Shenandoah Herald.(Woodstock, VA) 1905-04-14.SHENANDOAH Hi-Mi) IS PUBLISHKU W*tSST*aU.1 Hf JOHN H....

SHENANDOAH Hi-Mi) IS PUBLISH KU W*tSST*aU.1 Hf JOHN H. GRABILL WOODSTOCK. VlKlilNIA. FRIDAY, APRIL 1-4, 1905- We publish iu tin** issue tbe speech of Senator Martin delivered at Lunen- lurgC IL, last Monday. He pre¬ sented bis claims lo the people in an able mamu r, without attacking eil her of his opponents. Senator Martin invites the people to examine his record ami il they find that record satisfactory to support him. He made no eflon to secure vote* bj condemn¬ ing the records ol li** opponent a For this he deserves the thanks and votes ofthe Democratic party, lt is to be earnestly hoped that the clo¬ vass for the Primary will he conduct ed without bitterness or mud sling og and that the several nominees will receive the solid vote ol the party. Nearly avery individual ha> his a* . choice, let him express it at the Pri¬ mary ard then support the nominees. aaaa**aa*aaaaa»*^^*a>-_-_-aa*-» Not only did the demi Crttl carry Chicago anti St. Louis and moat <-t ***** the Colorado cities.even those that were reliably republican.but they carried Kansas City and Leavena- worih, both in Kansas, where repub¬ licans supposed they were perfectly secure, and thew carried Jiff - City, Mo., for the first time in 25 vears, and made gains in ail the Missouri towns. A democratic land- slide in Colorado is a righteous retri¬ bution upon the republicans for steal¬ ing the governorship. Moat <d the municipal elections were carried by tl e democrats. Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Leadville are normally republican, and the last was carried by tha democrats for tbe first tune in twenty years, Tlie crime oi tbe re¬ publicans d< manded an even more decisive defeat. J. Mortimer Kilgour died at Ids home, near Hillsboro, Loudoun Co.s Va , on Tuesday night, at the age of 84 years. The immediate cause <>t his death was pneumonia. He was a native ot Montgomery Co., Md., and w;is the son ol Judge Kilgour, late of tbat county, ami a cousin ol Col. Wm, Kilgour, ol K. eimile, Md. He was for manv vears a practicing it- torney at the Leesburg bar, and aft* r the civil war was elected common¬ wealth's attorney lor Loudoun Co, Several yeais prior to his death he was engaged in writing a history ot Loudoun county, but was not aide to complete it. He was Qoartermastei ot White's Battalion during the civil war. Ferry Farmer, 30 years olds, met a most tragic death at his heme, west of Tsaewell,Tuesday. Ile placid a stick ol dynamite in his mouth, - I fire to the iuse and his body was blown into shreds. The explos also wrecked the room at his home which he had selected for his deaih. No motive is gi»n by his parents for the suicide, save that Farmer's mind was unbalanced, and tbat he wanted to put himself out of the way. Frightful Suffering Relieved. Suffering frightfully from the \iru- lent poisons of undigested food, C Q, Grayson, of Lula, Miss , took Dr. King's New Life Pills, "with the re¬ sult," he writes, ..that I was cured." All stomach and bowel disorders ¦five way to their tonic, laxative properti'8. '-.'5c at L. R. Irwin's drug store, guarantee 1. VAN BUREN FURNACE. We are having some more ground hog weather. Miss Tuc ie OrndoiiT celebrated her 15th birthday on Tuesday last, she inyited all her friends Thoa*- present were : J/isses Olive George, Bessie, Nellie, M>rt, Della, Elsie, Nell, Gladys Orndoiff, and Messrs Hany, Lester, Melvin, Paul Oin dorfT, Andrew Bolivar, Elmer Burke, Cleveland, Guy, Henry Peer, all re- j*ort an enjoyable time. Misses Edita, and Eula Orndorff and Mi*s Kay Copeland returned to the-r homes Sunday la**t. Miss Tub* OrndortThlt fol Wood- stock, Tm «day. Mi*-s Edith Orndoiff, one of our most popular young holies, left toi Washington, Saturday, where -lie ea peels to spend the mummer. Iii many friends regreted to see lu r eav*-. Some of onr ladies were flow-r gathering Friday, Misses Edith Orndorff and sisters were visiting their grandmother, the first of the week. ^fT. and Mr-. B, Y Sfrosmder and little daughter, brice Visited Mr-. Strosnider's father, ot Van i-Suren Furnace, Sunday. We are sorry to say Mr. Hui, our uew mail csrrier has returned to hi*. homr, near Mt. Calvary. .Mr. i,ester Orndorff, of Pine Hill. visited Miss .Myrtle H. 0/mlorfl', of Brush Hidge, Sunday. A Tried and True Friend. One Minute Cough Cure contains not an atom of any harmful drug, and it ha« been curing Coughs, Colds, Croup aud Whooping Cough so long that ii has proven itself to be a tried j B and true friend to tbe nany who use j ««* lim Sold by L. H. Irwin. i| PBN/ltCR MARTIN TAKES THE kV UMP. IV ,l,r-one, Va., April lO.-Sena- ..-»i. >. . ii- made his first appear- c hp the stump in his own be- t I unenburg Courthouse todav, .. ile addressed one of tlie largest . ow s ever -*een here. The sena- "i orived last night, pending the night at the Central Hotel. He was up bright and early this morning and out tn meei the people whee they ar rued- Ile spent the morning in the court green, mixing with the crowd and appeared much to thc surprise ol many as a good uiix*?r. He was appealed to by many to make a speech but stated that he was not present lor that purpose but only to meet and greet his friends Uv finally, however, consented and immediately after dinner, was intro duoed by County Chairman George E. Smith, Judge Barksdalc granting the court-room for that. j.inpose. After expressing his pleasure at being pr- sent ami thc emb.iirassment he telt. at appearing on the Stump in his own behalf*, betook up the quea*- lioo ot' his record in tue N-nate, Bay¬ ing he had kept no books on this, but had called upon an information bureau in ll ashington to fiirni**b this tor him, the amount tarnished him was a surprise but the only egotism lie felt waa in the thought that he iiad been able to repay rn a slight wa) tlie high honor conferred upon him by the people of Virginia. He declared that he did not desire to laud himself and would not decry his adversaries, that he had striven to merit the honor conferred and had labored b»r the approval ot his conscience and the approbation ol i i> constituents, that he had been charged with being true to his friend* which charge he did nol deny, and that he did not cir*' to live long enough to bc lalsc to them, that when he had favors to bestow, he would bestow them up¬ on his friends but that as a representative he di tied any man to say he had ever shown any differ¬ ence iii his service but had treated all alike and never stopped to ques¬ tion w hellier thc service was lor li lend or enemy. He spoke ol his connections with railroads, saving he was previous to his eh ction to the Senate, employed as attorney before the court, bul had never appeared as a lobbyist be¬ fore any legislative body and would not do so. The Senator grew warm at times but did noi in any manner ref i i" hw opponent, Governor Montague, the only inference to bis opposition was in connection with 'ns service in the different commit¬ tees and :i> a department rumor, saying that five thousand dollars was a big price to pay for a depart¬ ment runner, but nol lor one to - rvs on the ForeiLMi Kelations Committee. IL- -aid he did not initiate this method ol campaign, bu' did not shrink Irom it, and if the people ot Virginia were not sati-tied with his stewardship, he did not want thier support. He mentioned in the course of discussion the fact that Virgmi'. through his efforts, had saved one million aeven hundred thous md by i bill passed tor the settlement ot | Virginia claims against the United - tes government on account ol the uar ol J**-i*2. He further stated thal Senator Daniel had introduced the measure, bul on account ol hi** sick- m and attendance on the Constitu¬ tional Convention,he,during Daniel's absence, had pressed the bill and se¬ cured its passage. Ile mentioned ap¬ propriation.