Santho Related Literatrue

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  • 7/30/2019 Santho Related Literatrue




    This chapter consists of overview and related literatures related to ADHD,

    causes of ADHD, relationship between vestibular system & sensory processing

    and ADHD intervention, which is divided in to following sub topics:


    3.1 Causes of ADHD

    3.2 Diagnostic criteria for ADHD

    3.3 Types of ADHD

    3.4 Role of vestibular system in sensory processing

    3.5 Relationship between Sensory processing and ADHD

    3.6 Intervention for ADHD


    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurobiological

    disorder that affects the emotions, behavior, and cognitive state of 4%7% of

    children worldwide (Spencer, Biederman, & Mick, 2007). Symptoms include

    inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity, and they often persist into adulthood.

    The longterm emotional, social, educational, and occupational implications of

    ADHD are profound and well documented (Cermak, 2005). It is the most

    commonly studied and diagnosed psychiatric disorderin children, affecting

    about 3 to 5 percent of children globally and is diagnosed in about 2 to 16

    percent of school-aged children.It is a chronic disorder with 30 to 50 percent of

    those individuals diagnosed in childhood continuing to have symptoms into
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    adulthood. Adolescents and adults with ADHD tend to develop coping

    mechanisms to compensate for some or all of their impairments.It is estimated

    that between two and five percent of adults live with ADHD. ADHD is diagnosed

    two to four times more frequently in boys than in girls. Its symptoms can be

    difficult to differentiate from other disorders, increasing the likelihood that the

    diagnosis of ADHD will be missed.

    2.1 Causes of ADHD:

    ADHD has traditionally been viewed as a problem related to attention,

    stemming from an inability of the brain to filter competing sensory inputs such

    as sight and sound. Recent research, however, has shown that children with

    ADHD do not have difficulty in that area. Instead, researchers now believe that

    children with ADHD are unable to inhibit their impulsive motor responses to

    such input (Barkley, 1997; 1998a). It is still unclear what the direct and

    immediate causes of ADHD are, although scientific and technological advances

    in the field of neurological imaging techniques and genetics promise to clarify

    this issue in the near future. Most researchers suspect that the cause of ADHD

    is genetic or biological, although they acknowledge that the childs environment

    helps determine specific behaviors.

    (a) Brain dysfunction:

    Current research indicates the frontal lobe, basal ganglia, caudate

    nucleus, cerebellum, as well as other areas of the brain, play a significant role

    in ADHD because they are involved in complex processes that regulate

    behavior (Teeter, 1998). These higher order processes are referred to as
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    executive functions. Executive functions include such processes as inhibition,

    working memory, planning, self-monitoring, verbal regulation, motor control,

    maintaining and changing mental set and emotional regulation. According to a

    current model of ADHD developed by Dr. Russell Barkley, problems in

    response inhibition is the core deficit in ADHD. This has a cascading effect on

    the other executive functions listed above (Barkley, 1997).

    (b) Heredity:

    Heredity is the most common cause of ADHD. Most of research about

    the heritability of ADHD comes from family studies, adoption studies, twin

    studies and molecular genetic research.

    Family Studies: If a trait has a genetic basis we would expect the rate

    of occurrence to be higher with the biological family members (e.g., brown-eyed

    people tend to have family members with brown eyes). Dr. Joseph Biederman

    (1990) and his colleagues at the Massachusetts General Hospital have studied

    families of children with ADHD. They have learned that ADHD runs in families.

    They found that over 25% of the first-degree relatives of the families of ADHD

    children also had ADHD, whereas this rate was only about 5% in each of the

    control groups. Therefore, if a child has ADHD there is a five-fold increase in

    the risk to other family members.

    Adoption Studies: If a trait is genetic, adopted children should

    resemble their biological relatives more closely than they do their adoptive

    relatives. Studies conducted by psychiatrist Dr. Dennis Cantwell compared

    adoptive children with hyperactivity to their adoptive and biological parents.

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    Hyperactive children resembled their biological parents more than they did their

    adoptive parents with respect to hyperactivity.

    Twin Studies: Another way to determine if there is a genetic basis for a

    disorder is by studying large groups of identical and non-identical twins.

    Identical twins have the exact same genetic information while non-identical

    twins do not. Therefore, if a disorder is transmitted genetically, both identical

    twins should be affected in the same way and the concordance ratethe

    probability of them both being affectedshould be higher than that found in

    non-identical twins. There have been several major twin studies in the past few

    years that provide strong evidence that ADHD is highly heritable. They have

    had remarkably consistent results in spite of the fact that they were done by

    different researchers in different parts of the world. In one such study, Dr.

