Sedibengs Ster 19 June 2014

SEDIBENG Incorporating Vaal Weekly and Vaal Vision 18 JUNE - 24 JUNE 2014 Tel: (016) 950-7000 | Fax: (016) 981-0604 Free Distribution: Sebokeng, Evaton, Boipatong, Bophelong, Sharpeville, Meyerton, Roshnee, Rustervaal and Orange Farm. A1U3PYK Crazy SpeCialS Cash Back R11 000 NP200 1.6 8V A/C IsAAC MolotsI 078 627 9038 Lazarus Dithagiso VEREENIGING. - First it was at Sicelo and then the town of Meyerton. Now the hammer felons are ‘striking’ around town in Vereeniging, terrorising business people. It has been alleged that the suspects gain entrance by climbing over the roof of the buildings and then use any opportunity to hammer their way through a wall. Anjum Mohammed, owner of S and F Sweets Wholesaler in Uni- on Street, lost approximately R170 000 recently. He arri- ved at his store in the morning to be met with a cut alarm system, two tills, boxes of cigarettes and various devices were gone. Upon checking to see how the thugs had gai- ned entrance, he found out that they broke through a wall from the back of the store. Then the thugs looted, taking important items they can sell easily. Mohammed’s busi- ness partner told Sedibeng Ster that they have experienced four business burglaries lately. He said he was frustrated after he caught one suspect and handed him to the police. “The next thing we saw the man roaming the streets, moc- king us. Police never came to obtain a statement from us, they didn’t even invite us to see an identity parade.It seems the police are very soft on apprehending crimi- nals,” he said adding that the rate of crime is high in Ver- eeniging. A police officer who obtained a statement on the burglary at the store said that their duty is to open a docket, register a case and hand the matter over to the investigating officer. From there on everything is in the hands of the investigating officer. Should there be any arrests, the prosecutor will either prosecute or scratch the case off the roll, pending receipt of information. In the meantime the business people remain in fear. Anjum Mohammed in his store where thugs gained entrance by breaking through a wall with a hammer. Inset: A hole in the wall after the hammer gang had robbed the business in Vereeniging. Photos: Lazarus Dithagiso. Hammer Hammer men now in men now in Vereeniging Vereeniging Tel: 011 857 2052/61 Evaton - Evaton Plaza (Golden Highway) a1u0NNK BRANCHES AT - Lenasia - Soweto - Xavier


Sedibengs Ster 19 June 2014

Transcript of Sedibengs Ster 19 June 2014

Page 1: Sedibengs Ster 19 June 2014


Incorporating Vaal Weekly and Vaal Vision18 JUNE ­ 24 JUNE 2014 Tel: (016) 950­7000 | Fax: (016) 981­0604Free Distribution: Sebokeng, Evaton, Boipatong, Bophelong, Sharpeville, Meyerton, Roshnee, Rustervaal and Orange Farm.




Cash BackR11 000

NP200 1.68V A/C

IsAAC MolotsI078 627 9038

Lazarus Dithagiso

VEREENIGING. - First it was at Sicelo and then the townof Meyerton. Now the hammer felons are ‘striking’around town in Vereeniging, terrorising business people.

It has been alleged that the suspects gain entrance byclimbing over the roof of the buildings and then use anyopportunity to hammer their way through a wall. AnjumMohammed, owner of S and F Sweets Wholesaler in Uni-on Street, lost approximately R170 000 recently. He arri-ved at his store in the morning to be met with a cut alarmsystem, two tills, boxes of cigarettes and various deviceswere gone. Upon checking to see how the thugs had gai-ned entrance, he found out that they broke through a wallfrom the back of the store. Then the thugs looted, takingimportant items they can sell easily. Mohammed’s busi-ness partner told Sedibeng Ster that they have experiencedfour business burglaries lately. He said he was frustratedafter he caught one suspect and handed him to the police.“The next thing we saw the man roaming the streets, moc-king us. Police never came to obtain a statement fromus, they didn’t even invite us to see an identity parade.Itseems the police are very soft on apprehending crimi-nals,” he said adding that the rate of crime is high in Ver-eeniging. A police officer who obtained a statement onthe burglary at the store said that their duty is to opena docket, register a case and hand the matter over to theinvestigating officer. From there on everything is in thehands of the investigating officer. Should there be anyarrests, the prosecutor will either prosecute or scratch thecase off the roll, pending receipt of information. In themeantime the business people remain in fear.Anjum Mohammed in his store where thugs gained entrance by breaking through a wall with a hammer. Inset:

A hole in the wall after the hammer gang had robbed the business in Vereeniging. Photos: Lazarus Dithagiso.

HammerHHaammmmeerrmennow inmmeennnnooww iinnVereenigingVVeerreeeenniiggiinngg

Tel: 011 857 2052/61Evaton - Evaton Plaza(Golden Highway)


BRANCHES AT- Lenasia - Soweto - Xavier

Page 2: Sedibengs Ster 19 June 2014

2 SEDIBENG STER 18 June - 24 June 2014

Mduduzi Mathebula

VANDERBIJLPARK. – Miami Sands, Van-derbijlpark, residents blocked roads with bigstones and burning tyres on Friday to exercisewhat they termed their right to electricity.They marched around their neighbourhood

in reaction to an electricity cutoff. They saidthat they believe the responsible party for thecut-off is the Emfuleni Local Municipality.The situation worsened as residents againstthe cut off faced a force of RedAnts (security)that had been deployed to the scene. The enti-re area had been in darkness for about fourdays, reported residents. When Sedibeng Stervisited, the roads were littered with big stonesand burning tyres that made it difficult to passthrough by entering or exiting motorists. “Weare going to fight and the municipality willhave to come and resolve this mess. We areliving in hell here as our electricity usage ishigh and abnormal,” says Sonto Khebesi. Theresidents claim that they have been living in



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Electricity rampage ­ Miami Sands residentsBurning tyres andclosing ro-ads was the way residentsdemonstrated their anger.Residents of the MaimiSands say they cannot affordto live without electricity.Photos: Mduduzi Mathebula.

this area for about two years and they neverexperienced such a situation. The ELMspokesperson aws not available at the timeof going to print.

Some angry residents of the Miami Sandsin Vanderbijlpark barricade roads in theirarea on Friday.

