Schuessler Tissue Salts

Schuessler’s Tissue Salts – A Medicine Chest for the Whole Family Filed under: Treatment Room , Uncategorized Schuessler’s Tissue Salts (also known as biochemic or cell salts) are potentised micro-doses of the 12 essential minerals your body needs to repair and maintain itself. They are prepared in homeopathic 6X potencies that are gentle enough to be used by the youngest to the oldest member of your family. Even your pets can benefit. Tissue Salts are an ideal addition to your home medicine cabinet. They are: Gentle and effective Absorbed rapidly Natural Pleasant tasting Lactose free Convenient to carry Non-toxic and non-addictive Safe to use with prescription medicines Suitable for broad, general health complaints (unlike standard homeopathy that requires more precise symptom matching). All Homeopathy Plus! Tissue Salts are dispensed as drops from dropper-top bottles making them ideal for use with infants and children who dislike tablets. Tissue Salts can be used as either single salts or salts mixed in combinations. See the list below for the indications of each salt or combination. Instructions on how to take Tissue Salts can be found at the bottom of the list. Individual Tissue (Cell) Salts Calcium fluoride – Calc fluor Loss of elasticity, varicose veins, haemorrhoids, deficient tooth enamel, hard or cracked skin Component of: Skin, connective tissue, tooth enamel, joints and bones. Traditional indications: Relaxation of connective tissue leading to problems such as heamorrhoids, sluggish circulation, and varicose veins. Cracked skin, eczema, anal fissures, callouses. Diseases



Transcript of Schuessler Tissue Salts

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Schuessler’s Tissue Salts – A Medicine Chest for the Whole FamilyFiled under: Treatment Room, UncategorizedSchuessler’s Tissue Salts (also known as biochemic or cell salts) are potentised micro-doses of the 12 essential minerals your body needs to repair and maintain itself.  They are prepared in homeopathic 6X potencies that are gentle enough to be used by the youngest to the oldest member of your family. Even your pets can benefit.Tissue Salts are an ideal addition to your home medicine cabinet. They are: Gentle and effective Absorbed rapidly Natural Pleasant tasting Lactose free Convenient to carry Non-toxic and non-addictive Safe to use with prescription medicines Suitable for broad, general health complaints (unlike standard homeopathy that requires

more precise symptom matching).All Homeopathy Plus! Tissue Salts are dispensed as drops from dropper-top bottles making them ideal for use with infants and children who dislike tablets.Tissue Salts can be used as either single salts or salts mixed in combinations. See the list below for the indications of each salt or combination.Instructions on how to take Tissue Salts can be found at the bottom of the list.

Individual Tissue (Cell) SaltsCalcium fluoride – Calc fluorLoss of elasticity, varicose veins, haemorrhoids, deficient tooth enamel, hard or cracked skinComponent of: Skin, connective tissue, tooth enamel, joints and bones.Traditional indications: Relaxation of connective tissue leading to problems such as heamorrhoids, sluggish circulation, and varicose veins. Cracked skin, eczema, anal fissures, callouses. Diseases affecting the surface of bones. Deficient enamel of the teeth. Early formation of wrinkles.Often better for: Heat in general; hot weather; hot applications; rubbing.Often worse for: Damp and cold weather; physical motion.Calcium Fluoride is available from our online shopCalcium phosphate – Calc phosPoor digestion, anaemia, bone diseasesComponent of: All body tissues, especially teeth and bones.Traditional indications: Poor digestion and assimilation of food, especially following surgery. Anaemia. Poor calcification of bones or healing of fractures. Rickets and osteomalacia. Frequent respiratory tract infections. Cramps and poor circulation.Often better for: Lying down; resting; warmth.Often worse for: Damp and cold weather; getting wet.Calcium sulphate – Calc sulphSpots, pimples, skin disorders and slow healing woundsComponent of: Gall bladder (bile) and liver.

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Traditional indications: Dandruff. Pimples. Boils. Shingles. Ulcers. Abscesses. Fistulas. Bronchitis. Dry eczema. Unhealed cuts. Has a cleansing effect throughout the system. Assists in the removal of waste via the lymphatic system.Often better for: Dry air and cool open weather.Often worse for: Wet, damp, warm weather; physical exertion.Ferrum phosphate – Ferrum phosInflammation, redness, throbbing, first stage of respiratory complaints, inflammations, injuriesComponent of: All parts of the body, especially red blood cells.Traditional indications: Often called the First Aid Salt. Early stages of acute disorders. First aid situations such as sprains and strains. Early fevers. Anaemia. Aids the absorbtion of iron.Often better for: Gentle motions; cold applications; rest.Often worse for: Damp and cold weather; getting wet.Potassium chloride – Kali murMucous congestion, glandular swellings, coughs, tonsillitis, ulcerated sore throat, digestive disturbances, swollen jointsComponent of: All parts of the body, especially connective tissue.Traditional indications: Second stage of inflammation (after Ferr phos). Complaints of the respiratory system – coughs, colds, bronchitis. Thick, white discharges from skin or mucous membranes. Glandular or chronic rheumatic swellings. Works well with Calc Sulph in the removal of waste products. White – grey coated tongue and light coloured stool. Digestive disturbances, especially from eating fatty or rich food.Often better for: Keeping still; cold applications.Often worse for: Motion; physical exertion; rich foods.Potassium phosphate – Kali phosNervous tension, irritability, tension headaches, depression, lethargy, forgetfulnessComponent of: Brain and nerves, muscles, blood, body fluids.Traditional indications: Nervous states leading to anxiety, changeable moods, headaches, heartburn, asthma, insomnia, depression, lethargy or exhaustion. Poor memory. Shingles. Convalescence.Often better for: Warmth; rest; gentle motion; company; heat.Often worse for: Worry & stress.Potassium sulphate – Kali sulphry scaly skin, dandruff, skin eruptions, inflammations with yellow discharges, shifting painsComponent of: Skin, muscles.Traditional indications: Third (chronic) stage of inflammations. Yellowish or greenish discharge from any mucous membrane or skin surface. Yellow, slimy tongue. Yellow scaling of skin. Psoriasis. Athlete’s foot (tinea). Brittle nails. Chilliness, hot flushes, and shifting pains in the limbs.Better for: Dry and stable weather; cool, fresh, open air.Often worse for: Hot drinks; late afternoon air.Magnesium phosphate – Mag phosMuscle cramps, spasms & twitches, spasmodic pain or colic, migraineComponent of: Muscles, blood cells, nervous tissue, bones, teeth.

