Site Architecture for Advanced SEO: Images

Site Architecture for the Advanced SEO: Imagery Brian Ussery Director of SEO Technology @beussery


The latest web search engine image optimization and site architecture techniques for Google, Bing and Yahoo all from SMX Advanced 2010.

Transcript of Site Architecture for Advanced SEO: Images

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Site Architecture for the Advanced SEO: Imagery

Brian Ussery Director of SEO Technology


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-Images make good results-Image SERPs comparison-Variation in image SERPs-User behavior

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[how to tie a tie]

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User Intent

Directions for tying a necktie

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Text Result

“Start with the wide end of your necktie on the right, extending about 12 inches below the narrow end on the left. Then cross the wide end over the narrow end. Bring the wide end up through the loop between the collar and your tie. Then bring the wide end back down. Pull the wide end underneath the narrow end and to the right, back through the loop and to the right again so that the wide end is inside out. Bring the wide end across the front from right to left. Then pull the wide end up through the loop again. Bring the wide end down through the knot in front. And -- using both hands -- tighten the knot carefully and draw it up to the collar.”


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Image Result

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Sometimes images are the best answer.

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Bing SERPs

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Yahoo SERPs

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Google Universal SERPs

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Google SERPs

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[bp oil]

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Understand enginesEngines try to align photo SERPs with instances where imagery appears to match user intent to enhance the user experience.

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Big Bird SERP

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Big Bird small screen

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Big Bird smaller screen

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Big Bird smallest screen

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Other Image Sources

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Understand usersBecause they can do so quickly, image searchers are unique in that they tend to view a number of images.

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Google SERPs Eye Tracking


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Google Image SERP Eye Tracking


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Understand image search

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Image SERP Landing Page

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Image Search

How Image Search Works:

-(X)HTML Downloaded by Googlebot-Page Parsed-Discovered (href or inline)-Crawled -Classified (photo, face, b&w, adult) -Indexed -Duplicates identified (similar images treated as one (canonical)) -Ranking based on multiple signals

Notes:1.Include images in XML Sitemap2.Remove images via Googlebot-Image disallow in robots.txt.

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Engine Image Analysis

Content signals:color, facial recognition, texture, layout

Attribute signals:filename, ALT

Textual signals:headings, text, captions

Quality signals:image (pixels & resolution), host (hotlink) & domain where image appears, license

XML Sitemap:Google Webmaster Central

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Everyone likes images

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Architecture: Image Placement

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Architecture: Image Proximity

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Architecture: Context

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Architecture: Context

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Architecture: Image Accessibility Flash

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Architecture: Image Accessibility JS

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Architecture: Image Dimensions

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Architecture: Image Format

Format:- JPEG photos (strip meta when appropriate)- PNG for graphics- GIFs for small and animated images

31k gif 13k png 68k jpg

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Architecture: Image Maps Sprite

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Architecture: Image Rights / RDFa

<a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a><br /><span xmlns:dc="" href="" property="dc:title" rel="dc:type">Sample Title</span> by <a xmlns:cc="" href="Sample URL" property="cc:attributionName" rel="cc:attributionURL">Sample Work</a> is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License</a>.<br />Based on a work at <a xmlns:dc="" href="Sample Source" rel="dc:source">Sample Source</a>.<br />Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at <a xmlns:cc="" href="Sample permissions" rel="cc:morePermissions">Sample permissions</a>.

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Architecture: meta

Provide as much information as possible. -EXIF-Tags-Geo-PICS

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Architecture: EXIF

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Architecture: Fake EXIF

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Architecture: Image Directory

Your Domain:


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Google Webmaster Central

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Back to the tie example

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Text with multiple Images

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Text with one Image

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1. Place images near relevant text, high up in pages and above the fold when possible.2. Implement standalone image pages with descriptive TITLEs, meta, captions, paragraphs &

headings.3. Provide engines with as much information as possible about your images without spamming

(EXIF, Geo, Tags, PICS).4. License with Creative Commons Licensing when specifying usage rights.5. Use quality photos, quality matters!6. Direct correlation between image size and speed.7. Use a directory structure that also helps describe photo content.8. Specify width and height for images in (X)HTML.9. Don’t scale images.10. Consider Sprites11. Use the appropriate optimized image format.12. Determine image quantity. 13. Think about words users use when searching and how they interact with image search.14. Don’t block quality images with JavaScript.15. Remove white space in images.16. Google Webmaster Central XML Sitemap & Images

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Thank you!@beussery