The family of Ishmael RooiStuurman from Zone 12 Sebok-engurges the community to giveany information regarding thewhereabouts of the oldmanwhowent missing early in May.Stuurman is said to be mentallyill, it is not known where he washeaded on the day that he left.Anyone with information cancontact SandileGovuzela on083595 6015 or (016) 594- 7063

Lazarus Dithagiso

SEBOKENG. - The station commander of Se-bokeng Police Station Brigadier Jan Schee-pers did not beat about the bush when he toldthe public in Zone 14 recently that some ofthe his members were not pulling their weight.He said the reason he’d brought his entourageinto contact with the public was that he wantsthe community to know the Police they workwith. “Come forward to complain withoutpointing fingers,” he said.Scheepers said Police aim to target hot spots

in the area through the co-operation of resi-dents. The reason for bringing together 25 po-lice components, the Community Policing Fo-rum, Patrollers, leaders of an initiation schooland the Youth Desk, is to show how dedicatedand serious Police are about fighting crimewith input from the community:

“Our low crime statistics on Gauteng pro-vincial charts show that we have a good re-

cord.” Some members of the public complai-ned that in certain areas - Police reaction isvery poor.They allege that Police know the criminals

but seem doubtful about when to make an ar-rest. BikieNketle, chairperson of theCPF, saidthe community should stop pointing fingerswithout also providing evidence.Captain Doctor Moremi said it is not a fa-

vour but the duty of Police to render a positiveand flexible service to the community.Speaking to Sedibeng Ster Colonel Essau

Mokoena, Head ofDetectives, said hewas im-pressed with the attendance:“This shows that people are tired of crime

andwant to come out so that they can be coun-ted.

I have spent only a few weeks here fromVanderbijlpark, but the support and concernsraised by the communities speak volumes.”Scheepers said they are planning to meet

with the communities in other areas.

Crime fighters get togetherCCrriimmee ffiigghhtteerrss ggeett ttooggeetthheerr

"Let's join hands to fight crime," says Brigadier Jan Scheepers, station commander ofSebokeng Police Station and Captain Doctor Moremi as together with management theyaddressed the community in Zone 14, Sebokeng. Photo: Lazarus Dithagiso.

Page 3: Sedibengs Ster 19 June 2014

18 June - 24 June 2014 SEDIBENG STER 3


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Mduduzi Mathebula

SEBOKENG. - “I thought it was an earthqua-ke but to my surprise it was one of those hor-rific accidents I usually see on TV or in mo-vies.”These are the words of Ntombifuthi Rade-

be, a resident of Zone 21 next to the GoldenHighway.The accident happened on Saturday eve-

ning while most people were being carriedaway by the hype of June 16.Lucas Malope (63) was found in a capsi-

zed car on the Golden Highway with seriousinjuries.The victim was heading north from south

when his car rolled several times and dum-ped him in front of oncoming cars.Hewas trapped in the car for a fewminutes

before a rescue team arrived on the scene to

help him. Luckily paramedics and Fire Res-cue responded to the scene as quickly as pos-sible. Bystanders were stunned by the sightof the car standing in the middle of the roadwith the man trapped inside.Radebe and other residents say this road

has been cursed; pastors and ‘men of thecloth’ recently came and prayed to cast outthe demons ‘killing our brothers and sisters’:“We are not safe.If a car can roll over for such distance, one

day a car will fly into our houses,” saidMoja-lefa Khetsi, a bystander.It was sheer luck and by God’s grace that

Malope lived through such an horrific acci-dent, say people who saw the accident.

Motorists and residents were sad to see

Malope whisked away in an ambulance dueto injuries sustained in the car he was driving.

Driver cheats death as car capsizesDDrriivveerr cchheeaattss ddeeaatthh aass ccaarr ccaappssiizzeess

Lucas Malope came out of this car alive af-ter it rolled repeatedly. Photos: MduduziMathebula.

Lucas Malope cheated death on Sundayevening when his car rolled repeatedly onthe Golden Highway.

Page 4: Sedibengs Ster 19 June 2014

4 SEDIBENG STER 18 June - 24 June 2014

drugs such as ‘nyaope’, ‘dagga’and alchol.”Mbele says he neverused alcohol in his youth andrespected everyone who was ol-der than him. Mbele may be 101years old but he is still very yo-ung at heart.

He is very talkative and activeeven though he is now in awheelchair. He also stated thatthe youth must concentrate ontheir studies because withouteducation their lives will be dif-ficult. Education is the key tosuccess.

Pinky Mofokeng

SHARPEVILLE. - Youth Day inSouth Africa commemorates theSoweto Uprising in the country.The day is celebrated on June 16every year in order to recognisethe role of youth in the liberationof SouthAfrica from the apartheidregime. But today the youth do notcelebrate it the way they should.This is evident from the way

they behave and organise partiesat taverns, swilling liquor whilewearing school uniforms. It hasbecome a trend in the townshipsfor everyone to wearschool uniforms andabuse alcohol.School uniformsseem to be misusedby both young andold. Sedibeng Sterrecently spoke to asenior person, AlbertMbele (101), fromVaal Echoes of Lovea Home for the El-derly in Sharpeville,who was born in1913. He says: “To-day the youth do notrespect their eldersand they will neverreachmy age, mainlybecause they use

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Together, shaping tomorrow

Visiting the elderly with joy

The Galeli 12 Apostolic Church in Zion recently visited the Zone13 Old Age Home to donate clothes. The church also held a muchneeded spiritual service for the elderly who were grateful at sucha well-thought-out occasion.

Will the youth oftoday reach 101?

Albert Mbele from the Vaal Echoes of LoveHome for the Elderly whowas born in 1913,says respect will make the youth live lon-ger. Photo: Pinky Mofokeng.

Moleboheng Chaha

SEBOKENG.-The Lawrence Khekhefoundation in partnership with Gauteng Or-ganisation of Community Arts and CultureCenters (GOMACC) Sedibeng, Love Lifeand the Sebokeng Youth Desk held a youthdevelopmental programme at the Saul Tso-tetsi Sports Centre, as a way to celebrateYouth Day.The day was divided into two segments,

one being sports where different highschool teams competed for prizes and theother being the arts and culture segmentwhere diffrent groups performed poetry,music and dance.Khekhe states that he thought the pro-

gramme was a good way for young kids toget away from a lot of negative things andrespect the day by cebrate it constructively.“My foundation is one that aims to bring

development within the community as aneed for such was identified. I am really

happy with the turn out because it means thaton this day we managed to keep many kidsaway from nyaope and crime. Sports, arts andculture and Education can really help trans-form our communities.”From the Sebokeng Youth Desk Tshepo

Tjhwene stated that it was important for peo-ple to remain true to themselves. “I am notoriginally from here, when I came here it wasmainly tomake a living through criminal acti-vity, but after spending 8 years in jail I wasrehabilitated and wanted to do right.“Youmust never do things because of other

people, always be yourself and don’t dothings just to make other people hap-py.”Tjhwene ends.

