Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th...

Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard Producing hard processes regarding processes regarding the complete event: the complete event: The EPOS event The EPOS event generator generator ow at LLR, École polytechnique

Transcript of Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th...

Page 1: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog

Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010

Producing hard Producing hard processes regarding the processes regarding the

complete event:complete event:The EPOS event The EPOS event

generator generator *now at LLR, École polytechnique

Page 2: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

I – Hard processes

II – EPOS event generator

III – Production of hard processes with EPOS : selection method

IV – Conclusions

[email protected]



Page 3: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:


How to produce a jet connected to the event?


dQxfQxftddxdx qqqq


ˆ),(),(ˆ 432122

21 221143

Jet production cross section:

Inclusive cross section: pp -> Jet +X

Difficult to access the X part : exclusive computation

No information on multiple interaction

316/03/2010 [email protected]

Page 4: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

Multiple Interactions


Acosta, Darin E. and others for the CDF collaboration, Phys. Rev. D65 (2002) 072005Aaltonen, T. and others, for the CDF collaboration, 2009, arXiv hep-ex 0904.1098

Acosta, Darin E. and others for the CDF collaboration, Phys. Rev. D65 (2002) 072005


16/03/2010 [email protected]

Page 5: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

Gribov-Regge TheoryTreat multiple interactions

Effective field theory

Pomeron = objet that represents an elementary interaction, but it’s true nature is not known

Limitations: Energy conservation, in the cross section computation, each pomeron takes the total energy

How to consider hard processes?516/03/2010 [email protected]

Page 6: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

Parton-based Gribov-Regge Theory

EPOS theoritical framework

Mixed approche between parton model and Gribov-Regge

Energy shared between all elementary interactions

Same formalism for cross section computation and particle production

Elementary interaction = soft Semi-hard

soft: parametrisedhard: parton modelsemi-hard: soft pre-evolution before the hard part

S. Ostapchenko, T. Pierog, K. Werner, H.J. Drescher, M. Haldik Phys. Rep. 350 (2001) 616/03/2010 [email protected]

Page 7: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

EPOS, the events generatorEnergy conserving quantum mechanical multiple scattering approach

Partons, parton ladders, strings

Off-shell remnants

Splitting of parton ladder

Based on


Who uses EPOS ?

• Heavy ion physics (Last Call for Prediction ,« EPOS predictions at LHC Energies », S. Porteboeuf, T. Pierog and K.Werner (ed.) Armesto N. et al. J.Phys, G35 : 054001, 2008, Topcite 50+.)

• Cosmic rays physics, excess muon problem, Auger.Pierog, Werner, Phys. Rev. Lett, 101:171101 (2008) astro-ph/0611311 | hep-ph/0905.1198

[email protected]

EPOS implemented in ALICE soft (ALIROOT)• pp physics : Study of strangeness with EPOS and PYTHIA in pp, Strasbourg, GSI


Page 8: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

EPOS frameworkParton-based Gribov Regge theory

Energy conservation

I1 I2 I3 I4

Elementary object = ladderSame formalisme for soft and hard interactions

Same formalism for cross section formalism and particle production

816/03/2010 [email protected]

In EPOS collectivity, even in pp.(see Tanguy’s talk)

In the following:• Focus on description of a semi-hard ladder, • and difficulties at LHC energies.

Page 9: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

Parton Ladder







hhseasea QszzzEzEdzdzxFxFbsxxG







2121 ),ˆ()()()()(),,,(

Expression of one interaction

Momentum distribution of parton (i,j) in the soft

part pQCD, parton-parton cross section






I1 I2 I3 I4



Enter the ladder, proba of having a parton with xPE


916/03/2010 [email protected]

Page 10: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:


Need a solution to produce directly rare events with keeping multiple interactions aspects.

Multiples interactions : essential element to describe entirely an event Old description of semi-hard

ladder: create all partons step by step

For rare events production, need to produce a lot of statistics to observe few cases.

No control on what is produced.

