say,4': ffl, 0, V4 LP : ffl, 0, V4 - StudyQuran · said of perfume, or sweet odour, . unbelievers...

1812 [BooK I. most of the contents thereof has been drunk and there remaiss but litte, mixed, (IAth,' 0, 11, TA,) and turbid; (IAth, TA;) this being likened to milk mixed with water: (TA:) or coming to water the last of the people. (AHeyth, TA.) .**, aor. inf M, A, Mb, g;) as also a;. , aor. jsd, inf. n. -,; (S, M, 1C;) It (a thing, M, 0) harmed, injured, hurt, mischiefed, or damaged, him; i. q. , (, M, ,) or ~ .J. (Myb.) You say, ' l. I.M )j. [.i'[Thi isa of th things that will not harmn the]: and -- ,. i [lIadst thou done it, it had not harmed the]: and 4i. ' ' [No harm shall befall thee]. (A.) And jJ*0a to JI.4 i.q. L q. v. (A in art. ... ) And KN says that he had heard (from one of the people of E!-'Aliyeh, TA) the phrase *. .. --- .. ... u_oi 19. WI ?&a.t 9 [Thtat rill not benefit me, nor wiiUl it harm me]. (, TA.) See also a reading of a plhrase in a trad. cited in art. j.. conj. 3. 1. j'l, (., ],) aor. `', inf. n. c, (TA,) He dveatedfrom theright coure; oracted unjustly, wn~~ily, injuriou, or tyrannically; (S, V;) ,a' U in the judgmt~nt: ($:) like JU. (TA in art. jtJ.). . .jL, aor. and inf. n. as nbove, He deprived him, or defrauded him, of a part, or tlhe wole, of his right, or due: (S, M, :) like ;jl, aor. oj: (1] :) he refused it to himn, or nwitdeldd it from him: (AZ, M,TA:) nnd sometimes one says *j.U, aor. .jla/, inf. n. J.(S, TA.) gs. 3. An uqjut, (S,M,) or a defective, ( in art. J,) div : (M, :) as also j: (M:) j,;. in the lur liii. 22 is read by all without heinz: (TA:) it is of the measure Jta, like and b; but the _, is with kesr in order that the tS may remain unchanged; for there is not in the language an epithet of the measure u.; this being a measure of sub- stantives, like jja:JI and t.. 5 J1: ($:) or, accord. to Aboo-'Alee, it is not an epithet, but an inf. n., like U;.,g as though the meaning were a - pn. ,1 i; .J: ( p. 524:) Fr says that some of the Arabs say jl. , and t.jj: and Aglt mentions AZ's having heard the Arabs say ,.. , with heinz. (8.) 1. &lh, aor. :; inf. n. a nd L (S Mgh, 0, Myb, K) and and , (s,) It (a thling, ., Mgh, 0, Msb) perished, came to nought, pased away, or became lost. (., O, MFb, 1, ) . It is said in a trad. of Sad, Ui · 1 as,; I ,L,Il i.e. [Verily I fear, for the grapes,] their [lit. the] perishng, or becoming lost. (TA.) -And t, (], TA,) inf. n. ,l1 and Ua,, (TA,) It (a thing) wa eft; left, or let, alone; or negylected. (/, TA.) Hence, ,., , l, and 4lWI l, Tle camels, and thefamily, or household, were left untended, and unminded; and were Left alone, or neglected. (TA.) - t, aor. ., said of perfume, or sweet odour, i. q. L, having for its aor. . (lIar p. 670.) [See 5 in art. $..: and see also 5 in the present art.] 2. sJ11 e, (O, Msb, 1,). inf. n. ~."; ( ;) and t, (0, Msb, ],) in£ n. AL' ; (.;) both signify the same; (., 0, Msb, ;) HIe made, or caused, the thing to perish, or be- come lost; he destroyed it, wasted it, or lost it. (Msb, g, TA.) Hence, U' ii ,. is used by the vulgar as meaning They beheaded such a one with th ford. (TA.) It is said in a prov., ';t ~ .*i3l [In the spring, or in the sum- mner, thou losedst the milk], in which the ; is with ke6r when the words are addressed to a male, or to a female, or to a pl. number, because originally addressed to a woman, the wife of a wearthy man, whom she disliked because of his being aged, wherefore he divorced her, and a poor man married her, and she sent to her first husband requesting a gift, and he answered her thus; (S, O, I ;*) *A.WIl being in the accus. case as an adv. n.: so says Ya4oob: (8, 0:) or El-Aswad Ibn-Hurmuz divorced his wife El- 'Anood Esh-Shenneeyeh, (O, V,) of the Benoo- 8henn, (TA,) prefcrring to her a beautiful and wealthy woman of his people; (0, 1 ;*) then there occurred between them what led to their separation, and he sought to obtain [again] El- 'Anood, and sent a message