SENIOR CHAPEL T M 12, 2016 May 12... · The “+” indicates that you are invited to stand as you...


Transcript of SENIOR CHAPEL T M 12, 2016 May 12... · The “+” indicates that you are invited to stand as you...

Page 1: SENIOR CHAPEL T M 12, 2016 May 12... · The “+” indicates that you are invited to stand as you are able GATHERING PRELUDE Lift High the Cross Donald Busarow +PROCESSIONAL God




Page 2: SENIOR CHAPEL T M 12, 2016 May 12... · The “+” indicates that you are invited to stand as you are able GATHERING PRELUDE Lift High the Cross Donald Busarow +PROCESSIONAL God

The “+” indicates that you are invited to stand as you are able

GATHERING PRELUDE Lift High the Cross Donald Busarow

+PROCESSIONAL God has Done Marvelous Things Arr. Kelly Tiebout

WELCOME CALL TO WORSHIP Come, all who are created in God’s likeness. Come, all who long for justice. Come, all who wish to make a just noise. Come, all who desire God’s peace. We come seeking a just peace. We come to worship you, O God!


Lord God, in Jesus you came in the body: flesh of our flesh, bone of our bone. We thank you that you did not remain an idea, even a religious idea, but walked, wept, and washed feet among us. By your love, change our ideas, especially our religious ideas, into living signs of your work and will. Through our lives and by our prayers, your kingdom come. Lord God, in Jesus your body was broken by the cowardly and the powerful. The judgment hall of Pilate knew your silence as surely as your critics knew your voice. In word and silence, take on the power of the world today:

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The “+” indicates that you are invited to stand as you are able

those whose words sentence some to cruelty or unmerited redundancy; those whose word transfers wealth or weapons for the sake of profit or prejudice; those whose silence condones the injustice they have the power to change. O Savior of the poor, liberate your people. Through our lives and by our prayers, your kingdom come.

PROCLAMATION AND RESPONSE FIRST READING Amos 5:18-24 What sorrow awaits you who say, “If only the day of the Lord were here!” You have no idea what you are wishing for. That day will bring darkness, not light. In that day you will be like a man who runs from a lion, only to meet a bear. Escaping from the bear, he leans his hand against a wall in his house, and he’s bitten by a snake. Yes, the day of the Lord will be dark and hopeless, without a ray of joy or hope. “I hate all your show and pretense, the hypocrisy of your religious festivals and solemn assemblies. I will not accept your burnt offerings and grain offerings. I won’t even notice all your choice peace offerings.

Away with your noisy hymns of praise! I will not listen to the music of your harps. Instead, I want to see a mighty flood of justice, an endless river of righteous living.

¡Ay de los que ansían el Día de Yahveh! ¿Qué créeis que es ese Día de Yahveh? ¡Es tinieblas, que no luz! Como cuando uno huye del león y se topa con un oso, o, al entrar en casa, apoya una mano en la pared y le muerde una culebra... ¿No es tinieblas el Día de Yahveh, y no luz, lóbrego y sin claridad? Yo detesto, desprecio vuestras fiestas, no me gusta el olor de vuestras reuniones solemnes. Si me ofrecéis holocaustos... no me complazco en vuestras oblaciones, ni miro a vuestros sacrificios de comunión de novillos cebados.

¡Aparta de mi lado la multitud de tus canciones, no quiero oír la salmodia de tus arpas! ¡Que fluya, sí, el juicio como agua y la justicia como arroyo perenne!

화 있을진저 여호와의 날을 사모하는 자여 너희가 어찌하여 여호와의 날을 사모하느뇨 그

날은 어두움이요 빛이 아니라 마치 사람이 사자를 피하다가 곰을 만나거나 혹 집에 들어가서

손을 벽에 대었다가 뱀에게 물림 같도다 여호와의 날이 어찌 어두워서 빛이 없음이 아니며

캄캄하여 빛남이 없음이 아니냐? 내가 너희 절기를 미워하여 멸시하며 너희 성회들을

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The “+” indicates that you are invited to stand as you are able

기뻐하지 아니하나니 너희가 내게 번제나 소제를 드릴지라도 내가 받지 아니할 것이요 너희

살진 희생의 화목제도 내가 돌아보지 아니하리라

네 노래 소리를 내 앞에서 그칠지어다 네 비파 소리도 내가 듣지 아니하리라 오직 공법을 물

같이 정의를 하수 같이 흘릴지로다

The Word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God.