    Florence Levy and her colleagues studied 1,938 families with twins and siblings

    in Australia. They found that ADHD has an exceptionally high heritability as

    compared to other behavioral disorders. They reported an 82 percent

    concordance rate for ADHD in identical twins as compared to a 38 percent

    concordance rate for ADHD in non-identical twins.

    Molecular Genetic Research: Twins studies support the hypothesis of

    the important contribution that genes play in causing ADHD, but these studies

    do not identify specific genes linked to the disorder. Genetic research in ADHD

    has taken off in the past five years. This research has focused on specific

    genes that may be involved in the transmission of ADHD. Dopamine genes

    have been the starting point for investigation. Two dopamine genes, DAT1 and

    DRD4 have been reported to be associated with ADHD by a number of

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    scientists. Genetic studies revealed promising results, and we should look for

    more information about this soon.

    (c) Exposure to Toxic Substances:

    Researchers have found an association between mothers who smoked

    tobacco products or used alcohol during their pregnancy and the development

    of behavior and learning problems in their children. A similar association

    between lead exposure and hyperactivity has been found, especially when the

    lead exposure occurs in the first three years. Nicotine, alcohol, and lead can be

    toxic to developing brain tissue and may have sustained effects on the behavior

    of the children exposed to these substances at early ages.

    2.2 Diagnostic criteria for ADHD:

    I. A) Six or more of the following symptoms of inattention have

    persisted for at least six months to a degree that is maladaptive and

    inconsistent with the developmental level:


    1. Often does not give close attention to details or makes careless

    mistakes in schoolwork, work, or other activities.

    2. Often has trouble keeping attention on tasks or play activities.

    3. Often does not seem to listen when spoken to directly.

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    4. Often does not follow instructions and fails to finish schoolwork, chores,

    or duties in the workplace (not due to oppositional behavior or failure to

    understand instructions).

    5. Often has trouble organizing activities.

    6. Often avoids, dislikes, or doesn't want to do things that take a lot of

    mental effort for a long period of time (such as schoolwork or


    7. Often loses things needed for tasks and activities (e.g. toys, school

    assignments, pencils, books, or tools).

    8. Is often easily distracted.

    9. Is often forgetful in daily activities.

    B.Six or more of the following symptoms of hyperactivity-impulsivity

    have been present for at least 6 months to an extent that is disruptive and

    inappropriate for developmental level:


    1. Often fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat.

    2. Often gets up from seat when remaining in seat is expected.

    3. Often runs about or climbs when and where it is not appropriate

    (adolescents or adults may feel very restless).

    4. Often has trouble playing or enjoying leisure activities quietly.

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    5. Is often "on the go" or often acts as if "driven by a motor".

    6. Often talks excessively.


    1. Often blurts out answers before questions have been finished.

    2. Often has trouble waiting one's turn.

    3. Often interrupts or intrudes on others (e.g., butts into conversations or


    II. Some symptoms that cause impairment were present before age 7


    III. Some impairment from the symptoms is present in two or more settings

    (e.g. at school/work and at home).

    IV. There must be clear evidence of significant impairment in social, school,

    or work functioning.

    V. The symptoms do not happen only during the course of a Pervasive

    Developmental Disorder, Schizophrenia, or other Psychotic Disorder.

    The symptoms are not better accounted for by another mental disorder

    (e.g. Mood Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, Dissociative Disorder, or a

    Personality Disorder).

    2.3 Types of ADHD:

    Based on DSM IV criteria , three types of ADHD are identified.

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    1. ADHD, Combined Type:

    If both criteria Inattention and Hyperactive-Impulsivity are met for

    the past 6 months

    2. ADHD, Predominantly Inattentive Type:

    If criterion Inattention is met but criterion Hyperactivity-Impulsivity

    is not met for the past six months

    3. ADHD, Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Type:

    If Criterion Hyperactivity-Impulsivity is met but Criterion Inattention

    is not met for the past six months.

    2.4 Role of vestibular system in sensory processing:

    Ayres has postulated that the vestibular system exerts important

    influence on sensory integration because it is one of the earliest neuronal

    systems to develop and because it has multiple connections throughout the

    nervous system. This system has many interconnections with almost every

    other part of the brain. The vestibular system has among its functions the

    maintenance of equilibrium, direction of eye gaze, and maintenance of a plane

    of vision dependent upon head position. These are primarily made possible by

    vestibular system modification of underlying muscle tone, and through

    neuromuscular reflexes. In its operation, the system helps the organism to

    know whether various sensory stimuli are associated with body movements or

    with environmental factors. Motor function and enhanced body awareness is

    affected by the vestibular systems role in facilitating impulse flow from the

    muscle spindle. Information from the vestibular end-organs, the extra-ocular

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    muscles and vision help individuals to distinguish whether their head is moving,

    their eyes are moving or that something in the environment is moving.

