SAP BO 4 1 Installation Guide - Linux

1 Hardware Pre-requisites a 4 Core b 16 GB Ram c 200 GB HDD 2 Install racle !" Database# i$ %ou are not usin& central database to store %our re'ositor% a (n)i' oracle-*e-11+2+0-1+0+*,6 64+r'm+)i' un)i' oracle-*e-11+2+0-1+0+*,6 64+r'm+)i' b .s Root (ser # Install r'm usin& r'm -i/ oracle-*e-11+2+0-1+0+*,6 64+r'm c .s Root user # run etc init+d oracle-*e con &ure 3or detailed instructions# re$er lin below+ tt'5 docs+oracle+com cd "1 ,1 01 install+112 e1,,02 toc+ tm7 "I89122 : n %our Des to'# install !;I8G so$tware $rom t e lin below+ C oose all de$ault o'tions# c oose to launc !;I8G at t e end+ tt'5 source$or&e+net 'ro<ects *min& 4 'en a new 'utt% session# to %our ser/er+ (nder ==H->!11 # C ec "nable !11 $orwardin&+



Transcript of SAP BO 4 1 Installation Guide - Linux

1. Hardware Pre-requisites0. 4 Core 0. 16 GB Ram0. 200 GB HDD

1. Install Oracle XE Database, if you are not using central database to store your repository1. Unzip unzip oracle-xe-11.2.0-1.0.x86_64.rpm.zip1. As Root User , Install rpm using rpm -ivh oracle-xe-11.2.0-1.0.x86_64.rpm1. As Root user , run /etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure

For detailed instructions, refer link below.

1. On your Desktop, install XMING software from the link below. Choose all default options, choose to launch XMING at the end. Open a new putty session, to your server. Under SSH->X11 , Check Enable X11 forwarding.

1. Login to your host machine with root. Type xclock on the command line to check whether XMING is working or not.

1. Next install Oracle 64 bit client installation5. Extract Oracle64BitClient-linux.tar file in some directory with root user. In this example, we have extracted it to the folder /u01/linux.x64_11gR2_client5. Add a user called oracle using commands below.1. adduser oracle1. passwd oracle ( set password for oracle)5. create a directory for oracle application called app under the partition and change owner to oracle2. mkdir /u01/app2. chown R /u01/app oracle:oracle5. Login with oracle in a new putty session for which SSH->X11 Enable X11 forwarding is checked.5. Goto installation directory /u01/linux.x64_11gR2_client/client and run 4. sh runInstaller

5. Oracle will launch GUI Based installer using XMING.

5. Choose Administrator option for type of installation.

5. Go with default selection for Language.5. Select directory for oracle client installation. This should be same as the one which was earlier created for oracle installation.

5. Go with default selection for inventory and click Finish. Oracle 64 bit client will get installed.5. Post Installation, two scripts have to be run as root for installation to complete. Run these scripts using a root session.

1. For BO Installation, you can also refer to the wiki provided by BO. 6.

1. Create BO User and set environment variables.7. addusr bouser7. passwd bouser ( set appropriate passwd)7. Setup environmental variables ( change as per installation path) in .bash_profile for bouser. Reexecute the .bash_profile or relogin.

export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/client_1

export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH7. Setup language settings for BO installationexport LANG=en_US.utf8export LC_ALL=en_US.utf87. Setup LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include all library folders.

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/lib:/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/lib64export LD_LIBRARY_PATH7. Setup PATH to include Oracle libraries and other library folders.PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/bin:/u01/SAPBO/sap_bobjexport PATH7. Setup CLASSPATH to include oracle libraries.CLASSPATH=$ORACLE_HOME/jlib:$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/jlibexport CLASSPATH1. Setup Ulimits for bouser to allow high number of open files and processes. This has to be edited using root user.

1. Configure yum to install both 32 and 64 bit libraries by adding the below line to /etc/yum.conf

1. Install the following libraries and all associated dependencies required by SAP BO specifically. It is critical that all these libraries are upto date and available in LD_LIBRARY_PATH before starting BO installation, else the installation will fail. Also install these packages using yum and not downloaded ones from outside.

yum install compat-libstdc++-33.i686yum install compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-69.el6.x86_64yum install glibc.i686yum install libstdc++.i686yum install libX11-1.5.0-4.el6.i686 yum install libXext-1.3.1-2.el6.i686

included one more package -yum install glibc-devel-2.12-1.132.el6_5.4.i686.rpm1. Check all the above once again before proceeding the installation by running the below commands:cat /etc/redhat-releaseulimitlocalerpm -qa compat-libstdc++*rpm -qa glibcrpm -qa libstdc++rpm -qa libX11

1. Make entries for the BO server and the database server in /etc/hosts. The BO server entry should be same as the hostname and ipaddress of the BO server.

1. Make an entry in tnsnames.ora for the database server.

1. Create the installation directory for BO installation and change owner to bouser14. Cd /u0114. mkdir SAPBO14. chown -R bouser SAPBO1. Go to installation directory 15. Cd /u01/installationExes/BO/51048295/DATA_UNITS/BusinessObjectsServer_lnx15. ./setup.sh15. d.

e.Press Enter to Continue

Press Enter to Continue

Installing Tomcat and not installing database, Press Enter.

Choose Oracle as CMS Type

Choose Oracle as Auditing Database type.

Node name is same as host name (picks up by default)

Once the installation is done Press Enter.

To Trigger Explorer Use Following path :/u01/installationExes/BO/SBOP_EXPLORER_4.1_SP4_MULTIOS__DL__/DATA_UNITS/Explorer_lnx

Then ./

Press Enter