June 16 allabout positivity

Among the people who came to be part ofthe Youth Day celebrations were the child-ren from the Lebohang Centre for the Men-tally Disabled in zone 10. Photo: Molebo-heng Chaha.

Page 5: Sedibengs Ster 19 June 2014

18 June - 24 June 2014 SEDIBENG STER 5

“A nation that does not nurture its youth, doesnot deserve its future”.On Monday celebrations across the count-

ry brought to mind the importance of celebra-ting Youth Day. As the day was celebratedunder the conditions of democracy with diffe-rent activities something came to mind thateducation is the most important asset that yo-uth should acquire; and that for the govern-ment to succeed in improving education, it

must have the support of students, teachersand parents alike. We have the common res-ponsibility always to recall the events of 1976so that the bravery and sacrifices of that gene-ration of young people should serve as an in-spiration to the youth of today to work hardto contribute to the solution of the challengesthey and the country confront.The great Nelson Mandela in one of his

speeches once said that we all have a respon-sibility to know where we come from. If wedo, we can have a better understanding notonly of the road that we have travelled thusfar, we can indeed have a better grasp of whe-re we are today.And if we know where we are today, there

is a greater possibility of forecasting more ac-curately and of shaping our own future. If thefuture is a place where our youth is going tospendmost of the time, then we need to investin that future.We need to help young people prepare

themselves for this better tomorrow. That iswhat the spirit of ‘Ubuntu’ is all about. Wecan only succeed as a nation if we build oneanother and build our country together. Thiscan be done. But remember that at the endof the day, your progress will depend on howyou apply yourselves to your work.The road to a better life demands hard

work. It demands discipline, patience and res-ponsibility. The youth can do this.Lerato...

Celebrating the youthaccording to the editorial policy of SedibengSter we invite readers to comment aboutthe newspaper’s contents, and we correctsignificant errors as soon as possible.Please send information about correction ofmistakes in the newspaper to the ombudsmanof Media24’s community Press, Georgeclaassen, at [email protected], or call him on (021) 851 3232 or 083543 2471.Readers can also complain about the contentsto the Southafrican Press Ombudsman, MrJoe thloloe.In that case, please phone (011) 788 4829of 788 4837, send a fax to (011) 788 4990or email to [email protected].


Mduduzi Mathebula

EVATON. - It has been described as a hugedevelopment, the biggest mall in the Vaal.This will commence in Zone 6 Residensia

as roads and infrastructure have already beenstarted. A large number of residents from thesite were moved for a temporary stay in Eva-ton.The six-month temporary agreement by the

Evaton Renewal Project came and passed asthese residents are approaching a stay in Eva-tonof three years - without any clue as towherethey will be next. Furious residents on Sundaysaid Eskom had cut their electricity off. Theyhave been without it since Thursday. “We needanswers,” says Joseph Beleme, a family manwho lives with his three children and wife ina one-room house. Angry residents say theseare not houses and are worse now that they ha-

ve no electricity. Sedibeng Ster managed totrack down the chairman of the project Love-more Moremi, who confirmed that the moveof residents was supposed to have been tempo-rary. “Due to unforeseen circumstance the pro-ject is delayed and our movement is timed,”says Moremi, who further referred the paperto general secretaryThembaQhinebe.Qhinebesays they are trying everything in their powerto resolve the situation.When asked, fuming residents complained

that things were bad enough, living as they didin one room temporary houses that now haveno electricity. Qhinebe says, “In due course wewill resolve the electricity issue.We are havinga meeting with the provincial government tofurther resolve the residential issue.We are do-ing everything in our power to help them,” saysQhinebe.

Temporary stay becomesa nightmare!

Page 6: Sedibengs Ster 19 June 2014

6 SEDIBENG STER 18 June - 24 June 2014

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Moleboheng Chaha

VANDERBIJLPARK. - The Expanded Pu-blic Works Programme (EPWP) is one of themany programmes offered by government torid our community of unemployment.PinkyRantsolase, who is cleaningmanager

at the Johan Heyns Hospital, emphasised theimportance of Skills Development in ourcommunity as a way of employment sustaina-bility.Rantsolase recently awarded the EPWP

workers under her department with certifica-tes after they underwent a basic hospital clea-ning course.“I am very honoured to hand certificates

over to this commited group of individuals.

They are hard working and have done nothingbutmake us proud during the period they havebeen with us here at the hospital.”Rantsolase believes that although their

contract is not permanent, the certificates willhelp them find employment in other hospitals.“The fact that the contracts given are not

permanent really pains my heart, but this isthe least we could do as a hospital.”Rantsolase has even gone as far as writing

a motivation letter to the office of the Premierand the local municipality requesting that thegroup’s contracts be extended until the nextfinancial year. “The letter I wrote wasmotiva-ted by their commitment to the work they dohere at the hospital,” concludes Rantsolase.

HHaarrdd wwoorrkk sshhiinneess tthhrroouugghhThe EPWPworkers of the cleaning department at the Johan Heyns Hospital in Vanderbij-park were awarded certificates after they underwent a basic hospital cleaning courserecently. Photo: Moleboheng Chaha.

Mduduzi Mathebula

SEBOKENG.- Simphiwe Bonongo, a 27 ye-ar-old from Palm Springs, took a leap of faithand organised a 22 kilometre walk on Mon-day June 16 to honour those who passedon in 1976.Thewalk started at

Palm Springs Malland went to Vander-bijlpark.The walk had all

kinds of stops. Firststop was EvatonMall, proceeding toMandela Square, ta-king MoshoeshoeRoad to ThabongShopping Complexand lastly Vander-bijlpark taxi rank.This initiative was

supported by Sedibeng FM the new kid onthe air waves. Upon arrival at the taxi rankin Vanderbijlpark the group had an openingprayer, praying for those who had passed on,those who had laid down their lives for better

education. “The Soweto uprisingwas great initiative for us who areliving today. We honour thosestudents who fought against theAfrikaans leadership. As demo-cracy was introduced to us we ha-ve freedom of speech and life haschanged and our rights are practi-ced accordingly,” says Bonongo,adding that they will try to makethis initiative an annual event.

22 kilometre walk by youth

Simphiwe Bonongo celebratedJune 16 by walking 22 kilome-tres. Photo: Mduduzi Mathebu-la.

