sasso rivera - Scientific mobility as a bridge between two worlds

Scientific mobility as a bridge between two worlds Lorena Rivera León, UNU-MERIT Simone Sasso, UNU-MERIT Analysing the impact of foreign-educated researchers on academic upgrading in Mexico Simone Sasso, UNU-MERIT [email protected] OECD Blue Sky Forum III “Towards the next generation of data and indicators” Ghent, 19-21 September 2016

Transcript of sasso rivera - Scientific mobility as a bridge between two worlds

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Scientific mobility as a bridge between two worlds

Lorena Rivera León, UNU-MERITSimone Sasso, [email protected]

Analysing the impact of foreign-educated researchers on academicupgrading in Mexico

Lorena Rivera León, UNU-MERITSimone Sasso, [email protected]

OECD Blue Sky Forum III “Towards the next generation of data and indicators”Ghent, 19-21 September 2016

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Scientific upgrading in middle-income countries• Global connections are key for middle-income countries (Fagerberg et al., 2010; Fu et al., 2011)

» to access to external technology and upgrade local knowledge base» to accelerate technological learning and economic growth different channels: FDI, international trade, integration in GVC, and internationalscientific collaborations (e.g. Coe and Helpman, 1995; Moen, 2005 ; Pietrobelli and Rabellotti, 2011)

• Foreign-educated PhDs are ideally placed to» to develop professional social capital and knowledge proximity when they are abroad» to plug other local researchers into wider global scientific connections

• Global vs. local connections? No real local/global trade-off in knowledge creation:» domestic social capital maintained (e.g. Scellato et al, 2015; Barnard et al., 2012; 2015)

» International social capital doesn’t get weaker (e.g. Jonkers and Tijssen, 2008; Murakami, 2014)

• Global connections are key for middle-income countries (Fagerberg et al., 2010; Fu et al., 2011)

» to access to external technology and upgrade local knowledge base» to accelerate technological learning and economic growth different channels: FDI, international trade, integration in GVC, and internationalscientific collaborations (e.g. Coe and Helpman, 1995; Moen, 2005 ; Pietrobelli and Rabellotti, 2011)

• Foreign-educated PhDs are ideally placed to» to develop professional social capital and knowledge proximity when they are abroad» to plug other local researchers into wider global scientific connections

• Global vs. local connections? No real local/global trade-off in knowledge creation:» domestic social capital maintained (e.g. Scellato et al, 2015; Barnard et al., 2012; 2015)

» International social capital doesn’t get weaker (e.g. Jonkers and Tijssen, 2008; Murakami, 2014)

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The Mexican ResearchSystem

• Relatively low investments in research and relativelylow performances:e.g. » Researchers/thousand labour force (2011)

= 7.21 OECD countries= 2.61 Argentina= 0.78 Mexico

» 0.82% world scientific production (2013)

• The National System of Researchers (SNI) recognisesand stimulates economically, through a merit-basedscheme, the production of high quality scientificknowledge 4 different SNI levels:

» Candidate: PhD level (with exceptions)» Level 1 : + training, participation S&T evaluation

committees, diffusion of S&T activities» Level 2: + develop/establish a line of

research/academic specialisation» Level 3: + leadership in the Mexican scientificcommunity, national and international recognition

• The National System of Researchers (SNI) recognisesand stimulates economically, through a merit-basedscheme, the production of high quality scientificknowledge 4 different SNI levels:

» Candidate: PhD level (with exceptions)» Level 1 : + training, participation S&T evaluation

committees, diffusion of S&T activities» Level 2: + develop/establish a line of

research/academic specialisation» Level 3: + leadership in the Mexican scientificcommunity, national and international recognition

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• Researchers SNI members in 2013 : our sample 4,440 researchers

• ISI Web of Science (WoS) publications between 2008-2012 : 36,265 publications

• Focus on ‘Hard Sciences’ » Physics and Astrophysics» Earth Sciences» Technology Sciences» Life Sciences» Chemistry» Mathematics» Medicine and Health Sciences

• Researchers SNI members in 2013 : our sample 4,440 researchers

• ISI Web of Science (WoS) publications between 2008-2012 : 36,265 publications

• Focus on ‘Hard Sciences’ » Physics and Astrophysics» Earth Sciences» Technology Sciences» Life Sciences» Chemistry» Mathematics» Medicine and Health Sciences

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Candidate Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Mexican degree Foreign degree Log. (Mexican degree) Log. (Foreign degree)

SNI Level Mexicandegree


Level 3 11.9 12.4

Level 2 10.1 10.8

Level 1 7.1 7.1

SNI level shares (2013) by origin PhDtraining

Age-adjusted average number of WoSpublications by SNI level and origin ofacademic degree, 2008-2012




















Candidate Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Mexican degree Foreign degree Log. (Mexican degree) Log. (Foreign degree)

Level 1 7.1 7.1

Candidate 5.3 6.6

Total 7.6 9.1

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Global vs. Local?

