SHEPHERD Monthly newsletter of the Serbian Orthodox Church of the Assumption Fair Oaks, California May 2015 God be with you P A S T I R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 SHEPHERD A monthly publication of the Serbian Orthodox Church Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 7777 Sunset Avenue Fair Oaks, Ca 95628 Very Rev. Stavrophor Dane Popovic Very Rev. William Weir Church: 916-966-5438 Fax: 916-966-5235 Priest: 916-966-6276 Cell: 916-606-8808 Shepherd Staff Editor: V. Rev. Stavrophor Dane Popovic Written contributions are welcome; Editorial discretion reserved. Please Submit articles and ideas to: V. Rev. Stavrophor Dane Popovic 7777 Sunset Ave Fair Oaks, Ca 95628 2 SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR SHEPHERD YEAR $ 24:00 Monthly $ 2:00

Transcript of SHEPHERD SH RD -...

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SHEPHERDMonthly newsletter of the Serbian

Orthodox Church of the AssumptionFair Oaks, California

May 2015God be with you


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A monthly publicationof the

Serbian Orthodox ChurchAssumption of the Blessed

Virgin Mary

7777 Sunset AvenueFair Oaks, Ca 95628

Very Rev. Stavrophor Dane PopovicVery Rev. William Weir

Church: 916-966-5438Fax: 916-966-5235

Priest: 916-966-6276Cell: 916-606-8808

Shepherd Staff

Editor: V. Rev. Stavrophor Dane Popovic

Written contributions are welcome;Editorial discretion reserved. Please

Submit articles and ideas to:

V. Rev. Stavrophor Dane Popovic7777 Sunset Ave

Fair Oaks, Ca 95628



YEAR $ 24:00Monthly $ 2:00

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Serbian Orthodox Church of the Assumption. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Dear Brothersand Sisters!

"Thou shalt not takethe name of the Lordthy God in vain, forthe Lord will not holdhim guiltless that ta-keth His name in

vain," (Exodus 20:7).The third commandment of God is

familiar to all of us. Yet it one that is bro-ken so often by so many. This is perhapsbecause in the command there is one wordthat we may not truly understand properly:the word "vain." If we do not realize itsmeaning, then we misunderstand what ismeant by "Thou shalt not take the name ofLord they God in vain."

From a dictionary we learn that theword vain means: useless, wor­thless,empty, or to no purpose. An applicable il-lustration of this defini­tion of vain relatedto the third commandment is the Parable ofthe Publican and the Pharisee. When thePharisee went to the Temple to pray, hepraised himself. He called upon God'sname with a loud voice for all to hear, andhe raised up his hands and his eyes for allto see. But all this was done in vain, inemptiness, ina worthless fashion . . . withno pur­pose whatsoever. For his only intentwas to gain high personal satisfac­tion,

rather than to present a devoted prayer inrepentance and humbleness.

This is what the third commandment isprecisely urging us not to do! It is telling usnot to be like the Pharisee, but to use themost holy name of God with sincere rever-ence and fear, to use His sacred name withdeep devotion and respect.

ProfanityPossibly every day of our lives, a great

many of us, realizing it or not, take thename of the Lord in vain. How? By usingprofanity. We live in an age where profan-ity has become as common a staple as foodand drink. Men, women and children alikecurse on the streets, in the home, on the jobor at school, at football games, at parties . .. everywhere. For when we curse, we usu-ally use God's name. Consider, for exam-ple, the man who has a flat tire. What doeshe do? He curses at the tire. Unfortunately,that effort is useless, for it hardly puts air inthe tire. Consider, likewise, the man whostumbles in the dark. He curses, but thatdoes not heal the bruise.

Honoring NamesSometimes, we honor names like Wash-

ington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Kennedymore than we do the name of God. To il-lustrate: how many times have we heardpeople say, Washington damn this, or Jef-ferson damn that, and so on. Not very oftenat all! In fact we might go so far as to say,Never!

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But, how many times have we calledupon God to condemn someone, simply tosatisfy our anger or revenge? How manytimes have we used His most holy name todamn someone?

Even after hearing so often the preciouswords of Our Lord Jesus, "Love theyneighbor as thyself," we continue to curseand damn others. How many times do wetell our neighbor "Go to hell!" We forgetthat hell is the place of eternal sufferingand shame. Hell was prepared by God forSatan and his angels, and it is the mostterrible thing to wish upon anyone. It istrue that some people will go there, but itis not our place to condemn them to it, lestwe merit the same for ourselves by judg-ing others. ,

Common PracticeThis may surprise us, but profanity is

much more common, according to re-searchers, in so-called "Christian" Amer-ica than in any heathen country, wherethere is the worship of false gods.

One scholar noted: "Many people inour world today cannot live without pro-fanity. They use it as if they had gone toschool in hell and had the devil for theirteacher." What is even sadder is that pro-fanity corrupts not only those who use it,but also those who hear it. No wonder ithas been handed to the generations of chil-dren.

George Washington once said: "Thefoolish and wicked practice of pro­fanecursing and swearing is a vice so meanand so low that every person of sense andcharacter detests and despises it." It seemswe have come a long way.

HypocrisyThere is also the wrong use of God's

name through hypocrisy. When a man calls,"Lord, Lord" and leads a sinful life, he isguilty of breaking the third commandment.Some of us are even profane in church. Thisis worse than profanity on the street. Whenour prayers are denied by our lives, whenour praise of God is counteracted by oursins, then we have taken God's name invain. In fact, when a man comes to thehouse of the Lord and confesses Christ withhis lips, and then goes out of the church anddenies Him by his own life, he has a fargreater sin than the man who makes no pro-fession of faith at all.

The same holds true when we make avow or promise to God and fail to fulfill it.Again, we are taking His name in vain. Usu-ally, this happens in prayer! Consider thefamiliar prayer before confession: "I prom-ise with the help of God to better my life."How often, in no time, do we revert to ourold ways.

Forgiveness PossibleYet, despite our frequent sins, there is

also the assurance that the God whom weblaspheme in name loves us and will forgiveus. But we must re­pent for our sins. Godtells us, "Though your sins be as scarlet,they shall be made white as snow."

Remember, Peter himself swore one daythat he did not know Jesus. But in a few mo-ments, he went out and wept. Crhist re-ceived Peter's repentance with love, mercy.and forgiveness. He received him back intoHis love. When we repent, the same love,the same mercy and the same forgivenessthat was shown to Peter will be shown to us.

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Draga Bra}o iSestre!

“Ne uzimaj uzaludimena Gospoda Bogasvojega; jer ne}e pred

Gospodom biti prav ko uzme ime njegovouzalud..”Izlaska 20:7)

Tre}a zapovest Gospodnja je veomadobro poznata svima nama. I ona je jednakoju naj~e{}e mnogi od nas prekr{e. Mo`dazato, {to u zapovesti postoje re~I koje mi nerazumemo pravilno: re~”uzalud”. Ako do-bro ne shvatimo zna~enje ove re~I, ondasmo pogre{no razumeli {ta se thtelo re}e “ne uzimajte ime Gospoda Boga uzalud.”

Iz re~nika smo nau~ili da re~ uzlud zna~i:nepogodan, nekorisan, r|av, prazan, bezcilja, bez zna~enja. Ilustracija obja{njenjare~i! “uzalud” koja se pominje u tre}ojzapovesti Bo`joj je pri~a o Cariniku i Faris-eju. Kada je Farisej oti{ao u hram da semoli, on je hvalio sebe. On se opozvao naime Bo`ije sa jakim glasom da bi ga svi ~uli,onda je podigao ruke svoje i o~i svojeprema nebu da bi ga svi videli. Ali je sveovo u~injeno uzaludno, prazno, beskorisnommodom … sa nikakvim ciljem. Njegov jed-ini cilj je bio da zadobije visoko li~nozadovoljstvo, nego da predstavi odanu mo-litvu u pokajanju i ponizno{}u.

Ovo je ustvari ono {to tre}a zapovesti tra`i od nas {ta ne treba da radimo! U~i

nas da ne budemo kao fariseji, nego daupotrebimo najsvetije ime Bo`ije sa isk-renom ponizni{}u i strahopo{tovanjem,upotrebimo Njegovo sveto ime sa dubokomodano{}u i po{tovanjem

PsovkePostoji verovatno}a da svakog dana na

{eg `ivota, ogroman broj nas, uvi|a ili ne,uzima ime Bo`ije uzalud. Kako? Uzima gau psovkama. Mi `ivimo u vremenu kada supsovke postale deo svakodnevnice kao {toje hrana i pi}e. Ljudi, `ene i deca bezrazlike podjednako psuju na ulicama, ku}ama, na poslu, ili u {koli, na utakmicama izabavama... takore}i svuda. Kada psujemonaj~e{}e uzimamo ime Bo`ije. Na primer~ovek kome je ispustila guma na kolima {taon radi.? On psuje gumu. Na`alost njegovapsovka mu ne poma`e jer na stavlja vazduhu gumu. Pomislite na ~oveka koji se spoti~eu mraku. On psuje, ali to ne umanjuje nje-gov bol i le~i povrede.

Uva`ena imenaPonekad mi po{tujemo vi{e neko poznato

ime kao na primer, Va{ington, Linkoln,Kenedi nego ime Bo`ije. Slikovito re~eno:koliko smo puta ~uli da ljudi opsuju nekogod njih. Ne tako ~esto ili mo`da nikada.

Koliko smo puta uzimali ime Bo`ije daosudimo nekoga samo da bi smo zadovoljilina{u ljutnju ili osvetu? Koliko smo putaupotrebili Njegovo sveto ime da opsujemonekoga?

I ako smo ~uli toliko puta ra~i na{egaGospoda Isusa Hrista da ka`e: “Voli

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bli`njega svoga kao samoga sebe.”, mi idalje kunemo i psujemo druge. Koliko putami ka`emo svojim bli`njima da idu “upakao”! Pritom zaboravljamo da je pakaomesto ve~nog stradanja i srama. Bog jepripremio pakao za Satanu (\avola) i nje-gove sledbenike, i to je ne{to najgore {tomo`emo da po`elimo nekome. I stina je,da}e neki ljudi oti}i tamo, ali nije na{emesto da im `elimo da idu u pakao ako toisto ne `elimo i sami sebi.

