Shilla Patel OD, CIC [email protected] UC San Diego...

Shilla Patel OD, CIC [email protected] UC San Diego Health System Infection Prevention/Clinical Epidemiology

Transcript of Shilla Patel OD, CIC [email protected] UC San Diego...

  • Shilla Patel OD, CIC [email protected]

    UC San Diego Health System Infection Prevention/Clinical Epidemiology

  • Name 3 adverse outcomes of VAE events

    Identify 4 most common causes of VAE

    Review latest research on VAE preventability

    Review updated 2014 VAE Prevention guidelines

  • VAP VAE ≠

  • 3 Large Academic Medical Centers

    600 pts ◦ 300 on vent 2-6 days

    ◦ 300 on vent >7days

    VAC ◦ PEEP increase by 2.5 > or Equal to 2 days

    ◦ FiO2 increase by 15 > or equal to 2 days

    VAP – IPs assessed for CDC definition

  • Table 2. Comparison of outcomes for ventilator-associated complication positive and negative patients and ventilator-associated pneumonia positive and negative patients.

    Klompas M, Khan Y, Kleinman K, Evans RS, Lloyd JF, et al. (2011) Multicenter Evaluation of a Novel Surveillance Paradigm for Complications of Mechanical Ventilation. PLoS ONE 6(3): e18062. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0018062

  • Table 5. Qualitative analysis of 52 patients flagged with ventilator-associated complications or ventilator-associated pneumonia.

    Klompas M, Khan Y, Kleinman K, Evans RS, Lloyd JF, et al. (2011) Multicenter Evaluation of a Novel Surveillance Paradigm for Complications of Mechanical Ventilation. PLoS ONE 6(3): e18062. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0018062

  • Hayashi et al. (2012)Towards improved surv: the impact of VAC on length of stay and antibiotic use in pts in ICUs. Clin Inf Dis. 56(4):471-7 ◦ Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (Australia)

    ◦ VAC signif assoc w/ increase ICU LOS, Duration of MV, antibiotic use

    Prospero et al. (2012) Learning from Galileo: VAP Surveillance. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 186(12):1308-9 ◦ Teaching hospital in Central Italy

    ◦ VAC signif assoc w/ duration of MV, hospital LOS and mortality

  • Prospective cohort study in two Dutch academic medical centers (2011–2012).

    VAE surveillance was electronically implemented as well as ongoing VAP surveillance.

    The VAE algorithm detected at most 32% of the patients with VAP identified by prospective surveillance.


    10.0 4.2 3.2 8.0

  • VAC signals were most often caused by volume overload and infections, but not necessarily VAP.

    The large number of VACs occurring on the third or fourth day of ventilation could be representative of ongoing clinical deterioration as opposed to insufficient quality of care

    IVACs appeared to detect respiratory infections not related to MV.

  • Retrospective Cohort Study

    Academic tertiary care center



    Rate per 1000 vent days

    VAC plus (VAE) 12.4

    IVAC plus 4.7

    Poss VAP 1.5

    Prob VAP 1.4

  • % PVAP CDC VAP 2009-10


    29% S. aureus S. aureus 24%

    14% P. aeruginosa P. aeruginosa 17%

    7.9% Klebsiella spp Klebsiella spp 10%

    7.9% Enterobacter spp

    Enterobacter spp


  • 110 pts with VAC matched to controls

    Risk factors for VAC ◦ Positive fluid balance

    CHF was protective – 1/3 less fluids given

    ◦ % of days on mandatory modes of vent

    Risk factors for IVAC (n=38) ◦ Benzodiazepines

    ◦ Total opioid administered

    ◦ Paralytic meds

  • CDC Prevention Epicenters Wake Up and Breathe Collaborative

    20 ICUs from 13 academic and community hospital

    12 ICUs included SAT/SBT and VAE surv

    8 ICUs only did VAE surv

  • 12 ICUs included SAT/SBT and VAE surv ◦ SAT 14% - 77% (when indicated) ◦ SBT 49% - 75% (when indicated) ◦ Coordinated SAT/SBT 6% - 87% ◦ Decreased MV days and hospital LOS ◦ Decreased VAE rate per 100 episodes

    VAE 9.7 to 5.2

    IVAC 3.5 to 0.52

    PVAP 0.88 to 0.52

    No change in VAE risk when using vent days

    8 ICUs only VAE surv ◦ No Change

  • Prospective time series study

    11 North American ICUs

    VAP clinical practice guidelines implemented ◦ Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment

    Each ICU enrolled 30 pts on vent >48 hrs

    Applied old VAP def

    Retrospectively applied VAC, IVAC def

  • Date of download: 4/14/2015

    Copyright © American College of Chest Physicians. All rights reserved.

