Skenario a 21 Kelompok 1

Skenario A Blok 21 tahun 2013 A 66-year old woman comes to MH hospital because she has suffered frompain on the right knee since four years ago. She also complains of stiffness for approximately 15 minutes when she awakes in the morning, and in the afternoon her pain worsens. Walking up the stairs in her house, however, causes a good deal of pain, which is not relieved by ibuprofen (600 mg three ties daily) or by acetaminophen (1000 mg three times daily). Knee radiographs done six weeks ago show osteophyte and severe narrowed space Physical examination Body weight: 70 kg, height: 150 cm, there is coarse crepitus with flexion/extension of the right knee. Both knees are in slight varus angulation (bow – legged). On palpation there is tenderness along the joint margins of both knees and exquisite tenderness to digital pressure at the medical upper tibia on the right Klarifikasi Istilah 1. Stiffness : kekakuan 2. Pain : Perasaan tidak nyaman, menderita / nyeri disebabkan oleh rangsangan pada ujung – ujung syaraf tertentu 3. Ibuprofen : obat anti inflamasi non steroid yang digunakan pada penyakit demam, nyeri, dismenore, osteoartitis, artitis rematoid, kelainan peradangan rematik dan non rematik lainnya, serta nyeri kepala vaskular 4. Acetaminophen: analgesik dan antipiretik yang mempunyai efek serupa dengan aspirin, tetapi hanya sedikit memiliki efek antiinflamasi 5. Osteophyte : Tonjolan tulang atau pertumbuhan berlebihan pada tulang


Skenario a 21 Kelompok 1

Transcript of Skenario a 21 Kelompok 1

Page 1: Skenario a 21 Kelompok 1

Skenario A Blok 21 tahun 2013 A 66-year old woman comes to MH hospital because she has suffered frompain on the right knee since four years ago. She also complains of stiffness for approximately 15 minutes when she awakes in the morning, and in the afternoon her pain worsens. Walking up the stairs in her house, however, causes a good deal of pain, which is not relieved by ibuprofen (600 mg three ties daily) or by acetaminophen (1000 mg three times daily). Knee radiographs done six weeks ago show osteophyte and severe narrowed space

Physical examinationBody weight: 70 kg, height: 150 cm, there is coarse crepitus with flexion/extension of the right knee. Both knees are in slight varus angulation (bow – legged). On palpation there is tenderness along the joint margins of both knees and exquisite tenderness to digital pressure at the medical upper tibia on the right

Klarifikasi Istilah1. Stiffness : kekakuan

2. Pain : Perasaan tidak nyaman, menderita / nyeri disebabkan oleh rangsangan pada ujung – ujung syaraf tertentu

3. Ibuprofen : obat anti inflamasi non steroid yang digunakan pada penyakit demam, nyeri, dismenore, osteoartitis, artitis rematoid, kelainan peradangan rematik dan non rematik lainnya, serta nyeri kepala vaskular

4. Acetaminophen: analgesik dan antipiretik yang mempunyai efek serupa dengan aspirin, tetapi hanya sedikit memiliki efek antiinflamasi

5. Osteophyte : Tonjolan tulang atau pertumbuhan berlebihan pada tulang

6. Crepitus : suara berderak seperti bila kita menggesekkan ujung – ujung tulang yang patah

7. Varus angulation : Melengkung ke dalam ; menunjukkan deformitas dengan sudut bagian tersebut mendekati garis tengah badan seperti talipes varus

8. Flexion : Tindakan membengkokkan atau keadaan dibengkokkan

9. extension : Gerakan yang mengakibatkan dua ujung tiap bagian yang membentuk sendi saling menjauh

Identifikasi Masalah1. A 66-year old woman comes to MH hospital because she has suffered from pain

on the right knee since four years ago

Page 2: Skenario a 21 Kelompok 1

2. She also complains of stiffness for approximately 15 minutes when she awakes in the morning, and in the afternoon her pain worsens

3. Walking up the stairs in her house, however, causes a good deal of pain, which is not relieved by ibuprofen (600 mg three ties daily) or by acetaminophen (1000 mg three times daily)

4. Knee radiographs done six weeks ago show osteophyte and severe narrowed space

5. Physical examinationBody weight: 70 kg, height: 150 cm, there is coarse crepitus with flexion/extension of the right knee. Both knees are in slight varus angulation (bow – legged). On palpation there is tenderness along the joint margins of both knees and exquisite tenderness to digital pressure at the medical upper tibia on the right

Analisis Masalah

1. A 66-year old woman comes to MH hospital because she has suffered from pain on the right knee since four years ago

a. Bagaimana anatomi lutut? (1)b. Bagaimana kaitan antara usia dan jenis kelamin dengan keluhan utama?

