
E3SBAXD SATURDAY APPIL 17 1909 PARKER BRIDGET C X Wm aad the Aveaae1 9 A LL THE jAr WORLD OF SPORTS 8 n nnfr 4rtDn n4 h t THiWASHIiGTON r NEws 1 TPfb < < + I GOSSIP FOR THE FANS I I OrvfUe Page Marsoa pltcber at an Mason record a Xsrafcsjl FteM Chicago by twirling a nohit nonm sane against Depauw University t tt aM In- cidentally winning the contest 4 to L struck out eleven men Champ the leading candidate for the shortstop job with LoWs Cardinals holds an unusual record He been in the major league time but has spent only one fun season in the big smoke He rim played with Washington then was ahifted to the New York He was then sold to IndianopoUs and went from there to the Central League Then he was drafted a couple of times by the White Sox but sent back every time Last fall the 8t Louis dub was by his sensational fielding acd put in a draft for him He has always been a consistent hitter The Sioux City Western League dub has signed Pitcher Harry Eels formerly- of Cleveland Pitcher Stony lat of St Low has signed with the Milwaukee club of the American Association Th Troy club of the New York League baa purchased Pitcher HI West from the Indianapolis club of the American Association Joseph Ktnian of Sterling IlL hat been engaged as manager of the Winona club of the new WisconstnMinnesota League Addle Jose and Cy Young both o Cleveland hold the record of retiring con- secutively twentyseven batsmen in a league game Roger Bresnahar has a new honor if It can be called such He is the first man to be put off a ball field this season It happened in the seventh inning at Chicago in the opening game when Bres nahan told Umpire Klem a few things that the arbttrirtor did not like Rossman at the present time has the distinction of carrying around more dia- monds than any member of the Detroit team He has a cluster of threecarat stones in his tie and he carries a spark ier on his hand which is worth a tidy sum To look at the prosperous Detroit bunch one would be led to think that a Jewelers convention waa In session The diamondbedecked athletes attract no lit- tle attention It is an easier task to mention who do not them than it is to give an fled list of those who carry sparklers Of the veteran pitchers Mullin and Summers are most unpre- tentious this way The diamonds in family are worn by Mrs MuiUn while Summers has never hankered toe a tone although well fixed to wear one McIntyre Kiliifer and Beckendorf do not wer diamonds although Matty and Red were participants in the world series Both used their money to an other advantage KHltfer sinking his pile in lumber interests on the Dr Powers the Athletic catcher rested well last night and his condition stxtwM an improvement His temperature was almost normal and the doctors are hope- ful that the Athletics catcher will pull througti The operation appears to have ben entirely successful The relative strength of the various cannot be Judged until all of them have met each other Then too physical condition Is as nwh of a factor In tile result of games this early in the season- s real playing strength Hence because in the American league Detro1 has won three games it must not be taken as conclusive proof that its opponents are weak or that the Tigers will lead next September or eves a month hence Until it is definitely known bow many the early Pap theISt has fur I Highland- ers att- racted M lynn ext 1 the- M ulltn Coat- I teams t O teen A wear ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ players gone the close of lie season and of what caliber the new rerrults are which have been dug up by the various managers it is impossible to get anything like a cor- rect line on the strength of the eight rival teams in each league And as a matter of fact few of the players have as yet truck their proper gait nor will they get into their stride before about May 1 after they have had a little more warm weather to thaw them out We observe with chagrin that no pro- vision in the press box at the Polo Grounds has been made for the sporting editor of the Outlook N Y MaiL No word yet from Pack Cbesbro or Fred Glade but Chief Stallings he isnt worrying a bit Tom Brown the old Louisville and Brooklyn outfielder is touting the as a sure thing for the Ant division Brown has secured berth in the New York State League as umpire Clarence Beaumont laughs at the idea that Johnny Evers is going to quit base- ball Beau knows Johnny couldnt be kept ont of the pane except with an ax Jack Hayden like it with the Cube but has a grievance against President Mur- phy saying the latter promised to give him a contract calling for the same mon- ey he received last season and then cut it ISO per month The Cleveland club is to ask for waivers on five more players at once hut Lajoie refuses to give out the names Andrada Foster and Gougb all pitchers have already been dropped That Clarke thinks highly of Tommy Leach a coach as well as a player is apparent Fred says he may quit after another reason and if he does it is not hard to pick his successor as manager of the Pirates The quartet of the visiting players at the new Philadelphia American League park are the same as those for the home team except that they are not so com- modious Twenty lockers of the same rise aDd make as those used by the Ati letics have been installed and the bath is equipped with two showers instead ot three To the left of the main entrance of the old have back says Yank a I I as t since Man- ager ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ The Bottle that Flanks The Home Plate e tracts in this delicious dark beer help digetk as well as sharpen the appetite Have us supply you regularly Case 2 dozen SUL25 AbnerDrury Brewing Co Mis Electric Score Board a Ma AWAY FROM BOXX T mdocod NATIONAL RULES AUIIOlty Should always contain GlolT Tb and hop New All a fn w 2SC Ok1 xalt LMt1O is a room for the exclusive use of the umpires This is outfitted with lockers chair and washstand a d is also reached from the Meld by a tunnel stairway Organised baseball has always made a distinction between contract Jumpers sad those who have violated their reserve anti has always lenient with the latter at time of a settlement following any base- ball flareun It is a recognised tact that the reserve rule works a hardship on the ball player but the baseball Authorities are forced to continue ft and to sustain it the rule being the corner stone of the professional game In Abstein it is thought Plttsburg last secured a fleet baseman He knows baseball and is a good fielder and batter Kane has Improved much over his playing of test year and Howard W Earl the scout for the team thinks Kane outfit to be one of the finest first bass men in the business Jimmy is all right In batting but his fielding of ground balls is against him Much has been written M the put about the harmony within the ranks of the De- troit Tigers Men have pointed out that it is this harmony that helps win and that since it is found in abundknee among the Tigers it is but natural that they should carry oft the championship This same harmony exists this year Since the men have started out there has not been the least dissension nut the least bit of quarreling no bitter feeling of any kind and this spirit counts for just about as much as perfect condition Detroit News Al BuckeoDerger who followed Prank Selee as manager of the Boston Nationals and went back to manage the Rochester Eastern League team has retired perma- nently be says tram baseball He has found a billiard hall profitable In Roches- ter his beme city Fielder expressed great satisfac- tion when informed that Billy Sullivan bad been selected as his successor to manage the Chicago American League club In selecting Hilly Sullivan to man- age the team Jones Comiskey se- cured the best possible man for the posi tion Sullivan will keep the team in the race He is popular with the fans the players all like him ao4be knows every- thing in the game from A to Z ready and willing to assirt him in any- way possible should be think it necessary to consult me except to go to the team I been said pack has- t ze tones lam ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Addle Joss says that Cleveland mapped out a good plan to win the this year They are going to keep all the stars on the bench until they meet Washington and then send them out to clean up the Nationals Ftonny hose neartallenders put the Naps out of commission last year just they looked a one to ten bet for the nig Exchange Walt Since he became a major fcaguer Sul livan has caught a total of 853 games and In the last lye seasons he has caught 5 games an average of more than a season When he became a member of the Boston Nationals in the