Scene Sarasota 2013

SCENE MARCH 2013 $3.95 U.S. SARASOTA | MANATEE MAGAZINE DESIGN TRENDS Behind the Magic: Costume & Set Design SMOA: Where Gothic Meets Modern Social Scene, Lifestyle Tips, Givers & More Designing Sarasota Architect Cliff Scholz


Clifford M. Scholz Architects show us how they Design Sarasota.

Transcript of Scene Sarasota 2013

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DESIGNTRENDSBehind the Magic:Costume & Set Design

SMOA:Where Gothic Meets Modern

Social Scene, Lifestyle Tips, Givers & More

Designing SarasotaArchitect Cliff Scholz

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Although Scholz’s firm, CMSA Architecture, is known for

maintaining a low-key approach, the 11 million monthly vis-

itors to, an online platform for residential

remodeling and design, found his portfolio so compelling that

it was named a design category winner in the Best of Houzz

2013 Awards. “The recognition is nice, but we take a more

under-the-radar approach and focus on what our clients like,

which is to work with an architect who knows how to make

the process as easy as possible and is really creative,” Scholz

said. “My satisfaction is not in awards and praise, but in the

satisfaction I see in my clients. If I can walk away knowing my

clients got more than they anticipated, and I made a friend

along the way, then I’m happy.”

Whether it is a residential or commercial design, after the site’s

physical nature and regulatory requirements are considered,

Scholz lasers his attention on what his clients need, envision

and dream about the spaces he will create for them. “For resi-

dences, I have to put myself in the client’s position in order to

be effective. We get into the true emotional and physical life-

style of our clients. They must trust you because they open up


SaraBy Sue Cullen

Photo of Cliff Scholz by Herb Booth/Booth Studio

Like a stroll through one of the world’s great art museums, a Cliff Scholz designed home or commercial structure conveys a feeling that wherever the eye wanders, it will be rewarded by beauty that is truly timeless. One also has the sense that function and form have been held in the same high esteem to create spaces that embrace, rather than simply encase, their purpose for being.

and tell you how they live,” he said. “I consider every element

from the mailbox to the back yard; what that space does, how

it’s supposed to operate and what clients want to feel like when

they are in it. When you put time and creativity in every part of

the house, you end up with a lot of good spaces.”

The approach is similar for custom commercial projects, which

locally have included a diverse portfolio, including the Aqua-

culture building at Riverview High School, Laurel Oak and The

Oaks country clubs, Jaguar and Lexus dealerships on Clark

Road, and nine retail stores on St. Armand’s Circle. Scholz

currently is designing MGA Insurance’s new headquarters in

Lakewood Ranch. “I look for commercial clients who are inno-

vative people and truly are interested in providing a workplace,

a tenant building or a retail space that is better than the other

mousetraps out there,” he said. “It’s not that they spend more

money, but that it is a better, more thought out design based on

what their mantra is and what made them successful.” Coun-

try clubs are particularly challenging, he added, because they

require a seamless blending of activities, commerce and food

service while retaining a residential feel.

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Waterfront Coral Cove

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Scholz said each project, residential or commercial, is considered unique.

“When we create, it is one of a kind,” he said. “We never repeat a design

because each one is created around our clients’ true lifestyle, and the best

approach for that is to be a good listener.” He also refuses to be pigeonholed

style-wise, although perhaps that is also due to his classical training. He is

known for having a solid grounding in proportion and circulation.

“As a listing and selling agent for many fine homes designed by Cliff Scholz, we

appreciate the livability and the ‘wow’ factor of his homes,” said Marcia Salkin,

a broker associate with Michael Saunders & Company. “He is masterful with

scale and symmetry. No matter how large, his homes exude a comfortable feel.

Pairing this with his artful placement of windows and doors to maximize the

view, he continually creates breathtaking experiences throughout his homes.”

Joel and Diane Schleicher have known Scholz for nearly 30 years, and during

that time he built homes for them on Bird Key, in New Jersey and most re-

cently, a new home in Harbor Acres into which they have just moved. Each

home has had its own character, Joel Schleicher said. “One of Cliff’s great

attributes is he is a great listener. For this house, my wife and I wanted it to

be a bit Tuscan and we told him what we envisioned for the exterior and in-

terior,” Schleicher said. “We bought a lot with a terrific view and wanted Cliff

to maximize it, which he did. I’d recommend him to anyone.”

Bud and Chari Polley also are pleased with their Cliff Scholz design, in

which they have lived on Bird Key for more than a decade. The Polleys ad-

mired the work of architect Addison Mizner whose designs in the early part

of the 20th century have made a lasting impact on South Florida architec-

ture. “Cliff was instrumental in moving us in the direction we wanted to go

with many authentic touches like cypress moldings and ceilings,” Bud Pol-

ley said. “We also told him we wanted more open space and not a formal

living or dining room.” Polley said they particularly appreciated Scholz’s

attention to detail right down to the room-by-room design of the travertine

marble floor. “It’s all quality. There’s no scrimping,” he said. “We’ve never

had an issue with anything.”

While continually honing in on the evolution of the trends in what buyers

want in their new homes, Scholz takes pains to steer well away from what’s

trendy. “A great compliment is when someone walks into one of my designs,

and they don’t know if it is new or old,” he said. “That it doesn’t become

dated comes from my classical upbringing.”

Nevertheless, in keeping his fingers on buyers’ pulses, Scholz said homes

continue to move away from small rooms with specific functions to larger,

multi-purpose rooms. For example, dedicated home theater rooms, except for

the most devoted audiophile, have faded away while the sophisticated equip-

ment they once housed now often is incorporated into the family room where

everyone can enjoy it. “Rooms are more open and connected,” he said. “There

is a more casual feel about the house, but it still must be filled with light and

elegance.” As a result, the heart of the home has migrated from the formal

living room, which often is eliminated in today’s designs, to the kitchen, and

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incorporates outdoor areas, where family and guests can interact.

Scholz’s gift of creating timeless design may have something to

do with growing up surrounded by Detroit’s — surprising to some

— rich architectural heritage. He earned a bachelor’s degree in

architecture from Lawrence Technological Institute where he not

only learned how to design creatively, but also had to present

designs that would pass muster before a group of practicing ar-

chitects. He also has a bachelor’s degree in architecture from the

University of Miami and subsequently moved to Tampa where

he began working for, was mentored by, and became a partner

with the highly regarded architect Harry “Bo” MacEwen. MacEw-

en encouraged Scholz to strike out on his own, which he did and

established his firm in Sarasota in 1982.

CMSA Architecture recently moved into new downtown Sarasota

offices, renovated by Scholz, at 300 S. Orange Ave., that are co-lo-

cated with his wife Susan’s interior design business SHS Design.

“We still work independently with others, but we work together a

lot, and it made sense to have a presence together,” he said. Scholz

also said his “biggest strength” is his staff, who are hired for their

skills, but also for their willingness to be persistent and see a job

through to a successful conclusion.

Bird Key

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That sense of purpose and connection ex-

tends to clients. “We really put our hearts

into what we do. We spend an extraordi-

nary amount of time getting to know our

clients, their families, and how they like to

live. Together, we have incubated an idea

and created something three dimensional

that can be lived in and worked in,” Scholz

said. “In the process, we come to know

each other well and that’s why, even after

the job is done, so many have remained

good and lasting friends.”

The Oaks Club