    From: The Clinical Impact and Preventability of Ventilator-Associated Conditions in Critically Ill Patients Who

    Are Mechanically VentilatedImpact of Ventilator-Associated Conditions

    Chest. 2013;144(5):1453-1460. doi:10.1378/chest.13-0853

    The relationship between VAP, VAC, and iVAC. iVAC = infection-related ventilator-

    associated complication; VAC = ventilator-associated condition; VAP = ventilator-

    associated pneumonia.

    Figure Legend:


    ICU LOS Significant Significant Significant

    Hopital LOS Significant



    Duration of MV Significant Significant


    # Antibiotic Days




    Hospital Mortality


    P= 0.07 P= 0.67

  • Date of download: 4/14/2015

    Copyright © American College of Chest Physicians. All rights reserved.

    From: The Clinical Impact and Preventability of Ventilator-Associated Conditions in Critically Ill Patients Who

    Are Mechanically VentilatedImpact of Ventilator-Associated Conditions

    Chest. 2013;144(5):1453-1460. doi:10.1378/chest.13-0853

    Rates of VAP, VAC, and iVAC and concordance across the four data enrollment periods. See Figure 2 legend for expansion of


    Figure Legend:

  • Oral Route of intubation (100%)

    Vent Circuit changes only if soiled or damaged (83%)

    Changing heat & moisture exchangers every 5-7 days (2%)

    Use closed endotracheal suctioning system and change only when indicated (100%)

    Subglottic Secretion Drainage (36% - 58%)

    HOB 45 deg (29% - 41%)

    CHG Oral Antiseptic (16% - 50%)

  • Objectives: To investigate whether fluid management guided by daily BNP plasma concentrations improves weaning outcomes compared with empirical therapy dictated by clinical acumen. Methods: In a randomized controlled multicenter study, we allocated 304 patients to either a BNP-driven or physician-driven strategy of fluid management during ventilator weaning. The primary end point was time to successful extubation. Measurements and Main Results: In the BNP-driven group, More negative median fluid balance during weaning. Time to successful extubation was significantly shorter with the BNP-

    driven strategy (58.6 vs. 42.4 P 0.034). The BNP-driven strategy increased the number of ventilator-free days

    but did not change length of stay or mortality. The two strategies did not differ significantly regarding electrolyte

    imbalance, renal failure, or shock. Conclusions: Our results suggest that a BNP-driven fluid management strategy decreases the duration of weaning without increasing adverse events, especially in patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction.

  • Assess the impact of a depletive fluid-management strategy on ventilator-associated complication (VAC) and VAP occurrence during weaning from mechanical ventilation

    We used data from the B-type Natriuretic Peptide for the Fluid Management of Weaning (BMW) randomized controlled trial performed in nine ICUs across Europe and America.

    We compared the cumulative incidence of VAC and VAP between the biomarker-driven, depletive fluid-management group and the usual-care group during the 14 days following randomization

  • We found that a depletive fluid-management strategy, when initiating the weaning process, has the potential for lowering VAP (VAC) risk in patients who are mechanically ventilated.

    RESULTS Control N=152

    Intervention N=152

    Total N-304

    P value

    VAC 27 (17.8%) 13 (8.6%) 40 (13.2%)


    VAP 27 (17.8%) 14 (9.2%) 41 (13.5%) 0.03

  • Why is VAE BAD? ◦ Increased LOS, vent days, mortality

    What events is VAE detecting? ◦ Pneumonia, pulmonary edema, ARDS, atelectasis,

    Is VAE preventable? ◦ Some are, not sure all of them.......

    How can we prevent them? ◦ HOB, Oral Care, Subglotic suctioning

    ◦ SBT, SAT, doing them together

    ◦ Fluid management?

  • Michael Klompas, MD, MPH; Richard Branson, MSc, RRT; Eric C. Eichenwald, MD; Linda R. Greene, RN, MPS, CIC; Michael D. Howell, MD, MPH; Grace Lee, MD; Shelley S. Magill, MD, PhD; Lisa L. Maragakis, MD, MPH; Gregory P. Priebe, MD; Kathleen Speck, MPH; Deborah S. Yokoe, MD, MPH; Sean M. Berenholtz, MD, MHS

    Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, Vol. 35, No. 8 (August 2014), pp. 915-936

  • Almost all of the existing literature on VAP prevention is based on traditional VAP definitions rather than VAE definitions.

    Little or no data at present on the impact of traditional VAP prevention strategies on VAE

    Of note, VAC and IVAC intentionally flag more than just pneumonia; hence, interventions directed solely against pneumonia may not be sufficient to reduce VAE rates.

  • We prioritize VAP interventions that have been shown to improve objective outcomes, ◦ duration of MV,

    ◦ intensive care or hospital LOS,

    ◦ Mortality

    ◦ costs in RCTs

    In addition, the potential benefits of different interventions are balanced against their feasibility, costs, and potential harm.

