SECTION 1: THE IMPERIALIST VISION Chapter 14: Becoming a World Power.

SECTION 1: THE IMPERIALIST VISION Chapter 14: Becoming a World Power

Transcript of SECTION 1: THE IMPERIALIST VISION Chapter 14: Becoming a World Power.

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Chapter 14: Becoming a World Power

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Building Support for Imperialism

Following the Civil War, Americans were not interested in territory outside the United States.

In the 1880s, economic and military competition from Europe convinced Americans that they should be come a world power.

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A Desire for New Markets

Imperialism- The economic and political domination of a strong

nation over weaker ones.Why?

Europeans need to import raw materials for manufacturing.

High tariffs reduced trade in Europe forcing Europeans to seek new markets overseas.

To protect their investments, European nations began exerting control over territories and even creating colonies.

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Protectorate- The imperial power protected local rulers against

rebellions and invasion. In return, rulers usually had to accept Europeans’

advice on how to govern their countries.Americans felt the United States should get

involved in overseas markets to keep its economy strong.

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A Feeling of Superiority

John Fiske- American Historian He argued that English speaking nations had superior

character, ideas, and systems of government. Known as Anglo-Saxonism

These Americans believed the nation was destined to expand overseas to spread its civilization to others.

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Building a Modern Navy

Some Americans believed that the USA would be shut out of foreign markets if it did not build up its navy and acquire bases overseas.

Captain Alfred Mahan- U.S. Naval Officer Helped build public support for a modern American

fleet. A bigger fleet would allow for the protection of

American interests overseas.

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American Expansion in the Pacific

New Manifest Destiny Japan

President Fillmore ordered Commodore Mathew C. Perry to negotiate a trade treaty with Japan.

1853- Perry entered Tokyo Bay Japan realized that the American navy was too powerful

to resist. 1854- Japan signed the Treaty of Kanagawa

This gave the USA trading rights at two Japanese ports.

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Annexing Samoa and Hawaii

Why do we need ports in the Pacific? Ports for our ships to refuel and resupply

Pago Pago Located in the Samoan Islands Had one of the finest harbors in the South Pacific 1878 US got permission to build a base there. 1899 An agreement divided Samoa between the USA

and Germany.

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Hawaii- Americans found that sugarcane grew well in Hawaii. In 1875 the US signed a treaty exempting Hawaiian

sugar from tariffs. This led to economic growth in Hawaii keeping it out of

the hands of the British or French. When the treaty came up for renewal, the USA asked for

exclusive rights to build a naval base at Pearl Harbor. In 1887 sugar planters forced Hawaii’s king to accept

a constitution limiting his power. The planters wanted Hawaii to become part of the USA.

In 1891 Queen Liliuokalani takes the throne in Hawaii. She tried to assert her power as monarch. The planters supported by US sailors, overthrew the

monarchy in 1893. 1889 The United States annexed Hawaii.

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Diplomacy in Latin America

Secretary of State James G. Blaine Pan-Americanism

The idea that the US and Latin America nations should work together.

Two goals of Pan-Americanism 1) To create a customs union requiring all nations of the

Western Hemisphere to reduce tariffs against each other and treat each other equally in trade.

2) To create a system for nations of the Western Hemisphere to work out disputes peacefully.

Latin America rejected both. They did agree to create the Commercial Bureau of the

American Republics Today known as the Organization of American States


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Section 2: The Spanish- American War

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The Coming of War

The Cuban Rebellion Begins- Cuba was one of Spain’s oldest colonies. Its sugarcane plantations generated wealth for Spain

and 1/3 of the world’s sugar. Until 1886, 1/3 of the Cuban population was enslaved.

Jose Marti Leader of the Cuban rebellion in 1868. The Rebellion lacked internal support and broke up a

decade later. Marti and the rebels fled to the USA.

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By the early 1890s, Cuba and the US became closely linked economically. The US invested $50 million in Cuba’s sugar

plantations, mines, and railroads. In 1894, US tariffs on Cuban sugar resulted

in an economic disaster in Cuba. February 1895, Marti and his followers launch

another rebellion. Marti dies but the rebels seized control of eastern Cuba

and declared its independence in September 1895.