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Traditional indications: Muscle spasms, cramps, and hiccups. Muscular twitches. Sharp twinges of pain. Renal or gallbladder colic. Gastrointestinal colic. Migraine. Restlessness. Useful for menstrual pain.Often better for: Firm pressure; bending double; heat.Often worse for: Cold air; noise; glare.Sodium chloride – Nat murExcessive dryness or oedema of tissues, runny nose, loss of smell or taste, sadnessComponent of: All body fluids and tissues.Traditional indications: Disorders of fluid metabolism – excessive fluid or dryness anywhere in the body. Examples: oedema, salivation, colds with clear discharge and sneezing; craving for salty foods; dry skin; headache with constipation. Also: loss of taste and smell; sadness or depression.Often better for: Open air, fresh air, tight clothing; lying on right side.Often worse for: Hot rooms; heat; noise; lying down; talking.Sodium phosphate – Nat phosAcidity, indigestion or heartburn, rheumatismComponent of: Blood cells, muscles, nerve and brain cells, body fluids.Traditional indications: An overly acidic system. Indigestion or heartburn. Lactic acid build-up. Rheumatism – painful muscles and connective tissue. Sciatica. Complaints from fatty food. Acne with greasy skin.Often better for: Cold.Often worse for: Thunderstorms; mental or physical exertion; fats.Sodium sulphate – Nat sulphBiliousness, liver upsets and fluid retention, constipation, leg ulcersComponent of: Extracellular fluid.Traditional indications: Poor elimination of metabolic wastes from the body via kidneys, liver and bowel. Constipation, diarrhoea, leg ulcers, rheumatism.Often better for: Warm dry air; open air.Often worse for: Dampness; lying on left side; pressure.Silicea – SilHair, skin and nail complaints – pimples, boils, ulcers, styes, excessive perspirationComponent of: Skin, hair, nails, muscles, nerves, glands, connective tissue.Traditional indications: Lack of strength in connective tissues. Brittle or weak nails. Gum abscesses. Fistulas. Styes. Discharging abscesses. Excessive perspiration. Bunions. Hair loss. Premature aging.Often better for: Warmth; warm, humid weather.Often worse for: Light; noise; cold.

Combination Tissue (Cell) SaltsCombination AFor symptoms associated with: Insomnia, sciatica, neuralgia, cramps, inflammation.Contains: Ferrum phos, Kali phos & Mag phos.Combination BFor symptoms associated with: Irritability, anxiety, nervous exhaustion.Contains: Calc phos, Ferr phos & Kali phos.Combination CFor symptoms associated with: Acidity, heartburn, dyspepsia

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Contains: Mag phos, Nat phos, Nat sulph & Silicea.Combination DFor symptoms associated with: Skin complaints such as acne, eczema, dermatitis, scaliness.Contains: Kali mur, Kali sulph, Calc sulph & SiliceaCombination EFor symptoms associated with: Digestive disorders such as bloating, flatulence, colic, indigestion.Contains: Calc Phos, Mag Phos, Nat Phos & Nat SulphCombination FFor symptoms associated with: Mental or physical fatigue, nervous headaches.Contains: Kali phos, Mag phos, Nat mur & Silicea.Combination GFor symptoms associated with: Backache, haemorrhoids (piles)Contains: Calc fluor, Calc phos, Kali phos & Nat mur.Combination HTraditional indications: Hay fever, sinusitis, respiratory allergies.Contains: Mag phos, Nat mur & Silicea.Combination IFor symptoms associated with: Fibrositis, muscle aches, inflammation.Contains: Ferr phos, Kali sulph & Mag phos.Combination JFor symptoms associated with: Coughs and colds.Contains: Ferr phos, Kali mur & Nat mur.Combination KFor symptoms associated with: Weak or brittle nails, falling hair, dandruff.Contains: Kali sulph, Nat mur & SiliceaCombination LFor symptoms associated with: Circulatory disorders such as varicose veins, cold feet, inflammation.Contains: Calc fluor, Ferr phos & Nat mur.Combination MFor symptoms associated with: Rheumatism, joint stiffness, oedema.Contains: Calc phos, Kali mur, Nat phos & Nat sulph.Combination NFor symptoms associated with: Menstrual pain, cramping,  headachesContains: Calc phos, Kali mur, Kali phos & Mag phos.Combination PFor symptoms associated with: Poor circulation, aching legs, chilblains.Contains: Calc fluor, Calc phos, Kali phos & Mag phos.Combination QFor symptoms associated with: Sinus & Catarrh.Contains: Ferr phos, Kali mur, Kali sulph & Nat mur.Combination RFor symptoms associated with: Toothache, teething, gum inflammation.Contains: Calc fluor, Calc phos, Ferr phos, Mag phos & Silicea.Combination S

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For symptoms associated with: Stomach nausea, biliousness.Contains: Kali mur, Nat phos & Nat sulph.Combination TFor symptoms associated with: First stage of inflammation, fever or illness.Contains: Ferr phos & Kali murCombination UFor symptoms associated with: Poor calcium absorption.Contains: Calc fluor, Calc phos, Nat phos & Silicea.Combination 5 (Nerve Tonic)For symptoms associated with: Anxiety, weakness, neuralgic pain.Contains: Calc phos, Ferr phos, Kali phos, Mag phos & Nat phos.Combination 12 (General Tonic)For symptoms associated with: Debility, fatigue, exhaustion.Contains: Calc fluor, Calc phos, Calc sulph, Ferr phos, Kali mur, Kali phos, Kali sulph, Mag phos, Nat mur, Nat phos, Nat sulph & SiliceaCare and Dosage InstructionsFive drops per dose for adults, children, and infants. For acute conditions, take a dose every ½ hour (up to 6 doses a day) until symptoms subside. If a maintenance dose is needed, take a dose 4 times a day.Keep your Tissue Salt bottle away from sunlight. Do not store bottles near mobile (cell) phones or microwave ovens as their emissions may affect the potency of the remedy.

The Schuessler biochemic cell salts are homeopathically dynamised mineral salts.

All these mineral salts are found in the tissue of the human body. Therefore these mineral salts are called "cell salts" or "tissue salts".

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The most important cell salts are the wellknown twelve basic cell salts. They were developed by Dr. Schüssler himself.

These 12 basic cell salts are available in a lot of countries worldwide.

His pupils developed additional fifteen cell salts. They were discovered after Dr. Schuesslers lifetime as a part of the body. These salts are called addiational or supplement cell salts. Three of these supplement salts came even later than the salts from 13 to 24 and, hence, are not recognised by all practitioners.

The additional cell salts can't be found everywhere. In some countries (i.e. USA) there are only few vendors who offer them.

12 Basic cell salts

Twelve basic cell salts are the base of the biochemical treatment.

They were developed by Dr. Schüssler.

12 Basic Cell Salts

No. 1. Calcium Fluoratum Connective tissue, skin, joints

No. 2. Calcium phosphate Bones and teeth

No. 3. Iron phosphate Immune system

No. 4. Potassium chloride Mucous membranes

No. 5. Potassium phosphate Nervous system

No. 6. Potassium sulphate Metabolism

No. 7. Magnesium phosphate Muscles

No. 8. Sodium chloride Water regulation

No. 9. Sodium phosphate Metabolism

No. 10. Sodium sulphate Purification

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No. 11. Silica Connective tissue, skin, hair

No. 12. Calcium sulphate Joints, pus

15 Additional cell salts

The other mineral salts which are available as so-called additional cell salts were discovered one after the other by the followers of Dr. Schuessler.

These additional salts are applied like the basic cell salts, but for special uses.

In the meantime, there are 15 additional cell salts, by which twelve are quite wellknown especially in Germany.

15 Additional cell salts

No. 13 Potassium arsenite Skin, vitality

No. 14 Potassium bromide Nervous system, skin

No. 15 Potassium iodide Sign gland

No. 16 Lithium chloride Rheumatism, nerves

No. 17 Manganese sulphate Iron system

No. 18 Calcium sulphide Vitality, body weight

No. 19 Copper arsenite Digestive system, kidneys

No. 20 Potassium aluminium sulfuricum Digestive system, nervous system

No. 21 Zinc chloride Metabolism, womb, nerves

No. 22 Calcium carbonate Vitality, Anti Aging

No. 23 Sodium bicarbonate Purification, Body acid balance

No. 24 Arsenic iodide Skin, allergies

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No. 25 Aurum Chloratum Natronatum Day and night rhythm, female reproductive organs

No. 26 Selenium Liver, blood vessels

No. 27 Potassium dichromate Blood, sugar metabolism

12 Basic cell saltsTwelve basic cell salts were developed by Dr. Schüssler himself.

They are the base of the biochemic cell salts healing method.