to her; but in reply- ing to him she said, * i;$1 W ; i 0| is! [Thou hast begun to sek our union: in the *pring, or in the summer, tiwo losedat the milk]: (O,* I:) the .; in this case being with fet-h. (]. [See more in Freytag's Arab. Provey. ii. 197-8, or in Har p. 677; in both of which, however, and in the 0, ; is with kesr in the latter case, as in the former.]) [One says also, ; J , meaning He brohe his compact, contract, or covenant]. The phase, in a trad., . Jt! ' akLI means He forbade the expending of wealth otherwise than in obedience to God, and th squandering thereof, and eztravagance. (TA.) - See also the next paragraph. 4. sj,!1 tll: see 2, first sentence, and last but one. - Also, [and app. t .i likewise, accord. to the g,] He lef the thing; left it, or fet it, alone; or neglected it. (K, TA.) You say, iti. lb1l He neglected hisfamily, or house hold; omitted takinq good care of them, or being mindful of them. (TA.) J4. 1 Ib l. .:JLe,, in the J~ur [ii. 138], means And God mill not neglect [or mahe to be lost] your prayer. (TA.) oi5 ~l11 t, in the same, [xix. 60,] means VWho neglected, or omitted, prayer, (B.d, TA,) altogether: (TA:) or deferred it: (Bd :) or nho performed it in other than its right time: but the first explanation is more suitable, for the unbelievers are meant thereby. (TA.) ~ -l [is also intrans., and] may signify He found his affair to be coming to nought. (1lam p. 33.) And Is a2tates ( b.) became nw ide-spread, (., O, J,) and many, or numerous. (, O, Msb, g.) 5. ;.3, said ofthe wind, It blew: because it [often] destroys that upon which it blows: so says Er-Raghib. (TA. [But it may be from what here follows.]) -_ Said of musk, It diffused its odour, or fragrance: ($, 0, ] ;) a dial. var. of ti: ( :) or an instance of substitution [of US for j]. (O.) [See also 1, last explanation.] Aand : see . aa.a an inf. n. of L (.,&c.)_See tle below, last sentence but one._-Also A singe cas, or occasion, of prishing, coming to ght, passing away, or becoming lost; or of being eft, let or let alone, or necleted. (TA.).". aai means I left him unwouht-after, or un- mi/d, or unmied. (TA. [See also a similar phrase voce 1t;,.]) - Also i q. ;tU [meaning An estate conisting of land, or of land and a houe, or of a houe or land yielding a renue, or of a houws and palm-trees, or the like]; (., O, Msb, I];) and [particularly] land yieding a revenue; (I ;) or with the people of the towns and villages and cultivated lands it signifies the property, of a man, consisting of palm-tre and grape-vines and land: but the Arabs [of the desert] know not the word in this sense: (As, TA:) IF says, I do not reckon the application of this word as a name for the jI to be of the original language, but think it to be an innovation in speech; and I have heard it said that this is termed a 1. because, when frequent attention to it is neglected, it perishes; and if it be so, this is an evidence of what we have said, that it is of the innovated speech: (0, TA':) the dim. is * , for which one should not say L4 : (S, 0, :) the pl. is t. and , (S, O, Mob, ]g,) as though the latter were a contraction of the former, (Msb,) and t;.A : (KC:) accord. to Lth, the first of these pls. signifies places of alighting or abode or settlement; which are thus called be- cause, when the paying frequent attention to them, or taking good care of them, and the keep- ing them, or putting them; in a good state, or state of repair, is neglected, they come to nought: and ta occurs in a trad. as meaning the means of subsi/tence. (TA.) And, (T, 0, Mgb, ,) as sed by the Arabs [of the desert], who know not the word in any other sense than this, (T, 0,) A craft, or handicraft, by nwhich one gain his sb- istence; a mode, or manner, of gain; or any '00a .0 a%-WI ,,LUt i.e. [V"y 1 fear, for tht mindfid of thm. (TA.) 'd'zl L4. C; grapes,l iheir [lit. the] perUAing, or becoming 1o3t. ,*Ztcj.o1, in the ]ur [ii. 138), means And God (TA.) - And tU, (V, TA,) in£ n. iQ.1 and mill not neqkct [or make to be lo3t] your prayer. 