Scenario: Uploading the customer master through BDC ... · Scenario: Uploading the customer master...

Scenario: Uploading the customer master through BDC technique where multiple bank information of a particular customer needs to be maintained in the screen table control. Step1. Go to Tcode- SHDB for recording. Step2. Click on New Recording button.

Transcript of Scenario: Uploading the customer master through BDC ... · Scenario: Uploading the customer master...

Page 1: Scenario: Uploading the customer master through BDC ... · Scenario: Uploading the customer master through BDC technique where multiple bank information of a particular customer needs

Scenario: Uploading the customer master through BDC technique where multiple bank information of a particular customer needs to be maintained in the screen table control. Step1. Go to Tcode- SHDB for recording.

Step2. Click on New Recording button.

Page 2: Scenario: Uploading the customer master through BDC ... · Scenario: Uploading the customer master through BDC technique where multiple bank information of a particular customer needs

Step3. Provide a Recording name and the transaction 'XD01' and click on continue button.

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Step4. Provide the company code, sales org, distribution channel, division and account group and hit ENTER key from keyboard.

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Step5. Provide title, country and language and hit ENTER key from keyboard.

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Step8. The screen appears where we have to provide multiple bank account details as a table control.

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Step9. Provide the bank country, bank key and the bank account number and hit ENTER key from keyboard.

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Step12. The BANK key in the sap system can be cretaed in tcode- FI01/FI02/FI03. In teh recording we have used bank key- 5001, 5002 and 5003. These bank keys are defined in the system before creating the customer.

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Step13. Now go to tcode- SE38 to create the BDC program for table control for the customer master.

Step14. Provide a program name and click on create button and provide the below code.

Page 13: Scenario: Uploading the customer master through BDC ... · Scenario: Uploading the customer master through BDC technique where multiple bank information of a particular customer needs

REPORT zbdc_table_control_cust_master. DATA : p_banks TYPE char15, p_bankl TYPE char15, p_bankn TYPE char15, idx TYPE num2 . TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_cust, slno TYPE char2, cust_id TYPE char2, com_code TYPE bukrs, sales_org TYPE vkorg, dist_ch TYPE vtweg, division TYPE spart, acct_gr TYPE ktokd, title TYPE anred, land TYPE land1, lang TYPE spras, END OF ty_cust, BEGIN OF ty_bank, slno TYPE char2, cust_id TYPE char2, land TYPE banks, bank_key TYPE bankl, acct TYPE bankn, END OF ty_bank. PARAMETERS : cust_fil TYPE ibipparms-path OBLIGATORY DEFAULT 'C:\Users\Desktop\bdc with table contorl\CUST DATA.xlsx', bank_fil TYPE ibipparms-path OBLIGATORY DEFAULT 'C:\Users\Desktop\bdc with table contorl\BANK DATA.xlsx'. DATA : lt_cust_ex TYPE TABLE OF alsmex_tabline,

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lt_bank_ex TYPE TABLE OF alsmex_tabline, ls_excel TYPE alsmex_tabline . DATA : lt_cust TYPE TABLE OF ty_cust, ls_cust TYPE ty_cust, lt_bank TYPE TABLE OF ty_bank, ls_bank TYPE ty_bank, lt_bdc TYPE TABLE OF bdcdata, ls_bdc TYPE bdcdata. AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST FOR cust_fil . CALL FUNCTION 'F4_FILENAME' EXPORTING program_name = syst-cprog dynpro_number = syst-dynnr field_name = space IMPORTING file_name = cust_fil. AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST FOR bank_fil . CALL FUNCTION 'F4_FILENAME' EXPORTING program_name = syst-cprog dynpro_number = syst-dynnr field_name = space IMPORTING file_name = bank_fil. START-OF-SELECTION . CALL FUNCTION 'ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE' EXPORTING filename = cust_fil i_begin_col = 1 i_begin_row = 2 i_end_col = 100 i_end_row = 100 TABLES