Uobi~ejena PraksaOvo mo`e da nas iznenadi, ali prema ispiti-vanju psovke su mnogo vi{e rasprostranjeneu takozvanoj Hri{}anskoj Americi, nego unekoj drugoj nehricanskoj zemlji gde seslave la`ni bogovi.

Jedan nau~nik je zapisao: “Mnogiljudi u dana{njem svetu ne mogu `iveti bezpsovki. Oni ih upotrebljavaju toliko ~estokao da su i{li u {kolu u pakao i imali |avolaza svog u~itelja.” [ta je jo{ zalosnije da supsovke pokvarile na samo one koji ih upot-rebljavaju nego i one koji ih slu{aju. Nije ni~udo da su one prenete i na decu.

\or| Va{ington je jednom rekao: “ Be-zumlje i slabost upotreba kletve i psovke jeporok mnogih prose~nih ljudi i toliko niskoda svaka osoba koja ima karakter i smisaose gnu{a i prezire ih.Izgleda da smo u tome odmakli daleko.

Licemerje.Postoji isto i pogre{an na~in upotrebe imenaGospodnjeg u licemerju.. Kada ~ovkepriziva, “ Gospode, Gospode” i `ivi gre{ni`ivot, on je kriv jer je prekr{io tre}uzapovest. Neki od nas su ~ak vulgarni i ucrkvi. Ovo je jo{ gore od vulgarnosti naulici. Kada su na{e molitve ne ispunjenezbog na{eg na~ina `ivota, kada je na{e

slavljenje Boga ograni~eno (uskogrudo)na{im grehom, onda mi prizivamo imeBo`ije uzaludno.

U stvari kada ~ovek do|e u dom Bo`ji iispoveda ime Hrisovo re~ima, izi|e iz crkvei onda Ga odbaci svojim na~inom `ivota, onima mnogo ve}i greh nego onaj koji se ni-kada nije izjasnio da je hri{}anin. Isto je iovo istina, kada se zavetujemo ili obe}amoBogu i onda to ne ispunimo opet, mi uzi-mamo ime Bo`je uzalud. Uobi~ajeno, ovose doga|a u molitvi! Razmislite o poznatojmolitvi pre ispovesti: “obe}avam da }u uzBo`ju pomo} biti bolji. Vrlo ~esto, u krat-kom vremenu vratimo se po starom.

Opro{taj je mogu}!I pored, na{ih ~estih grehova, postoji garan-cija o koga se mi sablaznismo nas voli i on }e nam oprostiti. Ali mi moramo da es poka-jemo zbog na{ih grehova. Gospod namka`e, “Dodu{e tvoji gresi mogu biti najcrnjiali oni }e biti u~injeni beli kao sneg.”Setite se, i Petar se zakleo jednog dana da

on ne poznaje Hrista. Ali i za nekoliko mi-muta se pokaja i ode napolje i zaplakagorko. Hristos je primio Petrovo pokajanjesa ljubavlju, milo{}u i opra{tanjem. On ga jeprimio nazad u Njegovu ljubav. Kada se mipokajemo, ista ljubav, ista milost i istoopr{tanje koje se pokaszalo Petru bi}e po-kazano i nama.

Protojerejstavrofor Dane Popovic

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This glorious and victorious saintwas born in Cappadocia. He was the sonof wealthy and virtuous parents. His fa-ther suffered for Christand his mother movedto Palestine shortly after.When George grew up,he entered the military,where in his twentiethyear, attained the rankof a Tribune and was inthe service of the Em-peror Diocletian. WhenDiocletian began the ter-rible persecution againstChristians, George came before him andcourageously confessed that he is aChristian. The emperor threw him intoprison and ordered that his feet beplaced in a stockade of wooden hobblesand that a heavy stone be placed on hischest. After that, the emperor com-manded that George be tied to a wheelunder which was a board with largenails. He was to be rotated until his en-tire body became as one bloody wound.After that, they buried him in a pit withonly his head showing above the groundand there they left him for three daysand three nights. Then George was givena deadly poison to drink by some magi-cian. But, through all of these sufferings,

George continuously prayed to God andGod healed him instantly and saved him

from death to the great aston-ishment of the people. When

he resurrected a dead man throughhis prayer, many then accepted the

Faith of Christ. Among these also wasAlexandra, the wife of the EmperorAthanasius, and the chief pagan priest

and the farmers: Glycerius, Va-lerius, Donatus and Therinus. Fi-nally the emperor orderedGeorge and his wife Alexandrabeheaded. Blessed Alexandra diedon the scaffold before being be-headed. St. George was beheadedin the year 303 A.D. The miracleswhich have occurred over thegrave of St. George are withoutnumber. Numerous are his ap-pearances, either in dreams or

openly, to those who have invoked himand implored his help from that timeuntil today. Enflamed with love forChrist the Lord, it was not difficult forthis saintly George to leave all for thesake of this love: rank, wealth, imperialhonor, his friends and the entire world.For this love, the Lord rewarded himwith the wealth of unfading glory inheaven and on earth and eternal life inHis kingdom. In addition, the Lord be-stowed upon him the power and author-ity to assist all those in miseries and dif-ficulties who honor him and call uponhis name.

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Have you ever tried to look straightinto the sun? The brightness of that cre-ated orb of light is so stunning that blind-ness results if we do not avert our gaze.What then can we say of the refulgentsplendor of the mystery of Christ's Resur-rection?: Surely this uncreated brilliancelies beyond the ability of the eyes of oursouls. Yet the Psalmist is urged to sing:

In your light shall we see the light.(Psalms 35:9.)

A prism! If you want to experience thelustre of pure natural light without havingto dim your eyes before its power, refractthe light through a prism and behold thecolors of the rainbow! In the same way,our Holy Church takes the radiance of theRisen Christ and refracts it through theprism of her liturgical life.

Behold the mystery of the Risen Christrendered accessible to the soul of man;contemplate Him as the Liberator ofAdam and Eve from the depths of Sheol,ascending to the Father; and sending theHoly Spirit into our lives.

In doing this, the Church follows theexample of the Gospels. Compare the fouraccounts of the end of the Master's so-journ among us in the flesh. Notice that inSaint Luke's account in Chapter 24, theentire mystery is presented in one breath-

less exclamation: theempty tomb, the an-nouncement of theangels, the vespermeal with the pil-

grims of Emmaus, the appearance of theApostles, the promise of the coming of theHoly Spirit, and finally, the Ascension intoheaven.

The solemn feast of the Ascension revealsthe solemn destiny of mankind: to be unitedintimately with the Eternal Father. What theserpent had craftily suggested in Eden.

"You shall be gods".. . (Vespers for theAscension) now becomes a living reality.As Saint Peter proclaims in his second let-ter:

"He has granted to us His precious andexceedingly great promises; that throughthese you may become partakers of the di-vine nature, having escaped from the cor-ruption that is in the world by lust." (2 Pe-ter 1:4.)

During the forty days of the Great Fast, wetried to make good that escape through re-pentance and renewal of our image and like-ness. During the forty days of Pascha orResurrection, we glory in our newness oflife, realizing that this life is His.

"I now live, not I, but Christ lives inme!" (Galatians 2:20.)

This is the joy of the feast of the Ascension.It is the feast of man's own destiny achieved

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by Christ's compassionate love for man-kind. Listen to the mystery glorified in theVespers for the feast:

"Human nature fell in Adam to thedepths of the earth, 0 Lord. In Yourselfhave You restored it. Today You havelifted it above the powers and princi-palities of heaven. You loved it andgranted it a throne with you. You hadcompassion on it and granted it a sharein Your own destiny."

The Ascension of our Lord, then, is notthe feast of the Lord's farewell. How canwe rejoice if we are left orphans, bereft ofthe fellowship of the Lord? It is instead,the feast of the Lord's presence! ThoughHe is taken up in His Body, His presenceis revealed, not hidden by the cloud.

In the Exodus, the Holy Spirit led theChosen People on their pilgrimage by Hispresence in the pillar of the cloud by dayand the pillar of fire by night. He continu-ally showed Himself to them. They hadthe reassuring comfort of His presence inthese signs. The cloud of the Ascensionprefigures the fiery tongues of Pentecost:both cloud and fire, as in Exodus, are now,once again, signs of the presence of Christby the Holy Spirit.Before He ascended to the Father, Jesuscould have been here or there, then orlater; but once He ascended, He is presenteverywhere and always by the power ofHis Holy Spirit, through His Church, inyou and me, in all of us who have died toourselves and live in Him.

Truly, in this light do we see the Light!

We tried so hard to make things betterfor our kids that we made them worse. For mygrandchildren, I'd like better. I'd really like forthem to know about hand-me-down clothes andhomemade ice cream and leftover meatloafsandwiches.

I hope they learn humility by being hu-miliated and honesty by being cheated. I hopethey learn to make their own bed and mow thelawn and wash the car.

I hope they have to share a bedroom with ayounger sibling. It's all right ifthey have to draw a line downthe middle of the room, butwhen he wants to crawl underthe covers because he's scared, Ihope they let him.

On rainy days when they havetocatch a ride, I hope they don't ask to bedropped off two blocks away so they won't beseen riding with someone as uncool as theirMom.

When they learn to use computers, I hope theyalso learn to add and subtract in their head.And if a friend offers them dope or a joint, Ihope they realize he's not their friend. I surehope they make time to sit on a porch withtheir Grandpa and go fishing with their uncle.These things I wish for them - tough times anddisappointment, hard work and happiness.Tome, it's the only way to appreciate life.

