secret method to earn $160 dollars with proof

What is Neobux? REGISTER HERE Neobux is basically a platform system providing a secure, stable and inviting economic model for both members and advertisers to interact. Like a buzzing night market vendors (advertisers) line up along the busy streets (view advertisements) selling many things (programs, products, & services) from vitamins, clothing's, gadgets, toys, books, antiques, too many other exotic items packed tightly into the small crowd spaces. You (members) visiting the night market for the very first time is somewhat overwhelm with the rules (T.O.S), music's, people (graphics and features), and bright neon colors (orange & green buttons). Hopefully after a few days things are a bit calmer as you become more accustom to the new environment. Let us use some analogies for basic Neobux terms: Neobux - platform/land Admin - administrator/landlord Advertisers - advertisers/business owners Direct referrals - friends or volunteers Members - consumers/business owners Moderator - customer service/police Recycle - replacing/exchange employees Referral expiration fees - severance pay Referral slots - office spaces


My secret method to earn as much as $160 dollars daily

Transcript of secret method to earn $160 dollars with proof

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What is Neobux?REGISTER HERENeobux is basically a platform system providing a secure, stable and inviting economic model for both members and advertisers to interact.

Like a buzzing night market vendors (advertisers) line up along the busy streets (view advertisements) selling many things (programs, products, & services) from vitamins, clothing's, gadgets, toys, books, antiques, too many other exotic items packed tightly into the small crowd spaces.

You (members) visiting the night market for the very first time is somewhat overwhelm with the rules (T.O.S), music's, people (graphics and features), and bright neon colors (orange & green buttons).

Hopefully after a few days things are a bit calmer as you become more accustom to the new environment.

Let us use some analogies for basic Neobux terms:

Neobux - platform/land

Admin - administrator/landlord

Advertisers - advertisers/business owners

Direct referrals - friends or volunteers

Members - consumers/business owners

Moderator - customer service/police

Recycle - replacing/exchange employees

Referral expiration fees - severance pay

Referral slots - office spaces

Renewal - paying rent/office lease terms

Rented referrals - employees

View Advertisements - the shopping channels (except you get paid a little cash for watching it)

After settling down here in Neobux there are a few choices you may decide to do:

- go elsewhere or other night markets

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(Neobux is still one of the busiest and innovative)- stay here as a visitor (free members)- become a vendor (advertisers)- start a new business (renting referrals)- start a nonprofit organization (direct referrals) or use a combination from any of these.

To become a vendor is very easy visit this post (creating an advertisement) the post will explain many of the basics of advertising.

To start a new business takes some resources, patients, efforts, managing skills and dedications.

First you'll need a bank (payment processor) to fund your business with choices of either Payza, Paypal, or Neteller account for cashing out and payment transactions.

Then you can start to rent some offices (referral slots) and hire employees (renting referrals) or have volunteers (direct referrals) to work for you.

The costs for each office space (referral slots) varies depending on how many employees you currently have and/or will hire and how long to keep them.

You can rent each office space (referral slots) at the lease terms (extension) of 15/30/60/90/150/240 days or (autopay) paying rent 1 day at a time.

And each office (referral slot) will come automatically with 1 employee (rented referral) to work (click) for you.

As a new business owner you want to be profitable. Naturally you will need to manage the employees (rented referrals) and see if they are being productive (clicking on ads) or not.

When employees (rented referrals) are not being productive you can replace (recycle) them with a new worker for a small fee (like the hiring cost of finding a new worker).

Since you have already paid for the office space (extension) the new worker would just take over the previous employee's position.

To keep the employees (rented referrals) continuously working for your business you'll need to extend the office lease each time before it expires.

If you decide not to renew the office space (referral slot) then the employee will be layoff (expired) for a small fee (like a severance paid) along with the office space (referral slot).

As a boss you also get paid from doing your own work (clicking).

And you need to show up each day to work on time (clicking according to server time) and open the door to your business so the employees (rented referrals) can go into their office space (referral slot) and starting work (clicking).

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If you don't show up to work the employees can't get in the door and work either so you don't get paid. (golden packs upgrades) are available where you still do get paid when you are out (not able to click) or take a vacation to relax those precious mouse clicking fingers.

You can manage and keep track of the employees (rented referrals) daily performance with the (export list)

That's pretty much it to summarize:

-Click your ads daily according to server time.-Rent and extend referrals.-Get some direct referrals (after you have met the minimum requirements of at least 15 days as a member and 100 of your own clicks).-Manage your referrals wisely (keep daily statistics and use recycling if it's needed and use renewing plans for longer periods to reduce the renewing cost in the long run).-Buy any upgrade that you believe is a useful one when you can afford it.-Repeat the above process.

The more money invested from your own pocket first, the faster you can expand the numbers of rented referrals.

Read the how to guide/FAQ/forum for any additional help to your new business.

Ito pa po pala yung isang basic na kailangan lang natin malaman para tuloy tuloy ang kita

Here are a few guidelines:

1. Click always all the orange fixed ads daily based on server time.

2. Rent referrals and renew all the rented referrals for as longer as possible to reduce the renewal cost per day in the long run. Remember that is always safer to rent less referrals than what you can afford and use the rest of the budget to renew them for as longer as possible the first time.

3. Use manual recycling (based on the clicking patterns you will discover apply a reasonable recycle policy). The detailed previous behavior of every referral is the key (try to spot recurrent behaviors to understand the clicking patterns). Example: You have a referral who is clicking 1 ad every 3 days and he/she did that 7 times in a row. That referral is clicking obviously in a non profitable way for the last 21 days. In this case you have a clear clicking pattern which is not profitable, has no chances to reach the auto-recycle (this is a free recycle which will happen automatically if any of your referrals has stayed inactive for 14 consecutive days) limit and therefore you should manually recycle (personally in this example I would have recycled him/her at the 5th time).

