SETTING UP CALIBRE LICENSE WITH PROPER KEY ... the patch one more time. Go to your Calibre install...

SETTING UP CALIBRE LICENSE WITH PROPER KEY AND HOST ID In the virtual OS Calibre license is not set up properly. So when you try to launch Calibre DRC you’ll most probably get the following error – To fix this, download the Mentor Graphics key generator from the following link Extract the archive and enter into the folder. It has the following contents:

Transcript of SETTING UP CALIBRE LICENSE WITH PROPER KEY ... the patch one more time. Go to your Calibre install...


In the virtual OS Calibre license is not set up properly. So when you try to launch Calibre DRC you’ll most probably get the following error –

To fix this, download the Mentor Graphics key generator from the following link Extract the archive and enter into the folder. It has the following contents:

Click on Organize Folder and Search options View tab. Uncheck the ‘Hide extensions for known file types’ box. Click on Apply, then Ok.

Open the makelic.bat.txt file in a text editor. You need to replace the host id in the file

with that of your Linux virtualOS so that the keygen generates Calibre license for your machine.

To know the host ID of Linux machine type ‘ifconfig –a’ from the linux terminal. Note down the HWaddr and put the same in makelic.bat.txt file without the ‘:’.

Rename the makelic.bat.txt file to makelic.bat. Double click it. It will generate a new license.dat file specific to your machine. Open the license.dat file and add the following two lines at the beginning – SERVER localhost.localdomain <Your Host ID> 5280 DAEMON mgcld /usr/local/Mentor/Calibre2011/x86_cal_2011.2_34.26/lib/mgcld

Now you need to copy this license.dat file into your linux machine. You can use the shared folder feature available in Virtual Box to do so. Or a simpler way is to just mail yourself the file and then download it from the Mozilla web browser from within linux virtualOS. Place the file in the lic folder inside your Calibre install directory. You need to login as root to do so.

Most probably your Calibre installation is already patched, but there is no harm in running the patch one more time. Go to your Calibre install directory and run the patch_calibre2011_linux file.

In all probability your installation is already patched. So, it will mostly show 0 changes and some errors. Ignore the errors they are irrelevant.

Now go back to eslam login (su eslam) and open /home/eslam/.bashrc file. Don’t forget the ‘.’ in .bashrc. It’s a hidden file. Remove or comment out the original aliases and set these new aliases as shown in the figure below. alias lmli='/usr/local/Mentor/Calibre2011/x86_cal_2011.2_34.26/bin/lmgrd -c /usr/local/ads2011/license.dat:/usr/local/Mentor/Calibre2011/x86_cal_2011.2_34.26/lic/license.dat' alias lms='/usr/local/Mentor/Calibre2011/x86_cal_2011.2_34.26/bin/lmstat -f' alias lmd='/usr/local/Mentor/Calibre2011/x86_cal_2011.2_34.26/bin/lmdown -c /usr/local/ads2011/license.dat'

In the previous step you basically pointed to the latest version of FlexLm license manager(lmgrd) and the location of the ADS and Calibre license files. This is extremely important as Calibre 2011 won’t run with an older version of lmgrd. The two license files are separated by a colon(‘:’). Now you need to own the Calibre directory for the license manager to successfully launch the license.dat file. Login as root and use chown and chmod commands to do so.

Now we are all set. Restart your virtual machine for all the changes to take effect.

Once the reboot is complete, type lmli in the terminal to start the license manager.

Now root login. Type cadence followed by virtuoso & as usual.

Create any layout in cadence and run Calibre Run DRC. It will ask for a runset file. Load a runset file if you have one. Or else just click Cancel. The Calibre interactive window will pop-up. Load your DRC rules file and voila you are done.!!!!! Similarly you can run LVS/PEX etc.

Once you are done, quit cadence. Login as eslam and type lmd and then y. This will gracefully shut down the license manager.

Good Luck!!!!!!!!!