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CLYST ST MARY SECTION OF THE FEBRUARY 2017 CLYST VALLEY NEWS CLYST ST MARY Church Services There will be an informal Family Service on 12 th February. The Family Communion Service on 26 th February will be a joint service with Clyst St George at Clyst St George. Both services will start at 11 am as usual and we welcome families who would like to bring their children to join in these services. Church Coffee Mornings The January coffee morning raised just over £105. Thank you to those who supported the event by coming along to relax and chat as well as to those who ran and contributed to the stalls. We would like to see more people at our coffee mornings. This is an important fundraising event for our church, held on the second Saturday of each month and is a painless way to support the church by buying home-made cakes, produce and cards. The February coffee morning will be on Saturday 11 th from 10 to 11.30 am. We look forward to welcoming you there. Contributions for the cake and produce stall will be much appreciated. Coppers! During December and halfway through January Don Axford has been handed several more bags of coppers, etc. Thank you very much indeed to the donors –you know who you are (one who now lives in Mid Devon); it is very much appreciated. So, a reminder to those people who are not sure what to do with those ‘unwanted’ 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p or even higher denomination coins which you have weighing down your pockets or purses: save them for the church and when you want to get rid of them let Don Axford (01392 873615) have them or he’ll come and collect them from you. Please keep saving, it really does help precarious church funds! It’s definitely well worthwhile to the church so please keep it up. St Mary’s Church, Clyst St Mary: Christmas Tree Festival 2016 This may seem a little late but we felt it important to let everyone know about the positive response we had to this year’s festival. The charities this year were Cancer Research UK and the Clyst St Mary Church and they each received the sum of £631.78 for which they have been very grateful. The festival started off with 39 people enjoying a four-course meal in the church amongst the sparkly trees. This is always a much awaited event and always a sell out. This year’s raffle prizes were very kindly donated by Bill Baxter and Ian Porter and we were truly grateful for their generosity. Jackie Hatton kindly sold her knitted goods and beautifully handmade cards throughout the weekend enabling people to catch up on their Christmas shopping. Last but not least we had 38 trees entered into the festival. All completely different and interesting and as always, creative. Every class in Clyst St Mary School entered their trees which always draw you in to look at them for longer. Our pre-school took part with enthusiasm and they all came down to the church to enjoy their tree in situ. The winner of the children’s category was Rebekah Lloyd and friends with ‘The P Tree’; and of the adult category was Sue Norman with ‘Treedledum and Treedledee’. A huge thank you has to go to all of you who supported our event again this year and gave generously during your visit. It does take a lot of organisation but it is always worth the end result. Thank you to everyone who helped, visited, donated and entered their trees and we wish you all a very happy, healthy and peaceful 2017.

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Page 1: section o…  · Web viewIn order to ensure Clyst Valley, the village football club, meets the needs of the village for generations


CLYST ST MARYChurch ServicesThere will be an informal Family Service on 12th February. The Family Communion Service on 26th February will be a joint service with Clyst St George at Clyst St George. Both services will start at 11 am as usual and we welcome families who would like to bring their children to join in these services.

Church Coffee MorningsThe January coffee morning raised just over £105. Thank you to those who supported the event by coming along to relax and chat as well as to those who ran and contributed to the stalls. We would like to see more people at our coffee mornings.  This is an important

fundraising event for our church, held on the second Saturday of each month and is a painless way to support the church by buying home-made cakes, produce and cards. The February coffee morning will be on Saturday 11th from 10 to 11.30 am. We look forward to welcoming you there.  Contributions for the cake and produce stall will be much appreciated. 

Coppers!During December and halfway through January Don Axford has been handed several more bags of coppers, etc. Thank you very much indeed to the donors –you know who

you are (one who now lives in Mid Devon); it is very much appreciated. So, a reminder to those people who are not sure what to do with those ‘unwanted’ 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p or even higher denomination coins which you have weighing down your pockets or purses: save them for the church and when you want to get rid of them let Don Axford (01392 873615) have them or he’ll come and collect them from you. Please keep saving, it really does help precarious church funds! It’s definitely well worthwhile to the church so please keep it up.

