Seo training in chandigarh|panchkula|zirakpur|mohali|india| Seo on page Update tricks

On page Optimization Techniques for Better ranking Facter Lot has change in 2015 & most important factors are relevant keywords, internal links. analyzing top pages from Google search. One thing which I highly recommend you to do from now on is to take advantage of adding videos in your blog post. Adding videos will not only increase the rich media on your post, it will also make users stay more on your website Or blogs Before I share the tricks, here are few non Technical Things that you can in-corporate today. SEO TECHNIQUES UPDATE 2016

Transcript of Seo training in chandigarh|panchkula|zirakpur|mohali|india| Seo on page Update tricks

Page 1: Seo training in chandigarh|panchkula|zirakpur|mohali|india| Seo on page Update tricks

On page Optimization Techniques for Better ranking Facter Lot has change in 2015 & most important factors are

relevant keywords, internal links. analyzing top pages from Google search. One thing which I highly recommend you to do from now on is to take advantage of adding videos in

your blog post. Adding videos will not only increase the rich media on your post, it will also make users stay more on your website Or blogs

Before I share the tricks, here are few non Technical Things that you can in-corporate today.


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Improve user-experience Ensures readers coming from search engine spend a lot of time

on your site. If they hit back button quickly, chances are your ranking would drop quickly too.

If you are writing long content, use bucket brigade copywriting technique to ensure users stays on your page.

Use Benefit driven sub-heading to make your content more appealing

So here is the ultimate On-page Optimization factors  you should keep in mind while optimizing Website or blog

Website or Blog Title ( User clikcks + seo Advantage When you use Keywords)-

Most important On-page factor which really plays a big role in deciding whether our blogposts will be doing well on search engines front is its title. We should make sure we are using targeted keywords or phrase towards the beginning of Title tag. We should no repeat the same keyword in title tag with the intension to get better rankings on Google, Yahoo and Bing. And

we should keep limit Title Characters length to 65 Characters

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Permalinks Structure Makes Article More User-Friendly Then it’s about going ahead with a search engine

optimized URL structure. Again, you should aim at using targeted keywords towards the beginning of blog or Website post URL. You should avoid using special characters, symbols, brackets, comma’s etc as part of your post URL.Most of the times you should be using alphabets and numeric from 0-9 in your URL structure and use dashes to differentiate two strings in URL structure. Make sure to follow a pretty permalink instead of random in your permalink.

On Page Seo update 2016

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You should use heading tags like h2, h3 and h4 etc to highlight various headings, sub-headings and important points. Our Title tag is used as h1 tag at single post level in Word Press. So we don’t need to use any h1 tag in our blog post body section. Also, don’t repeat H2 or H3 tags too many times, as it is considered as negative SEO practice. Here is what Matt Cutts has to say about repetition of H1 or any other heading tags.

Heading Tags

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You should keep the keyword density to up to 1.5% percent with mix of LSI keywords. You should be using your main keyword once in first paragraph and then in the last paragraph apart from regular use in blog post content. You should use bold, italic and underline to highlight important keywords and phrases in your blog post. Here is official Matt Cutts comment on what’s the idle Keyword density:

Keyword Density

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You should add unique and relevant meta keyword and meta description with each of your blog post. Again, you should use your use targeted keyword in the meta description and meta keyword section. You should create a meta description tag which work as a summary for your blog post. You should limit meta description length to 160 characters including spaces. You should write user friendly meta description tags for better Click Through Rate

(CTR) in search engines. Though, many search engine like Bing still prefer meta keywords but Google already made it clear that they don’t

give any weight-age to Meta keywords. Here is official statement from Google regarding use of Meta Keywords

Meta Tags

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We have already talked about Image optimization for SEO and it helps a lot in driving traffic from image search. Though, according to many case studies, Keyword in alt text in image and image title helps a lot to make your blog post more focus and targeted. Now add one or multiple images to your blog post. You should include targeted keyword as part of image name, image alt text etc. Availability of images makes our blog contents

more interesting and attractive. While adding images, you should look out for small size images only. Addition of big size images will

slow down your blog speed and will ultimately lower down your blog rankings as

these days Google Started considering website speeds

one of rankings factor on Google organic search.