— Paul Harvey

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Овај славни ипобедоноснисветитељ бешерођен уКападокији каосин богатих иблагочестивихродитеља. Отацму пострада за

Христа, и мајка му се пресели уПалестину. Када порасте Ђорђе оде увојску, где доспе у двадесетој својојгодини до чина трибуна, и као такавбеше на служби при цару Диоклецијану.Када овај цар отпоче страшно гоњење нахришћане, ступи Ђорђе пред њега иодважно исповеди, да је и онхришћанин. Цар га баци у тамницу, анареди да му се ноге ставе у кладе а напрси тежак камен. По том нареди, те гавезаше на точак, под којим беху даске савеликим ексерима, и да га тако окрећу,док му цело тело не поста као једнакрвава рана. По том га закопа у ров,тако да му само глава беше ван земље, иостави га у рову три дана и три ноћи. Потом преко некога мађионичара даде мусмртоносни отров. Но при свим овиммукама Ђорђе се непрестано мољашеБогу, и Бог га исцељиваше тренутно, испасаваше од смрти на велико удивљењенарода. Када и мртваца једног молитвомваскрсе, тада многи примише веру

Христову. Међу овима беше и женацарева Александра, и главни жрецАтанасије, и земљоделац Гликерије, иВалерије, Донат и Терина. Најзад осудицар Ђорђа и своју жену Александру напосечење мачем. Блажена Александраиздахну на губилишту пре посечења, а св.Ђорђе би посечен 303 год. Чудесима, којасе десише на гробу св. Ђорђа нема броја.Нема броја ни његовим јављањима у сну ина јави многима, који га споменуше ињегову помоћ поискаше од онда до данаданашњега.

Разгоревши се љубављу премаХристу Господу светом Ђорђу не бешетешко све оставити ради те љубави: и чин,и богатство, и царску почаст, и пријатеље,и сав свет. За ту љубав Господ га наградивенцем неувеле славе на небу и на земљии животом вечним у царству Свом. Јошму дарова Господ силу и власт да помажеу бедама и невољама свима онима који гаславе и његово име призивају.

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There is no one who enjoys saying good-bye toa loved one. We have all at one time or anotherexperienced the pain of parting from a friend orrelative, especially when wemight not see them for a lengthof time or perhaps never againin this world.

It is then difficult forus to understand the behaviorof Christ's disciples when Heascended into Heaven. Theydearly loved the Saviour. Onthe evening He was betrayedHe told His faithful followersthat He was about to leavethem. They were heartbroken,knowing their time with Himwas about to come to an end.But now as they stood andwatched Jesus ascend intoHeaven, their hearts throbbedwith joy.

Now, for the last time, He had come to HisApostles, instructed and gathered them all to-gether. Together they traveled to Mt. Olivetupon the same path they had taken after theLast Supper, forty days before. This time Jesusfelt no sadness as He had then. The path beforehad taken Him to pain, suffering and death atthe hands of His enemies, it now took Him tothe place awaiting Him beside His HeavenlyFather. His sacrifice being completed, He wasabout to ascend to His Glory. And in one of thelast recollections His Apostles would have ofHim He raised His hands in blessing uponthem. Soon a cloud covered Him and He disap-peared from sight.

With the promise of renewedhope the Apostles left themountain. The urge to work

and to preach the good news per-meated them. They returned to Jerusalem andwaited for the promised Holy Spirit. Jesus hadconsoled His Apostles and prepared them tobear the loss of

His Presence by promisingto send the Holy Spirit, theComforter, who was to re-main with them in their taskof spreading the Gospel.If we were to study the livesof the Apostles, we wouldsee the dif­ficulties, prob-lems and persecutions theyendured. We might wonderwhat gave them the courageto continue and withstandthe obstacles they faced. Theanswer is the Ascension. Thepromise of salvation andeternal life through Christ.The Ascension should pro-vide us, too, with a source of

great strength. When times become difficultupon this earth we can look heavenward forhope. Through Christ's great sacrifice He haspaid the debt of all our sin. He gave His ownlife as an offering so that we may come di-rectly to the Throne of Mercy. He would be anadvocate of men. The Ascension would giveChrist the right to intercede powerfully formortals.Jesus had frequently spoken of His return atsome future date. This promise was renewedat the Ascension by special Angel Messengersof God. As He left in the sight of men, He willreturn in the sight of men.

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Basil was born in Pop-ova, a village in Herce-govina, of simple andGod-fearing parents.From his youth, he wasfilled with love for theChurch of God, andwhen he reached matur-ity, he entered the Mon-

astery of the Dormition (Assumption) of theBirth-giver of God in Trebinje and there re-ceived the monastic tonsure. As a monk, hequickly became renowned for his assiduousand rare ascetical life. Saint Basil took uponhimself ascetic labor upon ascetic labor,each one heavier and more difficult than thelast. Later, against his will, he was electedand consecrated bishop of Zahumlje andSkenderia. As a hierarch, he first lived in theMonastery Tvrdoš and from there, as a goodshepherd, strengthened his flock in the Or-thodox Faith, protecting them from the cru-elty of the Turks and the cunning ways of theLatins. When Basil was exceedingly pressedby his enemies, and when Tvrdoš was de-stroyed by the Turks, he moved to Ostrog,where he lived an austere ascetical life, pro-tecting his flock by his ceaseless and ferventprayer.(*) He died peacefully in the Lord inthe sixteenth century, leaving behind his in-corrupt and healing relics; incorrupt andmiracle-working to the present day. Themiracles at the grave of St. Basil are withoutnumber. Christians and Muslims alike comebefore his relics and find healing of theirmost grave illnesses and afflictions. A greatnational assembly (pilgrimage) occurs thereannually on the Feast of Pentecost.

Св. ВасилијеОстрошки.Родом из Попова Села уХерцеговини, од родитељапростих но благочестивих.Од малена беше испуњенљубављу према ЦрквиБожјој, а када поодрасте

оде у Требињски манастир УспенијаБогородице и прими монашки чин. Каомонах убрзо се прочу због свогозбиљног и ретког подвижничкогживота. Јер налагаше на себе подвиг заподвигом, све тежи од тежега. Доцнијеби изабран и посвећен за епископаЗахумског и Скендеријског, мимо својевоље. Као архијереј најпре становаше уманастиру Тврдошу, и одатле каопастир добри утврђиваше стадо своје увери православној чувајући га одсвирепства турског и лукавствалатинског. А када би и сувишепритешњен непријатељима, и кадаТврдош би разорен од Турака, преселисе Василије у Острог, где се тврдоподвизаваше ограђујући стадо својебезпрестаним и топлим молитвамасвојим. Престави се мирно Господу, уXVI веку, оставивши своје целе ицелебне мошти, неиструлеле ичудотворне до дана данашњега. Чудесана гробу св. Василија су безбројна.К његовим моштима притичу ихришћани и муслимани, и налазеисцелења у најтежим болестима имукама својим. Велики народни сабор уОстрогу бива сваке године о Тројицама.

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— У свету се на молитву обично не мисли.

Човек леже и устане са проблемима,планови-ма, жељама и бригама. Његова јепамет увек ван њега, код спољних ствари иприлика. Она на све око себе мотри, алишта се у њему самом дешава и шта му је заправи и пуни духовни живот по-требно, он отоме и не мисли и не брине. Тако данипролазе, а _он по навици и по угледу надруге око себе, живи само телесно, као даје његов живот струк кукуруза који доносиједан или два клипа па се сече и нестаје га.ЧОВЕК, тај духовни створ Божји, крунаБожјег стварања, поседује превасходнодуховни живот, коме је за одржавање,развијање и његову сврху потребна духовнахрана. Главни део те хране, њен виталин, тоје молитва. Ко ње у своме животу не-ма, онзаиста промашено живи. Ако се ко не по-труди да то на време види, увидеће ондакад све буде касно, онда кад престанењегов земни дух, и душа крене у вечностбез духовних очију да види и без духовнеснаге да приђе своме Творцу и да у Њемувечно живи. Такву душу чека мрачни пакаокога је она сама себи припремила у свомсамо те-лесном, а не и духовном животу,док се овде на земљи бавила. Није Бог тајкоји осуђује људе на пакао. Он нам каже уЈеванђељу: «Ко моју реч слуша и верује,има живот вечни и не долази на суд, него јепрешао из смрти у живот». А Његова је реч:

«Молите се да не паднете у напаст« (Лука22,40).Молитвом се све у животу постиже, и то јенај-већа тајна коју многи не познају, а тајфакт је највећа штета у људском животу.Питаш, како могу ја који сам непрестано упокрету, у послу, у бризи и умору да семолим?Знаш ли ти, пре свега, шта је молитва? Онаје: уздизање ума и срца ка Богу, општењеса Њим, Кад ти дневно обављаш свој посаокао да ти је он од Бога поверен; кадизвршујеш мале као и вели-ке задаткепредЊеговим лицем; ако свакога који типриђе прихватиш као од Бога посланог, иако се у свему питаш: шта је воља Божја; —ето, то је МОЛИТВА. То је тек пун живот,успешан живот.Али пази. Кад си тако повезан са Господом,једно безусловно избегавај:многобрижност! Она је болест палогчовека, човека који покушава да искључивосам определи и оформи своју судбину, тенепрестано планира и јури лево-десно дато оствари. То расејава мисли и недозвољава им да се саберу чак и на сампредмет бриге. Избегавај бригу. Ради својпосао ревносно. Богу посвети сав свој труди Његовом се руководству предај. Не ба-цајсе неуморно у послове, јер добро је икорисно само оно што се са мером чини.Неумеран рад за-магљује памет и охлађујесрце, а то удаљује од Бога као изворасваког добра. (По Теофану Затвор-нику).

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One day, I woke early in themorning to watch the sunrise. Ah! ...the beauty of God's crea­tion is be-yond description. As I watched, Ipraised God for His beautiful work.As I sat there, I felt the Lord's pres-ence with me. He asked me, "Do youlove me?" I answered, "Of course,God! You are my Lord and Saviour!"Then He asked, "If you were physi-cally handicapped,would you still loveme?" I was perplexed. Ilooked down upon myarms, legs and the restof my body and won-dered how many thingsI wouldn't be able to doand thought about thethings that I take for granted. I an-swered, "It would be tough Lord, butI would still love You." Then theLord said, "If you were blind, wouldyou still love my creation?" Howcould I love something without beingable to see it? Then I thought of allthe blind people in the world andhow many of them still loved Godand His creation. So I answered, "It's

hard to think of it, but Iwould still love you." The Lord thenasked me, "If you were deaf, wouldyou still listen to my word?" Howcould I listen to anything being deaf?Then I understood. Listening toGod's Word is not merely using ourears, but our hearts. I answered, "Itwould be tough, but I would still lis-ten to Your word." The Lord thenasked, "If you were mute, would youstill praise My Name?" How could I

praise without avoice? Then it oc­curred to me, Godwants us to singfrom our veryhearts and souls. Itnever matters whatwe sound like.

