Shadowrun 5E Character Creator

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Transcript of Shadowrun 5E Character Creator

Character BuilderMetatypeAttributesMagic/ResonanceSkillsResourcesPrioritiesABEDCPriorityMetatypeAttributesMagic or ResonanceSkillsResourcesAHuman92446/10450,000Elf8Magician: Magic 6, 2 skills@5, 10 spellsDwarf7MystAd: Magic 6, 2 skills@5, 10 spellsOrk7Techno: Res 6, 2 skills@5, 5 formsTroll5BHuman720Magician: Magic 4, 2 skills@4, 7 spells36/5275,000Elf6MystAd: Magic 4, 2 skills@4, 7 spellsDwarf4Adept: Magic 6, 1 Active skill @ 4Ork4Aspected: Magic 5, 1 skill group @ 4Troll0Techno: Res 4, 2 skills@4, 2 formsCHuman516Magician/MystAd: Magic 3, 5 spells28/2140,000Elf3Adept: Magic 4, 1 skill @ 2Dwarf1Aspected: Magic 3, 1 skill group @ 2Ork0Technomancer: Resonance 3, 1 formDHuman314Adept: Magic 222/050,000Elf0Aspected Magician: Magic 2EHuman112'--18/06,000

Personal DataNameMetaTypeHumanEthnicityAgeSexHeightWeightStreet CredNotorietyPublic AwarenessKarmaTotal KarmaAwakened--MiscAttributesAttribute Build Points:20Special Attribute Points:9BasePointsTotalBasePointsTotalBody11Edge2267Agility1167Reaction11Points Spent:06Strength116Willpower11Physical LimitMental LimitSocial Limit6Logic111136Intuition11InitiativeEssence6Charisma112 + 1D666Points Spent:0QualitiesPositive Qualities:0/25Positive Qualities:0/25Positive QualityRating/DetailsKarmaDescriptionNegative QualityRating/DetailsKarmaDescription#N/A:blankIndicator:#N/A:blankIndicator:#N/A:blankIndicator:#N/A:blankIndicator:#N/A:blankIndicator:#N/A:blankIndicator:#N/A:blankIndicator:#N/A:blankIndicator:#N/A:blankIndicator:#N/A:blankIndicator:SkillsSkill Build Points:0/22Skill Groups:0Points From Magic/Technomancy:SkillPointsSpecializationBase Die PoolSkillPointsSpecializationPoints + AttributeActingAthleticsCon0Gymnastics0000Impersonation0Running0Performance0Swimming0BiotechClose CombatCybertechnology--Blades0000First Aid0Clubs0Medicine--Unarmed0CrackingElectronicsCybercombat0Computer0000Electronic Warfare--Hardware--Hacking0Software--FirearmsInfluenceAutomatics0Etiquette0000Longarms0Leadership0Pistols0Negotiation0OutdoorsStealthNavigation0Disguise0000Survival0Palming0Tracking0Sneaking0EngineeringCombat SkillsAeronautics Mech.--Archery0000Automotive Mech.--Exotic: 0Industrial Mech.--Heavy Weapons0Nautical Mech.--Throwing Weapons0Physical/Social SkillsTechnical SkillsDiving0Animal Handling0000Escape Artist0Armorer0Free-fall0Artisan0Perception0Biotechnology--Instruction0Chemistry--Intimidation0Demolition0Security SkillsVehicle SkillsForgery0Pilot Walker--000Locksmith0Pilot Ground Craft0Vehicle SkillsPilot Watercraft0Gunnery0--0Pilot Aerospace------00Pilot Aircraft------Pilot Exotic:------------------000----------------------000--------0