Comprehensive description:

No 1 (1) Calcium fluoride (Calc Fluor) No 2 (2) Calcium phosphate (Calc Phos) No 3 (4) Iron phosphate (Ferrum Phos) No 4 (5) Potassium chloride (Kali Mur) No 5 (6) Potassium phosphate (Kali Phos) No 6 (7) Potassium sulphate (Kali Sulph) No 7 (8) Magnesium phosphate (Mag Phos) No 8 (9) Sodium chloride (Nat Mur) No 9 (10) Sodium phosphate (Nat Phos) No 10 (11) Sodium sulphate (Nat Sulph) No 11 (12) Silica (Silicea) No 12 (3) Calcium sulphate (Calc Sulph)

These twelve cell salts contain, in homeopathically developed form, twelve mineral salts which were known in Dr. Schüsslers lifetime as important components of the human cells.

The basic cell salts are basically sufficient to treat all kinds of illnesses and health disorders.

The later developed additional cell salts serve the complementary treatment and special purposes.

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The twelve basic cell salts often are called only with her number, especially in the home of cell salts, in Germany, therefore it is useful to remember the numbers of the cell salts.

In Germany and lots of other countries the cell salts have different numbers than in the USA.

In the United States the cell salt Calcium sulphate is placed at the third place, in the rest of the world it has the number twelve.

On this website we mainly use the German style numbers. The American number are placed in brackets as you can see above. 

Additional cell saltsThe additional cell salts were discovered by pupils of Dr. Schüssler. Their areas of application were tested and developed by these pupils.

Different authors refer to 12 or 15 additional cell salts. Only some authors and practitioners accept the last three additional cell salts.

They are accepted case by case when her occurence in the human body is proved and their use as a remedy is recognized. 

No 13 Potassium arsenite (Kali Ars) No 14 Potassium bromide (Kali Brom) No 15 Potassium iodide (Kali Iod) No 16 Lithium chloride (Lith Mur) No 17 Manganese sulfate (Mang Sulph) No 18 Calcium sulfide (Calc Sulf) No 19 Copper arsenite (Cuprum Ars) No 20 Alum (Kali Alum Sulph) No 21 Zinc chloride (Zinc Mur) No 22 Calcium carbonate (Calc Carb) No 23 Sodium bicarbonate (Nat Bicarb) No 24 Arsenic iodide (Ars Iod) No 25 Aurum chloride sodium (Aurum Mur Nat) No 26 Selenium (Selenium) No 27 Potassium dichromate (Kali Dichrom)

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Principle - how cell salts workDr. Schüssler, a german doctor of the 19th century, investigated the causes of illnesses.

He was very interested how the cells of the body could cause diseases.

The scientific work of Dr. Virchow, who discovered that the body is constructed with millions of cells, impressed and inspired Dr. Schüssler strongly.

Dr. Schüssler came to the conclusion, that many illnesses would be caused by an imbalance of the mineral balance in the single cells.

If important mineral substances are absent in the cells, they do not function properly, what leads then to the illness, was Dr. Schüsslers idea.

Because many mineral salts, taken in concentrated form, cannot find their way to the single cells, Dr. Schüssler adapted the idea of the diluting of substances like in the homoeopathy.

In potented form, so strongly diluted, the mineral salts would be able to find their way by the digestive canal, by the blood circulation just to the single cells, where they could be assimilated by the cells.

There they could adjust the inbalance inside the cell and trigger the cell to get bigger mineral salt amounts from the blood circulation if required, until they are well supplied again with everything and can function according to her task.

Because the mineral salts work inside the cells, they are called "cell salts" or "tissue salts". As this is chemistry inside the biological body, they are sometimes called "biochemic cell salts" or "biochemical cell salts".

The treatment with the cell salts by Dr. Schüssler is interpreted differently by his followers. Some see the cell salts as a stimulation therapy and other as a substiution method.

Cell salts as a stimulation therapy

Seen as a stimulation therapy, one expects the effect of the cell salts in such a way that the assimilation of the small quantities of mineral salt encourages the cells to get enough of the minerals from other sources.

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The cells are being abled to get the required mineral salts in larger quantities from the food and to assimilate until they contain enough of the needed mineral salts.

This point of view is rather similiar to the homeopathic point of view.

For a stimulation therapy low quantities of the cell salts are enough, for example, two tablets three times a day.

Cell salts as a substitution therapy

Seen as a substitution therapy the homeopathically diluted mineral salts should compensate the mineral lack in the cells completely, without any additional mineral substances from the food or mineral tablets are needed.

This principle is comparable with the taking of vitamin tablets, which should compensate also a possible vitamin deficiency.

Because the cell salts are strongly diluted by the potentation, you needs a very big number of the tablets to be able to compensate a lack.

Therefore the followers of this principle are used to take huge amounds of cell salts, which can be several hundred tablets per day.

This can be called high-level dosage.

Can Schuessler cell salts cover the mineral needs completely?

From the doctors view it is not possible, to satisfy the bodies need for minerals only with the potented Schuessler cell salts.

This has several reasons.

Also in the relatively low potency 6X the mineral substances are extremely diluted.

On 1 gramme of mineral salt there comes 1 tonne of lactose.

Nobody can ingest one tonne of lactose, even when the cell salts are used in extremly high-level dosage.

Nevertheless, from some mineral substances one needs larger amounts, for example, cooking salt and calcium.

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One can take these mineral salts not only by cell salts. Here the cell salts serve rather to unlock the cells, to be able to get the required mineral substance amount from the food.

With other mineral salts is not really clear how much one needs of it daily. Even if the required amounts of these salts were extremely low, one should not have the idea to cover the need with these mineral salts completely with cell salts.

Cell salts are not comparable with vitamin tablets. They offer no calculable amount in "mineral salt active substances" to cover the everyday mineral substance need, even if some authors tell otherwise.

Therefore one should cover everyday mineral substance need with the food.

The cell salts can help, that the required mineral substances can be assimilated by the cells of the body.

Number instead of name

Because the names of the cell salts are quite complicated, the cell salts are often simply called by her number, for example, No. 7 for magnesium phosphoricum.

But when you live in the United States you should be aware, that people in Europe use different numbers than most people in America.

In Europe the cell salt Calcium sulphate has the number 12, in America it has number 3 and all subsequent cell salts have higher numbers than in Europe.

On this website we use the europeen system of numbers. American numbers are shown in brackets.

Cell salts and Evidence-based medicine

The modern natural sciences cannot explain the impact of the cell salts.

The effectiveness of the cell salts could not be proved by scientific studies.

Because the cell salts are free of side effects, nevertheless, one can usually apply them without problems in addition to a scientific medical treatment.

Nevertheless, the treating doctor should be informed if you use cell salts. 

The cell salts are offered in the homeopathically potented dilutions 6X and 12X, sometimes also in 3X.

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But what does this potency mean?

Many people know, that the potention has something to do with dilution.

But there is a lot of confusion, when people hear, that the remedies should be stronger, the more diluted they are.

Homoeopathic Potency

The potented abilities have their origin in the homoeopathy.

Nevertheless, with the Schuessler cell salts the potency are differently used than in the homoeopathy.

However, first some explanations about homoeopathic potencies.