Page 7: Sedibengs Ster 19 June 2014

18 June - 24 June 2014 SEDIBENG STER 7

PERSOONLIK /PERSONAL1. Berading / Counselling2. Kerke / Churches3. Gelukwensings /Congratulations

4. Dankbetuigings/ Thank you5.Memoriam/Grafstene /Tombstones

6. Egskeidings / Divorce

7. Speurdienste /Private Detectives

8.Verlore / Gevind /Lost / Found

9. Saamrygeleenthede / Lifts10. Vriendskaplik / Friendship11.Persoonlikekennisgewings/Personal Notices

DIENSTE / SERVICES12. Dagsorg / Daycare13. Kleuterskole /

Pre-Primary Schools14.Naskoolsorg /

Afterschool care15.Onderrig / Education

16. Video&Fotografie /Video&Photography

17.Musiek /Music18.Onthale&Konferensies

Functions &Conferences19. Spyseniering / Catering

20.Wegneemetes&Restaurante / TakeAways&Restaurants

21. Lugversorgers / Aircons25. Blindings / Blinds26. Springkastele /

Jumping Castle27. Houtwerk / Carpentry28.Matte / Carpets29. Plaveisel / Paving30. Bouwerk / Building31. Beton&Palisade /

Concrete&Palisades32. Elektriese dienste&

Herstelwerk / ElectricalServices&Repairs

33. Loodgieters / Plumbing34.AlgemeneDienste /

General Services35. Rommelverwydering

Refuse Removal

36. Sekuriteit / Security37. Plaagbeheer /

Pest Control38. Tuindienste /

Garden Services39.Vervoer&Berging /

Transport&Storage40. Boorgate / Boreholes41. Swembaddens /

Swimming Pools42.Grasdakke / Thatch roofs43. Lenings / Loans44. Finansiele Dienste /

Financial Services45.Naaldwerk /Needlework46. Skoonheid&Gesondheid /

Beauty&Health48. Jaggeleenthede /Hunting49. Sweis&Staalwerke /

Welding&Steelworks50.Massering /Massages

EiENDOMME/PROPERTiES72. Algemeen te huur / To let80. Losies / Boarding81. EiendommeBenodig /

PropertiesWanted82. Besigheidsgeleenthede /

BusinessOpportunities83. Persele / Premises84.Woonstelle te huur /

Flats to let85.Woonstelle te koop /

Flats for sale86.Meenthuise te huur /

Townhouses to let87.Meenthuise te koop /

Townhouses for sale88.Huise te huur /

Houses to let89.Huise te koop /

Houses for sale.

62. Juweliersware /Jewelery

63.Veevoer / Animal Feeds64.Diere&Pluimvee

Animals&Poultry65. Plaastoerusting /

FarmEquipment66.Motors67. Bakkies68.Vragmotors / Trucks69.Motorfietse /

Motorbikes70.Woonwaens / Caravans71. Bote / Boats

TE KOOP / FOR SALE52.Algemeen te koop /

General for sale53. Te koop gevra /

Wanted to buy55. Rekenaars / Computers56. Kantoortoerusting /

Office supplies57. Selfone/Cell phones58. Pandwinkels /

Pawn shops59. TV / Elektriese

toebehore/TV / Electrical Appliances

60. Boeke/VersamelitemsBooks / Collectors items

61. Kuns /Oudhede/Artwork/Antiques

90.Hoewes&Plase te huur /SmallHoldings&Farmstolet

91. Hoewes&Plase te koop /Small Holdings&Farms for sale

92. Besighede te koop /Business for sale

93. Kamers te huur /Rooms to let

94.Gastehuise / Guest-Houses95.Vakansie Akkomodasie /

Holiday Accommodation96. Bestuurskole /

Driving Schools97. Betrekkings gevra /

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31Matte / Carpets28

Bouwerk / Building30

Sekuriteit / Security36

Persoonlike kennisgewings /Personal notices


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Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause E.1 of theSasolburg Town Planning Scheme, 1993 that I, Francòisdu Plooy, the authorised agent, have applied to theMetsimaholo Local Municipality for special consent useto permit a crèche/nursery school for a maximum of 253children on the above-mentioned properties on Erven4043 and 4044 Sasolburg Extension 4 Township, locatedat 35 and 33 Van Eck Street, Sasolburg Extension 4.

Particulars of the application will lie open for inspectionduring normal office hours at the office of the Manager:Department of Urban Planning, Fichardt Street, Sasol-burg for a period of 14 days from 11 June 2014.

Objections to or representation in respect of theapplication must be lodged with or made in writing to theManager: Department of Urban Planning at the aboveaddress or at P.O. Box 60 Sasoburg 1947, within a periodof 14 days from 11 June 2014.

Address of applicant: Francòis du Plooy Associates,P.O. Box 85108, Emmarentia, 2029. Tel: (011) 646-2013.Fax: (011) 486-4544. E-mail: [email protected]





I, A P Squirra of APS Town and Regional Planners, being the au-thorized agent of the owner hereby give notice in terms of Sec-tion 5(5) of the Gauteng Removal of Restrictions Act, 1996 (Act3 of 1996) that I have applied to the Emfuleni Local Municipalityfor the removal of certain title conditions contained in the Deed ofTransfer No. T000006604/2014 of Erf 126 Peacehaven Township,which property is located on the South Eastern boundary of Gen-eral Hertzog Road, to facilitate this Application, and for the simul-taneous amendment of the Vereeniging Town Planning Scheme,1992, by the rezoning of the Erf, from “Residential 1” purposes to“Residential 4” purposes in Height Zone 10.

All relevant documents relating to this Application will be open forinspection during normal office hours at the office of the said LocalAuthority, office of the Deputy Municipal Manager: Economic De-velopment Planning (Land Use Management), 1st floor Develop-ment Planning Building, corner of President Kruger and Eric LouwStreets, Vanderbijlpark, from 11 June, 2014 until 9 July, 2014. Anyperson who wishes to object to this Application or submit represen-tations in respect thereof, must lodge the same in writing to the saidLocal Authority at its address specified above or send it to P OBox 3, Vanderbijlpark 1900. The objections or representations mustreach the mentioned office on or before 9 July, 2014.

Name and address of Agent:APS Town and Regional PlannersP O Box 12311LUMIER, 1905

Reference: Vereeniging Amendment Scheme N964.

Date of first Publication: 11 June, 2014. a1u




I, A P Squirra of APS Town and Regional Planners, being the authorized agent ofthe owner hereby give notice in terms of Section 5(5) of the Gauteng Removal ofRestrictions Act, 1996, (Act 3 of 1996) that I have applied to the Emfuleni LocalMunicipality for the removal of certain Title Conditions contained in the Deed ofTransfer No. T.26475/82 of Holding 43 Mullerstuine Agricultural Holdings, whichproperty is located on the Southern corner of Road P129/1 and Boshoffavenue,and for the simultaneous Application for the Special Consent of the Local Au-thority in terms of the Peri-Urban Town Planning Scheme, 1975, to also use thementioned Holding for four(4) additional Dwelling Units and an Enterprise for theproduction of Garden Paving/Edging and Cladding for Buildings and purposesincidental thereto.

