Session 1 Slides

aithful to the F End A Study in the General Epistles


keynote slides for session 1: these epistles generally

Transcript of Session 1 Slides

Page 1: Session 1 Slides

aithfulto theF

E n dA Study in the

General Epistles

Page 2: Session 1 Slides

These EpistlesCanon, Composit ion, Themes

faithful to the end • week 1

• A Trail Less Traveled: The General Epistles• Our Street Address: The GE in Canon• Our Neighborhood: The GE in Composition• Our Message: The GE in Theology• Our Incarnation: The GE at Zion


Page 3: Session 1 Slides

These EpistlesCanon, Composit ion, Themes

faithful to the end • week 1

• A Trail Less Traveled: The General Epistles• Our Street Address: The GE in Canon• Our Neighborhood: The GE in Composition• Our Message: The GE in Theology• Our Incarnation: The GE at Zion


Page 4: Session 1 Slides

These EpistlesCanon, Composit ion, Themes

faithful to the end • week 1

• A Trail Less Traveled: The General Epistles• Our Street Address: The GE in Canon• Our Neighborhood: The GE in Composition• Our Message: The GE in Theology• Our Incarnation: The GE at Zion

Generally• A Trail Less Traveled: The General Epistles

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he Trail Less Traveled: The General EpistlesTWhy is this a trail less traveled?

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he Trail Less Traveled: The General EpistlesTWhy is this a trail less traveled?

We don’t always read this far

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he Trail Less Traveled: The General EpistlesTWhy is this a trail less traveled?

We don’t always read this far

We like Paul’s melody

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he Trail Less Traveled: The General EpistlesTWhy is this a trail less traveled?

We don’t always read this far

We like Paul’s melody

They’re small

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he Trail Less Traveled: The General EpistlesTWhy shouldn’t this be a trail less traveled?

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he Trail Less Traveled: The General EpistlesTWhy shouldn’t this be a trail less traveled?

2 Timothy 3.16-17

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he Trail Less Traveled: The General EpistlesTWhy shouldn’t this be a trail less traveled?

2 Timothy 3.16-17

These are “long haul” letters

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he Trail Less Traveled: The General EpistlesTWhy shouldn’t this be a trail less traveled?

2 Timothy 3.16-17

These are “long haul” letters

They have a needful melody on salvation

Page 13: Session 1 Slides

he Trail Less Traveled: The General EpistlesTWhy shouldn’t this be a trail less traveled?

2 Timothy 3.16-17

These are “long haul” letters

They have a needful melody on salvation

“Together with the Book of Revelation, 1 Peter is unrivaled among NT documents for its concern with questions of Christian identity, constitution, and behavior in a hostile world.” (Joel Green, 1 Peter, 11).

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These EpistlesCanon, Composit ion, Themes

faithful to the end • week 1

• A Trail Less Traveled: The General Epistles• Our Street Address: The GE in Canon• Our Neighborhood: The GE in Composition• Our Message: The GE in Theology• Our Incarnation: The GE at Zion


Page 15: Session 1 Slides

These EpistlesCanon, Composit ion, Themes

faithful to the end • week 1

• A Trail Less Traveled: The General Epistles• Our Street Address: The GE in Canon• Our Neighborhood: The GE in Composition• Our Message: The GE in Theology• Our Incarnation: The GE at Zion


• Our Street Address: The GE in Canon

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ur Street Address: The GE in CanonO

What’s the very first thing you notice when you turn to any book in Scripture?