fall of IS- he caught twentytwo games before the seasons finish Bill Hinchman the Nap great sunfield- er saya that the Cleveland sun garden is the hardest in the country to play Hill has played sunneids in both of the big leagues and several of the minors The sunneids in Cincinnati and New York are very troublesome but Bill Insists that the one in Cleveland has them nil backed off the boards Hin h never hit less than 300 before be landed in select company and he believes that Old Sol is the cause of his batting eye being dimmed WIllS PAST GAME has whn 1 pen- nant bow ¬ ¬ > Defeats Green Kl ro IH the Ninth Inning gpreial to Tke Vajhinctoa thruM LynchjMirg Va April 17 The Shoe- makers won frum Greensboro of the Carolina Association today in a snappy and Ilghthittins game the being 2 to L The game was a battle be- tween Moser and Bertrand Both runs prior to the winning one were assisted by errors In the ninih a double by Bernard sacrifice by Ziegler and a long drive over center by Caul won with none out Score E Ljncfabunj 0 5 3 OrecMbofo tt 04 I l S 1 UatterieMoa r and Caul Bartand and Wabh AGGIES LOSE HI VIRGINIA Eastern Win by Heavy UitrinfrU- pccial to The Wa hinitaa H BBll Front Royal Va April 16 Eastern Col- lege defeated Maryland Agrlcultuarl Col- lege by the score of 9 to 2 in a game full of sharp fielding and heavy hitting Quln fast I JL B 0 G 1 1 S t College I score S ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Icy of Eastern made two circus left field while C Bard of Eastern made three running catches of the son sational order Errors were mainly responsible for the visitors defeat In the sixth innin Boards threebagger followed by Saleys single started the run getting Johnson of Eastern had good support and had the visitors at his mercy Only three hits were made oft him The score EHLE Butern Colkfe 20 l 0- Md AcrieaNonl 1 1 0 0 f2 S and Malay Mayer and Geaao- oRicHiaimaA College Shut Out Special t Tb Waabingtoo tfnald Lexington Va April M Washington and Lee University today defeated Richmond College 3 to 0 in a pretty game Hood featured for varsity making three hits three times up Watts pitched lint game for varsity and made good Herring and Speed also played a good game Meredith Ezekiel and Sheppard were in the limelight for Richmond Col- lege The visitors play V MI tomor rcw Score s- In 6 t I to Batteries his si ¬ ¬ 3 S 1 Rkhav d Ot00 OOfr 3 3 Battcriea W J Watts acd RICh mood M T diU aDd dIe Cs9lreCa Scott at V M I Mount St Marys Defeat Bucknell 8prcitl tt The Washington llcreld Md April Mount St Marys today beat Buckoctt in a heavy hitting game by the score or S to Score- R HE Mount Marys 0 2 9 1 3 0S 2 BcriKn 2 C 0 03 4 i B tt ri Tonixuj and McHojcb Kcaaelman and Cricket Game Postponed The cricket game scheduled to be played- on Howard University campus this after ncin has been postponed until next Sat R B E 1 ntb IEm1 its rg I 3 I St 0 Ole OTcary I Villa 2 WkL l i y > = BASEBALL GAMES TODAY- At NattMat Waattattcn w Boater Uvfe- At BiMfclKM ItaMklud is JMcMvoof- At WnMMih WyiliHi w Otstal IIi At caB He YaXs n Oolkc A flminjsBimi Prep fM G rtora- Pmjs n liHliiu His At Go- At Aoaspotto ABsaprOM ML Bortoril- At AMbtcstJtasbcnt m Bo ote At Pratktoee E IBwrm n Holy OOM- At PrtecftM M m UaK of Micafe MI Vaadsr hot At WeA PotetWOTt Point n TutU At New Unm T te ML Triaitjr At MstrhbarfHsnwban M C rluie at State Piths INna State n- At aoatk BsOdakMtN T U m T rM h- At MUOHian CWmW tayMi w aprw field At Trar N YItedbas M Jt P I At Xw IMfoidBartoB Course w Xev BUSY P6II LOCAL FANS Many Teams Will Cross flats oa SHU il Lola Toony will be a busy day for the loral baseball taM Nearly every team repre- sentative of the college high and prepara tory schools and clubs is scheduled for a game in this city or near by Over on the Hilltop Georgetown will take another crack at the University of Pennsylvania cripples Penn has many followers IK thIs city and a large crowd of rooters are expected to be on hand Penn will use her star slabman Schultr- Ln an effort to square things with local collegians Montgomery will oppose him and a battle royal expected Qailaudrt College next in Jin will RO to Chestertown Md for the final game with Mike Thompsons braves The nosed out their opponents in a Fame played hi this city several weeks ago and hope to keep up the K O work Of the club teams Hloomingdale will play St Johns College at Annapolis anti Brookland and Bright wood wilt clash on the formers The high schools will have a huy day With the exception of Tech all games- Tiill be played with local or KiibuH an teams The McKinley School nine will play Fredericksburg College Business is booked to meet Georgetown Irepe Vn tral will play Woodside of the Suhurban I easme and Western will crows hats with the let Wisconsin independent nine 1 As II 1 A C6IL At i JIT II 8t e- At T At eou Y ML l- At Ioda 01 DAY th I l grounds twnGanuIawa U ChsUsIt L Wea L Jni is- M liPr4utet igi- w flsoaeSIed u 3Iu Pans Mute 3 t ¬ ¬ > STRIKES AND SPARES mvoaiEx TorirvAMEXT RESULTS Miller and ODonnell rntinue to win taking three out of jv from Roderick and Miller Charlie Millar tnppl i th pins for a 24 game the last t The even ing- Roderict I i i3 w j 93 W Milkr 23 15S 11 C Miucr 7 i l i 2 W- UOooMD m j r A iv j Total 3To rcj 3 4 iciw Waters and Krauss ypruni a surprise on Walker and Bunn wirmiiK fi ir of ftve the first K uiie Kinc t d by one pin Jg J JP Totab- Wattar Tot 9 j a- l lrfBWtit nrhrflile Kirld ami and LuaVu KIKS a Thinri i eta 34 1 31L t out d I t WI 1 04 u I ns- KratIM A 7 lI lf n flea 1 i 1 nr il L d I Ii J I j C ISS 9 i- Tb a t 11 lk2 l9 V IS at W a- ll > > > > < VETERAN PEDESTRIAN HERE Da OLeatry th King f Em All TlMltR ationtil ratpItNl Den OLoary veterxn pi Trinr t irif conqueror f the Vstop rea this city yesterday afternoon and alltI on the sporting editor of The WatnirRton Herald OI e ry Is here ropref ntin a well known Eastern commercial firm anti will remain for several days In over his J st record the famots soil trodor said Yes I have had many interesting experiences My career has been n- eventfnl ore and I have gotten mud pleasure out of life I have outpaced Weston three times first 1 Chicago in 1875 years later in London and again in 1W And I am still going at a lively and am ready to defend a title which I rightfully claim There are undoubtedly a number of aJ nirers of the novel sport among the local contingent of outdoor life starfiputs Any one wishing instructions in th art of longdistance walking can reacu the fa- mous authority through the sporting de- partment of The Washington Herald I tW WAITS A TRy AT XETCHRLL great gong elm = > > ¬ < XKHS er of Sans Lnnsfwrd Hot AR Trail of Clever Boxer Joe Woodman manager of Sam Lang ford has put it squarely up to Stanley Ketchell who has Just been matched to fight Johnson at Colma on October 12 Woodman says that while he has to leave with Langford fr Eng land next Wednesday he will postpone the trip until April 22 and will agree to have the Boston negro meet Ketchell In a tenround bout on April 36 or 27 in New York the winner to take the entire mon ej offered the boxers end As there can be no decision by the referee Wood man says be tilll leave the question of supremacy to the press and club mem herB but he algo states that if Ketchell i j will agree to there will be a knock j out before the limit Is reached HAEKISOKSTTEG WINS MEET Captures Trophy of Shenandoah Val- ley Athletic AaaociiLtlen Sptvtel to The Waafabvtoe Hcsa- UHarrisonburg Vs April first annual meet of the Shenandoah Valley Athletic Association was held at Lake i j Park here this afternocn j Five school were interested Harrison burg High School Mxssanatten Acad- emy of Woodstock Shenandoah Colle- giate Institute of Dayton Staunton High ScVool and Augusta Military Academy of Fort Defiance Hiuri uJug High School led with M points Ausus Mllltarj Academy with I second with 24 points while Massanut ten won third place with 15 points The Staunton Military Academy entered by i permission of the association and had they qualified in tine would have win HarriMMiburg Hen Schuoi by toi The high school of this place won tic association trophy and Hawkins of high schoi the allround championship gold I for j I I I 16The I i tt I I medaL ar- ranged light I ever tc I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ PORTING Cy What Cantfltea said to Bill Shiptw for allowing Street to try home fat the Dearth Sine Gotcfe bumbled Mthmom they are calling tba by the test of Yuaetess Vice President Sherssaa says that he thinks Jim Detobanty is the best second jHasemea m the world Outside of Jim Is aD right Baa Johnson was 1 oar nrfdst again yesterday and saw lbs Nationals trounce Boston While Ben