Seo mistakes911 fabella

SEO SEO 91 1 ! 91 1 ! 5 deadly SEO Mi s t ak e s (& soluti ons to fi x or prevent them)

Transcript of Seo mistakes911 fabella

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Do n ’ t l e t t h i s h ap p e n

t o yo u !

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I t Tak e s a Vi l l age

. . . To Me s s Th i n gs Up

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“ Le t ’ s MakeTHI S Si tes i zzl e ! ”

f l as hf l as h

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What Your Exec Sees

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What a Search Engine Sees

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Good Solution: Speak Geek

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Better Solution: Speak Money



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“ NOTHI NG’ SGe tt i ng

Pas t me ’ ”


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Yes. This STILL Happens

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Also Watch Out For• Placement errors

– Root domain vs. sub

• Character errors– Robots.txt vs. Robot.txt– Extra spaces – Keystroke errors

• Definition and command errors– NOINDEX vs. Disallow– Robots.txt vs. NOINDEX– Disallow vs. Allow

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“ l e t ’ s b ackupThos e URL’ s ”


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Common Canonical Tag Errors

• Pointing to wrong page– Home page– Different places in site– Inconsistency between www’s...

• Incorrect formatting/coding– Extra spaces, bad characters

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Si t emapsSi t emaps

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What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

• Incorrect URL– VS.

• Incorrect sitemap protocol

• Invalid date, tags, URL...

• Incorrect sitemap type in Google WMT– i.e. Sitemap, News, ...

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“ trus t me .I can hook

You up . ”

Li nk f ar msLi nk f ar ms

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Link Building Gone Wrong

• There are no short cuts– Link building is relationship building

• Don’t fall for glitzy pitches– Beware of promises of “guaranteed” rankings– Tactic: Lots of links from “bad neighborhoods”

• Paid links violate Google’s webmaster guidelines– Search engines could levy penalty

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“ No worr i e s .I ’ v e got

I t cove re d ”

Be t h e d e t e c t i veBe t h e d e t e c t i ve


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Start With What You Know

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Do Your Detective Work

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Culprit Caughtrel=“canonical”

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Problem Solved

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“we ’ ve got A s i tuat i on

he re . . . ”

Cr i s i s mode s ol ut i onsCr i s i s mode s ol ut i ons

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Crisis Checklist

Development changes




Canonical tags

Status Codes


Server / Caching

Check w/SE user agent

Clues inWMT account

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Post-Crisis Actions

1. Written documentation• Summarize details of problem & solution• Include screen grabs• Save FOREVER

• Post-mortem with ALL parties involved

• Email summary to stakeholders• Ok to be the hero, but don’t throw anyone under the bus

• You still have to work with these people!

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“ An ounce o fPre ve nt i on. . . ”

Di s as t er pr event i onDi s as t er pr event i on

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Regular Communication

– Daily or weekly meetings• A daily 15 minute checkup is sufficient

– Review upcoming & completed changes

– Carefully review code BEFORE launch

– Include ALL stakeholders

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Training for Stakeholders

C-Suite• High level 101’s• Value of SEO • Patience with results

Project/Product Mgrs. • Emphasize SEO timing in

the development cycle

Designers• SEO consideration in wire

frames• Consequences of FLASH

Content Managers• Keyword research• Keyword placement• Anchor text

Developers• URLs (length, dupe

content, session IDs)• NOINDEX vs. robots.txt• Sitemaps• Rel = canonical

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Culture of Accountability

– Make the stakeholders your SEO “partners”

– Show examples of what could go WRONG

– Discuss consequences of errors and poor communication

– Provide developers with Google Webmaster Tools login

– Regular meetings will help

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“ I ne e d b ackup .Now! ”

r e f e r e n c er e f e r e n c e

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Reference DeskGeneral Google Help

Google Help Forum

Common Sitemap Errors

Search Engines’ Viewpoint

HTTP Checker

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ArticlesCanonical Link Element

• “Complete Guide to Rel Canonical - How To and Why (Not)”• SEOmoz Daily Blog; Lindsay Wassel

• “Why I Still Hate Rel=Canonical”• Search Engine Land; Ian Laurie

Robots.txt• “A Deeper Look At Robots.txt”

• Search Engine Land; Stephan Spencer

• “Serious Robots.txt Misuse & High Impact Solutions“• SEOmoz Daily Blog; Lindsay Wassel

In-House Processes• “Where SEO Belongs In The Web Site Development Cycle”

• Search Engine Land; Jessica Bowman

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Al l i s on Fab e l l aaf ab e l l a@ajc. com

404- 526- 2246TWI TTER: @al l i 1 2

Th an k Yo uTh an k Yo u