School of architecture


Transcript of School of architecture

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Research Unit for Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia Foundation of Natural and Built Environments


Prerequisite: None

Lecturer : Normah Sulaiman . Delliya Mohd.Zain


Project 3 (Individual Assignment) : Art + Architecture + Culture 40 % marksSubmission date: 3rd June 2014 (Week 17)


"What travel teaches us is that we are all essentially the same. There is not a 'them' and an 'us'; there is really only 'us.'" The stunning photographs capture the theme of places of visit. A good coffee table books serve a number of purposes: they're decorative, informative, and attractive.

Objectives of Project

1.To introduce the Western and Eastern culture and civilization through an overview of archeological discoveries, ancient monuments, artworks, philosophy and achievement of great leaders from prehistoric to present.

2.To show basic skills on enquiry, investigation, application and presentation of relevant information.

Learning Outcome

1.Able to describe the historical development of human civilization.

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2.Able to recall the development of Eastern and Western human civilizations in the past as well as present.

3.Able to demonstrate good documentation and presentation skills.


Part I: You are required to do a literature research on places of interest of your site visit. From the literature review, you are to study the theme given and its connection between the historical, architectural and social aspects of the place. Documenting the right building, spaces and places with the right content is important in this project. You are advised to work closely with your tutor to ensure you are on the right track.


Theme:1. Food Culture

Kopitiam Street Food Coffee Culture

2. Architecture

Malaysian Architecture FusionReligious Places Spaces and People

Part II: You are to design a graphical expression of your findings in a postcard series with a proper packaging that complement the final postcard design. The postcard series will create awareness and educate your audience on the subject matter or focus of the study. This includes design & layout, purpose, content, writing style, colours and etc. You are strongly encouraged to meet with us regularly for further assistance.

Submission Requirement

Part I: Compilation of literature review in A4 and comb bound format. (Guidelines of content will be provided during class)

Part II: Coffee Table Book – A5 format sizePart III : PDF compilation of individual work in a CD* with proper cover and information.


Assessment Criteria – Individual

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General Understanding

Quality of form and level of execution of understanding the project brief.

Describes introduction leads to excellent justification and execution of the project

Describes thoroughly with a good justification and execution of the project

Fair introduction and execution of the project with acceptable facts being discussed

Minimal discussion on the important facts

8.0-10 6.5 – 7.9 5.0 – 6.4 2.5 – 4.9


Thorough research, study, depth and the effectiveness way to communicate findings

Evidence of extensive research and study translated into the postcard

Evidence of very good research and study translated into postcard

Evidence of good research and study translated into postcard

Evidence of minimal research and study translated into postcard

8.0-10 6.5 – 7.9 5.0 – 6.4 2.5 – 4.9


Creativity in preparation, photos, layout composition and compilation of content.

The works presented with a strong quality of preparation, photos, layout composition and compilation of content.

The works presented with a good quality of preparation, photos, layout composition and compilation of content.

The works presented a fair creativity of preparation, photos, layout composition and compilation of content.

The works presented with minimal creativity of preparation, photos, layout composition and compilation of content.

8.0-10 6.5 – 7.9 5.0 – 6.4 2.5 – 4.9


Demonstrated critical thinking through the theme/concept and appropriateness of the theme/concept intended.

Portray excellent critical thinking through the theme and appropriateness of the theme intended.

Portray very good critical thinking through the theme and appropriateness of the theme intended.

Portray good critical thinking through the theme and appropriateness of the theme intended.

Moderate critical thinking through the theme and appropriateness of the theme intended.

8.0-10 6.5 – 7.9 5.0 – 6.4 2.5 – 4.9



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Lecturer : Normah Sulaiman . Delliya Mohd Zain

NAME : ___________________________________ ID No : ____________________________________

FINAL PROJECT: Art + Architecture + Culture TUTORIAL SHEET

Date Review / Comments


*Online Submission due to Public Holiday

My Progress :

Lecturer’s Review :

Progress to date: By this tutorial session, you should show your lecturer all literature findings related to your theme and concept and places of interest. These literature findings must be printed out with your own reflection of understanding. Library research on layout, graphics, colors or photography is a good start. You must at least have 5 places that MUST BE related to your theme and map out your findings. DO NOT PRINT BLINDLY CONTENT FROM INTERNET.

Date Review / Comments Sign


My Progress :

Lecturer’s Review :

Progress to date: By this tutorial session, you progress based from the previous comments. You should FINALIZE findings related to your theme and concept and places of interest. You can start taking pictures, once your proposal is approved by your tutors.

Date Review / Comments

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Progress to date: By this date, you should start going to the places of your interest and start taking photos. Please take all personal safety considerations before going out to take photos.


Once completed, you need to create an album on PICASA/Google/Dropbox and share the link with your respective tutor at the ALBUM (not individual pictures). Please screen, itemize in folders and include related pictures only. There’s no specific numbers of photos, it may vary from 200 – 400 with the right content.

