Season of the which


Transcript of Season of the which

Observing changes

Paying Attentio


The Rabbit Hole In “Alice

In Wonderland”

“Through The Looking Glass”

It’s signaling for us to reflect on how strange things are.

“Beatniks out to get rich”

1960’s Protesters

Occupy Wall Street 2011

“Past is Prologue

“In order to better combat the poverty and overpopulation of Ireland, the children of the poor should be sold as food to the wealthy.”


“In order to exist economically as we are we must try by might and main to remain stupid." Jules Henry “Culture Against Man”

“He does alright until there is a full moon. Once there is a full moon, his mind goes wacko.” WDM

“Near the bottom of the arch in the pendulum's swoop, social chaos and aberrant morality. This operation deceives the moral and rational vision in the common public and deny all Americans the freedom our nation proclaims.” WDM "As The Light Shineth From The East"

"Now he should be able to describe the problem, since he made the problem. I am talking about the UNGODLY Jew, who planned the western society.” WDM

“Scripturally based believers in one Almighty G-d among the Jews aren't who we're speaking of when we say "The Jahcubite". ( more on this distinction later) FS

A Pyramid is marked by 3,4 and 53 = Man's Purpose4 = Social Environment5 = A strategy for defeating your enemies; by hiding your forces in cultural influences, cultural language and expression and etc., (5th Column) - WDM

“The Star of David had two of those (Pyramids) and it means the spiritual body and the material body is reconciled into one but it is not for the community it is for the individual, science of individual not the community.” WDM (Psychology)

“PRopaganda must create news in order to appeal to the

instincts and the fundamental emotions of the public” Edward

Bernays7: 28

CYNTHIA McKINNEY SPEAKING ON THE Israeli Lobby 9:52) (Tehran Interview)

(Who are the Koch Brothers? 3: 51)

(Where Did Herman Cain come from? 5:08)

What do you get when you put Herman Cain and the Koch Brothers Together?


BTW: Sigmund Freud was a self-satisfied cocain


What is Herman Cain’s Tax Plan?9-9-9What is it Really?


What is it Really, Really?

The Mark Of Cain/The Jahcubite Cross

The Mark of CainThe Cross of KabbalahThe 33 paths of Kabbalah'For we be Brethren of the Rosie Cross,We've the Mason's Word and Second Sight'...



Jew vs. JahcubiteThe Bible is not from the original mission of Jesus Christ the Prophet of G’d.

The Trinitarian doctrine is not from the original mission of Jesus Christ the Prophet of G’d.

“G’d in Christ” is not from the original mission of Jesus Christ the Prophet of G’d

Jesus as “Lord and Messiah” is from Peter. It was the first break between “Jews who were following Jesus” and those “Jews who were following the Law of Moses.” “The History of Christianity” A&E

Jew vs. Jahcubite

Ultimately, it was Paul’s mission to the gentiles (which wasn’t true to the mission of Jesus the Prophet of Allah) that brought the final break with the Jerusalem Jews. Paul’s mission to the Gentiles – included “being all things to all men” and it was in Antioch that the name “Christian” was used to describe the followers of Jesus (Acts 11: 26). . “The History of Christianity” A&E

1Cor. 9:19-22 To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law), so as to win those not having the law.

Romans 3: 7 (Lying for the Glory of G’d is good)

Paul of the Bible:Designed a doctrine to deceive the people they feared, the Greek and Roman pagan idolatersThrough Trinitarianism the gentile became the adopted children of the Jews. The Jahcubite designed a doctrine using the pagan’s knowledge that would appeal to them and to their nature at the time and would make them members in the Jahcubites work (without their knowledge).The Trinitarian Jesus is the “Sun” of Joseph of Heli (Heliopolis) HELIOS (Helius) (Roman - Sol) the young Greek god of the sun, often confused with Apollo.

Jew vs. Jahcubite

There are 3 (a trinity) key Joseph’s in the Bible1. The one that brought them into Egypt (Jesus and Mary)2. The one that returned them to Egypt (Joseph and his brothers) 3. The one that entombed Jesus after his “crucifixion” (Joseph of Arimathea);

Modern Example: Fard Followed the Pauline/ Jahcubite StrategyFard Muhammad designed a doctrine to deceive the people he and we feared, The American and Western Caucasian. Trinitarianism painted black.We (NOI) became the children of Fard Muhammad’s Satirical work on the European world.

The Essential Secret of All Politics

Rush Limbaugh Reveals the Secret of All Politics

The original Tea Party of 2008 or so was an action similar in spirit to Occupy Wall St. but "Balaam” has successfully hijacked The present incarnation of the Tea Party and now it’s just a Golem (more on that later)

Sarah Palin and the Tea Party From 6:54-7:18 of the Cynthia McKinney interview

If You Can’t Beat Them Join them

Even though the current “media promoted” Tea Party is the hijacked Tea Party that was started in around 2008, The first modern Tea Party call was made in the 1970's and for total opposite aims of the Current Golemite Tea Party 7:00) (Conjuring 2:39) (Notice the 5 pointed star he used for conjuring)

The Golem - Is the Prototype for “Frankenstein’s Monster”

(Noam Chomsky: Folklore and Myth driving Tea Party Sentiments 7: 38)

What happens when our myth's disappear or become dysfunctional?

“Just read the newspaper. Myth's must and do provide "life-models". And they have to be appropriate to the possibilities of the time in which we are living. Our time has changed and will continue to change. So the virtues of the past are the vices of today and many of what were the vices of yesterday are the necessities of today. Our life models have to catch up with the moral necessities of actual life in time here and now. And that is what it is not doing. (Joseph Campbell interviewed by Bill Moyers On “The Power Of Myth”)

So it’s a FULL MOON over America now

“What does the full moon represent? It represents him reaching the full limits of his mind. The moon stands for his mind. Sun mind represents logical growth. The Sunlight grows things in logical fashion. Moon light doesn't grow anything. The sunlight reveals things in their logical structure. The moon light is not strong enough to reveal anything in its logical structure. The moon light represents the strain of your intellect following spiritual disciplines without logic. It represents the Christian mentality, the spiritual mind. Moon represents the spiritual mind. When it reaches its fullness, the western mind goes crazy.” WDM


Genesis 27:11Jacob said to Rebekah his mother, “But my brother Esau is a hairy man

while I have smooth skin.

The Jahcubite plan is to harness all that unbridled emotion and hurl it at his enemies (Al-Islam and Democracy, mainly)

As it is in the story, the problem with a Golem/Frankenstein’s Monster comes when he wants to be treated like a Real Human Being with a mind of his own.

Occupy Wall Street: Currently 28 days

Free and Democratic

Tea Party: Golemized Republicans

3: 54. And they plotted and planned and Allah too planned and the best of planners is Allah.

Balaam = The Big Money Class; The Worldly Prophet (Profit)The Donkey = The Democratic instincts in the

masses who have reached their limits of willingness to be ridden by the Big Money Class. Angel with a Sword = The will of G’d

against The Big Money Class; The Worldly Prophets (Profits)

Numbers 22: 21-33

Occupy Wall Street