All relevant documents relating to this Application will be open for inspection duringnormal office hours at the office of the said Local Authority, office of the Deputy Mu-nicipal Manager: Economic Development Planning (Land Use Management), 1stfloor Development Planning Building, corner of President Kruger and Eric LouwStreets, Vanderbijlpark, from 18 June, 2014 until 16 July, 2014. Any person whowishes to object to this Application or submit representations in respect thereof,must lodge the same in writing to the said Local Authority at its address specifiedabove or at P O Box 3, Vanderbijlpark 1900, on or before 16 July, 2014.

Name and address of Agent:APS Town and Regional PlannersP O Box 12311LUMIER, 1905

Reference: 7/3/Mullerstuine A.H.Date of first Publication: 18 June, 2014.


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Page 8: Sedibengs Ster 19 June 2014

8 SEDIBENG STER 18 June - 24 June 2014


Midvaal Local Municipality, situated in Meyerton and voted theMunicipality that provides the best quality of life in Gauteng, invitesapplications for the below mentioned position to become a part of awinning team.


SALARY R194 400.00 – R214 728.00 p.a. (Level 06 of a Grade 8 Local Authority)Total package inclusive of all benefits: R296 480.00 p.a.

REQUIREMENTS• Relevant Tertiary qualification (National Diploma/ B.Tech in Labour Relations)• Grade 12• Extensive knowledge of the legislative framework that governs Labour Relationsincluding practical experience thereof• A valid code 08 driver’s license• Computer literacy (Ms word, Excel & Power Point)• Excellent verbal and written communication skills• Excellent report writing skills• The ability to work under pressure• In depth knowledge of the Local Government Bargaining Council and CCMAprocesses and operations• 3 years relevant experience of which two years must be within the local governmentsphere

DUTIES• Effective handling of labour related matters• Compilation and delivering charge sheets within specified time frames• Scheduling disciplinary hearings• Prosecute and present evidence at disciplinary hearings• Dispute resolution• Conducting investigations of alleged misconducts• Represent Council at the workplace forum meetings and relevant bargainingstructures• Minute taking in disciplinary/grievance hearings and workplace forums• Ensure proper and accurate record keeping in respect of all cases handled• Maintain a confidential filing system and maintain strict confidentiality on all mattersconcerned• Perform any other related ad hoc duties or functions as required by management,from time to time


SALARY R156 192.00 – R180 492.00 p.a. (Level 7B of a Grade 8 Local Authority)Total package inclusive of all benefits: R257 347.00 p.a.

REQUIREMENTS• Grade 12• Relevant Secretarial or Administrative Qualification (National Diploma or relevantNQF 5 Qualification)• Advanced computer literacy (MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint)• A Human Resources qualification, or studying towards it, will be an addedadvantage• Ability to display good telephone etiquette, communicate effectively and to act withintegrity and confidentiality at all times.• A professional, hardworking, highly motivated and self-disciplined person with goodorganisational, interpersonal skills with the ability to work under pressure and meetstrict deadlines• Two (02) years relevant experience within a secretarial environment.

DUTIES• Provide a comprehensive Secretarial function for the Executive Director:Human Resources, including:

o Proper management and coordination of the Executive Director’s diaryo Composes and types routine letters, memoranda, reports, minutes ofmeetings, etc.

o Receives and screens visitors and telephone calls, takes messages,and schedule appointments

o Sorts, opens and distributes incoming mail for the Executive Directoro Schedules and arranges meetings and conferences and responsible fornecessary travel arrangements

o Proofreads and corrects prepared materials for correct grammar,format, completeness and content

o Establishes and maintains office files, logs, indexes, and other relatedrecords

o Enters, retrieves, updates, verifies and deletes information fromelectronic files

o Takes minutes and recordings of meetingso Determines needs and orders office supplies and equipment

• Perform any other related ad hoc tasks as and when requested.

CLOSING DATE: 01 JULY 2014 AT 12:00


Please note that transport and accommodation costs, to and from Midvaal, are notreimbursed. Midvaal Local Municipality is an equal opportunity, affirmative action em-ployer and is committed to the achievement and maintenance of representivity (race,gender, disability). Candidates whose appointment will promote representivity will begiven preference.

Benefits: Usual fringe benefits are applicable, unless otherwise resolved.

Applications must be submitted on the Midvaal Local Municipality applicationform which can be obtained from the website: or the HumanResources Department. The application form must be completed in full and thespecific reference number of the post must be quoted. Certified copies (not older than3 months) of your identity document, qualifications and driver’s licence (if applicable),must be attached. Failure to comply with the instruction will disqualify applications frombeing processed.

All shortlisted candidates will be subjected to background screening checks (verifica-tion of qualifications, criminal record checks and security vetting). Candidateswith foreign qualifications must submit a letter from SAQA stating the equivalence ofthe qualifications.

Applications can be posted to: Midvaal Local Municipality’s Human ResourcesDepartment, P.O. Box 9, Meyerton, 1961 or hand delivered to Cnr. Of Juniusand Mitchel Street, Meyerton, 1960. Applications can also be e-mailed [email protected] or faxed to (016) 360 7530. For any enquiries pleasecontact (016) 360 7478.

Due to the large number of applications we envisage to receive, applications willnot be acknowledged. If you do not receive any response within three (3) months,

please accept that your application was unsuccessful.



We are inviting the following trade’s men to attend interviewfor the upcoming September Shutdown at Sasol Secunda


Mechanical FittersValve Fitters

Millwright/TurnersTurbine Fitters

RiggersCrane Operators

Instrument MechanicMechanical Supervisor

Requirements:• Must be qualified• Previous experience will be an advantage at least 4

years’ experience or red seal• Copy of CV, Verified trade papers & SA ID document

Venue: Emerald Resort & CasinoAddress: 777 Frikkie Meyer Boulevard, VANDERBIJLPARKDate: 23th & 24th June 2014Time: 08:00am – 16:00pm




Verref Shaped Pty Ltd is looking for an BEE individual who is loyal andcommitted to the role and is willing to walk the journey with the company for thelong term in ensuring the accounting and financial function is fully operational

and compliant with the standards.

The individual will be required to bring in and fully operate the accountingfunction and further ensure proper controls and processes are in place. Ideallysuited for an individual based in the Vaal area.

