I - SATRA PROPERTlLS ( INDIA) LIM[TED Regd . Officc-: Dcv PI l't za, 2nd Floor, Opp Andhcri Fire Station , S.V. Road. Andhc ri (W). Mumbai - 400 058 Tel , +9[-22-26719999 F,x: +9[-22-26209999 Email: info@S( W ebsite: CIK L659[OMIIl9S3 PLC0 30083 PARTI (Rs . In La. cs)1 Res tated Pro-forma Statemen t of St a ndalon e / Consolida t ed Audited Results for the Year ended 31 March ,2014 S l audal onc Consolidated Particulars Quarter ended Qu an cr e nd ed Ycar Ended Year End ed Ye a r E nded Year Ended 31.03.2014 31.03.2013 31.03,2014 31.03.2013 31.03.2014 31.03.2013 (Refer Notes: Belovd Audited Audited - A udited Audited Audit ed Audit ed (refer nOle 10) (refer nole IO} I InCOillt [,'om 0 }c raliolu a) Net Snles / Income from Operations (Nel of excl"ie dUlY) 3. 179 .45 2.22'753 7, 666 50 7. 760 85 7,890.0 1 8, 299.01 b) Oi li er 0 Income I, ' 12 &5 7' I 51192 1125 6 1,5 26 05 138. 66 To rallncoJII(, from openu ions (Net) 4 69 1 <n 1,113 40 9 IS4 51 ' .871 J 9.4 16 06 8,43 7 6 7 2 £:tpe osf s aJ ( h I of male nals cons umt;;d "53 4$ I ·ISS 42 3,270 26 6, 16<1 b4 30 , 124 2 ) 7, 12699 b) Pl lrt'h<ssc of sl ock·in trade I COmpefl 5<J.l IOn 0) il l invemo nes of fi nis hed good s. \\o!,) rk·m-ptogress stock-in -trade \.(l 9 4 ·14 1,860 96 (100 !7) ( 24. &01254 ) (9 17 67) d) Employet D<:flefi t s. ('x pe.llS{' 2 no 45 9: go ;0 13, SI 14 22 1 99 c) Ocpre(:lo. L ion amonls31ion 127 ; (,., In i 21 67 623 4 5363 n Oth er E).': pcnses: , 802' 276 sO 54 7 8 1 45979 706 26 10lal expCll SCS 1,762 7) 1.829 JV 5,55-(1 -:"7 6 57076 6 ,06 5 94 7,1 9 1 20 3 P,·olli/{Loss) from Opera tions before Oth er Income. fio :l llC( r oslS and Elccplionai Items (1-2 ) 2 92920 48401 3,63-. 24 1,302 6 ':; 3.350.2 1. 246 47 4 Olhcl Incom.: 84 \ 0 lU 78 175 07 I 850 815 71 25 16 55 5 PrtJfi1 1 (Loss ) from ordinary' acfh' lti C''t beforr Finitllce COli ts a nd 1,0 13 7Q 797 "JQ 3.809,31 3,153 00 3.76). 02 (3' 4) 6 FIIt.nee costs 211 S< 852 13 l.l a 2,987 18 2 892 92 3.890 90 , Profit t (LA S's) rrom ordina ry Il cli\ ilif'\ fi nan ce cos ts but before 2 gOI 94 (5.1 1+15 8J 1.272 9 \ (127 SS ) F. xc(·ntioIl AI Tt (> nl s (5-6) 8 [icepIL(' t11Jd PI'ufi l ! (Loss) frolll ordinary lt cti\' ilics brfore l3 x (1+8) 2 SUI Q,J I>' (4) I 44; 84 82 I 272 9 1 InS S) 10 f ' D. C UITC!Zl1 TIl,\ 31000 201 79 ] , () 00 32 1 74 156 10 4 35. 