And praising God is not always witha song, but when we are persecuted,we give God praise with our wordsof thanks. So I answered, "Though Icould not physically sing, I wouldstill praise Your Name." And theLord asked, "Do you really loveMe?" With courage and a strong con-viction, I answered boldly, "YesLord! I love You because You are theone and true God!" I thought I had

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answered well, but God asked,"Then why do you sin?" I answered,"Because I am only human. I am notperfect." "Then why in times ofpeace do you stray the furthest?Why only in times of trouble do youpray the earnest?" I had no an-swers ... only tears. The Lord con-tinued. "Why only sing at fellow-ships and retreats? Why seek Meonly in times of worship? Why askthings so selfishly? Why ask thingsso un­faithfully?" The tears contin-ued to roll down my cheeks. "Whyare you ashamed of Me? Why areyou not spreading the good news?Why in times of per­secution, youcry to others when I offer My shoul-der to cry on? Why make excuseswhen I give you opportunities toserve in My Name?" "You areblessed with life. I made you not tothrow this gift away. I have blessedyou with talents to serve Me, butyou continue to turn away. I haverevealed My Word to you, but youdo not gain in knowledge. I havespoken to you but your ears wereclosed. I have shown My blessingsto you, but your eyes were turnedaway. I have sent you servants, butyou sat idly by as they were pushedaway. I have heard your prayers and

I have answered them all. Do youtruly love me? I could not answer.How could I? I was embarrassed be-yond belief. I had no excuse. Whatcould I say to this? When my hearthad cried out and the tears hadflowed, I said, "Please forgive meLord. I am unworthy to be Yourchild." The Lord answered, "That isMy Grace, My child." I asked, "Thenwhy do you con­tinue to forgive me?Why do You love me so?" The Lordanswered," Because you are My crea­tion. You are my child. I will neverabandon you. When you cry, I willhave compassion and cry with you.When you shout with joy, I will laughwith you. When you are down, I willencourage you. When you fall, I willraise you up. When you are tired, Iwill carry you. I will be with you untilthe end of days, and I will love youforever." Never had I cried so hardbefore. How could I have been socold? How could I have hurt God as Ihad done? I asked God, "How muchdo You love me?" The Lord stretchedout His arms, and I saw His nail-pierced hands. I bowed down at thefeet of Christ, my Saviour. And forthe first time, I truly prayed. ~

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Нема родитеља који не би желели даим деца поетану ваљани и вредни људи.- Чак и тежак грешник кажnjава дете заучињену грешку, чиме показује да и онсам, иако лош човек, ипак жели дањегов син не буде рђав, него добарчовек. Жеља да децу васпитавају удобру, жеља је, дакле, свих родитеља.Но, хтења су једно а остварења, поне-кад, сасвим супротна нечија децаузрастају и постају добра, а нечија опетзла. Откуда то?

По нашем мишљењу отуда, штоније доста само желети, него се мора изнати шта ваља чинити да би жељепостале стварност.

Праведнике, Јоакима и Ану,Господ награђује преблагословенимПлодом — за њихову побожностобрадовао их је ћерком, ПресветомДјевом Маријом. “0, блаженисупружници, Јоакиме и Ано”, говориСв." Јован Дамаскин, “по плоду вашемпознаде се да сте заиста непорочни исвети, као што и реч Господња вели:'“По плодовима њиховим познаћетеих” (Мат, 7,16-20). Од рођења вашег до-стојно управисте свој живот Богу, каошто је Њему угодно. Живећи чисто иправедно, родили сте ризницудевојаштва Пресвету Дјеву”. А у житијуових светих читамо: “Њих двојепревазилазаху врлинама друге људе, и

пред Богом показаше се најдостојнијида буду родитељи Мајке Божије. Такавдар не би им био дарован, да нијењихова праведност и светост била већаод других”.'

Зашто је Господ наградио Захарија иЈелисавету сином — Јованом, потоњимсветитељем, Претечом и Крститељем?Опет за њихову побожност! “Обоје,вели Свети јеванђелист Лука, бехуправедни пред Богом, поступајући усвему по заповестима и уредбамаГосподњим, непорочно” (Лука 1,6).

Рећи ћете, да су ови веома узвишенипримери, недостижни за вас. Али какавје случај са другим светитељима? Ужитију Светог Димитрија Ростовског, например, читамо да његови родитељи“беху племенити, украшени вером ихришћанском побожношћу, и у свемуиспуњаваху Господње заповести”. Каквабеше, мати Св. Јована Златоустог имајке многих других светитеља? Читајте“Житија Светих” и уверићете се да су, увећини случајева, деца постала светазато што су им родитељи били побожнии свети.

Шта је потребно да чине родитељи ужељи да им деца одрастају у доброти ипобожности? Неопходно је да их одраног детињства тако васпитавају. “Докје расла Света Дјева, читамо у ЖитијуПресвете Богородице, родитељи јечуваху као зеницу . .. и васпитаваху,

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окружујући је таквом бригом истрадањем, какви беху потребни онојкоја ће бити мати Спаситеља”.

Како су у своме детињству одгајанисветитељи? У “Житијама светих”налазимо следеће одговоре на овопитање: “Родитељи васпитаваху своједете у страху Божијем, поучавајући гахришћанској вери”, или “Рођен одпобожних родитеља и васпитаван упобожности, био је од њих послан наизучавање божанствених књига”.Велико је мноштво оваквих примера. Изњих се може закључити, да узгајањедеце у побожности пружа родитељимавелику наду да ће им деца постатидобри и побожни људи.

Родитељи, ваша је жеља да вамдеца буду добра! Да би се та жељаостварила, потребно је пре свега:

Да будете деци пример правепобожности и врлине.

Да ваш живот постане светлоствашој деци.

Да ваша права побожност и врлинекао наслеђе пређу на вашу децу и да сеу њима умноже за спасење њихово иваше.

Дајући им добар пример, учите ихЗакону Божјем — усељујте у њиховасрца племениту љубав према Богу истрах Божји (а то значи: страх да се неотпадне од Бога и падне у грех истрасти).

Учите их да воле ближње — то јестсве људе без разлике.

Уклањајте их од рђавог друштва ирђавих дела. Њихове поступке разумно

исправљајте; јер Свето Писмо велидеци: “Слушајте своје родитеље”, алипоручује и родитељима: “Не раз-дражујте своју децу, него их одгајајте уГосподњој науци и опомени”!(Еф. 6,1-4).

Уопште учећи их добру, удаљујтеих од зла! Будете ли тако поступали,можете се с поуздањем надати, да ће оддоброг семена положеног у дечија срца,добити у своје време и добри плодови.

“Усадите добро дрво и род његовбиће добар” (Мат. 12,33). (Из Звонца)

On the Lighter SideLouie and his wife were listening to the

radio when they hear the weather reportthat a snow emergency had been declaredand ordered residents to park their cars onthe odd-numbered side of the street. SoLouie followed the order. Two days lateranother snow emergency was announcedand the residents were asked to park theircars on the even-numbered side of thestreet. Again, Louie complied. Three dayslater, another snow emergency was an-nounced and residents were asked topark their cars on the. , and then the powerwent out. Louie, asked his wife "Whatshould I do?"

"This time." the wife replies, "why don'tyou just leave the car in the garage?".

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Nepoznati autor jerekao jednom “Bogne mo`e biti svudaprisutan zato jestvorio majke” Mnogicarevi, guverneri ipesnici su izrazili

svoju ljubav predanost i zahvalnostprema majkama govore}i prelepe ci-tate. Napoleom Bonaparta je rekao“Budu}nost deteta je rad majke”.Abraham Linkoln je rekao “Sve {tosam i {to se nadam da }u biti dugu-jem mom an|elu majci”. Daniel Web-ster je rekao da majke ne slikaju naplatnu koje bledi niti na mermeru kojise tro{I u pra{inu ve} na razum i duhkoji traje do veka. Tomas Edison jerekao “ona je bila istina, sa punopoverenja u mene i ja sam se ose}aoda imam razloga da `ivim za nekogakoga nesmem razo~arati”.

Svake godine druge nedelje uMaju slavimo praznik tako blizu srca.Kao porodica mi praznujemo u ~astdragog ~lana porodice majke koja dajetako mnogo od sebe sa mnogo ljubavii posve}enosti svim ~lanovimaporodice. Deca pokazuju ljubav premamajkama tokom cele godine na raznena~ine ali je ipak ova nedelja posve}ena njoj specijalno sa ljubavlju.

U petoj Bo`joj zapovesti Bog

nam govori kroz proroka Mojsija da“po{tujemo Oca i Majku da bi smodugo po`iveli na zemlji”. Hristostako|e tra`i od nas da po{tujemo ocai majku i obja{njava va`nost po{tovanja i brige za roditelje. IzEvan|elja vidimo veliku Hristovuljubav prema majci kad je sa krstapoverio brigu o majci svom u~enikuJovanu sa re~ima “Evo ti majke”.Dan majki nije crkveni praznik ali jeduboko ukorenjen u u~enju Pra-voslavne crkve kao {to se i vidi izgore navedenog primera iz svetogpisma.

1907 godine gospo|a Ana Jar-vis iz Filadelfije Pensilvanije je `elelada oda po~ast svojoj majci te je najavnom skupu dala predlog da se od-voji jedna nedelja u godini i posvetimajkama {to je i usvojeno i pro{irilose svuda.

Pravoslavna Crkva podsti~e dase majkama posveti specijalna molitvaza zdravlje tog dana a tako|e i mo-litva umrlim majkama kroz pomen zadu{e njihove. I zaista nije va`no nakoji na~in mi dajemo po~ast majkamadali kroz, poklone, poruke, spomenareili na bilo koji drugi na~in ako se tapo~ast ne kruni{e molitvom Gospodu iNjegovoj crkvi, po~ast majkama ondanije kompletan.

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19 Serbian Orthodox Church of the Assumption. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Wedding $50 $500Baptism Donation DonationChurch Funeral Donation $300Chapel $50 $300Parastos—Panihida $25 $100Pomen $15 $ 50Certificates $10 $ 20

Parish StatisticsPARASTOS: April 19, Za Bogdanu sestruMilice Turjacanin, Vjecna ja pamjat!