**, for Norfolk, Petersburg, Newport News and Kicbmond ih;»i he had secured, and said that he sim¬ ply called attention to these matters to justify the salary ot $5,000 a year to a department runner. lie strongly advocated the rail road rate hill, having the object ol controlling rates, now before the United States Senate. He denounced' the policy ofcombination of railroads to exact an lair ;>nd unjust iates, and said tiie heavy hand of the law was needed to restrain corporations from avarice and greed. He stated that he had endeavored to be placed Ofl such committees and to occupy such positions as to be-t serve tbe ma¬ terial interests of his State, and from his position as senior Democratic member ol the Committee on Claim*, he had been in a position to secure appropriations of material benefit to tbe people of Virginia. Ile cited further ins amendment securing Sou hem representation on the railroad rate bill and his intention to press same, because he thought it ot especial bern fit to the people of the South to have a friend at court. Senator Martin said the tongue of the slanderer had connected biro with the railroads. He had at one time been connected with a railroad M attorney, for it, and lu several counties at thousands a year as re¬ taining fee. He said he had resign¬ ed the position when he was elected senator twelve years ago, and he further said that when he was elect¬ ed, Mr. Ingalta, the president ofthe Cheaapeake ami Onio, and every otbei railroad president in Virginia, opposed him and so tar as he knew and believed, every railroad presi¬ dent opposed him now. He advocated Federal sppropria Uons io roads, and said be proposed lo light tor such an appropriation, 'tating that too much of the mon \ ibtaiued by taxation ol the whole .ouol ry was expended In the North or pensions and appropriations for .ublic buildings and harbor improve- neill**, 1 ut f*aid that the only way a ural community could get ai;j ben- it would l»e by Federal aid to roads, [lie senator concluded his able pei eh by asking his audience in an mpresaive manner *o search his i cu 1. it I have been; if have neglected your interest**; if 1 ive in any particular failed in my uty to the people td Virginia, vole gama! me, he said. In closing, he lated that he was willing to be idg d by the voice of the people ol' ie Commonweath ami to abide by leir judgment. Senator Minni's leech was listened lo willi rapt at .ntion and was applauded thoQgb- lt, especially was il commended lor * high and dignified plane, and the .solute absence ot all personalities d personal allusions. s t tl a D rt tli rn to ki la MAURERTOWN. David Swarlz and wife visited Daniel Hottel several days this week. J/is- Pearl Smoot was visiting Mr.«. Fannie Hill, the first ofthe week. Mr. Arthur Ludwig is visiting Jos. Gochehour. 'as. W. Lichlitcr left for Wash¬ ington this wei k, where he has a job ol carpentering. Mrs Lucy L. Sine was \isiting her father Capt. Levi Cullers, of Detrick, kw several days this week. She was accompanied by her two daughters, Misses Bernie and Fda. Mi-s .Vary L. Shaver was visiting friends in the Fort valley for seven* 1 divs. L. Ci Bannerman has been confined to his home for several days by sick¬ ness. M si Sallie Newland, of Kdinburg, is visiting Mrs. Mary Keller. On last Sunday evening, our peo¬ ple were surprised to learn of the wedding ot Miss May L. Funk, the only daughter of S. A. Funk, of thiH place, and Jkfr, Luther If. Connor, a bustling young man in the huckster¬ ing business, drove to the residence of Kider IL K. Mowry and w*re united in marriage bj the Kider, at 0:50 P. M. We wish the couple a long ami prosperous lite. On Monday evening the serenaders lei by Capt. Phillip Lentz turned on* in full force, and reaching the home of the bride's lather, proceeded to make <pute a racket, but the groom was not to be found. Capt. Lent/told the boys thev would re¬ until daybreak, but. that they would find the whereabouts of Mr. C umor. The Capt. put out sentinels and sent the remainder ofthe crowd down street about 12 o'clock the groom was located by the Capt. in an out house. The crowd was ord* r el back and tiie music was again re¬ peated after the gio.un gave the boys ii cish offering, they tefl io a happy mood, our citizens enjoyed the fun as much as the bell ringer-. Captain Lent/, understands his business and was highly complimented. TO/YS BROOK. Messrs. 0. <-. B iden and N\ F. Snarr wei** in FJagerstown, Md., on Tuesday, having some dental work attended lo, and returning the same e> cuing. Mr. M. L. Baneerman is whistling II ippy D iv ; it is a 01b. b . >*. Mrs, J. H. Hupp returned Tm sday Irom s two wteks visit to New Market. Hupp and Forestville. Mr. O. .'. Borden made a business trip to Strasburg, Medm sdsy. Mr. >. ll .sfiley l- having hi- heater put in shape in Ins bouse, be siys be is going to have a wann time next winter. K v. A II Smith has returned Irom McKeesport, Pa., while theie he assisted in dedicating a church and raising J900 Thi- week be has preach each night at Fisher's Hill and on next ..-linday night he will com mence a week's service at Harris¬ ville. .Mr. Will Jenkins hhs moved t.» Strasburg where he has employment t Powhatan Lime Works. MT. OLIVE. It is a very common thing to hear the musical voice ot the good house wife and fair daughters trying to protect their gardens from the in¬ dustrious and energetic hens, now-a- days. Josh Billings use to say that a woman may not be able to sharpen alead pencil or throw stones, but ftlteo-'iild certainly -*!io> a hen ail (). K. Our tanners are Very busy plod¬ ing and sowing oats, some lew have finished, (irass i*- growing nie-ly and the wheat is not as promising as *\ IS hoped. Thc cherry trees are in full bloom. ui I the pttach trees are alsi bl *om- i ig and have escipel the trust. Mr. A H. Hub attended County Court, Monday, not with*''. Hiding his L*iv a noe, he is still quite acive, and has an eve to bnsine-g. s Preaching at Mt. Hebron, Sunday morning, April 10th. Thi Cornet Band red./, d about si ) trom the exhibition. Mis I).niel Spiker sp-mt a few l.iys in New Market visiting ber laughter. Mrs. Rios Snipp, last ¦¦.eek. Dr. J. II Smoot. admr. of I). W. Maphis, dee'd. sold to J> VT. Hottel md Klward Maphis, 900 acres lim¬ ier land. This is said to be a fine Tact of timber as Mr. D. W. Maphis lever culled his timber Mr. P. P. liamma!), of whose illness re have heretofore monti med re¬ tains hopelessly an 1 dnigcroudy ill 'he Doctors having abandoned a'l ope for his recovery. Mrs, Joseph IL Sibert was quita ck batt week is much improved at iis writing. Mr, Joseph IL Sibert sold his farm ? Jerry Spiker, price