REFLECTION “Don’t Play” +HYMN Lord, You Give the Great Commission verses 1 & 2

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The “+” indicates that you are invited to stand as you are able

SECOND READING Micah 6:6-8 “With what shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before God on high? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves a year old? Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, with ten thousands of rivers of oil? Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?” He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?

“¿Con qué me presentaré yo a Yahveh, me inclinaré ante el Dios de lo alto? ¿Me presentaré con holocaustos, con becerros añales? ¿Aceptará Yahveh miles de carneros, miríadas de torrentes de aceite? ¿Daré mi primogénito por mi delito, el fruto de mis entrañas por el pecado de mi alma?” “Se te ha declarado, hombre, lo que es bueno, lo que Yahveh de ti reclama: tan sólo practicar la equidad, amar la piedad y caminar humildemente con tu Dios.”

내가 무엇을 가지고 여호와 앞에 나아가며 높으신 하나님께 경배할까 내가 번제물 일년 된

송아지를 가지고 그 앞에 나아갈까 여호와께서 천천의 수양이나 만만의 강수 같은 기름을

기뻐하실까 내 허물을 위하여 내 맏아들을, 내 영혼의 죄를 인하여 내 몸의 열매를

드릴까 사람아 주께서 선한 것이 무엇임을 네게 보이셨나니 여호와께서 네게 구하시는 것이

오직 공의를 행하며 인자를 사랑하며 겸손히 네 하나님과 함께 행하는 것이 아니냐

The Word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God.

REFLECTION “My People, Remember!” +HYMN Lord, You Give the Great Commission verses 3 & 4 +GOSPEL Mark 11:15-19 Then they came to Jerusalem. And he entered the temple and began to drive out those who were selling and those who were buying in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves; and he would not allow anyone to carry anything through the temple. He was teaching and saying, “Is it not written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations?’ But you have made it a den of robbers.” And when the chief priests and the scribes heard it, they kept looking for a way to kill him; for they were afraid of him, because the whole crowd was spellbound by his teaching. And when evening came, Jesus and his disciples went out of the city.

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The “+” indicates that you are invited to stand as you are able

Llegan a Jerusalén; y entrando en el Templo, comenzó a echar fuera a los que vendían y a los que compraban en el Templo; volcó las mesas de los cambistas y los puestos de los vendedores de palomas y no permitía que nadie transportase cosas por el Templo. Y les enseñaba, diciéndoles: “¿No está escrito: ‘Mi Casa será llamada Casa de oración para todas las gentes?’ ¡Pero vosotros la tenéis hecha una cueva de bandidos!” Se enteraron de esto los sumos sacerdotes y los escribas y buscaban cómo podrían matarle; porque le tenían miedo, pues toda la gente estaba asombrada de su doctrina. Y al atardecer, salía fuera de la ciudad.

저희가 예루살렘에 들어가니라 예수께서 성전에 들어가사 성전 안에서 매매하는 자들을 내어

쫓으시며 돈 바꾸는 자들의 상과 비둘기 파는 자들의 의자를 둘러 엎으시며 아무나 기구를

가지고 성전 안으로 지나다님을 허치 아니하시고 이에 가르쳐 이르시되 `기록된 바 내 집은

만민의 기도하는 집이라 칭함을 받으리라고 하지 아니하였느냐? 너희는 강도의 굴혈을

만들었도다' 하시매 대제사장들과 서기관들이 듣고 예수를 어떻게 멸할까 하고 꾀하니 이는

무리가 다 그의 교훈을 기이히 여기므로 그를 두려워함 일러라 매양 저물매 저희가 성

밖으로 나가더라

Listen to what the Spirit is saying to the church. Thanks be to you Lord Jesus Christ.

