Sekolah Ciputra Primary Years Programme 1 · Solah C P Year Pogramme 2 Sekolah Ciputra Primary...


Transcript of Sekolah Ciputra Primary Years Programme 1 · Solah C P Year Pogramme 2 Sekolah Ciputra Primary...

Sekolah Ciputra Primary Years Programme 1

Sekolah Ciputra Primary Years Programme Sekolah Ciputra Primary Years Programme2 3

IB PYP Programme Model and Its Distinct Features PYP Curriculum Model

At the core of the circle, the learners remain at the heart of the PYP Curriculum framework. The yellow areas unite the pedagogy of the PYP with its essential elements:

• Approaches to Teaching Align with MYP, DP and IBCC programmes, reinforcing the PYP pedagogy of authentic learning that is inquiry-based and conceptually driven.

• Approaches to Learning Also align with MYP, DP and IBCC, representing the transdisciplinary skills (Research skills, Thinking skills, Communication skills, Social skills & Self-Management skills)

• Concepts Appear separately to show the alignment with MYP.

• Attitudes Remain one of the PYP essential elements

• Action Is placed in the same circle as the Exhibition to show clear alignment between the two. The Exhibition is shown in the new model, as the culmination of the PYP and how this aligns with the culminating activities in MYP, DP and IBCC.

• Knowledge Is represented in two circles, the six subject groups and the six transdisciplinary themes.

International-mindedness, encompassing more than just the individual learner, is shown in the outermost circle as it underpins and aligns the PYP with the three other programmes. This is the kind of learner we hope will graduate from a PYP school. The attributes of such learner are listed in the learner profile.


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InquirersWe nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn independently and with others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life.

KnowledgeableWe develop and use conceptual understandings, exploring knowledge across a range of disciplines. We engage with issues and ideas that have local and global significance.

ThinkersWe use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and take responsible action on complex problems. We exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions.

Communicators We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. We collaborate effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups.

Principled We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice, and with respect for the dignity and rights of people everywhere. We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.

Open-mindedWe critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories, as well as the values and traditions of others. We seek and evaluate a range of points of view, and we are willing to grow from the experience.

CaringWe show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and in the world around us.

Risk-takers (Courageous)We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change.

Balanced We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives—intellectual, physical and emotional—to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognize our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live.

Reflective We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience. We work to understand our strengths and weaknesses in order to support our learning and personal development

PYP schools ensure that the learning is engaging, relevant, challenging and significant. What adds significance to student learning in the PYP is its commitment to a transdisciplinary model. Transdisciplinary is used by the IB to describe how learning transcends across disciplines and does not just happen in isolation in different subjects. The use of transdisciplinary themes promotes an awareness of the human condition and an understanding that there is a commonality of human experience.

Students inquire into, and learn about globally significant issues in the context of Units of Inquiry, each of which addresses a central idea relevant to a particular transdisciplinary theme. Lines of inquiry are identified in order to explore the scope of the central idea for each unit. These units collectively constitute the school’s Programme of Inquiry. The transdisciplinary themes provide a basis for much discussion and interpretation within a school, and allow for both local and global perspectives to be explored in the units.

In the PYP a balance is sought between acquisition of essential knowledge and skills, development of conceptual understandings, demonstration of positive attitudes, and taking of responsible action. The 5 essential elements: knowledge, concepts, skills, attitudes and action, are used to achieve this balance.

Sekolah Ciputra with IB PYP Programmes aims to prepare students to be:

Curriculum Overview

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KNOWLEDGE & CONCEPTS CONCEPTSQuestions to ask your children▪ What is the theme you are working on?▪ What is it about?▪ What did you know about...?▪ What did you learn?

Who We Are Usually refers to Personal Social and Physical education (Religion and PE) Suitable resources: study about self, family, friendship, lifestyle, cultures, rights and responsibilities, etc.

Where We Are in Place and Time Geography and History Suitable resources: country, past civilization, exploration, migration, etc.

How We Express Ourselves Social studies, Language and Arts Suitable resources: music, visual arts, story books, celebration, media etc.