74 Earll!;!r Year Tax. (71 ; 7 ,1 J13 :u (79 '1 1 r 33.86 125 4) /)ct crit:d TtL\ (0 1 ' 2) j 81 111 ' 81 03 2 ( I 68) Total 268 48 1,260; 460·.Ij 24 ' 'is 5ryO 28 55Q 49 II i\et Profit I (Loss ) from ordman' :lC ti\'iu tS afr C"r I'U. (9· 10) 46 (18061) 9 85 41 -(SO 63263 (687 37 12 L'-I1 ,HlTthnary rterns {net of tax expcll\'t' H. s NJI} 13 1\ (' 1 Pr ofi t I Loss for th e Deriod 11- 12 ) 25) 1 I IMU 6 ' n ' ·ll { SO 10 68 2 63 (687 )7) 14 "'Iute \If l' IOhl l (Loss) fr om Associalc, IS tJ rtl\J w ill Wnt ltn lltT I.)n 16 \ hnj\!ltv I l"II e. n:s l - 0.98 17 '\ CI I'rofit I (Loss ) ,Lff er 11l)'C$, i lll (" n :St , goodwill written oIT 011 -! 6 11 " t;' , 1 (80 b8 1 65 >7) io n : wd sh a re of profit I (loss ) of a s) o,iat e5 14 - 15-16) 1. '!f4ul liP I:q Ul ty Share C.iPUlt) ; "' 7 10 i - -'7 ltl 3.:27 It- 3,227 It. 1 ' 27 16 },2 0 7 16 ViJhfl.! " f ,hc JJatc-lJIa ll be R.s 2/- 19 Roet ...."(.) c:=-- chH lm/l Rf' \'Wutt tl Oll ResenC') b,S6a 03 3,77014 b701 % 6,2674 J 211 Pt r ShCl rC' (EPS) (before olntO rd ma ry items) (of I <s . (n ol <lnLlII;'\1ized) (.1 • ItaJIo- 1 57 (P 001 (n O'?) 0 38 (0 47) Ib) Uilulcd 1 18 HI e) IJ 1 4 (009) 0.:;8 to 47 21 I-"Hll ings Per Shll.rc (EP S) (".flcr ('. \"Ir:l onli n:try i lel11 s) (of n... 2/-each ) (no I o::tnnuill iud ) (,) 1<7 m (009) 0 38 (0 47 ) 1 \)1 . Dll uled J 18 cO U 2..1 (OO? 0) 8 ( 0 ,I) PAWl 11 In format ion for the QU i\ rUr an d End ed 3\.U3.20I.,l S t(4ndal ul1 C! Co ns orida( ('d Q u; trt er (tided Quart er C' nded Year Ended Y( ar Elided Yrar End ed \ t:t r End ed 31.03 .:!O 14 3 1. 03 .10 13 31.03.2014 31.03.20 13 31.QJ.20 14 3 1.03.2013 A I'AHT ICULAHS OF 1 Public sharehol di ng - l\: umtit r ofShare$ 538 -I 488.22 . 53 8 4.SS.:2 .5 ..i S - Percentrtllc of sl'wlreboldirl1!. 'j l) , 2(; JO 26 30 2(' 30 2tJ :; 026 3026 2 Pronl meJ' s lind Pro mote! Gruup Sh;u el h1ffhug i1. } Plcd!.!. eo J Locumbert' d - Nll H1()er o f Shuc;) 10, I 10,6099 8 ; I 1 831 IU IS,39.8JI 1 0. 6(,,99.831 _ll I!1Ct:nt 3gc ofSh.1 res ( it a 0,:'1 o f \ he 1(11<11 of prom ter ,tl ld pmnH, l t ef gruup ) '}II ?.3 948 1 902 ] 94 8 1 902 3 94 [0; 1 -P t: f ,,::c l1lage o f Shares ( as r. •• 100 al Sh3:,,; Capital Of l ht: 'n 66 13 629 , 66 13 6 293 % I' h) . encumbered -NUf11bcr of Shnrt s 101) 9 ) (} ,I I !,09.95. b3 1 58 .35.63 1 1.09, <),,631 58. 35,63 1 of Shares l as il. {I: , of the I 131 Mid promoter grou p) 0 77 <. I t) 5 l L' 977 :; 19 -Pcrt"ent <l gc of Shal eS ( l.S B o!) of The IOt,ll 'iiihatt: Capllal of d)L' 68 : ,. 02 8 1 3 681 J 62 Particula rs UHl er t' ndf d 31.03.20 14 B INVESTORS COMPLAIN TS - at th e begmning of the:: quarter NIL (I. ",t d the qUl) n cl Di"'pn::.ed o r during 1he qth, ne r " "Il o Rel' Hlll in.!; lJ nr es \ ed at the ("nat quanel t[ MUM8AI -;. <;;"'S * O":}Y'