J.'] MO cash. II. W. Hottel who was attacked by chill last week, ha- fully recovered, r. J. H. SflBOOt was summoned and ?ponded promptly, aud give him e ni c -ssary treatment. Mr. K. Bite returned Irom Billi* 3re, Saturday, where he had gone purchase his cpring and summer ods. Mrs. E. ll .ker and Miss Laura Ila- r attended County Court last Mon* y- Ueneral J/aphis has joiued the eat army ol commercial travellers, 1 (s now on the road pushing the j siness of a Ballimore Hardware Co* LIBERTY FURNACE. N-hool closed on Tuesday and the children seem to have a happy tune even though all were maying good¬ bye. Mr. K. P. Lee took tho train Tues¬ day for Harrisonburg. Mr R. F. Watson returned from Rockingham county, where be went lo buy a mole to work in the mines. He had pay day this week, Mon¬ day. Paul Strauderman will carry the Liberty mail now. The Company have rented Joe lionel's engine to run their sawmill. The Company have bought a number ot fine mules to do their hauling. Some ofthe wagons reach¬ ed Liberty on Tuesday. .1/r. and Mrs Wm. Hollar of Co¬ lumbia Furnace were visiting Mrs. Long last week. KIBLHRTOWN. Our termers are busy plowing. Kev. M. L. Penos spent Saturday nii-lit with Alfred Kibler and family. Mrs. Fannie Linawenver. of Mi- nass i», Ya , was visiting friends and relatives here, the first of this week. H. C. Burner and wife spent Sun¬ day with K. F. Didawick and family. Mr. Lester Pan was at Jemie thi*. week. Rev. J. H. Lutz and J. M. Car panter went to Straabnrg, Ssturday, Mr. Clarence J. Kibler went to Washington hast week to take the civil service examination. Mr. Wm. Kibler had a phone put in Ids house. Mr. Alfred Kibler has had a very sick horse which il now no better. Mi**s Biala Jackson spent last week with her L'raiidinothei, near Lint! Mill. D. H. Hottle was at Tom's Brook, Tii'sday visiting his daughter, Mrs. 1 lr. Sagi r. Miss Datev B. Jackson after -pond¬ ing several days visiting here, re¬ turned to her home, jsfbodaji Mr. Geo. H. Fravel has bean very much eomplsining lor tba past week, but is now much better. Mr. Homer Richard spent Sunday visiting hts tallier'- family, Mr. Win. Richard, near St. Luke. Sunday .-chool waa organized here Sunday morning. Sunday school next Sunday morn¬ ing at nine o'clock, all are cordially invited IO attend. Mr. Jae ib Kibler, ol Walla Walla, Washington, presented to the con- gregaii m ol Patroos church, ¦ large bell. The church heirn: built on a part ot his old home, li'ork is being lushed moy to get tiie belfry built to put up the bell. Letter to F. W. Devoe A Co. Crewe, Va , Apr. 5, lirOo. i.imicmkv: Mrs. D P. McCor¬ mick of this place wanted her house) punted lately. Her painter estimated forty-five (145*) dollars for his paint. He estimate 1 on Devoe Lf-ad and /.mc and told her that forty-tWO 142.) worth of Devoe paint would Pe -utli.-lent to paint the house, and induced ic r to asa your paint. Tm- painter finished on last Mon¬ da), and had enough left over to bring the punt bill down to thirty live ($35 di liars, as he returned six ns of paint. Her house is om* of the largest in the town, and people who bsve seen lt say it is al.-o the whitest house here, being much whiter than lc laas I rain t ed with other white paiota. So much tor Devoe "rhe Fewer Gallons : rfear L .m.-er" paint. Yours truly, Leneave Bros. send rs von; printing. JADWYN. The funeral ot Catherine Lavim-n will be preached here in tlie Method¬ ist church, next Sunday at three o'clock. J. Frank Hottle and wite, spent Snadsv, with their brother's family, W C. Wisman,ol near Mt. Olive. Uv. Harper, Presiding Kider, ol tbe Winchester district, preached at Ni'w Hope last Sunday sftarnooti. Mr. Wm. Hoov-r, of Headquarters, was in our town Saturday and Sun¬ day Mr. Melvin Surer, ot Winchester, was here over Court day. Mr. Wm. Banaerman sold to a hor-e buyer, last Monday, a very line black horse for $150. Misses Minnie and Fannie TFieroaul -pent Saturday night and Sunday with their aunt, Mrs. Alice Fravel. Mr. John Johnson has hired to Mr. Samuel Lindamood tor the summer. Mr. J. L. Wisman bouffht three silos, one tor each ot three tarma. Mr IL F. Saum and fanniv, of Maurertown, were with Mrs. W. A. Sager's family over Sunday. -.*» . mm » nam wm. READUS. Summer is here, how glad we are to see lilt birds again. A P. albert, organised a Sunday school at Chapel, Sunday April .bli. Mrs. li. A. Foster is sick. Mi-s Cora Didawick spent Friday with her aunt, Mrs. .lennie C. How¬ man, near this place. The Japanese government has or- dered 500.000 gunstocks from a maiiufaeturei* in Cedar Rapid**, Ia. Fire at Huntington, W. Va, de¬ stroyed several large warehouses and factories. Loss about $130,000. Court Day, At April court, the crowd as usual was not so larne a<* it i- mme other months- The millinerv storer- did a pood huslness, bur others did not do as heavy a hilliness as at March court. ..nat. lim d with satin; purple trousers, with u ;,' dd br I the outside seam; a searl .. wa Isl t, long lace ru:! es I i I I Angers; v. rings outside th nd lons black ringlets rippling his ghoul* \\ III :. Ill the ll Ul -. he -ri >re white waist copi¬ ous supp'O This popular remedy BSVCff fails to effectually cure ityspepsia, Constipation, Sick leadache, Kfiousness And ALL DISEASES ¦rising from c Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion The natural rSSSfJt ls .*'">d appetite and solid tosh. DOSS small; elegant- i\ Mgst1 coated and easy lo swallow Take No Subs^+ute. .**. "Trappers' Hring your ra*v furs to Woodstock or Court Day and I Will "-av von highest cash pru . -. W. II. Swartz. Nov. !**.tf (Wary Va, Farms Wanted large anil small firms on the Valley I'ike, Wanted fol cash customers- If vou need money and want to sell vour linn, apply at once* J. N. DaylS-S l . aoou flour. WhisMen's Pride ot Virginia ia kep regularly In stock by F. S. Bowman and T. Glenn Locke. If you have not used hisliour, try ir and you wi 1 be plcased- oct. WW W ff_4v-:Gh'AHhi; SICILIAN tl AJLLo Hair Renewer A splendid tonic for the hair, makes the hair grow long and heavy. Always restorescolortogray hair,all the colorof youth. Stopsfallinghair.also. Sold for fifty years."'%' * v Attention ! Farmers and Breeders! A Great Opportunity Two Standard-bred and Registered Trotting Stallions Radium Chief. 38208 (Brother to Bi xonere, (L) UM.) Only .$7. to insure. Tllllr MILLER, Manager. SUPREMACY, 13323. (RECORD ..*%, TRIAL 2.17.) ). Only $10- to insure 'Don't fail to t-end for pedigree and particulars. DR i) D. CARTER, or j. W. CLEM, Manager. *AOOUJTOCK, VA. Henderson's Body Recovered. Thp hody of GeoijSjB /.lender'*, n thc young negro chafed hy a crowd ol whi'<e Ixiysinto the Shenandoah River arti drowned on Fohruary 2Cth, was dis¬ covered last Sunday hy Edward Dove! sboat a halfmile down stream from Cah lary'i* mill dam where Henderson was drowned. The hody was washed out oe a kind of ledge and was visihle. Oe Monday morning Coroner Hudson, Com monwoalth's Attorney Keyser, anc' Sheriff Sedwlck went to Ingham and t coroners jury was summoned whicl brought in a verdict that Hendersor came to his death by drowning in th* Shenandoah River alter haying beer pursued hy Harry Keyser, June Comer Marcus Doiflemoyer and Pearl Kite Henderson's body was In a good state o prfserv-inon when the fact it was in th. water tl vg weeks ls considered. Thc skin bsd peeled off tbs bod Ta Then were to he seen no marks of violence Tho body was decently rared for am sent rn Shenandoah for interment hy tin coled people, the attempt of the author! ties to cnmmunirit" with Henderson'; relatives In North Carolina imt narin*, been incosssfol*.'Page News, The Chesapeake nnd Ohio Rail¬ way Company nave orders for f)|, 800,001 worth of cars and locomo¬ tives. That Beautital (iloss comes from the famish In I>eyoe's Var- nish Floor Paint; costs B cents more « quart though Sold by Gibbs Hdw. Co Protection! 