Security Management - Techcello€¦ · 3 How-To – Security Management 1 Security Management...

Cello How-To Guide Security Management

Transcript of Security Management - Techcello€¦ · 3 How-To – Security Management 1 Security Management...

Cello How-To Guide

Security Management


How-To – Security Management

Contents 1 Security Management .................................................................................................................................. 3

1.1 Introduction to Privilege ...................................................................................................................... 3

1.2 Feature Privilege .................................................................................................................................. 3

1.3 Configure feature privilege through Fluent API ................................................................................... 3

1.4 Role Privilege ........................................................................................................................................ 4

1.5 User Privileges ...................................................................................................................................... 6

1.6 Page Level Security .............................................................................................................................. 6

1.7 Default Entity Configuration ................................................................................................................ 7

1.8 Action Level Security ............................................................................................................................ 8

1.9 Service Level Security ........................................................................................................................... 9

2 Contact Information ................................................................................................................................... 11


How-To – Security Management

1 Security Management

CelloSaaS allows the developers to build security management in their application more easily. The following

objects can be secured using CelloSaaS

o Pages/Actions

o Service

CelloSaaS achieves the security using privileges. Developer need to demand the right privilege in the

code for Pages / Actions [presentation tier], Service [Service calls], Data and Fields. Privileges are

available to the system via the license package modules and features.

The Privileges for user is derived from the User’s Tenant License Package and his Roles Privilege.

Privileges are mapped to roles. Any application user will get access to the applications features

provided he / she possesses the right privilege based on the user’s tenant license.

1.1 Introduction to Privilege Privilege is used for fine grained level of access control management.

Privilege will be associated with features referred to as feature privilege.

Privilege will be mapped with Entity to restrict the access of an entity actions like add, edit, view,

delete and etc.

Privilege Id and name should be unique. Entity action privileges should follow the naming conversion


1.2 Feature Privilege

Privileges are identified and configured during the development time and not at runtime.


While building a Feature called Leave Application Form and Leave List Page, some of the privileges such as

Add Leave, View Leave details, Delete Leave, Edit Leave etc can be identified and configured in the system.

Note: In case if a new privilege has to be added in the system, it can only be configured in the code or in the


1.3 Configure feature privilege through Fluent API

1.3.1 Through XML Configuration In Xml configuration add necessary privileges under the Feature xml tag like below.

<ModuleConfiguration> <Modules>


How-To – Security Management

<Module Code="ProjectModule" Name="Project Module" Description="This module contains feature and usgae of the project"> <Features> <Feature Code="ProjectFeature" Name="Project Feature"> <Privileges> <Privilege Name="Search Project" Description="user can search their Project list">Search_Project</Privilege> <Privilege Name="View Project" Description="user can View their Project list">View_Project</Privilege> <Privilege Name="Add Project" Description="user can add their Project.">Add_Project</Privilege> <Privilege Name="Edit Project" Description="user can Edit their Project.">Edit_Project</Privilege> <Privilege Name="Delete Project" Description="user can delete their Project.">Delete_Project</Privilege> <Privilege Name="Approve Project" Description="user can Approve the Project.">Approval_Project</Privilege> </Privileges> </Feature> </Features> </Module> </Modules> </ModuleConfiguration>

1.3.2 Through Fluent API In module configuration object add privileges against the feature using WithPrivilege() method.

public void Configure(ModuleConfig moduleConfiguration) {

moduleConfiguration.Add("Employee", "Employee") .WithFeatures(f => f.Add("ManageEmployee").WithName("Manage Employee") .WithPrivileges((p => p.Add("ViewEmployee").WithName("View Employee") .WithDescription("User can View Employee details.") .Add("AddEmployee").WithName("Add Employee") .WithDescription("User can Add Employee details.") .Add("EditEmployee").WithName("Edit Employee") .WithDescription("User can Edit Employee details.") .Add("DeleteEmployee").WithName("Delete Employee") .WithDescription("User can Delete Employee details.")))); }

1.4 Role Privilege

Each role will be mapped with one or many privileges.

Role and privilege combination must be unique for each tenant.

Select Access Control -> Manage Roles. This page will list the available roles for logged-in user

tenant. For more details refer Role Management in click here.

Click Manage Privilege icon to map privilege for the particular role.


How-To – Security Management

Role privilege page will display all feature privileges based on the tenant license package.

This page contains two sections named Available Privileges and Assigned Privileges.


How-To – Security Management

Assigned Privilege section contains the privileges of selected role.

Available privilege section contains the privileges that can be assigned.

Adding privilege [s] to a role

Select privilege [s] from Available privilege section and click Add button to add to a role.

Revoking privilege [s] from a role

Select privilege [s] from Assigned privileges section and click Remove button to delete a privilege

from a role.

Modules & Feature filtering for Privileges

Module lists the available modules from tenant license package.

