Shoulder Rehap

Rotator cuff: Rear Delt Fly’s Shoulder Dislocation Stretch: Face Pulls:


Shoulder Rehap

Transcript of Shoulder Rehap

Page 1: Shoulder Rehap

Rotator cuff:

Rear Delt Fly’s

Shoulder Dislocation Stretch:

Face Pulls:

Page 2: Shoulder Rehap

DO external roatations, knee on bench, elbow pressed in to knee with dumbell

When Rowing (Bent over Rows):

Always pull the shoulder blades back and together, do NOT let the scapula and traps roll up. Pull directly back without any roll.

Likewise when pulling up, do not roll at the top of the movement


- If you want to put military back in I could use push press instead- Instead of lateral raises do “Scaption” the same but at 45o and thumbs up (open can)- Overhead shrugs? Are they needed if I do push press probably not

Try Cuban presses, it is a stability exercise

Lateral raises - shoulder impingement is generally caused when the arm is fully extended. By slightly bending the arm you take tension of the rotator cuff and can reduce the risk of injury. Also find that cable lateral raises removes any issues with regards to this and is more effective in targeting the specific area. 

DB Presses - injury is usually caused when they utilise poor form. I do full rom and have never experienced injuries, yet have seen alot more people injure themselves by doing half rom, etc.

Lat Pull down - If your utilising proper form and not locking out at the top then you should be fine. People tend to go full rom and lock there arms at the top which can pull and place tension on the shoulder. Stopping just short of the top is the best way to avoid it. Again, by doing this I have not injured myself

Pull-Ups - I have injured my rotator through this and it was purely because of jumping up and grabbing the bar. Best to have a step to stand on to reach it and not to release tension off your back and onto your shoulders when doing the negative portion of the lift. 

 Shoulder press, lat pulldowns etc are fine if you clear the acromium, IE at the top of the movement your shoulders are above your elbows

 We recommend doing LIGHT work that many times to help scar tissue lay down with the muscle fibers, not against.

Page 3: Shoulder Rehap

Hip Flexor Stretch