0,0. (TA,) It (a thing) was kfl; h-ft, or kt, (TA.) Si5L11 in the same, [xix. 60J alone; or neylected. (g,TA.) Hence, meatis IVIto neglected, or omitted, prayer, (Bd, ,ll, and 4QWI & Tlte cameli, and thefamily, TA,) altogetlier: (TA:) or deferred it: (Rd':) or houmliold, were kfi untended, and unmindad; or ivlto lxrformed it in other tlian its right time: and ~re L. but the first explanation in more suitable, for the ft alone, or neglected. (TA.) zom tt,,bp aor. said of perfume, or sweet odour, . unbelievers are meant thereby. (TA.) i 1 q. [is algo ititmns., and] may signify Re found his having for its aor. (gar p. 67O.) affair to be coming to nought. (klarn p. 33.) [See 5 in art. C.1l& : and see also 5 in the present And Ri* mates became wide-rpread, art.] 0, ],) and many, or numerouv. (, 0, Mqb, %0,1)1 &.b, (0, Mob, V,). inf n. and V 5. t;.wjl said of the wind, It blew : because it ^&Lbl, (0, Mqb, ],) in£ n. AL' C; ; A[often] destroys that upon wliich it blows: so saysi both signify the same; M 01 Mah' ];) Er-Righib. (TA. [But it may he from what here He made,. or caused, tise thing to perish, or be- follows.]) -Said of musk, 19 diffund iu odour, come kg;' he destroyed it, waded it, or lost it. or fraqrancie: (, 0, ];) a dial. var. of 6h, (Msb, g, TA.) Hence, U' is used by (?:) or an instance of substitution [of U forj]. the vulgar as meaning They beheaded such a one (O.) [See also 1, last explanation.] the mffd. (TA.) It is said in a prov., ,--% k-.*) g, or in the jum- [In the sprin. iG and Jag'.b: see ttea. mff, tiwu losedst the milk], in wljich the :P is an inf n. of L (?, &c.) - See tleb, with keer when the words are addremed to a below, lut sentence but one.-Also A singk male, or to a female, or to a pl. number, because cam, or occasion, ofporishing, coming to " At, originally addremed to a woman, the wife of a passing away, or becoming 4nt; or of Uing kj?, weafthy man, whom she disliked because of his being aged, wherefore he divorced her, and a poor M or lot alone, or n&jkctcd. (TA.) man married her, and. she sent to her first Ice means 1 le JY ft him un~ ltt-aj?er, or w&- husband requesting a gift, and he answered her lind;d, or unmitwL (TA. [See also a similar thus; (, 0, g;*) -it-JI being in the accus. case phrase voce Also i. q. jtu [meaning as an adv. n.: so says Ya4oob: (?, 0:) or El-Aawad Ibn-Harmuz divorced his wife El- An mate considing of land, or of land and a 'Anood Fah-Slionnecyeb, (0, V,) of the Benoo- f a houw or 4and yieklinq a mmue, or Shonn, (TA,) preferring to her a beautiful and of a houw and Imim-trm, or tite like]; ffl, 0, wealthy woman of his people; (0,1g;*) then gb, ;) and [particularly] land yiekiing a there occurred between them what led to their rmenue; (g;) or with the people of 'the towns sepamtion, and he sought to obtain [again] El_ and villages and cultivated lands it signifies the 'Anood, and sent a menage to her; but in reply- proper,, of a man, comisting of palm-trot and ing to him she said, grape-vines and land: but the Amt* [of the desert] know not the word in this seum : (Az, UJ- UjI TA:) IF eays, I do not reckon the application of this word as a name for the ItZ to be of the original language, but think it to be an innovition in speech ; and I have beard it said that this is [Thou hast begun to mek our union: in the *Pring, termed a 1%.& becaum, when frequent attention to or in the 3ummer, tlwu bsedit the milk]: (0,0 it is neglected, it perishee; and if it be so, this is ]:) the ro in this case being with fet-b. (V. an evidence of what we have Paid, that it is of the [See more in Freytag's Arab. Prov. ii. 197-8, or innovated speech: (0, TA the dim. i, in Har p. 577; in both of which, however, and for wliich one should not in the 0, is with keor in the latter em, say LP : ffl, 0, V4 the PI. is iL.