Senior Seminar Winter 2009 ISP 4860 Section 002 (Bowen) Class 10, March 25 Course web site: .

Senior Seminar Winter 2009 ISP 4860 Section 002 (Bowen) Class 10, March 25 Course web site:

Transcript of Senior Seminar Winter 2009 ISP 4860 Section 002 (Bowen) Class 10, March 25 Course web site: .

Senior Seminar Winter 2009ISP 4860

Section 002 (Bowen)

Class 10, March 25Course web site:

3/25/09 Senior Seminar W09, Class 10 2

Talk of Interest

• Vaden Miles memorial lecture• Energy sources 40-50 years

World needs double (at least) Must reduce greenhouse gases by 80%

• 10%-20% by by 2020 How can we do this? Thursday 4-5 Partrich auditorium in Law

School• Refreshments starting at 3

• Flier on course website

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Election (Nov 2008)

• New York Times lead editorial:The Next President “Barack Obama won the election because he

saw what is wrong with this country: the utter failure of government to protect its citizens.”

• If we extend this to the world, that is not a bad statement of what “the human footprint” issue is – how to protect ourselves from the consequences of our dominance in the world.

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• Late / returned / future assignments• Research• Content:

The Economic Crisis Tragedy of the Commons Sustainability

• Writing Grammar Sentences for Discussion

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New Course resources

• Children in poor countries harmed by vaccination

delay Lubchenco (NOAA) on fisheries and G.W. CO2 Regulation Vs Cap and Trade When the government should run a deficit Cat food impact on fisheries Right Whale comeback Foreign aid may be bad for Africa China and US debt Energy drilling slumps in US Water supply problems: Mexico City, Chile

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Assignments Coming Up

• Past due Choice of topic 11(*)/13 Chapter 1 planner 8/13 List of references 8/13 Draft for Chapter 1 6/13 Draft for Chapters 2 and 3 1/13 and 2/13 Revised Chapter 1 4/13

• Today, Chpt 2 & 3 revised 0

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Assignments Coming Up

• This week, March 25: Revised Chapters 2 and 3

• Next week, April 1: Drafts of Chapters 4 and 5

• Two weeks, April 8: Nothing due (catch up)• Three weeks, April 15: Final paper• Four weeks, April 22: Oral report.

Last class meeting

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Research portfolio

• One more self-assessment 4/8, including my assessment

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Plagiarism• Using someone else’s words requires

both: Quotation marks Citation using MLA style

• MLA = Modern Language Association• Quotation in quotes space (last name of author

space page).• ‘One may caricature it it by picking up one of

the phrases used by the Aristotelians, namely that it was a universal principal that “nature abhors a vacuum”’ (Conant 17).

• For your words but another’s idea, use citation only

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Economic Crisis• Geithner plan to get toxic assets out of

banks Public-private partnership to attract private

money to buy them with public guarantees• Do not think they can get more money from

Congress now• But will need success to get more money in future

Will banks want to sell toxic assets Strong approval from financial markets Some commentators say nationalization will

be needed (Paul Krugman)• All pieces of recovery plan in place now

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Economic Crisis

• Housing market may be bottoming out Housing sales up in some places

• Jobs not falling quite as fast as earlier

• Credit a little easier to get

• Obama claiming his priorities are necessary for future growth (health care, education, green energy), have to be in budget, but Congress hanging back

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Content: Managing the Commons

• “The Tragedy of the Commons” by Garrett Hardin, 1968 (SOP Pp 115 – 125) Article famous in environmental literature Applies to almost all topics here

• “Common” – a shared area that people can use for their own gain Original example – common pasture area Farmer thought that putting one additional cow to

graze there would degrade pasture a little, but that farmer would have a whole cow

Managing the Commons

SOP Pp 101 - 153

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Tragedy of the Commons

• Common” – a shared area that people can use for their own gain Costs were shared, gains were private Hardin thought that additional cows would be

added until pasture destroyed for everyone Any common resource would be trashed

• No environmental laws then

• No Green Revolution

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Tragedy of the Commons

• Different types of commons had been abandoned one after the other Food – farmland owned Waste – sewage treatment Automobiles (no mileage, pollution or safety

standards then, but had to be regulated) Factories, insecticide use (now regulated),

fertilizer use (now regulated) Pleasure – sound pollution, advertising

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Tragedy of the Commons

• Hardin especially worried about population World population 3B 1960, 4B 1974, headed

for 12B Thought we would need some kind of control

to prevent overpopulation “Mutual Coercion Mutually Agreed Upon”

• Would extend to everything Water, fish, energy, global warming, health,

ecosystem, consumption

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Management of the Commons

• Examples found of Commons that had been successfully managed 2003 articles in SOP