DataPriorityMetatypeAttributesMagic or ResonanceSkillsResourcesAHuman92446/10450,000Elf8Magician: Magic 6, 2 skills@5, 10 spellsDwarf7MystAd: Magic 6, 2 skills@5, 10 spellsOrk7Techno: Res 6, 2 skills@5, 5 formsTroll5BHuman720Magician: Magic 4, 2 skills@4, 7 spells36/5275,000Elf6MystAd: Magic 4, 2 skills@4, 7 spellsDwarf4Adept: Magic 6, 1 Active skill @ 4Ork4Aspected: Magic 5, 1 skill group @ 4Troll0Techno: Res 4, 2 skills@4, 2 formsCHuman516Magician/MystAd: Magic 3, 5 spells28/2140,000Elf3Adept: Magic 4, 1 skill @ 2Dwarf1Aspected: Magic 3, 1 skill group @ 2Ork0Technomancer: Resonance 3, 1 formDHuman314Adept: Magic 222/050,000Elf0Aspected Magician: Magic 2EHuman112'--18/06,000

Easy OnesATTRIBUTESSKILL GROUPSSKILL POINTSRESOURCESA241046450000B20535275000C16228140000D1402250000E120186000BaseBaseIndexBodyAgiReaStrWilLogIntChaEdgeBodyAgiReaStrWilLogIntChaEdgeSpecial Attrb PtsHumanElfDwarfOrkTrollDwarf4311321111865876666A98775Elf3121111131676666686B76440Human2111111112666666667C5310ERROROrk5411311111966865656D30ERRORERRORERRORTroll651151111110561065546E1ERRORERRORERRORERROR'--'--ABCDEAdeptERRORMagician/MystAdMagicSkill pointsSpellsAspected MagicianA61010MagicianB487Mystic AdeptC305TechnomancerDERRORERRORERROREERRORERRORERRORAdeptMagicSkill pointsSpellsAERRORERRORERRORB640C420D200EERRORERRORERRORAspected MagicianMagicSkill pointsSpellsAERRORERRORERRORB540C320D200EERRORERRORERRORTechnomancerResonanceSkill pointsSpellsA6105B482C301DERRORERRORERROREERRORERRORERRORPositive QualitiesNegative QualitiesQualityPointsDescriptionQualityPointsDescriptionAmbidextrous4Removes -2 DP penalty for off-hand actions.Addiction'-DP modifiers to various tests when going through withdrawal or to resist the urge. [Rating - Type/severity].Analytical Mind5'+2 DP to any Logic tests involving patterns, evidence analysis, clues, or solving puzzles. Reduces time to solve a problem by half.Allergy'-DP modifiers to Physical tests when under the effects of the allergen. [Rating - Type/SeverityAptitude14May take one skill up to 13 (instead of 12).Astral Beacon10Your astral signature lasts twice as long and assensing it receives a -1 Threshold. [Magic users only]Astral Chameleon10Attempts to assense your astral signature receive -2 DP modifier.Bad Luck12Whenever you use Edge, roll 1D6. On 1, you have the opposite effect. Max 1/session.Bilingual5Read, write, and speak a second language fluently.Bad Rep7Start with 3 Notoriety.Blandness8Increase threshold for anyone to recall details about you by 1. Shadowing or locating you takes a -2 DP modifier.Code of Honor15One group of people are "off limits" and need a Cha+Will Test to try to harm.Catlike7'+2 DP modifier when sneaking.Codeblock10'-2 DP mod to a specific Matrix action.Codeslinger10'+2 DP mod to a particular Matrix action.Combat Paralysis12Divide first Initiative in each combat in half. -3 DP to Surprise tess. +1 Threshold for Composure in combat.Double-jointed6'+2 DP mod to Escape Artists tests and can squeeze into cramped places.Dependents3A loved one depends on you. Increase your lifestyle cost by [Rating]*10 percent each month. [Max 3]Exceptional Attribute14May have one Attribute 1 above your normal limit.Distinctive Style5'+2 DP Mod for people who are trying to locate you. -1 Threshhold to remember things about you.First Impression11'+2 DP mod for Social Tests during the first meeting.Elf Poser6May successfully pass as a non-elf. Elves think you're lame, everyone else thinks you're pathetic.Focused Concentration4Able to sustain one spell/complex form at force/level [Rating] without penalties. [Max 6]Gremlins4Reduce the number of 1s needed to get a glitch when using tech by [Rating]. Does not affect implants. [Max 4]Gearhead11Can increase the