-. and " (?, 0, Mqb, ]g,) as as in the formerj) [One says also, 1 M 1 C*Ibl though the latter were a contraction of the meaning He broke Aii compact, comract, or 'former, (MbJ andlt;;.: QC:) accord. to Lth, covenant]. The phmse, in a trad., * ' " J L"J the first of'these pls. signifies places of afighting QI * aCt means Heforbade the expending of or abode or settlement; which are thus caRed be- mmkh ithAim than in obedience to God, and cause, when the paying frequent attention to the &pandering thereof, and eztravagance. (TA.) them, or taking good care of them, and the keep. - See also the next pamgmph. ing tlicm, or putting them; ina good state, or state rep ir, is neglected, they oome to nought: and 4. 1 tLal: ace 2, first eentence, and lut O '. Loj ;.otaca occurs in a trad. ao meaning the mww of but one. - AI&o, [and app. likewise, subsistence. (TA.) And, (T, 0, Mgb, V,) as accord. to the ],] He le tite thing; le .ft it, or used by the Amb8 [of the desert], who know not Wt it, alone; or twgkcted it. (1, TA.) You the word in any other sense than this, (T,0J A my, ditea ttbl He "keted hisfamily, or house, cra or handicra ne ft, by tv ith o gaiw his mb- Wd; omitted takinq good care of them, or being sistence; a mode, or manner, of gain; or any .0 mindful of thm. (TA.) 451 L4. C-1 J-1 L.3 in the ]ur [ii. 138), means And God mill not neqkct [or make to be lo3t] your prayer. (TA.) in the same, [xix. 60J meatis IVIto neqkcted, or omitted, prayer, (Bd, TA,) altogetlier: (TA:) or deferred it: (Bd:) or ivlto lxrformed it in other tlian its riqlit time: but the first explanation in more suitable, for the unbelievers are meant thereby. (TA.) ~ & [is algo ititmns., and] may signify He found his affair to be coming to nouqht. (klwn p. 33.). And Ri* mates became wide-spread, 0, ],) and many, or nm~v. (, 0, Mqb, ].) 5. t;.W, said of the wind, It blew: because it [often] destroys that upon wliich it blows: so saysi Er-Righib. (TA. [But it may he from what here follows.]) -Said of musk, 19 diffund iu odour, or fraqrancie: (, 0, ];) a dial. var. of tj;.bl : (?:) or an instance of substitution [of U forj]. (O.) [See also 1, last explanation.] and see aae.a an inf n. of L (?,&c.)-See tleb, below, last sentence but one.-Also A singk cam, or occasion, ofporishing, coming to "At, passing away, or becominq lmt; or of Uing kj?, or kt alone, or nVkcted. (TA.) aze.iv means 1 left him unw"ltt-aj?er, or w&- ibud, or unmined. (TA. [See also a similar phrase voce t teb.]) ~Also i. q. jtU [meaning An mate considing of land, or of land and a /m~, or of a houw or land yiekling a mmue, or of a houw and palm-trees, or tite like]; ffl, 0, Mob, ]g;) and [particularly] land yiekiing a revenue; (V;) or with the people of.the towns and villages and cultivated lands it signifies the property, of a man, comisting of palm-trot and grape-vino and land: but the Amt* [of the desert] know not the word in this seum : (Az, TA:) IF eays, I do not reckon the application of this word as a name for the ItZ to be of the original language, but think it to be an innovition in speech ; and I have beard it said that this is termed a 1%.& becaum, when frequent attention to it is neglected, it perishee; and if it be so, this is an evidence of what we have Paid, that it is of the innovated speech: (0, TA'-.) the dim. is * for wliich one should not say,4': ffl, 0, V4 Lhe PI. is iL.-. and " (?, 0, Mqb, ]g,) as 1 M1 though the latter were a contmetion of the rormer, (MbJ andlt;:.: QC:) accord. to Lth, the first of these pls. signifies places of afighting Dr abode or settlement; which are thus caRed be- muse, when the paying frequent attention to ihem, or taking good care of them, and the keep. ng tlicm, or putting them; in a good state, or state )f repair, is neglected, they oome to nought: and tac.a occurs in a trad. u meaning the mww of rubsittence. (TA.) And, (T, 0, Mgb, VJ u ised by the Amb8 [of the desert], who know not 1e word in any other sense than this, (T,0J A ,ra or handicra.ft, by which one gaiw his mb- istence; a mode, or manner, of gain; or any