Condition not ok for LHC and study of physics of hard processes

1016/03/2010 [email protected]

Page 11: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

Generating semi-hard ladders… … A 2 step procedure

Number of ladders and xPE+/-

Computation of partial cross section over total one: gives the probability of n collisions with momentum fraction for ladder end


Detremine all the variables of the ladder independently

Generation of partons along the ladder : Method of independant block









1116/03/2010 [email protected]

Page 12: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

• Star Data : R=0.4 for jet finder, High Tower TriggerPhys. Rev. Lett. 97 (2006) 252001Hep-ex/0608030

• NLO QCD (Vogelsang), R=0.4Phys. Rev. D70 (2004), 034010Hep-ph/0404057

• EPOS : hard parton production

Jets cross-section production

1216/03/2010 [email protected]

Approach Certification

Page 13: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

Selection MethodPrinciple of the selection method

1. Take one standard event

2. In this event, take one standard ladder

6. A weight is attributed to the whole event

3. Take determined by usual MCxPE+/-


xIB+ xIB


4. Procedure to generate is modified: xIB+/-


• New MC based on block S• Force a cut >• Force production of high products xIB

+ xIB-

5. Procedure to generate is modified :pT OB


• New MC• Force a cut >

16/03/2010 [email protected]

Page 14: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

16/03/2010 [email protected] 14


EPOS : goal to be a generator of complete event1 experimental event = 1 generator eventSoft, hard, multiple interactions and collective effects in the same event

Hard processes : important physics for pQCD and QGP studies

Hard process = rare event, no control on the production

Selection MethodOld model : iterative generation of all partons along ladders

Solution : selection method that gives directly access to different variables, can implement cutsMethod tested and validated

EPOS : a dedicated event generator for hard process – underlying event interaction study

Page 15: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:


200 GeV

“Bulk” in full line

“Jet” in dotted lines

14 TeV10 TeV5.5 TeV1.8 TeV

Ratio for different energies02 sk

1516/03/2010 [email protected]

One outlook for such an event generator:

Page 16: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

Back Up

1616/03/2010 [email protected]

Page 17: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

What are jets ?Asked to a theoritician

A collimated flux of particle coming from the fragmentation of a hard parton

Fragmentation Function


Partons Hadrons

16/03/2010 [email protected]

Page 18: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

What are jets ?Asked to Experimentalist (from heavy ion communitty)

A collimated flux of particle coming from the fragmentation of a hard parton

Swallowed up in particles coming from the underlying event

Identified by a jet finder algorithm for a defined Radius

21 GeV di-jet reconstructed from a central Au+Au event at √sNN=200 GeV in the STAR detector. [email protected]

Page 19: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:


Why studing jets?An observable at the frontiere of several aspects

In heavy ion: jet-quenching, γ-jetIn pp : QCD, pQCD, PDF

[email protected]

Jet finders


Page 20: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

Multiples Interactions

=> Total cross section and partial one, inclusive and exclusive cross scetion

One need the complete event : with multiple interactions

Attention : d’abitude gribov-regge pour soft,Ici, pour tout

X.N.Wang, M.Gyulassy, Phys. Rev. D45 (1992) 844-856

High Energies : problème !!!

More than one interaction per collision

16/03/2010 [email protected]

Page 21: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

16/03/2010 [email protected] 21

EPOS General

Page 22: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

Particles ProductionUp to know : speak about partons, but in nature, one detects hadrons

Hadronization by the string modelPrincipleApplication to EPOS


Hadronisation of hard processes following the same model

Jet produced connected to the eventColor flux conservation


Partons Hadrons

Different from fragmentation function

16/03/2010 [email protected]

Page 23: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:


String model and baryon production



String fragmentation by pair production Meson production

A q-aq pair is replaced by a diquark - anti-diquark pair

In EPOSAn option inPythia

16/03/2010 [email protected]

Page 24: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

Modification of the string procedure :

• Core = high density, hydro expansion

• Corona = low density, classical EPOS particle production


One defines a freeze-out surface : transition from strongly interacting matter to free hadrons.

Parametrisation of the freeze out hypersurface.

Already available in pp interactions.

Collective Effect of a dense core

16/03/2010 [email protected]

Page 25: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

Experimental Certification

EPOS tested with a lot of experimental data sets

• Differents energiesfrom 20 GeV (SPS) to 1.8 TeV (Tevatron)

• Differents systems

• Differents observables

• Differents species

Rapidity, multiplicity, Pt spectrum, transversemasse, v2

, K, p, , …

Everything that can be measured

Colliders Cosmic Rays

Collision between a particle from cosmic radiation and an atmospheric atom which leeds to an atmospheric shower

Particle collision at very high energies

Use of the same event generator : EPOS


e +e -e pp pN Nd Au

16/03/2010 [email protected]





Page 26: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:


PYTHIAStandard event generator in particle physics

Only for proton-proton collisions

Order for event generation :

1. Hard process selection and inclusive cross section computation2. Initial and final state radiation3. Remnant and multiple interaction 4. Hadronization