Feature lists the available features from tenant license package.

You can filter the privileges based on Modules and Features.

1.5 User Privileges

To get the logged in user privileges from his identity use CelloSaaS.Library.UserIdentity.Privileges. This

contains the privileges for the user that has logged in to the system.

1.6 Page Level Security

Controllers must inherit from CelloSaaS.View.CelloController to perform action method level security


Page level access is obtained by the configuration in “EntityPermission.Config” file.

All URL’s mapped to the required access rule which is then checked automatically whenever that page

or action is called

CelloSaaS menu provider is integrated with entity permission rule so turn off the menus to the page

access rule is not met.

Access rule is combination of Privileges, Roles, Identity and Tenant Settings.

Example: “P:Add_Employee AND R:GR$Tenant_Admin”. If the logged-in user has Add Employee

privilege and Tenant Admin role then user can access the particular page.

CelloSaaS provide the default entity permission configuration for CelloSaaS admin pages.


How-To – Security Management

1.7 Default Entity Configuration

Entity permission will have two category named UI and BL.

Page level configurations are to be added in the UI section under the Entity tag. Set the URL or action

in name attribute. Specify the access rule in AuthorizationRule attribute.

Use the following Authorization Rule formats.

Format Example

Role R:RoleId R:GR$Tenant_Admin

Privilege P:PrivilegeId P:View_Employee

Identity I:Identity I:[email protected]

Tenant Settings S:TenantSettingsId S:ShareUsers


How-To – Security Management

Access rule can be constructed as a complex expression containing AND, OR and NOT.

You can also combine permission, role and tenant settings.


AuthorizationRule="S:ShareUsers AND R:GR$Tenant_Admin AND P:View_User"

1.8 Action Level Security You can check the necessary privileges before start executing the method in Services.

You can do either using CheckPrivilge method or PrivilegeContext.

Use CheckPrivilege method to check required privilege for a service method. Namespace : CelloSaaS.Services.AccessControlManagement Service: AccessControlService Method : CheckPrivilege(string privilege) /// <summary> /// This method is used to Check if the user's role has access to the privilege bool CheckPrivilege(string privilege) Sample: public EmployeeDetails GetEmployeeDetailsByEmployeeID(string employeeID) {

IAccessControlService accessControlService = (IAccessControlService) ServiceLocator.GetServiceImplementation( typeof(IAccessControlService)); // Check whether the user has permission to add user details or not. if (!accessControlService.CheckPrivilege( ManageEmployeeEmployeeDetailsConstants.ViewEmployeeDetails))

{ throw new UnauthorizedAccessException("Permission to access Get EmployeeDetails By EmployeeID is denied.");

} // Write logic to get employee details by employee id. }

If logged-in user doesn’t have privilege to access the particular method then throw UnauthorizedAccessException.

You can use PrivilegeContext to check the privilege in another way.

To access the service, demand the privilege by using CelloSaaS.Library.Context which is provided by CelloSaaS.


How-To – Security Management

Context has the following ethods:

/// This method is used to create PrivilegeContext instance and that will be add in HttpContext.Current.Items with “Privilege” as key void SetPrivilegeContext(string privilegeName);

Usually privilege will be demanded from the controller before calling Proxy methods by using

SetPrivilegeContext method.



In services, current privilege will be taken from HttpContext by using GetCurrentPrivilegeContext


/// This method is used to get the PrivilegeContext instance which is currently present. CelloSaaS.Library.PrivilegeContext GetCurrentPrivilegeContext();


public EmployeeDetails GetEmployeeDetailsByEmployeeID(string employeeID) {

string currentPrivilege = string.Empty; PrivilegeContext privilegeContext =Context.GetCurrentPrivilegeContext(); if (privilegeContext != null) {

currentPrivilege = privilegeContext.PrivilegeName; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentPrivilege) && !UserIdentity.HasPrivilege(currentPrivilege)) {

throw new UnauthorizedAccessException("Permission to access Get EmployeeDetails By EmployeeID is denied.");

} // Write logic to get employee details by employee id.


1.9 Service Level Security Service level security is possible via Entity Permission config file.

Need to add the Service Contract name under the Entity Category BL.

Add the Contract name under entity node. Add the necessary method names with the authorization

rule under Entity Sub Element.



How-To – Security Management

<EntityPermission> <EntityCategory> <add name="BL"> <Entity> <add name="CelloSaaS.ServiceContracts.UserManagement.IUserDetailsService"> <EntitySubElement> <add name="SearchUserDetails" AuthorizationRule="P:View_User"></add> </EntitySubElement> </add> </Entity> </add> </EntityCategory> </EntityPermission>


How-To – Security Management

2 Contact Information Any problem using this guide (or) using Cello Framework. Please feel free to contact us, we will be happy to

assist you in getting started with Cello.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +1(609)503-7163

Skype: techcello