Transcript of say,4': ffl, 0, V4 LP : ffl, 0, V4 - StudyQuran · said of perfume, or sweet odour, . unbelievers...

Page 1: say,4': ffl, 0, V4 LP : ffl, 0, V4 - StudyQuran · said of perfume, or sweet odour, . unbelievers are meant thereby. (TA.) i 1 q. [is algo ititmns., and] may signify Re found his

1812[BooK I.

most of the contents thereof has been drunk andthere remaiss but litte, mixed, (IAth,' 0, 11,TA,) and turbid; (IAth, TA;) this being likenedto milk mixed with water: (TA:) or coming towater the last of the people. (AHeyth, TA.)

.**, aor. inf M, A, Mb,

g;) as also a;. , aor. jsd, inf. n. -,; (S, M,1C;) It (a thing, M, 0) harmed, injured, hurt,mischiefed, or damaged, him; i. q. , (, M,

,) or ~ .J. (Myb.) You say, ' l. I.M)j. [.i'[Thi isa of th things that will not harmn

the]: and --,. i [lIadst thou done it,it had not harmed the]: and 4i. ' ' [No

harm shall befall thee]. (A.) And jJ*0a to

JI.4 i.q. L q. v. (A in art.... ) And KN says that he had heard (from one

of the people of E!-'Aliyeh, TA) the phrase*. .. --- .. ...

u_oi 19. WI ?&a.t 9 [Thtat rill not benefitme, nor wiiUl it harm me]. (, TA.) See also areading of a plhrase in a trad. cited in art. j..conj. 3.

1. j'l, (., ],) aor. `', inf. n. c, (TA,)He dveatedfrom theright coure; oracted unjustly,wn~~ily, injuriou, or tyrannically; (S, V;)

,a' U in the judgmt~nt: ($:) like JU. (TAin art. jtJ.). . .jL, aor. and inf. n. asnbove, He deprived him, or defrauded him, of apart, or tlhe wole, of his right, or due: (S, M,

:) like ;jl, aor. oj: (1] :) he refused it tohimn, or nwitdeldd it from him: (AZ, M,TA:)nnd sometimes one says *j.U, aor. .jla/, inf. n.

J.(S, TA.)

gs. 3. An uqjut, (S,M,) or a defective, (

in art. J,) div : (M, :) as also j:(M:) j,;. in the lur liii. 22 is read by allwithout heinz: (TA:) it is of the measure Jta,

like and b; but the _, is with kesrin order that the tS may remain unchanged; forthere is not in the language an epithet of themeasure u.; this being a measure of sub-stantives, like jja:JI and t.. 5 J1: ($:) or,

accord. to Aboo-'Alee, it is not an epithet, but aninf. n., like U;.,g as though the meaning were

a -pn. ,1 i; .J: ( p. 524:) Fr says thatsome of the Arabs say jl. , and t.jj: andAglt mentions AZ's having heard the Arabs say

,.. , with heinz. (8.)

1. &lh, aor. :; inf. n. a nd L (SMgh, 0, Myb, K) and and , (s,) It (a thling, ., Mgh, 0, Msb) perished, came to nought,pased away, or became lost. (., O, MFb, 1, ) .

It is said in a trad. of Sad, Ui · 1

as,; I ,L,Il i.e. [Verily I fear, for thegrapes,] their [lit. the] perishng, or becoming lost.(TA.) -And t, (], TA,) inf. n. ,l1 andUa,, (TA,) It (a thing) wa eft; left, or let,alone; or negylected. (/, TA.) Hence, ,.,

, l, and 4lWI l, Tle camels, and thefamily,

or household, were left untended, and unminded;and were Left alone, or neglected. (TA.) - t,aor. ., said of perfume, or sweet odour, i. q.

L, having for its aor. . (lIar p. 670.)[See 5 in art. $..: and see also 5 in the presentart.]

