Seo content guidelines by om sir


Transcript of Seo content guidelines by om sir

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“SEO” refers to search engine optimization, or the process of optimizing a website so that people can easily find it via search engines like Google.

By “content,” we mean any information that lives on the web and can be consumed on the web.

So, putting these two concepts together: “SEO content is any content created with the

goal of attracting search engine traffic”.

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Guidelines For SEO Content Writing Keyword Research: If you want to generate traffic through search, it’s best to

do keyword research before you start writing. This way, you can focus on keywords for which a certain amount of search volume already exists – in other words, write toward topics that people are already searching for information about.

Keyword Optimization: Know where and how to use keywords in your content for maximum search ability.

Content Organization: The content on your site should be organized in a logical way. This is not only good for SEO, it also helps visitors on your site find other related content easily. (The longer they stay on your site, the better.)

Content Promotion: Increase visibility to new content you create by sharing it on social networks and building links to your content (both internally and from external sites).

Informative Content: Do extensive research about the industry before starting website content. You can easily set up your marketing materials with good research. As well, there will be a great chance to capture quality leads or sales.

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Guidelines For SEO Content Writing

Include Keyword-rich phrases: In the content, you must include relevant keyword-rich phrases so that search engines and visitors can know about your post. But you must also take care of keyword stuffing to avoid search engine penalties.

Divide Your Content Into Small Chunks: Try to break up your content into small chunks with subheadings so that the users can easily get the main idea.

Use Simple Language: When you are going to write an article, you should use simple language always. If you use a complex language structure or complex words in your content, people will not understand your idea easily.

Don't do Keyword Stuffing: The inclusion of keywords in the content is very essential to acquire high ranking in Search engines. But your keyword density in the whole article should be 2% to 3% only.

Always Develop Unique Content: To acquire higher ranking in search engines, you should always write unique and informative article.

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1. Create Headings That Feature Your Target Keywords:

Page headings should be optimized to include the keywords or keyword phrases you are trying to target, send a strong message about the subject of your content, and help your reader make decision about whether to keep reading.

Even though your main heading (your H1; usually the title displayed on the page) can be different from the page’s SEO title tag, it plays a similar role in either underscoring or undermining the relevance of your content. It’s also another factor that tells Google (and other search engines) what you’re writing about.

Ensure that there is only one H1-level heading per page so as not to confuse the bots that crawl your page information as to what it’s really about. If what you promise in your main heading doesn’t line up with the title and description you use for SEO, the visitor might leave quickly, which tells search engines the page is low quality.


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2. Break It Up for Improved Readability

Page visitors consistently read in an F-shaped pattern, scanning headings, the beginnings of paragraphs, and any highlighted elements to ensure they have found the information they are seeking.

Using short paragraphs, short sentences, numbered or bulleted lists, and sub headings to showcase your keywords and better organize your optimized content improves cognitive fluency—the relative ease with which your content can be read and understood.

Optimized web pages should be easy to scan and read, and should quickly provide the information you promised in your SEO title tag, description, and heading.

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3. Lead With Keywords:

The keywords that you have already included in your meta data and main heading need to be present in the rest of your text. Rather than trying to stuff them in every sentence, consider where they will be most useful.

When writing for SEO, your first paragraph should include your most important keyword, ideally in your first sentence. Understanding the way people read on the web tells us that they’re more likely to see the first few words of a paragraph, so use that space wisely and place your keywords where they’re most likely to be seen.

While keywords are important, use them sparingly, like a seasoning, to enhance your page content for search engines, but not turn them off with too much of a good thing. To avoid the appearance of keyword stuffing, which search engines don’t like, vary the keyword phrases you use throughout your content, and keep it to no more than 2-3 mentions per a short piece of content (300 words or less), increasing in proportion to the length of your page copy.


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(1). Choosing the right keywords :Search engines identify your website contents with the help of keywords. These are

usually very closely related to the search terms that are entered by the users in search engines. Before writing any topic for websites or blogs, you will need to conduct a thorough research on the keywords that are closely associated with the topic. You could make use of keyword research tools like Google AdWords’ Keyword Tool to find the most popular keywords.

(2). Readability :Please remember that you are, first and foremost, writing for your readers and not

search engines. You might find it difficult to use some of the popular keywords grammatically, but you cannot really afford to skip it all together. Although search engines look for the keywords in particular, they would want the readers to read quality content. Therefore, you will need to make sure that the content is interesting and adds value to the readers, instead of just stopping it short with overused keywords. Keywords should not stop the content flow.


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(3). Content relevancy: Make sure that you make use of keywords whilst maintaining the

relevancy to your content. Search engines employ a number of methodologies so as to be able to detect content that has been created with the sole purpose to obtain good ranking. Not only will such content become unreadable, but chances are that your website gets blacklisted by search engines.

(4). Keyword placement : Overusing keywords is not a good idea, as your readers will know

your intentions immediately. Instead of using your keywords all through the content, you could use them more in the starting few paragraphs and as subheadings. In the other parts of your article you can then use alternative synonymous or phrases instead of the keywords.

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(5). Make short and crisp paragraphs : Users hate reading big blocks of paragraphs. Moreover,

chunks of text will make your article look boring. Because of this, they might not even read your post or article completely, which would be a real waste of your time and efforts. The contents will become more readable if the paragraph sizes are restricted within 4 to 5 lines.

(6). Use bullets and numbering: Most of your readers are likely to have a short attention

span, and they might not be interested in reading the entire content of your article. They would instead prefer skimming through bullet points if they are crisp and concise. Therefore, it would be a good idea to use bullets and numbering whenever possible.

(7). Make subheadings : Subheadings can be very helpful in directing readers to the

precise points that they are interested in. Moreover, you could also use the keywords as subheadings, so that the flow of reading does not get interrupted.

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(8). Proper linking :If you have to hyperlink any of your content to some other page, make sure that you

explain the relevancy of that page very clearly. If the page you are linking to is not relevant to what you mention in your content, it would surely annoy the readers. You could lose your credibility with those readers, and that is something which is really difficult to regain.

(9). Avoid repetitions : Some writers think that they need to reiterate or restate the same information in

order to drive the point to the readers. Well, readers are smart enough to understand the information when they read it for the first time. Repetitions might irritate them as they might feel like getting back to square-one even after reading half your article. It is always better to continue with information rather than repeating the same things. You could maybe write your opinion on that point instead of restating it.

(10). Proofread your write-up : Unless you have very good typing skills, you are bound to make mistakes while

writing. Make sure that you proofread your articles or posts very carefully before publishing them. It would be a good idea to proofread twice to eliminate all the errors in your write-ups.


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