St Mary’s Church, Clyst St Mary: Christmas Tree Festival 2016This may seem a little late but we felt it important to let everyone know about the positive response we had to this year’s festival.  The charities this year were Cancer Research UK and the Clyst St Mary Church and they each received the sum of £631.78 for which they have been very grateful.  The festival started off with 39 people enjoying a four-course

meal in the church amongst the sparkly trees. This is always a much awaited event and always a sell out.  This year’s raffle prizes were very kindly donated by Bill Baxter and Ian Porter and we were truly grateful for their generosity.  Jackie Hatton kindly sold her knitted goods and beautifully handmade cards throughout the weekend enabling people to catch up on their Christmas shopping.  Last but not least we had 38 trees entered into the festival. All completely different and interesting and as always, creative.  Every class in Clyst St Mary School entered their trees which always draw you in to look at them for longer.  Our pre-school took part with enthusiasm and they all came down to the church to enjoy their tree in situ.  The winner of the children’s category was Rebekah Lloyd and friends with ‘The P Tree’; and of the adult category was Sue Norman with ‘Treedledum and Treedledee’. A huge thank you has to go to all of you who supported our event again this year and gave generously during your visit.  It does take a lot of organisation but it is always worth the end result.   Thank you to everyone who helped, visited, donated and entered their trees and we wish you all a very happy, healthy and peaceful 2017. Pat, Sue, Rosemary and Jackie (organisers)

Bishops Clyst Parish Council NoticesPrecept. This notice is to let you know that we regret that we are having to increase the precept for 2017/8. The reason is simply that we are having to arrange and finance things like grass and hedge cutting, weed spraying, etc in the parishes, jobs which Devon County Council are not doing as they used to. We believe that everyone wants the area to be neat and tidy which is why your Parish Councillors have agreed that the Parish Council should undertake these works. The increase is approximately £5.50 per property per annum or 46p per month. Allotments. We have one half plot vacant. Anyone interested should contact the Clerk on 0786 1801335 or email [email protected].

Clyst St Mary Football in the Village

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As you will be aware, the Parish Council has recently had the field behind the Village Hall levelled to create a small 9 v 9 size football pitch. The grass is growing well and hopefully the pitch will be ready for use next September. Our school has already shown an interest in making use of it and this has given me the idea of getting our community together in forming a football

club for primary school aged children. There is a resident in the village, an ex-professional footballer, who is interested in forming such a club and he would be grateful of your support in helping not only to set the club up but also to help run it. Clyst Valley Football Club has offered to help with the formation of this club and assist with its development. If you are interested in getting involved with this venture, please let me have your details, how many children would like to play and how you would like to get involved. Most matches will be played over weekend periods against other clubs who play in a local league and who are affiliated to Devon FA. Mike Norman (01392 877012; [email protected])

Clyst Valley AFC 1892 – 2017So what do the likes of Liverpool FC, Newcastle Utd and Clyst Valley AFC have in common? Not a lot you might say, but in 2017 they do. They were all formed in 1892 and this year we are all celebrating being 125 years old. Most of the older members of our club knew that we were formed around 1890 but a few years ago when we wrote to the Football Association advising that we wished to commemorate this occasion we were advised that we had to find evidence of that fact. Following a great deal of research we found that evidence in the records held at the Devon Heritage Centre. Like many professional football clubs, Clyst Valley was formed around those attending a church, possibly the choir and in the Parish Accounts for 1892 is confirmation of the establishment of the village football club with eleven players each contributing one shilling, Sir John Kennaway ten shillings with Lord Dunboyne and a Miss Kerr contributing five shillings each. Until 1900 most ‘church teams’ played against other church teams in the area but from the turn of the century many different leagues were formed in the Exeter and East Devon area and the village team played in the Victory League from 1919 under the name of Clyst Valley & Sowton District which was shortened to Clyst Valley around 1921. The club won its first trophy, the Blackmore Shield, in 1926/27, retaining it the following season and you can see a picture here of the winning team, most of whom lived in the village (with three members of the Mills family (village shop) and Jack Panter, third from right in the middle row - apparently a well-known character in the village).Over the years, while the club may not have been the most successful at winning trophies and titles it has been one of the most successful in being a well-managed and friendly club which players have enjoyed playing for, creating and retaining an affection from players and their families many years after they stopped playing. The pictures we have of the teams over eighty years reflect that with the same surnames appearing decade after decade, Mills, Collingwood, Causley, Walland, Weeks, the latter having had three generations of the family playing for the club. Many local families have been involved in running the club over many years as committee members or trustees including, Norman Langdon, Alan and Don Freemantle, Bill, Joan and Michael Howe. The club played for many years in the field of what is now the bottom of Winslade Park Avenue but in 1957 moved to the current ground in order for the Winslade Park estate to be built. The owners gave the ground to be held in trust for the benefit of Clyst Valley Football Club and its members.Over the past 10/15 years the Club has rejuvenated itself to become one of the most respected clubs in the area both on and off the field. As well as winning a number of promotions and trophies playing at the highest level of the Devon and Exeter League, we were one of the first clubs to be awarded FA Charter Standard Status and were one of the founder members of the Devon County U18s Youth League. We have more villagers playing for us now than we have had for many years and this year were pleased to form a veterans’ side that plays in the Devon County Veterans League.So what of the future? While it is right that we celebrate our past, we must also continuously look to the future and the future is bright. The facilities at the ground need renewing and are restrictive for the future development of the club especially when the village will be growing in size, which in turn will increase the demands on the club to meet the needs of the village. In order to ensure Clyst Valley, the village football club, meets the needs of the village for generations to come, the committee and trustees with the help of the Parish Council are committed to utilising any new facilities that may be created at Winslade Park as well as the new pitch behind the