2. sJ11 e, (O, Msb, 1,). inf. n. ~.";

( ;) and t, (0, Msb, ],) in£ n. AL' ;(.;) both signify the same; (., 0, Msb, ;)HIe made, or caused, the thing to perish, or be-come lost; he destroyed it, wasted it, or lost it.(Msb, g, TA.) Hence, U' ii ,. is used bythe vulgar as meaning They beheaded such a onewith th ford. (TA.) It is said in a prov.,

';t ~ .*i3l [In the spring, or in the sum-mner, thou losedst the milk], in which the ; iswith ke6r when the words are addressed to amale, or to a female, or to a pl. number, becauseoriginally addressed to a woman, the wife of awearthy man, whom she disliked because of hisbeing aged, wherefore he divorced her, and a poorman married her, and she sent to her firsthusband requesting a gift, and he answered herthus; (S, O, I ;*) *A.WIl being in the accus. caseas an adv. n.: so says Ya4oob: (8, 0:) orEl-Aswad Ibn-Hurmuz divorced his wife El-'Anood Esh-Shenneeyeh, (O, V,) of the Benoo-8henn, (TA,) prefcrring to her a beautiful and

wealthy woman of his people; (0, 1 ;*) thenthere occurred between them what led to theirseparation, and he sought to obtain [again] El-'Anood, and sent a message to her; but in reply-ing to him she said,

* i;$1 W ; i 0| is!

[Thou hast begun to sek our union: in the *pring,or in the summer, tiwo losedat the milk]: (O,*I:) the .; in this case being with fet-h. (].[See more in Freytag's Arab. Provey. ii. 197-8, orin Har p. 677; in both of which, however, andin the 0, ; is with kesr in the latter case,

as in the former.]) [One says also, ; J ,meaning He brohe his compact, contract, orcovenant]. The phase, in a trad., .Jt! ' akLI means He forbade the expending ofwealth otherwise than in obedience to God, and

th squandering thereof, and eztravagance. (TA.)- See also the next paragraph.

4. sj,!1 tll: see 2, first sentence, and lastbut one. - Also, [and app. t .i likewise,

accord. to the g,] He lef the thing; left it, orfet it, alone; or neglected it. (K, TA.) You

say, iti. lb1l He neglected hisfamily, or household; omitted takinq good care of them, or being

mindful of them. (TA.) J4. 1 Ib l.

.:JLe,, in the J~ur [ii. 138], means And Godmill not neglect [or mahe to be lost] your prayer.

(TA.) oi5 ~l11 t, in the same, [xix. 60,]means VWho neglected, or omitted, prayer, (B.d,TA,) altogether: (TA:) or deferred it: (Bd :)or nho performed it in other than its right time:but the first explanation is more suitable, for theunbelievers are meant thereby. (TA.) ~ -l[is also intrans., and] may signify He found hisaffair to be coming to nought. (1lam p. 33.)And Is a2tates ( b.) became nw ide-spread, (.,O, J,) and many, or numerous. (, O, Msb, g.)

5. ;.3, said ofthe wind, It blew: because it[often] destroys that upon which it blows: so saysEr-Raghib. (TA. [But it may be from what herefollows.]) -_ Said of musk, It diffused its odour,

or fragrance: ($, 0, ] ;) a dial. var. of ti:( :) or an instance of substitution [of US for j].(O.) [See also 1, last explanation.]

Aand : see .

aa.a an inf. n. of L (.,&c.)_See tle

below, last sentence but one._-Also A singecas, or occasion, of prishing, coming to ght,passing away, or becoming lost; or of being eft,

let or let alone, or necleted. (TA.).".aai means I left him unwouht-after, or un-mi/d, or unmied. (TA. [See also a similar

phrase voce 1t;,.]) - Also i q. ;tU [meaningAn estate conisting of land, or of land and ahoue, or of a houe or land yielding a renue, orof a houws and palm-trees, or the like]; (., O,Msb, I];) and [particularly] land yieding arevenue; (I ;) or with the people of the townsand villages and cultivated lands it signifies theproperty, of a man, consisting of palm-tre andgrape-vines and land: but the Arabs [of thedesert] know not the word in this sense: (As,TA:) IF says, I do not reckon the applicationof this word as a name for the jI to be of theoriginal language, but think it to be an innovationin speech; and I have heard it said that this is

termed a 1. because, when frequent attention toit is neglected, it perishes; and if it be so, this is

an evidence of what we have said, that it is of theinnovated speech: (0, TA':) the dim. is * ,

for which one should not say L4 : (S, 0, :)the pl. is t. and , (S, O, Mob, ]g,) asthough the latter were a contraction of theformer, (Msb,) and t;.A : (KC:) accord. to Lth,the first of these pls. signifies places of alightingor abode or settlement; which are thus called be-

cause, when the paying frequent attention tothem, or taking good care of them, and the keep-ing them, or putting them; in a good state, or stateof repair, is neglected, they come to nought: andta occurs in a trad. as meaning the means of

subsi/tence. (TA.) And, (T, 0, Mgb, ,) assed by the Arabs [of the desert], who know notthe word in any other sense than this, (T, 0,) A

craft, or handicraft, by nwhich one gain his sb-istence; a mode, or manner, of gain; or any