As a suggestion concentrate on older referrals when you recycle, because you have more data to

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judge them as precisely as possible and remember to give always enough time to referrals (especially new ones) to show you what they can do for you.

Remember always that the best recycling policy is the one you will develop yourself based on the behavior of your referrals. Since every account and referral is unique there is not a standard recipe that will work for every one.

4. Use AdAlert (It's a tool bar that will notify you if there's a new advertisement ready to click, you can find it below the page) and try your luck on AdPrize.

5. Use AutoPay only if you cannot afford to extend for 90 or more days all your referrals.

6. Buy any upgrade that you believe is a useful one when you can afford it.

7. Try to get some direct referrals if you have clicked at least 100 ads and you are a member for more than 15 days.

8. Complete as many offers for NeoPoints/NeoCoins you can and do some Mini Jobs.

Per click chart

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Simple and easy to play 100% free and win prizes just for viewing advertisements!

Remember that AdPrize will reset in the following circumstances:- 90 minutes after being granted.- After your reset time.- If the advertiser removes the advertisement that granted them.

So, how do you play it?Located on the advertisements pagesimply click on the # to play:

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The chances you have to play:This is very simple: For every advertisement you see, regardless of the type of exposure, you'll have 3 chances to play.

Read the news in the links provided at the bottom of this post.

When and how will the prizes be credited?Automatically and instantly.

Types of prize available dailycurrently worth $9000+ per day:(quantities available varies and decreases for large amount prizes)

MembershipsFree Golden membership

Monetary prizes added to the main balance:$0.25$0.50$1.00$2.00$5.00$10.00$25.00$50.00

NeoPoint prizes:10 NeoPoints100 NeoPoints1000 NeoPoints10000 NeoPoints

There's no limit in term of prizes or monetary amount. It all depends on luck as per the announced odds.

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Will I have to pay to play?Certainly not! No user and / or advertiser will spend a single cent to get the benefits from AdPrize.

Can I withdraw monetary prizes?Sure you can. Those prizes will be credited to your main balance which means you can do whatever you want with them.

I'm a Golden Member. What happens if I win a Golden Membership?If you're already a Golden Member one more year will be added to your membership's expiration date. If you're not, you will be upgraded for a full year when you win the prize.

Rental Price

Renewal or Extension

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Guys importante toh sa mga may rental referrals na


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TOS 3.7The clicks you earn from referrals are directly related to the clicks you make. If you click at least 4 advertisements being a Standard / Pioneer member or you click at least 9 advertisements being a Golden member, you'll receive all clicks made from your referrals. If you click below that, the maximum you will receive is only the amount of clicks you've made multiplied by the number of referrals you have. The referral clicks will be calculated based on the clicks you made on the previous day. These calculations are based on the server time which can be seen in the "View Advertisements" page. The only advertisements that will count are: Extended Exposure, Standard Exposure, and Orange Fixed Advertisements.

This means if you click all the orange color fixed adsyou'll receive all clicks made from your referrals.

If you click below that, the maximum you will receiveis only the amount of clicks you've made multipliedby the number of referrals you have.

What is the server time?

The server is located in Eastern Time (US&Canada)

To figure out how to click according to server timeyou need to figure out the time difference betweenyour local time and the current server time.

For example, I am located at pacific time whichis (3 hours behind) or 21 hours ahead of eastern time.

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The following info. are needed to figure out the time difference:

1. your advertisement clicks reset time (this is shown as your local time)2. your local time3. current server time

and the formula is (need to use the 24 hr time format):

(local time) - (current server time) = (time difference)but if the answer is negative you need to add 24 to it.

Example 1:

1. ad reset time = 02:232. current local time = 23:013. current server time = 02:01

23:01 - 02:01 = 21:00 (time difference)

Example 2:

1. ad reset time = 14:382. current local time = 05:003. current server time = 23:00

05:00 - 23:00 = -18:00 + 24:00 = 6:00 (time difference)

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From the answers now you can choose bewteen twooptions and pick the one most convenient to click onyour daily (orange color fixed ads):

These are the two options to click in your local time:

Option 1:click between (ad reset time) ~ (time difference minus 1 minute)


Option 2:click between (time difference) ~ (your ad reset time minus 1 minute)

From example 1:option 1 = 02:23 ~ 20:59oroption 2 = 21:00 ~ 02:22

From example 2:option 1 = 14:38 ~ 05:59oroption 2 = 06:00 ~ 14:37

The most common mistake is members usuallyclicks just before ad reset time and thenagain right after ad reset time.

The easiest way to clicking according to server timeis to pick ONLY one of the options(to click your daily orange fixed ads)and don't mix them.

All other types of ads/exposures

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(micro, mini, std, ext) you can click at anytime.

NOTE:AdPrize expires at Ad Reset time,it's a good idea not to clickjust before ad reset time.

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Philippines local times:(your ad reset time) ~ 12:00PM ~ (your ad reset time)


When you first rent a pack it is for 30 days.

If you do not renew them before theyexpire there is a fee.

If AutoPay is enabled it does not extendrefs for you if they have less than 20 days left.Don't forget to manually extend them.

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RECYCLING COST(for each referral)

Old users is always $0.01 more expensive.

Standard users$0.07

Golden users1st year $0.072nd year $0.06

Golden W/ Emerald$0.06

Golden W/ Platinum

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Golden W/ Ultimate$0.04

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NOTE:When you recycle referrals they willstill have the same days left (Next Payment)that you paid to rent them for.

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for example:Ref #1 has 28 days left and yourecycle and exchanged Ref #1 for Ref #2,Ref #2 will still have 28 days left.


Basically locking prevents a referral from

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being manually or auto recycled.