School Profile -€¦ · Title: School Profile Author: SMS Project Created...

Roadvale State School Parent Handbook

Transcript of School Profile -€¦ · Title: School Profile Author: SMS Project Created...

Page 1: School Profile -€¦ · Title: School Profile Author: SMS Project Created Date: 8/21/2019 12:50:24 PM

Roadvale State


Parent Handbook

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This handbook has been collated in an endeavour to welcome new and prospective students to Roadvale State School. We have attempted to include all relevant information, however, should you require additional details, please feel free to contact the school. The staff of Roadvale State School feel that positive communication benefits the whole community and as such, see parent input as a vital component of school management. It may be an idea to keep this book handy and refer to it from time to time.

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School Profile

Roadvale State School is located in the South East Coast Education Region of Education Queensland. The school is situated in a rural area which supports primary industry and urban employment. The school is fortunate in having a good level of support from the community. The P & C Association is very active and is enthusiastic in its endeavour to assist in the improvement of educational facilities for the students. Students are grouped in multi-grade classes. A well resourced library is accessed by all. A computer network is established at the school, with a favourable student-computer ratio. Students participate with nearby schools in sporting activities. Special features of the school include a high level of parental involvement, a supportive family atmosphere and the expectance of high standards in student behaviour.

School Timetable 8.50am “Get Ready Bell” rings

9.00am School commences 11.00am First break (lunch) 11.50am Middle session commences 1.30pm Second break (afternoon tea) 1.50pm Afternoon session commences

3.00pm School concludes

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ABSENCES All parents of children who are absent from school should notify the office either by text to 0476808116, email [email protected] or telephone 0754635755 on the morning of the absence where possible. This ensures we can account for all children expected at school for that day. The school will send a same day text if not previously informed. If a phone call is not possible, please send a note on the child’s return. When a child is to be absent for a period of longer than two days, a follow-up call would be appreciated. All absences not explained must be recorded on our database. Forms are provided to assist parents notify the school. Absences of 10 days or longer require an application for exemption from attendance which needs to be requested from the Principal.

ACCIDENTS Should a child meet with an accident of a serious nature, every effort will be made to contact the parents. If, however, this cannot be done, the principal will endeavour to obtain the necessary aid for the protection and well-being of the child, including the right to use the ambulance for emergency transport. Minor accidents are treated by first aid trained staff at the school.

ADMISSIONS Prospective enrolments will be accepted from the 1st July in the year prior to commencement. To be enrolled in Prep a child must be five years of age by 30 June in the year of enrolment. Proof of age must be provided.

ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE TIMES OF STUDENTS Students are expected to arrive at school prior to 8.50am, but not before 8.00am. With the exception of children eligible to travel by bus, all students must be collected from the school soon after 3.00pm. School policy provides that in the event of a child not being collected by 3.40pm, efforts will be made to contact the parents or emergency contact person. Should this fail, the school’s Adopt-a-cop will be notified and requested to assist.

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Three school bus routes operate to Roadvale State School. Parents must make application to the Department of Transport to arrange for travel. Students must live at least 3.2km from the nearest state school to claim transport assistance. Special applications can be accepted from low income families who live closer than this distance. Students travelling on the buses must display good behaviour and follow the code of conduct for School Bus Travel. Information about bus travel can be obtained from the school office. Currently the Peak Crossing bus service arrives at school at 8.05am and leaves the school at 3.50pm. The Harrisville bus service arrives at 8.10am and leaves at 3.45pm. The Roadvale bus arrives at 8.10am and leaves at 3.45pm. A bus roll is kept and students are supervised whilst waiting for the bus. If your child’s travelling arrangements change please let the school office staff know, so adjustments can be made to the roll.

CHEWING GUM Under no circumstances should children bring chewing/bubble gum to school.

COMPUTERS All children from Prep and Years 1 to 6 are encouraged to work often with computers and have access to computers in the classrooms. Students use computers for such activities as research work, word processing, reporting and in conjunction with digital cameras and ipads.

CONVEYANCE ALLOWANCE Where no Department of Transport school bus run exists and a child’s home is more than 3.2km from the nearest state school, parents are eligible to receive an allowance for transporting their child to school. Please inquire at the Department of Transport .