~-- -

SATRA PROPERTlLS (INDIA) LIM[TED Regd Officc- Dcv PIlt za 2nd Floor Opp Andhcri Fire Station SVRoad Andhcr i (W) Mumbai - 400 058

Tel +9[-22-26719999 Fx +9[-22-26209999 Email infoS(ltrapropeniesin W ebsite wwwsiltrapropcI1icsin

CIK L659[OMIIl9S3PLC030083

PARTI (Rs In La cs)1

Restated Pro-forma Statemen t of Sta ndalone Consolida ted Audited R esults for the Year ended 31 March 2014

S laudalonc Consolidated

Particulars Quarter ended Qu an cr end ed Ycar Ended Yea r Ended Ye a r E nded Year Ended

31032014 31032013 3103 2014 31032013 3103 2014 31032013

(Refer Notes Belovd Audited Audited - A udi ted Audited Audit ed Audited

(refer nOle 10) (refer nole IO I InCOillt [om 0 c raliolu

a) Net Snles Income from Opera tions (Nel of exclie dUlY) 3 17945 222753 7 666 50 7 760 85 78900 1 829901 b) Oilier 0 )era [ in ~ Income I 12 ~ 8 amp5 7 I 51192 1125 6 1526 05 13866 To rallncoJII( from openu ions (Net) 4 69 1ltn 1113 40 9 IS4 51 871 bull J 94 16 06 843 7 67

2 poundtpeosfs

aJ ( h I of male nal s consumtd 53 4$ I middotISS 42 3270 26 6 16lt1 b4 30 124 2 ) 7 12699

b) Pl lrthltssc o f sl ockmiddot in trade I COmpefl5ltJl IOn

0 ) Charl~cs il l invemo nes of fi nished goods o) rk middotm-ptogress a l l~ stock-in -trade (l94 middot14 IH~ 1860 96 (100 7) (24 amp01254 ) (9 17 67)

d) Employet Dltflefi ts (x pellS 2no 45 9 go 0 13 SI ~62 14 22 1 99

c) Ocpre(lo Lion ~nd amonls31ion ex pcr~t ~ 127 ( In i 21 67 623 4 5363

n Other E) pcnses 802 276 ~6 2~9 sO 547 8 1 45979 706 26

10lal expCll SCS 1762 7 ) 1829 JV 555-(1 -7 6 57076 6 06 5 94 71 9 1 20

3 PmiddotolliLoss) from Opera tions before Oth er Income

fio l llC( r oslS and Elccplionai Items (1-2 ) 2 92920 48401 363- 24 1302 6 33502 1246 47

4 Olhcl Incom 84 0 lU 78 175 07 I 850 ~ 815 7 1 25 16 55

5 PrtJfi1 1 (Loss ) from ordinary acf h lt iCt beforr Finitllce COli ts a nd 10 13 7Q 797 JQ 380931 3153 00 4 I ~S81 376) 02

nC~PJ io nlll(tlIIs (3 4) 6 FIItnee costs 2 11 Slt 852 13 ll a ~7 2987 18 2 892 92 3890 90 Profit t (LA Ss ) rrom o rdina ry Il cli ilif ~rl r r fi nan ce cos ts but before 2 gOI 94 (51t~l 1+15 8J 1 6~ ~ 2 1272 9 (127 SS)

F xc(middotntioIl AI Tt(gt nl s (5-6) 8 [icepIL(t11Jd lt ~m s

bull PIufi l (Loss) frolll ordinary lt cti ilics brfore l3 x (1+8) 2 SUI QJ Igt (4) I 44 84 I~S 82 I 272 9 1 InSS)

10 f D r x p ~LI I s

C UITCZl1 TIl 31000 201 79 ] () 00 32 1 74 156 10 435 74

Earllr Year Tax (71 7 1 J13 u (79 11 r 3386 125 4)

)ctcritd TtL (0 1 2) j 81 111 81 032 ( I 68)

Total 268 48 1260 460middotIj 24 is 5ryO 28 55Q 49 II iet Profit I (Loss ) from ordman lC tiiu tS afr Cr IU (9middot 10) ~ j] 1 46 (18061) 985 41 - (SO I ~ ) 63263 (687 37

12 L-I1 HlTthnary rterns net o f tax expcllt H s NJI

13 1(1 Profi t I Loss for th e Deriod 11- 12) 25) 1 4~ I IMU6 n middotll SO 10 682 63 (687 )7)

14 Iute If l IOhl l (Loss) from Associalc IS tJ rtlJwill Wnt ltn lltT I)n _1~ CClU L S11 OIl

16 hnjltv IlIIens l - 098

17 CI Irofit I (Loss) Lff er 11l)C$ Jllill o - il ~ i lll ( n St goodwill written oIT 011 ~5J - 6 11 t 1 ~I I (80 I~) b8 1 65 laquo(~7 gt7)

a t( I~ jl ion wd sh are of profit I (loss ) of a s)oiat e5 (1 3 ~ 14 - 15-16)

1 f4ul liP I qUl ty Share CiPUlt) 7 10 i - -7 ltl 327 It- 3227 It 1 27 16 2 0 7 16

