Setting Buyer Appointment

Setting the Buyer Appointment – Your Frame of Mind When speaking with a buyer who calls on a property (or any other service you offer), your outcome for that call should be to set an appointment and meet with them face to face. You have Unique Services that you offer buyers and you need to articulate them in a way that compels that buyer to meet with you. In that you and/or your broker/owner have spent time and money to generate this lead, it’s imperative that you do everything you can to get in front of each person. Your first course of action is to get them to your office where you are in the most control of the meeting. Your office is where you are most comfortable and where you have all of your materials and information easily accessible for the best chance at success – signing that buyer up to a buyer agency agreement to build rapport, earn their commitment and create a client for life. You want to offer your Home Hunter service, Buyer’s Advantage program or a combination of the two to the prospect in person and show them why they would be foolish to work with any other agent in the area. If you cannot get the prospect to your office, then you must try to get them to see a property or meet you at a mutually agreeable location so that you can make your buyer presentation at that time. Again, you and/or your broker/owner have spent time and money to get this person to call you. It’s your responsibility to do everything you can to get in front of this prospect and compel them to work with you and benefit from this investment. As a last resort, use the buyer-counseling interview to gather as much information over the phone about the prospect and their wants and needs. Set them up on the Home Hunter service and then follow up with this thought process in mind: Buy with me, Buy with someone else or die. If you operate from this point of view, you will be very successful at working with buyers in your business. Some rules to consider when making Buyer-lead or any other calls:

Transcript of Setting Buyer Appointment

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Setting the Buyer Appointment – Your Frame of Mind

When speaking with a buyer who calls on a property (or any other service you offer), your outcome for that call should be to set an appointment and meet with them face to face. You have Unique Services that you offer buyers and you need to articulate them in a way that compels that buyer to meet with you.

In that you and/or your broker/owner have spent time and money to generate this lead, it’s imperative that you do everything you can to get in front of each person. Your first course of action is to get them to your office where you are in the most control of the meeting. Your office is where you are most comfortable and where you have all of your materials and information easily accessible for the best chance at success – signing that buyer up to a buyer agency agreement to build rapport, earn their commitment and create a client for life. You want to offer your Home Hunter service, Buyer’s Advantage program or a combination of the two to the prospect in person and show them why they would be foolish to work with any other agent in the area.

If you cannot get the prospect to your office, then you must try to get them to see a property or meet you at a mutually agreeable location so that you can make your buyer presentation at that time. Again, you and/or your broker/owner have spent time and money to get this person to call you. It’s your responsibility to do everything you can to get in front of this prospect and compel them to work with you and benefit from this investment.

As a last resort, use the buyer-counseling interview to gather as much information over the phone about the prospect and their wants and needs. Set them up on the Home Hunter service and then follow up with this thought process in mind: Buy with me, Buy with someone else or die. If you operate from this point of view, you will be very successful at working with buyers in your business.

Some rules to consider when making Buyer-lead or any other calls:

1) Call early: The average homebuyer lead works with the first real estate agent that gets in contact with them after they submit a request. In fact, you have an 86% chance of doing business with each prospect that contacts you if you call them within the first 5 minutes of their submitting a request for information. A 5-minute return call should be your minimum standard.

2) Call often: If, for some reason, you don’t catch someone within the first 5 minutes after they submit a request, then call them again. Try them at 8:00 in the morning. If that doesn’t work, call them at noon. Still, if that doesn’t work, call them at dinnertime or 8:59 p.m. at night. Know this: if you don’t get in touch with them, your competition will. Somebody will sell this person a home. Make sure it is you.

3) Mind your mind: Don’t get on the phone unless you are in the right state of mind. Your prospect can pick up on any non-verbal cues you are sending when speaking with them. You’d be surprised how your pitch, tone, speed and even your breathing can negatively affect the outcome of your call when they are not being properly managed.

4) Be unstoppable: It’s not just a matter of not taking no for an answer. Your chances of getting an appointment with prospects go up as high as 64% once you

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get to the 4th no. Unfortunately, most salespeople never get to the 4th no. The better you’ve internalized your scripts, the stronger your skills will be over the phone. Your income, the money for your family, the food you put on the table and anything else you buy for yourself comes from how well you do over the phone. It doesn’t matter how great your presentation is, how much experience you have or how good of a real estate agent you are if you can’t get in front of someone to show them. Be unstoppable on the phone, and your success is unlimited.

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Setting the Buyer Appointment – The Script

Internet Lead Intro

A. Hi [use their first name], this is [name] from [company name]. I’m following up to get you the information you requested on our website. What information are you looking for? Great, let me get that for you.

B. While I’m pulling up the information, let me ask, are you currently working with an agent?

Sign Call Intro

A. Hi [use their first name], this is [name]. I’m returning your call regarding [property address]. If you take the call directly, you can say: Hi [use their first name], this is [name]. You’re calling about [property address], Is that correct? What information are you looking for? Great, let me get that for you.

B. While I’m pulling up the information, let me ask, are you currently working with an agent?

If no, proceed to C.

If yes, ask: Have you signed a Buyer Agency agreement with that agent?

If yes, give them the information they’ve requested and wish them well.