The homoeopathic potencies are not simply diluted, but the dilution-process occurs gradually step by step.

On one part of the source substance (active substance) 10 or 100 parts of the dilution substance (i.e. ethanol or lactose) are used for each step.

The source substance and the liquid dilution substance are shaked for a while until they are very good combined. If solid insoluble substances are used, they are grinded with lactose thoroughly.

In the next step the dilution by 10 or 100 is repeated. This goes on again and again.

If the dilution is made with 10 parts in each step, the potency is called with a "X" behind the number of the steps.

The potency 6X was diluted 6 times with ten parts.

The relation between the source substance and the thinner is 1:1.000.000.

On 1 gramme of source substance comes 1 tonne of thinner (i.e. lactose).

The theory in the homeopathy says, that a remedy is stronger the more it is potented (diluted).

This theory doesn't fit to the scientific view. It is a subtle mechanism.

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Potented cell salts

As the cell salts are a kind of spin-off from the homeopathy, it is logical, that the cell salts are offered in potetend form as well.

The reason why the cell salts are potetend is, nevertheless, another than in the homoeopathy.

To be able to understand the basic idea of Dr. Schüssler, one should know that Dr. Schüssler worked on the base of the scientific knowledge of his time. His theory is based on a scientifically oriented modell of the past.

Therefore it was no esoteric concept, what was developed by Dr. Schüssler, but a remedial method which is founded on modern and academically of the 19th century.

In the meantime, the natural sciences are much further than at that time, and, hence, some ideas of Dr. Schüssler have turned out not to be academically correct. Nevertheless, this does no harm to the effectiveness of his remedial method. Nowadays only the explanation, why the cell salts help, must be discovered again.

An essential basic idea for the cell salt concept is the knowledge, that mineral salts are strongly changed by the digestive canal chemically. In this changed form they often can't be taken up by the body in sufficient amounts.

Therefore there may be a lack of minerals in the body cells, in spite of sufficient mineral salts come by the food.

How is it possible, that the mineral salts can reach all the body cells?

The idea of Dr. Schüssler was, that by potenting a mineral salt, it can be split so far, that every single molecule is standing alone, surrounded completely by the thinner.

Thereby it should be possible,k that the mineral salts are taken up by the epithelium cells of the oral mucosa to reach from there directly to the blood stream and to the body cells. The digestive systeme ist ommited by this way of intaking.

Nowadays one knows, that it is not possible to split the salts down to molecule size.

But the cell salts are still taken up by the oral mucosa and are delivered directly to the blood stream.

It is not at all necessary that the mineral salts are given as single molecules. It is enough that they have been split in tiny small servings.

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Standard potencies of the cell salts

The cell salts are usually used in low potencies of the X row.

The current potencies of the cell salts are: 3X, 6X and 12X.

Dr. Schüssler himself used preferentially the power of 6X.

Sometimes one can read that Dr. Schüssler advised to use always at least the potency 6X with water-dissolvable source substances.

With the substances which are not water-dissolvable one should use the potency 12X.

From this idea the standard potencies are developed.

The standard potencies are the typical potencies in which the cell salts are mostly offered.

These are the standard potencies of the basic cell salts:

No. 1. Calcium fluoride 12X No. 2. Calcium phosphate 6X No. 3. (4) Iron phosphate 12X No. 4. (5) Potassium chloride 6X No. 5. (6) Potassium phosphate 6X No. 6. (7) Potassium sulphate 6X No. 7. (8) Magnesium phosphate 6X No. 8. (9) Sodium chloride 6X No. 9. (10) Sodium phosphate 6X No. 10. (11) Sodium sulphate 6X No. 11. (12) Silica 12X No. 12. (3) Calcium sulphate 6X

Nevertheless, according to other sources Dr. Schüssler advises also lower potencies.

In his main work he writes:

"All materials indissoluble in water must be brought to at least on the sixth step of the decimale thinner scale; in water to dissolvable ones can also penetrate the mentioned epithelium cells in lower dilutions."

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The potency 12X becomes, as already mentioned, applied as a standard potency with the mineral salts which are not dissolvable in water.

These are the following salts:

No. 1. Calcium fluoride 12X No. 3. (4) Iron phosphate 12X No. 11. (12) Silica 12X

Also the additional cell salts are mostly used in the potency X12.

Moreover, there is another concept on how to deside which potency to use. This is based on the kind of disease that should be treated by the cell salts.

For this you can remember:

For chronic diseases and diseases of the psyche the power 12X is suitable very well.


The potency X6 is the most used potency of the Schuessler cell salts.

It is the standard potency for 9 of the 12 cell salts.

These nine salts are all water-dissolvable salts.

In view of the treated diseases you can remember:

For acute diseases the potency X6 fits well.


Though the potency 3X does not belong to the standard potencies of the cell salts, it is still applied for different reasons.

For the potency 3X one should consider that it is relatively material, i.e. 1 gramme of mineral salt is included in 1 kilogramme 3X to cell salts.

With harmless salts, as for example No. 8 (9) Sodium chloride (cooking salt), the power 3X also is still a strong thinner.

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But with the salts which are toxic in large quantities one must be absolutely careful by the use of the potency 3X.

For example, the cell salt No. 4 (5) Potassium chloride one should apply in the potency 3X not in large quantities. Otherwise, sensitive people could get absolutely unspecific side effects.

The following reasons and occasions speak for application of the cell salts in the potency 3X:

Very acute illnesses:If an illness is very acute, the potency 3X can be sometimes very helpful.

Bath:With a bath one needs a lot of cell salts. By use of the potency 3X the amount of the required tablets can be considerably reduced. In 3X 1 to 10 tablets are already enough for a proper bath.

Substitution therapy:If one wants to use the cell salts as a substitution therapy for the cover of the mineral substance need, the power 3X is suited. This is interesting above all when one does not want to suck hundreds of tablets daily, what is necessary with high-level dosage in 6X and 12X. More infos: Substitution therapy and mineral substance need cover.

Schuesslers cell salts for horses:Because horses are so big, they also need a lot of cell salts. In the power 3X one can reduce the number of the given tablets.

Active substance amount and dosage

Official recommendations to the dosage of the cell salts doesn't make any difference between the potencies.

If one sees the cell salt tablets as a bearer of "active substances", this may seem illogical. Since the higher the potency, the less "active substance" is included in the tablets.

Nevertheless, the cell salts are not comparable with vitamin tablets or medical drugs with which one takes a certain active substance amount to cover an agreed and known need.

Though the idea that one can cover his mineral substance need only with cell salts is represented by several enthusiasts, but it is without scientific and computational bases see: Mineral substance need cover).

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Only in the potency 3X one can assume appreciable active substance amounts. With this potency one should consider the "materiality" of the preparation with the dosage.

With the potencies 6X and 12X the impact is rather fine-etheric.

Hence, the same dosage is recommended, regardless of the potency.

The recommended dosage depends rather on the respective doctrine which clings to the treating cell salt specialist.

The daily dosage sways from 1 tablet per day up to more than 100 tablets per day. 

How to use cell salts?Tablets / pastilles

Schuessler cell salts are offered as tablets (pastilles).

These tablets consist od lactose and mineral salts in homeopathically potented form (see: Schuessler Cell Salts: Potency).

Globuli (liquid-coated sucrose pellets) and liquids

People who react allergic on lactose can use the cell salts as globuli or liquids.

Only view vendors offer cell salts as globuli oder in liquid form.

You have to ask for the homeopathic remedy with the same name. I. e. Calcium fluoride 12X as homeopathic globuli cann be used as Schuessler cell salt.

