Second booklet of Vienna'12



Second booklet of the NSC in Vienna 2012

Transcript of Second booklet of Vienna'12

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et ready for tonight because the time has come for the real deal.


We are looking for the best dancers and the best imitators of the session.

All you need to do is show us your dance moves or imitate a famous figure of the


Get them skills out tonight!



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A day feels like a second and a second feels like a day, one of your dear chairs said to me yesterday. In four days you have the time to get to know peo-ple in a way you have never done before, you write resolutions and have loads of fun. At the same time the session only seems to last a second. Tomorrow in GA I, and probably all of you, will wonder where all the time went. How is it possible to create some-thing this complex and intricate in such a short time? If there is such a thing as “Disney Magic”, then this would definitely be the “EYP Magic”. Just look back already, what have you done? Tomorrow is a big day, the last day of the session. Once you enter the venue for general assembly take a moment to yourself to think about what is happening and where you have come. You are a part of a minority, be proud of it! -Your Editrex Sini

Natalia Vagena“Spent the whole previ-ous night alone with an icecream. Who needs anything else any-


Jiri (George) Pour“male model for the session. Need a fash-ion pictures? Go see


Alex(andra) Lazar“went crazy when she heard the gossip boz had been opened - let

me see, let me see!”

(Ma)Ria Farkas“always on skype or on her phone, expensive!”

Leo(nard) Kaindl“just fell asleep while working. Sitting down, eyes closed, no reac-


Claire Achour“multilingual gos-siper. Languages so far: english, french, italian and spanish”

Giulia Bandera“confusing. Italian, but always on time. Ms.

Editrex is very happy!”

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1.Go with the classics! A never aging trick is to imagine the audience naked. Or atleast in bikinis.2.Breathe! This might seem to be a no-brainer, but remem-bering to breathe in and out correctly can do wonders.3.Preparation is key, some might say. Having rehearsed and writing everything down before the speech is supposedly the key to reaching Cicero - level performance.4.Tackle your fears if all else is useless! Go to the park and sit on a bench. Talk to birds and people. Birds never discrimi-nate.5.You say you wear glasses? Take them off! Your vision will get blurry and you will not be able to see that there are 300 people looking at you.6.Take a risk and do not prepare. You might get all the ap-plause in the end.7.Guys, pay attention! Jump up and fix your pants, them be firm with your “courage”. Tell us if it worked!8.When all is lost, experience comes to the stand. The more speeches you hold, the better you get at it.




by N



: GA




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The third day of the session is coming. All the delegates will soon be gathered in order to discuss, ar-gue, agree and disa-gree on their motions for a resolution. But as it’s a formal event so it requires a spe-cial dress code.

Boys in suits and girls in dresses or suits, that’s the way it’s meant to be. Unfortunately you always manage to find those fashion-fails. So there are some fashion tips for the GA:

1)A very common mis-take for boys is choos-ing the wrong tie. For instance ties that are too colorful or have too many shapes on them. So a perfect look would be a plain tie, in a darker

shade than the shirt.2)Another wrong choice made by the boys is wearing a suit, a shirt, trousers and a tie all in the same color. The best combination would be to choose a white or blue shirt and a black or a blue suit -really smart and elegant.

3)As for the girls, the vast majority wears re-ally inconvenient clothes (such as skirts that are too short) and has prob-lems throughout the day. So remember if the clothes that you wear make you feel comfort-able, then the outfit is truly elegant!

4)The best combination to wear is something simple with an impres-sive pair of shoes or some jewelry, that up-grades the whole outfit.




by N



: GA




We are at the end of the session but the event we are all waiting for is tak-ing place tomorrow: the GA. Since most of you will be nervous and won’t sleep much this night, drinking coffee is a good idea to be sure to stay awake all the time. Also have a good breakfast to avoid fainting. Make sure to dress properly.EYPers always like to be elegant.Once the assembly starts all the delegates have to stay silent even if they are taking notes or writ-ing speeches at the same time. German is not accepted at any point./ Respect of the opinions of the oth-ers is always requested./Each delegate should contribute to the de-bates./Use a lot of deo-dorant because of the high temperatures of these days (and don’t take off your shoes)/Take a bottle of water with you/Keep the vol-ume of your voice down.Last but not least:fight for your ideas, re-member you all are war-riors.


GUIDEby Giulia

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Let’s be frank- this is a competition. And once you get the chance to get on the stage and de-liver a speech you want to show off and do the best possible job in or-der to both help your resolution pass and to get selected. So how is that done? How can you speak like Obama?