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ur Street Address: The GE in CanonOThe New Testament

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ur Street Address: The GE in CanonO


announces and establishes the story

of redemption

The New Testament

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ur Street Address: The GE in CanonO

Gospels Acts/Epistles

announces and establishes the story

of redemption

anticipates the end amid the continuing story of the mission of

God’s people, their successes, failures and challenges

The New Testament

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ur Street Address: The GE in CanonO

Gospels Acts/Epistles Revelation

announces and establishes the story

of redemption

anticipates the end amid the continuing story of the mission of

God’s people, their successes, failures and challenges

awaits final consummation

The New Testament

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ur Street Address: The GE in CanonOThe Hebrew Bible

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ur Street Address: The GE in CanonO

Torah (Instruction)


announces and establishes the story

of redemption

The Hebrew Bible

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ur Street Address: The GE in CanonO

Torah (Instruction)


announces and establishes the story

of redemption

anticipates the end amid the continuing story of the mission of

God’s people, their successes, failures and challenges

The Hebrew Bible

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ur Street Address: The GE in CanonO

Torah (Instruction)

(Pentateuch)Prophets Writings

announces and establishes the story

of redemption

anticipates the end amid the continuing story of the mission of

God’s people, their successes, failures and challenges

awaits final consummation

The Hebrew Bible

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ur Street Address: The GE in CanonO

Gospels Acts/Epistles Revelation

announces and establishes the story

of redemption

anticipates the end amid the continuing story of the mission of

God’s people, their successes, failures and challenges

awaits final consummation

The New Testament

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ur Street Address: The GE in CanonOAct/Epistles

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ur Street Address: The GE in CanonO


narrative story of the church


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ur Street Address: The GE in CanonO

Epistles (Letters)Acts

narrative story of the church

genre change to “situational” spotlights on the good, the bad, and the ugly

drawn from and expanding on the previous narrative


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ur Street Address: The GE in CanonOHebrew Prophets

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ur Street Address: The GE in CanonO

Former ProphetsJoshua • Judges • Samuel • Kings

narrative story of Israel

Hebrew Prophets

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ur Street Address: The GE in CanonO

Latter ProphetsIsaiah • Jeremiah • Ezekiel • The Twelve (Minor Prophets)

Former ProphetsJoshua • Judges • Samuel • Kings

narrative story of Israel genre change to “situational” spotlights on the good, the bad, and the ugly

drawn from and expanding on the previous narrative

Hebrew Prophets

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ur Street Address: The GE in CanonO

Epistles (Letters)Acts

narrative story of the church

genre change to “situational” spotlights on the good, the bad, and the ugly

drawn from and expanding on the previous narrative


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ur Street Address: The GE in CanonOThe Epistles (Letters)

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ur Street Address: The GE in CanonO

Pauline EpistlesRom •!1-2Cor • Gal • Eph • Col • Phi •!1-2Thess •!1-2Tim • Tit • Phil • Heb

The Epistles (Letters)

13 (14?!?) letters written by Paul, the “star” of Acts 12-28

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ur Street Address: The GE in CanonO

General EpistlesPauline EpistlesJames • 1-2 Peter • 1-3 John • JudeRom •!1-2Cor • Gal • Eph • Col • Phi •!1-2Thess •!1-2Tim • Tit • Phil • Heb

The Epistles (Letters)

13 (14?!?) letters written by Paul, the “star” of Acts 12-28

7 letters written by James, Peter, and John, the

“stars” of Acts 1-11*

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ur Street Address: The GE in CanonO

General EpistlesPauline Epistles

We are here!

James • 1-2 Peter • 1-3 John • JudeRom •!1-2Cor • Gal • Eph • Col • Phi •!1-2Thess •!1-2Tim • Tit • Phil • Heb

The Epistles (Letters)

13 (14?!?) letters written by Paul, the “star” of Acts 12-28

7 letters written by James, Peter, and John, the

“stars” of Acts 1-11*

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ur Street Address: The GE in CanonO

Gospels Acts/Epistles Revelation

the new testament

Our LocationTorah



the old testament

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ur Street Address: The GE in CanonO

Gospels Acts/Epistles Revelation

the new testament

Our LocationTorah



the old testament


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ur Street Address: The GE in CanonO

Gospels Acts/Epistles Revelation

the new testament

Our LocationTorah



the old testament


you’ve read this far

you’ve read this far

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ur Street Address: The GE in CanonO

Gospels Acts/Epistles Revelation

the new testament

Our Context?Torah



the old testament


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ur Street Address: The GE in CanonO