How the World Works Science and Social Studies Suitable resources: plants, animals, natures, natural disaster, ecosystem, energy, invention, earth space, etc.

How We Organize Ourselves Social Studies Suitable resources: school, community, workplaces,occupation, governmental system, leadership, entrepreneurship/ business, etc.

Sharing the Planet Science and Social Studies Suitable resources: environmental issue, climate change, global humanity issue, biodiversity, etc.

Do you know what concepts you are working on?Some questions that you may ask to your child to check their understanding about the subject she/he is studying.

Forms1. What does …… look like?2. What are the characteristics of …..?3. What is ….?4. How can we describe ….?

Function 1. How does …… work?2. What is the function of …?3. How is … being used by …?

Causation 1. What has caused …… ?2. Why did/does … happen?3. What is the reason for …?

Connections1. How do you make connections between …… and …… ?2. How did … affect the lives of people?

Perspectives 1. What do you think about …… ? 2. Is it right/true or wrong/false …… ? 3. Do you have your own opinion about …… ?4. Why do people have different points of view about ….?

Change1. How does …… change?2. What is the role of …. in shaping society?3. In what ways does..... differ from place to place and over time?

Responsibilities1. How do you take responsibility for…… ?2. What is our responsibility towards …..?3. What things should we do to …..?4. How can we make sure we …...?

Reflective1. How do you know when it is time to…… ?2. What do you think happens to......?3. What is your involvement in …..?

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SKILLS ATTITUDESHow will you show what you have learnt about …... ?Below are the prompts with some samples of experiences or activities that you can do at home with your children to improve their skills.

Thinking Skills What do you think about …... ? Do you agree with …... ?Sample of activities: working on problem-solving, using some thinking tools and strategies learnt at school to solve their daily life problems, making decisions, creating or designing something, and doing self-reflection regularly.

Social Skills How do you work with your friends in making the presentation/report/conclusion/etc. about …... ?Sample of activities: sharing roles and responsibility with other family members, sharing facilities, taking turns, being involved positively in a discussion.

Communication Skills How will you share what you know about …?Sample of activities: creating presentation for school work, practising speech with family members to improve public speaking skills, keeping a journal or record of their study, reading a variety of resources (newspaper, Internet articles, non-fiction books, etc).

Self- Management Are you being organized when learning about …?Sample of activities: doing balanced outdoor (e.g. sports) and indoor (e.g. arts) activity, making a schedule to plan daily activities, practising a healthy lifestyle (balanced nutrition, rest, relaxation, hygiene, self- care), following rules.

Research Skills What have you found out from the books/articles/news/the internet / etc. …?Sample of activities: practising to make good questions, finding information from various resources, taking notes, recording and analyzing data with various graphic organizer or thinking tools (T-chart, Y-chart, PMI, SWOT analysis, thinking hats, thinker keys, etc).

How do you feel about and value your study?Here are some sample of questions and topics that you can use to prompt discussion about the attitudes. You may use real-life experience to help your child achieve these attitudes:

AppreciationHow do you appreciate ….? (environment, other people, nature, themselves)

CommitmentWhat is your commitment toward ….? (self discipline, responsibility, making goals)

ConfidenceWhat do you feel about learning ….? / How confident are you to …....? (taking responsibilities, courage to take risks, performing)

CooperationHow are you going to involve others in this …..? (working together, collaborating and cooperating, making decision)

CreativityHow do you use your thinking in ….....? (problem solving, daily dilemmas, designing)

CuriosityWhat do you want to know more about ….? (questions about the world, people and themselves)

EmpathyWhat do you feel about others...? (open-minded, reflective, imagining themselves in another’s situation.

EnthusiasmWhat is your motivation to ….? (learning preferences, learning difficulties and challenges)

IndependenceCould you do it/ ….... independently? (active, compassionate, independent learning)

IntegrityAre you being true and fair? (honesty, principles of life, fairness)

RespectWhat do you think about others’....? (opinion, perspectives, point of view)

ToleranceWhat do you think about different....? (religion, ethnic, race and nationality, international mindedness)

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ACTION teaching & learningHow do you apply your study?▪ What will you do to apply what you’ve learnt at school?▪ How are you going to plan your action?▪ How do you know that your action is successful?▪ How do you make sure that your action is sustainable?