First of all it is not only about the content of your speech. Experts say that 70% of your appearance is made of

nonverbal communica-tion. Your gestures, the way you stand, the faces you make or clothes you wear all affect your audi-ence. There are three ba-sic rules for delivering a convincing speech:

1. Connect with your audience2. Make them feel as if you are addressing them individually3. Make them believe

Let’s start with the first impression: when walk-ing up the stage use commanding body lan-guage, keep your back straight, do not look to the ground (but try not to trip over something) -just look confident. Start speaking with a louder voice and then gradually decrease the volume a bit. That way you will get your audi-ence’s attention and keep it because they will have to focus to follow your thoughts. A speech is

GIVE A SPEECH LIKE A BOSSGeorge explores the world of speeches and gives some very useful advice for GA.

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like a song- you need to keep a rhythm and work with the volume to show what points are the most important ones. You can support your words with gestures but do not get too carried away. Keep your arms between your waist and shoulders. Emphasize your ideas using the rule of three e.g. Homes have been lost; jobs shed; business-es shuttered. People tend to play with their pens, papers, hair etc. when they are nerv-

ous, watch out for that. In order to make people believe you, you need to look like you are con-fident in what you are saying. Concerning the rule no. 2, slowly look around the delegates during your speech. In order to connect with the delegates, include them in your speech. Tell them why your issue is important for them personally and how it would affect them if it was not solved the way you propose. Also do not

hesitate to use the word we. The feeling of being on a same boat is a pow-erful persuasive tool. The last practical hint is to watch your timing. Even the most amazing speech gets ruined when it is ended in the middle. Try giving the speech to your committee before the GA and make them keep the time. A good speaker always follows the three Cs- he/she is calm, confident and convincing.

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Dear Diary,

Day two started off quite well after all the racket that had been going on the past night. The thing is, when I realized that there was no possi-ble way to go to bed early, I got up and went to see where the noise was coming from and ended up chatting all night with a cool brunette and her quirky friends. Needless to say getting up was awful and felt like a zombie on the way to breakfast, drag-ging my feet and leaving my hands to swing freely around my body. Right after finishing my last bite of croissant, the orgas dragged us out-side to play something that reminded me of my early childhood. We were going on a bear hunt!

Next stop: Opening Ceremony. Mr President’s speech made me real-ize why I am here, what this really means and why I am actually so spe-cial for being here. So after a really fast opening ceremony, which was almost useless because the same pro-found mister President almost forgot to open the session, I joined my com-mittee for a nice long first day of CW (I’m learning new cool words), sprin-kled with vegetable pizza and weird

dancing journos. Also, I saw a guy changing his clothes on the corridor. Nice red pants, by the way! Not my style, but they looked good on him. Committee work went well, despite the fact that I was sometimes eager to express my opinion but not quite capable to do so. I do hope I overcome my shyness before the GA (I’m learn-ing new vocabulary!!). I played with the can crusher!!!

After the end of committee work, I got back to the hostel, had a really cold shower, even though we didn’t have much time, and I left with my committee for our committee dinner.


stories by Alex & Natalia

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Dear delegates, you only arrived on Friday. After a long teambuilding afternoon, a very exciting Austria Village and funny committee pres-entations, you could have gone to bed and had the rest you deserved, but did you really do so? Dear delegates, during my little survey, I put you in two categories. The “good” delegates are those who directly went to bed, just after the «so expected shower» (DEVE girl); but also those who nicely finished the evening by so-cialising in their rooms, in the cor-ridors where they « sat down to dis-cuss, and listen to music » -EMPL girl- or in the lounge, doing «noth-ing special». Others had some kind of debate around a subject that aroused my curiosity: «the mistery of gala s***». Have you ever hear about it? I don’t have the mere idea of what it can be, but I promise you I’ll in-quire to give you more information about it. Then come the intrepid del-egates, those who always want more. **SENSORED** You want some crunchy details? **SENSORED** Unfortunately, the girls who told me that don’t have any pictures to illus-trate my topic, so be creative ! xoxo Claire


There we ate huge Wien Schnitzels with lemon or cranberry jam, while the journos tried to help us under-stand the pointing game.

Now I just got to the hostel, let the party begin!