cttdaT say that Washington would probably finish in tile drat division he admitted the Nationals lookfed mighty good Tariff threatens a lemon famine an- nounces a Baltimore paper Dole this mean that Bill Squires will be kept en the other sUe of the pond tin a white The Edward Payson Club has disbanded as Fred Weimar of the Press Club recently bought a taxicab Tripp the crack shortstop of the Xng- Jicr tools very snuck peeved because we stated recently that he hailed from Alexandria He wants it understood that he lives In Anarostia the land of the mid night cockfights Come to think of it you dont see half so many office boys at baseball games a you do jokes about them in the daily an j jHTiodical press The audience it roru- i poSt mostly of citizens past middle age Looks like Detroit says Frye hat settles it- i As we canter t National Park the lion Cipriano Castro is still looking for j t place to land Tt m Monks Press Club baseball team is already batting over 3Cw in tire stein j league RACING CARDS FOR TODAY Jacksonville FIRST RArTir eju d niwart- ir MX iirv K B- W Htr Harxi Ni Ms una l 1 H mth Mrirgr Ill IAmur KIITM KAlKThrr- rv or IK ST tr- MXTM HA K K ur irsr V rf- V ig l ati If- KJii T M S A n Kliorj- Virf rh nt VLV j tir Hurl h li trn J R K- M MW Btllr i j Turk that W r t i a he- fd I tI t 11 I f 11 7 Ih J C m- Pmn u iff Br I I Kid IZ ud upvI ij 7- Tn I II ftlrt V9 11111 II Hhlftr j Till PI rJldacal thrw rh Ul lIh 10 11- YIf1l1 Bfall 10 l 99 n4E T1nftr 1 and iprarl p 1 n iri La Kr sr If 1 J I 1 I J J S j fY hty I h O E Tthitha n rJ it l ari 1 nrf N art r J nrr- trr 12110 Is r I rIl t ty- In A t I u I r 11 il- ite 9C u c1 i ir y3 Tot Jor Hr I T 11r 1 rail II- f 1Itrjrt r tlI- it J J c U I ETil 1 Te a t and r mih 1 r f i 10 9f i SIDELIGHTS I aa Harry c eL jtfl- f liawan Ii K4 rkte i t ri IJ Ky Fther L TkiIIr1- RA E iut and 4ia- Ami oh 1 t441a ltS Fart I i1 N Qiarr t siTi 5 kigniin 1 C9 IS ia ai4 C iM- Psr Iit lret i1t NIsuIgvr eAFoTRTi r1 f Tnh irnrr 0 rly 9 T r hat 1O itt hint I ei IA t I q l V Jt a1 s 1r 1 I I t v ill MtI 4 j 12 L I ¬ < > > > < < < FIRST RrESu frlr- NI RAE Pin O v Street lui nr4f nche V3 Tjf v Fay 112 rp Jn- Vc lrraft 9f T a Wif o- FIFTH RACE rt mil snd Wry ikl- Cshin 1W ninrh r- Vlrr 108lI Nl HoIaiMlT Jx N loc H oirwrt- V ewntioc 1K Hiilv Watkin Tmirv Abeam iW Tennessee Boy Tarn 1M- i SIXTH BAfTOne mile sad fftr ne i Kduarto 116 Hush Moo T 1 A Mny Iay r W tnr Jt wr 109 w iKm Enrique M J K 106 Damchtw Fant5tk 106 Warden SEVENTH RA R s furlong i King 132 J uiiw dAre Rr Ucmoh 125 Roe Ont n wags 1 WoMeraft- K xar Red 104 i Water Los AaicoTos FIRST RACERis ft rl vc- foTjtinajeot IS PiT Awns 13 Wistaria robWin Wy PU 131 rrA Iaifim 131 i Ko i Banr M Bog Rrroa- HOscrt I WPm Foot 17 Toll Oatbwer L C WidrMw Fred MnH ll wl- Rr Bye ia r Ptoprw IJfaOM THIRD RACCOoe nile Al Wi W5IIUWA Sa SaL IN I UbH- Mik JjrrUa 110 Frtew Barry MB Tr a lTK o T Tor K Friar of Elgin Xa 1 Rick MC Yankee Totjrtit FOURTH KACEOM nile fitlY FtBhrr S l Pinknl MIC r Fmr Mol T W8l8r OM Timer N3 I Gtorio Lttrtor Wiotoa KB i rtahtwrv Mark Antcny MB Ma May FIFTH HACXflfe and MieBatf i W Bart CI I MItaet God lit Tactewnt It Pal Maatenoa 117 Aant Pf r- Sr hii 1W I U Hindoo Fire Knight the Red 131 f lane SWift SIXTH RACE On and mujtuirtrr Mver KnlvM Iwy wrtjJTb Louis Mi L N Mitta HrOMB Drvtle 114 rptto Jan I irrt 91 NVttfu- tVH Rnnswo UllRcral Maxim IK WbU IAn SKV 7H KAtE S T ftolnnz Irtrff fVl B h- W I 13 i1TlTli J i r drJI V- Ii Ior IOJ K1rnik 1111- t r 1 U1 I T J B 110- 9n nl t m tl TlIHl r- Itrrt b1- I t1- lrrll1d I4 Iaf Si and err T1P1 S PS 1M P4 Ir 95 ram JI5 HIt Ran 101 n- Cr I 91 H m I 131 131 ill TOlD IS A I lasdo 131 j i 335 S I r t i M Rann 1311 C 155 t 13 fb UIt Mine BeflI1IDOat Il1llMdar J Its t hl11 It B Asset Fuse MIl t r u 114 1 1t1 fri I IX Runt I no TAN Jttel 13 RIedr Mate 112 I 315 Betas MS Boar 111Ibilta 111 313 CallI Its J 1M ft I J1 ro t1lY1a In WdM JIS l Jt InI 1f ntr Bat Fen I JC Hannab 01 Till lGf I 5 1 I Oaklasu cr5 R1eIo- p I lw J I Iii Aura 101 lie 14 J Maritri- I S 11 freg wflg I 1k ti N 1I rant lIt IA i VtieI1 Ia TI fIT Il Krg RA41I F I 11 f- lPIa O I ravl- largrsrc 1111 a r 113 Mi 95 eacne air Iii 95- 1PiRTd ftVEh nie ecnty ysrd- Rr iS 144 93 Yankee t Jam 5 B5Ilmthe 143 Madman ii 193 eon I fbi S4ErflND ACBx fislouwi- 1sf Qak Snrts 131 lee 13- 1eeatnr Ilairett Vohus i f the SItb4 flay I I ItS I 513 Dendnsso I Rat tiw stiles its 195 its 55 s Tsstn p- 1a May I Mniosv IS Wtr1wry j4fljjg > < < > > < > < Alfoona- l iko Wnhnctm HnaJd- Ricbmond Va 18 Richmond T WI- rr m Aloona to ay by tie of i 4 Altoona braced n the last in Ins nrl pot two runs passing tLe inning Richmond Defeats biQ April score to 1 It 1n oJ 1081 f tt < j i THIS POSTMASTER- IS A ROYAL FAN NorfoLk V April J6 Aaejrt the KRjtroReh of the opening ef- th bftMeball la Norfolk Pestmarftor Curacy ban the following netlee te be con lxefmT posted IH tile ofllcci- AH reqiieAtK for leave of ab KCHCC on eo tti t f toothache xevere c ld miser pkyxIcKl- afJtttPHtej and e aeeeitBt of tu- neralx picnic church noclate the Itke niiuft be handed to the of your diet Klen before 1 a in OB lag of the game P tm vier Carney IN STir Stafcut who feeaum a CxfktHs re- Kml tK e t PxeMen4 Taft 0- HOTontl ttccaMwaK be kaw hoes taken Iter the President When the PrmUalent HUM a s HIt IN- it crowd C Br irtswi- cST1EBS New York April IS The W tch ster Racing Association Ins framed a pro Kramine of stakes for the spring meet 11 at HcMiont Pirk which opens oa- iiy 13 indicate unexpected pros perity for ill of horsemen In nil uvontyt o Makff will be run off the total Hlue being Four of events rt till IU lrnoit for three i yeartMs fl1 Rjarhnti1 the With em toY t r y iro 1s ini added National Stllion for tw earoMs ROW j Kuan iitee1 Mil the LaM ts for three yeirold Allies J5 A adut i a total of v The rther stakes eighteen in number aniojnt to T f in valu of whkh aiiour ha Jeeri subscribed by t orpai i ro i rs and own- er e Mhih it is saM has ii f Mire flOQ006 to sr ru r a of the New LOS ANGELES i SUMKASPS- Si TiTi SinpronHle rt Fn Co ick- a T J- 1Senil F r an ont mlf fur iinR The t Mn li ttrtl i i Preston t J wfi i S1 iKnK 7 to 2 see ml Slvi Fv l tH wr 2 to 1 third Time I Mr Ion Jiey EUo- vir X ina J V La IVstra Sir Sfo and Kakif I IV rn Third rc S Ijrlorsjyi Black Mate V ilSrj to 1 won old Timer 10- JiKtnniv J t 1 fe nil Krnls Staf frd 1 S Siiintf t 1 tini Time IJ4 4 Grae F rn L Dame Kthl Tty rt rin- FMh rjc Six firlonjr V lma C If fi ur j to 1 wnn snlper 105- i r al 1 to second lc Harrison 7 iSMllriK I0 thIrd Tinae 11 iii i n Randolph FT r of El gne ITrto Ii ktway il hord Sink- S Sirtns Virginia and Oey del Ilin f a ran Fiti ri Six furlonps Taxer 14- 1 w n Tavrn i Wilson I jci t 17 I Hovrrd 8 to i furI Tirie Vrk lid Play Si rgiv Fynm AiH stn onbleskiil Mil Ksthrr M HilKrt aiJ Joie S Knijit V r 1 e nd Li ijs 112 iKitis 1 Time- r ft e ton Kas I t T NoeJ Mis Naomi Ms Offi vtjs R yal Mxim Hoblnon- H irid e lr V ht tra Hi ul Cap also rtit- Sev nii ra c Fiv a nhlf fur I nps Aiiiti H l fhiJimeP 3B to 1 wtn Vto 1 H ttic 7 to 2 Mnnil l lfojiHrclt rt to 1 TV Kvdns fofnmbia caused rc a and nest the a 8 tlfIriIIIr the followed stxoums Muss tel tk0 Tkrl Pr Dee ea- 1IvNt for Sllas t I S the S T I ui t 1 Fan 1 Yrk tI1kl u tu FI frrll t t I Y i 1 Rict 1 tIc l 1 t r 1 1 I J I off Grande rid r i lH tart t I iI tI I 1i a- lxn I i lIpJarttr j I 1017 IalmsI td 1 wou Silver t- it i tIll 1 tlri season superintendent morn ltiel niod gasssIg the s4 eted IretdrxtIaZ L dmittd- atW8TGKESR 4WRS- C thm hers Meeini tii classes 2 those e irl iOUfl341flt- l VIsn WIV Riley ltd Iv 1 111 4 1 < I e t i It 1 r i rto4Irw miles 311 V l I thIrd e I < > > < > > < > > > > > < Malt XI iau Ja i Ajt i- Votiroine 1ri Jt i Tamar and Goliien also ran JACKSONVILLE SirmfATITRS Frs t race One mile IJos m Kriead 1W- Proxvni 4 to 1 won W i rVd S 1 second J S MoAiltster W- 3Frankkr1 1 to 1 third Van H m Hret Roy I en Profitable fv ti Mopkins Dixie Gold and KiM IVripord ran i Second race Five and fur long C mo i ij il oveii to 1 won St Abe 1 7 iPtndertrnstt vrn second Autumn Maid 10 iTroxhi to L third Time 111 Guilford 1 J MiCarthy Ctrdwell Rrmble Miss Cardi pan Formosa al o Third race Six and onehalf furlongs Preston 1 M Martin 7 IA W won Halifax 114 Hardy r to i e ond Ben I oublc Ill Burton 2 to 1 third Thne 124 Ray Thompson Ralph W and Utile t s age also ran Fourth nile Teeta H M- Troxler o to 1 won Rose F 105 Hardy 10 to 1 second Vendor Pen 2 to 1 third Time l 6 Moyva Lady Helen Virginia Ruiloba Be ttrln and Mardus iili ran i Fifth race Six furlongs Grate George NS Hatchettt 4 to 1 won McCarthy 7 to 1 second Lucy Young SOS Paul 6 to 1 third Time 1125 Herlida Carrie Elder and Col Craig alto