Shooting schedule

Rahim Rahat | AS Media Studies, G321 Thrillers | March 1, 2016 Shooting Schedule FOR AGENDA

Transcript of Shooting schedule

Page 1: Shooting schedule

Rahim Rahat | AS Media Studies, G321 Thrillers | March 1, 2016

Shooting ScheduleFOR AGENDA

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Locations:Car Steal: NCP Car Park, St Stephens Road, Norwich – Very open and public place. The urban appeal of the location adds awe as an impression of a great, big city is created and therefore emphasises a realistic criminal threat within an urban environment.Card Game/Indoor Scene: Stratford Close, Norwich – This location was chosen purely for convenience. A good friend of mine and Cameron’s, Callum, offered to help us out in any way he could. We asked him if we could use the dining room of his house, which was quite dark and created connotations of a basement/secret location.Body Dumping Scene: Round House Way, Cringleford, Norwich – The field used for this scene was quite apparent as the perfect place for a body dumping. The land is quite large which suggests a sinister, perhaps galling atmosphere. It appears isolated which is essential to our production piece as it adds a sadistic attention-to-detail.

Props: Gun Playing Cards Cloth Money Beer Bottles Cigars

Costumes:2x Suits – Suits are synonymous with gang culture. Gangsters such as Al Pacino and the Kray Twins are famous for always wearing suits. Using suits within our opening will immediately associate ourselves with the criminal thriller genre whilst adding a finesse and professionalism to the criminal element that we have chosen to establish.


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Long Leather Coat – Long coats have always been associated with enigmatic connotations. Movies such as the Matrix Trilogy have characters that are constantly wearing long coats which emphasise the mysteriousness of each character. Using long coats will add a desirable trait to our mysterious man as it is a visual element that is used by many ‘cool’ and epic characters within films. This lays undertones of danger but also intrigue as the character that is seemingly the antagonist is presented in a way that is associated with many protagonists.

Gloves – As being a criminal requires stealth and the ability to hide yourself from the suspicion of authoritative figures, gloves are essential to ensure fingerprints aren’t left behind. We have used gloves to add to add thee element of professionalism and further reinforce the enigma of this characters identity.

Sunglasses – This further emphasises the desirable element to the mysterious man’s character. They often seen on as part of the visage of protagonists and superheroes such as Wolverine form the X-Men films. This reinforces the intrigue of the audience towards the character because his presentation is somewhat like that of a common hero and therefore adds to the enigma.

Cast:Cameron Owen – Cameron has been chosen for this opening for two primary reasons:

1. His figure is instantly recognisable as being youthful but inexperienced which adds vulnerability to his character and clearly makes him a primary target that is understandable within the film.

2. Convenience. We couldn’t find anyone that is willing to be kidnapped and dumped in the middle of nowhere over and over. So Cameron stepped in and took on the role. His access to Matthew Owen on a regular basis has allowed us to have multiple shoots and has given us the footage we need for a successful opening.

Matthew Owen – The mystery man in the production, he was chosen for the role due to his resources (the car and coat being a couple) and his aged look. The grey hair adds experience to the character which ultimately implies danger and skill. This allows us to appear professional as a production and gives us the ability to continue teasing an intriguing past/persona.


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Luke Syder – Luke has quite a tall figure which increases the intimidation factor tenfold. His clean shaven face creates an impression of living well and looking after oneself. This allows his character to appear powerful and dominant. His slicked back hair also constructs connotations of being old-fashioned which in itself creates connotations of being traditional and experienced. This reinforces the intimidation and domination factors.

Rahim Rahat – OK, so I make a brief appearance in the film but it is only to establish Matthew’s character as a main antagonist/character within the piece. My large figure emphasises vulnerability due to a lack of fitness. The tracksuit like clothing creates an impression of a working class man which emphasises a desperate character which reinforces the desperation.