Based on parton model, hard processes is central element of event generation

Benefits :

objections :Generator of inclusive spectrumMultiple InteractionHeavy ion collisions

Control the subprocess you want to study, easy selectionEasy to interace with other model

Very powerfull for high pt jets

Connexion of the jet to the event

16/03/2010 [email protected]

Page 27: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

16/03/2010 [email protected] 27



Baseline Multiple Interaction Hard process

Hard process

Parton-based Gribov-Regge Theory

Multiple Interaction

Reconstructed after the hard process,Interaction ordered in hardness.In the new model : color reconnection

Hard and semi-hard ladder with soft pre-evolutionu, d, s, g, gamma, c in progress

Based on inclusive cross sectionAlmost everything, if not in the code, can couple with extra code

Initial and Final state radiation Iterative procedure

A posteriori reconstructionAvailable for MPI in the new model (6.4)

Hadronization String model with aera law, diquark for baryon production

String model with fragmentation function, popcorn for baryon production


Yes, a toy model with parametrisation, event by event hydro in developpement


Page 28: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

16/03/2010 [email protected] 28

EPOS PYTHIAmodelstructure


Selection Pt cut in implementation and testing

Selection of the hard process,Can vary all parameters : different tunes optimized for observables

Connection between hard processes and underlying event

Total by construction : several ladders soft or hard, energy conservation and color connection

In MPI color reconnection, less easy to interpret

Heavy IonYes

Same framework extendedNo

Need to use something else : HIJING, HYDJET, …

Page 29: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

16/03/2010 [email protected] 29

Hard processes in EPOS

Page 30: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

Iterative procedure : emission determined step by step






fisrt émission






Generation of a semi-hard ladder(old model)



3016/03/2010 [email protected]

Page 31: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

Structure of Semi-Hard Parton Ladder

Define different sub-structure as independent block.











xPE+/- : Light cone momentum of

parton entering the ladder

xIB+/- : Light cone momentum of

parton entering the Born Process

xOB+/- : Light cone momentum of

parton out the Born Process

E : Evolution of the parton, branching, gluon emissison

16/03/2010 [email protected]

Page 32: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

Description of structures(as a function of independant block)











Structure NNo resoltution on the inner part of the ladder

Structure SResolution on the inner partDirect access to variables

),( PEPEPEPEsemi xxNdxdxn

),,,(),( IBIBPEPEPEPEIBIBPEPEsemi xxxxSxxNdxdxdxdxn3216/03/2010 [email protected]

Page 33: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:



Tinel dydp





Quantity discussed

Equivalent toIntegrated :

Count the number of particles

In EPOS : particles produced by laddersCount the number of ladders

Jets come from hard partons Each semi-hard ladder produces two partons

In the followingsemin

Integrated version shows different choices of variablesDirect acces to some variable of the ladder

16/03/2010 [email protected]

Page 34: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

In case of factorisation …

),()()(),( arg PEPEPEtPEprojPEPE xxGxFxFxxN

)()()( PEpartPEprojPE xFxFxF

)()()( arg

PEpartPEtPE xFxFxF




IBIBsemi tsxxKxfxfdtdxdxn ),()()( ,,


iMiM EFf ,,


),,( ,, uts


dutsK ji


Hard process

Evolution of the parton from the hadron to the hard process

Identification : f PDF34

Hadron-ladder couplingMultiple Interaction

16/03/2010 [email protected]

Page 35: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

Approach CertificationAnalytical test : internal test





Asemi tsxxKxfxfdtdxdx

dn),,()()( ,,





Bsemi tsxxKzEzEdtFdxdx

dn),,()()( ,,




Csemi xxxxSxxNdxdxdxdx



pp 200 GeV

f : from hadron to hard processK : hard processF : hadron-ladder couplingE : Evolution along the ladder

16/03/2010 [email protected]

Page 36: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

Semi-analytical test: internal



Dsemi xxxxSxxNdxdxdxdx



pp 200 GeV

16/03/2010 [email protected]

Approach Certification

Page 37: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

New Monte CarloNew MC Principle

• S function is used as a probability distribution to directy produced a couple ( , ) for a given ( , )

• the produced ( , ) is used in the event generation

• To randomly distribute as S : Monte Carlo technics

Results for pp collisions at 200 GeV

xIB+ xIB

- xPE+ xPE


xIB+ xIB



3716/03/2010 [email protected]