The individual must meet the following minimum requirements:1. Must have a matric and a recognised BCom Accounting degree.2. Must have strong technical knowledge on the full accounting and financialprinciples and able to apply these under the direct supervision of the MD.

3. Must have at least 5 years experience in a hands on related role.Must further have cost accounting and pricing experience.

4. Must have a driver’s license and their own car.

The individual must display the following personal competencies:1. Must be assertive, a strong character and be able to handle a pressurisedenvironment

2. Must be well spoken, well presented, display a professional and well groomedimage that represents the culture of the company

3. Must be dynamic, open minded, forward thinking4. Must be driven, determined, constantly strives to achieve excellence and isfocussed on customer service and achieving high performance

5. Must be deadline driven and be willing to assist across the team, regardlessof the task

Cv’s to be submitted to The HR administrator, lizzy Mahlatsi.Email: [email protected] / Fax: 086 545 2567Per hand to the HR Office, Main Works, Vereeniging.

Please state the position that you are applying for and/or the referencenumber where applicable. no late applications will be considered.

A large global manufacturing company seeks aGunnitinG technician

to join their team in Vanderbijlpark

Purpose:On-site gunning service to customers including the mainte-nance of all gunning machines and related equipment.Maintenance and repair of equipment is an important partof the job function, hence a person with good mechanicalexpertise and ability is required.Requirements:• Completed masonry learnership or extensive experienceand grade 12 / N3• Valid SA driver’s license• 3 To 5 years in a steel making environment would beadvantageous and experience in maintaining mechanicalequipment would be advantageous.

Applicants who believe they comply with the requirementsare invited to apply for the position. Please send a detailed

CV to: Attention Christene Boulton,[email protected]

no later than 18 June 2014.A1u3l75

Eron CupboardsOpsoek na ‘n hardwerkende manspersoonmet toepaslike ondervinding in die maak eninstalering van kombuiskaste. Moet in besit

wees van kode 8 lisensie.Stuur ‘n CV na [email protected]

of kontak Melodie by 083 495 9121


Mans persoon gesoek vir

Winkel assistentpos in Vanderbijlpark.

Persoon moet netjies enbetroubaar wees.Ouderdom 19-28.

Pos behels;Fakture, kwotasies en voorraadopnames op n weeklikse basis.

Stuur CV [email protected]

of faks na Hoofkantoor inPretoria 012 803 0309 met die

verwysing VDB



Rockfibre SA Pty LtdWe require the service of a

Storeman / Stock controllerRequirements

• Technical/Engineering experience• Generation of orders

• Controlling company assets in store• Minimum 3 years’ experience

Closing date: 25/06/2014

Please fax/email short CV to:

086 23 22 [email protected]


Quality Controller

Manufaturing company in Powerville islooking for a:

Line Quality Controller with experiencein the Insulation IndustyKnowledge id ISO 9001

(Qualification will be an advantage –Certifciates0

Closing date: 25/06/2014

Must be prepared to work shifts6H00 to 18H00 (Day)18h00 to 6H00 (Night)

Please forward CV’s to:Email [email protected] or

fax 086 23 22 465



ESTATE MANGERUpmarket riverfront estate in Vereenigingrequires the services of a highly motivated,hands-on-approach manger. Must be able todeal with pressure from residents.

The successful candidate will be required tooversee and direct the day-to-day activities ofthe gardens and security servicing staff, controlof the boat launching staff, maintenance andattending meetings when required. A proventrack record ans a determination to achieve highstandards are essential.

• Minimum 5 years related working experience• Computer literacy• Basic financial skills i.e able to administer a

maintenance budget effectively• Report writing skills• Presentation skills• Analytical, planning, organizing & problem

solving skills• The ability to motivate, control & train a

diverse staff• Good communication & organizational skills

are needed• Conversant with Basic Conditions of

Employment Act,Labour Relations Act &Occupational Health & Safety Act

Salary package negotiable, commensurate withexperience (including housing)

Fax CV to 016-4234998 or E-mail [email protected]



FINANCIAL ADVISORSVacancy available in Vanderbijlpark, ThreeRivers and Sasolburg to start immediately.

Minimum RequirementsMatric, Valid Driver's License, Minimum age

of 25 years. Own reliable vehicle,2 Years Plus industry experience

Fax CV to 086 581 4122 and markwhich office of preference a1



Betrekkings /Vacancies


Op soek na werkin Sasolburg, Drie Riviere

of Meyerton. Ek isbetroubaar, kan huishou,kinders en bejaardersomsien en kan inslaap.

Bel Jeminah071 589 6345

Page 9: Sedibengs Ster 19 June 2014

18 June - 24 June 2014 SEDIBENG STER 9

CONSOLIDATEDWIRE INDUSTRIES (PTY) LIMITEDmarkets a wide rangeof mild steel wire and wire products across all industry sectors. Our marketincludes the manufacturing, agricultural, construction and mining industries.


This position offers above average challenges which would suit a person withat least 5 years experience in a financial environment and will report directlyto the financial manager.

The successful applicant will be in possession of a B Comm degree inFinance and will assist the financial manager with general ledger, reconcilia-tions, management accounts, audits, VAT, tax calculations and submissions.

In return for your skills and experience we offer a negotiable salary and arange of attractive fringe benefits which can be expected of a large nationalcompany.

Please forward your CV to the Human Resources Manager at CWI, P.O. Box102, Vanderbijlpark (1900) or fax details to (016)-980-3191 or e-mail address,[email protected].


(If no reply is received within two weeks after the closing date, accept thatyour application was unsuccessful).


Sage PASTELAccounting, Payroll & HRAuthorised Training Centre & Certified Dealer

2012 & 2013: 3 x Sage PASTEL Business Partner Awards WinnerWith over 15 years’ experience with Sage PASTEL

SERVICES OFFERED:• Training • Software • Support • OutsourcingALL COURSES @ UNBEATABLE SPECIALS• Pastel Partner Intermediate Version12 Accounting

(NQF Level 4)• Pastel Partner Advanced V12 Accounting• Pastel Partner Payroll Administrators Certification

(NQF Level 4) & (ICBAAccreditation)• Pastel Human Resources (HR) Training

Visit for more infoTraining AcademyWanda Nel: 082 320 8432Office: 082 055 0197Email: [email protected]

[email protected]


OUDITBESTUURDEROns is ‘n gevestigde ouditeurspraktyk

in Vereeniging wat ‘n ervare ouditbestuurder benodig.VEREISTES:

5 jaar ondervinding in oudit omgewingB.Comm Rekenmeesterskap graadPastel en Caseware ondervinding

ONS BIED AAN:Mededingende salaris.Pensioen voordele.