April 26, for Daisy Freemen , Memory Eternal!Funerals: March 27, Nevenka Sarkovich Memory Eternal– Vjecna ja pamjat!

April 16, Petar Djukanovich from Reno– Memory Eternal

BAPTISM: April 12, Knox Smith son of Travis and Nvenka SmithApril 13, Ciprian Cirstov son of Florin & Sabina Cirstov


Please consider becoming a Shepherd Sponsor. For $ 25 you will become abronze Sponsor, for $ 50 a Silver Sponsor an for $ 100.00 a gold Sponsor.

Your name or the name of a loved one will be listed.

Wise sayingsWhen a man walks in the fear of God he knows no fear, even if he were to be sur-

rounded by wicked men. He has the fear of God within him and wears the invinciblearmor of faith. This makes him strong and able to take on anything, even things whichseem difficult or impossible to most people. Such a man is like a giant surrounded bymonkeys, or a roaring lion among dogs and foxes. He goes forward trusting in the Lordand the constancy of his will to strike and paralyze his foes. He wields the blazing clubof the Word in wisdom.St. Symeon the New Theologian, The Practical and Theological Chapters

20Serbian Orthodox Church of the Assumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

M A Y 2015 M A JSundayNedelja







1 2Vespers- Vecernje

6:00 p.m.Confession—Ispovest

34rd Sunday of Pascha

Divine Liturgy 10:00 a.m.4ta Nedeqa– Raslabqenog

Gospel. Jn. 5:1-15;Epistle: Acts 9:32-42;

4 5 6St. George



7 8 9Vespers- Vecernje

6:00 p.m.Confession -Ispovest-

105th Sunday of PaschaDivine Liturgy 10:00 a.m.

5ta Nedeqa - SamarjankeGospel. Jn. 4:5-42; ;

Epistle: Acts 11:19-26, 29-30;

11 12St. Basil of

OstrogSv. Vasilije

OstroskiLiturgy at 9:00am


Catechism Class 5:00pmAKATIST at 6:00 p.m.

14 15 16

NO Vespers-No Vecernje

6:00 p.m.

176th Sunday of PaschaDivine Liturgy 10:00 a.m.6ta Nedeqa—Slepog

Gospel. Jn. 9:1-38;Epistle: Acts 16:16-34;

18 19 20

Catechism Class 5:00pmAKATIST at 6:00 p.m.

21Ascensionof Christ




Transfer of theRelics of

St. NicholasMladi Sv. Nikola

Divine Liturgy


Vespers- Vecernje6:00 p.m.


247th Sunday of Pascha

Divine Liturgy 10:00 a.m.7ma Nedeqa Sv. Otaca

Gospel. Jn.17:1-13; Mk. 5:14-19;Epistle: Acts 20:16-18,28-36;Heb.7:26-28,8:1-2;

25 26 27

Catechism Class 5:00pmAKATIST at 6:00 p.m.

28 29 30Memorial Saturday

ZADUSNICELiturgy at 9:00amVespers- Ve~ernje –

6:00 pm


Divine Liturgy 10:00 a.m.DUHOVI-Sveta Trojica

Gospel. Jn. 7:37-52 & 8:12;Epistle: Acts 2:1-11;

CHANGING YOUR ADDRESS? - MENJATE ADRESU?If you’re planning to move, please let us know before changing your address.Ako `elite da se preselite na drugu adresu obavestite nas pre nego se preselite.

Write to –Pi{ite nam na or [email protected] of the Blessed Virgin Mary

7777 Sunset Ave. Fair Oaks, Ca. 95628


Page 11: SHEPHERD SH RD -”! Pritom zaboravljamo da je pakao mesto ve~nog stradanja i srama. Bog

21Serbian Orthodox Church of the Assumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Reader Schedule

Message to all readers:Please make note of the days you

are to read and make plans to cometo church before 10:00 a.m.

May – Maj 3Reader: Theodor Hadzi-Antich

Gospel. Jn. 5:1-15;Epistle: Acts 9:32-42;May – Maj 10

Reader: Protinica MaryannGospel. Jn. 4:5-42; ;

Epistle: Acts 11:19-26, 29-30;May – Maj 17

Reader: Natalie FitzpatrickGospel. Jn. 9:1-38;

Epistle: Acts 16:16-34;May – Maj 24

Reader: Nick BrownGospel. Jn.17:1-13; Mk. 5:14-19;

Epistle: Acts 20:16-18,28-36;Heb.7:26-28,8:1-2;

May – Maj 31Reader: Theodor Hadzi-Antich

Gospel. Jn. 7:37-52 & 8:12;Epistle: Acts 2:1-11;


If anyone has anything they wouldlike to add to the Shepherd, the last

day to send information isMay 15th.

INFORMACIJE ZA JunskiAko imate ne{to da bi `eleli da

date za mese~ni Pastir, zadnji danza to je 15 Maj. Nazovite Protu

Dana ili po{aljite po{tom.

M A Y 2015 M A JSundayNedelja







1 2Vespers- Vecernje

6:00 p.m.Confession—Ispovest

34rd Sunday of Pascha

Divine Liturgy 10:00 a.m.4ta Nedeqa– Raslabqenog

Gospel. Jn. 5:1-15;Epistle: Acts 9:32-42;

4 5 6St. George



7 8 9Vespers- Vecernje

6:00 p.m.Confession -Ispovest-

105th Sunday of PaschaDivine Liturgy 10:00 a.m.

5ta Nedeqa - SamarjankeGospel. Jn. 4:5-42; ;

Epistle: Acts 11:19-26, 29-30;

11 12St. Basil of

OstrogSv. Vasilije

OstroskiLiturgy at 9:00am


Catechism Class 5:00pmAKATIST at 6:00 p.m.

14 15 16

NO Vespers-No Vecernje

6:00 p.m.

176th Sunday of PaschaDivine Liturgy 10:00 a.m.6ta Nedeqa—Slepog

Gospel. Jn. 9:1-38;Epistle: Acts 16:16-34;

18 19 20

Catechism Class 5:00pmAKATIST at 6:00 p.m.

21Ascensionof Christ




Transfer of theRelics of

St. NicholasMladi Sv. Nikola

Divine Liturgy


Vespers- Vecernje6:00 p.m.


247th Sunday of Pascha

Divine Liturgy 10:00 a.m.7ma Nedeqa Sv. Otaca

Gospel. Jn.17:1-13; Mk. 5:14-19;Epistle: Acts 20:16-18,28-36;Heb.7:26-28,8:1-2;

25 26 27

Catechism Class 5:00pmAKATIST at 6:00 p.m.

28 29 30Memorial Saturday

ZADUSNICELiturgy at 9:00amVespers- Ve~ernje –

6:00 pm


Divine Liturgy 10:00 a.m.DUHOVI-Sveta Trojica

Gospel. Jn. 7:37-52 & 8:12;Epistle: Acts 2:1-11;

CHANGING YOUR ADDRESS? - MENJATE ADRESU?If you’re planning to move, please let us know before changing your address.Ako `elite da se preselite na drugu adresu obavestite nas pre nego se preselite.

Write to –Pi{ite nam na or [email protected] of the Blessed Virgin Mary

7777 Sunset Ave. Fair Oaks, Ca. 95628

22Serbian Orthodox Church of the Assumption. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Serbian Orthodox Church of the Assumption. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Amount Pledged Monthly Weekly Daily

$1200 100 23.07 3.28$1000 83.33 19.23 2.73$800 66.66 15.38 2.19$600 50 11.53 1.64$500 41.66 9.61 1.36$300 25 5.76 0.82

How to calculate my financial commitment

STEWARDSHIP PROGRAM 2015Stewardship is our financial response to God and His Church. Through our financial

commitment our Parish will be able to carry on its programs for all its members. Please fillyour stewardship card and mail it to the Church office. “ God has given us everything we

have. He expects from us a generous portion of our blessings for the needs of His Church.”Starateljstvo je na{a obaveza prema Bogu i Njegovoj crkvi. Kroz na{a

nov~ano obavezivanje na{a parohija bi}e u mogu}nosti di ispuni sve njene pro-grame prema svim parohijanima. Molimo vas popunite KARTU STARATELJSTVA ipo{aljite je u crkvenu kancelariju. “Bog nam je dao sve {to imamo. On i o~ekuje odnas dobar deo od blagoslova nam datih za potrebe Njegove crkve”.

We are grateful to the following Stewards of our parish family for their pledge of support to theChurch and her ministries for 2015


STEWARDSHIP COMIMITMENT CARDSRadomir AntovichIlija & Anna BradaricMargaret ChernayJoe & Annette ChinnAnne CippaPavo & Bosiljka Cvjtkovic-Dragoljub & AndjaCvjetkovicBiserka DelichTim & Stephanie DisonLeo & Aleksandra GlebovRobert & Zorka GojkovichJeff & Lindsey GrayTheodore & Diana Hadzi-Antich

Yuliya & Chris JohnsonMichael and Trina JovovichDimitri & Luba KarnaookhGladys KatsikisSilvia KenteraPaula KordicJohn & Nevenka KordicBarbara LobodovskyBill MamikaMile & Terri S. MarjanovichMirjana MarkovicIlinka MeglemreCarolyn MetzkaRobert F. MillerDesanka Mojsich

Velika PejovichDraginja PetrovicProto & Protinica PopovicMilanka RadosavljevicJovan TicaJovo TicaMilan & Betty TicaNikola & Zorka TicaTodor & Milena RajakHelen and Joseph RodriguezDragan & Michelle VidovichChristian & Cristina ViduProto & Protinica WeirConnie Ziacan

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23Serbian Orthodox Church of the Assumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

February Donations

In Memory of Danica Gojkovich RyderVelika Pejovich ………….$ 150.00John & Nevenka Kordic………...$ 100.00Robert Miller ………………….$ 100.00Elizabeth Ratkovich ………….$ 100.00Proto & Protinica Weir………….$ 50.00Robert Stefanovic …………..$ 50.00Milanka Radosavljevic………… $ 50.00Nikola & Zorka Tica ………….$ 50.00Milan & Betty Tica ………….$ 50.00Ted & Anne Pejovich ………….$ 50.00Michael & Marlene Pope……….$ 50.00Steve & Beverly Balich…………$ 50.00Joseph & Carol Lepich………….$ 50.00Siliva Kentera ………………….$ 30.00Ilija & Anna Bradaric ………….$ 30.00Milica Domanovich …………..$ 30.00