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America Supports Cuba

President Grover Cleveland declared the USA neutral when the rebellion in Cuba began.

Yellow Journalism- The New York Journal and New York World report

about atrocities committed by the Spanish in Cuba. Sway Americans to support the rebellion in Cuba. Def- where writers exaggerated stories or made up

stories to attract readers.

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Spanish Response

The Spanish sent 200,000 troops to Cuba to put down the rebellion. General Valeriano Weyler was appointed governor of

Cuba. Known as the Butcher

Reconcentration Camps- Created by Weyler Designed to prevent villagers from helping the rebels. Results in the deaths of tens of thousands of civilian


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Calls for War

In March 1897, William McKinley became the 25th President.

Spain removed Weyler from office and offered the Cubans autonomy. Only if Cuba remained apart of the Spanish Empire.

The rebels refused.

January 1898 McKinley sent the USS Maine to protect Americans in Cuba.

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USS Maine

On February 9, 1898 the New York Journal reported that the Spanish ambassador in the US called President McKinley weak.

On February 15, 1898 the USS Maine exploded in Havana Harbor. Many Americans blamed Spain. Remember the Maine became the rallying cry for the

demand to declare war on Spain. On April 11, 1898, McKinley asked Congress to use military

force. On April 19, 1898 Congress declared

Cuba Independent Demanded Spain to withdraw from the island. Authorized the president to use armed force.

April 24, 1898 Spain declared war on the United States.

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A War on Two Fronts

The US Navy blockaded Cuba.Commodore George Dewey

Took the US Fleet stationed in Hong Kong and attacked the Spanish Fleet located in the Philippines. This kept the Spanish fleet from sailing to attack the US.

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The Battle of Manila Bay

On May 1, 1898, Dewey’s squadron entered Manila Bay and quickly defeated the Spanish fleet. McKinley assembled 20,000 soldiers to leave from San

Francisco. On the way to the Philippians, the soldiers took Guam.

Emilio Aguinaldo A Filipino Revolutionary Was contacted by Dewey to fight the Spanish. Took control of most of the island. American soldiers however would capture the capital


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American Forces in Cuba

The Spanish in Cuba were not ready for war. Soldiers were weak and sick. Their warships were old with untrained crews. If the US could defeat the Spanish fleet, Spain could

no longer supply their troops in Cuba.The US army was also not prepared

Army recruited volunteers but lacked the resources to train and equip them.

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Rough Riders

Cavalry unitMix of rough cowboys, miners, and law

officers.2nd in command was Teddy Roosevelt.In July 1898, the Rough Riders assisted in the

capture of San Juan Hill.

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Santiago Harbor

The Spanish commander ordered the Spanish fleet to flee the harbor.

On July 3, 1898, the US fleet attacked destroying every Spanish vessel.

The Spanish at Santiago surrendered. This allowed the US to take nearby Puerto Rico.

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An American Empire

The Debate over Annexation- The Philippines

Benefits- Provide the US with another Pacific naval base. A large market for American goods. America can help “less civilized” people.

Costs- Competition from cheap Filipino would drive down

American wages. Imperialism violated American principles.

• McKinley would decide to annex the island.

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Treaty of Paris

Signed December 10, 1898Results-

1. Cuba becomes “independent” 2. US acquired Puerto Rico and Guam. 3. US paid $20 million to Spain for the Philippines.

The Senate approved the Treaty in February of 1899.

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Platt Amendment

Submitted by Senator Oliver PlattDetails-

1. Cuba could not make another treaty with another country that would weaken its independence.

2. Cuba had to allow the US to buy or lease a naval stations in Cuba.

3. Cuba’s debt had to be kept low to prevent foreign countries from landing troops to enforce payment.

4. The US had the right to intervene to protect Cuban independence and keep order. Reluctantly Cuba added it to their Constitution. Stayed in place till it was repealed in 1934.

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Governing Puerto Rico

Foraker Act- Passed in 1900 Established a civil government for Puerto Rico Provided an elected

1.Legislature 2. Governor 3. Executive Council

Supreme Court ruled that Puerto Ricans were not American citizens. 1917 Puerto Ricans were given citizenship . 30 years later Puerto Ricans were allowed to elect their

own governor.