Sample of Actions1. Purposeful fund-raising, initiated by students or modelled by adults2. Finding resources for their own study independently3. Saving energy practises at home4. Environmental friendly actions of saving water, papers, etc to contribute to reducing the

effect of environmental problems5. Involving in community service: educating other people, promoting positive actions, etc6. Creating or producing a work/project based on the experience they learnt at school7. Showing positive attitudes toward differences; respect, tolerance and appreciating others8. More responsible and independent in doing projects9. and many more.

The chart below shows how in the PYP, the learners are recognized as active participants of their own learning. The PYP supports students’ efforts to construct meaning from the world around them by:• Drawing on their prior knowledge.• Providing provocation through new experiences.• Providing time and opportunity for reflection and consolidation.

The PYP holds its view of the teaching and learning, • As a commitment to structured, purposeful inquiry that engages students actively in their

own learning• Inquiry … is recognized as allowing students to be actively involved in their own

learning and to take responsibility for that learning. Inquiry allows each student’s understanding of the world to develop in a manner and at a rate that is unique to that student.

Making the PYP happen: A curriculum framework for international primary education, 2009, pg. 23

IQ: A Practical Guide to Inquiry-Based Learning

Jennifer Watt and Jill Colyer

Teaching and Learning in the PYP

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ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT TIMELINEHow do we assess our students? • PYP students are assessed every time in any learning opportunity. The formal assessment

may happen during the learning both formative (throughout the learning process) and summative (end of a unit or a course).

• A wide range of assessment strategies, tasks and tools are used to measure student progress.

• Clear and meaningful feedback (formal or informal, depending on the type and purpose of assessment) is provided for all assessment items.

How do we document our students’ learning? • Teachers use a range of methods for documentation of students’ learning evidence

such as video, audio, photographs, graphic representations, written records of students’ conversations, comments, explanations.

• PYP at Sekolah Ciputra use digital platform (Seesaw) to record students’ learning journey, products and working progress toward goal.

How do we report our students’ learning? • We share assessment information between teachers, students and parents through 3-way

conferences. • We also have student-led conferences which involve the student and parents; where

students take responsibility for their learning by sharing their process with their parents.• Written report - as a summative report for students’ learning for parents is distributed

every semester.

Who is responsible for assessment? Assessment reflects the teaching learning, therefore it is student centered. Teachers will facilitate the documentation, recording and reporting. Parents are involved in celebrating and giving feedback on students’ learning.

TERM 1 TERM 2 TERM 3 TERM 4Teacher-Student conferences (on going throughout the year)

Portfolio updates + ATLs and Learner Profiles attributes tracking (fortnightly)Teacher- Students (T-S): • Set the first goal

for the school year.

• Revisit the goal.

3 ways conference: • Share work

samples.• Set new goals.• Understand

background of students.

T-S: revisit the goal.

Teachers - Parents:• Written report.• Next goals.• Learning support

(students at risk identified).

L.P self assessment included in portfolio.

T-S: revisit the goal.

Students Led Conference:• Students and

parents.• Demonstration• Share

worksample.• Revisit and set

new goals (if necessary).

T-S: revisit the goal.

Written Report

Teacher Parents (by request)

Portfolio is archived/ downloaded and pass on to next year

Parents’ Role• Be a role model.• Guide and assist your child.• Facilitate your child’s questions and actions.• Encourage active and independent learning.• Give feedback and suggestion (PYP Action Page in the communication book).

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The PYP review is a collaborative effort between the IB and PYP educators around the world. Extensive research, analysis and consultation conducted so far have identified five overarching areas as needing additional guidance: • Programme Principles• Programme structure: one that is presented in a more coherent way and includes

illustrations of practice• Language• Assessment• Transdisciplinary framework

The PYP Development team is addressing these five areas through creating enhanced guidance and support materials.

We will keep you informed of this Enhanced PYP through the school’s communication media.

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