ranSixth furlongs Ros boro 138 Burton o to 2 nnn MaledIction 120 Conley 7 to 1 second Tackle 117 Bur- ton to 1 third Time 11745 Judge Dundon Elder A Stiliwcll Joe Fallen and Judge Treen also ran In > I I ttinCi eat I t Tim 147 a ont t1Jf t Catherine Itri ran raceOne derla14t1 1 f Dry Dollar Ethel I Ara raceSix 1 o 31 3 < > > > SUMMARIES- First race Futurity course BIrth ltt Cotton 2 to 1 won Zalta Ml BoreD 1 second I edgett Kff McIn tyre 9 to 2 third Time ram Harry Rogers Fknuefl Hall Captain Hanson Enamour and Andy Ginter also ranSecond race Four furlongs Galvesca MO Deverich 9 to 6 won Palo im Gross 5 to L second TransAtlan- tic MS Borel 9 to 1 third Time 4S 16 Electrowan Passenger Kiang Pores Kismet Amelia Sixteen and Biased also ran Third race Six furlongs Duke of Mi 110 Mentry 1C to 5 won Aunt Kit SB 20 to 1 second Altomor KM T pUn J to third Time 11525 Deviser Ml Derecho Osceola Blameless George Klsoet Bssthel also ran Fourth race Six furlongs Fulford 105 McIntyre 8 to 5 Ozorine Dev erich to 1 second Yankee Daughter 1C5 Coburn 10 to 1 third 11425 of Diamonds Paso Toflbox No riole Rosslare Fore and Haana Louise also ran Fifth raceOne mile Osa 1W Mcln tyre 12 to 1 won M7 Burns U to 5 second Utile Sis 100 Taplia 3 to 1 third Time 14245 Rose vale Lisowel Al Picaro Yakimt Belle Gaden Lass Anna UaJey EabelsJs sad Ornate also ran Sixth race One mile and twenty yards Import Taplin 16 to S won 1 Clark 3 to seccnd Husky MJ fMHler 7 to 2 third Time 143 Sera cin sc Taunt Ed l ivi iBoloman Ft Kent Gun Kruka and Minot also ran j o tIT 1fl 112 15 C1 V I lan j a 1t and Ace El Sch K yle tot High I- to 1 RoW sI < ¬ ¬ ¬ ± > Harvard Tea Savtlt- Cambridge Mass April H r arj team of tf nty ne players Coach Pieper and Managers yrnan and Pnyne left today for CliaiicUvsville V wlire it will practice next week during the Ea ter vacation of one wetjfc on the grounds of the University of Virginia Games rii lv played with the rniver it 0 Virginia Wednesday and Friday and with on tfarr 5 j j Lea fer J The I on Gtor o n j j j make but ifs a fad ParkerBridget Mens Suits at 18 20 and 25 Ahd PB Youn Mens Suits at 12 15 18 and 20 are without doubt the best smite the most worthful suits and the most distinctively fashionable suits produced by any clothieri- n the land at their respective prices If youre a judge of of fabric worth of of fashioncorrectness notice the superiority of ours at a glance YcmU notice the exclusiveness of the pat- terns the individuality of the styles the perfection the madetomeasure clothes of this citys foremost tailors equal these gar- ments and you know youre asked twice as much for theirs HeadtoFobt Outfitters Ninth and the Avenue V tN u V1ift rUD11rli V I I cl tlti i you ll O ry I 1 i I F i I 5 > JTEW YOU HOTELS HOTEL MARTINIQUE BMADWAT AND 33D STSSXT- BKKJJUO SQCAEE X T CITY RETURN FARE S20 S- BERJWM THE GARDEN SPOT T WORLB- ZS MOST BEACTlTtL DCKUfG STIUNG sons bioom Temoerature csiid awl erasable N IDEAL SEA TRIP to the JcL aiful rawct- oa rth CLIiiTE SUPERB Lea thom two UTS from New York by the sraeniScrat ainrtwuknc t m rw fi PKIKCE CEOsXK- E rf with w TAND iJOST COMFORTABLE STEAMER TO BER- MUDA CARRIES NO CATTLE OR OTHER OFFENSIVE FREIGHT fc SAI1S K TE K r TaTT S tAT AX9 rangy CLASS KOCH TRW AI UP dCLtTiKSM A XJCAUL M4 Vail HazticniMI o- fS144 STATE ST X T ST YVES HAS MARROW ESCAPE Saved ky Trainer UiHrsi ew Il warr Lake Prfneeron N J April IS HenrJ Pt TX th champion Marathon runner Kh is training for run with Shrubb had a narrow escape from In Carnegie Lake this St Tve and bis trainer took liberties with a belcngina to a student an i paddled sloan to the center of the lake where they attempied to change seats and promptly went overboard The trainer who is an expert swir mer went to St Yves aid and got him ashore with some difficulty Neither was very much the worse for his ducking but St Yves admitted that he had a close call MBKUJEAC HB10 DUOSED- Pstteevuua Philadelphia Pa April With his leg crooked around crossarm of a telegraph pole at Ninth and Dauphin streets looking for trouble in the tire alarm circuit William Cook a linerann lost his balance and fell to the pavement Policeman Lamon of the Park and Le high avenues station who was standing on the corner had noticed Cook t work and when he saw the man slip he rushed beneath the pole and attempted to break I I ACOO1UIOOATIOSa r 15 v I n- ti faito- ap or ttni- mE RES f Js l It then that LILIES ard ROSES aft in COt THE TX 8 ce After drown- ing JreM floe Pale the tall n va wcaesv aaus 01 V- IA j 5Ptht- 31eta Ycur- t 5VW 1 1f1rTTQtT NJOt AN YEEATIO34L aEFETAT1t- WWAA TaYLO a sos A IS STELlSK I the t ran Baum u sis ngwunaaTLaxTIc i Into tile here afternoon canoe Mendlong et a his < > > < Ccox turned a somersault In the air and fell in such a peculiar manner that the patrolman was unable to intercept although be touched him with his arms and was bowled over himself Cook suffered concussion of the brain and there were numerous contusions all- over his body His left arm was In two places The injured man was hurried to the Womans Homeopathic Hospital in a wagon but it is thought he will die During the Spanish American war Cock enlisted in the navy and when Richmond P Hobeon called for vt un teems to run the Merriraac into the harbor at Santiago and bottle up Cerverss Cook was one of the first to step for ward VALET FLEES WITH JEWELS Jieacrr Cr k tt Accused af XobMvc New York April 1C Henry Crok tt Englishman with a pronounced was arrested at the Grand Central Station tonight on a charge of being a fugitive frora justice in Philadelphia Crockett was valet to George W Elkins the Philadelphia traction magnate and is j wanted there to sre If he can tell where several tnousand dolar5 worth of M El kinn jewelry is at pr er He saiU e iud not io nvgnt aad was locked up The police however recovered property valued at 2enft Indicted Maps Capt r l- LaurfJ I Apri J 1 Loa v n n u iai w Elisha Hudson four rimes and after be Inc escaped from the court off- icers was rpprehenrted in Accomac Onn ty Va und brought her by Sh rff Kellarr ar turned over to iht Delaware him t frac- tured pa- trol j PJtI1atIefa an a I i i i j indicted L j i r S flee I TraetIa Magats centS tel tat > > > j i j i j ATLANTIC CITY HESORTS Hotel y tSolfjA- WI ICA morft- t 3 HOTEL TRAYMORE c ITT X j- boiit tb BtOTlIi COKFAXY- O WhIle C O Jlarqvrttf GALEN HALL HOTEL AM ATLANTIC S J it opener tat td a cr or V TIE WILTSIIIEce- ear Ehvatn aUaa bo sac parlor kUitca wits taUt Sad every oe eotairx sad terrier aauiie apeciit i tAJtTx kUJJs hnr and ITo THE 5 pi ANf Cr vaa dV rt UBrN rd T Bnertwai tod Orran It w m shop pirate J fU per yard JACTB B HAWK HOTEL LAM BOCK nv with prirai laths HOTEL MORRIS O u end Tert ace nrriri aM Fro paaa pan BcoaVnt ivtac ao a ranee CChwve buffet booklet W H S 1 1UV HOTEL TUMUSU SMBd Haw feaam Boartntt all yaac 0 aflin lac tt BtMl P j jt x K JtoxtrnxuJ- OCW CtARIOX KESTCCET ATat O BOC8B tm bead atawtor booklet C BOHITACX Rote aad AavuwBMet GvM silk City ant tne J A Xran AOaa Catr XJ ExCURSIoNs WFWK i ta n- STEiaVIAT eOHPftiTtV- EKY DAY to die ytr tram fcec Ttk tar Fort Skavoe BMcfeU Kmt Sma lid pwata sash via Wnltnstea ixam H Fnrtawiatk Norfolk r m A t MoamirstaA iJ PL Monro 7i Ac N fott 44 a At Atexaadria J ajax Ar Porta oaCkJJ aa AT Wa Jucrtoo aj C ri tvwa ceaKecticaai aaatle at Nortoii din OoadBaw ntnahu Co te X k sat JaUcdMata sad JHeamsfct Bastes CTGcMnl TWUt Otto B ifch it Coia Aa CrnaM Jlaia Iia ac waaK TMM JSO CALLAKAJC M v Pma sod 9aaA 3 W M CAU tel raw Ast VISIT bit ttrket for aVa rlpttue fokler and H e al f 8PRIMG SPORTS t tfc U S HAVAL ACADEMY Tfc OMtae l tk M x y U33 KOUTI TRIP EiECHIC UitlMYM- 9TJ3TT TKXJtllX- tec vhuf aad M ata- y Ua i and yv am FARK T5e R UXX T9USP rt IilCT8- rt arU N Y Largest Morning Circulation I I I < J i t i so asa t Oft LIZ tt I it at YC- LW2tt4 wa f1t i wNtt IID i AJIIiTsUIL i I I ATLA55TIC year ue I ter roasforis TRA WORE S JIUUIn Wtfttt GCDtcn wrri ard QUatYp a O t t baaa wrta tre4 is lOcal n stay L Umi ALL p Y bout 1 I r I I PrfUL I sd t4rhnd rf1lt1T to I I t 8 XILLIR i I r Ear BOTHWELL AYE wee S X 1 L I I It fIll r SeA U said ubiIIe Li II Spa LY Itacen Sew far I JIlt 1Alr wos Sir 0IIades 1iOt- c w CARS TO IU with I cm41 sed eOSpe eb inUr 5et ctates is- us 14 bardsa 5 OS 5t rc Nf t II saOsustss A 54 L4- tbuLr 4 I La I HU1Tc open Pames na heed the vi- llooe PrusIaL 1aNetaLUiL ill isa eitant atirdfluts 5 lec tt I tLM Ma- aoen TilS Its ro isIn 210 ocle 5I4 rates sees 1PT3IN SA11t flan are F rolais JULIA 1 New f Pin z uf I steel deansa Soath1a54 h 1 old I Aucigt- AnAiaEis agat WAs in asalealer Ospadity na IveIs4st asoasa is ace n qsartey aon iije itAIN sNrRtScg zoo trnrct Krtoc 1ss > > > > > > < > > = =

