Shortcut to read your horoscope.docx

The houses- what do they read As said in the preface, the sky is circular and surrounding the earth. From one horizon to other horizon it makes half circle. Considering one rotation of the earth around the sun within 365 days the circle is divided into 360 equal parts, known as degree. Thus the distance from one horizon to the opposite one is 180 degrees. The sky above us as well the sky above the opposite half of the earth makes 360 degrees thus. The sky is further divided into 12 equal houses each of 30 degrees. Starting from east horizon to the west the houses are numbered as 1 to 6. And then starts the opposite half of the earth where from the west to east the houses are numbered as 7 to 12. Each house is significant for specific segment if ones life or self. House One:::: This is the area of 0 to 30 degree of sky from the east horizon. The first house in the horoscope indicates ones personality, shape of the body and health, temperament, behavior, character, life span, fame, head and forehead etc. The house is known as the house of self in Sanskrit language. Second House:::: This house is known as the house of wealth also. This indicates the wealth position, hereditary wealth, family, speech and oratory, right eye, face, teeth, throat, nose, likings and efforts to earn money. Third House:::: The name of this house is house of efforts. Regarding efforts, adventures, inner energy, brothers – sisters, right ear, shoulders, arms, intellect, voice, travels, art of writing, mystic science etc. can be read through this house.


Shortcut to read your horoscope

Transcript of Shortcut to read your horoscope.docx

The houses- what do they read

As said in the preface, the sky is circular and surrounding the earth. From one horizon to other horizon it makes half circle. Considering one rotation of the earth around the sun within 365 days the circle is divided into 360 equal parts, known as degree. Thus the distance from one horizon to the opposite one is 180 degrees. The sky above us as well the sky above the opposite half of the earth makes 360 degrees thus. The sky is further divided into 12 equal houses each of 30 degrees. Starting from east horizon to the west the houses are numbered as 1 to 6. And then starts the opposite half of the earth where from the west to east the houses are numbered as 7 to 12.

Each house is significant for specific segment if ones life or self.

House One:::: This is the area of 0 to 30 degree of sky from the east horizon. The first house in the horoscope indicates ones personality, shape of the body and health, temperament, behavior, character, life span, fame, head and forehead etc. The house is known as the house of self in Sanskrit language.

Second House:::: This house is known as the house of wealth also. This indicates the wealth position, hereditary wealth, family, speech and oratory, right eye, face, teeth, throat, nose, likings and efforts to earn money.

Third House:::: The name of this house is house of efforts. Regarding efforts, adventures, inner energy, brothers sisters, right ear, shoulders, arms, intellect, voice, travels, art of writing, mystic science etc. can be read through this house.

Fourth House:::: The house of happiness. Happiness as well mothers family, luxury, education, vehicles, estates, hidden property, mind, breast, chest, heart, spouses profession, in-laws, etc. are read through studying this house.

Fifth House:::: is known as house of children, knowledge and love. Ones educational status can be judged/ predicted through this house. Similarly this house guides to select line of education, for position of children and their relation with the subject, love affairs and their success or failure, earning through race lottery gamble etc., spiritual status and worshipping, stomach, heart and character also are related to this house.

Sixth house:::: This is known as houses of enemy in Indian astrology. It indicates enemies, wounds, sickness, theft, debt, service, servants, weapon, navel, abdomen, small intestine, imprisonment etc.

Seventh House:::: House of spouse. It indicates all about ones spouse his/her looks, health, habits, character, behavior, sexual response etc. all. This house also read sexual life and sexuality, debauchery, etc. Similarly also indicates regarding ones business partner, rivals, battle field, proprietary business, foreign travels, adopted children, theft etc.

Eighth House:::: This house is house of death or we can say the house of life span. Ones life span, death, death time and death reason can be read through this house. It indicates worries, pain, sins, and enemies also. In body parts the condition of big intestine, uterus, and anus can be read through this house

Ninth House:::: This is house of luck. Luck, faith, travels, parents and fore fathers, Guru, higher education and science, and regarding nephews nieces may be studied through.

Tenth House:::: The House of profession. It indicates father and his role in the life of subject. This house reads profession, duties, rights, respect, fame, trade and travels. It also indicates power of chanting mantras, Vedic knowledge and science knowledge. In body, the kidneys are read through this house.