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Rebellion in the Philippines

In 1899, Emilio Aguinaldo ordered his rebels to attack American soldiers. The conflict lasted for 3 years. Reconstruction camps-

Established by the US to fight rebels. Thousands of people died from starvation and diseases.

William Howard Taft- Governor of the Philippines Tried to win over the Filipino people by

1. improving education. 2. improving transportation on the island. 3. providing better health care on the island.

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March 1901, Americans capture Emilio.July 1902, the US declared the war over.In 1946, the Philippines gained full

independence from the US.

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Lesson 3: New American Diplomacy

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American Diplomacy in Asia

In 1898, The US was a major power in Asia, with naval bases all across the Pacific. The US Navy was 3rd largest in the world.

The main US interest in Asia was not conquest but commerce.

China- The vast Chinese markets excited American business

leaders, especially those in the textile, oil, and steel industries.

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The Open Door Policy

The European powers all began to demand leaseholds in China. Sphere of influence-

An area where a foreign nation controlled economic development.

US politicians and businessmen worried about these events.

Open Door Policy- Allowed all countries to trade with China . Sec. of State John Hay asked countries with leaseholds not

to discriminate against other nations wanting to do business in their sphere. Each nation responded by saying yes to the open door.

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The Boxer Rebellion

Boxer were a secret Chinese society organized to fight foreign control and influence in China.

In 1900, the group decided to destroy both the “foreign devils” and their Chinese Christian converts. They believed these people were corrupting Chinese society.

The Boxer attacked foreign embassies in Peking (Beijing) and Tientsin. They killed more than 200 foreigners.

8 nations responded by sending a multinational force rescued the foreigners and ended the rebellion. The European powers agreed not to break China up and the US

retained its access to China’s lucrative markets.

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Roosevelt and Taft’s Diplomacy

President McKinley was reelected in 1900 but was killed by an assassin’s bullet. Vice President Teddy Roosevelt became President.

TR favored increasing American power. He also accepted some of Anglo-Saxionism’s ideas.

He believed that the US had a duty to shape “less civilized” corners of the Earth.

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Balancing Power in East Asia

TR supported the Open Door Policy.TR helped negotiate a resolution to war

between Japan and Russia in 1905. Russia recognized Japan’s territorial gains and Japan

promised to stop seeking further territory.

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The Panama Canal

TR believed that displaying US power to the world would deter nations from fighting.

TR believed that by having a canal through Central America was vital to US power in the world and would save time and money for commercial and military shipping.

In 1889, a French company abandoned its efforts to build a canal in Panama. In 1902, Congress authorized the US purchase of the French company’s

assets and the construction of a canal. The problem was that Panama was owned by Colombia.

Colombia turned down attempts made by the US to buy Panama. In responds TR sent warships to Panama and encouraged the Panamanian

people to rebel against Colombia. Within days the US recognized Panama’s independence. The two signed a treaty allowing the canal to be built as long as the canal

remained in Panama.

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The Roosevelt Corollary

It stated that the US would intervene in Latin American affairs when necessary to maintain economic and political stability in the Western Hemisphere.

The goal was to prevent European powers from using the debt problems of LA as a reason to intervene in the region. 1st applied in the Dominican Republic in 1905.

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Dollar Diplomacy

William Howard Taft placed less emphasis on military force and more on economic development. Taft believed that supporting LA industry would

increase trade and profits for American businesses and lift LA countries out of poverty. Became known as Dollar Diplomacy.

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Woodrow Wilson’s Diplomacy in Mexico

Woodrow Wilson opposed imperialism. He believed that democracy was essential to a nation’s

stability and prosperity. He wanted the US to promote democracy to create a

world free of revolution and war.In March 1916, Pancho Villa and a group of

guerrillas burned the town of Columbus, New Mexico. Killed 17 Americans. Wilson responded by sending 5,800 soldiers under the

command of General John Pershing into Mexico. the goal was to capture Villa but Pershing was unsuccessful.

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