Single family home rental trend benefits property managers

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Single Family Home Rental Trend Benefits Property Managers

Low mortgage rates arent enough to tempt some young people to buy a home. Instead, theyre opting to rent one.

News in Memphis

Even with mortgage rates low, we are seeing more demand for rentals from the 23 to 35 age group than any other group.

Why the trend?

Young people prefer to rent a home instead of buying one is that they want to live in an area first.

Some experts are citing high student loan debt, while others point to macroeconomic uncertainties.

In many areas of the country, investors are buying and rehabbing single-family homes that they turn around and rent out in order to meet the surging demand.

However, this market largely comprises the management of multifamily apartment buildings, rather than single-family homes; as such, these operators will shift slightly toward managing groups of homes.

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