8 Motivasi

ninth edition STEPHEN P . ROBBINS PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie Cook PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie Cook The University of est !laba"a The University of est !laba"a #!R$ COU%TER #otivatin& #otivatin& E"'loyees E"'loyees  ( )**+ Prenti, e Hall- In,.  ( )**+ Prenti,e Hall- In,. !ll ri&hts reserved. !ll ri&hts reserved.



Transcript of 8 Motivasi

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ninth edition


PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie CookPowerPoint Presentation by Charlie CookThe University of est !laba"aThe University of est !laba"a




 ( )**+ Prenti,e Hall- In,. ( )**+ Prenti,e Hall- In,.!ll ri&hts reserved.!ll ri&hts reserved.

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hat Is #otivation1hat Is #otivation1

• MotivationMotivation

Is the result of an interaction between the person andIs the result of an interaction between the person and

a situation; it is not a personal trait.a situation; it is not a personal trait.

Is the process by which a person’s efforts areIs the process by which a person’s efforts are

energized, directed, and sustained towards attainingenergized, directed, and sustained towards attaininga goal.a goal.

Ener&y2Ener&y2 a measure of intensity or drive.a measure of intensity or drive.

3ire,tion23ire,tion2 toward organizational goalstoward organizational goals

Persisten,e2Persisten,e2 exerting effort to achieve goals.exerting effort to achieve goals.

Motivation wors best when individual needs areMotivation wors best when individual needs are

compatible with organizational goals.compatible with organizational goals.

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Early Theories of #otivationEarly Theories of #otivation

• Maslow’s !ierarchy of "eedsMaslow’s !ierarchy of "eeds

• Mac#regor’s $heories % and &Mac#regor’s $heories % and &

• !erzberg’s $wo'(actor $heory!erzberg’s $wo'(actor $heory

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Early Theories of #otivationEarly Theories of #otivation

• Maslow’s !ierarchy of "eeds $heoryMaslow’s !ierarchy of "eeds $heory

"eeds were categorized as five levels of lower' to"eeds were categorized as five levels of lower' to

higher'order needs.higher'order needs. Individuals must satisfy lower'order needs before they canIndividuals must satisfy lower'order needs before they can

satisfy higher order needs.satisfy higher order needs.

)atisfied needs will no longer motivate.)atisfied needs will no longer motivate. Motivating a person depends on nowing at what level thatMotivating a person depends on nowing at what level that

person is on the hierarchy.person is on the hierarchy.

!ierarchy of needs!ierarchy of needs

*ower'order +external- physiological, safety*ower'order +external- physiological, safety !igher'order +internal- social, esteem, self'actualization!igher'order +internal- social, esteem, self'actualization

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E7hibit /0E7hibit /0 #aslow8s Hierar,hy of Needs#aslow8s Hierar,hy of Needs

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Early Theories of #otivation 9,ont8d:Early Theories of #otivation 9,ont8d:

• Mc#regor’s $heory % and $heory &Mc#regor’s $heory % and $heory &

$heory %$heory % ssumes that worers have little ambition, dislie wor, avoid ssumes that worers have little ambition, dislie wor, avoid

responsibility, and re/uire close supervision.responsibility, and re/uire close supervision.

$heory &$heory & ssumes that worers can exercise self'direction, desire ssumes that worers can exercise self'direction, desire

responsibility, and lie to wor.responsibility, and lie to wor.

 ssumption- ssumption- Motivation is maximized by participative decision maing,Motivation is maximized by participative decision maing,

interesting 0obs, and good group relations.interesting 0obs, and good group relations.

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Early Theories of #otivation 9,ont8d:Early Theories of #otivation 9,ont8d:

• !erzberg’s Motivation'!ygiene $heory!erzberg’s Motivation'!ygiene $heory

1ob satisfaction and 0ob dissatisfaction are created by1ob satisfaction and 0ob dissatisfaction are created by

different factors.different factors.

Hy&iene fa,tors2Hy&iene fa,tors2 extrinsic +environmental factors that createextrinsic +environmental factors that create

 0ob dissatisfaction. 0ob dissatisfaction.

#otivators2#otivators2 intrinsic +psychological factors that create 0obintrinsic +psychological factors that create 0ob


 ttempted to explain why 0ob satisfaction does not ttempted to explain why 0ob satisfaction does not

result in increased performance.result in increased performance.

$he opposite of satisfaction is not dissatisfaction, but rather$he opposite of satisfaction is not dissatisfaction, but rather

no satisfaction.no satisfaction.

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E7hibit /0)E7hibit /0) Her<ber&8s #otivation=Hy&iene TheoryHer<ber&8s #otivation=Hy&iene Theory

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E7hibit /04E7hibit /04 Contrastin& ?iews of Satisfa,tion=3issatisfa,tionContrastin& ?iews of Satisfa,tion=3issatisfa,tion

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Conte"'orary Theories of #otivationConte"'orary Theories of #otivation

• $hree'"eeds $heory$hree'"eeds $heory

• #oal')etting $heory#oal')etting $heory

• 2einforcement $heory2einforcement $heory

• 3esigning Motivating 1obs3esigning Motivating 1obs

• 4/uity $heory4/uity $heory

• 4xpectancy $heory4xpectancy $heory

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#otivation and Needs#otivation and Needs

• $hree'"eeds $heory +Mc5lelland$hree'"eeds $heory +Mc5lelland

$here are three ma0or ac/uired needs that are ma0or$here are three ma0or ac/uired needs that are ma0or

motives in wor.motives in wor.