P.s. I’m still thinking of the point-ing game….

column by Claire

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It is the small things that make up something great. It is an entire colo-ny of tiny ants that build their home together. Yet the whole depends on each of its parts, imag-ine a Swiss watch that does not rotate and purr but remains still and dead due to a tiny miss-ing wheel. No matter how many contributors were eager to do their part, sometimes the end result seems to be not worth the effort. Who would have thought that mankind would build one of its largest machines ever and send it to the moon only to listen to Neill Armstrong’s monologue about his obviously short legs and watch him playing in the sand?

That question might be easier to answer if one examines a simi-lar example, but the other way round. If we want our successors’ offspring to be able to play in something dif-ferent than sand as Neill Armstrong did, there are some degrees that we might think about. To be more specific, the cur-rent aim is to keep that number below 2°C. The rest is self-explanatory but requires some com-mon efforts, meaning individual contributions by all of us. You might have stumbled upon an opportunity for such a contribution here: The can crusher.Amongst several reasons that render this appara-tus a quite cool gadget,

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saving money, recycling and fun may be the most significant ones. Sec-ondly all the crushed cans are going to be recy-cled afterwards, reusing them is not an option for a quite obvious reason. This way of increasing awareness for recycling is one of several small steps towards a greener EYP Austria, alongside measures like the use of the cups that you got when you arrived at the session. Thirdly it seems to be quite funny to crush these regret-table empty alloy cans. Extended trials using full cans shall only be read between the lines, not taking into account the counter-productive effect on reducing our ecological footprint that

it brings.Though this might seem hypocritical, some open questions remain: Of course recycling empty alloy cans is bet-ter than mere discard-ing, but why is it that energy drinks are only sold in sizes where reus-able containers are least competitive? Green sun-glasses certainly have their very own appeal, but how much of the ecological advantage of recycling the cans is compensated by the merchandising and the sponsorship logistics, also known as rebound-effect? The fundamental question would be the one for both ecologi-cally and economically sustainable solutions. If thinking about that

question makes your head glow, that is rath-er a reason to be happy than to worry: A few hot heads will most prob-ably not heat the atmos-phere more than 2°C. In case the question makes you yawn, try to look ex-tremely tired, that will significantly increase your chance to get an energy drink from EYP Austria. Simply empty the can and crush it. In case you still do not feel like saving the world by finding answers to the above question, repeat what you just did and you will at least gradu-ally behave like and re-semble Neill Armstrong.


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What did you think when you first saw the words, “13th National Selection Conference of the Euro-pean Youth Parliament -Austria”?

What was your reaction to your topic overview?

What did you (or would you) include in your suitase for the session?

What do your notes look like?

a)Boring Political Thing- Time to look cool.b)Excellent chance to practice Politicsc)Is it something that I have to be social at?d)Whaaaat…?

a) Too cool to read it until the night before. b) Read every little bit of information you could possibly find. c) Read it well, but told no one about it. d) Fell asleep while reading it.

a) Designer clothes, expensive gadgets and impressive shiny things. b) Loads of notes, really well ironed shirts and a pair of spare glasses.c) Clothes, notes and gadgets, but no can look inside it. Not even a peek!d) Whatever my mom has put in it, mostly I didn’t really bother.

a) Folders with awesome names, saved in a super cool tablet PC. b) Categorized notes (highlighted with 4 different colors) covering every single aspect. c) Sufficient, effective and smart notes that may be looked by you, and you ONLY.d) Mainly superficial noted with a few short, but smart comments.





Test provided by NataliaWHAT TYPE OF DELEGATE ARE YOU?

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Test provided by Natalia

What do you do during a coffee break?

What will you do when you get home tonight?

Most important object of the session for you:

Describing the session so far in three words, those would probably be:

Answers at the end of the booklet...

a) Hanging out, looking cool.b) Run to next computer to look some-thing up about the topic.c) Sitting in a quiet corner, watching people go by.d) Taking a quick nap. Just five min-utes…

a) Log onto Facebook and update my status about how awesome the day was. b) Study all the notes from the day and then gather some more. c) Get some rest and make sure no one sees my notes.d) Drop straight to bed!

a) Designer Sunglasses.b) My amazing-super-large folder full with notes in it.c) My notebook.d) Some T-shirts and some Sun-crème.

a)Socializing, Popularity, Awesome-ness.b)Politics, Studying, Discussions.c)Brainstorming, Listening, Learning.d)Fun, Chatting, Chilling.






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MONDAY: 20:30


SCHWEIZERHAUSfacebook: NSC Vienna 2012 Après Socialising


(You’re welcome guys!)

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Gemini - You needed lots of persuasion to get your friends here and they finally agreed that you guided them

well. Do the same for CW.