1)0 VOU WISH TO PROTECT Both Life and Propertj From Destruction by Lightning you can do so hy having your buildings PROPERLY RODDED by the fa. Ijgtyni0, Co ot' Winchester, Va , dealers in the latest improved Rods 51 Orn-anric^ls For further information call on FANSLER & HORNER, Special sgents, Hotel Geary, apr.1*4-ly. Woodstock, Va. Farmers! Farmers ! your p rsonal attention to whoo it may concern: I Bm prepared t give the latest nnd best Bervice ii castrating colts nnd ridglings. Th old way ls one nt tue past. I hav the only masculator in this section Send in your name and do not los your colts. Very Respectfully, Dr. W A. COYlfBB, Apr. 7, :it Hotel Holt/.mar BALTIMORE & ORIO R. K. CO Twontv-Second International Conventioi Christian Endeavor. Baltimore. Md., July 5-10. via I; vi UMOKK -1" OHIO RAILROAD. Prom a.'. . lt ol Rive M i m ntln a . - nth e 'j V*. Om 1 ur. plus Si.oo 1 Ticki . and 5. v rr.-t.u- DI . nor later tha Extention of return limit to Au gus* 31 ms be ol -....;>. ; on ol ft.. to loint Age it ni MJ. Stop-over* rn H 1 PBrk, Dent 1'ark am. M . ton, 1 t-itlu-r l-'<>: tailed r.t'i-nnatlon apply to neare* . agent 01 C. w. Bassett, O. I A B. kO.U R Baltim -re. M EPWORTH LEAGUE CONVENTION, Denver,Col., July 5-<-\via BALTIlfOliB rb OHIO BAILBOAD. VKUV LOW BATB&. From all pointi the Ohio Bivsi tickets* |ulv j. mclu-iivi returning t<> ai ling July Extension otireturn limit to Aug-sat ri ma ned un deposit ot ticket and payment <> Fifty Cents. lor tull: addtvaa nearest B, fcO Ticket Agent ur C. U /bassett, ,li V. A.. H.; o. K. K . Baltimore, Md. Notice! Notice! Notice!' r'or'the jroung, middle aged, and aged. An INVESTMENT? ' ¦o, The HOME LIFE INSURANCE COM PANY'S iperca^tGoWBood Mid ments are onqueetionally BEST- Tba HOME ,s old. strong, and reliable. All art* invited, before investing, to write us, BU8HONG and BU3HONO, Valley Dis't. Mgr'*. Agt nts Wained. Woodstock, Va. ja-^-S-ly For Sale. An sxeelent fsrm of Meerai of tine pro dilutive liruodtoru* land, alwnit ti acres in onaft- imJ ti un I-er, a fairly good roomy dwelling.liam and ali other OnoemmXTJ outbuilding** ;j ^ ililli- **.e*«r of Woodstock. Va. 1 ho whole place i*< weil watered and fenced. This is a valuable Minali tarni OB aecouut ot the quality of tin* lund. Apply at .mee to J. N.DAVIS a GO.. Real .-.state Agt*. Woodstock, Va. For Sale* A niee residence on Jfain street Woodstock, Va., containing nine rooms, the tr ont is a li ick bunding SSxSI fSSt back "part frame HzSSfeel large hail, two large cellar* lark ind light, mountain water in house, also two -isterns. large Uirn aSSSS lt and ail neces¬ sary outbuildings in good repair, nice flower yard, back yard paved and large rich garden. I'li-juestionablly the l-est location in town. Apply at oner to J.N. DAVIS "t CO. Seal afasats AftSa Wsssatocs. va. For Sale, A nice home <>n Spring street Woodstoek. a., corner lot of If ac-n*.a good dwell.ii* rita nias rooms. Bee of which are pupen-d. alls, new SJ jo*. | porch, stablo and .all other ccessary outbuildings -new roof on dwel- ng, for price apply at once f.. J.N.DAVIS J* CO. leal Haute Agfa. Woodstock, Va. J. N. DAVIS & CO., IEJL ESTATE BROKERS. WOODSTOCK, VIKGINIA. e have over one hundred valuable properties r sale in Viririrua, embracing lsrge aud Dall larms, Town Property, Mills, Sinert. id Timber lands, store stands and stocks of erchandise. If you want to sell your operty yt kki.y-price »t at a rea+onabl* rvrt and send to ns,and we will do the rest Hrite for Catalogue, nov. ao-r yr. f******-_-,-* ar-ar mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm^mml m--»mm-m,*mn\ I ."" * * *> *, .^ * * A ^> >. y. , ,. A A Va y. a. >. j. _t\ * .. I nL* mM 9 ft I MU' ¦Xi I I ( -W til aa *!! ill 1 T i : » .i i I- » . *J< :; » . i ir :|- **< i . I* » I- n :|' I MU !; ;!. : :. : .*. »¦ i J II < SS III I . i.' !; « I { » I* JUE Base Hall TEAM ii coming in \?* ~-*^v July. Our Spring SuilS are here nnd you ar.' (sure to make :i hit it' ymi weer one <»i them. Did yon see Smith Sands*? If you tlii] you must have noticed the stylish, p rt'id futiiit*; '-.lit be had on. Swell .w isn't it ? Smith is easy to tit, .lid you hi)? Ko easier thin t-mi are. Don't believe it"' Weil, you just stop in our -tore today or tomorrow and we'll prove to you we cnn pat ¦ girment on you that'll surprise yoita No such doilies srers eyer offered in thi** county aud j ric* to snit evorylc-ly. $6.50, $7.50, $a50, $10. +>\il. $15. Tlie Miit youboy here aili he rigntin >iyle and price- ALL GOODS GUARANTEED. HORSEY & ATWELL, M ENS' TOGG E R Y. SJ i * lt* 1 *gl I* I* J < : l: 1 IJynr m-*> »*»»**** *ffl*r*/y**r*/*r-***/7*i.,«-.,-.- afar - I I mmmmmmm* / *. «. a. A A .. A "n"-** A Grand Easter Display OF Trimmed Hats. - . _ An event tha*! created enthusiasm amonir fill lovers of irillii^^P- never were so many beautiful hat** shown at any ene time. Wa ¦'..Tm'C you that a visit to ibis Blore will repay you. Our well known and popu¬ lar low prices etili continue. A Um and complete line of ribbons at low prices. Very Respectfully, Miss Charlotte Conner. March 31. BANK BUILDING. Get our prices on RED, WHITE, BLACK and "CHESTNUT OAK, also chestnut timber, both standing and sawed before you sell, we pay the highest market prices- E. L. FOLk & CO.. GEARY'S HOTEL, WOODSTOCK, VA. New Spring Stock. I have just opened tush (Tom tte factory, in quality, quantity, paltara and style, the greatest stock of Clothing 1 have ever < lier - ed to the public io mam and hoys' suits and separate pants. We eau save you dollar** bv patronizing us. We give you good new goods for less money than others will make you pay tor old broken stock .. We want your patronage anu'will do all in our power for yon. Coma to iee us even if yon do( nol want any goods. We avail appreciate it. A large lot of pants over 800 pr. at _reat!y reduced pric -. Thanking you for past tsrora and soliciting a cooUnneanceT the s one, 1 am, Yours truly. B. SUTHEHLAND, MAIN ST., WOODSTOCK. v\. t. ii tot BURPEE'S SEEDS GROW AND WIN MORE than th<? products of any other brand I Besides several Cold Medals, ther wot. ihe ' only Grand Prize for vegetables at St. Louis Exposition, sjjr If you inter-d to try Burpee's Seeds, we will mail free our Complete Catalogue of 178 pat-res, with beautiful colored plates and illustrations from photographs taken at our famous Fordhook F-.RMS, the largest Trial Grounds in America. Write TO-DAY I W. ATLEE BURPEE & CO.-I___:PHILADELPHIA Kodol DYSPEPSIA CURE DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT TV*-* f 1.00 bottl* contains 2% ttmaatha trial atc*, which Milt for SO SaSSl. PISPaVRBD OSLT AT TUB UAtaOaATORT ***** K. C. IsaWITT -fa COMPANY. CHICAGOw T\\JU '*.

