Shir Hashirim Chapter 1,6,7,8

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Transcript of Shir Hashirim Chapter 1,6,7,8

  • 8/2/2019 Shir Hashirim Chapter 1,6,7,8


  • 8/2/2019 Shir Hashirim Chapter 1,6,7,8




    1Whither has your beloved gone, O fairest ofwomen? Whither has your beloved turned? Let us seek

    him with you.2My beloved has gone down to his

    garden, to the beds of spices, to browse in the gardens

    and to pick lilies.3I am my beloveds and my beloved is

    mine; he browses among the lilies. 4You are beautiful,my darling, as Tirzah, comely as Jerusalem, awesome as

    bannered hosts. 5Turn your eyes away from me, for they

    overwhelm me! Your hair is like a flock of goats

    streaming down from Gilead. 6Your teeth are like a

    flock of ewes climbing up from the washing pool; all of

    them bear twins, and not one loses her young.7

    Yourbrow behind your veil [gleams] like a pomegranate split

    open.8There are sixty queens, and eighty concubines,

    and damsels without number. 9Only one is my dove, my

    perfect one, the only one of her mother, the delight of

    her who bore her. Maidens see and acclaim her; queens

    and concubines, and praise her.


    Who is she that shinesthrough like the dawn, beautiful as the moon, radiant as

    the sun awesome as bannered hosts? 11I went down to

    the nut grove to see the budding of the vale; to see if the

    vines had blossomed, if the pomegranates were in

    bloom. 12Before I knew it, my desire set me mid the

    chariots of Ammi-nadib.

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    tQ sIs vbP vb t ohJB C v-pH v QsIS Qkv vb t:Q N g UB-J e c bUco GC v ,I -dUrgk I B d k s rh h sIS

    :oh B JI J y-e k k u oh B D C ,Ig r kdh sIsu h sIsk hbt

    :ohB JIXC v-

    grv h ksv m r , F h ,h g r Tt v ph

    :,I kD s B F v-Nht okJUrhF v-utbvQ hbh g h Cxvoh Z g v r s g F Q r g G h bch v r v o-vJ h S dB n

    :sg k D vin U -J kD JuU -kg J oh k j r v r s g F Q hB J

    :o vC iht v-

    k F J u ,I nh t , n oK F J vm j rvi nz:Q ,N m k s g-C n Q ,E r iIN rv jkp FjohX Jiht ,I -nkg u ohJ d kh P oh-bn JU ,If k N vN v

    :r P x nyV N t k th v ,j t h ,N , h,bIh th v ,j t,If k n vU r X t h u ,Ibc vU tr VT s kI h k th-v vrC

    :vU k k v h u oh-J d kh pUhv-pe J B v ,tzh nv-Nht v N j F vrC vbc K f vph r jJInF

    :,I kD s B Fthh C t C ,I -t r k h T s rh zIdt ,B Dkt:oh bN rv Um-b v i p D v vj r pv ,It r k k jB vchtk

    :ch sbh N g ,I -c F r n h b , nG hJ pb h T g sh

  • 8/2/2019 Shir Hashirim Chapter 1,6,7,8


  • 8/2/2019 Shir Hashirim Chapter 1,6,7,8