Transcript of ·...


PARKER BRIDGET C X Wm aad the Aveaae1



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OrvfUe Page Marsoa pltcber atan Mason record a Xsrafcsjl FteMChicago by twirling a nohit nonm saneagainst Depauw University t tt aM In-

cidentally winning the contest 4 to L

struck out eleven men

Champ the leading candidatefor the shortstop job with LoWsCardinals holds an unusual record He

been in the major league timebut has spent only one fun season in thebig smoke

He rim played with Washington thenwas ahifted to the New York

He was then sold to IndianopoUsand went from there to the CentralLeague Then he was drafted a coupleof times by the White Sox but sentback every time

Last fall the 8t Louis dub wasby his sensational fielding acd

put in a draft for him He has alwaysbeen a consistent hitter

The Sioux City Western League dubhas signed Pitcher Harry Eels formerly-of Cleveland

Pitcher Stony lat of StLow has signed with the Milwaukeeclub of the American Association

Th Troy club of the New YorkLeague baa purchased Pitcher HIWest from the Indianapolis club of theAmerican Association

Joseph Ktnian of Sterling IlL hatbeen engaged as manager of the Winonaclub of the new WisconstnMinnesotaLeague

Addle Jose and Cy Young both oCleveland hold the record of retiring con-secutively twentyseven batsmen in aleague game

Roger Bresnahar has a new honor ifIt can be called such He is the firstman to be put off a ball field this seasonIt happened in the seventh inning atChicago in the opening game when Bresnahan told Umpire Klem a few thingsthat the arbttrirtor did not like

Rossman at the present time has thedistinction of carrying around more dia-monds than any member of the Detroitteam He has a cluster of threecaratstones in his tie and he carries a sparkier on his hand which is worth a tidysum To look at the prosperous Detroitbunch one would be led to think that aJewelers convention waa In session Thediamondbedecked athletes attract no lit-tle attention It is an easier task tomention who do not them than itis to give an fled list of those whocarry sparklers Of the veteran pitchersMullin and Summers are most unpre-tentious this way The diamonds in

family are worn by Mrs MuiUnwhile Summers has never hankered toea tone although well fixed to wear oneMcIntyre Kiliifer and Beckendorf donot wer diamonds although Matty and

Red were participants in the worldseries Both used their money to another advantage KHltfer sinking his pilein lumber interests on the

Dr Powers the Athletic catcher restedwell last night and his condition stxtwMan improvement His temperature wasalmost normal and the doctors are hope-ful that the Athletics catcher will pullthrougti The operation appears to haveben entirely successful

The relative strength of the variouscannot be Judged until all of them

have met each other Then too physicalcondition Is as nwh of a factor In tileresult of games this early in the season-s real playing strength Hence because

in the American league Detro1 haswon three games it must not be taken asconclusive proof that its opponents areweak or that the Tigers will lead nextSeptember or eves a month hence

Until it is definitely known bow many




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players gonethe close of lie season and of whatcaliber the new rerrults are which havebeen dug up by the various managers itis impossible to get anything like a cor-rect line on the strength of the eightrival teams in each league And as amatter of fact few of the players haveas yet truck their proper gait nor willthey get into their stride before aboutMay 1 after they have had a little morewarm weather to thaw them out

We observe with chagrin that no pro-vision in the press box at the PoloGrounds has been made for the sportingeditor of the Outlook N Y MaiL

No word yet from Pack Cbesbro orFred Glade but Chief Stallings heisnt worrying a bit

Tom Brown the old Louisville andBrooklyn outfielder is touting theas a sure thing for the Ant divisionBrown has secured berth in the NewYork State League as umpire

Clarence Beaumont laughs at the ideathat Johnny Evers is going to quit base-ball Beau knows Johnny couldnt bekept ont of the pane except with an ax

Jack Hayden like it with the Cube buthas a grievance against President Mur-phy saying the latter promised to givehim a contract calling for the same mon-ey he received last season and then cutit ISO per month

The Cleveland club is to ask for waiverson five more players at once hut

Lajoie refuses to give out the namesAndrada Foster and Gougb all pitchershave already been dropped

That Clarke thinks highly of TommyLeach a coach as well as a playeris apparent Fred says he may quit afteranother reason and if he does it is nothard to pick his successor as managerof the Pirates

The quartet of the visiting players atthe new Philadelphia American Leaguepark are the same as those for the hometeam except that they are not so com-modious Twenty lockers of the samerise aDd make as those used by the Atiletics have been installed and the bathis equipped with two showers instead otthree To the left of the main entrance

of the old have back














The Bottle that Flanks

The Home Plateetracts in this delicious darkbeer help digetk as well assharpen the appetite Have ussupply you regularly

