Slideshare as aa English teaching tool

Slideshare as an English teaching tool Roberto Cabrera Cod: 1083912698 GROUP: 551021_10 TUTOR Ricardo Hernández NATIONAL OPEN AND DISTANCE UNIVERSITY UNAD CEAD PITALITO - HUILA MATERIALS DESIGN FOR VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTS MARCH 2016

Transcript of Slideshare as aa English teaching tool

Page 1: Slideshare as aa English teaching tool

Slideshare as an English teaching



Roberto Cabrera Cod: 1083912698



TUTORRicardo Hernández 




Page 2: Slideshare as aa English teaching tool


Slideshare is a tool that was officially presented to the world in 2006 like a web page similar to YouTube, in

which a person can share information in form of power point presentations, PDF or Word documents and also

some videos and audios.

these materials can published in a public format and in this way all the world can access this important

information, you can also create a collection in which include all the presentation about a same topics or a continuous learning process. The presentation can

contain also links for further the topics and do some practice.

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And additional option recently added is the Zipcasts thanks it, the presenter can talk at the time in a person is seen the presentation and

also the communication between them through the chat option, the only problem with this last option is that the presenter can not control the

presentation flow.

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Slideshare for teaching

Through this tool I can present an amount of knowledge and information categorized and organized in order to develop the

process in an ascending way.In this I am going to present some topics with its explanation, some examples and exercises obviously with a good graphics, audios and videos that become this space in a better learning


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For achieve that the person keep in the process is necessary use some other link that related some other pages, videos or audios which help

to enhance the process. The chats can help to solve the personal doubts.

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For last is importance recognize the technology role at new world, a world in which all thing are relations and technified thanks to the internet and all

other web tools. The Slideshare application is a way to be closer of this new culture and try to give person the information they need through a new and attractive form, and

it is using the internet and the interaction this provides.It is another chance to enhance the education and take an advantage of the

systematization that is involving us.

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For last, I want to invite you to visit the next link and you will decide if you want take a risk for get some thing in your life.

Think about it! Thanks for watching!