Date Review / Comments Sign


My Progress :

Lecturer’s Review :

Progress to date: By this tutorial session, you progress based from previous comment from your lecturer. Retake photos and finalize the concept photos to be used. On the other hand, prepare the content for the postcard. Content can be in a form of journal / review / diary / findings – most importantly – IT CANNOT BE COPIED FROM THE INTERNET ESPECIALLY WIKIPEDIA and OTHER FORMS OF WIKIS’.

Date Review / Comments Sign


My Progress :

Lecturer’s Review :

Progress to date: By this tutorial session, you must finalize the design of your postcard and its packaging. You are advised to have a mock print of your postcard using the right paper and printed in color.

Artworks must reach printers at least a week before to avoid any miscommunication and mistakes on the printing output. Please consider time management and business pattern of the selected shops.


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Submission Date: 3rd June 2014 Time: 2.00- 3.00 pmVenue : Academic Suite, Block C – Level 9


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Theme for this assignment, I chose fusion architecture. In detail, my theme is the fusion

of eastern and western architecture. Enhancing the beauty of eastern and western

architecture in Malaysia.


My concept for this assignment is the ‘old building’ of fusion Eastern and Western

architecture. In Malaysia, you can find lots of Eastern and Western architectural

building. I did a research on what type of building and where should I look for, most of it

are old buildings. I chose majority old building because I love the design and the details.

Moreover, when you observe the building you can see the design its mixture of Eastern

and Western Architecture.

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Summary of my research We were given a mapping template. So we need to complete the template by

deciding the Theme, Concept, and Place for us to do a research on and take a picture of

that certain building. My theme was fusion of Eastern and Western Architecture and

concept was old buildings. At first, my I chose Penang as my place to do the research and

take pictures for my postcards because we were having class trip to Penang . Penang is

full of old buildings and eastern and western building. Especially, George Town area. I

went around and took some pictures. But in the end, It was not that satisfying. Then, I

decided to change my place to Selangor because I can’t travel back to Penang. I did some

research I just noticed that there are also lots of eastern and western especially old

buildings. I went to the Old High Court, Kuala Lumpur Railway Station, The Old City

Theatre, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church ( to take picture of Kuala Lumpur Tower)

Putra Mosque, Sultan Abdul Samad Building, Perdana Putra Building, Wesley Methodist

Church. Majority of these buildings that I chose are almost 100 or over 100 years old

except for Putra Mosque and Perdana Putra building. Before going to the places, I did

some research like google and I did an interview to the worker at City Theatre. It was

actually a coincidence we went there and took some pictures and he saw us. He

approached us and asked where we’re from and stuff. Then, he told us a bit about the

building around the area. How did I travel? I did this project by hitchhiking my friend’s

car. So most of our places are almost the same. I had so much fun traveling around

Selangor as I can get to know more about Selangor and its history. It is really interesting

especially at night. You can see the reflection of the lights to the buildings. After taking

picture of the buildings, we edited it and do it in a postcard format. Then, after finalizing

everything, we printed the postcard. The postcard was kept in nicely designed packaging.

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Draft photo and layout printing

draft photo


The Tower's architecture reflects the country's Islamic heritage with the construction detailing Arabic Scripts, Islamic tiles, classic Islamic floral and abstract motifs and soothing color combinations. The KL Tower has been designed to achieve an overall glass arranged in the traditional Islamic form of the "Muqarnas”

The KTM headquarters (Bangunun KTM Berhad), just opposite the railway station, was completed in 1917. It was designed by AB Hubback in Mughal-style architecture just like the railway station.

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It is located on the main hill in Putra Jaya, and was built in 1997. The buildings in the complex are influenced by Malay, Islamic and European architecture, hence its unique look.

Wesley Methodist church Gothic built of this church from the year 1903

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Situated at the center of Jalan Raja, the Sultan Abdul Samad Building holds a unique design mooted by A.C. Norman. The building bears Moorish influences with a blend of local culture and British styles. To represent the identity of the Malaysian people, the architect added an Islamic touch before finally completing the building in 1897.

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City theatre was built in 1896 and was completed in 1904. Panggung bandaraya is gazette as a heritage building under the antiquities act and its Mughal architectural- styled façade has been preserved

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Final photos selection and packaging

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I took many photos but I only chose the best. My editing skills are still poor as I’m still new in

this. The most difficult part is to take a good photo like a clear photo. I had fun going around and

get to know the buildings. Moreover by doing this project I have a reason to go out and explore

more. The scenery at night are soo beautiful because of the lighting of the building. My favourite

place is Putra Jaya. The Putra Mosque is soo beautiful. It looks like its floating on water. I gained

so many experiences.

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city theatre. (2013, March 11). . Retrieved June 12, 2014 , from


. (n.d.). . Retrieved June 12, 2014, from

. (n.d.). . Retrieved June 12, 2014, from


. (n.d.). . Retrieved June 12, 2014, from


Putra Mosque - Putrajaya. (n.d.). Putra Mosque - Putrajaya. Retrieved June 12,

2014, from

KUALA LUMPUR TOWERMENARA KUALA LUMPUR. (n.d.). Kuala Lumpur. Retrieved June 13, 2014, from

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Research Unit for Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia Foundation of Natural and Built Environments



STUDENT ID: 0315857