IF~lC ViJhfl f hc JJatc-lJIa ll be i lldiw~d Rs 2-~ ~hJre 19 Roet () c=--chHlml Rf Wutt tlOll ResenC) bS6a 03 377014 b701 62674J

211 fa nli n~) Pt r ShCl rC (EPS) (before olntO rdma ry items)

(of Ilts 2 ~pch) (n ol ltlnLlII1ized)

(1 bull ItaJIo- 1 57 (P I~ 001 (n O) 0 38 (0 47)

Ib) Uilulcd 1 18 HI e) IJ 1 4 (009) 08 to 47

21 I-Hll ings Per Shllrc (EPS) (flcr (Irl onli nt ry i lel11 s)

(of n 2-each) (no I otnnuill iud )

() U ~lti ~ 1lt7 m I~) O~ I (009) 0 38 (0 47 )

1)1 Dlluled J 18 cO t ~ l U 21 (OO 0)8 ( 0 I)

PAWl 11

In format ion for the QU i rUr and t~r End ed 3U3 20Il

S t(4ndal ul1 C Cons orida( (d

Part i c ular~ Q utrt er (tided Quarter C nded Year Ended Y( ar Elided Yrar Ended tt r End ed

3103 O 14 3 103 1013 31032014 310320 13 31QJ20 14 3 1032013

A IAHT IC ULAHS OF SH-R E IIOLDI~G 1 Public sha reholding

- l umtit r ofShare$ ~ S8 22 538 ~ 8S 215 j S ~ S82 2 5 3S -I S S 21 5 3 ~ 4882253 8 4SS2 5 i S

- Percentrtllc of slwlreboldirl1 j l) 2( JO 26 30 2( 30 2tJ 026 3026

2 PronlmeJ s lind Pro mote Gruup Shuel h1ffhug i1 Plcdeo J Locumbertd

-Nll H1()er o f Shuc) 10 I ( 3~J~ 1 106099 8 I 10153983 1 1 1) 669~ 831 IU IS398JI 106(99831

_ll I1Ctnt3gc ofSh1 res ( it a 01 o f he 1(11lt11

~ 1 lll th()ldj ng of prom ter tlld pmnHl t ef gruup ) II 3 948 1 902] 94 8 1 902 3 94 [0 1

-P t f c l1lage o f Shares (as r bullbull o~ h ( 100 al

Sh3 Capital Of lht COnl pa l1 ~ ) h~ n 66 13 629 66 13 6293 I

h) ~Oll encumbered

-NUf11bcr of Shnrt s 101) 9 ) ( I ~ n ~ I 0995b3 1 58 3563 1 109lt)631 58 3563 1

P lt C~tgL of Shares l as il I of the I 131

~hJlcl I Od i llg of prQmotel Mid promoter grou p) 0 77 lt I t) ~77 5 l L 977 19

-Pcrtent ltl gc of Shal eS ( lS B o) of The IOtll

iiihatt Capllal of d)L C ~JllP8m ) 68 02 ~ 8 1 3 ()~ 681 J 62

Particula rs UHl er t nd f d 310320 14

B INVESTORS COMPLAIN TS -P~rul mg at th e begmning of the quarter NIL ~~ES (I CC~ middot t d dunn~ the qUl) n cl ~

~Dipned o r during 1he qth ner Il o ~

RelHlllin lJ nres ed at the (nat o~- quanel t[ MUM8AI -

l~~ ltS OY




StandaloneRestated Pro-forma Standalone I Consolidated Statement of Assets and As at

31032013 As atAs atAs at

310320143103201331032014Particulars A EQUITY AND LIABILITIES

1 Shareholders Funds a) Share Capital 396716

b) Reserves and Surplus

3967 16 322716322716 626743


676196 5770146568 03 - 22100

Sub-total-Shareholders funds 22100c) Money received agai nst share warrants

1023459 1021012973730 100161 9

--- -2 Share application moncy pending allotment -163


--3 Minority Interest Non-current liabilities

a) Long-term bOITO in 1- 5511 -

- 11544-- 046

c) Other long-term liabilitics

-b) Deferred tax liabilities middot -- -

d) Long-term provision


Sub-total-non-current liabilities

11 ~9 22 29 998 6774138 1911 89998

5 Current liabilities a) Sh0I1-1enn borrowings 17 16201 1754815 43 87833 2375790

b) Trade payables 348822 29758() 851511 340447

c) Other cUlTent liabilitics 875184 103 IS 65 1671480 1603032

d) Short-term provision 1 12916 1 ~46 00 293037 325464 Sub-total-current liabilities 3053123 322 8566 7203861 46 44733