In Memory of Danica Gojkovich Ryder-Endowment FundDaisy Freeman …………..$ 20.00In Memory of Ratibor PantovicRobert & Zorka Gojkovich …..$ 25.00In Memory of Mary ReillyRobert & Zorka Gojkovich …...$ 25.00In Memory of Mile DjokicMilanka Radosavljevic…………...$ 50.00In Memory of Lysenko FamilyDimitri & Luba Karnaookh Family $ 20.00

Donations For MihailoRatko Omkicus………………….$ 100.00Paula Kordic ………………….$ 25.00Bogdanka Babocaic …………. $ 20.00Angelia Jovanovic …………. $ 10.00Borka Malkovich …………. $ 148.00

ShepherdMilivoje & Cveta Radovanovich .$ 50.00Ilija & Anna Bradaric …………$ 25.00Silvia Kentera …………………$ 25.00Borislav & Mirjana Ilic ……….$ 24.00

March Donations

In Memory of Danica Gojkovich Ryder-Slobodan Galeb……………...$ 1,000.00Martin & Jeanne Gavin……...$ 300.00Rose Tierney ……………….$ 100.00Gladys Katsikis……………….$ 100.00Pete & Sophie Vucurevich…...$ 100.00Mary Gojkovich…………….. $ 100.00Stanley & Vesna Mojsich…….$ 50.00Branko & Marcia Kovac……..$ 50.00Peter & Dara Kosich ……….$ 50.00Jack & Lois Stossel ……….$ 25.00

In Memory of Dana RyderJohn & Susan Bunyard ……... $ 75.00Joanne Hagopian……………... $ 40.00In Memory of John GojkovichMary Gojkovich……………….$ 400.00In Memory of Jovan Radulovich & BoroIlichAdriana & Rade Radulovich ….$ 100.00In Memory of Nikola KordicJohn & Nevenka Kordic………..$ 50.00

Crab Feed -FenceBiserka Delich ……………....$ 100.00Sunday of Orthodoxy - donated to Chris-tian Charity ……………….$ 595.00

Easter for ChildrenMilanka Radosavljevic………. $ 250.00


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Serbian Orthodox Church of the Assumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2015 ShepherdRobert Miller …………………….$ 25.00Radomir Cubrilo ……………. $ 25.00Milan Cubrilo ……………………. $ 25.00Ratko & Nena Omcikus ……..$ 24.00

DonationRiver City Chorale …………….$ 100.00Easter Resurrection CandlesClergy Candle - Svetlana Nikitina ..$ 20.00Clergy Candle - Slava …………...$ 20.00Main Easter Icon - Chris & Julia John-son ………………………………..$ 20.00Main Easter Icon - Tim & Stephanie Di-son ………………………………… $ 20.00Memorial Table- Sylvia Kentera …. $ 20.00

In Memory of her HusbandEaster Flowers

Front four Alter Icon Flowers Donated by;Margaret Chernay

In Memory of her Mother, Two Brothersand Sister-in-lowAnd by; Natalie Fitzpatrick and family.

Four Palms - Palm Sunday & Easter;Nada Kosanovic ………………….$ 50.00

Easter Flowers Cash Donations;Robert Miller …………………. $ 20.00Eli & Anna Bradaric ………………. $ 20.00Sophia Bowen …………………..$ 20.00Milivoje & Cveta Radovanovich ……$ 20.00Velika Pejovich ……………………$ 20.00Biserka Delich …………………….$ 5.00Theodore & Diana Hadri-Antich …... $ 20.00Milan & Betty Tica ………………...$ 20.00Milena & Zoran Papazivanov …….. $ 20.00Richard & Irina Hoyt ……………..$ 5.00

Svetlana Maksimovic ………... $ 20.00Patricia Culjak ……………….$ 40.00Marija Krapcevich …………...$ 20.00

For Good Health: Aleksandar, Pavle,Protinica Radmila & Marija

Draginja Petrovich ………….. $ 20.00In Memory of her Husband

Dragoljub & Andja Cvjetkovic... $ 40.00Za Zdravlje Nase Djece:Brankice, Mirjane & Miljana

Zoran & Veliborka Cvjetkovic ...$ 10.00Za Zdravlje Nase Dece: David & Sofia

Pavo & Bosiljka Cvjetkovic ….. $ 20.00Za Zdravlje familije Cvjetkovic

Savo & Bosilijka Petrovic ……..$ 20.00Za Zdravlje Porodice

Igor Don Doncow …………… $ 25.00In Memory of: Svetlana, Rostislav,Antonina, Vladimir, Alexander, Kon-

stantin, Adela, Xenia, Alexander, Alex-andra, Igor, Vera, Tamara & Zinaida.

Nikola & Zorka Tica ………... $ 25.00Za Zivot i Zdravlje: Jova, Nikole,

Zorke, Jelene, Marka, Petre i Slavena

Slavko & Milica Turjacanin …..$ 20.00Za Pakoj Dusi: Mojoj Braci Simi,

Mirku, Veljku, Branku, Ljubomiru, ma-jki Joki, Petru. Sestri Stajki i Bogdani,Svekru Stojanu, Svekrvi Draginji.

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Serbian Orthodox Church of the Assumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Kids age 5-16are invited for

Day campfrom 9 am- 6 pm

Bring your friends!June 8-12, 2015

POZIVAJU SEDeca od 5-16 zaDnevni Kampod 9– 6 uvece

Dovedite vase Prijatelje

Juni 8-12, 2015

We are trying to organize summer daytime camp. If youlike to help with organizing camp in any capacity please

let me know as soon as possible to Fr. Dane at 916-606-8808Zeleli bih da organizujemo Dnevni de~ji Kamp u Junu.

Ako `elite da pomognete u organizaciji ili na bilo koji na~inmolimo vas da se odmah javite Proti Danu na 916-606-8808

Parents please respond soon as possible!Roditelji molimo vas javite se sto pre!


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Serbian Orthodox Church of the Assumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Георгије Флоровски:


Oво се збило у Витлејему Јудејскоме завреме цара Ирода. И тaj историјски догађајналази се у сржи хришћанске вере.Хришћанска вера је стварно историјска, јерпочива на историјским догађајима.Историјски карактер је имала и апостолскапроповед од самога дана Педесетнице кадаје апостол Петар сведочио као очевидац осавршеном спасењу, о силама и чудесима,о знамењима које је учинио Бог Христос, оЊеговим страдањима и Васкрсењу, оВазнесењу и о ниспослању дарова ДухаСветога. У апостолској проповеди јеемпиријско искуство узрастало самистичким искуством, јер у самомемпиријском, у тварној невидљивости,јавило се надемпиријско, Божанско, -јавила се тајна Богочовештва. И тy тајнусадржи и пројављује Cвeтa Црква, „ЦркваБога Живога, стуб и тврђава истине” (1Тим 3,15). Сва хришћанска вера jecтeтумачење и објашњење тајне ипостасногБогочовештва, и само у свези са овимдогађајем - „Син Бога постаје Син Дјеве” -појмљива је суштина и природа Цркве каоистинског „Тела Христовог“. Управо таслика апостола Павла jecтe најтачније итемељно одређење свете Цркве, које чинимогућим сва друга, каснија одређења.

Спаситељ је сведочио за Себе да је

„надвладао свет”. И победа Његова,Његово дело искупљења, управо се утоме и састоји што је Он саздао ЦрквуСвоју, и тиме у тескоби и смиреносги, унемоћи и сиромаштву, установиопочетак историјског постојања „новетвари”. Почев са светим апостолима,„очевицима и служитељима Речи”,стари хришћани су називали себе„народом Божјим”, „новим народом”,„изабраним родом”, „људима узетим уудео”. И заиста, Света Црква је „ДомБожји”, град Божји, „чији је неимар иуметник - Бог”, „Царство Божје”,„Горњи Јерусалим”. Већ у самомназиву εκκλησία садржи се и појам оЦркви као о граду или Царству Божјем.Εκκλησία je сабрање које се никад неразилази, сабрање новог, благодаћурођеног народа, „позваних” грађананебеског Јерусалима. И управо таквосхватање Православна Црквапројављује и дан-данас кад пре светогкрштења тражи од „оног који сепросвећује” исповедање вере у Христа„као Цара и Бога”, а у молитвама зановокрштене моли се „да примепочасти горњега звања и приброје сепрворођеним, записаним на небу”. Уcветом крштењу човек оставља „овајсвет”, поробљен „дејствомнепријатеља”, он као да напушта илиослобађа се природног поретка ствари,поретка „тела и крви”, и прелази ублагодатни поредак, - по тајанственими свечаним речима ап. Павла,„приступа Сионској гори, и граду БогаЖивога, Јерусалиму Небеском имиријадама анђела, свечаном сабору и

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Serbian Orthodox Church of the Assumption. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27

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Цркви првородних, записаних нанебесима, Судији Богу свих, и духовимасавршених праведника“ (Јев 12,22-23).

Сав смисао и сила тајне св.крштења у томе је што крштени ступа уједну Цркву, „једну Цркву анђела иљуди”, калеми се и срашћује с једним„Телом Христовим” и постаје„суграђанин светих и блиских Богу”, јер„сви смо ми крштени једним Духом уједном телу”. Свето Крштење јетајанствени чин пријема у Цркву као уЦарство благодати. Зато се св. Црква имоли за новокрштенога: „забележи га уКњизи живота свога; присаједини гастаду наслеђа Твога... и учини гајагњетом словесног светога стадаХриста Твога, часним чланом ЦрквеТвоје, сином светлости инаследником Царства Твога... насадомистине у светој Твојој саборној иапостолској Цркви...” Црква је нови,благодатни народ, који није сличан ни скојим природним или овоземаљскимнародом, ни с Јелинима, ни с Јудејцима,ни с Варварима, нити са Скитима, то јеtertium genus - народ који се изграђујепо сасвим другачијем начелу, - ненеопходношћу природног рођења, него„тајинством воде” тајинственимсједињењем са Христом у „тајанственојбањи поновног рођења”, „благодаћуусиновљења”, кроз слободу, подвиг идар усиновљења Богу, „по коме сеименује свака отаџбина на небу и наземљи”. И у томе се садржи основ итемељ свих оних својстава Цркве која оњој исповедамо речима Символа, -јединитости, светоcти, саборности и

апостоличности, - сва та одређења нисусамо повезана, већ су потпуно неодвојиваједна од других.