Case 2 dozen SUL25

AbnerDrury Brewing Co Mis

Electric Score Boarda Ma AWAY FROM BOXX T mdocod


Should always containGlolT Tb and hop

NewAll a

fn w 2SC



is a room for the exclusive use of theumpires This is outfitted with lockerschair and washstand a d is also reachedfrom the Meld by a tunnel stairway

Organised baseball has always made adistinction between contract Jumpers sadthose who have violated their reserve antihas always lenient with the latter attime of a settlement following any base-ball flareun It is a recognised tact thatthe reserve rule works a hardship on theball player but the baseball Authoritiesare forced to continue ft and to sustainit the rule being the corner stone of theprofessional game

In Abstein it is thought Plttsburglast secured a fleet baseman He

knows baseball and is a good fielder andbatter Kane has Improved much overhis playing of test year and Howard WEarl the scout for the team thinks Kaneoutfit to be one of the finest first bassmen in the business Jimmy is all rightIn batting but his fielding of ground ballsis against him

Much has been written M the put aboutthe harmony within the ranks of the De-troit Tigers Men have pointed out thatit is this harmony that helps winand that since it is found in abundkneeamong the Tigers it is but natural thatthey should carry oft the championshipThis same harmony exists this yearSince the men have started out there hasnot been the least dissension nut theleast bit of quarreling no bitter feelingof any kind and this spirit counts forjust about as much as perfect condition

Detroit News

Al BuckeoDerger who followed PrankSelee as manager of the Boston Nationalsand went back to manage the RochesterEastern League team has retired perma-nently be says tram baseball He hasfound a billiard hall profitable In Roches-ter his beme city

Fielder expressed great satisfac-tion when informed that Billy Sullivanbad been selected as his successor tomanage the Chicago American Leagueclub In selecting Hilly Sullivan to man-age the team Jones Comiskey se-cured the best possible man for the position Sullivan will keep the team in therace He is popular with the fans theplayers all like him ao4be knows every-thing in the game from A to Zready and willing to assirt him in any-way possible should be think it necessaryto consult me except to go to theteam















Addle Joss says that Clevelandmapped out a good plan to win the

this year They are going to keepall the stars on the bench until theymeet Washington and then send themout to clean up the Nationals Ftonny

hose neartallenders put the Napsout of commission last year justthey looked a one to ten bet for thenig Exchange


Since he became a major fcaguer Sullivan has caught a total of 853 games andIn the last lye seasons he has caught 5

games an average of more than aseason When he became a member ofthe Boston Nationals in the fall of IS-he caught twentytwo games before theseasons finish

Bill Hinchman the Nap great sunfield-er saya that the Cleveland sun gardenis the hardest in the country to play Hillhas played sunneids in both of the bigleagues and several of the minors Thesunneids in Cincinnati and New York arevery troublesome but Bill Insists that theone in Cleveland has them nil backed offthe boards Hin h never hit less than300 before be landed in select companyand he believes that Old Sol is the causeof his batting eye being dimmed










Defeats Green Kl ro IH the NinthInning

gpreial to Tke Vajhinctoa thruMLynchjMirg Va April 17 The Shoe-

makers won frum Greensboro of theCarolina Association today in asnappy and Ilghthittins game thebeing 2 to L The game was a battle be-tween Moser and Bertrand Both runsprior to the winning one were assisted byerrors In the ninih a double by Bernardsacrifice by Ziegler and a long driveover center by Caul won with none outScore

ELjncfabunj 0 5 3OrecMbofo tt 04 I l S 1

UatterieMoa r and Caul Bartand and Wabh


Eastern Win by HeavyUitrinfrU-

pccial to The Wa hinitaa H BBll

Front Royal Va April 16 Eastern Col-lege defeated Maryland Agrlcultuarl Col-lege by the score of 9 to 2 in a game fullof sharp fielding and heavy hitting Quln



JL B0 G 1 1S t









Icy of Eastern made two circusleft field while C Bard of Eastern

made three running catches of the sonsational order

Errors were mainly responsible for thevisitors defeat

In the sixth innin Boards threebaggerfollowed by Saleys single started the rungetting Johnson of Eastern had goodsupport and had the visitors at his mercyOnly three hits were made oft him Thescore

EHLEButern Colkfe 20 l 0-

Md AcrieaNonl 1 1 0 0 f2 S

and Malay Mayer and Geaao-

oRicHiaimaA College Shut OutSpecial t Tb Waabingtoo tfnald

Lexington Va April M Washingtonand Lee University today defeatedRichmond College 3 to 0 in a pretty gameHood featured for varsity making threehits three times up Watts pitchedlint game for varsity and made goodHerring and Speed also played a goodgame Meredith Ezekiel and Sheppardwere in the limelight for Richmond Col-lege The visitors play V M I tomorrcw Score



6 t ItoBatteries





3 S 1Rkhav d Ot00 OOfr 3 3

Battcriea W J Watts acd RIChmood M T diU aDd dIe Cs9lreCa Scottat V M I

Mount St Marys Defeat Bucknell8prcitl tt The Washington llcreld

Md April Mount StMarys today beat Buckoctt in a heavyhitting game by the score or S to Score-

R HEMount Marys 0 2 9 1 3 0S 2BcriKn 2 C 0 03 4 iB tt ri Tonixuj and McHojcb Kcaaelman and

Cricket Game PostponedThe cricket game scheduled to be played-

on Howard University campus this afterncin has been postponed until next Sat

R B E1


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At NattMat Waattattcn w BoaterUvfe-

At BiMfclKM ItaMklud is JMcMvoof-At WnMMih WyiliHi w Otstal IIiAt caB He YaXs n Oolkc

AflminjsBimi Prep fM G rtora-

Pmjs n liHliiu HisAt Go-

At Aoaspotto ABsaprOM ML Bortoril-

At AMbtcstJtasbcnt m Bo oteAt Pratktoee E IBwrm n Holy OOM-At PrtecftM M m

UaK of Micafe MI Vaadsrhot

At WeA PotetWOTt Point n TutUAt New Unm T te ML TriaitjrAt MstrhbarfHsnwban M C rluieat State Piths INna State n-

At aoatk BsOdakMtN T U m T rM h-

At MUOHian CWmW tayMi w aprwfield

At Trar N YItedbas M Jt P IAt Xw IMfoidBartoB Course w Xev


Many Teams Will Cross flats oaSHU il Lola

Toony will be a busy day for the loralbaseball taM Nearly every team repre-sentative of the college high and preparatory schools and clubs is scheduled for agame in this city or near by

Over on the Hilltop Georgetown willtake another crack at the University ofPennsylvania cripples Penn has manyfollowers IK thIs city and a large crowdof rooters are expected to be on handPenn will use her star slabman Schultr-Ln an effort to square things withlocal collegians Montgomery will opposehim and a battle royal expected

Qailaudrt College next in Jin will ROto Chestertown Md for the final gamewith Mike Thompsons braves Thenosed out their opponents in a Fameplayed hi this city several weeks ago andhope to keep up the K O work

Of the club teams Hloomingdale willplay St Johns College at Annapolis antiBrookland and Bright wood wilt clash onthe formers

The high schools will have a huy dayWith the exception of Tech all games-Tiill be played with local or KiibuH anteams The McKinley School nine willplay Fredericksburg College Business isbooked to meet Georgetown Irepe Vntral will play Woodside of the SuhurbanI easme and Western will crows hats withthe let Wisconsin independent nine

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Miller and ODonnell rntinue to wintaking three out of jv from Roderickand Miller Charlie Millar tnppl i thpins for a 24 game the last t The evening-

Roderict I i i3 w j 93W Milkr 23 15S 11

C Miucr 7 i l i 2 W-UOooMD m j r A iv j

Total 3To rcj 3 4 iciwWaters and Krauss ypruni a surprise

on Walker and Bunn wirmiiK fi irof ftve the first K uiie Kinc t d byone pin

Jg J JPTotab-


Tot 9 j a-

l lrfBWtit nrhrflile Kirld amiand LuaVu KIKS a Thinri

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Da OLeatry th King f Em AllTlMltR ationtil ratpItNl

Den OLoary veterxn pi Trinr t irifconqueror f the Vstop reathis city yesterday afternoon and alltIon the sporting editor of The WatnirRtonHerald

OI e ry Is here ropref ntin a wellknown Eastern commercial firm anti willremain for several days In overhis J st record the famots soil trodorsaid Yes I have had many interestingexperiences My career has been n-

eventfnl ore and I have gotten mudpleasure out of life

I have outpaced Weston three timesfirst 1 Chicago in 1875 years later inLondon and again in 1W And I amstill going at a lively and am readyto defend a title which I rightfully claim

There are undoubtedly a number of aJnirers of the novel sport among the localcontingent of outdoor life starfiputsAny one wishing instructions in th artof longdistance walking can reacu the fa-mous authority through the sporting de-partment of The Washington Herald







= >




XKHS er of Sans Lnnsfwrd Hot ARTrail of Clever Boxer

Joe Woodman manager of Sam Langford has put it squarely up to StanleyKetchell who has Just been matched tofight Johnson at Colma on October 12