Aangename werksomstandighede.E-POS CV AAN: [email protected]



Sales RepresentativeRequirements for the position must be

as follows:- Matric, Sales Qualification, Technicalqualification would be an advantage,

Minimum of 2-5 years sales experiencein the lubrication, filtration, vales orinstrumentation market, Mechanical

experience, Valid Code 8 drivers license,knowledge of the local industry, Sales Skills

- All CV’s are to be accompanied with aletter motivating your suitability for the

position and email CV’s [email protected]

Page 10: Sedibengs Ster 19 June 2014

10 SEDIBENG STER 18 June - 24 June 2014

sasolburgVoltydse Assistent BenodigJy Benodig: ‘n Matriek, Eie vervoer,

Afrikaans en Engels magtig wees. Vorigeondervinding sal as voordelig beskou

word. Volle opleiding word ook voorsien.

Aflewerings Persoon (Deeltyds)Jy Benodig: ‘n Matriek, Toepaslike

lisensie (A of A1), Afrikaans en Engelsmagtig wees, Kennis van die dorp sal

voordelig wees.

Deeltydse Kassiere BenodigJy Benodig: Afrikaans en Engelsmagtig wees. Meestal saans ennaweke. Idiaal vir studente.

Doen asb persoonlik aansoekgedurende kantoor ure.

Doen slegs aansoek as aan dievereistes voldoen



Do you neeD a new professional CV(CurriCulum Vitae)& interView aDViCe?

If so, please contact Stacy Chronis(016) 423-7113 / Cell: 083 789 1296E-mail: [email protected]:

All CV’s will be typed and compiled professionally

.Specialising in both comprehensive andsummarised CV’s, as well as CompAny profIlES


Fax cv to086 637 5339





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Woodwork Company Seeks the following

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No Chancers pleaseSalary will be negotiated according to

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VACANCYAutomotive Paints, Parts

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Fax cv to: 0866 261 866





• R8 000.00 beginning Package• Bonuses + above average commission• Full training provided• No experience necessary

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To book interview call HR (016) 423 6458between 8am - 4pm Mon - Fri or SMS yourName, Number and Area to 082 905 2398

Sales Company Requires15 Individuals to join their team.


‘n Haar skoonheids salonin Vanderbijlpark is opsoek

na ‘n gekwalifiseerdehaarkaper/ster.

Werksure:Weeksdae 08:00 – 17:00(een dag ‘n week af) enSaterdae 08:00- 13:00

Salaris onderhandelbaar


Stuur CV na: [email protected] 016 423 7130



*instructors nEEDEDin sAuDi ArABiA*

If you have an *Eletrical qualification* with 10+ years experience inHV Protection plus teaching experience (not mandatory - training supplied),Distribution, Transmission, Protection and Pex cabling.E-mail your CV to [email protected] / [email protected]

If you have a *Steam or Gas Turbine Operator qualification* with10+ years experience plus teaching experience (not mandatory - trainingsupplied). E-mail your CV to [email protected] / [email protected]

Remuneration package is Saudi Arabia Riyal 270 000 - 300 000 plusbenefits, Tax Free. Please forward your CV to Orna Elliott at Verse 1

Recruitment Agency (PTY) Ltd. [email protected]

Start date: ASAP



Zacharia Nale

SEDIBENG. - Emfuleni Local Municipalmayor Gretha Hlongwane would like to seemore international games played in this regi-on.Hlongwane spoke to Sedibeng Ster after

Banyana Bayana’s international friendlymatch against Botswana at Isak Steyl Stadi-um in Vanderbijlpark recently.She said her municipality will negotiate

with Safa to bring more international gamesto this region as Sedibeng soccer fans arestarving for high-profile games here.The atmosphere during the Banyana Ba-

nyana game was ‘electric’ with local soccerfans packing the venue to capacity, singingall the way until the last whistle, and thisinspired Hlongwaneto talk with Safaabout bringing moregames to this region.“With this kind of

support I have nodoubt that if Safabrings more gameshere supporters willalways fill the stadi-ums. In the past weused to host big foot-ball events such asthe Four Nation Soc-cer Tournament andI feel there is a needto host more games.I sat there listeningto those passionatesoccer fans singingand I said to myself:“These people de-serve more,” saidHlongwane.As if this was not

enough, Hlongwanerevealed to SedibengSter Sport that the

municipality will upgrade sports facilities intownships. She said those facilities includethe Zone 7 and Zone 11 stadiums.

This is good news for local soccer teams,taking into consideration the condition ofthose above-mentioned venues.They leave much to be desired, to say the

least.Hlongwane said this it was the municipa-

lity’s first priority - to make sure the town-ship facilities are in good condition.At the moment the George Thabe and

Shakespeare Stadiums are the only venuesthat seem to be in better condition comparedto the rest, hence the Banyana Banyana andBotswana international friendly match tookplace at the VUT’s Isak Steyl Stadium.

ELM mayor wants moreinternational games

Emfuleni Local Municipality Mayor Gretha Hlongwane (middle)and other dignitaries greet players before the Banyana Banyanagame recently. Photo: Zacharia Nale.

SEDIBENG.- Safa Sedibeng SAB League te-ams round off their league programme for the2013/2014 season at the various venues overthe weekend.Vaal Milano FC are the league champions

after finishing the league with 80 points from30 games. This Sharpeville based side willrepresent Sedibeng in the Promotional Play-off forMotsepe League scheduled to take pla-ce in Johannesburg on June 28 or July 6. Thiswas according to the team head coach TebelloKheswa.Speaking to Sedibeng Ster Sports, Kheswa

says in the last meeting it was decided thatthe play-offs for promotion will take place onthe above mentioned dates. However, Khes-wa says they are ready for play-offs. He saysthey will give players a week break to rechar-ge their batteries.

“There is no time to rest because it is onlya week to prepare for the play-offs.We can’t complain because we had a big

squad to compete in the tournament . I’m soexcited to win the league in my second spellin the league and I want to thank Sharpevillepeople for their support. It means a lot to mebecause these are the people whowere behindus throughout the season. They were pushingus,” says Kheswa.Meanwhile, Manyora FC and United Sci-

entist FC will campaign in the Emfuleni Lo-cal Football Association’s Promotion Leaguenext season after these sides finished secondand third bottom of the log.Sebokeng Ajax FCmademany eat humble

pie when this Sebokeng-based side escapedrelegation.