Eleventh House:::: also known as house of gains and benefits. Earnings, all sorts of gains, benefits, success, elder brothers sisters, neighbors, and son daughter in-laws and left ear may be read through this house.

Twelfth House:::: House of losses. This house shows losses, expenses, difficulties, fines, bad deeds, imprisonment, sadness, depression etc. Also indicates Debt, enemy, sexual happiness and sexuality. In body parts the left eye is read through this house.

What the houses speak is said above. But in each house there stands a zodiac and in up to nine houses a planate also. So to read the horoscope perfectly, we are to see the effect of each planate in all the different houses. Simultaneously we need to read the effect of each zodiac in each house and combination of both together. We should note that the reading of each zodiac in different houses and with different planate gives different reading. Let us see each planate in each house::-

Read planate in houses THE SUN IN DIFFERENT HOUSESThe sun::The sun is thekarakaof father, power, philosophy, efficiency, will power etc. In matter the planate rules gold, cereal, fire, medicines, poison, fuel etc. While in body parts the head, heart, bones, stomach, eyes, brain, throat, blood vessels, tissues etc.The sun rules east direction. By nature he is male and ruler. His zodiac is Leo. He is high (powerful) in Aries and down (weak) in Libra. The sun is a cruel planate. Stone is Ruby.In first house::Indicates impressive personality. Healthy, strong, intelligent, adventurous, fearless, full of self-respect, clever in debates, long living, socially clever, intolerant towards wrongs, out spoken and fond of dominate the people. Such people earn social respect and fame but their worldly comforts are less.In second house::the sun in second house indicates loss of wealth, theft, extravagancy and victimization. However such people are clever enough.In third house::Such people are intelligent independent, wealthy, confident, a big tourist, habitats in far land from his birth place and luxurious. In case if the sun accompanies sin-planate in this house then the subject will have to face insults, frequent failures, quarrels and lives an un stable life.In fourth house::belongs to good family, possibility of cardiac problems. If the sun rests in good company (i.e. in friendly zodiac or with friendly planate), have good sons and enough wealth. If under bad effect then the subject may be a debouch, full of vices and facing many psychological upsets. The sun with good effect in fourth house always is good for the families of parents.In fifth house::A nicely positioned sun in house makes the subject intelligent and master of the masters in his field. They receive respect, prestige and best reasoning; and possess extra ordinary intellect. Such people get success in agriculture profession. If related with Saturn, mars, north-node type bad planate then the subject will face problems of children and also problems during student life. However such people get much benefit out of business like gambling. They loose ancestors property.In sixth house::delay in marriage, posses angered nature, have ill natured spouse, the mistakes committed in secrete get exposed. If the bad planate like Saturn or north-node affects the fifth house sun, may result into sever difference of opinion between husbands wife, which may result in permanent separation. The sixth sun gives failure in love affair.In seventh house::If a female have the seventh sun, she gets prince of her dreams as her husband. If the male subject has such sun, the wife is very much intolerant towards the things she believes wrong. This may break the relations too.In eighth house::Such persons spend their lives in quarrels. They suffer through weapons. Can not tolerate what they believe wrong. Keep always isolated. If lord of the eighth house falls in first house and in eighth house sun of Leo falls, then the subject may live long to very long. Some times they get secrete property through their wives.In ninth house::Such people are religious, wealthy, a real gentleman, have good friends and good children. If the sun falls in Airs or Leo in ninth house, the subject gets honor from the government or held a high position in it. If accompanied or seen by the Jupiter, the person is an ideal citizen, a loving and well disciplined son, a good friend and an admirer of virtues.In tenth house::Gets an estate in heritage. Rich and wealthy, physically strong and intelligent subject, who travels to foreign countries, holds a very high and honorable position and/or becomes a scholar or professor.In eleventh house::Always have male children. Have powerful friends, beautiful/handsome spouse and loyal servants. Such people are very humble, polite and straight foreword.In twelfth house::The subject