42ol c llS 823S855 56749664055740TOTAL - EQUITY AND LIABILITIES

B ASSETS 1 Non-cun-ent asseh

a) Fixed assets 1()S56 35238 29097

b) Goodwill on Clln o iciation

8128 - - 4816 -

c) NOll -current il1lel IllC l1 h 5978 1 () 83776714 348 92 935 d) Deferred ta assc tgt (llCI) 7435 7422

e) Long-term Illans ill1d a(il-ances 6152 6873

1456-1 21948 462

f) Other non-current as~ gt 2194S

779 1879 Sub-total-Non-current assets

- -1471l20 6 29803 907983 39795

2 Cu rrcn t assel~ a) Current inTstl1l~ - - -b) In ventor ies

-1404592 39599 17 2183912

c) Trade Receivable 4362 96

13 29720 125 1255 d) Cash and cash equi vale nts

1293132 I L 6X9 ~ I 7401124772 2~-1 63 54631

e) Short-term loan s anti a(hmiddotances 201 9746 f) Olher current aS5cb

530063 66 7525 1787985 08161300357 1792 39 1256 27

Sub-total-Current assets 2584620 35 736 82 7330872 5635171

TOTAL - ASSETS 4055740 42 03485 8238855 5674966

1OTES shyDuring the financial year 2013-14 the Auditors had made ~ remark in their independent 3uditols repol1 on Conso lidated financial statement regarding the non provision of interest accrued 011 Value Added Tax (VAT) However as per as per instructions vide letter dated 27 Aplil 2015 olSccurities and Exchange Board ofJndia (SEBl) the results have been restated by providing interest on VAT of Rs 8381 lacs under linanee costs in the consolidated statement of pro lit and loss 101middot the financial year t nded 31 March 2014

The above remiddot ised proforma statement of Standalone I Consolidated results for the quartel and year ended 3 1 March 2014 have been re icwed by the Audit COlllmittee and approved b) the Board or Directors at its respecti ve meetings hel d on 21 July 20 J 5 Effect of the aboc revision do not hamiddote any effect on the annual accounts for the linancial yem ended 31 March 2015 since the aloresaid remark had been already resohed No change in the taxation is conside red in the restated accounts

The corresponding figure s for the qualmiddotter and year ended 31 ilarch 2013 ha ve been tuken as per the rev ised proforma statement 01 Standalone I Consolidated result of the financial yeur 20 J 2- J3

2 The Board has considered and recommended Final Di vidend of 5 je Re 0101- per Equity Share of Cace value of Rs 2- each for the

Financial Year 2013-14 subject to the approval of Members

3 Income from real es tate salcs is recognised on the transfer of significant risks and rewards of ownership to the buyers and it is not unreasonable to expect ultimate collection and no significant uncertainty exists regarding the amount of consideration However if at the time of transfer substantial acts are yet to be performed under the contract revenue is recognised on proportionate basis as the acts are

pertormed ie on tile percentage of completion basis

Determination or revenues under the percentage of completion method necessar ily in volves making estimates by the Company ome 0

which are of a technical nature concel11ing where relevant tile percentage of completion costs to completion the expected revenues from the projectactivity and the foreseeable losses to completion The est imates of costs are periodically reviewed by Management and til e effect of changes in esti mates is recognised in the period such changes are recognised hen the tota l cost is estimated to exceed total

revenue from the proj ec t the loss is recognised immediately

4 The Company is operating in a si ngle Segment ie Real Estate Deve lopment and trading in Properties and Transferable Developn1ent Rights anci has only dOl1lestic sales Theretore there is only one repor1~ble segment in accordance ith the Accounting Standard on Segment Reporting (AS-17)

5 Consider ing the nature or the business carried on by the company whereby revenue do not necssaril~ accrue evenly over the projects period the revenues of the ear may not be strictly comparable with the results of the corresponding yeII

6 Pursuant to ch ange in the managemcnts business plans in respect of the Companys Jodhpur projltct from [Ile model to leasing ol property during the quarter l1d year ended 31 Malch 20J4 the Company has re-classified cost ill (mrcd ti ll date of its Jodhpur projects flOm construction work-in-progress (in entories) to inves tment property under construction (non-currcnt investments)

7 During the tinancial )ear ended 31 March 2014 (a) the Company has redeemed its entire 7400000 Nos of 8 Cumul~tive Redeemable Prelircncc Shares of Rs J 0- each at par aggregating to Rs 740tlO()()0 - out of the profits of the Company and has created a Capital Redcmption Reserve of an equi valcnt