Transcript of Shenandoah Herald.(Woodstock, VA) 1905-04-14.SHENANDOAH Hi-Mi) IS PUBLISHKU W*tSST*aU.1 Hf JOHN H....

Page 1: Shenandoah Herald.(Woodstock, VA) 1905-04-14.SHENANDOAH Hi-Mi) IS PUBLISHKU W*tSST*aU.1 Hf JOHN H. GRABILL WOODSTOCK.VlKlilNIA. FRIDAY, APRIL 1-4, 1905- Wepublish iu tin** issue tbe




FRIDAY, APRIL 1-4, 1905-

We publish iu tin** issue tbe speechof Senator Martin delivered at Lunen-lurgC IL, last Monday. He pre¬sented bis claims lo the people in an

able mamu r, without attacking eil herof his opponents. Senator Martininvites the people to examine hisrecord ami il they find that recordsatisfactory to support him. He madeno eflon to secure vote* bj condemn¬ing the records ol li** opponentaFor this he deserves the thanks andvotes ofthe Democratic party, lt isto be earnestly hoped that the clo¬

vass for the Primary will he conducted without bitterness or mud sling ogand that the several nominees willreceive the solid vote ol the party.Nearly avery individual ha> his

a* .

choice, let him express it at the Pri¬

mary ard then support the nominees.aaaa**aa*aaaaa»*^^*a>-_-_-aa*-»

Not only did the demi Crttl carryChicago anti St. Louis and moat <-t


the Colorado cities.even those thatwere reliably republican.but theycarried Kansas City and Leavena-worih, both in Kansas, where repub¬licans supposed they were perfectlysecure, and thew carried Jiff -

City, Mo., for the first time in 25vears, and made gains in ail theMissouri towns. A democratic land-slide in Colorado is a righteous retri¬bution upon the republicans for steal¬ing the governorship. Moat <d themunicipal elections were carried bytl e democrats. Pueblo, ColoradoSprings and Leadville are normallyrepublican, and the last was carriedby tha democrats for tbe first tune in

twenty years, Tlie crime oi tbe re¬

publicans d< manded an even more

decisive defeat.

J. Mortimer Kilgour died at Idshome, near Hillsboro, Loudoun Co.sVa , on Tuesday night, at the age of84 years. The immediate cause <>this death was pneumonia. He was a

native ot Montgomery Co., Md., andw;is the son ol Judge Kilgour, late oftbat county, ami a cousin ol Col.Wm, Kilgour, ol K. eimile, Md. Hewas for manv vears a practicing it-

torney at the Leesburg bar, and aft* r

the civil war was elected common¬

wealth's attorney lor Loudoun Co,Several yeais prior to his death hewas engaged in writing a history otLoudoun county, but was not aide to

complete it. He was Qoartermasteiot White's Battalion during the civilwar.

Ferry Farmer, 30 years olds, meta most tragic death at his heme, west

of Tsaewell,Tuesday. Ile placid a

stick ol dynamite in his mouth, - Ifire to the iuse and his body wasblown into shreds. The explosalso wrecked the room at his homewhich he had selected for his deaih.No motive is gi»n by his parents forthe suicide, save that Farmer's mindwas unbalanced, and tbat he wantedto put himself out of the way.

Frightful Suffering Relieved.

Suffering frightfully from the \iru-lent poisons of undigested food, CQ, Grayson, of Lula, Miss , took Dr.King's New Life Pills, "with the re¬

sult," he writes, ..that I was cured."All stomach and bowel disorders¦five way to their tonic, laxativeproperti'8. '-.'5c at L. R. Irwin's drugstore, guarantee 1.

VAN BUREN FURNACE.We are having some more ground

hog weather.Miss Tuc ie OrndoiiT celebrated

her 15th birthday on Tuesday last,she inyited all her friends Thoa*-present were : J/isses Olive George,Bessie, Nellie, M>rt, Della, Elsie,Nell, Gladys Orndoiff, and MessrsHany, Lester, Melvin, Paul OindorfT, Andrew Bolivar, Elmer Burke,Cleveland, Guy, Henry Peer, all re-

j*ort an enjoyable time.Misses Edita, and Eula Orndorff

and Mi*s Kay Copeland returnedto the-r homes Sunday la**t.

Miss Tub* OrndortThlt fol Wood-stock, Tm «day.

Mi*-s Edith Orndoiff, one of ourmost popular young holies, left toiWashington, Saturday, where -lie eapeels to spend the mummer. Iiimany friends regreted to see lu reav*-.

Some of onr ladies were flow-rgathering Friday,

Misses Edith Orndorff and sisterswere visiting their grandmother, thefirst of the week.

^fT. and Mr-. B, Y Sfrosmder andlittle daughter, brice Visited Mr-.Strosnider's father, ot Van i-SurenFurnace, Sunday.We are sorry to say Mr. Hui, our

uew mail csrrier has returned to hi*.homr, near Mt. Calvary.

.Mr. i,ester Orndorff, of Pine Hill.visited Miss .Myrtle H. 0/mlorfl', ofBrush Hidge, Sunday.

A Tried and True Friend.One Minute Cough Cure contains

not an atom of any harmful drug,and it ha« been curing Coughs, Colds,Croup aud Whooping Cough so longthat ii has proven itself to be a tried j Band true friend to tbe nany who use j ««*lim Sold by L. H. Irwin. i|


IV ,l,r-one, Va., April lO.-Sena-..-»i. >. . ii- made his first appear-

c hp the stump in his own be-t I unenburg Courthouse todav,

.. ile addressed one of tlie largest. ow s ever -*een here. The sena-"i orived last night, pending thenight at the Central Hotel. He was

up bright and early this morning andout tn meei the people whee they arrued- Ile spent the morning inthe court green, mixing with thecrowd and appeared much to thcsurprise ol many as a good uiix*?r.He was appealed to by many tomake a speech but stated that hewas not present lor that purpose butonly to meet and greet his friendsUv finally, however, consented andimmediately after dinner, was introduoed by County Chairman GeorgeE. Smith, Judge Barksdalc grantingthe court-room for that. j.inpose.

After expressing his pleasure at

being pr- sent ami thc emb.iirassmenthe telt. at appearing on the Stump inhis own behalf*, betook up the quea*-lioo ot' his record in tue N-nate, Bay¬ing he had kept no books on this,but had called upon an informationbureau in ll ashington to fiirni**b thistor him, the amount tarnished himwas a surprise but the only egotismlie felt waa in the thought that heiiad been able to repay rn a slightwa) tlie high honor conferred uponhim by the people of Virginia.He declared that he did not desire

to laud himself and would not decryhis adversaries, that he had strivento merit the honor conferred andhad labored b»r the approval ot hisconscience and the approbation oli i> constituents, that he had beencharged with being true to hisfriend* which charge he did nol

deny, and that he did not cir*' to

live long enough to bc lalsc to them,that when he had favors to bestow,he would bestow them up¬on his friends but that as a

representative he di tied any man to

say he had ever shown any differ¬ence iii his service but had treatedall alike and never stopped to ques¬tion w hellier thc service was lorli lend or enemy.

He spoke ol his connections withrailroads, saving he was previous tohis eh ction to the Senate, employedas attorney before the court, bulhad never appeared as a lobbyist be¬fore any legislative body and wouldnot do so. The Senator grew warm

at times but did noi in any manner

ref i i" hw opponent, GovernorMontague, the only inference to bisopposition was in connection with'ns service in the different commit¬tees and :i> a department rumor,

saying that five thousand dollarswas a big price to pay for a depart¬ment runner, but nol lor one to - rvson the ForeiLMi Kelations Committee.