hassatiric, notorious and arrogant nature.Note::If the sun of zodiac Pisces falls in the fifth or ninth house, the subject holds ample of every thing and live like a king. THE MOON IN DIFFERENT HOUSESThe moon::Considered to be the queen of all planate. She completes her cycle within 27 days, 7 hours and 43 minutes.The moon iskarakaof the mother, mind, intellect, heart, inner heart, beauty, essential matters, liquids, water, water reservoirs, milk and allied products, rice, greenery, honey, liquors and wines etc. In body parts she rules blood vessels, fat, brain, stomach, ovaries and uterus, testicles, nefrons, breasts, reproductive system, neurons etc.The moon rulesVayavyadirection. By nature she is female andvaishya.Owns Cancer, is high(powerful) in Taurus and down(weak) in Scorpio. Her stone is pearl.In first house::The subject may be rich and popular. Have good and cultured children and wide public contacts. He/she is lucky to have pilgrimage..In second house::Sweet spoken, singer, rich.In third house::The subject may become rich out of his/her own efforts. He travels very much, keeps happy by his/her brothers sisters, have the best spouse.In fourth house::Such people are free from worldly bondage (to be affected by passion, wishes etc.). They are merciful popular and famous. Have ample wealth and good children. Their mother takes care of them till she lives. She generally lives long. They earn name and fame.In fifth house::These are idealistic people. They are well-read and scholars and stick to their work till getting success. Have more female children then male, children are clever.In sixth house::Looks healthy but actually weak. Gets love and affection from maternal uncle. They can not face cold. The cold affects their health. They are generally late in taking decisions, neither can they take own decision in general.In seventh house::Gets spouse of their will. Good and happy married life. Get married early. Travels very much. A knowledgeable and popular person.In eighth house::Gets wealth through lottery, from unknown source and through/from women. Weak in decision making.In ninth house::Such people are spiritual, lucky, rich, happy, famous and good donors. Travel well. A pilgrim.In tenth house::During child hood lives a poor life, but get richer and richer as the time passes. Finally lives as happily as a king. They are rich, having good children and power.In eleventh house::These people always get extra benefits out of any thing they do. They are highly knowledgeable and famous. Their servants lovingly earn for them. Have loyal and trustworthy friends.In twelfth house::Frequent visit to foreign countries. A thinker and philosopher however sdown in decision making, freed from troubles if any. If the Capricorn is in the first house and the moon stands on 27 degree in this house, seen by Jupiter and venous, it gives kingly happiness. If with this moon, the sight of mercury, venous, sun and Saturn falls on first house, the subject gets success in politics.Conjunctions::1) First house moon, sun, mercury:: gives health and intellect.2) moon venous conjunction - gives beauty.3) moon , mercury, venous happy, rich, healthy married life.4) moon, north-node/south-node, sun, Saturn not happy with health and other matters. Scarce married life.5) moon, mars- lives life king size. Wealthy.6) moon, sun possibility of self realization.7) moon, north-node master of one. Genius of his own field.8) moon, Saturn termination of finalized marriage. Little whimsical, looses every thing once in life.Note::If the moon rests in any of the first, fourth, seventh and tenth house makes the subject rich and a parent of good children. In case of north-node, moon conjunction the subject becomes expert and genius in any one subject. THE MARS IN DIFFERENT HOUSESThe mars::the Mars is considered to be the warrior planate in Indian astrology. The mars iskarakaof younger brothers, friends, manhood, war affairs, air travels, weaving, public address, efficiency, leadership, labors, police department, boilers, engines and other fire base machinery in the factory etc. He also rules minerals, copper, gold, weapons, tobacco and landed property and assets. Mars is a cruel planate.He rules the south direction. Aries and Scorpio is his own zodiac. He stands high(strong) in Capricorn and down(weak) in Cancer. Stone of mars is coral.The sun, moon, and Jupiter are friends of mars while mercury, north-node and south-node are enemies and venous and Saturn stand neutral.In first house::adventurous like lion, have trouble of eyes, gives success in work. If rests in own or high zodiac earns wealth, fame and name.In second house::Always a looser, extravagant, without discipline, gets angry very quickly, can not complete his/her studies, loves farming.In third house::Adventurous, self made person, earns good money