SAP Enterprise Portal – SAP KM Change Knowledge into Capability

SAP Enterprise Portal – SAP KM Change Knowledge into Capability


This presentation gives you overall knwledge of SAP Knowledge management and how it can be used for importing documents.

Transcript of SAP Enterprise Portal – SAP KM Change Knowledge into Capability

Page 1: SAP Enterprise Portal – SAP KM Change Knowledge into Capability

SAP Enterprise Portal – SAP KM Change Knowledge into Capability

Page 2: SAP Enterprise Portal – SAP KM Change Knowledge into Capability

Knowledge Management is a part of SAP Enterprise Portal which gives a focal, role specific entry point to unstructured data from different information sources. This unstructured data is stored in heterogeneous, circulated archives and can exist in distinctive arrangements, for example, text records, presentations, or HTML documents. Knowledge Management (KM) incorporates these information sources with the help of SAP ECC support services and gives access to the data held in them through the SAP Enterprise Portal, regardless of how or where documents are stored.

What you understand about Knowledge Management??

Page 3: SAP Enterprise Portal – SAP KM Change Knowledge into Capability

Knowledge Management capacities help you in organizing data and making it accessible to the intended interest group. Some of the Knowledge Management capabilities include:

•Adaptable and configurable client interface

•An open structure for services, content, provisions and administrations

•Programmed grouping, publishing and membership


•Document authoring and publishing

Functions of Knowledge Management

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Content Management (CM)

Content Management services empower works that you can use on the content of all associated archives as long as specialized conditions are met. These services incorporate memberships, evaluations, open audits, feedback, and individual notes.

Content Management oversees whole life cycle of content generation, including creating, arranging, organizing, publishing, security and conveyance of content in different media inside SAP EP.

Information Management comprises the accompanying sub-parts:

Search and Classification (TREX)

TREX is a standout amongst the most compelling features supported by KM. TREX is a search and classification engine that is utilized to search in organized and unstructured information and reports. In the Enterprise Portal, you can scan for documents utilizing different search terms, as in search engines. TREX services incorporate search and recovery of large document collections, content mining, programmed document grouping.

This blog talks more on SAP knowledge Management, read here

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