REFLECTION “Get into Good Trouble!” +HYMN Lord, You Give the Great Commission verse 5 PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Into your hands, O God, into your hands… Into your hands, O God, into your hands we commend… All who hunger and thirst for freedom, for the oppressed and their oppressors. Hear us, O God. All who are prisoners of hatred, and all who love and care for them. Hear us, O God. All who lead in the economies, peoples and nations of the world. Hear us, O God.

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The “+” indicates that you are invited to stand as you are able

All who respect and enhance the freedom of others. Hear us, O God. All whose character is tested and strengthen in the crucible of suffering, and all those being wounded and crushed under suffering’s power. Hear us, O God. All who are afraid and learn to conquer fear. Hear us, O God. All whose work and play, night or day, brings joy, wisdom, nourishment or strength. Hear us, O God. All who follow Jesus, and all who show the way. Hear us, O God. Into your hands, O God, into your hands… Into your hands, O God, into your hands, In the name and power of Jesus. Amen.


Merciful God, we confess that we have not loved you with our whole heart. We have failed to be an obedient church. We have not done your will, we have broken your law, we have rebelled against your love, we have not loved our neighbors, and we have not heard the cry of the needy. Forgive us, we pray. Free us for joyful obedience, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

All pray in silence

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The “+” indicates that you are invited to stand as you are able

Presider to people: Hear the good news:

Christ died for us while we were yet sinners; that proves God’s love toward us.

In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven! People to Presider: In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven! Presider and People: Glory to God. Amen.

+SHARING OF THE PEACE OFFERTORY Mission Kwon-Hee Lee Arr. Ji-yeol Hong The way Jesus walked alone, I will follow the way. The way the Lord shed water and blood, I will follow the way. I don’t mind if it is the darkest valley or the end of the ocean. I would give my life for those who are suffering. God, send me. I will be there. I will never hesitate. Send me there. I don’t mind if it is the darkest valley or the end of the ocean. I would give my life for those who are suffering. God, send me. I will be there. I will never hesitate. Send me there. Even when the world lets me down, I will love. I follow the cross for the world. You loved us so much that you gave yourself up for us. Send me, though I’m weary. I love you, Lord.

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The “+” indicates that you are invited to stand as you are able

+THE GREAT THANKSGIVING The Lord be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise. … we praise your name and join their unending hymn:

Sanctus Holy, Holy, Holy

… as we proclaim the mystery of faith.

Memorial Acclamation Christ has Died

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The “+” indicates that you are invited to stand as you are able

… all honor and glory is yours, almighty God, now and for ever!

Amen Amen


Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done,

on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins

as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial,

and deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours

now and forever. Amen.


The bread used for communion is gluten, dairy, nut and soy free. The juice in the chalice is unfermented.

My Help (Psalm 121)

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The “+” indicates that you are invited to stand as you are able

+LAYING ON OF HANDS AND GRADUATE SENDING PRAYER After communion, graduates are invited to gather in the chancel and extend their hands towards the

table. The Class of 1966 will lay hands over the graduates and offer a sending prayer.


Eternal God, we give you thanks for this holy mystery in which you have given yourself to us. Grant that we may go into the world in the strength of your Spirit, to give ourselves for others, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

GOING FORTH +BLESSING & DISMISSAL +HYMN For Everyone Born (please see next page)

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POSTLUDE Toccata Giocoso Gerald Martin

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The “+” indicates that you are invited to stand as you are able

SOURCES FOR TODAY’S LITURGY This service was created and organized by the Class of 2016 Senior Chapel Committee: Kim

Bos, Cora Glass, Whanhee Oh, Felicia Patton, Katie Steele, Bette Thompson, with assistance from the Chapel Staff, Gospel Choir, and Korean Choir.

The art for the bulletin was created using recorded sound waves of the spoken word “Jesus.” Copyright © 2016 Cora Glass.

The Call to Worship is adapted from resources-social-justice-sunday-25-september-2011/file. Accessed May 9, 2016.