and create assets, moderate happiness through brothers sisters, Gets easy promotions in service, bold, famous and accredited.In fourth house::less friends, no mental peace, benefits through/from government, loss in marital life, have no property, struggle for the life time.In fifth house::narrow mindedness always invite troubles, weak digestion, less happiness through brothers/sis., sorrow from the children, gets nobody to share his/her sorrows.In sixth house::gets victory over enemies, earns good money, gets position, credit, name, success in business, events take shape as he/she thinks.In seventh house::unhappy married life, but happy after the age of 48 years, gets opportunity to go to foreign countries but does not progress over there. Enemies trouble. If the subject is male, the wife dominates, the spouse dies earlier.In eighth house::If the mars is in this house, no other good planate in the horoscope can help, even if they are good and powerful. Even good friends misguide, do not earn fruits of his efforts, and will have to suffer in life. Serious problems arise regarding properties, face one minor accident and surgery.In ninth house::Intelligent, lucky and famous. Over run new horizons and rises higher and higher. Chances to travel and stay in foreign countries. Down chances to have elder brother or brother in law.In tenth house::Gives the best results over here. A good name in the family, Polite and accredited person. Alleviate life from poverty to richness. Out of his courage earns king-size respect, vehicles, bungalows, and profit in business etc. rise from the age of 36.In eleventh house::Earns money, favored by the government, have all luxury, vehicle trade is good for such person, income generation chances rises frequently. His enemies will have to suffer. Generally they may not sustain longer. Even if he is a bad person, wins a good name and fame.In twelfth house::Possibly aCriminal minded person. However the subject saves, in every condition looses wealth. Wrongly blamed for the thing he is not responsible. For him, the threats are iron and others advice, which may bring unhappiness. He is quarrelsome, frightens his enemies, possibly he may get imprisonment once (if not protected by other planate).Notes::(i)If the Mars seats in conjunction with the lord of seventh house or the lord of seventh house is in sight of the mars, result in the breakage of engagement. (ii) If the Mars seats in the 1st,3rd, 6th, 9thor 10thhouse from moon or from the first house, then the subject gets every thing i.e. health, wealth, happiness, progress, vehicles, name and fame. (iii) If the mars falls with the moon or have his 100% sight on her in any house, makes the subject rich from poverty and he/she progresses in all directions. This is one of the LAKSHMI YOGAS as per Indian astrology. (iv) Similarly if the mars is in any of the 1st, 4th,7thor 10thhouse in his own zodiac or is in high power zodiac makes the subject to be rich,prideful, well known for his/her virtues, with name and fame, always victorious and without opposition or enemy. Conjunction of mars Saturn creates landed property and assets.THE MERCURY IN DIFFERENT HOUSESThe mercury::The person with mercury as the dominate planate have common looks and body. Blood vessels can be seen under the skin, eyes are with reddish tinge. They speak thoughtfully and intelligently.The mercury is the KARAKA of learning, astrology, other sciences, educational work, mathematics, philosophy, identification of jewels, chemistry, architecture, commerce, oil seeds & oils. Lead, brass etc. metals are influenced by this planate. So far as body parts are concerned, the mercury affects brain, tongue, neurons, thyroid glands, skin, neck organs related to ones speech. Especially mercury creates skin diseases, lunatics, loss of memory and long term headache.Mercury is lord of North. By cast it is a merchant, and by sex it is neutral. Gemini and Virgo are its own zodiac, it works with high power in Virgo and with down power in pisces.The moon is its enemy, the sun, north-node and Venus are friends and mars, Jupiter and Saturn are neutral to mercury.If in conjunction or affected, the mercury acts badly if with bad planate, good if with good planate.In first house::They possesspleasant personality, intelligence, good sense to advice; they have best canvassing power and effective oratory. But they doubt every thing everybody. Their families do not value them.In second house::Musician, orator, polite, poet, artist, have good memory, rich but does not receive social respect. The family loves him/her.In third house::gives new friends.In fourth house::Grows rich, always profitable in business, more benefit through publishing business, gets higher education. He/she is a famous business person with good asset value. The family including his