Speed of vehicle/drone by 20% or Handling modifier by +1. +2 DP mod when attempting stuns in a vehicle. Lasts for 1D6 minutes.Incompetent5You are very bad at an Active skill group and may not possess those skills.Guts10'+2 DP mod to resist fear/intimidation.Insomnia10Make an Int+Willpower(4) test before resting. If you fail, at rating 1 it takes double the time to heal/recover. At rating 2 you fail and need 24 hours before trying again.High Pain Tolerance7Can ignore [Rating] box(es) of damage when calculating wound modifiers. [Max 3]Loss of Confidence10'-2 DP mod involving the affected skill. Cannot use Edge with this skill. Must have rating 4 or higher in the skill.Home Ground10Grants a +2 bonus (Astral, Negotiation, Digital, Evasion, Hideout, or Gangs) to one area of your choice when on your home turf.Low Pain Tolerance9'-1 wound modifier for every 2 boxes instead of 3.Human-Looking6Can pass for Human in most circumstances. No penalties from prejudiced humans.Ork Poser6Can pass for an Ork. People think you are weird, some orks may really hate you.Indomitable [Mental]8'+[Rating] to your Mental Limit [Max 3]Prejudiced'-2 DP towards your prejudiced group per severity level of your prejudice. [Rating - Type/severity]Indomitable [Physical]16'+[Rating] to your Physical Limit [Max 3]Scorched10'Body + Will (4) test to avoid consequences on BTL slotting. Must be able to slot and addicted to BTLsIndomitable [Social]24'+[Rating] to your Social Limit [Max 3]Sensitive System12Double essence lost for cyberware. If Awakened, make a Will(2) test before Drain/Fading, increase the target values by +2 on failureJuryrigger10'+2 DP mod on Mechanical tests when juryrigging gear. Can also improvise various devices.Simsense Vertigo5'-2 DP mod when interacting with AR, VR, or simsenseLucky12'+1 max Edge ratingNational SIN5Legal citizen of a nation. You are in the system.Magical Resistance6'+[Rating] DP mod for Spell Resistance Tests. Cannot be lowered voluntarily. [Max 4]Criminal SIN10Former criminal. Pay 15% tax on income to the issuing entity.Mentor Spirit5Gain a Mentor Spirit of your choice.Corporate Limited SIN15Employee of a megacorp. Pay 20% of your income as tax and experience prejudice.Natural Athlete7'+2 DP mod for Running and Gymnastics skill tests.Corporate SIN25Born into a megacorp. Pay 10% of your income as tax and experience extreme prejudice.Natural Hardening10'+1 natural biofeedback filteringSocial Stress8'-1 1s needed to glitch on Leadership/Etiquette rolls.Natural Immunity [Natural]4Complete immunity to a single natural disease or toxin.Spirit Bane7You annoy a particular type of spirit. -2 to Summon/+2 to resist your binds. Must be magical.Natural Immunity [Synthetic]10Complete immunity to a single synthetic disease or toxin.Uncouth14'-2 to social tests to resist acting impulsively. Cost for learning/improving social skills are doubled.Photographic Memory6'+2 DP mod to all Memory Tests.Uneducated8You may not default on Tech/Academic/Professional skills and improving skills in these categories costs 2x.Quick Healer3'+2 DP mod to all Healing Tests.Unsteady Hands7'-2 DP mod for all Agility based tests. Meds can work in normal situations. Agility + Body (4) tests in stress, failure means you experience it for the rest of the run.Resistance to Pathogens/Toxins4'+1 DP mod to resist either pathogens or toxins.Weak Immune System10'+2 to the Power of any diseases during a resistance test. You cannot take natural immunity. Resistance to Pathogens & Toxins8'+1 DP mod to resist both pathogens and toxins.Spirit Affinity7'+1 DP mod to Binding and +1 service when summoning a type of SpiritToughness9'+1 DP mod to Damage ResistanceWill to Live3'+[Rating] Damage Overflow box(es) [Max 3]