If no, ask: Are you 100% dedicated to working with that agent? The answer doesn’t matter because they are fair game. Wait for reply and then proceed to C.

C. Great. Now, is this property the only one that interests you are you looking at others as well?

D. Other than this home, are there other homes you’ve seen recently that you like?

E. The reason I’m asking is because we have a Home Hunter service where if I know what style, price range and area in which you are looking, I can provide you with an updated list of all the homes that meet your specific needs. Is that some thing that would interest you?

Alternate E:

E. The reason I’m asking is that at our office we have a unique Buyer’s Advantage program. With this program, you will have access to our Home Hunter’s service that will provide you with regular listings that meet only your criteria. Also, [list your Buyer’s Advantage criteria here, i.e., seller paid closing costs, home warranty, point, title and taxes, cash rewards, guaranteed sell for free within 12 months if you’re dissatisfied, etc.]. Can you see how this would be helpful in getting you situated in your new home?

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If yes, close for the appointment: When would be a time that would work for you to get together where I can set you up on the service?

If no, go to F:

F. I understand. This program is not only free of charge, but it obligates you to nothing. At the same time it will send you all the foreclosures, corporate-owned homes and distressed sales in those areas and you’ll get them before other buyers and agents, giving you the best chance at getting a great deal? Can you see how that would be helpful in getting the home you want?

Alternate F:

F. I understand. This program is not only free of charge, but it obligates you to nothing. At the same time it will send you all the foreclosures, corporate-owned homes and distressed sales in those areas and you’ll get them before other buyers and agents, giving you the best chance at getting a great deal? Plus, you are going to save thousands of dollars because we guarantee that you’ll get [list the items of the Buyer’s Advantage program that your office will guarantee when they buy with you] when you work with us.

If yes, close for the appointment: When would be a good time for us to meet so I can start getting you those listings?

If no, go to G:

G. [Use their first name], what exactly are you looking for in a home? Wait for their answer. Then say:

H. Ideally, what this service does is that it searches for all the [give their criteria back to them, i.e., 3 br. 2.5 bath, 2-story homes with a 2-car garage] in only the areas you are looking and it sends them to you automatically as soon as they come on the market, saving you time and putting you in the best position to get the home at your price. Can you see how it would be helpful to have access to this service?

Alternate H:

I. In addition to providing you only lists of homes that meet only those specific criteria, you’re going to get a [list specifics of the your Buyer’s Advantage program, i.e., a home warranty worth $495, seller paid closing costs of up to $6,000, and a cash reward equal to up to 3% of the purchase price of your home.] Can you see how it would be helpful to have access to this service?

If yes, close for the appointment: When would it work for us to meet and get you set up on the Home Hunter service?

If no, try this approach. Give them the information they are looking for and then say:

Does this home interest you?

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If they say yes, follow this line of scripts:

When would be a good time for us to meet at the property so you can see it?

Set the time and then ask:

Have you been pre-approved? The seller has requested that only pre-approved buyers see the home.

If they have been, have them fax it to the office and then meet them for the showing.

If they haven’t been approved, then say the following:

May I make a suggestion? Wait for the yes, then say:

Let’s do this. Come by my office about ½ hour before we see the home. I will have our mortgage partner get you pre-approved and at the same time, we can look to see if any other properties meet your criteria that we can add to the list of homes you’ll see. Would that work for you?

Great, do you know where our office is?

If they are adamant about not wanting to meet with you, use the Buyer Counseling interview and set them up on the Home Hunter service. Then, follow up as if your real estate career depends on it – because it does! White on rice, cheap suit on a mannequin, stink on poop. You get the idea.


We really like the agent with whom we’re working.

That’s fine. I’m not asking you to stop working with that person. I just want to show you some of the other options you have when buying a home and how you might be able to see more homes and save thousands of dollars. If what I have to share makes sense, that’s great. If not, then you can still work with that person. Is that fair?

Can you e-mail me the property information?

I’d be happy to do that. Let me ask you, are you looking for someone to do a good job or a great job for you? I pride myself on doing a great job and by sending you a bunch of listings that may or may not meet your criteria is not what I consider doing a great job for you. When can we meet for about 15 minutes where I can find out exactly what you are looking for in a home and get you set up on the Home Hunter program. From there, you will get listings e-mailed to you on a regular basis.

I’m too busy to meet with you.

I can appreciate that. I’m sure you’re super busy and that’s why I’m offering this free service to you. Our Home Hunter service will only send you properties that meet your

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criteria. That way, you’ll know exactly when they come available and you won’t have to look at all the websites and call a hundred real estate agents to see if a property works for you or not. When can we meet for about 15 minutes where I can find out exactly what you are looking for in a home and get you set up on the Home Hunter program. From there, you will get listings e-mailed to you on a regular basis.

I really only want to see that property.

Great. The seller has requested that we only show the property to pre-approved buyers. Have you been pre-approved?

If yes, have them fax it to you and set the appointment to see the home.

If no, then say:

That’s okay. May I make a suggestion? Come by my office about ½ hour before we see the home. I will have our mortgage partner get you pre-approved and at the same time, we can look to see if any other properties meet your criteria that we can add to the list of homes you’ll see. Would that work for you?

Great, do you know where our office is?