brothers and sisters support him. In fifth house::The people with mercury in fifth house have got affinity for mystic science, magic and astrology. They are highly knowledgeable, famous and long living but children are short.In sixth house::lucky and victorious. Safe guarded against enemies.In seventh house::Makes the subject dull.In eighth house::Clever, joyous and rich.In ninth house::Faces obstacles in every work he/she undertakes.In tenth house::Rich with beautiful spouse and house. Enemies keep away. Since the subject always run in short of time, can not accompany the spouse.In eleventh house::Success in profession, rich, with more sons, good friends and healthy body. Lives long with peace of mind. Has quality vehicle.In twelfth house::These people get every thing but can hardly use for themselves.Conjunctions::(i) if in conjunction, in sight or in house transfer with Jupiter makes the subject rich. (ii) With moon makes the subject genius, generally they are director or journalist. (iii) With the sun makes him/her fall in love. Gives wealth, If the sun - mercury conjunct in fourth or fifth house. (iv) With Venus::falls in love.THE MERCURY IN DIFFERENT HOUSESThe mercury::The person with mercury as the dominate planate have common looks and body. Blood vessels can be seen under the skin, eyes are with reddish tinge. They speak thoughtfully and intelligently.The mercury is the KARAKA of learning, astrology, other sciences, educational work, mathematics, philosophy, identification of jewels, chemistry, architecture, commerce, oil seeds & oils. Lead, brass etc. metals are influenced by this planate. So far as body parts are concerned, the mercury affects brain, tongue, neurons, thyroid glands, skin, neck organs related to ones speech. Especially mercury creates skin diseases, lunatics, loss of memory and long term headache.Mercury is lord of North. By cast it is a merchant, and by sex it is neutral. Gemini and Virgo are its own zodiac, it works with high power in Virgo and with down power in pisces.The moon is its enemy, the sun, north-node and Venus are friends and mars, Jupiter and Saturn are neutral to mercury.If in conjunction or affected, the mercury acts badly if with bad planate, good if with good planate.In first house::They possesspleasant personality, intelligence, good sense to advice; they have best canvassing power and effective oratory. But they doubt every thing everybody. Their families do not value them.In second house::Musician, orator, polite, poet, artist, have good memory, rich but does not receive social respect. The family loves him/her.In third house::gives new friends.In fourth house::Grows rich, always profitable in business, more benefit through publishing business, gets higher education. He/she is a famous business person with good asset value. The family including his brothers and sisters support him. In fifth house::The people with mercury in fifth house have got affinity for mystic science, magic and astrology. They are highly knowledgeable, famous and long living but children are short.In sixth house::lucky and victorious. Safe guarded against enemies.In seventh house::Makes the subject dull.In eighth house::Clever, joyous and rich.In ninth house::Faces obstacles in every work he/she undertakes.In tenth house::Rich with beautiful spouse and house. Enemies keep away. Since the subject always run in short of time, can not accompany the spouse.In eleventh house::Success in profession, rich, with more sons, good friends and healthy body. Lives long with peace of mind. Has quality vehicle.In twelfth house::These people get every thing but can hardly use for themselves.Conjunctions::(i) if in conjunction, in sight or in house transfer with Jupiter makes the subject rich. (ii) With moon makes the subject genius, generally they are director or journalist. (iii) With the sun makes him/her fall in love. Gives wealth, If the sun - mercury conjunct in fourth or fifth house. (iv) With Venus::falls in love.THE JUPITER IN DIFFERENT HOUSESThe Jupiter::The Jupiter is caste as a Brahmin, male. He is lord of Sagittarius and pisces. He is powerful in Cancer and down in Capricorn. The stone is yellow sapphire.The Jupiter is the biggest planate of the solar family. The people with Jupiter as the principal planate have watery eyes, brownish hair, a stout body with considerable height and loud voice. In short, such people are full of manliness.Jupiter is KARAKA of yellow color, children, truth, faith, religion, worship, spiritualism, all sort of scientific researches, gold etc. falls under the Jupiter. Similarly he controls wealth, hares, education, justice and shrewdness also. In body parts, fat, intestine, stomach, liver, etc. are affected by the Jupiter.In first House::If strong, removes all bad effects generated by badyogas. These people lead peaceful and