(b) Company s IIholly 011 ned subsidiary company viz Satra Property Developers Private Iim iled (SIL) PI ) has acquired 50 stake ill Salra Realt) and Guil ti ers Lilllited making it a wholly owned subsidiary company or SPDPt and 1-0 acquired 875 stake in RRB Realtors Pri ate limiteJ

8 The auditors had made a remark regarding the BOIiva li project wherein construction cost ari s ing out Ill significant change ill struc tu ral plan of the project had been included in work in progress instead of charging to Statement of prott and loss The Management is of the view that during lhe finltlncial Year ended 2008-09 the Company had changed the structulal plan of the proJect to improve the overall profitability As a result in order to facilitate the construction as per revised plan certain ci st ing structures at the site bad been demolished during the Jcar ended March 31 2009 DlIling the quarter and year endcd 3 1 Vlarc h 2014 the Comp3ny sold aU the remain ing units of the aid project and conseq uently charged balance cost of construction 01 Rs 34044860 and Js 58531369 respectively to its statel1lellt rpmlit and loss leaving no in ventory of lin its to be sold Thll 1 1v ing auditors remarks of earlier periods

9 During the tinan ci~1 )ear ended 31 March 2014 the Company has redeemed its entire ollbullli ing 5164 Nos of 23 Secured Redeemable Non-conertible Debentures of Face Value of Rs 100000- each aggregating to Rs 516400 000- The Company has fUlther allotted 3850 Nos of 18 Secured Redeemable Non-convertible Debentures or Face Value of Rs 100000- each aggregating to Rs 385000000- during the quarter ended 31 March 20 l4

10 The figures of the quarter ended 3 1 March 2014 and 31 March 2013 are the balancing ligures between audited figures ill respect of the full financial year and the published year to date tigures upto the third quarter of the relevant financial year

II Previous period I ) ears fi gures have been regrouped 1 rearranged wherever necessary

Foe S PO~)Lm


Praflll Satra Place Mllmbai Chairman and Managing Dilector Date Jill 212015 DlN 00053900




StandaloneRestated Pro-forma Standalone I Consolidated Statement of Assets and As at

31032013 As atAs atAs at

310320143103201331032014Particulars A EQUITY AND LIABILITIES

1 Shareholders Funds a) Share Capital 396716

b) Reserves and Surplus

3967 16 322716322716 626743


676196 5770146568 03 - 22100

Sub-total-Shareholders funds 22100c) Money received agai nst share warrants

1023459 1021012973730 100161 9

--- -2 Share application moncy pending allotment -163


--3 Minority Interest Non-current liabilities

a) Long-term bOITO in 1- 5511 -

- 11544-- 046

c) Other long-term liabilitics

-b) Deferred tax liabilities middot -- -

d) Long-term provision


Sub-total-non-current liabilities

11 ~9 22 29 998 6774138 1911 89998

5 Current liabilities a) Sh0I1-1enn borrowings 17 16201 1754815 43 87833 2375790

b) Trade payables 348822 29758() 851511 340447

c) Other cUlTent liabilitics 875184 103 IS 65 1671480 1603032

d) Short-term provision 1 12916 1 ~46 00 293037 325464 Sub-total-current liabilities 3053123 322 8566 7203861 46 44733

42ol c llS 823S855 56749664055740TOTAL - EQUITY AND LIABILITIES

B ASSETS 1 Non-cun-ent asseh

a) Fixed assets 1()S56 35238 29097

b) Goodwill on Clln o iciation

8128 - - 4816 -

c) NOll -current il1lel IllC l1 h 5978 1 () 83776714 348 92 935 d) Deferred ta assc tgt (llCI) 7435 7422

e) Long-term Illans ill1d a(il-ances 6152 6873

1456-1 21948 462

f) Other non-current as~ gt 2194S

779 1879 Sub-total-Non-current assets

- -1471l20 6 29803 907983 39795

2 Cu rrcn t assel~ a) Current inTstl1l~ - - -b) In ventor ies

-1404592 39599 17 2183912

c) Trade Receivable 4362 96

13 29720 125 1255 d) Cash and cash equi vale nts

1293132 I L 6X9 ~ I 7401124772 2~-1 63 54631

e) Short-term loan s anti a(hmiddotances 201 9746 f) Olher current aS5cb

530063 66 7525 1787985 08161300357 1792 39 1256 27

Sub-total-Current assets 2584620 35 736 82 7330872 5635171

TOTAL - ASSETS 4055740 42 03485 8238855 5674966

1OTES shyDuring the financial year 2013-14 the Auditors had made ~ remark in their independent 3uditols repol1 on Conso lidated financial statement regarding the non provision of interest accrued 011 Value Added Tax (VAT) However as per as per instructions vide letter dated 27 Aplil 2015 olSccurities and Exchange Board ofJndia (SEBl) the results have been restated by providing interest on VAT of Rs 8381 lacs under linanee costs in the consolidated statement of pro lit and loss 101middot the financial year t nded 31 March 2014