Woodman says that while he hasto leave with Langford fr Eng

land next Wednesday he will postponethe trip until April 22 and will agree tohave the Boston negro meet Ketchell In atenround bout on April 36 or 27 in NewYork the winner to take the entire monej offered the boxers end As therecan be no decision by the referee Woodman says be tilll leave the question ofsupremacy to the press and club memherB but he algo states that if Ketchell i

j will agree to there will be a knock j

out before the limit Is reached

HAEKISOKSTTEG WINS MEETCaptures Trophy of Shenandoah Val-

ley Athletic AaaociiLtlenSptvtel to The Waafabvtoe Hcsa-

UHarrisonburg Vs April firstannual meet of the Shenandoah ValleyAthletic Association was held at Lake i

j Park here this afternocn j

Five school were interested Harrisonburg High School Mxssanatten Acad-emy of Woodstock Shenandoah Colle-giate Institute of Dayton Staunton HighScVool and Augusta Military Academyof Fort Defiance

Hiuri uJug High School led with Mpoints Ausus Mllltarj Academy with I

second with 24 points while Massanutten won third place with 15 points TheStaunton Military Academy entered by ipermission of the association and hadthey qualified in tine would have winHarriMMiburg Hen Schuoi by toi

The high school of this place won ticassociation trophy and Hawkins ofhigh schoi the allround championshipgold


for j



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What Cantfltea said toBill Shiptw for allowing Street to tryhome fat the Dearth

Sine Gotcfe bumbled Mthmom theyare calling tba by the testof Yuaetess

Vice President Sherssaa says that hethinks Jim Detobanty is the best secondjHasemea m the world Outside ofJim Is aD right

Baa Johnson was 1 oar nrfdst againyesterday and saw lbs Nationals trounceBoston While Ben cttdaT say thatWashington would probably finish in tiledrat division he admitted the Nationalslookfed mighty good

Tariff threatens a lemon famine an-nounces a Baltimore paper Dole thismean that Bill Squires will be kept enthe other sUe of the pond tin a white

The Edward Payson Club hasdisbanded as Fred Weimar of the PressClub recently bought a taxicab

Tripp the crack shortstop of the Xng-Jicr tools very snuck peeved becausewe stated recently that he hailed fromAlexandria He wants it understood thathe lives In Anarostia the land of the midnight cockfights

Come to think of it you dont see halfso many office boys at baseball games ayou do jokes about them in the daily an

j jHTiodical press The audience it roru-i poSt mostly of citizens past middle age

Looks like Detroit says Fryehat settles it-


As we canter t National Park thelion Cipriano Castro is still looking for

j t place to land

Tt m Monks Press Club baseball teamis already batting over 3Cw in tire stein

j league


JacksonvilleFIRST RArTir eju d niwart-

ir MX iirv

K B-

W Htr Harxi

NiMs una


1 H mth Mrirgr



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FIRST RrESu frlr-


O v Streetlui nr4f

nche V3 Tjfv Fay 112 rp Jn-

Vc lrraft 9f T a Wif o-

FIFTH RACE rt mil snd Wry ikl-Cshin 1W ninrh r-Vlrr 108lI Nl HoIaiMlT

Jx N loc H oirwrt-V ewntioc 1K Hiilv WatkinTmirv Abeam iW Tennessee BoyTarn 1M-

i SIXTH BAfTOne mile sad fftr nei Kduarto 116 Hush Moo T

1 A Mny Iayr W tnr Jt wr 109 wiKm Enrique M JK 106 Damchtw

Fant5tk 106 WardenSEVENTH RA R s furlong

i King 132 J uiiw dAreRr Ucmoh 125 Roe Ont nwags 1 WoMeraft-K xar Red 104 i Water

Los AaicoTosFIRST RACERis ft rl vc-

foTjtinajeot IS PiT Awns13

Wistaria robWinWy PU 131 rrAIaifim 131 i Ko iBanr M BogRrroa-HOscrt


WPm Foot17 Toll Oatbwer

L C WidrMwFred MnH ll wl-

Rr Bye ia rPtoprw IJfaOMTHIRD RACCOoe nile


Mik JjrrUa 110Frtew Barry MB Tr a lTK oT Tor K Friar of ElginXa 1 Rick

MC Yankee TotjrtitFOURTH KACEOM nile

fitlY FtBhrr S lPinknl MIC r FmrMol T W8l8rOM Timer N3 I GtorioLttrtor Wiotoa KB i rtahtwrvMark Antcny MB Ma May

FIFTH HACXflfe and MieBatfi W Bart CI I MItaetGod lit Tactewnt

It Pal

Maatenoa 117 Aant Pf r-Sr hii 1W I U HindooFire Knight theRed 131 f lane SWift

SIXTH RACE On and mujtuirtrrMver KnlvMIwy wrtjJTb LouisMi L N MittaHrOMB Drvtle 114 rpttoJan I irrt 91 NVttfu-

tVH Rnnswo UllRcral MaximIK WbU IAn

SKV 7H KAtE S T ftolnnzIrtrff fVl B h-


13 i1TlTliJ i r

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Alfoona-l iko Wnhnctm HnaJd-

Ricbmond Va 18 Richmond T WI-rr m Aloona to ay by tie of i

4 Altoona braced n the last in Insnrl pot two runs passing tLe inning

Richmond DefeatsbiQ



1It 1n oJ 1081







NorfoLk V April J6 Aaejrtthe KRjtroReh of the opening ef-th bftMeball la NorfolkPestmarftor Curacy banthe following netlee te be con

lxefmT posted IH tile ofllcci-AH reqiieAtK for leave of ab

KCHCC on eo tti t f toothachexevere c ld miser pkyxIcKl-afJtttPHtej and e aeeeitBt of tu-neralx picnic church noclate

the Itke niiuft be handed tothe of your dietKlen before 1 a in OBlag of the game

P tm vier Carney IN STirStafcut who feeaum a CxfktHs re-Kml tK e t PxeMen4 Taft 0-HOTontl ttccaMwaK be kaw hoestaken Iter the President Whenthe PrmUalent HUM a s HIt IN-

it crowd C Br irtswi-


New York April IS The W tch sterRacing Association Ins framed a proKramine of stakes for the spring meet11 at HcMiont Pirk which opens oa-iiy 13 indicate unexpected prosperity for ill of horsemen Innil uvontyt o Makff will be run offthe total Hlue being Four of

events rt till IU lrnoit for threei yeartMs fl1 Rjarhnti1 the Withem toY t r y iro 1s ini addedNational Stllion for tw earoMs ROW

j Kuan iitee1 Mil the LaM ts for threeyeirold Allies J5 A adut i a total of


The rther stakes eighteen in numberaniojnt to T f in valu of whkhaiiour ha Jeeri subscribed byt orpai i ro i rs and own-er e Mhih it is saM has

ii f Mire flOQ006 tosr ru r a of the New





TiTi SinpronHlert Fn Co ick-

a T J-

1Senil F r an ont mlf furiinR The t Mn li ttrtl i i Preston

t J wfi i S1 iKnK 7 to 2 seeml Slvi Fv l tH wr 2 to 1 third

Time I Mr Ion Jiey EUo-vir X ina J V La IVstra SirSfo and Kakif I IV rn

Third rc S Ijrlorsjyi Black MateV ilSrj to 1 won old Timer 10-

JiKtnniv J t 1 fe nil Krnls Staffrd 1 S Siiintf t 1 tini TimeIJ4 4 Grae F rn L Dame

Kthl Tty rt rin-FMh rjc Six firlonjr V lma C

If f i ur j to 1 wnn snlper 105-

i r al 1 to second lc Harrison7 iSMllriK I0 thIrd Tinae 11

iii i n Randolph FT r of Elgne ITrto Ii ktway il hord Sink-

SSirtns Virginia and Oey delIlin f a ranFiti ri Six furlonps Taxer 14-

1 w n Tavrn i WilsonI jci t 17 I Hovrrd 8 toi furI Tirie Vrk lid PlaySi rgiv Fynm AiH stn onbleskiilMil Ksthrr M HilKrt aiJ Joie S

Knijit V r 1 e nd Liijs 112 iKitis 1 Time-

r ft e ton KasI t T NoeJ Mis Naomi

Ms Offi vtjs R yal Mxim Hoblnon-H irid e l r V ht tra Hi ul Capalso rtit-

Sev nii ra c Fiv a nhlf furI nps Aiiiti H l fhiJimeP 3B to 1

wtn Vto 1 H ttic 7 to 2Mnnil l lfojiHrclt rt to 1

TV Kvdns fofnmbia







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Malt XI iau Ja i Ajt i-

Votiroine 1ri Jt i Tamar andGoliien also ran


Frs t race One mile IJos m Kriead 1W-

Proxvni 4 to 1 won Wi rVd S 1 second J S MoAiltster W-

3Frankkr1 1 to 1 thirdVan H m Hret Roy I en Profitablefv ti Mopkins Dixie Gold and KiMIVripord ran

i Second race Five and furlong C mo i ij il oveii to 1 wonSt Abe 1 7 iPtndertrnstt vrn secondAutumn Maid 10 iTroxhi to L thirdTime 111 Guilford 1 J MiCarthy