Total co-authors

TotalMexican co-


Totalforeign co-


Co-authorshipsexclusively with

foreign co-authors


24,92 19,03 5,89 0,17


31,02 20,31 10,71 0,29

» Foreign-trained researchers are on average more connected nationally andinternationally

» On average 6 co-authors more: 1 Mexican and 5 foreign

» Also higher number of publications exclusively with foreign co-author

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Researchers as ‘gatekeepers’: a new way of measuringknowledge transfer?

ji jid ),(


iii reachweightedAverageweightExternalgGatekeepin

∑ (weighted) papers

with foreign scholars

SNI Level Observations Gatekeeping External weightMean Std. Dev. Mean Std. Dev.

Foreign Degree 1248 0,24 0,30 1,91 2,33MexicanDegree 3273 0,22 0,28 1,65 1,94

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Impact on self and impact on others

Selection eq.

Impact on others

Impact on self

iiii DXG

otherwiseDDifDZD iiiiii 0,01 ** Selection eq.

Impact on others

Impact on self )4,1(, iiiii RDXR

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Impact on self

• Having a foreigndegree gives a higherprobability ofreaching higher SNIlevels.

• Having a foreigndegree gives a higherprobability ofreaching higher SNIlevels.

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Outcome equationSelectionequation



Variables DV = gatekeepingDV = Foreign

degreeDV =

ln(gatekeeping)DV = Foreign

degreeForeign Degree (= 1) 0.33*** 0.58***Years since Phd/degree 0.0014*** 0.0041**Late Phd/degree 0.028** -0.0033Gender and AgeMale = 1 0.39*** 0.48***Age at PhD start 25_10 -0.19** -0.17(Age at PhD start 25_10)^2 0.096 0.080Male * Age at PhD start 25_10 0.22* 0.19

Male * (Age at PhD start 25_10)^2 -0.30*** -0.31***Co-authorsCo-authors USA 0.090*** 0.30***

Impact on others

Co-authorsCo-authors USA 0.090*** 0.30***Co-authors Candidates 0.090*** 0.34***Co-authors SNI Level 1 0.096*** 0.50***Co-authors SNI Level 2 0.074*** 0.28***Co-authors SNI Level 3 0.091*** 0.31***AffiliationsCONACYT Research Centres 0.017 0.0069Federal Public Universities 0.023** 0.023State Public Universities -0.0094 -0.073*Disciplines dummies Yes Yes Yes YesConstant -0.12*** -0.90*** -3.12*** -0.98***athrho -0.76*** -0.31***lnsigma -1.23*** -0.024Observations (n) 4440 4440 3704 3704

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Conclusion• There are productivity advantages for foreign training among Mexican researchers affiliated to

the SNI in 2013 in hard sciences

• Studying abroad seems to» increase the international exposure of Mexican researchers and theirconnectivity both with local and foreign peers;» let Mexican researchers further advance in their academic careers

• No significant trade-off between local and global connections: domestic and internationalconnections as complements rather than substitutes

• Studying abroad makes Mexican researchers much better gatekeepers

• New way of using bibliometric indicators to measure the impact of research on thebroadnational research system– Collection of mobility data – challenging, and especially for developing countries.– Bibliometric data beyond WoS data

• There are productivity advantages for foreign training among Mexican researchers affiliated tothe SNI in 2013 in hard sciences

• Studying abroad seems to» increase the international exposure of Mexican researchers and theirconnectivity both with local and foreign peers;» let Mexican researchers further advance in their academic careers

• No significant trade-off between local and global connections: domestic and internationalconnections as complements rather than substitutes

• Studying abroad makes Mexican researchers much better gatekeepers

• New way of using bibliometric indicators to measure the impact of research on thebroadnational research system– Collection of mobility data – challenging, and especially for developing countries.– Bibliometric data beyond WoS data

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