The above remiddot ised proforma statement of Standalone I Consolidated results for the quartel and year ended 3 1 March 2014 have been re icwed by the Audit COlllmittee and approved b) the Board or Directors at its respecti ve meetings hel d on 21 July 20 J 5 Effect of the aboc revision do not hamiddote any effect on the annual accounts for the linancial yem ended 31 March 2015 since the aloresaid remark had been already resohed No change in the taxation is conside red in the restated accounts

The corresponding figure s for the qualmiddotter and year ended 31 ilarch 2013 ha ve been tuken as per the rev ised proforma statement 01 Standalone I Consolidated result of the financial yeur 20 J 2- J3

2 The Board has considered and recommended Final Di vidend of 5 je Re 0101- per Equity Share of Cace value of Rs 2- each for the

Financial Year 2013-14 subject to the approval of Members

3 Income from real es tate salcs is recognised on the transfer of significant risks and rewards of ownership to the buyers and it is not unreasonable to expect ultimate collection and no significant uncertainty exists regarding the amount of consideration However if at the time of transfer substantial acts are yet to be performed under the contract revenue is recognised on proportionate basis as the acts are

pertormed ie on tile percentage of completion basis

Determination or revenues under the percentage of completion method necessar ily in volves making estimates by the Company ome 0

which are of a technical nature concel11ing where relevant tile percentage of completion costs to completion the expected revenues from the projectactivity and the foreseeable losses to completion The est imates of costs are periodically reviewed by Management and til e effect of changes in esti mates is recognised in the period such changes are recognised hen the tota l cost is estimated to exceed total

revenue from the proj ec t the loss is recognised immediately

4 The Company is operating in a si ngle Segment ie Real Estate Deve lopment and trading in Properties and Transferable Developn1ent Rights anci has only dOl1lestic sales Theretore there is only one repor1~ble segment in accordance ith the Accounting Standard on Segment Reporting (AS-17)

5 Consider ing the nature or the business carried on by the company whereby revenue do not necssaril~ accrue evenly over the projects period the revenues of the ear may not be strictly comparable with the results of the corresponding yeII

6 Pursuant to ch ange in the managemcnts business plans in respect of the Companys Jodhpur projltct from [Ile model to leasing ol property during the quarter l1d year ended 31 Malch 20J4 the Company has re-classified cost ill (mrcd ti ll date of its Jodhpur projects flOm construction work-in-progress (in entories) to inves tment property under construction (non-currcnt investments)

7 During the tinancial )ear ended 31 March 2014 (a) the Company has redeemed its entire 7400000 Nos of 8 Cumul~tive Redeemable Prelircncc Shares of Rs J 0- each at par aggregating to Rs 740tlO()()0 - out of the profits of the Company and has created a Capital Redcmption Reserve of an equi valcnt


(b) Company s IIholly 011 ned subsidiary company viz Satra Property Developers Private Iim iled (SIL) PI ) has acquired 50 stake ill Salra Realt) and Guil ti ers Lilllited making it a wholly owned subsidiary company or SPDPt and 1-0 acquired 875 stake in RRB Realtors Pri ate limiteJ

8 The auditors had made a remark regarding the BOIiva li project wherein construction cost ari s ing out Ill significant change ill struc tu ral plan of the project had been included in work in progress instead of charging to Statement of prott and loss The Management is of the view that during lhe finltlncial Year ended 2008-09 the Company had changed the structulal plan of the proJect to improve the overall profitability As a result in order to facilitate the construction as per revised plan certain ci st ing structures at the site bad been demolished during the Jcar ended March 31 2009 DlIling the quarter and year endcd 3 1 Vlarc h 2014 the Comp3ny sold aU the remain ing units of the aid project and conseq uently charged balance cost of construction 01 Rs 34044860 and Js 58531369 respectively to its statel1lellt rpmlit and loss leaving no in ventory of lin its to be sold Thll 1 1v ing auditors remarks of earlier periods

9 During the tinan ci~1 )ear ended 31 March 2014 the Company has redeemed its entire ollbullli ing 5164 Nos of 23 Secured Redeemable Non-conertible Debentures of Face Value of Rs 100000- each aggregating to Rs 516400 000- The Company has fUlther allotted 3850 Nos of 18 Secured Redeemable Non-convertible Debentures or Face Value of Rs 100000- each aggregating to Rs 385000000- during the quarter ended 31 March 20 l4