Ctrdwell Rrmble Miss Cardipan Formosa al o

Third race Six and onehalf furlongsPreston 1 M Martin 7 IA W won

Halifax 114 Hardy r to i e ond BenI oublc Ill Burton 2 to 1 third Thne124 Ray Thompson Ralph W and Utilet s age also ran

Fourth nile Teeta H M-

Troxler o to 1 won Rose F 105Hardy 10 to 1 second Vendor Pen

2 to 1 third Time l 6Moyva Lady Helen

Virginia Ruiloba Be ttrln and Mardusiili ran

i Fifth race Six furlongs Grate GeorgeNS Hatchettt 4 to 1 wonMcCarthy 7 to 1 second Lucy YoungSOS Paul 6 to 1 third Time 1125Herlida Carrie Elder and Col Craig altoranSixth furlongs Ros boro 138Burton o to 2 nnn MaledIction 120Conley 7 to 1 second Tackle 117 Bur-

ton to 1 third Time 11745 JudgeDundon Elder A Stiliwcll Joe Fallenand Judge Treen also ran



ttinCi eatI t

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derla14t1 1

fDry Dollar Ethel













First race Futurity course BIrth lttCotton 2 to 1 won Zalta Ml BoreD1 second I edgett Kff McIntyre 9 to 2 third Time

ram Harry Rogers Fknuefl Hall CaptainHanson Enamour and Andy Ginter alsoranSecond race Four furlongs GalvescaMO Deverich 9 to 6 won Paloim Gross 5 to L second TransAtlan-tic MS Borel 9 to 1 third Time 4S 16Electrowan Passenger Kiang PoresKismet Amelia Sixteen andBiased also ran

Third race Six furlongs Duke of Mi110 Mentry 1C to 5 won Aunt Kit

SB 20 to 1 second Altomor KMT pUn J to third Time 11525

Deviser Ml DerechoOsceola Blameless George KlsoetBssthel also ran

Fourth race Six furlongs Fulford 105McIntyre 8 to 5 Ozorine Dev

erich to 1 second Yankee Daughter1C5 Coburn 10 to 1 third 11425of Diamonds Paso Toflbox Noriole Rosslare Fore and Haana Louisealso ran

Fifth raceOne mile Osa 1W Mclntyre 12 to 1 won M7 BurnsU to 5 second Utile Sis 100 Taplia 3to 1 third Time 14245 Rosevale Lisowel Al Picaro Yakimt BelleGaden Lass Anna UaJey EabelsJs sadOrnate also ran

Sixth race One mile and twenty yardsImport Taplin 16 to S won1 Clark 3 to seccnd Husky MJfMHler 7 to 2 third Time 143 Seracin sc Taunt Ed l ivi iBoloman FtKent Gun Kruka and Minot alsoran


o tIT 1fl

112 15



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Harvard Tea Savtlt-Cambridge Mass April H rarj team of tf nty ne players Coach

Pieper and Managers yrnan and Pnyneleft today for CliaiicUvsville V wlireit will practice next week during the Eater vacation of one wetjfc on the groundsof the University of Virginia Games riilv played with the rniver it 0 Virginia

Wednesday and Friday and withon tfarr 5



Lea ferJ The


onGtor o n




make but ifs a fadParkerBridget Mens Suits

at 18 20 and 25

Ahd PB Youn Mens Suitsat 12 15 18 and 20

are without doubt the best smite the mostworthful suits and the most distinctivelyfashionable suits produced by any clothieri-n the land at their respective pricesIf youre a judge of of fabric

worth of of fashioncorrectnessnotice the superiority of ours at a

glanceYcmU notice the exclusiveness of the pat-

terns the individuality of the styles theperfection

the madetomeasure clothes of thiscitys foremost tailors equal these gar-ments and you know youre asked twiceas much for theirs

HeadtoFobt Outfitters Ninth and the Avenue

V tN u V1ift rUD11rli VI


cl tltii

you ll

O ry














sons bioom Temoerature csiid awl erasableN IDEAL SEA TRIP to the JcL aiful rawct-

oa rth CLIiiTE SUPERB Lea thom two UTSfrom New York by the sraeniScrat ainrtwuknct m rw fi PKIKCE CEOsXK-


M4 Vail HazticniMI o-



Saved ky Trainer UiHrsi ew

Il warr LakePrfneeron N J April IS HenrJ Pt

TX th champion Marathon runnerKh is training for run with Shrubb

had a narrow escape fromIn Carnegie Lake this

St Tve and bis trainer took libertieswith a belcngina to a student an ipaddled sloan to the center of the lakewhere they attempied to change seats andpromptly went overboard

The trainer who is an expert swirmer went to St Yves aid and got himashore with some difficulty Neither wasvery much the worse for his duckingbut St Yves admitted that he had aclose call


PstteevuuaPhiladelphia Pa April With his

leg crooked around crossarm of atelegraph pole at Ninth and Dauphinstreets looking for trouble in the tirealarm circuit William Cook a linerannlost his balance and fell to the pavement

Policeman Lamon of the Park and Lehigh avenues station who was standingon the corner had noticed Cook t workand when he saw the man slip he rushedbeneath the pole and attempted to break




ti faito-ap or

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It then that LILIES ard ROSES aft in



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Baumu sisngwunaaTLaxTIc i





Mendlong eta






Ccox turned a somersault In the airand fell in such a peculiar manner thatthe patrolman was unable to interceptalthough be touched him with his armsand was bowled over himself

Cook suffered concussion of the brainand there were numerous contusions all-over his body His left arm was

In two placesThe injured man was hurried to the

Womans Homeopathic Hospital in awagon but it is thought he will die

During the Spanish American warCock enlisted in the navy and whenRichmond P Hobeon called for vt unteems to run the Merriraac into the harborat Santiago and bottle up CerverssCook was one of the first to step forward


Jieacrr Cr k tt Accused af XobMvc

New York April 1C Henry Crok ttEnglishman with a pronounced

was arrested at the Grand CentralStation tonight on a charge of being afugitive frora justice in Philadelphia

Crockett was valet to George W Elkinsthe Philadelphia traction magnate and is j

wanted there to sre If he can tell whereseveral tnousand dolar5 worth of M Elkinn jewelry is at pr er He saiUe iud not io nvgnt aad was locked upThe police however recovered propertyvalued at 2enft

Indicted Maps Capt r l-

LaurfJ I Apri J 1 Loav n n u iai wElisha Hudson four rimes and after beInc escaped from the court off-icers was rpprehenrted in Accomac Onnty Va und brought her by Sh rffKellarr ar turned over to iht Delaware






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Hotel y tSolfjA-

WI ICA morft-

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BtOTlIi COKFAXY-O WhIle C O Jlarqvrttf


ATLANTIC S Jit opener tat td

a cr or V

TIE WILTSIIIEce-ear Ehvatn aUaa bosac parlor kUitca wits taUt Sad every oeeotairx sad terrier aauiie apeciit

i tAJtTx kUJJs hnr and ITo

THE 5 pi ANf Cr vaa dV rtUBrN rdT Bnertwai tod Orran It w m shoppirate J fU peryard JACTB B HAWK


nv with prirai laths

HOTEL MORRISO u end Tert ace nrriri aM Fropaaa pan BcoaVnt ivtac ao a raneeCChwve buffet booklet W H S 1 1UV

HOTELTUMUSU SMBd Haw feaam Boartnttall yaac 0 aflin lac tt BtMl Pj jt x K JtoxtrnxuJ-

OCW CtARIOX KESTCCET ATat O BOC8Btm bead atawtor booklet C BOHITACX

Rote aad AavuwBMet GvM silkCity ant tne J A Xran AOaa Catr XJ


WFWK i ta n-


EKY DAY to die ytr tram fcec Ttktar Fort Skavoe BMcfeU Kmt Smalid pwata sash via

Wnltnstea ixam H FnrtawiatkNorfolk r m

A t MoamirstaA iJ PL Monro 7iAc N fott 44 a At Atexaadria J ajaxAr Porta oaCkJJ aa AT Wa Jucrtoo ajC ri tvwa ceaKecticaai aaatle at Nortoii dinOoadBaw ntnahu Co te X ksat JaUcdMata sad JHeamsfct BastesCTGcMnl TWUt Otto B ifch it Coia AaCrnaM Jlaia Iia ac waaK TMMJSO CALLAKAJC M v Pma sod 9aaA 3W M CAU tel raw Ast


bit ttrket for aVa rlpttuefokler and H e al f8PRIMG SPORTS


Tfc OMtae l tk M x y




tec vhuf aad M ata-y U a i and yv am


rtIilCT8-rt arU N Y

Largest Morning Circulation





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