IL- -aid he did not initiate thismethod ol campaign, bu' did notshrink Irom it, and if the people ot

Virginia were not sati-tied with hisstewardship, he did not want thiersupport.He mentioned in the course of

discussion the fact that Virgmi'.through his efforts, had saved one

million aeven hundred thous md by i

bill passed tor the settlement ot |Virginia claims against the United- tes government on account ol theuar ol J**-i*2. He further stated thalSenator Daniel had introduced themeasure, bul on account ol hi** sick-m and attendance on the Constitu¬

tional Convention,he,during Daniel'sabsence, had pressed the bill and se¬

cured its passage. Ile mentioned ap¬propriation.**, for Norfolk, Petersburg,Newport News and Kicbmond ih;»ihe had secured, and said that he sim¬ply called attention to these matters

to justify the salary ot $5,000 a yearto a department runner.

lie strongly advocated the railroad rate hill, having the object ol

controlling rates, now before theUnited States Senate. He denounced'the policyofcombination of railroadsto exact anlair ;>nd unjust iates, andsaid tiie heavy hand of the law was

needed to restrain corporations fromavarice and greed. He stated thathe had endeavored to be placed Oflsuch committees and to occupy suchpositions as to be-t serve tbe ma¬

terial interests of his State, and fromhis position as senior Democraticmember ol the Committee on Claim*,he had been in a position to secure

appropriations of material benefit totbe people of Virginia.

Ile cited further ins amendmentsecuring Sou hem representation on

the railroad rate bill and his intentionto press same, because he thought itot especial bern fit to the people ofthe South to have a friend at court.

Senator Martin said the tongue ofthe slanderer had connected birowith the railroads. He had at one

time been connected with a railroadM attorney, for it, and lu severalcounties at thousands a year as re¬

taining fee. He said he had resign¬ed the position when he was electedsenator twelve years ago, and hefurther said that when he was elect¬ed, Mr. Ingalta, the president oftheCheaapeake ami Onio, and everyotbei railroad president in Virginia,opposed him and so tar as he knewand believed, every railroad presi¬dent opposed him now.

He advocated Federal sppropriaUons io roads, and said be proposedlo light tor such an appropriation,'tating that too much of the mon \

ibtaiued by taxation ol the whole.ouolry was expended In the Northor pensions and appropriations for.ublic buildings and harbor improve-neill**, 1 ut f*aid that the only way aural community could get ai;j ben-it would l»e by Federal aid to roads,[lie senator concluded his ablepei eh by asking his audience in an

mpresaive manner *o search hisi cu 1. it I have been; ifhave neglected your interest**; if 1ive in any particular failed in myuty to the people td Virginia, vole

gama! me, he said. In closing, helated that he was willing to beidg d by the voice of the people ol'ie Commonweath ami to abide byleir judgment. Senator Minni'sleech was listened lo willi rapt at.ntion and was applauded thoQgb-lt, especially was il commended lor* high and dignified plane, and the.solute absence ot all personalitiesd personal allusions.










MAURERTOWN.David Swarlz and wife visited

Daniel Hottel several days this week.J/is- Pearl Smoot was visiting Mr.«.

Fannie Hill, the first ofthe week.Mr. Arthur Ludwig is visiting Jos.

Gochehour.'as. W. Lichlitcr left for Wash¬

ington this wei k, where he has a jobol carpentering.

Mrs Lucy L. Sine was \isiting herfather Capt. Levi Cullers, of Detrick,kw several days this week. She was

accompanied by her two daughters,Misses Bernie and Fda.

Mi-s .Vary L. Shaver was visitingfriends in the Fort valley for seven* 1divs.

L. Ci Bannerman has been confinedto his home for several days by sick¬ness.M si Sallie Newland, of Kdinburg,

is visiting Mrs. Mary Keller.On last Sunday evening, our peo¬

ple were surprised to learn of thewedding ot Miss May L. Funk, theonly daughter of S. A. Funk, of thiH

place, and Jkfr, Luther If. Connor, a

bustling young man in the huckster¬ing business, drove to the residenceof Kider IL K. Mowry and w*re

united in marriage bj the Kider, at0:50 P. M. We wish the couple a

long ami prosperous lite.On Monday evening the serenaders

lei by Capt. Phillip Lentz turnedon* in full force, and reaching thehome of the bride's lather, proceededto make <pute a racket, but the

groom was not to be found. Capt.Lent/told the boys thev would re¬ until daybreak, but. that theywould find the whereabouts of Mr.C umor. The Capt. put out sentinelsand sent the remainder ofthe crowddown street about 12 o'clock thegroom was located by the Capt. inan out house. The crowd was ord* r

el back and tiie music was again re¬

peated after the gio.un gave the boysii cish offering, they tefl io a happymood, our citizens enjoyed the funas much as the bell ringer-. CaptainLent/, understands his business andwas highly complimented.

TO/YS BROOK.Messrs. 0. <-. B iden and N\ F.

Snarr wei** in FJagerstown, Md., on

Tuesday, having some dental workattended lo, and returning the same

e> cuing.Mr. M. L. Baneerman is whistling

II ippy D iv ; it is a 01b. b . >*.

Mrs, J. H. Hupp returned Tm sdayIrom s two wteks visit to NewMarket. Hupp and Forestville.Mr. O. .'. Borden made a business

trip to Strasburg, Medm sdsy.Mr. >. ll .sfiley l- having hi-

heater put in shape in Ins bouse, besiys be is going to have a wann timenext winter.K v. A II Smith has returned

Irom McKeesport, Pa., while theiehe assisted in dedicating a church andraising J900 Thi- week be has preach

each night at Fisher's Hill andon next ..-linday night he will com

mence a week's service at Harris¬ville.

.Mr. Will Jenkins hhs moved t.»

Strasburg where he has employmentt Powhatan Lime Works.


It is a very common thing to hearthe musical voice ot the good housewife and fair daughters trying to

protect their gardens from the in¬

dustrious and energetic hens, now-a-

days. Josh Billings use to say thata woman may not be able to sharpenalead pencil or throw stones, butftlteo-'iild certainly -*!io> a hen ail(). K.Our tanners are Very busy plod¬

ing and sowing oats, some lew havefinished, (irass i*- growing nie-lyand the wheat is not as promising as*\ IS hoped.Thc cherry trees are in full bloom.

ui I the pttach trees are alsi bl *om-

i ig and have escipel the trust.Mr. A H. Hub attended County

Court, Monday, not with*''. Hiding hisL*iv a noe, he is still quite acive, andhas an eve to bnsine-g.


Preaching at Mt. Hebron, Sundaymorning, April 10th.

Thi Cornet Band red./, d aboutsi ) trom the exhibition.Mis I).niel Spiker sp-mt a few

l.iys in New Market visiting berlaughter. Mrs. Rios Snipp, last¦¦.eek.Dr. J. II Smoot. admr. of I). W.

Maphis, dee'd. sold to J> VT. Hottelmd Klward Maphis, 900 acres lim¬ier land. This is said to be a fineTact of timber as Mr. D. W. Maphislever culled his timberMr. P. P. liamma!), of whose illness

re have heretofore monti med re¬tains hopelessly an 1 dnigcroudy ill'he Doctors having abandoned a'lope for his recovery.Mrs, Joseph IL Sibert was quitack batt week is much improved at

iis writing.Mr, Joseph IL Sibert sold his farm

? Jerry Spiker, price J.'] MO cash.II. W. Hottel who was attacked bychill last week, ha- fully recovered,r. J. H. SflBOOt was summoned and?ponded promptly, aud give hime ni c -ssary treatment.Mr. K. Bite returned Irom Billi*3re, Saturday, where he had gonepurchase his cpring and summerods.Mrs. E. ll .ker and Miss Laura Ila-r attended County Court last Mon*y-Ueneral J/aphis has joiued theeat army ol commercial travellers,1 (s now on the road pushing the jsiness of a Ballimore Hardware Co*

LIBERTY FURNACE.N-hool closed on Tuesday and the

children seem to have a happy tune

even though all were maying good¬bye.