Addition of Images

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I don’t see blog posts doing well especially on search engine front page having very few words. So as standard, you should try to draft blog posts carrying minimum 700 words. If possible write long and well researched blog posts while targeting highly competitive keywords in your niche. More over, if you writing naturally and covering everything related to the topic, your topic would be of great length. Suggestion: Analyze other posts on the target keyword and see what you are missing and if your post is better than post ranking on first page in Google or not. Though, there is

no limit or exact number for minimum word count for SEO optimized posts, but

ideally I keep it more than 700 words. This post is over 1900 words plus

Word Count Per Post

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You should link out to related blog posts from your blog to send additional page rank and traffic to them. Interlinking of blog posts naturally will help your blog readers spend more time on your blog. But you should not overdo it. While linking out to your own blog pages, you should use keyword rich anchor text as that will help the linking posts perform better on Google and other search engines for their targeted anchor texts. Also, keep variation while internal linking but don’t confuse Google with two similar post for same target Keyword.

Content Interlinking

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Apart from linking to your own blog posts, it is a great idea to link out to external websites if you feel addition of links for them will help your blog readers find more and relevant information about the topic you are currently blogging about. While linking out to external websites, you should link to trusted websites only. And if you have doubts about the authority or popularity of a website, you can use no follow tag to avoid passing page rank and search engine rankings to bad neighbors.

You should use do follow link for trusted websites and no follow link for those about

whom you are doubtful about their trust rank on Google. If not, try to link with Wiki article,

which is considered as one of the most authoritative source of information. Even if not from onpage optimization point of view, linking to useful resource helps readers and make

your content more credible and informative.

Linking out to external Website

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You should write engaging content in your post and should work as a complete manual for the targeted keywords for that post. You should look at various ways so that people get engaged with your blog contents. You can do this by asking some kind of questions or asking for their opinion on topics related to your blog and etc. If you are unable to write engaging contents on your blog, people will not

spend much time on your blog and will immediately leave your blog. This will result in higher bounce rate for your blog and which will work as a negative factor when Google calculates your blog rankings for targeted terms.

Write Engaging Content

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Here is the final checklist which you need to follow in 2016 to make sure your content rank higher in search engine.

Keyword placement: Keyword in Title Keyword in Permalink

Keyword in first paragraphKeyword in Image Alt tag

Tweaked Keyword in H2 or H3 Bold Important Keywords and related keywords

On page SEO Checklist

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Italics 1-2 important Keywords Outbound Link to relevant high-quality sites Internal links to related articles Remove all stop words from Permalink Add multi-media (Video, Slides, Info graphic) Longer the content length, better it is. Minimum: 700 words Optimize image before uploading (Compress and resize) Page loading time

Use LSI Keywords (Use SEO Presser plugin to find related Keywords)

On page SEO Checklist

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Use Meta title in less than 65 character Use Meta description in less than 150 characters. If using any Social SEO plugin, make sure to add image for

Facebook, Twitter. (Take advantage of social graph) Make sure to have social sharing buttons at the end of post or

floating social sharing buttons. Have related posts after blog posts to lower down bounce rate. Try to use Keyword in Post Title at beginning Use Long tail keywords (You can use up to 65 Character in Post

title) If writing in evergreen niche, remove dates from the posts. (Use

Date Exclusion SEO plugin)Content length: The longer the length of

the content, better it is. Though don’t try to uselessly increase the content size.

At the end of blog post, ask users to take action.

Things to focus on

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Not more than 1 H1 tag (Your Post title is H1 tag) Don’t repeat H2 and H3 Tag Don’t increase Keyword density by more than


Things not to do

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Thank You !!