From the Globuli one takes 5 Globuli for every tablet which is given in use instructions.

From the liquid drops one takes 5 drops for every tablet which is given in use instructions.

Normal use

The normal use of the cell salts is

3 to 6 times daily: 1 to 2 tablets

The tablets are put successively in the mouth and are slowly sucked.

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In acute cases one takes a tablet every 5 minutes, until the condition is better, but not more thean a whole day.

After this high intake one switches to the normal dose.

Several salts

If one wants to take several different salts, one takes three times a day one tablet of every salt.

You can decide yourself, wether you want to take only one cell salt at a time or several cell salts together.

Some cell salt enthusiasts take always many different salts, others take maximum three different salts within one day and others prefer only one single salt at the same time.

The choice of single or several salts depends on which fits best in the actual situation.


Children take every one to two hours a tablet when in acute discomfort.

As soon as the condition gets better, they take

3 to 4 times daily one tablet

High dosage

If one uses the cell salts as a substitution therapy, one can take the tablets also highly measured.

In this case some users take one tablet every minute.

This can result in more than 100 tablets a day.

Dissolve in the mouth = Dry method

It is important, that the cell salts are assimailated by the oral mucosa, directly into the blood stream.

Therefore you should let them dissolve in the mouth.

The lactose oft the tablets dissolve quite fast and it tastes a little bit sweet.

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Most people, especially kids, like the mild and sweet taste of the tablets.

Best of all one takes them half an hour before food.

One can take them, however, also after or between the meals.

After the intaking of the tablets it is best to drink one glass of fresh water, so that the body has enough water to be able to detoxify.

Water trinking method

You can also use the cell salts in water.

For this purpose you can dissolve your daily dosage in a bottle of drinking water.

Drink from this bottle all day through in small sips.

This method may work also for people who have problems with lactose, because the cell salts are diluted in water.

Hint for diabetics

Because the tablets of the cell salts contain lactose, diabetics must consider them with her calculation of the bread units.

50 tablets correspond to 1 bread unit

See also

Schuessler Cell Salts: Hot drink If you need a strong push of cell salts, maybe because of acute pains or

something similiar, you can prepare a hot drink.

This hot drink method is often used with the cell salt Magnesium phosphate (No. 7 or 8).

In Germany the hot drink method ist therefore called the "Hot Seven".

But you can use the hot drink method with all cell salts. You can even mix several cell salts to prepare a hot drink.

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How to prepare a hot drink?

Put up to 10 tablets in a cup.

Pour hot water in the cup.

Wait until the tablets resolve.

Drink the hot drink in small sips.

Schuessler Cell Salts: External use

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The cell salts can be used externally as balm, ointments, cream, gel, bath or compress.

If your are lucky, you can find a vendor who offers ready made balms of the cell salts.

But in many countries you need to mix balms or creams yourself, which is quite simple.

For external use you can use the cell salts in the potency 3X or in the standard potencies.

Preparation of a cell salts cream

To prepare your own cell salts cream is quite simple.

Here is how to do it:

Dissolve 3 to 6 tablets of your chosen cell salt with a tiny bit of water (several drops only). You get a tablet mash.

Take about one ounce of your favorite cream. It is most easy if the cream consists of a certain amount of water. That allows the cream to incorporate more watery substance.

Mix the tablet mash with the cream.

Use of balms and creams

One can apply the creams several times a day.

Just apply the cream on the area that needs treatment.

If the treated area allows it, you can give a little massage while applying the cream.

If several ointments seem suitable, one can apply them alternately. Use one cream at one time and use the other cream the next time.


You can also use a cream of the cell salts as a compress.

The use of a compress is a rather intense method of use.

Put some cream on a clean cotton cloth. Put the cloth with the cream on the area whioch needs treatment.

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Wrap the cloth with a dressing to fix it. Leave the compress for several hours or overnight. Remove the compress and rub the rest of the cream softly, until it is

assimilated by the skin. You can repeat this treatment if it is needed.

Tablet mash

You can also use the cell salts as a tablet mash, if you don't want to use a greasy cream on the skin.

Dissolve 3 or more tablets of your chosen cell salt with a tiny bit of water (several drops only).

You get a tablet mash. Apply the tablet mash on the skin area that needs treatment. You can fix the mash with a compress and/or a dressing if needed. Small areas (i.e. insect bites) can be left without dressing. Leave the mash for several hours or overnight. Remove the mash and wash the skin until the mash is washed away. You can repeat this treatment if it is needed.

External uses of the 12 basic cell salts

No. 1. (1) Calcium fluoride

Scar treatment Swollen lymphatic glands Induration of the tissue Skin tears Cornea Weak tapes Varicose veins Haemorrhoids Onychitis

No. 2. (2) Calcium phosphate

Spannings Tension headaches Cough Osseous pains

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No. 3. (4) Iron phosphate

The first help Hurt Bruises Blue spots Pullings Sprains Knocking pains Swells Reddened inflammations Excoriations Sunburn Light burns Arthritis Insect bites

No. 4. (5) Potassium chloride

Haemorrhoids Varicose veins Skin rashes Tenosynovitis Bursitis Adhesion Chilblains Telangiectasias Coupe rose Skin semolina Warts

No. 5. (6) Potassium phosphate

Bad healing wounds Ulcers Necrosis Bruises

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Tennis elbow Muscle strain Facial paralyses

No. 6. (7) Potassium sulphate

Dandruff Skin care Eczemas Neurodermitis Psoriasis Muscular strain Upper abdomen pains Sinusitis

No. 7. (8) Magnesium phosphate

Pain Headaches Itch Blood circulation disturbances

No. 8. (9) Sodium chloride

Skin rashes Damaged discs Arthrosis Furnace mouth pains Insect bites Dry nasal mucous membrane Light burns

No. 9. (10) Sodium phosphate

Skin impurities Acne Blackhead Abscesses Swollen lymphatic glands Cellulite

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Bad healing wounds Neurodermitis Diaper rash

No. 10. (11) Sodium sulphate

Vesicles Solar allergy Warts Frostbites Swollen feet Swollen hands

No. 11. (12) Silica

Connective tissue weakness Stretch marks Wrinkles Pus Umbilical hernia

No. 12. (3) Calcium sulphate

Open pus Boil Rheumatic pains

15 additional cell salts

No. 13. Potassium arsenite

Cramps Osseous pains Osseous inflammations Itch Skin illnesses Eczemas Neurodermitis Psoriasis

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No. 14. Potassium bromide

Acne Pimple Skin rashes Psoriasis Mucous membrane inflammations

No. 15. Potassium iodide

Sciatica Lumbago Trigeminal neuralgia Swollen knee Arthritis Inflammation of the bones Periostitis Acne Pimple

No. 16. Lithium chloride

Arthritis Lumbago Eczemas Neurodermitis Scar tissue

No. 17. Manganese sulphate

Varicose veins Joint pains Arthrosis Muscle shivering Muscle pains Eczemas Mycosis Psoriasis

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No. 18. Calcium sulphide

Neuralgias Vein weakness Varicose veins Haemorrhoids Skin pus Boil Ulcers Badly healing wounds Cradle cap

No. 19. Copper arsenite

Cramps Cramps in the calf Restless Legs Sciatica Phlebitises Varicose veins Boil

No. 20. Alum

Flatulence Joint pains Knee inflammations Dry skin Dry mucous membranes Eczemas Neurodermitis Itch

No. 21. Zinc chloride

Cramps Acne Pimple Itch

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Herpes Bad healing wounds

No. 22. Calcium carbonate

Skoliose Round backs Lymphatic knot swells Osseous inflammations Osteoporosis Skin rashes Dermatitis Eczemas Cradle cap

No. 23. Sodium bicarbonate

Eczemas Skin rashes

No. 24. Arsenic iodide

Tendovaginitis Acne Pimple Eczemas Skin rashes Itch

No. 25. Aurum chloride sodium

Itch Warts

No. 26. Selenium


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No. 27. Potassium dichromate


Schuessler Cell Salts: Facial diagnosisOne possibility to determine the right cell salts is to look for certain signs in the face.

