Sesi 10 - Motivasi 1



Pengertian motivasi, teori motivasi

Transcript of Sesi 10 - Motivasi 1


  • Motivation movere to move the energizer of behavior determinan perilaku

    Motivation refers to the driving and pulling forces which result in persistent

    behavior directed toward particular goals

    (Morgan & King, 1986)


  • Inferences from behavior

    Explanation of behavior

    Prediction of behavior

    Motives are ,,,,

  • 1. Tidak tampak, hanya diketahui melalui

    tingkah laku yang ditampilkan

    2. Majemuk, tidak bersifat tunggal

    3. Dapat berubah, tergantung kebutuhan

    4. Berbeda-beda, tergantung : umur, jenis

    kelamin, sosiokultural

    Sifat-sifat motif

  • 1. The Evolutionary Approach

    2. Drive Reduction Theory

    3. Optimum Arousal Theory

    4. The Cognitive Approach

    5. Maslows Hierarchy of Human Needs




    - Emphasized the role of instincts in motivation

    - An instinct is an innate (unlearned), biological patterns of behavior that is assumed to be universal throughout a species.


    - The motivation of sex, aggression, achievement and other behaviors is rooted in our evolutionary past.

    The Evolutionary Approach

  • Drive Reduction Theory

    Need is a deprivation that energizes the drive to eliminate or reduce the deprivation.

    Drive is an aroused state that occurs because of a physiological need.




    Drive Reduction Theory

  • Optimum Arousal Theory

    Arousal ?

  • Yerkes-Dodson Law

    Performance is best under conditions of moderate arousal than either low or high


    Optimum Arousal Theory

    Low arousal best in a new or difficult task

    High arousal best in a well learned or easy task

  • Human beings are rational and aware of their motivation.

    a. Intrinsic motivation = self-determination, curiosity, challenge b. Extrinsic motivation = rewards and punishment Self Generated Goal (personal project, life tasks,

    personal strivings)

    The Cognitive Approach

  • Maslow,s Hierarchy of Human Needs

    Physiologial Needs

    Safety & Security

    Love & Belongingness

    Self Esteem

    Self Actualizati


  • 1. Lingkungan (kegaduhan, kebisingan,

    desakan ortu)

    2. Dari dalam diri (harapan, cita-cita, need,


    3. Tujuan / nilai insentif objek (status, uang)

    Penentu perilaku

  • 1. Biologis (kebutuhan biologis)

    Sering juga dikatakan survival need /

    kebutuhan primer / dasar yang digunakan

    untuk mempertahankan kelangsungan hidup.

    Contoh : makan, minum, udara segar,


    2. Bersifat mental (psikologis)

    Disebut juga kebutuhan sekunder yang dapat

    dipelajari, diperoleh dalam lingkungan atau

    karena interaksinya dengan lingkungan.

    Sifat penentu

  • ATKINSON motif dasar adalah motif yang tidak dipelajari, dimiliki oleh manusia dan hewan. Terdiri dari :

    1. Survival (lapar, haus)

    2. Kebutuhan sosial (seks, maternal)

    3. Ingin tahu

    SANTROCK 5 motif penting :

    1. Lapar (motif biologis)

    2. Sex (Gabungan antara motif biologis dan sosial kognitif)

    3. Achievement

    4. Affiliation motif sosial kognitif

    5. Well being

    Motif Dasar