    Coordinated movement is thus dependent upon vestibular sensory input.

    The main functions of the Vestibular system include:

    1. Postural tone, extensor muscle tone, neck contraction, equilibrium

    reactions, righting reactions and postural background movements as part of

    the Postural System. Postural responses provide background for more

    skilled and planned activity

    2. Compensatory Eye Movements, stabilisation of the visual field, spatial

    perception as part of the Visual System.

    3. Body Scheme and the orientation of ones body to the environment

    4. Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)

    5. Modulation/Arousal: Modulation is the process of increasing or reducing

    a neural activity to keep that activity in harmony with all the other

    functions of the nervous system. The vestibular system contributes a

    considerable amount to the energising/activating/exciting or

    inhibiting/calming properties of the Reticular Activating System. When

    facilitatory and inhibitory forces acting on the vestibular system are not in

    balance, disorganisation occurs.

    6. The Lymbic System is the part of the cerebral hemispheres that

    generates emotionally based behaviour. Gravitational security, which

    results from a well integrated vestibular system, is a foundation upon

    which we build our interpersonal relationships. If a childs relationship to

    the earth is not secure, then a lot of other relationships fail to develop


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    7. Influences of the digestive tract: When there is more vestibular input that

    the brain can organise, the digestive centres is the brainstem become

    disorganised. This stops movement of food through the digestive tract

    and causes a feeling of nausea. Children who process vestibular input

    inefficiently also frequently have difficulty in developing bowel and

    bladder control.

    Neuro-Anatomical Overview of the Vestibular System

    The vestibular system is a bilateral system, each side consisting of the

    peripheral end-organ, the vestibular part of the eighth cranial nerve, the

    vestibular nuclei and the vestibular afferents and efferents. The peripheral end-

    organ is part of the inner ear, specifically the three semicircular canals, the

    utricle and the saccule. According to another source, this system is known to

    perform three major functions in man: control of posture, control of eye

    movements and conscious perception of space. The Vestibular receptors are

    hair cells in two structures within the inner ear. The one type of receptor that is

    situated in the Otolith organs, responds to linear movement and the force of

    gravity. These receptors consist of tiny calcium carbonate crystalsattached to

    hairlike neurons. Gravity pulls these crystals downward to press on and move

    hairlike cells, which then activates the nerve fibres on the vestibular nerve.

    This nerve carries vestibular input to the vestibular nuclei of the brain stem.

    Because gravity is always present, the gravity receptors send a perpetual

    stream of vestibular messages. When the head moves in any direction that

    changes the pull of gravity upon the calcium carbonate crystals, the vestibular

    input from the gravity receptors changes the information in the vestibular

    system. The gravity receptors are also sensitive to bone vibration that shakes

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    the crystals. The second type of vestibular receptor lies in the semicircular

    canals. These receptors respond to angular movement of the head and

    responds best to transient, quick movements. The activity of these receptors

    provides tonic input to the central nervous system about movement and the

    position of the head in space. These pathways projects to the vestibular nuclei

    in the brainstem, and from there to the

    Cerebellum for ongoing control of eye and head movements and

    posture.These connections with the reciprocal which means that not only

    does the vestibular system send information to the cerebellum, but the

    connection is being reciprocated by information form the cerebellum.

    Oculomotor nuclei for fixing of the eyes as the head and body moves.

    This is the underlying of the vestibular-ocular reflex and nystagmus

    Spinal Cord, as it influences the muscle tone and is responsible for

    ongoing postural adjustments in response to how the body is moving

    Thalamus and Cortex where the integration with somatosensory inputs

    takes place which plays a significant role in the individuals perception of

    motion and spatial orientation.( Nancy Raubenheimer, 2009)

    A child with a vestibular hyposensitivity will need stronger input and will

    seek more extreme motion such as fast and high swinging, roller coasters, and

    strong bouncing. The input, though extreme to a normal sensory system, may

    register as mild or normal to the hyposensitive child, who may be characterized

    as a thrill-seeker. Symptoms of mild attentional difficulties can be exacerbated

    when paired with underlying sensory issues, but hyperactivity can also be

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    reduced with vestibular stimulation (Dunn & Bennett, 2002 (out of order in


    2.5 Relationship between Sensory Processing and Attention

    Deficit Hyperactivity disorder:

    Sensory processing is the ability to respond appropriately to neural

    stimuli, and Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), also known as Sensory