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intern = lt_cust_ex EXCEPTIONS inconsistent_parameters = 1 upload_ole = 2 OTHERS = 3. IF sy-subrc <> 0. * MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO * WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. ENDIF. CALL FUNCTION 'ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE' EXPORTING filename = bank_fil i_begin_col = 1 i_begin_row = 2 i_end_col = 100 i_end_row = 100 TABLES intern = lt_bank_ex EXCEPTIONS inconsistent_parameters = 1 upload_ole = 2 OTHERS = 3. IF sy-subrc <> 0. * MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO * WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. ENDIF. LOOP AT lt_cust_ex INTO ls_excel. CASE ls_excel-col. WHEN '0001'. ls_cust-slno = ls_excel-value. WHEN '0002'. ls_cust-cust_id = ls_excel-value. WHEN '0003'. ls_cust-com_code = ls_excel-value. WHEN '0004'. ls_cust-sales_org = ls_excel-value. WHEN '0005'.

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ls_cust-dist_ch = ls_excel-value. WHEN '0006'. ls_cust-division = ls_excel-value. WHEN '0007'. ls_cust-acct_gr = ls_excel-value. WHEN '0008'. ls_cust-title = ls_excel-value. WHEN '0009'. ls_cust-land = ls_excel-value. WHEN '0010'. ls_cust-lang = ls_excel-value. ENDCASE. CLEAR ls_excel. AT END OF row. APPEND ls_cust TO lt_cust. CLEAR : ls_cust. ENDAT. ENDLOOP. CLEAR : ls_excel. LOOP AT lt_bank_ex INTO ls_excel. CASE ls_excel-col. WHEN '0001'. ls_bank-slno = ls_excel-value. WHEN '0002'. ls_bank-cust_id = ls_excel-value. WHEN '0003'. ls_bank-land = ls_excel-value. WHEN '0004'. ls_bank-bank_key = ls_excel-value. WHEN '0005'. ls_bank-acct = ls_excel-value. ENDCASE. CLEAR ls_excel. AT END OF row. APPEND ls_bank TO lt_bank. CLEAR ls_bank. ENDAT. ENDLOOP.

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LOOP AT lt_cust INTO ls_cust. PERFORM call_screen USING 'SAPMF02D' '0100' 'X'. PERFORM : fill_screen USING 'BDC_CURSOR' 'RF02D-KTOKD', fill_screen USING 'BDC_OKCODE' '/00', fill_screen USING 'RF02D-BUKRS' ls_cust-com_code, fill_screen USING 'RF02D-VKORG' ls_cust-sales_org, fill_screen USING 'RF02D-VTWEG' ls_cust-dist_ch, fill_screen USING 'RF02D-SPART' ls_cust-division, fill_screen USING 'RF02D-KTOKD' ls_cust-acct_gr. PERFORM call_screen USING 'SAPMF02D' '0110' 'X'. PERFORM : fill_screen USING 'BDC_CURSOR' 'KNA1-SPRAS', fill_screen USING 'BDC_OKCODE' '/00', fill_screen USING 'KNA1-ANRED' ls_cust-title, fill_screen USING 'KNA1-LAND1' ls_cust-land, fill_screen USING 'KNA1-SPRAS' ls_cust-lang. PERFORM call_screen USING 'SAPMF02D' '0120' 'X'. PERFORM : fill_screen USING 'BDC_CURSOR' 'KNA1-LIFNR', fill_screen USING 'BDC_OKCODE' '/00'. PERFORM call_screen USING 'SAPMF02D' '0125' 'X'. PERFORM : fill_screen USING 'BDC_CURSOR' 'KNA1-NIELS', fill_screen USING 'BDC_OKCODE' '/00'. *** FILL TABLE FOR TABLE CONTROL ************ PERFORM call_screen USING 'SAPMF02D' '0130' 'X'. PERFORM fill_screen USING 'BDC_CURSOR' 'KNBK-KOINH(01)'. PERFORM fill_screen USING 'BDC_OKCODE' '=ENTR'. CLEAR idx. LOOP AT lt_bank INTO ls_bank WHERE cust_id = ls_cust-cust_id. idx = idx + 1. CLEAR : p_banks, p_bankl, p_bankn. CONCATENATE 'KNBK-BANKS(' idx ')' INTO p_banks. CONCATENATE 'KNBK-BANKL(' idx ')' INTO p_bankl. CONCATENATE 'KNBK-BANKN(' idx ')' INTO p_bankn. PERFORM fill_screen USING p_banks ls_bank-land.