Mr. K. P. Lee took tho train Tues¬day for Harrisonburg.Mr R. F. Watson returned from

Rockingham county, where be went

lo buy a mole to work in the mines.He had pay day this week, Mon¬

day.Paul Strauderman will carry the

Liberty mail now.

The Company have rented Joelionel's engine to run their sawmill.The Company have bought a

number ot fine mules to do theirhauling. Some ofthe wagons reach¬ed Liberty on Tuesday.

.1/r. and Mrs Wm. Hollar of Co¬lumbia Furnace were visiting Mrs.Long last week.

KIBLHRTOWN.Our termers are busy plowing.Kev. M. L. Penos spent Saturday

nii-lit with Alfred Kibler and family.Mrs. Fannie Linawenver. of Mi-

nass i», Ya , was visiting friends andrelatives here, the first of this week.H. C. Burner and wife spent Sun¬

day with K. F. Didawick and family.Mr. Lester Pan was at Jemie thi*.

week.Rev. J. H. Lutz and J. M. Car

panter went to Straabnrg, Ssturday,Mr. Clarence J. Kibler went to

Washington hast week to take thecivil service examination.

Mr. Wm. Kibler had a phone put inIds house.

Mr. Alfred Kibler has had a verysick horse which il now no better.

Mi**s Biala Jackson spent last weekwith her L'raiidinothei, near Lint!Mill.

D. H. Hottle was at Tom's Brook,Tii'sday visiting his daughter, Mrs.1 lr. Sagi r.

Miss Datev B. Jackson after -pond¬ing several days visiting here, re¬turned to her home, jsfbodaji

Mr. Geo. H. Fravel has bean verymuch eomplsining lor tba past week,but is now much better.

Mr. Homer Richard spent Sundayvisiting hts tallier'- family, Mr. Win.Richard, near St. Luke.Sunday .-chool waa organized here

Sunday morning.Sunday school next Sunday morn¬

ing at nine o'clock, all are cordiallyinvited IO attend.

Mr. Jae ib Kibler, ol Walla Walla,Washington, presented to the con-

gregaii m ol Patroos church, ¦ largebell. The church heirn: built on a

part ot his old home, li'ork is beinglushed moy to get tiie belfry built to

put up the bell.

Letter to F. W. Devoe A Co.

Crewe, Va , Apr. 5, lirOo.i.imicmkv: Mrs. D P. McCor¬

mick of this place wanted her house)punted lately.Her painter estimated forty-five

(145*) dollars for his paint.He estimate 1 on Devoe Lf-ad and

/.mc and told her that forty-tWO142.) worth of Devoe paint wouldPe -utli.-lent to paint the house, andinduced ic r to asa your paint.Tm- painter finished on last Mon¬

da), and had enough left over to

bring the punt bill down to thirtylive ($35 di liars, as he returned six

ns of paint.Her house is om* of the largest in

the town, and people who bsve seen

lt say it is al.-o the whitest househere, being much whiter than lc laas

Irain ted with other white paiota.So much tor Devoe "rhe Fewer

Gallons : rfear L .m.-er" paint.Yours truly,Leneave Bros.

send rs von; printing.

JADWYN.The funeral ot Catherine Lavim-n

will be preached here in tlie Method¬ist church, next Sunday at threeo'clock.

J. Frank Hottle and wite, spentSnadsv, with their brother's family,W C. Wisman,ol near Mt. Olive.Uv. Harper, Presiding Kider, ol

tbe Winchester district, preached at

Ni'w Hope last Sunday sftarnooti.Mr. Wm. Hoov-r, of Headquarters,

was in our town Saturday and Sun¬day

Mr. Melvin Surer, ot Winchester,was here over Court day.

Mr. Wm. Banaerman sold to a

hor-e buyer, last Monday, a very lineblack horse for $150.

Misses Minnieand Fannie TFieroaul-pent Saturday night and Sundaywith their aunt, Mrs. Alice Fravel.

Mr. John Johnson has hired to Mr.Samuel Lindamood tor the summer.

Mr. J. L. Wisman bouffht threesilos, one tor each ot three tarma.Mr IL F. Saum and fanniv, of

Maurertown, were with Mrs. W. A.Sager's family over Sunday.

-.*» . mm » nam wm.

READUS.Summer is here, how glad we are

to see lilt birds again.A P. albert, organised a Sunday

school at Chapel, Sunday April .bli.

Mrs. li. A. Foster is sick.Mi-s Cora Didawick spent Friday

with her aunt, Mrs. .lennie C. How¬man, near this place.

The Japanese government has or-

dered 500.000 gunstocks from a

maiiufaeturei* in Cedar Rapid**, Ia.

Fire at Huntington, W. Va, de¬

stroyed several large warehousesand factories. Loss about $130,000.

Court Day,At April court, the crowd as usual

was not so larne a<* it i- mme other

months- The millinerv storer- did a poodhuslness, bur others did not do as heavya hilliness as at March court.

..nat. lim d with satin; purple trousers,with u ;,' dd br I the outsideseam; a searl .. wa Isl t, long laceru:! es I i IIAngers; v.

rings outside th nd lons blackringlets rippling his ghoul*

\\ III :. Ill the ll Ul -. he-ri >rewhite waist copi¬ous supp'O

This popular remedy BSVCff fails toeffectually cure

ityspepsia, Constipation, Sickleadache, Kfiousness

And ALL DISEASES ¦rising from c

Torpid Liver and Bad DigestionThe natural rSSSfJt ls .*'">d appetiteand solid tosh. DOSS small; elegant-i\ Mgst1 coated and easy lo swallow

Take No Subs^+ute. .**.

"Trappers'Hring your ra*v furs to Woodstock or

Court Day and I Will "-av von highestcash pru . -. W. II. Swartz.Nov. !**.tf (Wary Va,

Farms Wantedlarge anil small firms on the ValleyI'ike, Wanted fol cash customers- Ifvou need money and want to sell vour

linn, apply at once* J. N. DaylS-S l .

aoou flour.WhisMen's Pride ot Virginia ia kep

regularly In stock by F. S. Bowman andT. Glenn Locke. If you have not usedhisliour, try ir and you wi 1 be plcased-oct.

WW W ff_4v-:Gh'AHhi; SICILIAN

tlAJLLo Hair RenewerA splendid tonic for the hair, makes the hair grow long and heavy.Always restorescolortogray hair,all the colorof youth.Stopsfallinghair.also. Sold for fifty years."'%' * v

Attention !

Farmers and Breeders!A Great OpportunityTwo Standard-bred and Registered

Trotting StallionsRadium Chief. 38208

(Brother to Bi xonere, (L) UM.)

Only .$7. to insure.Tllllr MILLER, Manager.

SUPREMACY, 13323.(RECORD ..*%, TRIAL 2.17.) ).

Only $10- to insure

'Don't fail to t-end for pedigree and particulars.

DR i) D. CARTER, or j. W. CLEM, Manager.*AOOUJTOCK, VA.

Henderson's Body Recovered.Thp hody of GeoijSjB /.lender'*, n thc

young negro chafed hy a crowd ol whi'<eIxiysinto the Shenandoah River artidrowned on Fohruary 2Cth, was dis¬covered last Sunday hy Edward Dove!sboat a halfmile down stream from Cahlary'i* mill dam where Henderson was

drowned. The hody was washed out oea kind of ledge and was visihle. OeMonday morning Coroner Hudson, Commonwoalth's Attorney Keyser, anc'Sheriff Sedwlck went to Ingham and t

coroners jury was summoned whiclbrought in a verdict that Hendersorcame to his death by drowning in th*Shenandoah River alter haying beerpursued hy Harry Keyser, June ComerMarcus Doiflemoyer and Pearl KiteHenderson's body was In a good state o

prfserv-inon when the fact it was in th.water tl vg weeks ls considered. Thcskin bsd peeled off tbs bodTa Thenwere to he seen no marks of violenceTho body was decently rared for am

sent rn Shenandoah for interment hy tincoled people, the attempt of the author!ties to cnmmunirit" with Henderson';relatives In North Carolina imt narin*,been incosssfol*.'Page News,

The Chesapeake nnd Ohio Rail¬way Company nave orders for f)|,800,001 worth of cars and locomo¬tives.