This approach is called "face analysis" or "facial diagnosis".

The facial diagnosis is based on the idea, that the absence of certain minerals develops certain signs on the face, as for example the colouring of the face or the state and the vigour of the skin.

Kurt Hickethier, the developer of the face analysis

The face analysis was discovered by Dr. Schüssler and was developed by one of his followers: Kurt Hickethier.

Kurt Hickethier led a sanitarium in Ellrich in the Harz (Germany).

He wrote a book about the face analysis which is the standard work to the face analysis even today.

Hickethier thought the facial diagnosis is the best method to recognize an illness and the needed cell salts.

This contradicted even then the prevailing doctrine and also does not fit to the today's image of a diagnosis, because "diagnosis" is used in the modern usage to recognise a certain illness and to name.

To avoid conflicts with the usual usage of the word "diagnosis", nowadays one often speaks of "face analysis".

Nevertheless, the analysis of the face plays the most important role for the identification of the suitable mineral salts.

In the following list you can find the most important signs in the face to the respective mineral salts.

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12 basic cell salts

No. 1. (1) Calcium fluoride

Square folds around the eyes Diversified folds below the eyes Brown black coloring around the eyes Burst veins Scales in the face Cracked lips, corners of mouth, hands, fingers Periodontosis Shining skin

No. 2. (2) Calcium phosphate

Waxy skin Skin color like cheese White coating of the tongue Halitosis White noses and auricles Sweaty hair Rough voice

No. 3. (4) Iron phosphate

Reddened forehead, cheeks Red, hot ears Red chin Red tongue Blue black shade in the nasal root and under the eyes Grey black colouring around the nose Pale gums

No. 4. (5) Potassium chloride

Milky skin Blue white skin colour Skin like cheese Swollen lymphatic knots White coating of the tongue

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Mealy skin dandruff Stuck together eyes

No. 5. (6) Potassium phosphate

Ash-grey skin, mainly in the chin area Grey ocular part Sunken temples Absent expression Brown coating of the tongue Dry tongue Periodontosis Gum bleeding Halitosis

No. 6. (7) Potassium sulphate

Brown-yellow skin Dark eyelids Yellowish around the mouth Freckles Dandruff on viscous base Sticking head dandruff Yellow and slimy coating of the tongue

No. 7. (8) Magnesium phosphate

Red, round spots on the cheeks (always or temporarily) Red spots in the neck Otherwise pale skin Convulsions of the corners of mouth Twitch of the eyelids

No. 8. (9) Sodium chloride

Humid shine on the upper eyelid, like snail mucus (gelatin shine) Bright eyelids Big skin pores Bloated face Swollen, spongy cheeks

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Head dandruff White seclusions of the eyes Clear coating of the tongue Salivary vesicles on the edge of the tongue Skin rash in the upper forehead Itch Dry skin

No. 9. (10) Sodium phosphate

Greasy, dull shine on the forehead Greasy nose Big skin pores Blackhead Pimple Pale mucous membranes Hanging cheeks Double chin Tongue yellowish in the back

No. 10. (11) Sodium sulphate

Green-yellow complexion, especially forehead and temples Bluish redness in the nose Bluish redness in front of the ears Redness in the external corner of the eye Tongue looks dirty and greenish

No. 11. (12) Silica

Shining skin, as varnished (polished shine) Waxy yellow or pale skin colour Deep-recumbent eyes Slip eyelids Laughter lines Crow's-feet Convulsions of the eyelids Small skin pores Vertical wrinkles in front of the ears

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Brittle hair Dry nose

No. 12. (3) Calcium sulphate

Whiteness, alabaster-like skin colouring (like gypsum) Only few signs in the face Liver spots Brown sports

Schuessler Cell Salts: Biography of Dr. SchuesslerDr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schüssler lived from 1821 to 1898.

He was born on 21st of August, 1821 in Bad Zwischenahn (Germany) and died on 30th of March, 1898 near Oldenburg where he spent many years of his life.

Dr. Schüssler studied in Paris, Berlin, Giessen and Prague and did a doctorate in Giessen in the medicine.

First Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schüssler was active as a homoeopathic doctor for fifteen years.

The discoveries of Dr. Virchow who discovered the cells of the human body fascinated Dr. Schüssler, in such a way, that he began to do research in the base of the cell knowledge for the causes of illness and their treatment.

Dr. Schüssler laid his main focus on mineral salts and trace elements.

Bit by bit he discovered twelve mineral salts which are very important for the functioning of the human body.

Dr. Schüssler found out where these mineral substances exists in the human body.

On the base of this mineral substance apprenticeship Dr. Schüssler developed a method to process the mineral salts homeopathically, that they can be assimilated by the body especially well.

Nevertheless, according to Dr. Schüssler his new method clearly differs from the homoeopathy because with his mineral substance treatment the Simile principle is not

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applied what is so vital for the homoeopathy (Simile principle: The similar is cured by similar).

Dr. Schüssler called his method of treatment "biochemistry", because the chemical connections of the human biology are considered. In english the healing method is often called biochemic cell salts.

Soon the new healing method of Dr. Schüssler found eager followers and the number of his patients grew very fast.

Year after year thousands of patients wanted to receive his help.

Nowadays the biochemistry by Dr. Schüssler has lost nothing in actuality.

Above all in view of the wish for a gentle medicine the cell salts after Dr. Schüssler become more and more popular. 

12 Basic cell salts

No. 1. (1) Calcium fluoride - Calc Fluor

Name of the cell salt Calcium fluoride

Classic name Calc Fluor

European number 1

American number 1

Material White powder or colorless crystals

Standard potency 12X

Part of the body dental glaze, bone, epiderm, tendons

Use as cell salts connective tissue, skin, joints


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Main uses joint pains skin illnesses varicose veins


The cell salt Calcium fluoride is, primarily, a salt of the connective tissue.

Also the bones and parts of the skin and blood vessels belong to the connective, which is why Calcium fluoride can be used for all problems of these tissues.

This explains the varied application areas of Calcium fluoride.

As a rule of thumb one can think of Calcium fluoride always then when it is about the elasticity of the tissue.

Everywhere where tissue hardens, one can check whether Calcium fluoride is suitable.

One can take Calcium fluoride internally and apply in addition as an ointment.

As a mineral is known Calcium fluoride as a fluorspar.

In the nature fluorspar seems mostly dirtied and, hence, colorfully.

Typically the colours are green, yellow, blue and violet for fluorspar. 

No. 2. (2) Calcium phosphate - Calc Phos

Short information

Name of the cell salt Calcium phosphate

Classic name Calc Phos

European number 2

American number 2

Material White powder

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Standard potency 6X

Part of the body bones, in all cells

Use as cell salts bones,teeth


Main uses back pains blood circulation disturbances regeneration


Calcium phosphate is the mineral salt which can be found most often in the body.