Cancer – You always seem to lead people extremely well, but this time you decided to pass the spotlight. The stars agree.Leo – As soon as you

got here, your fiery self went into long series of debate over why Austrians

have so many different fruit. But you settled for Lindsor cake.

Virgo – You might have been really

shy in the beginning, but as soon as you got mixed into a Human Knot, you loosened

yourself up.Scorpio – A session means, for you, being the best and

your research is per-fect. But that blonde girl smiling at you all the time seems to have other plans. Play safe!

Sagittarius – You have lots of energy and an EYP ses-

sion seems to be the perfect method of using it up. Though be careful not to get too exhausted.Capricorn – The stars have decid-ed: you are go-ing to rock this session with your debate skills. Also, you will meet the love of your life!Aquarius - Like usual, the stars advise you to watch your step and don’t fall into any wholes. Still, pay atten-tion whenever you trip because you might fall into the arms of love.

Pisces – A dreamer as always, you will find the best solu-

tions to save the world and get rid of poverty. Alas, you might want to be careful with state-ments like “Unite ALL the countries!!”Aries – A hot head well known for his impulsivity and wrecklessness, this time the native will shine due to his power to take charge whenever the situation needs it.

You are like a peace-loving Ferdinand, seek-ing the gentle meadows filled with flowers, sunshine and natural beauty. It’s only Taurus stubbornness that can make you angry enough to charge at someone who is disturbing your peace. Your determination is great. You get to where you are going, not be-cause you are exception-ally fast or clever, but because you will not be distracted from your goals. Your need for sta-bility and simplicity can motivate you to create a life for yourself that is quite functional, though it might seem boring to someone else.


(You’re welcome guys!)

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Mostly (a)’s: “Too cool for School”!You’re the person that walks in a room with perfect style or sparkling jewelry, impressing peo-ple before you even meet them properly. You want to be the person that eve-ryone wants to be around and you can make a pretty fine delegate- as long as you don’t spend more time in front of a mir-ror than doing research.

Mostly (b)’s: “The Nerd Herd”You’re a walk-ing library. You know every single little detail by heart. You are most likely to be the person who learns all the technical stuff so you will be able to do great committee work. It’s too bad that you can’t read up on social skills as well. But don’t be preoccupied with that; play to your strengths and put your superior knowledge to use.

Mostly (c)’s: “The silence before the (brain) storm”You’re the ‘quiet’ delegate. You’re most likely to be a person that needs some per-suasion before you actively engage in social-izing. You’re probably a char-acter that feels most comfortable observing eve-ryone else. That way you don’t miss any details of the committee discussions - use your observa-tions to contrib-ute!

Mostly (d)’s: “Grab your pil-low and a blan-ket. Let’s go!”You’re one of the sleepy guys of the session. You need your rest and you don’t miss an op-portunity to get some. But even if your notes are superficial and you haven’t paid much attention, when you do decide to make a comment, at least it is of high quality because your brain is well rested.


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Monday, 30th April 2012 – General Assembly

6:15 Wake-up call6:30 – 7:00 Breakfast7:00 – 8:00 Transfer to General Assembly venue8:00 – 8:30 GA opening8:30 – 10:00 GA Resolutions 1&210:00 – 10:30 Coffee Break10:30 – 12:00 GA Resolution 3&412:00 – 12:30 Lunch12:30 – 14:00 GA Resolution 5&614:00 – 14:30 Coffee Break14:30 – 16:00 GA Resolution 7&8

16:00 – 17:30 Closing Ceremony 17:30 Departure


formal wear!

Construction team - Vienna’12

for pictures of the session, the online papers, videos and more.

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Produziert im Rahmen des Projektes “Simulation des Europäischen Parlaments 2012“ welches von der Europäischen Kommission – GD Bildung und Kultur unterstützt wird (Programm “Jugend in Aktion“). Das Europäische Jugendparla-ment Österreich (EYP Austria) ist eine Organisation des Bundes Europäischer Jugend / Junge Europäische Föderalisten Österreich ( und wird im Rahmen seiner Tätigkeit von dem Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft, Familie und Jugend (BMWFJ) und dem Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur (BMUKK) unterstützt.

Bund Europäischer Jugend/Junge Europäische Föderalisten (BEJ/JEF, ZVR: 172269251) Lassingleithnerplatz 2/3, 1020 Wien; email: [email protected]; Telefon: +43 5 99 50

Europäisches Jugendparlament Österreich (EYP)Lassingleithnerplatz 2/31020 WienZVR: 760986885

eMail: [email protected]