prestigious life, lucky and popular, generous, courageous and with dignity, have good health and intellect, rich and are parent of good children.In second house::If strong, makes the subject very active with spiritual touch ( can define askarmayogi). If in conjunction with moon or Venus, makes the person with virtues, credible and rich. Good conjunctions help the subject to create big savings. Bad conjunctions create harm.In third house::Only strong Jupiter give faith, kindness and good cooperation from the brothers and neighbors. The Jupiter is bad for the place where he stands, however the sight of the planate gives good results. Thus from this house as he looks to the seventh house, may bring luck, wealth courage and success. If related to bad planate affects education.In fourth house::Not good here. Reduce family support. Increase risk on life and have cardiac problem. If good, gives wealth assets and luxury.In fifth house::Makes the subject ambitious. Through intellect, knowledge and qualification reaches the heights of fame and respect. In general these people are lucky and rich with lucky children. Conjunction here with the sun, moon, mercury and/or Venus are beneficiary.In sixth house::The Jupiter in this house gives sufferings from diseases, differences with own people, if running retrospective then there is risk from the subordinates, enemies become powerful, legal complications arise, economical insufficiency being experienced.In seventh house::The strong Jupiter here, gives loving spouse and trustworthy business partner. Progress is seen after marriage. If the Jupiter here is weak, create legal problems and faulty love affair etc.In eighth house::If strong, the subject may progress in mystic science and ultimately get spiritual liberation. They receive handsome benefits from the in-laws. If weak, the subject may loose maximum of his wealthand life would be full of troubles. Educationally they get through only after very high efforts. They are religious.In ninth house::The strong Jupiter brings luck, prosperity (wealth) and ethical values. They become lawyers, judges and similar. The weak Jupiter harms.In tenth house::The strong Jupiter brings public respect, dominance, wealth and luxury, happiness from the parents and success in all domestic and public affairs.In eleventh house::Always good and beneficiary.In twelfth house::Success in religious work, polite and with no proud, can not use their own wealth for themselves. They are scoundrels.THE VENUS IN DIFFERENT HOUSES::The Venus::The Venus is caste as Brahmin female. She is lord of Taurus and Libra. She stands high in Pisces and down in Virgo. The stone representing Venus is diamond.The Venus controls spouse, luxury, beauty, sexual satisfaction, vehicles, silk, medicines, chemicals, essential materials, musical instruments and precious things. In human body she controls genitals, sperms, tissues, thighs, urinary organism etc. The subject with Venus as the principal planate looks beautiful/handsome with delicacy; He/she has stout body with wheat colored skinand good looking features.In first house::Spends extravagantly.In second house::loyal to his/her duties, educated and learned, have rich spouse, deep understanding and love for music, lives long. They are generally foundvilasi.In third house::Only if seating in own or high zodiaclives like a king, all his/her wishes may come true and earns lot of wealth and fame.In fourth house::Musician.In fifth house::vilasi,parent of beautiful and clever children, rich, have artists mind and attitude for poetry and music.In sixth house::slightly stammering. May receive economic benefits from mothers family. Fond of eating and lazy. Threats for urinary systems diseases.In seventh house::Have beautiful/ handsome spouse. Lead very good marriage life. Marry early. Experience oneness with spouse.In eighth house::Sudden or accidental wealth gain. More benefit at less efforts. Gain from in-laws. Have chances of pilgrimage.In ninth house::Becomes an artist. Good economical condition. He is a religious creator. Gains fame in life. Favored by luck.In tenth house::Good for job under taken. If the Venus rest in own zodiac, the subject would do the business of luxury items. In general gives faster rise than deserved.In eleventh house::Friends of the subject sit on high positions. Have clever and beautiful children. The subject may be sensual.In twelfth house::A little stammering. Such people generally have a secrete love affair. They are clever and shrewd. If conjunct with bad planate, then threats eye disease.Notes::(1) In case of Venus-sun conjunction in eleventh house, subjects make several parallel love affairs. (2) Same as note above in case of conjunction of Venus-mercury in any house. (3) If mars-Venus stays together in cancer, Gemini, Virgo, Pisces, Capricorn and Aquarius,in the horoscope, makes the subject very sexy.