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Village Hall in order to become an FA approved community club offering football for all age groups and sexes. Peter Cain, Chairman

A Big Thank You Many will remember the night of 19th – 20th November when we experienced such exceptional rain. Residents in Frog Lane and near the bridge anxiously watched water rising in the road, genuinely feared for their homes, and neighbours did their best to help each other. But the Flood Planning Group especially wanted to put on record their thanks to David Burdick and his team from County Grounds Maintenance for their generous help in filling and distributing sand bags to houses at most risk.

New Clyst St Mary Facebook GroupDid you know that we now have a Clyst St Mary Facebook group? It’s here: Items for sale, lost property, what’s on? – it’s YOUR group and we’d love you to join!

Walking GroupThe February walk will be on Tuesday 21st. Meet at the Village Hall as usual to share transport. The walk this month will be on the coastal path with a pub lunch. For more details please ring Mary on 01392 874948. Of course we all walk at our own risk.

Clyst St Mary Primary School In February it is Safer Internet Day and, in addition to all the work we do with the children, we are also holding an event for parents on 1st February, run by the South West Grid for

Learning. It is a fast changing digital world and crucial that parents have the information that they need to make sure that their children stay safe online.

This month our Year 3 and 4 children will be having their one-night residential trip to Exmoor, where they will be able to take part in lots of outdoor pursuits. This is a great way for the children to try new activities and to help build their confidence. They will be going to the Calvert Trust, a fantastic centre that offers climbing, cycling, archery, low ropes and more. On 9th February the PTFA will run a Valentine’s Disco for all our schoolchildren – just one of many events that they organise to raise valuable funds for the school – they are a great team and we really appreciate all the hard work they do. Half term is 13th – 17th February.

Exeter Nomads Short Mat Bowls ClubLast summer was an ideal time for newcomers to try the game as the competition season started again in September. If you are of a competitive nature then you will find the sport very satisfying (and sometimes frustrating, like all sports!). Please contact John or Irene Smith, on 01392 874416 for more information.

Table Tennis Club  After a very promising first three months, it is good to report that this week we shall be taking delivery of a third table meaning that we should all get more games of singles (good for fitness and improvement of technique!) and we could possibly accommodate a few more members. Most importantly and with immediate effect, please note that we shall in future be meeting in the Village Hall at 4 pm on THURSDAYS. This was agreed as a more convenient day for several and it may mean

that some folk who couldn't make Mondays can now get along?! If you are interested, please drop Roger Norman an email at [email protected] or call him on 01392 874597.

Badminton Club Is one of your New Year's resolutions - or should it have been - to improve your fitness? If so, why not join our small but very friendly club whose members' ages range from

teenage to over 70?  New members are always welcome. We play in the Village Hall on Tuesday evenings 8-10 pm. For more information either come along on a Tuesday evening or contact either Malcolm Macmillan on 01392 873280 or Hilary on 01392 874722.

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Anyone for Tennis? Some of us play tennis every Friday morning at a private court in Clyst St Mary (no fee).

Would you like to join us? Please ring Janice on 01392 876858 or Martyn on 01392 874948.

Clyst Valley Pre-SchoolWe offer a friendly, secure, stimulating environment in our OFSTED ‘Outstanding’ Pre-School; for children aged 2 years 8 months to school starting age. Our hours are Monday – Friday 9.15 am – 3.15 pm; children come on a full or part-time basis, for either whole or half days. Please get in touch by going to our website at or by calling Pre-School on 01392 876615 during

session times. We are currently very busy, but we do have limited sessions available for September, so we advise to get in touch as early as you can to arrange a visit.

Toddler Group Unfortunately the Monday morning toddler group in the Village Hall is not running at the moment as we don't have enough help to run the group. If anyone would be interested in starting up this group again, please contact Lynne on 07980 759363.