It is found mainly in the bones and forms her hard structure.

But Calcium phosphate can be found also in all other cells.

As a cell salt one can apply Calcium phosphate to stimulate the immune systeme.

It also helps to regenerate after protracted illnesses.

If someone suffers from allergies Calcium phosphate can be tried.

Moreover, Calcium phosphate can help against eczemas.

One uses Calcium phosphate mainly for internally uses as well as in the form of an ointment. 

No. 3. (4) Iron phosphate - Ferrum Phos

Short information

Name of the cell salt Iron phosphate

Classic name Ferrum Phos

European number 3

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American number 4

Material Colorless or black crystals

Standard potency 12X

Part of the body All cells, Hemoglobin of the red blood cells

Use as cell salts immune systeme, inflammations

Specialties 1. stage of inflammation

Main uses fever cold inflammations


The cell salt Iron phosphate is a good idea always when an inflammation process is fresh.

This is the case for fresh injuries, but also in the first phase of an infective illnesses or inflammations of the internal organs, as for example gastritis.

Typically for Iron phosphate is a quick beginning, a certain redness, swell and pain.

After bleeding Iron phosphate can help to rebuild new blood.

In most cases the diseases that fit for Iron phosphate are very acute und often serious. Therefore it is important to see a doctor if such health problems occur.

For example, you can treat a harmless cold by yourself, but if one suddenly gets high fever and does not know why, one should visit a doctor.

As Iron phosphate is very good to treat injuries this cell salt is often used as a cream for external uses. You can use the cream or balm against light sports injuries and leisure injuries.

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In former times the chemical substance Iron phosphate was used as blue colouring in the art. The board painting in the Middle Ages used Iron phosphate often as a so-called iron blue. 

No. 4. (5) Potassium chloride - Kali Mur

Short information

Name of the cell salt Potassium chloride

Classic name Kali Mur

European number 4

American number 5

Material Colorless crystals or white powder

Standard potency 6X

Part of the body all cells, red blodd cells

Use as cell salts Mucous membrans

Specialties 2. stage of inflammation

Main uses overweight pharyngitis rhinitis


Potassium chloride is the suitable cell salt if inflammations have entered into the second stage.

Then the inflammations are not bright red any more, but, however, often whitish, tough mucus from, for example, as a cold or cough sputum.

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Such inflammations can happen everywhere in the body, hence, Potassium chloride is the right choice for many kinds of inflammations.

Except the inflammations Potassium chloride can also help against ravenous hunger, above all if this ravenous hunger is relieved by the drinking of water.

Also against undesirable results of vaccinations or drug taking one can try Potassium chloride.

Externally Potassium chloride can help against telangiectasias and coupe rose.

One can use an ointment with Potassium chloride and take also potassium chloratum tablets.

The digestion of milk products and taking of strong electromagnetic radiation raise the need in Potassium chloride.

Potassium chloride is included not only in all cells of the body. It is also used for variously very different purposes.

In the medicine it is used in wateredly for physiological solutions, in the kitchen as a taste amplifier. The agriculture uses it as a fertilizer, in winter it serves as a litter salt.

So much gratifying use potassium chloride has, it is used on the other side also for killing: As a poison syringe with the capital punishment, for the abortion and even as a murder poison, well-known from numerous crime films.

Thus potassium chloride shows once more quite clearly that it is only the dose which makes a substance the poison or the remedy.

No. 5. (6) Potassium phosphate - Kali Phos

Short information

Name of the cell salt Potassium phosphate

Classic name Kali Phos

European number 5

American number 6

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Material White powder

Standard potency 6X

Part of the body Nerves, brain, muscles, blood

Use as cell salts Nerves


Main uses exhaustion impulse weakness sleeplessness


Potassium phosphate is used primarily against problems of the nerves and the muscles. The application field reaches from nervousness through melancholy up to sleeping discomfort. Even against learning disorders of pupils one can try Potassium phosphate.

The cell salt Potassium phosphate would also be the suitable remedy against commemorative disturbances. Also problems of other organs can be relieved by Potassium phosphate, if they are caused nervously, for example, nervous heart trouble.

No. 6. (7) Potassium sulphate - Kali Sulph

Short information

Name of the cell salt Potassium sulphate

Classic name Kali Sulph

European number 6

American number 7

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Material Colorless powder

Standard potency D6

Part of the body skin, mucous membrans

Use as cell salts metabolism

Specialties 3. stage of inflammation

Main uses asthma eczemas sinusitis


Potassium sulphate is the remedy for the late stage of an inflammation. In this phase inflammations are mostly not hot and red any more, instead, it comes to yellowish, sometimes suppurating seclusions.

The inflammations in this phase threaten to become chronic if one does not succeed in curing them as soon as possible. 

No. 7. (8) Magnesium phosphate - Mag Phos

Short information

Name of the cell salt Magnesium phosphate

Classic name Mag Phos

European number 7

American number 8

Material White powder

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Standard potency 6X

Part of the body Bones, muscles, nerves, red blood cells, thyroid, liver

Use as cell salts muscles

Specialties Schmerzzustände

Main uses cramps migraine pain


Magnesium phosphate is the painkiller of the cell salts. It is taken against pains and cramps.

Magnesium phosphate is often used as a hot drink. For this drink dissolve ten tablets of Magnesium phosphate in hot water an drink in small sips. This mixture may not be stirred with metal spoons.

As a hot drink the cell salt Magnesium phosphate is assimilated especially fast by the body and thereby works quite good. 

No. 8. (9) Sodium chloride - Nat Mur

Short information

Name of the cell salt Sodium chloride

Classic name Nat Mur

European number 8

American number 9

Material White powder

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Standard potency 6X

Part of the body External-cellular liquid, bone, cartilage, stomach, kidneys

Use as cell salts water metabolism

Specialties Burning

Main uses diabetes dry skin rheumatism


Sodium chloride is another name for the cooking salt which we know well from our kitchen. In the body it plays an important role in the liquid metabolism and thus it is also applied as a cell salt.

One can use sodium chloride against high blood pressure and also against the migraine which often comes along with disturbances of the blood vessels in the brain.

Also to the decontamination and against loss of weight, anaemia and impulse weakness, one can use sodium chloride. 

No. 9. (10) Sodium phosphate - Nat Phos

Short information

Name of the cell salt Sodium phosphate

Classic name Nat Phos

European number 9

American number 10

Material Colourless powder

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Standard potency 6X

Part of the body Brain, nerves, muscles, bandage fabrics, red blood cells

Use as cell salts metabolism


Main uses raised blood lipid concentration furnace mouth overweight


Sodium phosphate is the cell salt of the metabolism. It can help if too much acid has led to health problems in the body.

Sodium phosphate promotes the change of uric acid in urea what makes ist removal easier. Sodium phosphate can thereby help against furnace mouth and also against stones in kidney and bladder.

Also problems of the digestive organs can be relieved by sodium phosphate.

The detoxifying effect of sodium phosphate can also relieve problems of the skin, especially those in connection with oily skin, so skin impurities, acne or blackhead. 

No. 10. (11) Sodium sulphate - Nat Sulph

Short information

Name of the cell salt Sodium sulphate

Classic name Nat Sulph

European number 10

American number 11

Material Colourless powder

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Standard potency 6X

Part of the body Interstitial fluid

Use as cell salts Detoxify


Main uses cold digestive weakness headache


Sodium sulphate is included in the body mainly in the fabric liquid. Hence, it also serves the removal of undesirable materials and old cells in the body.