Need for a,hieve"ent 9n!,h:Need for a,hieve"ent 9n!,h:

 6 $he drive to excel and succeed$he drive to excel and succeed Need for 'ower 9nPow:Need for 'ower 9nPow:

 6 $he need to influence the behavior of others$he need to influence the behavior of others

Need of affiliation 9n!ff:Need of affiliation 9n!ff:

 6 $he desire for interpersonal relationships$he desire for interpersonal relationships

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#otivation and @oals#otivation and @oals

• #oal')etting $heory#oal')etting $heory

7roposes that setting goals that are accepted,7roposes that setting goals that are accepted,

specific, and challenging yet achievable will result inspecific, and challenging yet achievable will result in

higher performance than having no or easy goals.higher performance than having no or easy goals.

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E7hibit /06E7hibit /06 @oal=Settin& Theory@oal=Settin& Theory

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#otivation and Behavior #otivation and Behavior 

• 2einforcement $heory2einforcement $heory

 ssumes that a desired behavior is a function of its ssumes that a desired behavior is a function of its

conse/uences, is externally caused, and if reinforced,conse/uences, is externally caused, and if reinforced,

is liely to be repeated.is liely to be repeated.

7ositive reinforcement is preferred for its long'term effects on7ositive reinforcement is preferred for its long'term effects on


Ignoring undesired behavior is better than punishment whichIgnoring undesired behavior is better than punishment which

may create additional dysfunctional behaviors.may create additional dysfunctional behaviors.

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3esi&nin& #otivatin& Aobs3esi&nin& #otivatin& Aobs

• 1ob 3esign1ob 3esign

$he way into which tass can be combined to form$he way into which tass can be combined to form

complete 0obs.complete 0obs.

(actors influencing 0ob design-(actors influencing 0ob design- 5hanging organizational environment8structure5hanging organizational environment8structure

$he organization’s technology$he organization’s technology

4mployees’ sill, abilities, and preferences4mployees’ sill, abilities, and preferences

1ob enlargement1ob enlargement Increasing the 0ob’s scope +number and fre/uency of tassIncreasing the 0ob’s scope +number and fre/uency of tass

1ob enrichment1ob enrichment Increasing responsibility and autonomy +depth in a 0ob.Increasing responsibility and autonomy +depth in a 0ob.

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E7hibit /0>E7hibit /0> Si"'lified E7'e,tan,y #odelSi"'lified E7'e,tan,y #odel

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Crrent Isses in #otivationCrrent Isses in #otivation

•Motivating 9ni/ue #roups of :orersMotivating 9ni/ue #roups of :orers

Motivating a diverse worforce through flexibility-Motivating a diverse worforce through flexibility-

Men desire more autonomy than do women.Men desire more autonomy than do women.

:omen desire learning opportunities, flexible wor:omen desire learning opportunities, flexible wor

schedules, and good interpersonal relations.schedules, and good interpersonal relations.

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Crrent Isses in #otivation 9,ont8d:Crrent Isses in #otivation 9,ont8d:

• (lexible :or81ob schedules(lexible :or81ob schedules

5ompressed wor wee5ompressed wor wee

*onger daily hours, but fewer days*onger daily hours, but fewer days

(lexible wor hours +flextime(lexible wor hours +flextime

)pecific weely hours with varying arrival, departure, lunch)pecific weely hours with varying arrival, departure, lunchand brea times around certain core hours during which alland brea times around certain core hours during which all

employees must be present.employees must be present.

1ob )haring1ob )haring

$wo or more people split a full'time 0ob.$wo or more people split a full'time 0ob.


4mployees wor from home using computer lins.4mployees wor from home using computer lins.

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Crrent Isses in #otivation 9,ont8d:Crrent Isses in #otivation 9,ont8d:

• Motivating 5ontingent :orersMotivating 5ontingent :orers

pportunity to become a permanent employeepportunity to become a permanent employee

pportunity for trainingpportunity for training

4/uity in compensation and benefits4/uity in compensation and benefits

• Motivating *ow')illed, Minimum':ageMotivating *ow')illed, Minimum':age4mployees4mployees

4mployee recognition programs4mployee recognition programs

7rovision of sincere praise7rovision of sincere praise

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Crrent Isses in #otivation 9,ont8d:Crrent Isses in #otivation 9,ont8d:

• 3esigning ppropriate 2ewards 7rograms3esigning ppropriate 2ewards 7rograms

4mployee recognition programs4mployee recognition programs #iving personal attention and expressing interest, approval,#iving personal attention and expressing interest, approval,

and appreciation for a 0ob well done.and appreciation for a 0ob well done.

7ay'for'performance7ay'for'performance <ariable compensation plans that reward employees on the<ariable compensation plans that reward employees on the

basis of their performance-basis of their performance-

 6 wage incentives, profit'sharing, and lump'sum bonuseswage incentives, profit'sharing, and lump'sum bonuses