The club will still campaign in the SafaSedibeng SAB League in the next season,thanks to coach Master Zondo who throug-hout the season was optimistic that they willsurvive relegation.It was celebrations, hugs and kisses among

Ajax officials, players and supporters whenthey learned that their team is safe from rele-gation. However, if Vaal Milano FC fails tobe promoted to Motsepe League, the leaguewill be forced to relegate three teams.

Relegation battleRelegation battle

BOIPATONG. - National First Divisi-on Club –Witbank Spurs FC will be con-ducting trials at the Boipatong Stadiumon Saturday at 8:00. Players are requestedto have their playing kit and admin feeof R30. For further information contactGeorge Khumalo on 076 949 4275.SEBOKENG. - Orlando Pirates Mis-

sissippi supporters are at Kgubedu nextto Saul Tsotetsi Sports Centre on Sundayat 09:00 for a general meeting – for newapplications and to collect supporterscards. Call Pule @ 0737340254.SHARPEVILLE. - Makgothamisa

Winter Master Tournament weekend re-sults: Beverly Hills 9-1 Thomas Tyre,Majakathata 2-0 Lixion, Real Sweepers2-0 Mayibuye Sisonke 4-1 Umlilo, RealMasters 1-3 Vivian Masters.

Are you jobless? Send an sms to45516, type in the word JOB andtell us what kind of job you cando. SMSs will be published unedi-ted, so take care with your spel-ling to impress potential employ-ers!Remember to provide a phone

number in your SMS on whichemployers may call you.

Page 11: Sedibengs Ster 19 June 2014

18 June - 24 June 2014 SEDIBENG STER 11





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This past weekend Shooting From The Hipwas at the Engen U/17 Tournament held atMarkspark Sports Complex.

It was Shooting From The Hip first experi-ence at the tournament and I learn so muchabout football. This youthful tournamentheld every year to give these up and comingyoungsters a chance to compete against bestof the best in the country.

Sedibeng was also represented in the tour-nament by a Vanderbijlpark academy and ateam from Sharpeville.

It was a learning experience for the localboys as they finished second and third in

their respective groups. To make it interes-ting the local academy won the hearts of ma-ny coaches and soccer fans with the kind offootball they played. The tournament invol-ves other PSL clubs’ academies such as Or-lando Pirates, Black Leopards, Jomo Cos-mos and Platinum Stars to mention but a few.

It was the best talent at it’s display – espe-cially the local boys.

They made Sedibeng proud with thebrand of football they played throughout thetournament. The talent that was displayedthroughout the tournament gave ShootingFrom The Hip a hope that South African

football will change for good taking intoconsideration the talent on the day.

This is one of the biggest youth tourna-ments to be held in Gauteng with 32 teamsbattling for a place in the main tournamentscheduled to take place at the Nike TrainingCentre in Soweto in July 20.

These are the future Bafana Bafana starsif those who are blessed with spotting talentcan select them for our national teams.

Safa must partner the organisers to takethis tournament to the next level because ithas the potential to become the biggest tour-nament in the continent.

This are the kind of tournaments that canhelp to improve the standard of football inthis country.Shooting From Hipwishes Sedibeng foot-

ball administrators were there to see and le-arn how to run a successful tournament.

There are many tournaments hosted in thisregion that do not make any impact becauseof they way they are organised or run.

The tournament that had a potential to be-come of the biggest youth soccer tournamentin this region is MCS Tournament especiallyfor development. We could learn somethingfrom this.

Local teams impressed inLLooccaall tteeaammss iimmpprreesssseedd iinnEngen Tournament but......!EEnnggeenn TToouurrnnaammeenntt bbuutt............!!

Zacharia Nale

VANDERBIJLPARK. - Refiloe Jane (21) isfast making name for herself in South Afri-can women’s football.

She is regarded as the most gifted Banya-na Banyana player to date.

This Vaal University of Technology(VUT) student is popular among local soccerfans.

She was outstanding when Banyana Ba-naya hammered Botswana 4-0 in the interna-tional friendly match played at the Isak SteylStadium recently.

This gifted left-footed star mesmerised lo-cal soccer fans with her skill. Every time shetouched the ball the crowd would go “Janee-eeeeee”, admiring how she passed the ballto her team mates.

She was a marvel to watch that day.She is clearly the ‘darling’ of many local

soccer fans, taking into consideration shewas playing on her home ground.

This VUT Ladies FC midfielder is follo-wing in the footsteps of former Banayana

Banyana stars like Veronica Phewa and Ja-bulile Baloyi, who is now part of BanyanaBanyana’s technical staff.

Speaking to Sedibeng Ster Sport, Janesays she is enjoying each and every momentsince becoming part of the Banyana Banyanateam. “I really enjoy my football career andplaying alongside players such as Portia Mo-dise is a great honour.

“They helped me improve my game andI want to thank them.

“I was welcomed with both arms, then Imade my first appearance for Banyana Ba-nayana,” says the ‘Smiling Assassin.’

She boasts 24 caps, a record any playercan only wish for.

This Soweto-born player came to the Vaalafter VUT offered her a bursary.

This was after they spotted her God-giventalent - soccer.

Refiloe Jane in driving seat

Sensational Banyana Banyana midfielderRefiloe Jane. Photo: Zacharia Nale.

Sensational Banyana Banyana midfielderRefiloe Jane hard at training. Photo: Za-charia Nale.

Page 12: Sedibengs Ster 19 June 2014

12 SEDIBENG STER 18 June - 24 June 2014

SportSportSportSportSportSportSport at its best


SEDIBENG.- Rugby is not only for achosen few! This rang clear when VaalUniversity of Technology (VUT) SportsManagement 2 students recently arran-ged clinics at the Isak Steyl Stadium inVanderbijlpark for township school lear-

ners. The event also formed part of theirpracticals. During the clinics the pupils,most of them underprivileged, were taughtthe skills of rugby. Speaking to SedibengSter, one of the students, Enoch Morotolo,said, “We had learners from two schools in

the area, Thutolore and Sizanani SecondarySchools, who enjoyed themselves. We arenot ‘Bok’ smart so we had coaches withinthe VUT Rugby team who helped us out asthey are more qualified. The day was indeeda success.” The whole purpose of the event,

which was sponsored by Sedgars, wasto end the stigma that rugby is not fortownship pupils and the Sports Manage-ment students say that they are lookingforward to promoting the sport in the dif-ferent townships in the area.

VUT students promoteVVUUTT ssttuuddeennttss pprroommootteerugby in townshipsrruuggbbyy iinn ttoowwnnsshhiippss

Learners from town-ship schools recentlyenjoyed themselvesat the rugby clinicsheld at Isak Steyl Sta-dium in Vanderbijl-park. The clinics weremade possible by theVUT Sports Manage-ment 2 students.