^ином вере „у Једну, Свету,Саборну и Апостолску Цркву” миисповедамо њену онострану природу,њено биће „које није од овог света”,пошто је вера потврда невидљивих ствари(Јев 11,1). И самим тим што међучлановима вероисповедања у Символунаводимо Цркву у истом реду са самимГосподом Богом, посведочавамо Њенобожанско порекло и светост. Верујемо уЦркву и у њу можемо само веровати, јерона је „Тело Христово”, „пуноћа Оногакоји све испуњава у свему” (Еф 1,23). „Наоснову речи Божје”, писао је чувени рускибогослов Филарет, митрополитмосковски, „ја замишљам ВасељенскуЦркву као ‘једно’ велико ‘тело’.” ИсусХристос је за њега како „срце”, илиначело „живота”, тако и „глава”, илипремудрост која управља. Само је Њемупозната пуна мера и унутарњи саставовога тела. Нама, пак, познати суразличити његови удови, и тo вишеспољашњи изглед који је распрострт упростopy и времену. У видљивом„облику” или у „видљивој Цркви” налазисе „невидљиво Тело Христово” или„невидљива Црква”, „Црква славна, којанема мрље ни боре, или томе штослично“ (Еф 5,27), но, „чија је слава у њојунутра” и коју ја због тога не видим чистои разговетно, али у коју, на основуСимвола вере, „верујем”. Међутим,видљива Црква, будући обучена уневидљиву, делимично открива чистотуневидљиве Цркве, NASTAVICE SE...

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"You shall receive power when the HolySpirit has come upon you and you shall be mywitnesses, in Jerusalem, and in all Judea andSamaria and to the ends of the earth"— Acts 1:8

This verse from the book of Acts is read onPascha at the Divine Liturgy Q) and also at theFeast of the Ascension. The Church stressestwice in her worship that the "Good News" ofthe Resurrection is not to be "hidden under thebushel" as it were, but instead to be taken bywitness to the ends of the earth. One of themost powerful images of this "witnessing ofthe Good News or Gospel" is also discoveredin the Book of the Acts of the Apostles. In re­sponse to the preaching of the Apostles St.Luke tells us that "day after day the Lord addedto their number those who were beingsaved." (Acts 2:47). Very often in the past thisverse of Scripture has been for Orthodox Chris-tians simply a fond memory. We could proudlypoint to the figures of the Apostles on the iconscreen but often there was little evidence of thework of the Apos­tles in our parishes. In recentyears however, because of the breakup of the"catholic tradition" in many mainline churchesand its replacement of the call to repentancewith "feel-good" theology the Orthodox _Church, in spite of us Orthodox Christians, isbeing re­discovered by many people.

This has prompted an awareness that we,as Orthodox Christians, need to respond to thisawakening of interest, and to follow the call ofthe Holy Spirit to once again be "witnesses".

At the same time these goals point out thefact that our diocese is in a state of transition:from attempting to preserve the Greek Catholic

Church of 1938 for Carpatho-Russianimmigrants and their children to becoming aChurch of Americans of many backgroundsthat seeks to reflect the fullness of Orthodoxyas expressed in the Car-patho-Russian tradi-tion.

As Providence assigned it to MetropolitanOrestes to lead the diocese in its pilgrimageback home to the Orthodox Church and toBishop John to establish it solidly in thatChurch so it has fallen to Metropolitan Nicho-las to lead us, in some cases, to drag us, wherethe Spirit bids us to come. In years to come wemay look upon this Pentecost season of thenew Millennium as the beginning of a revivalof faith and commitment to the Lord and HisOrthodox Church among a great number ofpeople. The Lord reminds us of this power ofthe Spirit in the face of disbelief, “Greaterworks than these shall ye do, because I go tothe Father.” (John 14:12).

Sharers in the Divine LifeAs Orthodox Christians we are believe that it isthrough the power of the Holy Spirit that wecome to share in the Divine Life of Christ nowmani­fested in His Death, and Resurrection andrevealed to all through the outpour­ing of theHoly Spirit.

Whenever someone is baptized, wheneversomeone is chrismated into the Church thepriest anoints their body with Chrism saying,"The seal of the Gift of the Holy Spirit" mak-ing that person a sharer in the Pentecost eventjust as Baptism was their sharing in the Deathand Resurrection of the Lord.

Each of us received as a gift what Christpossesses by nature: the Holy Spirit Who in thewords of our Lord, "will teach you all

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things." (John 14:26).The real tragedy in the life of our Church

today is the fact that we have of­ten left thisgift of the Holy Spirit, in the words of theLenten hymn, "lying in the tomb of negli-gence." We very often experience the difficul-ties that beset our churches and us because wehave sought to satisfy the longing of ourhearts in other things, rather than in the "onething needful." (Luke 10:42). We often havecome to measure the success of our parish lifeby how successful our fundraisers are andhow much is in the bank. Jesus says to us inthe Church today as Hesaid to the sister of Laza-rus so long ago: "Martha,Mar­tha, you are anxiousand troubled about manythings yet there is onlyone thing needful."

The one thing needfulthat would make ourchurches and us trulysuccess­ful in the sight ofthe Lord has, in fact,been with us all along.Our sin, our tragedy liesin never noticing it orsimply our refusal to believe that it was everreally there - the presence of the Holy Spirit.

The key to revitalizing our church life andpersonal lives in the face of the challenges andtemptations that beset in the New Millenniumis to realize that we too, like the Apostles anddisciples of old, have been given a share in thePentecost event. The Holy Spirit has comeupon us and has been tugging at our hearts -will we stop to quietly listen to the "still, smallvoice" of the Spirit (I Kings 19:12) or will wekeep attempting to ignore it? Will the Lordadd "day to day" to our numbers or will weextinguish the flame of Pentecost and pass

from the scene?We have learned in America to play the role

of Martha very well; but the time has come forus to learn the quiet humility of Mary.

Spirit-bearing PeopleIf you have ever been in the presence of a trulyholy person, a "Spirit-bearing" person, you willrecall how at peace you were, how in your heartyou experienced a renewed love for God and adeep remorse for your sins. These feelings werenot because of any "holiness" on the part of theperson we were in contact with any more thanthe wood and paint of an icon was itself "holy"

but through the work of theHoly Spirit radiating fromthese things and shiningwithin us. The success thatthe Apostles and early Chris-tians had in spreading theGood News was to be foundnot in dramatic sermons orspec­tacular miracles. Themembers of the CorinthianChurch complained that thegreat Apostle Paul was"weighty and strong in hisletters" but that his physicalpresence was "weak and his

speech of no account." II Cor. 10:10.The spread of the Church was due to the

magnificent witness of its mem­bers in theirown personal day-to-day lives. St. Seraphim ofSarov wrote, "The aim of the Christian life is theacquisition of the Holy Spirit - Acquire theSpirit of Peace and a thousand souls will besaved around you." It was the presence of theHoly Spirit in their personal lives that, like apebble tossed into a pool of water sending rip-ples to the edges of the pool, affected so manyand brought so many to the Church - theywanted the "joy " that the Christians had—a"joy" that so many thousands preferred to die





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Sv. Nikolai Velimirovic


Миротворац ће се назвати сином Божијим.Назваће се оним што Христос јесте одвечности у вечност. Миротворац врши делоХристово. У име Оца небеснога онобјављује братство људи, и у имебогољубља братољубље. Да би унео мирмеђу људе, он их опомиње и уздиже навиши план сродства. На томе вишем плануједино се може створити прави мир и трајанмир. Грађански мир је нестваран, стваран јесамо братски мир. Не саграђани, негосабраћа могу усвојити и имати Божанскимир, прави мир. Миротворац је неминовнопроповедник великог и блиског сродствафамилије Божије, проповедник небесногочинства и људског братства. "Браћа сте,имате једног Оца на небесима!" То јемиротворчев непогрешни аргумент мира,коме се нико разуман не може одупрети. Тоја највише оправдање и надахнуће мирамеђу људима. Уз то се миротворацнепрестано обраћа увређеном Богу смолитвом: "опрости им јер не знају штараде; опрости им, деца су Твоја, и Ти си имОтац!" И Отац слуша сина миротворца, избог њега дарује људима Духа Свог Светог,који доноси небесни дар мира у озлојеђенедуше. А мир је здравље.

Тако се миротворством зида седми спратрајске пирамиде. Овај спрат је зидан као одчистога злата. И он има миран сјај злата.


Блажени су гоњени правде ради, јер јењихово Царство Небеско.

Онај ко зида висока дворе од земне грађеизазива завист рђавих суседа. А ко оддуховне грађе зида високу рајску пирамидуизазива завист демона. Демони нарочитомрзе оне који су задобили велики мирдушевни и који уносе велики мир међубраћу.

Јер, демони се сладе свађом међу људима.Они би хтели да људи живе у непрестаномнемиру и несрећи, те да би тако ропталипротив свога Творца. Њихов је посао одпочетка, да узбуњују људе против Бога.Њима је мио Каин братоубица а не кроткиАвељ. Они воле Исава а мрзе Јакова, волеСаула а мрзе Давида, воле Кајафу а мрзеГамалила, воле Савла а мрзе Павла. Збогтога неуморно дижу гоњење противправедника. Они пакосте праведнику и самилично, а још више преко људи разваљенедуше. Они удружуј све моралне слабићепротив јунака Божијега, против витезаправде Христове. А Бог гледа и попушта, данемоћ људи и демона удара на слугуЊеговог. Попушта Свевидећи - да би себезброј пут немоћ показала као немоћ ипостидела. Попушта Свемудри - да би светавидео и уверио се како је правда и удроњама силнија од неправде подкалпацима и на престолима. ПопуштаСвеблаги - да би Свога слугу окитио са штовише победа и са што више победнихвенаца. Као што лопови и разбојницинападају на богаташе светске, тако опакидемони и заблудели људи нападају набогаташа духовнога.