Gospels Acts/Epistles Revelation

the new testament

Our Context?Torah



the old testament


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ur Street Address: The GE in CanonO

Gospels Acts/Epistles Revelation

the new testament

Our Context?Torah



the old testament


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ur Street Address: The GE in CanonO

Gospels Acts/Epistles Revelation

the new testament

Our Context?Torah



the old testament


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ur Street Address: The GE in CanonO

Gospels Acts/Epistles Revelation

the new testament

Our Context?Torah



the old testament


Page 45: Session 1 Slides

ur Street Address: The GE in CanonO

Gospels Acts/Epistles Revelation

the new testament

Our Context?Torah



the old testament


Page 46: Session 1 Slides

ur Street Address: The GE in CanonO

Gospels Acts/Epistles Revelation

the new testament

Our Context?Torah



the old testament


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ur Street Address: The GE in CanonO

Gospels Acts/Epistles Revelation

the new testament

Our Context?Torah

(Instruction)Prophets Writings

the old testament


Page 48: Session 1 Slides

These EpistlesCanon, Composit ion, Themes

faithful to the end • week 1

• A Trail Less Traveled: The General Epistles• Our Street Address: The GE in Canon• Our Neighborhood: The GE in Composition• Our Message: The GE in Theology• Our Incarnation: The GE at Zion


Page 49: Session 1 Slides

These EpistlesCanon, Composit ion, Themes

faithful to the end • week 1

• A Trail Less Traveled: The General Epistles• Our Street Address: The GE in Canon• Our Neighborhood: The GE in Composition• Our Message: The GE in Theology• Our Incarnation: The GE at Zion


• Our Neighborhood: The GE in Composition

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ur Neighborhood: The GE in CompositionOWe want to address the question:

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ur Neighborhood: The GE in CompositionOWe want to address the question:

Which books? (or: Where does Hebrews go?)

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ur Neighborhood: The GE in CompositionOWhich Books? (or: Where does Hebrews go?)

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ur Neighborhood: The GE in CompositionOWhich Books? (or: Where does Hebrews go?)

It’s not always clear which corpus Hebrews goes with. Is it a Pauline Epistle or General Epistle?

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ur Neighborhood: The GE in CompositionOWhich Books? (or: Where does Hebrews go?)

It’s not always clear which corpus Hebrews goes with. Is it a Pauline Epistle or General Epistle?

(this won’t be the last word!)

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ur Neighborhood: The GE in CompositionOWhich Books? (or: Where does Hebrews go?)

It’s not always clear which corpus Hebrews goes with. Is it a Pauline Epistle or General Epistle?

(this won’t be the last word!)

What would be some barriers to including it with the Pauline Epistles?

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ur Neighborhood: The GE in CompositionOWhich Books? (or: Where does Hebrews go?)

No explicit author

No explicit addressee

Theology different or different emphases

Greek is different (and difficult!)

Robert Wall (NT as Canon) argues title puts it with GE

Paul was apostle to Gentiles, not Jews

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ur Neighborhood: The GE in CompositionOWhich Books? (or: Where does Hebrews go?)

It’s not always clear which corpus Hebrews goes with. Is it a Pauline Epistle or General Epistle?

What would be some reasons to include it with the Pauline Epistles?

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ur Neighborhood: The GE in CompositionOWhich Books? (or: Where does Hebrews go?)

Lack of explicit author/addressee could be explained by position/function

Theological focus varies among Paul’s letters

Further, does Paul spend any time reflecting on how the OT, the Torah (Pentateuch) in particular, applies to the church?

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ur Neighborhood: The GE in CompositionOWhich Books? (or: Where does Hebrews go?)

Some of Paul’s letters (cf .Ro 16.22, Gal 6.11) were “written” down by others

David Trobisch (1st Edition of the NT) would argue the title puts it with PE

Paul, apostle to Gentiles, started his mission in each city in the synagogue and penned “…first to the Jews, then the Gentiles…” (Ro 1.16-17)

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ur Neighborhood: The GE in CompositionOWhich Books? (or: Where does Hebrews go?)