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PERFORM fill_screen USING p_bankl ls_bank-bank_key. PERFORM fill_screen USING p_bankn ls_bank-acct. ENDLOOP. PERFORM call_screen USING 'SAPMF02D' '0130' 'X'. PERFORM : fill_screen USING 'BDC_CURSOR' 'KNBK-BANKS(01)', fill_screen USING 'BDC_OKCODE' '=UPDA'. CALL TRANSACTION 'XD01' USING lt_bdc MODE 'A' UPDATE 'A'. REFRESH lt_bdc[]. ENDLOOP. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form CALL_SCREEN *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->P_0391 text * -->P_0392 text * -->P_0393 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM call_screen USING pgm dyn dyn_bgn. ls_bdc-program = pgm. ls_bdc-dynpro = dyn. ls_bdc-dynbegin = dyn_bgn. APPEND ls_bdc TO lt_bdc. CLEAR ls_bdc. ENDFORM. " CALL_SCREEN *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form FILL_SCREEN *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------*

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* -->P_0510 text * -->P_0511 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM fill_screen USING fnam fval . ls_bdc-fnam = fnam. ls_bdc-fval = fval. APPEND ls_bdc TO lt_bdc. CLEAR ls_bdc. ENDFORM. " FILL_SCREEN _______________________________________________________________________________ Step15. The excel file1 contains the customer header data.

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Step16. The excel file2 contains the customer bank details information.

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Step17. Run the program and select the two excel files to upload.

Step18. The XD01 screen is called. Hit the ENTER key from keyboard to continue.

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Step19. Hit the ENTER key from keyboard to continue.

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Step20. Hit the ENTER key from keyboard to continue.

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Step21. Hit the ENTER key from keyboard to continue.

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Step22. The customer bank information is filled in the table control. Hit the ENTER key from keyboard to continue.

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Step23. Hit the ENTER key from keyboard to continue.

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Step24. Hit the ENTER key from keyboard to continue.

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Step25. Hit the ENTER key from keyboard to continue.

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Step26. Hit the ENTER key from keyboard to continue.

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Step27. Hit the ENTER key from keyboard to continue.

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Step28. The customer bank information is filled in the table control. Hit the ENTER key from keyboard to continue.

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Step29. Hit the ENTER key from keyboard to continue.

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Step30. Hit the ENTER key from keyboard to continue.

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Step31. Hit the ENTER key from keyboard to continue.

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Step32. Hit the ENTER key from keyboard to continue.

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Step33. Hit the ENTER key from keyboard to continue.

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Step34. The customer bank information is filled in the table control. Hit the ENTER key from keyboard to continue.

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Step35. Hit the ENTER key from keyboard to continue.

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Step36. Hit the ENTER key from keyboard to continue.

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Step37. Hit the ENTER key from keyboard to continue.

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Step38. Hit the ENTER key from keyboard to continue.

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Step39. Hit the ENTER key from keyboard to continue.

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Step40. The customer bank information is filled in the table control area. Hit the ENTER key from keyboard to continue.

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Step41. Hit the ENTER key from keyboard to continue.

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Step42. Hit the ENTER key from keyboard to continue.

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Step43. Hit the ENTER key from keyboard to continue.

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Step44. Hit the ENTER key from keyboard to continue.

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Step45. Hit the ENTER key from keyboard to continue.

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Step46. The customer bank information is filled in the table control. Hit the ENTER key from keyboard to continue.

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Step47. Hit the ENTER key from keyboard to continue.

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Step48. The program terminates with successfully uploading the customer master details with the use of table control.

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