to grab the attention of prospective viewer's. So it is extremely important

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that your first slide is well-designed, easy to read and very descriptive. Make sure that it emphasizes your topic and entices people to want to see more.

Create a marketing strategy for your presentations. Just like promoting products and services your content needs a solid marketing strategy, so that you can increase its popularity.

Ask yourself:

- Who are you going to market to?- How are you going to stand out from the crowd?- What features and benefits do you provide? - What message are you going to use to reach your target audience?- What channels will you share your presentation on?

If you have an effective marketing strategy in place before you upload your content it will help increase its exposure. It will also help increase the amount of likes, follows and shares it receives, as well as increasing the possibility of being listed as a featured or top presentation of the day.

Share your presentations across multiple channels. Slideshare actually makes this very easy by integrating social sharing tools and giving you the ability to connect your account with your LinkedIn and Facebook profiles. You should also imbed your presentations on your website, blog and on social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Google + etc.

Remember a picture is worth a thousand words and this is especially true when it comes to marketing your business on Slideshare. Did you know that the human brain absorbs pictures much better and faster than words? That’s why, when creating a presentation that attracts attention, it’s important to use images instead of words as much as possible.

Add a Slideshare badge to your website. You’ve spent a lot of time creating a killers presentation and the end goal is to get as many people as possible to view, like and share it as possible. Just like other social media site, Slideshare provides you will multiple ways that you can encourage viewers to share your content including badges, widgets and playlists.

You will find a complete list with instructions here:

Homework: Brainstorm some topic ideas, do research on them and create a list of five presentations that will appeal to your target audience. This will give you a plan to follow and help you devise a marketing strategy for your content. You should also take some time to adda badge to your website and a widget to your blog.

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Chapter 5 - Slideshare for Business Crash Course

Well, we have come to the final Chapter in the Slideshare for Business Crash Course. I sure hope you have enjoyed your training and learned a lot about using Slideshare to market and grow your business.

Today we are going to jump right in and talk about the benefits of upgrading to a pro accountsand how you can use Slideshare to generate new leads for your business.

As we well know, Slideshare is a powerful platform that gives you opportunity to share presentations with the world. It also allows you to position yourself as an expert in your marketplace, by providing relative, helpful and informative content to consumers.

As your popularity on Slideshare grows, you may discover that you've outgrown your free account and it's time to upgrade to Pro. When it comes to upgrading, there are three options available: silver, gold and platinum. Each one comes with added benefits, so you can easily increase your Slideshare presence as your business grows.

As expected a Pro account includes more bells and whistles than your basic free account, including:

- The ability to upload larger files- Private and password protected presentations- Longer, more professional videos- Host meetings- Track multiple presentations- More in-depth analytics - More control over your content and comments- The ability to capture leads from within the platform- Branding options that allow you to customize your profile- The ability to remove third-party ads

Find out more about the cost and features here:

When it comes to generating leads with Slideshare there are a few things you should keep in mind.

The first thing is, you don't have to have a Pro account to generate traffic and gather leads, but you do have to work a little harder at convincing viewers to hand over their contact information.

Here are a few thing you can do:

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- Always, include a call to action in your presentation. Tell viewers exactly what they should do after they finish watching your presentation. For instance, you can tell them to share, like or get more information in the description box.

- Always, include an easy to recognize link to your sign up form or squeeze page in your presentation, for instance

- Include a link in description as well. It may not be clickable, but it will give viewers a way to find you.

- Offer an incentive in your presentation and description. Give them a good reason to visit your website. If you give them a good reason, they will be more than happy to type or copy and paste your URL into their browser.

- Encourage viewers to post and subscribe to your comments. This way you will have more opportunities to connect with them and get their contact information.

If you do decide to upgrade to a Pro account, Slideshare makes the lead capture process even easier, by letting you turn on LeadShare, from within your account.

LeadShare is Slideshare's own service and it allows you to collect leads through your presentations. The amount of leads that you receive every month depends on your account level. Silver accounts get 30, Gold 75 and Platinum receive unlimited leads per month.

Once you upgrade you will have access to the Pro dashboard where you can turn on and manage the “Get In Touch” feature. When it’s turned on, you will be able to set up customizedlead forms and collect first and last names, email addresses, phone numbers, a company name and comment.

You can segment leads by location, run multiple campaigns you’re your presentations, videosand documents. You will also be able to survey your viewers with custom questions.

Here is a quick presentation that explains it further:

You should also be aware that your campaigns automatically stop once you have collected your allotted amount of leads for the month. It will turn back on as soon as your next payment is processed and your existing leads will carry over to the next month, so you don’t have to worry about losing access to them.

The bottom line is Slideshare is an extremely effective tool for promoting and growing your business. Once you learn how to present your content in a visually appealing way that attractsyour target audience there is no limit to how far your business can reach.

As we close this final Chapter, I would like to thank you again for joining me for this short course and I sincerely hope that you have learned a lot about how to use Slideshare to your advantage!

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I wish you the best of luck and even though the course has come to an end I want you to know you can still feel free to contact me if you have any questions about how to use Slideshare effectively.

Until then,Juan G Ledo

[email protected]

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The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete aspossible in the creation of this course, notwithstanding thefact that he does not warrant or represent at any time thatthe contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changingnature of the Internet.

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