'00a .0a%-WI

,,LU�t i.e. [V"y 1 fear, for tht mindfid of thm. (TA.) 'd'zl �L4. C;


iheir [lit. the] perUAing, or becoming 1o3t.


in the ]�ur [ii. 138), means And God


- And tU, (V, TA,) in£ n. iQ.1 and mill not neqkct [or make to be lo3t] your prayer.


It (a thing) was kfl; h-ft, or kt, (TA.) Si5L11 in the same, [xix. 60J


or neylected. (g,TA.) Hence, meatis IVIto neglected, or omitted, prayer, (Bd,


and 4QWI & Tlte cameli, and thefamily, TA,) altogetlier: (TA:) or deferred it: (Rd':)


houmliold, were kfi untended, and unmindad; or ivlto lxrformed it in other tlian its right time:


~re L. but the first explanation in more suitable, for the


alone, or neglected. (TA.) zom tt,,bp


said of perfume, or sweet odour, . unbelievers are meant thereby. (TA.)


1 q. [is algo ititmns., and] may signify Re found his


for its aor. (gar p. 67O.)


to be coming to nought. (klarn p. 33.)�


5 in art. C.1l& : and see also 5 in the present And Ri* mates became wide-rpread,


0, ]�,) and many, or numerouv. (�, 0, Mqb,


&.b, (0, Mob, V,). inf n.


V 5. t;.wjl said of the wind, It blew : because it


(0, Mqb, ]�,) in£ n. AL' C; ;


destroys that upon wliich it blows: so saysi


signify the same; M 01 Mah' ]�;) Er-Righib. (TA. [But it may he from what here


made,. or caused, tise thing to perish, or be- follows.]) -Said of musk, 19 diffund iu odour,


kg;' he destroyed it, waded it, or lost it. or fraqrancie: (�, 0, ]�;) a dial. var. of 6h,


g, TA.) Hence, U' is used by (?:) or an instance of substitution [of U forj].


vulgar as meaning They beheaded such a one (O.) [See also 1, last explanation.]


mffd. (TA.) It is said in a prov.,


k-.*) g, or in the jum-


the sprin. iG and Jag'.b: see ttea.


tiwu losedst the milk], in wljich the :P is an inf n. of L (?, &c.) - See tleb,


keer when the words are addremed to a below, lut sentence but one.-Also A singk


or to a female, or to a pl. number, because cam, or occasion, ofporishing, coming to " At,


addremed to a woman, the wife of a passing away, or becoming 4nt; or of Uing kj?,


man, whom she disliked because of his


aged, wherefore he divorced her, and a poor M or lot alone, or n&jkctcd. (TA.)


married her, and. she sent to her first Ice means 1 le


ft him un~ ltt-aj?er, or w&-


requesting a gift, and he answered her lind;d, or unmitwL (TA. [See also a similar


(�, 0, g;*) -it-JI being in the accus. case phrase voce Also i. q. jtu [meaning


an adv. n.: so says Ya4oob: (?, 0:) or


Ibn-Harmuz divorced his wife El- An mate considing of land, or of land and a


Fah-Slionnecyeb, (0, V,) of the Benoo- f a houw or 4and yieklinq a mmue, or


(TA,) preferring to her a beautiful and of a houw and Imim-trm, or tite like]; ffl, 0,


woman of his people; (0,1g;*) then gb, ;) and [particularly] land yiekiing a


occurred between them what led to their rmenue; (g;) or with the people of 'the towns


and he sought to obtain [again] El_ and villages and cultivated lands it signifies the


and sent a menage to her; but in reply- proper,�, of a man, comisting of palm-trot and


to him she said, grape-vines and land: but the Amt* [of the


know not the word in this seum : (Az,


UjI TA:) IF eays, I do not reckon the application


this word as a name for the ItZ to be of the


language, but think it to be an innovition


speech ; and I have beard it said that this is


hast begun to mek our union: in the *Pring, termed a 1%.& becaum, when frequent attention to


in the 3ummer, tlwu bsedit the milk]: (0,0 it is neglected, it perishee; and if it be so, this is


the ro in this case being with fet-b. (V. an evidence of what we have Paid, that it is of the


more in Freytag's Arab. Prov. ii. 197-8, or innovated speech: (0, TA the dim. i,


Har p. 577; in both of which, however, and for wliich one should not


the 0, is with keor in the latter em, say LP : ffl, 0, V4


PI. is iL.-. and " (?, 0, Mqb, ]g,) as


in the formerj) [One says also, 1 M 1


though the latter were a contraction of the


He broke Aii compact, comract, or


(M�bJ andlt;;.�: QC:) accord. to Lth,


The phmse, in a trad., * ' "