In early manuscripts, Hebrews was always grouped with Paul’s Letters

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ur Neighborhood: The GE in CompositionOWhich Books? (or: Where does Hebrews go?)

Based on content, canonical evidence, and manuscripts, Hebrews seems to fit better as the last Pauline letter than the first General Epistle

Whatever the case, Wall makes a point generally agreed upon:

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ur Neighborhood: The GE in CompositionOWhich Books? (or: Where does Hebrews go?)

Whatever the case, Wall makes a point generally agreed upon:“My tentative suggestion regarding the canonical intentionality of Hebrews is that it is the canonical coordinate between the Pauline corpus on the one hand, and the non-Pauline corpus on the other. By 'canonical coordinate', I mean that Hebrews, because of its affinities with both the Pauline and non-Pauline collections, effectively brings the two into a profitable canonical conversation.” Robert Wall, The New Testament as Canon: A Reader in Canonical

Criticism, (JSNT 76; Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1992), 178, emphasis his.

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ur Neighborhood: The GE in CompositionOHebrews :: General Epistles

General EpistlesPauline Epistles

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ur Neighborhood: The GE in CompositionOHebrews :: General Epistles

General EpistlesPauline Epistles

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ur Neighborhood: The GE in CompositionOHebrews :: General Epistles

General EpistlesPauline Epistles(Hebrews) (James)

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ur Neighborhood: The GE in CompositionO

What are some major themes (toward the end) of Hebrews?

Hebrews :: General EpistlesGeneral EpistlesPauline Epistles

(Hebrews) (James)

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ur Neighborhood: The GE in CompositionO

What are some major themes (toward the end) of Hebrews?• Not continuing in sin (10)• Perseverance for an abiding reward (10)• FAITH that DOES (11) • Suffering (12) • The coming Kingdom (12) • Christ as example (12-13)• Christian conduct (13: strangers; marriage; money; praise with lips; aiding others; leaders)

Hebrews :: General EpistlesGeneral EpistlesPauline Epistles

(Hebrews) (James)

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ur Neighborhood: The GE in CompositionOHebrews :: General Epistles

General EpistlesPauline Epistles(Hebrews) (James)

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ur Neighborhood: The GE in CompositionO

How about some familiar people/phrases/words?

Hebrews :: General EpistlesGeneral EpistlesPauline Epistles

(Hebrews) (James)

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ur Neighborhood: The GE in CompositionO

How about some familiar people/phrases/words?• Noah (11.7) • Abraham (11.8-12) • Rahab (11.31)• “alien” / “foreign” / “strangers”/ “exiles” (11.8-13)• raising from the dead (11.19, 35)• enduring ill-treatment with God’s people (11.24)• sprinkling of blood (11.28; 12.24)• suffering of Christ (12.1-3; 13.12)

Hebrews :: General EpistlesGeneral EpistlesPauline Epistles

(Hebrews) (James)

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ur Neighborhood: The GE in CompositionOHebrews :: General Epistles

General EpistlesPauline Epistles(Hebrews) (James)

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ur Neighborhood: The GE in CompositionO

It appears that (the end) of Hebrews introduces the major theme(s) of the General Epistles.

Hebrews :: General EpistlesGeneral EpistlesPauline Epistles

(Hebrews) (James)

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ur Neighborhood: The GE in CompositionO

It appears that (the end) of Hebrews introduces the major theme(s) of the General Epistles.

If the GE could have a “theme verse” (if that’s even safe), it seems like this would fit them well:

Hebrews :: General EpistlesGeneral EpistlesPauline Epistles

(Hebrews) (James)

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ur Neighborhood: The GE in CompositionO

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely,

and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith,

who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

Hebrew 12.1-3!