With the cell salt sodium sulfuricum one can also treat the health discomfort which has originated from too many waste materials in the body.

In this connection one can find discomfort which was caused by false food, gluttony or alcohol abuse.

When suffering from green yellow removals one should think of the application of sodium sulphate. Sodium sulphate can help against weakness of the digestive organs and excretory organs.

One can use sodium sulphate also against swollen feet and hands, if these result from an unhealthy life-style. 

No. 11. (12) Silica - Silicea

Short information

Name of the cell salt Silica

Classic name Silicea

European number 11

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American number 12

Material White powder

Standard potency 12X

Part of the body connective tissue

Use as cell salts connective tissue, skin, hair

Specialties Connective tissue strengthening

Main uses connective tissue weakness arteriosclerosis defensive weakness


Silica is the cell salt of the skin, the hair, the nails and the connective tissue. One can use Silica to strengthen the hair, and to get a nice, elastic skin.

Also for the prevention of cellulites and stretch marks Silica is suited.

As well as it promotes the state of the skin, Silica can also start to the strengthening of the fabric inside of the body. Against varicose veins, haemorrhoids and arteriosclerosis one can take Silica.

Externally one can apply Silica as an ointment against wrinkles, orange skin, stretch marks, but also against hematoms. 

No. 12. (3) Calcium sulphate - Calc Sulph

Short information

Name of the cell salt Calcium sulphate

Classic name Calc Sulph

European number 12

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American number 3

Material White powder

Standard potency 6X

Part of the body Cartilage, liver, bile

Use as cell salts joints

Specialties Gelenk-Stärkung

Main uses arthrosis pus rheumatism


Calcium sulphate is the cell salt of the joints and the cartilage. Also liver and bile can be strengthened by calcium sulphate.

In respect with the connection to the joints one can use calcium sulphate against arthrosis and rheumatic arthritis.

Another typical operational area of calcium sulphate is his ability to relieve suppurating processes. Calcium sulphate suitable remedy is thereby against suppurating angina, sinusitis and suppurating bronchitis.

Also against boil and other abscesses one can use calcium sulphate. The effect against boil is strengthened by the use of calcium sulphate as an ointment.

Calcium sulphate is the last of the basic cell salts in Europe but in America it has the number three. Therefore the european and american numbers are different. 

15 Additional cell salts

No. 13. (13) Potassium arsenite - Kali Ars

Short information

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Name of the cell salt Potassium arsenite

Classic name Kali Ars

European number 13

American number 13

Material White powder

Standard potency 6X

Part of the body Skin, hair, liver, kidney, thzroid, brain

Use as cell salts Skin, vitality


Main uses weakness states menstrual discomfort skin illnesses

No. 14. (14) Potassium bromide - Kali Brom

Short information

Name of the cell salt Potassium bromide

Classic name Kali Brom

European number 14

American number 14


Standard potency 12X

Part of the body hormonal glands

Use as cell salts nervous systeme,inflammation


Main uses sleeplessness neuralgias sleeping disturbances

No. 15. (15) Potassium iodide - Kali Iod

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Short information

Name of the cell salt Potassium iodide

Classic name Kali Iod

European number 15

American number 15


Standard potency 12X

Part of the body Thyroid, kidney, liver, stomach, spleen, skin, hair

Use as cell salts Metabolism, psyche


Main uses high blood pressure dejection weakness

No 16 Lithium chloride (Lith Mur)

Short information

Name of the cell salt Lithium chloride

Classic name Lith Mur

European number 16

American number 16


Standard potency 12X

Part of the body Lung

Use as cell salts Metabolism, removal


Main uses furnace mouth discord tiredness syndrome

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No 17 Manganese sulfate (Mang Sulph)

Short information

Name of the cell salt Manganese sulfate

Classic name Mang Sulph

European number 17

American number 17

Material White or pink-coloured crystalline solid substance

Standard potency 12X

Part of the body Blood, cartilage

Use as cell salts Formation of blood, nervous system, metabolism

Specialties Addition to No. 3 (4)

Main uses anaemia arthrosis osteoporosis

No 18 Calcium sulfide (Calc Sulf)

Short information

Name of the cell salt Calcium sulfide

Classic name Calc Sulf

European number 18

American number 18

Material Colorless crystals

Standard potency 12X

Part of the body Skin, mucous membranes, muscles

Use as cell salts Detoxify, metabolism


Main uses loss of weight amalgam poisoning rheumatism

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No 19 Copper arsenite (Cuprum Ars)

Short information

Name of the cell salt Copper arsenite

Classic name Cuprum Ars

European number 19

American number 19


Standard potency 12X

Part of the body Liver, gallbladder

Use as cell salts nervous systeme, skin, digestive systeme


Main uses immunodeficiency asthma heavy metal poisoning

No 20 Alum (Kali Alum Sulph)

Short information

Name of the cell salt Alum

Classic name Kali Alum Sulph

European number 20

American number 20

Material White powder or crystals

Standard potency 12X

Part of the body

Use as cell salts skin, muscles

Specialties Alum cell salts may taste a little bit like metal

Main uses dry mucous membranes flatulence irritant cough

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No 21 Zinc chloride (Zinc Mur)

Short information

Name of the cell salt Zinc chloride

Classic name Zinc Mur

European number 21

American number 21


Standard potency 12X

Part of the body cells, immun systeme

Use as cell salts immunsysteme, metabolism, wounds


Main uses immunodeficiency infertility weak nerves

No 22 Calcium carbonate (Calc Carb)

Short information

Name of the cell salt Calcium carbonate

Classic name Calc Carb

European number 22

American number 22

Material White solid substance

Standard potency 12X

Part of the body bones, lymphatic systeme

Use as cell salts metabolism, skin


Main uses anti aging developing delay overweight

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No 23 Sodium bicarbonate (Nat Bicarb)

Short information

Name of the cell salt Sodium bicarbonate

Classic name Nat Bicarb

European number 23

American number 23

Material White powder

Standard potency 12X

Part of the body liver

Use as cell salts metabolism, detoxify


Main uses over-acid conditions heartburn metabolism weakness

No 24 Arsenic iodide (Ars Iod)

Short information

Name of the cell salt Arsenic iodide

Classic name Ars Iod

European number 24

American number 24


Standard potency 12X

Part of the body lymphatic knots, skin, lung

Use as cell salts metabolism


Main uses allergies acne hay fever

Page 55: Schuessler Tissue Salts

No 25 Aurum chloride sodium (Aurum Mur Nat)

Short information

Name of the cell salt Aurum chloride sodium

Classic name Aurum Mur Nat

European number 25

American number 25


Standard potency 12X

Part of the body Pineal gland, heart, liver

Use as cell salts Rhythm disturbances, gynaecological disorders

Specialties Body-Rhythms

Main uses sleeping disturbances heart weakness menstrual discomfort

No 26 Selenium (Selenium)

Short information

Name of the cell salt Selenium

Classic name Selenium

European number 26

American number 26

Material Gray solid crystals

Standard potency 12X

Part of the body liver

Use as cell salts metabolism, cell protection


Main uses liver weakness efficiency exhaustion

Page 56: Schuessler Tissue Salts

No 27 Potassium dichromate (Kali Dichrom)

Short information

Name of the cell salt Potassium dichromate

Classic name Kali Dichrom

European number 27

American number 27

Material Orange crystal powder

Standard potency 12X

Part of the body liver

Use as cell salts metabolism, blood vessels


Main uses overweight arteriosclerosis diabetes