That Beautital (ilosscomes from the famish In I>eyoe's Var-nish Floor Paint; costs B cents more «

quart though Sold by Gibbs Hdw. Co

Protection!1)0 VOU WISH TO PROTECTBoth Life and Propertj

From Destructionby Lightning

you can do so hy havingyour buildings


fa. Ijgtyni0, Coot' Winchester, Va , dealersin the latest improved

Rods 51 Orn-anric^lsFor further information callon

FANSLER & HORNER,Special sgents, Hotel Geary,apr.1*4-ly. Woodstock, Va.

Farmers! Farmers !your p rsonal attention to whoo

it may concern: I Bm prepared t

give the latest nnd best Bervice iicastrating colts nnd ridglings. Thold way ls one nt tue past. I havthe only masculator in this sectionSend in your name and do not losyour colts.

Very Respectfully,Dr. W A. COYlfBB,

Apr. 7, :it Hotel Holt/.mar


Twontv-Second International ConventioiChristian Endeavor. Baltimore. Md.,

July 5-10. viaI; vi UMOKK -1" OHIO RAILROAD.

Prom a.'. . lt ol RiveM i m ntln a .

- nth 'j V*.Om 1 ur. plus Si.oo 1Ticki . and 5. v

rr.-t.u-DI . nor later tha

Extention of return limit to Au gus* 31 msbe ol -....;>. ; onol ft.. to loint Age it ni MJ.Stop-over* rn H

1 PBrk, Dent 1'ark am. M . ton, 1t-itlu-r

l-'<>: tailed r.t'i-nnatlon apply to neare*. agent 01 C. w. Bassett, O. I

A B. kO.U R Baltim -re. M

EPWORTH LEAGUE CONVENTION,Denver,Col., July 5-<-\via


From all pointi the Ohio Bivsitickets* |ulv j. mclu-iivi

returning t<> ai ling JulyExtension otireturn limit to Aug-sat ri ma

ned un deposit ot ticket and payment <>

Fifty Cents.lor tull: addtvaa nearest B, fcO

Ticket Agent ur C. U /bassett, ,li V. A.. H.;o. K. K . Baltimore, Md.

Notice! Notice! Notice!'r'or'the jroung, middle aged, and aged.


¦o, The HOME LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY'S iperca^tGoWBood Midments are onqueetionally BEST- Tba HOME,s old. strong, and reliable.All art* invited, before investing, to

write us,BU8HONG and BU3HONO,

Valley Dis't. Mgr'*.Agt nts Wained. Woodstock, Va.


For Sale.An sxeelent fsrm of Meerai of tine pro

dilutive liruodtoru* land, alwnit ti acres in onaft-imJ ti un I-er, a fairly good roomy dwelling.liamand ali other OnoemmXTJ outbuilding** ;j ^ililli- **.e*«r of Woodstock. Va. 1 ho wholeplace i*< weil watered and fenced. This is avaluable Minali tarni OB aecouut ot the qualityof tin* lund. Apply at .mee to

J. N.DAVIS a GO..Real .-.state Agt*. Woodstock, Va.

For Sale*A niee residence on Jfain street Woodstock,

Va., containing nine rooms, the tr ont is ali ick bunding SSxSI fSSt back "part frameHzSSfeel large hail, two large cellar* larkind light, mountain water in house, also two-isterns. large Uirn aSSSS lt and ail neces¬

sary outbuildings in good repair, nice floweryard, back yard paved and large rich garden.I'li-juestionablly the l-est location in town.Apply at oner to J.N. DAVIS "t CO.Seal afasats AftSa Wsssatocs. va.

For Sale,A nice home <>n Spring street Woodstoek.a., corner lot of If ac-n*.a good dwell.ii*rita nias rooms. Bee of which are pupen-d.alls, new SJ jo*. | porch, stablo and .all otherccessary outbuildings -new roof on dwel-ng, for price apply at once f..

J.N.DAVIS J* CO.leal Haute Agfa. Woodstock, Va.

J. N. DAVIS & CO.,


e have over one hundred valuable propertiesr sale in Viririrua, embracing lsrge audDall larms, Town Property, Mills, Timber lands, store stands and stocks oferchandise. If you want to sell youroperty yt kki.y-price »t at a rea+onabl*rvrt and send to ns,and we will do the restHrite for Catalogue, nov. ao-r yr.

f******-_-,-* ar-ar mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm^mml m--»mm-m,*mn\I ."" * * *> *, .^ * '« * A ^> ,» >. y.

, ,. A A Va y. a. >. j. _t\ * .. I nL*

mM9ftI MU'¦XiII (-W


.i i


. *J<

:;». iir


i. I*»I-








!;«I {»


JUEBase Hall


ii coming in

\?* ~-*^v

July. Our

Spring SuilS are here nnd

you ar.' (sure to make :i hit

it' ymi weer one <»i them.

Did yon see Smith Sands*?Ifyou tlii] you must have

noticed the stylish, p rt'id

futiiit*; '-.lit be had on.

Swell.w isn't it ? Smith is easy to tit, .lid you

hi)? Ko easier thin t-mi are. Don't believe it"'

Weil, you just stop in our -tore today or tomorrow and

we'll prove to you we cnn pat ¦ girment on you that'll

surprise yoita No such doilies srers eyer offered in

thi** county aud j ric* to snit evorylc-ly.

$6.50, $7.50, $a50,$10. +>\il. $15.

Tlie Miit youboy here aili he rigntin >iyle and price-ALL GOODS GUARANTEED.


SJi *






1 IJynr m-*> »*»»**** *ffl*r*/y**r*/*r-***/7*i.,«-.,-.- afar -


mmmmmmm* /*. «. a. AA .. A "n"-**

A Grand Easter DisplayOF

Trimmed Hats.-

. _

An event tha*! created enthusiasm amonir fill lovers of irillii^^P-never were so many beautiful hat** shown at any ene time. Wa ¦'..Tm'Cyou that a visit to ibis Blore will repay you. Our well known and popu¬lar low prices etili continue. A Um and complete line of ribbons at

low prices. Very Respectfully,

Miss Charlotte Conner.March 31.


Get our prices on


also chestnut timber, both standing andsawed before you sell, we pay thehighest market prices-


New SpringStock.

I have just opened tush (Tom tte factory, in quality, quantity,paltara and style, the greatest stock ofClothing 1 have ever < lier -

ed to the public io mam and hoys' suits and separate pants.We eau save you dollar** bv patronizing us.

We give you good new goodsfor less money than others

will make you pay tor old broken stock ..We want your patronage anu'will do all in our power for yon.Coma to iee us even if yon do( nol want any goods. We avail

appreciate it.

A large lot of pants over 800 _reat!y reduced pric -.

Thanking you for past tsrora and soliciting a cooUnneanceTthe s one, 1 am, Yours truly.



than th<? products of any other brand I Besides several Cold Medals, ther wot. ihe '

only Grand Prize for vegetables at St. Louis Exposition, sjjr If you inter-d to

try Burpee's Seeds, we will mail free our Complete Catalogue of 178 pat-res,with beautiful colored plates and illustrations from photographs taken at our famousFordhook F-.RMS, the largest Trial Grounds in America. Write TO-DAY I



TV*-* f 1.00 bottl* contains 2% ttmaatha trial atc*, which Milt for SO SaSSl.PISPaVRBD OSLT AT TUB UAtaOaATORT *****