The Opening Prayer is from,373/or/ General%20Social%20Justice%20Prayers. Accessed May 9, 2016.

“God has Done Marvelous Things” as recorded by West Angeles COGIC Mass Choir, directed by Jason White; arranged by Rev. Kelly Tiebout.

“Lord, You Give the Great Commission” words by Jeffrey Rowthorn, music by Cyril V. Taylor. Words copyright © 1978 Hope Publishing Company; music copyright © 1942, renewed 1970 Hope Publishing Company.

The Prayers of the People written by Taylor Burton-Edwards, with intercessions based on excerpts from Nelson Mandela’s autobiography Long Walk to Freedom, Copyright © 1994 Little, Brown, and Company.

“Mission” words and music by Kwon-Hee Lee. Arranged by Ji-yeol Hong.

“The Great Thanksgiving for Easter Day or Season,” Copyright © 1972 The Methodist Publishing House; Copyright © 1980, 1981, 1985 UMPH; Copyright © 1986 by Abingdon Press; Copyright © 1987, 1989, 1992 UMPH. Used by permission.

The “Sanctus,” “Memorial Acclamation,” and “Amen” from The Faith We Sing, 2000. Music by Mark A. Miller. Words © 1989 The United Methodist Publishing House, admin. by The Copyright Co.; music © 1999 Abingdon Press, admin. by The Copyright Co.

The Thanksgiving Over the Oil is part of “A Service of Healing I,” Copyright © 1972 The Methodist Publishing House; Copyright © 1980, 1981, 1985 UMPH; Copyright © 1986 by Abingdon Press; Copyright © 1987, 1989, 1992 UMPH. Used by permission.

“My Help (Cometh from the Lord)” as recorded by The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, High and Lifted Up CD Copyright © 1999 Word Entertainment.

The Graduate Sending Prayer is adapted from “For Graduates” by Andy Langford, U.S.A., 20th Cent. from The United Methodist Book of Worship (Nashville: The United Methodist Publishing House, 1992), 536

The Blessing and Dismissal is Sarum Blessing, (Sarum Liturgy, England, 13th Cent., Alt) from The United Methodist Book of Worship (Nashville: The United Methodist Publishing House, 1992), 566.

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The “+” indicates that you are invited to stand as you are able

“For Everyone Born” words by Shirley Erena Murray, music by Brian Mann. Words copyright © 1998 Hope Publishing Company; music copyright © 2006 Brian Mann. Administered by The General Board of Global Ministries, GBGMusik, New York. Copyright permission granted by # A-725350

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Worship Leaders Reflection Leaders Rev. Carla Mitchell, Christer Mawia, Andrew Wymer Scripture Readers Kim Bos, Dione Corsilles, Rachel Neer Liturgists President Lallene Rector, Elina Rodriguez, Nick Joyner, Andrea Horton Presider Rev. Jasmine Jackson Deacon Rachel Neer Communion Servers Kim Bos, Dione Corsilles, Andrea Horton, Christer Mawia. Ed McCutchan, Rev. Carla Mitchell, Katie Steele, Andrew Wymer Communion Attendants Katie Fahey, Cora Glass Anointers Ed Coates, Alan DeGraw, Lance Herrick, Gary Lueck, Alan Streyffeler Soloists Joseph Roberts, Felicia Patton Guitarist Andy Gilg

Gospel Choir Director Rev. Kelly Tiebout Korean Choir Director Seongmin Kim Violist Choeun Kim Korean Choir Accompanist Jinkyung Park

Guest Pianist Dillon Shipman Ushers Cassidhe Hart, Jong Deok Park, Sherwin Parmar Sound/Video Technicians Dion Broughton, Jinsung Park, Danny Umba, Il-Han You

Chapel Staff Dean of the Chapel Rev. Dr. Tércio B. Junker Chapel Office Assistant Renee Smithback Chapel Organist Kathy Heetland Interim Director of Chapel Music Rev. Michelle Whitlock Sacristan/Sexton Sherwin Parmar