• “The Struggle to Govern the Commons” Pg 126• “Social Capital and the Collective Management of

Resources” Pg 142• “Managing Tragedies” Pg 149

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• Inshore fisheries had quotas established and enforced

• 1987 Montreal Protocol on CFCs to protect ozone

• Difficult if: Knowledge is incomplete or not shared Goals not shared Access is uncontrolled Locals do not benefit

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• Works best if several overlapping layers of control (“nesting”)

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“Social Capital”

• Five types of capital Pg 143 Natural (ecosystem services) Social (value of social systems working by

established relationships) Human (knowledge, skills, health, nutrition) Physical (buildings, factories, irrigation

systems, etc.) Financial (money)

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“Social Capital”

• Social capital necessary for managing a commons All affected groups (“stakeholders”) must be

part Education and involvement may be necessary

• Many fishing communities do not believe fisheries being depleted even if evidence says they are

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“Managing Tragedies”

• Defining and agreeing on what the problem is – very important

• So is stakeholder knowledge

• Shared understanding

• One approach: for areas that are threatened by the local indigenous population, give that population a stake in that ecosystem.

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Some Experiments

• Ecotourism. Tourists bring money to area, but must preserve the environment to keep them coming

• Elephant preservation – killed for ivory Numbers declining – kill animal, just take

tusks EBay agreed to ban online ivory sales Cites (monitors trade in endangered species)

allowed ivory sales for Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe and South Africa

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Some Experiments

• Elephants (continued) These countries had protected elephants, had

growing elephant populations Sale was protested by

International Fund for Animal Welfare

• To protect fisheries, “catch shares” – each fisherman owns a portion of the catch, can trade it, sell it, buy from others, etc. Recent survey in Science says this works Not being used for largest fisheries


SOP Pp 154 - 193

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Sustainability• Food

Food supply had kept up with population, but distribution was uneven – some areas too much, some starvation

Recent production, while increasing, is not keeping up with population

• Reasons: lack of investment, water shortages, urbanization and HIV/AIDS removing skilled adults from farms, Global Warming

• Will impact poor world the most• Controversy over GMOs may be over for poor world

Need to develop farming methods with less environmental impact

Eating lower on the food chain – must be made acceptable

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Sustainability• Needed for a sustainable future:

Population stability Lower environmental impact per person

• Conservation• New methods

Food and water supplies More even distribution of health and economic

development• Need an integrated (interdisciplinary)

approach• Coordinate different approaches, e.g. for-

profit and non-profit

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• Health Infectious diseases (“vector-borne”) still not

controlled in poor world• Some treatments very inexpensive• Economic development important for others

Diseases once under control in rich world re-emerging due to obesity, lack of exercise, poor diet

• Diabetes, cardio-vascular• Avoidance of vaccination (DB)

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Sustainability• Climate Change (= Global Warming)

Must eventually reduce worldwide carbon emissions to a small fraction of today’s

Will require international cooperation Will it be a burden or an opportunity? Methods:

• Technical: conservation, low-carbon sources (e.g. ethanol, nuclear, solar), sequestration, geoengineering, virtual/digital

• Economic: green business, cap and trade, incentives

May need them all

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• Food/fish: eat lower on food chain, must make this acceptable

• Water: conservation, more treatment, suit quality to use Pricing to conserve, or is it a right? On Green Inc blog – using wastewater for

powerplant cooling• Ecosystem: be more cautious for now,

need to learn more, and quickly “End of carbon era” may help

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DB• Health

Conflict between market-based solutions and services for por countries, e.g. for AIDS drugs

In rich countries, work on lifestyle

• Economic development important for improvements in poor world (health, food, water) Education How to get really poor countries “off the

ground?”• Agency

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• Consumption and Waste Reduce, recycle, reuse Biodegradable products Lifecycle design

• Urbanization Improve rural life Development Property rights for urban poor

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• Population Economic rights for women Economic development Education

Research and Writing

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Writing #1

• List of sentences

• Discuss / correct sentences

• I will type corrections under each one and post on course web site for your reference.

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Writing #2

• Grammar Review Sentence: Subject, verb, complete thought

• Problem: fragment (incomplete sentence)• Runon: two sentences butted together incorrectly

Who’s Vs whose Every day Vs everyday It’s Vs its Do Vs due Hyphen to join words in compound adjective

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Writing #2

• Four small groups

• Answer questions from cards

• Answer goes on separate paper

• Report is names plus answers

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• Handout Original article with paragraphs removed: one

long paragraph Break it into paragraphs at topic changes Circle the numbers where new paragraphs

should start

• Small groups, group report on each• You can leave when your group turns in its