Hebrews :: General EpistlesGeneral EpistlesPauline Epistles

(Hebrews) (James)

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ur Neighborhood: The GE in CompositionOThe General Epistles are almost at the end of the canonical story

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ur Neighborhood: The GE in CompositionOThe General Epistles are almost at the end of the canonical story

They appear to pick up threads from the end of Hebrews and develop them into a theology of perseverance in faith through suffering to salvation

Page 77: Session 1 Slides

ur Neighborhood: The GE in CompositionOThe General Epistles are almost at the end of the canonical story

They appear to pick up threads from the end of Hebrews and develop them into a theology of perseverance in faith through suffering to salvation

Their drumbeat seems to be:Be Faithful to the End!

Page 78: Session 1 Slides

These EpistlesCanon, Composit ion, Themes

faithful to the end • week 1

• A Trail Less Traveled: The General Epistles• Our Street Address: The GE in Canon• Our Neighborhood: The GE in Composition• Our Message: The GE in Theology• Our Incarnation: The GE at Zion


Page 79: Session 1 Slides

These EpistlesCanon, Composit ion, Themes

faithful to the end • week 1

• A Trail Less Traveled: The General Epistles• Our Street Address: The GE in Canon• Our Neighborhood: The GE in Composition• Our Message: The GE in Theology• Our Incarnation: The GE at Zion


• Our Message: The GE in Theology

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ur Message: The GE in TheologyODon’t expect to hear Paul (though don’t expect to hear him repudiated either)

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ur Message: The GE in TheologyODon’t expect to hear Paul (though don’t expect to hear him repudiated either)

With Hebrews as the pivot, we enter a new refrain in the canonical hymn

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ur Message: The GE in TheologyODon’t expect to hear Paul (though don’t expect to hear him repudiated either)

With Hebrews as the pivot, we enter a new refrain in the canonical hymn

We will argue that James in a sense provides an introduction and sets the tone for the GE

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ur Message: The GE in TheologyOWith James, the GE may then be generally letters about persevering through suffering, sin, and shysters by living faith unto the goal: salvation

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ur Message: The GE in TheologyOWith James, the GE may then be generally letters about persevering through suffering, sin, and shysters by living faith unto the goal: salvation

Suffering will be the norm

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ur Message: The GE in TheologyOWith James, the GE may then be generally letters about persevering through suffering, sin, and shysters by living faith unto the goal: salvation

Suffering will be the norm

Christ will often be the example

Page 86: Session 1 Slides

ur Message: The GE in TheologyOWith James, the GE may then be generally letters about persevering through suffering, sin, and shysters by living faith unto the goal: salvation

Suffering will be the norm

Christ will often be the example

Faith will be what is practiced

Page 87: Session 1 Slides

ur Message: The GE in TheologyOWith James, the GE may then be generally letters about persevering through suffering, sin, and shysters by living faith unto the goal: salvation

Suffering will be the norm

Christ will often be the example

Faith will be what is practiced

Salvation will be the hope that keeps you climbing

Page 88: Session 1 Slides

These EpistlesCanon, Composit ion, Themes

faithful to the end • week 1

• A Trail Less Traveled: The General Epistles• Our Street Address: The GE in Canon• Our Neighborhood: The GE in Composition• Our Message: The GE in Theology• Our Incarnation: The GE at Zion


Page 89: Session 1 Slides

These EpistlesCanon, Composit ion, Themes

faithful to the end • week 1

• A Trail Less Traveled: The General Epistles• Our Street Address: The GE in Canon• Our Neighborhood: The GE in Composition• Our Message: The GE in Theology• Our Incarnation: The GE at Zion


• Our Incarnation: The GE at Zion

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ur Incarnation: The GE at ZionOWhat do we mean by “our incarnation”?

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ur Incarnation: The GE at ZionOWhat do we mean by “our incarnation”?

What do we do on the Sabbath?

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ur Incarnation: The GE at ZionOWhat do we mean by “our incarnation”?

What do we do on the Sabbath?


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ur Incarnation: The GE at ZionOWhat do we mean by “our incarnation”?

What do we do on the Sabbath?


What implications does this have for this class (or any Sabbath activity at Zion)?

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aithfulto theF

E n d

JamesWord inDeed

living faith and living community

week 2