10 The figures of the quarter ended 3 1 March 2014 and 31 March 2013 are the balancing ligures between audited figures ill respect of the full financial year and the published year to date tigures upto the third quarter of the relevant financial year

II Previous period I ) ears fi gures have been regrouped 1 rearranged wherever necessary

Foe S PO~)Lm


Praflll Satra Place Mllmbai Chairman and Managing Dilector Date Jill 212015 DlN 00053900

2 The Board has considered and recommended Final Di vidend of 5 je Re 0101- per Equity Share of Cace value of Rs 2- each for the

Financial Year 2013-14 subject to the approval of Members

3 Income from real es tate salcs is recognised on the transfer of significant risks and rewards of ownership to the buyers and it is not unreasonable to expect ultimate collection and no significant uncertainty exists regarding the amount of consideration However if at the time of transfer substantial acts are yet to be performed under the contract revenue is recognised on proportionate basis as the acts are

pertormed ie on tile percentage of completion basis

Determination or revenues under the percentage of completion method necessar ily in volves making estimates by the Company ome 0

which are of a technical nature concel11ing where relevant tile percentage of completion costs to completion the expected revenues from the projectactivity and the foreseeable losses to completion The est imates of costs are periodically reviewed by Management and til e effect of changes in esti mates is recognised in the period such changes are recognised hen the tota l cost is estimated to exceed total

revenue from the proj ec t the loss is recognised immediately

4 The Company is operating in a si ngle Segment ie Real Estate Deve lopment and trading in Properties and Transferable Developn1ent Rights anci has only dOl1lestic sales Theretore there is only one repor1~ble segment in accordance ith the Accounting Standard on Segment Reporting (AS-17)

5 Consider ing the nature or the business carried on by the company whereby revenue do not necssaril~ accrue evenly over the projects period the revenues of the ear may not be strictly comparable with the results of the corresponding yeII

6 Pursuant to ch ange in the managemcnts business plans in respect of the Companys Jodhpur projltct from [Ile model to leasing ol property during the quarter l1d year ended 31 Malch 20J4 the Company has re-classified cost ill (mrcd ti ll date of its Jodhpur projects flOm construction work-in-progress (in entories) to inves tment property under construction (non-currcnt investments)

7 During the tinancial )ear ended 31 March 2014 (a) the Company has redeemed its entire 7400000 Nos of 8 Cumul~tive Redeemable Prelircncc Shares of Rs J 0- each at par aggregating to Rs 740tlO()()0 - out of the profits of the Company and has created a Capital Redcmption Reserve of an equi valcnt


(b) Company s IIholly 011 ned subsidiary company viz Satra Property Developers Private Iim iled (SIL) PI ) has acquired 50 stake ill Salra Realt) and Guil ti ers Lilllited making it a wholly owned subsidiary company or SPDPt and 1-0 acquired 875 stake in RRB Realtors Pri ate limiteJ

8 The auditors had made a remark regarding the BOIiva li project wherein construction cost ari s ing out Ill significant change ill struc tu ral plan of the project had been included in work in progress instead of charging to Statement of prott and loss The Management is of the view that during lhe finltlncial Year ended 2008-09 the Company had changed the structulal plan of the proJect to improve the overall profitability As a result in order to facilitate the construction as per revised plan certain ci st ing structures at the site bad been demolished during the Jcar ended March 31 2009 DlIling the quarter and year endcd 3 1 Vlarc h 2014 the Comp3ny sold aU the remain ing units of the aid project and conseq uently charged balance cost of construction 01 Rs 34044860 and Js 58531369 respectively to its statel1lellt rpmlit and loss leaving no in ventory of lin its to be sold Thll 1 1v ing auditors remarks of earlier periods

9 During the tinan ci~1 )ear ended 31 March 2014 the Company has redeemed its entire ollbullli ing 5164 Nos of 23 Secured Redeemable Non-conertible Debentures of Face Value of Rs 100000- each aggregating to Rs 516400 000- The Company has fUlther allotted 3850 Nos of 18 Secured Redeemable Non-convertible Debentures or Face Value of Rs 100000- each aggregating to Rs 385000000- during the quarter ended 31 March 20 l4

10 The figures of the quarter ended 3 1 March 2014 and 31 March 2013 are the balancing ligures between audited figures ill respect of the full financial year and the published year to date tigures upto the third quarter of the relevant financial year

II Previous period I ) ears fi gures have been regrouped 1 rearranged wherever necessary

Foe S PO~)Lm


Praflll Satra Place Mllmbai Chairman and Managing Dilector Date Jill 212015 DlN 00053900