  • Rationale

    Intervention Quality of Evidence

    Good evidence the intervention decreases the ave duration of mechanical ventiliation, LOS, mortalily a/o costs; benefits likely outweigh risks

    Use NIPPV in select populations High

    Manage pts w/o sedation whenever possible Mod

    Interrupt sedation daily High

    Assess readiness to extubate daily High

    Perform SBT with sedatives turned off Mod

    Facilitate early mobility Mod

    Use endotracheal tubes w/subglotic secretion drainage ports for pts expected to be on vent > 48-72hrs


    Change vent circuit only if visibly soiled or malfunctioning


    HOB 30-45 degrees Low

  • Rationale Intervention Quality of Evidence

    Good evidence that it improves outcomes but insufficient data available on poss risks

    Selective Oral or digestive decontamination


    May lower VAP rates but insuff data to determine impact on Duration of vent, LOS, mortality

    Regular Oral care with CHG Mod

    Prophylactic probiotics Mod

    Ultrathin polyurethane endotrach tube cuffs


    Automated control of endotrach tube cuff pressure


    Saline instillation before trach suctioning


    Mechanical tooth brushing Low

  • Rationale Intervention Quality of Evidence

    Lowers VAP rates but ample data suggest no impact on duration of MV, LOS or mortality

    Silver coated endo tubes Mod

    Kinetic beds Mod

    Prone positioning Mod

    No impact on VAP rates, Duration of MV, LOS or mortality

    Stress ulcer prophylaxis Mod

    Early tracheotomy High

    Monitoring residual gastric volumes Mod

    Early parenteral nutrition Mod

    No recommendation

    Closed/in line endo suctioning Mod

  • HRET (Health Research & Educational Trust)

    HHS (US dept of Health and Human Services)

    American Hospital Association

  • HOB 30-45deg

    Peptic Ulcer Disease Prophylaxis (PUD)

    Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis (VTE)

    Oral Care

    ABCDE Bundle

  • • Use visual cues so that it is easy to identify when the bed is in the proper position. • Designate one person to check for visual cues every 1-2 hours in the entire unit. • Establish procedures for head-of-bed elevation as tolerated in non-ICU areas, such as the Emergency Department (ED), during transport within the hospital, and during transport via ambulance between hospitals. • Patient and family engagement in head of bed elevation.

  • Educate the RN staff about the rationale

    Create visual cues to demonstrate compliance with oral care. ◦ Examples include keeping empty holders of oral care

    products by the bedside or dating and timing oral care products used.

    Engage Respiratory Therapy in the performance of oral care; make it a joint RN and RT function.

    Use a whiteboard to document the delivery of oral care; omissions will make missed interventions more obvious.

  • A – Awakening trials for ventilated patients

    B – Spontaneous Breathing trials

    C – RN and respiratory therapist Coordination to perform spontaneous breathing trials by reducing or stopping sedation so as to awaken the patient

    D – Standard Delirium assessment program, including treatment and prevention options

    E – Early mobilization and ambulation of critically ill


  • Passive ROM TID

    Turn Q 2 hrs.

    Active resistance PT

    Sitting position 20 mins. TID

    Passive ROM TID

    Turn Q 2 hrs.

    Active resistance PT

    Sitting position 20 mins. TID

    Sitting on edge of bed

    Passive ROM TID

    Turn Q 2 hrs.

    Active resistance PT

    Sitting position 20 mins. TID

    Sitting on edge of bed

    Active transfer to chair 20 mins./day

    Passive ROM TID

    Turn Q 2 hrs.

    Active resistance PT

    Sitting position 20 mins. TID

    Sitting on edge of bed

    Active transfer to chair 20 mins./day

    Ambulation (marching in place, walking in halls)

    Able to

    move arm



    Able to

    move leg



    Safety Screening (Patient must meet all criteria)

    M – Myocardial stability • No evidence of active

    myocardial ischemia x 24


    • No dysrhythmia requiring

    new antidysrhythmic

    agent x 24 hrs.

    O – Oxygenation adequate on:

    • FiO2 < 0.6

    • PEEP < 10 cm H2O

    V - Vasopressor(s) minimal

    • No increase of any

    vasopressor x 2 hrs.

    E – Engages to voice

    • Patient responds to verbal


    Level 1

    Level 2

    Level 3

    Level 4

  • Summary of the Infection-Related Provisions in CMS FY 2015 Prospective Payment System

    Long-Term Care Hospital Quality Reporting (LTCHQR) Program Final Rules for Inpatient Settings ◦ CMS finalized the addition of the NHSN VAE

    Outcome Measure to the LTCHQR Program for FY2018 payment determination and future years as proposed.

  • VAEs are mostly caused by pneumonia, ARDS, pulmonary edema, atelectasis

    Traditional VAP prevention methods still likely to lower the VAE rate

    May consider adding SAT, SBT, early mobility and fluid management to future VAE bundle

    VAE will be publicly reported in the future