(4) Besides having Venus in twelfth house,if in first house seats Taurus and the Saturn seats in 5th, 9th, or 10thhouse create complete Raja yoga. (5) Creates best Rajayoga if the Venus-Saturn keeps together in 9ht or 10thhouse. (6) Moon-Venus conjunction in any of Taurus, Libra or cancer in 1sthouse, gives wealth to the subject.THE SATURN IN DIFFERENT HOUSESThe Saturn::The Saturn is caste as Shoodra and neutral in sex. It is lord of Capricorn and Aquariuszodiacs. It is powerful in Libra and down in Airs.This planate is karaka of iron, oil, lather, minerals, symmetry, hills, forests and dirty places. In human body, it controls urinary unit, all the glands, tissues, wrist, feet bottoms etc.The person with the Saturn as the principal planate keeps weak body with blackish tone skin, common looks, bad and some times diseased teeth. They are hard working but slow.In first house::The Saturn in first house gives sicknesses in child hood. Not lucky to have happiness from brothers or friends. These people are suspicious, marry late. Get rise after 36 years of age. Generally they struggle for ever.In second house::Keeps poor, scoundrel type nature, think less, prominent non-vegetarian, lazy, economic in spending and selfish. Go to foreign country after 30thyear of age.In third house::Becomes rich of his own accord. Ambitious.In fourth house::Though the Saturn in fourth house makes the subject very selfish and greedy, they lack of social intervention and dealings. The mother keeps in one or other trouble. The wife also does not keep well, and the marital happiness is not found from her (here read spouse in place of wife; however the women always do not face these problems). The fourth Saturn accurse loss, create quarrels. Such people have step mother.In fifth house::However is very intelligent, liking for studies and knowledge is lacking. Very clever in public dealings. Such people do not have good terms with their children.In sixth house::The subject with Saturn in sixth house do have enemies but they cant hurt them. These people are often found patients of Cox, asthma, gas trouble and arthritis.In seventh house::generally do not go well with the spouse. Late marriage, that too after several breaks. Do business of marriage related articles.In eighth house::A brave person with long life. Threat to die in an accident.In ninth house::A religious person with yogic attitude. Can not stand injustice. Have deep faith in god. Economically weak.In tenth house::A person with Saturn in tenth house becomes a very successful lawyer. He/she is respected amongst the judges also. He is a good leader, an artist and has knowledge of the Vedas. Marry late. If the Saturn is in conjunction with the south-node in this house, becomes a reason for big infamy.In eleventh house::Saturn in eleventh house gives long life, wealth, luxury and fame. Such people are kind, warm and soft spoken. Have very many servants but very less friends.In twelfth house::Indicate frequent visit to foreign countries or permanent stay over there. If with the sun, then numerous problems through out the life.NORTH-NODE & SOUTH-NODEAs we know the earth moves around the sun, and similarly the moon rotates around the earth. The points, where these both the paths cut each other are called NORTH-NODE & SOUTH-NODE in Indian astrology. They have got a special significance in reading horoscope. The North-node and South-node always keep at the distance of 180 degree. Since these two nodes exist on orbit, their movement is seen in the opposite direction of the other planate.NORTH-NODE IN DIFFERENT HOUSES::North-node::North-node is considered to be a bad planate. She is cast as amlechchhfemale. She is high in Gemini and down in Sagittarius. The person with the North-node as principal planate is tall, with black complexion and ugly looking. They keep away from the cleanliness.She is karaka of foreign tours, narcotic and intoxicants, all sorts of vices and bad deeds. In body parts she affects skin and blood related diseases, all sort of poisoning, cholera, leprosy etc.In first house::The subject is never a hypocrite so far as religious matters are concerned. Growth through marriage (especially wife) or woman. Peaceful and adventurous at work. Renown the family name. Generally have no or moderate vices. If situated in a womans horoscope, threats for miscarriage, abortions and painful menstrual cycle.In second house::stammered speech, sentimental, receives money from the government; receive estates in heritage, clever in dealings but short in cash on hand.In third house::Have luxury. Sensual.No co-operation or brotherhood experienced from own brothers and sisters.In fourth house::Massive family responsibility. These people are gentlemen. Losses occur due to friends. Generally serves. If