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CURRICULUM Students at Roadvale State School study a varied curriculum. The Key Learning Areas covered are: English Mathematics Health & Physical Education Technology Languages Other Than English (French) History and Social Sciences The Arts Science In the primary school, these areas are often integrated, so that a unit of work may cover more than one area of the curriculum. A copy of the school’s curriculum plan is available for all families upon request.

HOMEWORK Teachers at Roadvale State School regularly set homework for students to complete. Homework plays an important role in reinforcing work learned, learning of spellings and number facts, and informing parents of current school work. Generally in Year One homework consists of reading as well as learning sight words via games. From Year Two to Six students may be expected to read to parents each evening, as well as completing small written activities. Spellings and number facts must also be practised. Class teachers will inform parents of the homework requirements for their class at the beginning of the year. Should your child have difficulties with homework, please let the teacher know. An excellent home reading program is in place.

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LIBRARY All students have access to our library. The library is often the hub of school activity. We conduct weekly class lessons, as well as informal visits by students for research projects, etc. We ask that all students have a cloth drawstring bag or canvas satchel to protect borrowed books. We shall advise parents of ‘library days’ at the start of the school year. Children younger than school age are also welcome to join our school library.

MEDICATION Parents who wish their children to be given medication by the school staff must write a note outlining the parents’ permission to allow the teacher to administer the medication. This MUST be accompanied by the details from the pharmacist or doctor outlining recommended dosage. (this is usually on the pharmacist’s label) Non-prescribed medications such as paracetamol or cough mixtures will not be given to students under any circumstances. A sample form for medication administration is enclosed.

NEWSLETTERS Newsletters to parents are issued Friday fortnightly odd weeks. These outline recent events at school and advise upcoming events. Parents and community members are invited to contribute short items.

PAYMENT FOR EXCURSIONS ETC. A supply of envelopes is given to each family on enrolment, additional envelopes can be obtained from the school office as needed. These are to be used when money is to be forwarded to the school for excursions, swimming, bookclub etc. Payments are placed in the box located in the school office.

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P & C ASSOCIATION The Parents and Citizens Association is a group of parents and/or local citizens who have an interest in the school and the educational environment of the children. The P & C Association raises money to assist in the provision of amenities and teaching aids for the children, with a particular interest in grounds development and the computer program. Office bearers are elected each year. We encourage your support of the meetings which are held on the second Wednesday of the month at 7.00pm at the school.

PHOTOCOPIER The Principal and P & C Association have agreed to the use of the photocopier by the community for a small charge. A laminator is also available.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION Pupils are encouraged to be active participants in Phys Ed lessons. If there is any reason why your child should not participate (illness, asthma etc.) please advise the school in writing

SCHOOL BOOKS A book list for the following year will be available by November. We ask that all books and all materials are clearly named. Please ensure supplies are replenished on a regular basis.

REPORTS Formal report cards are sent home at the end of semester one (June) and the end of semester two (December). A Report based upon findings from the Year 3 / 5 Test is available in term 4. The teachers also regularly provide opportunity for parents to speak with teachers regarding their child’s progress. Please feel free to arrange an appointment to see your child’s teacher at any time.

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At Roadvale State School, we are committed to providing a safe and supportive learning environment for students, staff and volunteers. This commitment includes the health and safety of staff and students when conducting curriculum activities in the school or in other locations.

School excursions and camps enhance a student’s learning by providing opportunities for the student to participate in activities, both curriculum-related and recreational, outside the normal school routine. All planned school excursions are approved by the Principal and endorsed by the Parents and Citizens Association.

State schools are able to charge a fee for:

• An educational service including materials and consumables not defined as instruction, administration and facilities for the education of the student;

• An education service purchased from a provider other than the school where the provider charges the school; and

• A specialised educational program.

A school fee is directed to the purpose for which it is charged.

School fees for excursions and camps are calculated on a cost recovery only basis, according to the number of students who have indicated their attendance.

Participation of students in an excursion or camp is indicated through payment of the excursion or camp fee and provision of a permission form completed by the parent/carer.

As the school budget cannot meet any shortfalls in funding for an excursion or camp due to the subsequent non-participation of a student who had previously indicated attendance of the activity, fees already paid for an excursion or school camp may be refunded in full or in part or not at all, having regard to the associated expenses incurred and the circumstances of the non-participation.