Page 38: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

In case of factorisation : comparison to PDF


)()( ,,







Changement de variable : pt

! semiptn nn 238

1 semi-hard ladder gives 2 partons

Same bloc Kf replaced with other PDF

pp 200 GeV


16/03/2010 [email protected]

Approach Certification

Page 39: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

Which Selection?Pt contribution from differents products at the ladder end

• low products : don’t contribute to high• high products : contribute everywhere

Selection products which contributes in the chosen zone

Then : selection on

Can’t do direct selection on :Then need to reject couple that will not contribute to the zone

)( IBIBxx






pp 200 GeV

16/03/2010 [email protected]


Page 40: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:




16/03/2010 [email protected]

Page 41: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

UA1 and STAR on the same Plot

Nucl. Phys. B309 (1988) 405 Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 (2006) 252001

X 2

4116/03/2010 [email protected]

Page 42: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

Comparison with UA1 DATA

• Data : UA1, Nucl. Phys. B309 (1988) 405

Jet Spectrum : use of a Jet FinderR=0.7

• EPOS : Out Born Parton, R =Rmax (everything is in the jet)

• NLO Vogeslgang : thanks to Joana Kiryluk for the plot, NLO computation with R=0.7

4216/03/2010 [email protected]

Page 43: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

Comparison with STAR DATA

• Star Data : R=0.4 for jet finder, High Tower TriggerPhys. Rev. Lett. 97 (2006) 252001Hep-ex/0608030

• NLO QCD (Vogelsang), R=0.4Phys. Rev. D70 (2004), 034010Hep-ph/0404057

• EPOS : pt out born : Rmax

4316/03/2010 [email protected]

Page 44: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

Comparison with STAR DATA

Data exctracted with a jet finder algorithm :• Influence of the jet fnder : efficiency, cone, kt

• Influence of the jet resolution : systematic uncertainties

• Smearing effect ?

Could we really compare with analytic computation such as EPOS?

Comparison with NLO QCD VogeslgangTake into account some effect of the small radius R=0.4

Comparison with UA1 DATA?Same observable, same energy : same plot?But : different analysis, different R, different binning

16/03/2010 [email protected]

Page 45: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

Comparison with DATA

Difficult task :

EPOS : out Born parton = total jet (Rmax)

DATA : Reconstructed Jets, Jet Finder, variable R

NLO Vogeslgang : Computation with variable R

Need to do the Study by using jet finder on EPOS events

First good test for EPOS jet production :

Good agreement between EPOS and NLO Vogelsgang (R=0.7)

Less than a factor 2 between EPOS and Star Data over 9 orders of magnitude

16/03/2010 [email protected]

Page 46: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

16/03/2010 [email protected] 46

Ratio lambda/k0s

Page 47: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

Ratio lambda/k0s

Is this ratio the same if we look at the bulk, if we look at jets ?

Strageness : a signature of the Quark Gluon Plasma in heavy ion collisions

In pp collisions at sqrt(s)=200 GeV : flat ratio and remainded below unity

With increasing energy : the behaviour changes!

Hélène is working on that issue

16/03/2010 [email protected]

Page 48: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

Ratio lambda/k0s

In EPOS, look at this ratio in pp collisions for :

“The Bulk” : here everything, no trigger on particles origin, effects from collectivity

“Jets” : all particles coming from semi-hard ladders jet disconnected from the medium

Preliminary study to see what could be done at LHC

16/03/2010 [email protected]

Page 49: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

All : no selection


4916/03/2010 [email protected]

Page 50: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

All : no selection


All with hydro off

5016/03/2010 [email protected]

Page 51: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

For differents energies : from RHIC to LHC

10 TeV 5.5 TeV

1.8 TeV

200 GeV

5116/03/2010 [email protected]

Page 52: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:


200 GeV

“Bulk” in full line

“Jet” in dotted lines

14 TeV10 TeV5.5 TeV1.8 TeV

Ratio for different energies

5216/03/2010 [email protected]

Page 53: Sarah Porteboeuf*, Klaus Werner, Tanguy Pierog Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, March 13th-20th 2010 Producing hard processes regarding the complete event:

Ratio Lambda/k0s different in the “bulk” and in “jets”

Difference of fragmentation in jet and the bulk

In jets : the usual string model

In the bulk : collectivity

This difference grows with energy : collectivity more and more important

In pp : should clearly see this effect

A way to understandHydro part/ Jet part, Soft/HardDifference between medium and jet fragmentationDifference with Strangeness production

Informations we get

16/03/2010 [email protected]