L"J the first of'these pls. signifies places of afighting


* a�Ct means Heforbade the expending of or abode or settlement; which are thus caRed be-


ithAim than in obedience to God, and cause, when the paying frequent attention to


&pandering thereof, and eztravagance. (TA.) them, or taking good care of them, and the keep.


See also the next pamgmph. ing tlicm, or putting them; in a good state, or state


ir, is neglected, they oome to nought: and


1 tLal: ace 2, first eentence, and lut O� '. �


;.otaca occurs in a trad. ao meaning the mww of


one. - AI&o, [and app. likewise, subsistence. (TA.) And, (T, 0, Mgb, V,) as


to the ]�,] He le tite thing; le


it, or used by the Amb8 [of the desert], who know not


it, alone; or twgkcted it. (1�, TA.) You the word in any other sense than this, (T,0J A


ditea ttbl He "keted hisfamily, or house, cra or handicra ne


by tv ith o gaiw his mb-


omitted takinq good care of them, or being sistence; a mode, or manner, of gain; or any



of thm. (TA.) 451 �L4.


J-1 L.3


the ]�ur [ii. 138), means And God


not neqkct [or make to be lo3t] your prayer.


in the same, [xix. 60J


IVIto neqkcted, or omitted, prayer, (Bd,


altogetlier: (TA:) or deferred it: (Bd:)


ivlto lxrformed it in other tlian its riqlit time:


the first explanation in more suitable, for the


are meant thereby. (TA.) ~ &


algo ititmns., and] may signify He found his


to be coming to nouqht. (klwn p. 33.).


Ri* mates became wide-spread,


]�,) and many, or n�m~v. (�, 0, Mqb, ]�.)


t;.W, said of the wind, It blew: because it


destroys that upon wliich it blows: so saysi


(TA. [But it may he from what here


-Said of musk, 19 diffund iu odour,


fraqrancie: (�, 0, ]�;) a dial. var. of tj;.bl :


or an instance of substitution [of U forj].


[See also 1, last explanation.]




an inf n. of L (?,&c.)-See tleb,


last sentence but one.-Also A singk


or occasion, ofporishing, coming to "At,


away, or becominq lmt; or of Uing kj?,


kt alone, or nVkcted. (TA.)


means 1 left him unw"ltt-aj?er, or w&-


or unmined. (TA. [See also a similar


voce t teb.]) ~Also i. q. jtU [meaning


mate considing of land, or of land and a


or of a houw or land yiekling a mmue, or


a houw and palm-trees, or tite like]; ffl, 0,


]g;) and [particularly] land yiekiing a


(V;) or with the people of.the towns


villages and cultivated lands it signifies the


of a man, comisting of palm-trot and


and land: but the Amt* [of the


know not the word in this seum : (Az,


IF eays, I do not reckon the application


this word as a name for the ItZ to be of the


language, but think it to be an innovition



; and I have beard it said that this is


a 1%.& becaum, when frequent attention to



neglected, it perishee; and if it be so, this is



of what we have Paid, that it is of the


speech: (0, TA'-.) the dim. is *



one should not say,4�': ffl, 0, V4


PI. is iL.-. and " (?, 0, Mqb, ]g,) as




the latter were a contmetion of the


(M�bJ andlt;:.�: QC:) accord. to Lth,


first of these pls. signifies places of afighting


abode or settlement; which are thus caRed be-


when the paying frequent attention to


or taking good care of them, and the keep.


tlicm, or putting them; in a good state, or state


repair, is neglected, they oome to nought: and


occurs in a trad. u meaning the mww of


(TA.) And, (T, 0, Mgb, VJ u


by the Amb8 [of the desert], who know not


word in any other sense than this, (T,0J A


or handicra.ft, by which one gaiw his mb-


a mode, or manner, of gain; or any