If a parent/carer wishes to apply for a refund due to their child’s non-participation in an excursion or camp activity, they may do so by completing a Request for Refund form available from the school office. Where possible, the request should include the receipt relating to the payment for which a refund is being sought.

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It is preferred that refunds be made as a credit against the student’s account at the school, and used for any cost in the future.

Department of Education and Training policy references:

Education (General Provisions) Act 2006

Policy Procedure Register: School Excursions

Policy Procedure Register: State Education Fees

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Religious Instruction classes are available at the school for Years 4-6. These classes are conducted on Friday mornings for a 30 minute period depending on availability of volunteers. The faith groups who provide approved instructors to deliver religious instruction are the Anglican Church of Boonah-Harrisville and Cityhope Church under a cooperative arrangement. Accredited volunteers deliver a Godspace Religious Education program. Religious Instruction is only provided to students whose parents have given written permission for them to participate. Students are allocated to these classes in accordance with the information provided on their enrolment form. This information remains operational unless the parent informs the school otherwise in writing. Students who are not participating in religious instruction will undertake normal class activities. Parents of children participating in these programs will be advised if a faith group requires funds to cover the expense of materials used by their children.

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Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be a Learner. The school rules are to be obeyed by all students, as they are made for the safety and welfare of students, staff and visitors. Most rulings are based on common sense and tried and proven direction, so as to prevent injury or damage to property.

SICK CHILDREN If a child becomes ill at school every effort will be made to contact parents. If this is not possible, the emergency contacts will be notified. Please ensure that the emergency contacts you specify are able to pick up your child in an emergency. In the case of serious injury or illness the ambulance will be called. After an illness is reported, children are generally allowed to lie down on the sick bed and cared for by staff while waiting for parents to arrive. Panadol/aspirin cannot be given to children at any time unless prescribed by a doctor.

SUN SAFETY Roadvale is a Sun Safe School. Children are required to wear a wide-brimmed or legionnaire hat at all times when in the sun. A “no hat - no play” rule exists at this school. Sunscreen is provided for the children’s use. Sleeveless tops cannot be worn to school.

SWIMMING All students attend swimming classes at the Boonah Shire Pool during fourth term. A charge is levied on students to cover bus transport to the pool. Parent helpers are welcomed and encouraged to assist with the lessons for younger students.

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STUDENT DRESS CODE The uniform consists of a maroon and yellow school polo shirt and maroon shorts or skorts for the girls. The recommended school hat is a maroon wide-brimmed or bucket hat. Hats and shirts may be purchased from the uniform shop. White socks should be worn with comfortable running shoes. Students wearing inappropriate footwear will be excluded from practical classes due to safety guidelines. Roadvale State School is a uniform school as endorsed by the Parents and Citizens Association. By enrolling your child at the school, you are indicating that you accept the dress code. Extenuating and/or unforeseen circumstances are treated on an individual basis with the final decision resting with the Principal.

Jewellery is not recognised as part of the school uniform and should not be worn by girls or boys. It is considered a safety issue with the potential to endanger the student, especially during sport and play. The exception is that students with pierced ears may wear small plain sleeper or stud type earrings. Watches are permitted. Nail polish and make up is not to be worn.

The school supports a sun-safe policy and students are required to protect themselves by wearing the school hat and sunscreen when participating in any curriculum related or outdoor activity.

On free dress days, students should wear sun-safe clothing and dress in a neat and tidy fashion. Extremes of dress are not appropriate such as singlets, crop tops or shirts displaying obscene language. Appropriate footwear must be worn. Enclosed shoes only. Please ensure your child wears the correct uniform.

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YEAR 6 LEADERSHIP SCHOOL CAMP/EXCURSIONS A school camp is usually held in first term. Information about the camp will be available in term 4 of the previous year. Excursions for the students also occur as part of their regular classroom studies. These may incur additional charges for travel or entry fees. The P and C may support some of the costs for camps/excursions.

ACTIVITY RISKS AND INSURANCE Please note that the Department of Education does not have personal accident insurance cover for children/students. If your child is injured as a result of an accident or incident while participating in an activity, all costs associated with the injury, including medical costs are the responsibility of the parent/carer. Some incidental medical costs may be covered by Medicare. If you have private health insurance, some costs may also be covered by your provider. Any other costs must be covered by parents/carers. It is up to all parents/carers to decide what types and what level of private insurance they wish to arrange to cover their child.