(2)c. Apa etiologi dan mekanisme nyeri pada lutut? (3)

2. She also complains of stiffness for approximately 15 minutes when she awakes in the morning, and in the afternoon her pain worsens

a. Mengapa kekakuan timbul pada pagi hari dan sakit menjadi lebih berat saat siang hari ? (4)

b. Apa hubungan antara nyeri dan kekakuan pada kasus? (5)

3. Walking up the stairs in her house, however, causes a good deal of pain, which is not relieved by ibuprofen (600 mg three ties daily) or by acetaminophen (1000 mg three times daily)

a. Mengapa nyeri semakin berat saat beraktivitas? (6)b. Mengapa pemberian ibuprofen dan acetaminophen tidak mengurangi nyeri

pada kasus? (7)c. Bagaimana Farmakokinetik dan Farmakodinamik dari ibuprofen (8)d. Bagaimana Farmakokinetik dan Farmakodinamik dari acetaminophen (9)

4. Knee radiographs done six weeks ago show osteophyte and severe narrowed joint space

a. Bagaimana interpretasi dan mekanisme terbentuknya osteophyte (10)b. Bagaimana interpretasi dan mekanisme terbentuknya severe narrowed

joint space (11)c. Apa dampak osteophyte dan narrowed joint space pada kasus? (12)

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5. Physical examinationBody weight: 70 kg, height: 150 cm, there is coarse crepitus with flexion/extension of the right knee. Both knees are in slight varus angulation (bow – legged). On palpation there is tenderness along the joint margins of both knees and exquisite tenderness to digital pressure at the medial upper tibia on the right

a. Bagaimana interpretasi dari pemeriksaan fisik? (13)b. Bagaimana hubungan berat badan dengan kasus? (14)c. Bagaimana mekanisme terjadinya coarse crepitus saat fleksi / ekstensi?

(15) d. Bagaimana mekanisme terjadinya slight varus angulation dan

hubungannya dengan kasus? (16)e. Bagaiamana mekanisme terjadinya ’tenderness’ pada penekanan di atas

tibia kanan? (17)

6. Apa diagnosis banding pada kasus? (18)7. Bagaimana cara menegakkan diagnosis pada kasus? (19)8. Apa diagnosis kerja pada kasus? (20)9. Apa pemeriksaan penunjang yang dibutuhkan pada kasus? (21)10. Bagaimana epidemiologi pada kasus? (22)11. Apa faktor resiko pada kasus? (23)12. Bagaimana patogenesis pada kasus? (24)13. Bagaimana tatalaksana pada kasus (farmakologi dan nonfarmakologi)? (25)14. Apa komplikasi pada kasus? (26)15. Bagaimana upaya preventif pada kasus? (27)16. Bagaimana prognosis pada kasus? (28)17. Bagaimana SKDI pada kasus? (29)

Hipótesis:Seorang wanita 66 tahun dengan keluhan nyeri pada lutut kanan sejak 4 tahun

yang lalu menderita osteoathritis.

LI:1. Anatomi lutut2. Osteoarthritis3. NSAID 4. Gambaran Radiologi Pada OA

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No Nama 1 Ikbal 1 13 25 8 20 4 LI 12 Satria 2 14 26 9 21 5 LI 2 3 Chynta 3 15 27 10 22 7 LI 34 Anna 4 16 28 11 23 8 LI 45 Gina 5 17 29 12 24 9 LI 16 Ferina 6 18 1 13 25 12 LI2 7 Kristian 7 19 2 14 26 24 LI38 Aiman 8 20 3 15 27 14 LI49 Siva 9 21 4 16 28 15 LI110 Gunna 10 22 5 17 29 16 LI211 Eba 11 23 6 18 1 17 LI312 Keidya 12 24 7 19 3 25 LI4