rests in Gemini, Virgo, equerries gives good name and credibility, while in Leo, earns good money.In fifth house::Indicates failure in love. Worry for one of the children.In sixth house::At the time of birth fathers income increases. Such people create and maintain an image of being rich.In seventh house::Misunderstandings and quarrels with the spouse (especially with wife). Wives dominance over husband.In eighth house::Long life. Can not with stand hot.In ninth house::The subject has to maintainsexual relation with other woman/man than spouse as insisted by her/him.In tenth house::This createsRaja yoga.North-node in tenth house gives ample of wealth. Such people can struggle a lot without fatigue. Always victorious over enemies, even in legal war or battle these people never loose.In eleventh house::The fastest growth or the best support of luck is seen during the year 42ndto 52nd.In twelfth house::Some times atheist some times religious. Indicatesmrityu yoga (death chances).Notes::(1) Conjunction of North-node with the sun create regular problems in life. (2) If North-node rests in Gemini, Virgo or equerries gives good name, credibility and service. (3) Equerries north-node in first house makes the subject wealthy. (4) Conjunction of North-node-Mars in any house gives wealth after 42 years of age. (5) North-node in twelfth house or in twelfth from the sun gives sudden/accidental death.SOUTH-NODE IN DIFFERENT HOUSES::South-node::South-node is cast as lower cast with neutral sex. It is high in Sagittarius and down in Gemini. The person with south-node as principal planate is weak in body, smoky complexion and looks are nasty. South-node is karaka ofreligion, principles, mystique science, ego, proud, self respect and pupils etc. In our body, south-node controls intestine and all types of infectious diseases. South-node can be the reason of the diseases generated by the intestine worms and worms themselves.In first house::South-node in first house keeps the subject in worries. They can come across accident at any time. However this south-node gives happiness of children. The subject is seldom happy with the spouse. These people have relations with dishonest people. If the south-node stays in equerries earns pretty well.In second house::Generally south-node in this house keeps the subject uneducated. They are impudent. Economical and family problems are regular.In third house::Angry type person. Have no good terms with brothers.In fourth house::These people generally have affinity for philosophy. Good co-operation and happiness from the mother and brothers sisters. They have a threat for poisoning, animal bites or falling down.In fifth house::South-node in fifth house generally gives no or seldom children. They may have female children but male children are rare. Even though they get son/sons, the son would seldom maintain relation.In sixth house::The person may not have enemy. Neither any body to oppose him.In seventh house::Gets a straightforward, simple artless spouse, who honestly renders his/her life time affectionate services. If south-node in this house makes a conjunction with mercury or Venus, then marries late or wish of marriage never rise in his/her mind/heart. If Sagittarius or Scorpio stays in this house with south-node, then the subject becomes rich. In conjunction with Jupiter, south-node makes the person a wisher for salvation. He/she keeps away from the spouse.In eighth house::Have very much trouble at the time of death, which can be reduced by doing charity at the time.In ninth house::Rise and fall sequence.In tenth house::Makes a person artisan, spiritual achiever (to the level of ultimate salvation), brave and adventurous. If any of the Aries, Taurus, Gemini or Scorpio stays in this house with south-node, he destroys all his enemies, travels much, keeps very busy in religion and activities. His father keeps unhappy and gloomy.In eleventh house::The subject becomes powerful, beloved, ethical, a master brain and a virtuous person. He is considered to be extremely lucky. Such persons generally have very profound knowledge.In twelfth house::The chances of imprisonment.Notes::(1) Createskalsarpa yogabetween 12-6thor 6-12thhouse. (2) Even though the womans horoscope is bad, but the lord of the ninth house is powerful, then the woman gets best husband, and the best children. (3) The lords of 10th 9thhouses are placed in each others houses or they are in conjunction anywhere, the subject gets unlimited happiness. This is Raja yoga. (4) North-node is a strong enemy of the sun and the moon. (5) Contemporary north-node in 3rd, 6thand 11thhouse give good results. (6) In 1st, 3rd, 9thnorth-node in contemporary period gives medium result. (7) Contemporary north-node in 4th, 8thand 12thgives the worst results, while in 2ndhouse gives partially bad results.