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Свети Нил је из искуства рекао: "ако сеистински молиш, буди спреман за нападедемонске." Велики Павла саопштаваТимотеју, како је претрпео протеривања истрадања каква ми се, вели, догодише уАнтиохији и у Иконији и у Листри, каквапротјеривања поднесох и од свију избавиме Господ. Па на крају истиче ово каоправило: а и сви који хоће побожно даживе биће гоњени (II Тим. 3,12-13). Но исам Господ све је то предвидео ипредсказао, и није затајио од ученикаСвојих (Мат. 10). Апостоли су прогоњеникамењем из места у место. Свети Атанасијевијан је као дивља звер од богомрскихгонитеља. Мелентије Антиохијски истотако. Златоуст је страдао и умро упрогнанству. Тако и благочестиваОлимпијада. И још многобројни,безбројни. Свети Василије Велики говориоје судији који му је претио прогонством, дасе он томе може само радовати пошто га неможе протерати ни на једно место где немаБога. Мудри Златоуст објашњава плодовегоњења овако: "као што биље брже растекада се залива, тако и вера наша када бивагоњена јаче цвета и више сеумножава" (Похвална беседасв.мученицима Јувентину и Максимину).

Зато што је Син Божији био гоњен, и свисинови Божији по благодати желели су даи они буду гоњени. Они су то сматралиодликовањем за себе. И знали су, да јегоњење због правде Божије одлична грађаза зидање рајске пирамиде. Осми спратњихове рајске пирамиде саграђен је чврстона претходних седам спратова, и он је савдрагоцен и диван као топаз. Када сепреселе у Царство Христово, они ће на томспрату разговарати у радости и весељу сасвима гоњеним за правду Божију од

постања света.


Блажени сте ви ако вас узасрамоте иуспрогоне и реку на вас злу реч лажући, менеради.

И мало час и сада говори се о гоњењу; тамо огоњењу правде ради а овде о гоњењу Христаради.

Тамо правда представља сав системхришћанске истине и владања, овде Христоспредставља оваплоћену сву правду Божију.Ова два спрата рајске пирамиде од сличне суграђе - од страдања за правду или за Христа.То страдање мора да је тако драгоцено заизграђивање духовне палате, да га Господдвапут понавља и двапут похваљује - као двапечата што потврђују све остале претходневрлине. Само у овом последњем случајуговори се о страдању оштријем и мучнијемнего у оном претходном.

Срамоћење, прогоњење, хуљење речима,лагања и клеветања - и то све Христа ради,наваљује се на вернога као последње инајстрашније кушање. Под таквимпритиском глача се и најтврђи камен акамоли срце човечије. Под таквим пљускомубељује се и најпрљавије платно а камолидуша човечија.

Овде је реч о мучеништву за Христа. И кодраговољно прими то мучеништво, тајгомила скупоцену грађу за стројење деветогаспрата своје рајске пирамиде. Они који сууспели добро да изидају и осигурају првихосам спратова своје духовне палате, не желеништа на свету тако свесрдно као да положесвој живот за Господа свога. Nastavice se...

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for rather than renounce.The Holy Spirit produced a "new life"

in these early believers. Listen to the words ofone of the most articulate of the early converts,St. Justin the Martyr, writing only a hundredyears or so after the death of SS. Peter andPaul:

"We who formerly delighted in fornicationnow cleave only to chastity. We who exercisedthe magic arts now consecrate ourselves to thegood and unbegotten God. We who valuedabove all else the acquisition of wealth andproperty now direct all that we have to a

common fund, and killed one another, and who,because of differing customs, would not share afireside with those of another race, now, afterthe appearance of Christ, live together 3 withthem. We pray for our enemies and try to per-suade those who unjustly hate us that if theylive according to the excellent precepts ofChrist, they will have a good hope of receivingthe same reward as ourselves, from the Godwho governs all.

St. Justin the Martyr (+166AD)

Another Church writer of the early years ofthe Church, Tertullian, described the rapidspread of Christianity to his pagan contempo-raries in this way: We are but of yesterday, andalready we have filled your world: cities, is-lands, fortresses, towns, marketplaces, thecamp itself, tribes, companies, the palace, thesenate and the forum. We have left you nothingbut your temples only!

The presence of the Holy Spirit in the per-sonal lives of the early believers was a power-ful inducement to others to believe. To quoteTertullian again: People are not born Christiansbut become such.

Enough Evidence to ConvictHave we become Orthodox Christians? Not

simply do we profess to be kJ V but have webecome such? If like the early believers wewere brought before a magistrate with thecharge "Christianus est" (ie., "he is a Chris-tian!") would there be enough evidence to con-vict us? If our home were searched what wouldbe found there? Would there be evidence of ourfaith? Would there be icons or a bible or prayerbook conspicuously present to betray us?Would our neighbors witness that we were anydifferent than the rest of society?

Church growth is nothing more or less thanthe self-growth of the individu­als who makeup the Church. To state it plainly, if people inour families, in our schools, in our workplacesee that faith is an important and abiding pres­ence that guides our lives and gives us comfortthey will be led to seek it themselves. If ourchurches are places of prayer, spiritual instruc-tion and fellowship, where all are welcome, itis likely that they will always have mem­bers.

We must learn again that the gift of theHoly Spirit was not and is not a temporary phe-nomenon given to a group of "holy specialists"or only to the clergy but is freely given to allwho seek it with repentance and love. We mustlearn again that not only have we been forgivenbut that we have been called to become thesanctified people of God. We are still beingcalled to be His Witnesses in Jerusalem and inall Judea and in Samaria even to the ends of theearth.

Very Rev. Lawrence Barriger

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Calendar of EventsWe are publishing a calendar of events

so that you and your familycan join us for these events. All are welcome

and we hope to see you at Church,as well as these events.

More details will follow.

May 21,Ascentions– SpasovdanMay 31, Holy TrinityJune 8, Day Kids Camp / Decji KamJune 28, VidovdanJuly 19, Drazin Dan

August 28, Church SlavaAugust 30, Church Slava CelebrationOctober 10, Serbian Festival

Your Church Board Welcomes you.

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"And whatever you do, do it heartily, as tothe Lord and not to men. Knowing that fromthe Lord you will receive the reward of theinheritance, for you serve the LordChrist." (Col.3:23-24)

Christian Dior is a manufacturer ofclothing apparel who clothes hundredsof thousands of people. When we pur-chase clothes, we always look for thelabel as to the manufacturer, the sizeand the method of cleaning. As Ortho-dox Christians we are a label to othersrepresenting our church and her be-liefs. Others look upon us to see JesusChrist Our Savior as the head of theChurch, the membership of the Churchas a whole and what our OrthodoxFaith practices in her beliefs. The Ortho­dox Cross we wear is not simply a la-bel but a belief in the ResurrectedChrist. Our way of life as OrthodoxChristians is an experience and expres-sion of our ability to serve Christ andHis Church which we attend and inwhich we worship

Using Our TalentsLife is important to us, and many timesit needs direction. Life is serving OurLord Jesus Christ, the Church and our

fellow man. Serving isone of the examples

Jesus gave us. "Just as the Son of Mandid not come to be served, but to serve,and to give his life as a ransom formany." (Matt. 20;28). Jesus offered Hislife to serve humanity. How can we of-fer to serve humanity as Christ did?The answer is simple through thechurch and by our talents.

Everyone of us has some measureof talent. We need not be talented inthe arts, music or sports. It is not onlythe gifted who may have tal­ent but theordinary individual as well. The prob-lem is that we may not recognize it orclassify it as a talent. Our talent shouldnot only be ours but for the Church aswell. Churches need talented people toserve and be of service to Jesus Christ.What happens is that we hide or with-draw our talent from Christ and theChurch. We use our talent all otherplaces but when it comes to theChurch, we seem to draw the line.

Every parish has members who aretalented people, but how many of themoffer their services to the Church freelyand willingly? There always seems tobe some hesitancy. The local parishmay have an abundance of talent thatis in a reservoir waiting to be opened.

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Serbian Orthodox Church of the Assumption. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35

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Unfortunately, it remains in the reser-voir. The talent we are blessed withoffers no service to the Church. Whatis unique about the Amish people istheir willingness to serve not onlytheir church but their fellowman. Ahouse is burned, a crop is destroyed ortheir farming equipment is damagedand the Amish gather, together toserve their needs by using everyone'stalents. The house is rebuilt, the cropis replanted and the equipment is re-paired without insurance or money.As a unit of people they came to servethe needs of their fellowman.

Giving Of Our TimeWe as the members of the Body of

Christ, our Church are called upon toserve the Lord and His Holy Church.Each year the call comes to serve onthe parish council. It is an honor toserve on the parish council and not tobe served. Parishioners serving onparish councils must be members whohave the desire to serve Christ and theChurch . They must serve yard of theChurch. As parishioner: ay serve asreligious education teachers, as sing-ers, as volunteers for whatever task isneeded, as youth advisors, as elderlycaregivers, as grocery shoppers, as al-

tar boys and men, as ushers, as greeters,as chairman of committees, as groundskeep­ers or whatever our parish priestrequests of you.

The sad commentary is that to servein the Church we always think it is forthe other parishioners and not us. Oftenthe reason is that there is never time toserve. Are there not 24 hours in a day?We allo­cate 8-9 hours for work, 6-8hours for sleep and the balance of 8hours for everything else our heart de-sires based on a five-day work week.Saturday and Sunday have their owndistinct allocations of time. Search outthat time, and you will be able to servethe Church. When you serve theChurch, as spirit-filled Christians, faith-fully, willingly, wholeheartedly andwithout regret or reservation, then youserve the Lord Christ with all your heartand soul.

The Gospel of Saint Matthew chapter20-26 reminds us that to serve in theChurch for the needs of God's people isbased on love. The us that toserve in the Church for the needs ofGod's people is based on love. The timeto serve is now by contacting your par-ish priest, offering yourself, your timeand your talents.

Rev. Theodore Z. Mozes

Serbian Orthodox Church of the Assumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36

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40Serbian O

rthodox Church of the A


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