    Integration Dysfunction (SID), occurs when the process of regulating and

    organizing sensory input is impaired, (Miller, Anzalone, Lane, Cermak, & Osten,

    2007 (et al.)). Information is sensed normally but perceived abnormally. With

    Attention Related Difficulties (ARD), the efficiency of the executive function

    (controlling activation, focus, effort, emotion, memory, and action) is decreased

    and neural circuitry is impaired (Brown, 2007). Disturbances in the prefrontal

    cortex could explain clusters of related symptoms of motor difficulties and

    ADHD (Cruddace & Riddell, 2006). Its not surprising that about 50% of children

    with ARD also exhibit difficulty regulating and organizing sensory information

    and have motor control problems (Mangeot, 2001 (listed differently in

    regferences); Pitcher, Piek & Hay 2003; Yochman, 2006 Mangeot, 2001 (listed

    differently in regferences).

    The sensory processing and attention mechanisms of the brain are the

    same (Dunn & Bennett, 2002) and integration of the vestibular, tactile, and

    proprioceptive senses leads to the ability to organize, concentrate, and to

    exhibit self-control (Ayers, 2005). Many of the symptoms of SPD are also

    underlying neurological factors related to ADHD, indicating co-morbidity (Dunn

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    & Bennett, 2002; Harvey & Reid, 2003; Mangeot, et al., 2001). Given these

    factors, supporting and developing the sensory system is likely to have a

    positive effect on the symptoms of ADHD

    2.6 Intervention for ADHD:

    a) Behavioural Approaches:

    Behavioural approaches represent a broad set of specific interventions

    that have the common goal of modifying the physical and social environment to

    alter or change behaviour (AAP, 2001). They are used in the treatment of

    ADHD to provide structure for the child and to reinforce appropriate behaviour.

    Those who typically implement behavioural approaches include parents as well

    as a wide range of professionals, such as psychologists, school personnel,

    community mental health therapists, and primary care physicians. Types of

    behavioral approaches include behavioral training for parents and teachers (in

    which the parent and/or teacher is taught child management skills), a

    systematic program of contingency management (e.g. positive reinforcement,

    time outs, response cost, and token economy), clinical behavioral therapy

    (training in problem-solving and social skills), and cognitive-behavioral

    treatment (e.g., self-monitoring, verbal self-instruction, development of problem-

    solving strategies, self-reinforcement) (AAP, 2001; Barkley, 1998b; Pelham,

    Wheeler, & Chronis, 1998). In general, these approaches are designed to use

    direct teaching and reinforcement strategies for positive behaviors and direct

    consequences for inappropriate behaviour. Of these options, systematic

    programs of intensive contingency management conducted in specialized

    classrooms and summer camps with the setting controlled by highly trained

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    individuals have been found to be highly effective (Abramowitz, et al., 1992;

    Carlson, et al., 1992; Pelham & Hoza, 1996). A later study conducted by

    Pelham, Wheeler, and Chronis (1998) indicates that two approachesparent

    training in behavior therapy and classroom behavior interventionsalso are

    successful in changing the behavior of children with ADHD. In addition, home-

    school interactions that support a consistent approach are important to the

    success of behavioral approaches.

    The research results on the effectiveness of behavioral techniques are

    mixed. While studies that compare the behavior of children during periods on

    and off behavior therapy demonstrate the effectiveness of behavior therapy

    (Pelham & Fabiano, 2001), it is difficult to isolate its effectiveness. The

    multiplicity of interventions and outcome measures makes careful analysis of

    the effects of behavior therapy alone, or in association with medications, very

    difficult (AAP, 2001). A review conducted by McInerney, Reeve, and Kane

    (1995) confirms that the effective education of children with ADHD requires

    modifications to academic instruction, behavior management, and classroom

    environment. Although some research suggests that behavioral methods offer

    the opportunity for children to work on their strengths and learn self-

    management, other research indicates that behavioral interventions are

    effective but to a lower degree than treatment with psychostimulants (Jadad,

    Boyle, & Cunningham, 1999; Pelham, et al., 1998).

    b)Pharmacological Approaches :

    Pharmacological treatment remains one of the most common, yet most

    controversial, forms of ADHD treatment. It is important to note that the decision

    to prescribe any medicine is the responsibility of medicalnot educational

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    professionals, after consultation with the family and agreement on the most

    appropriate treatment plan. Pharmacological treatment includes the use of

    psychostimulants, antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, antipsychotics,

    and mood stabilizers (NIMH, 2000). Stimulants predominate in clinical use and

    have been found to be effective with 75 to 90 percent of children with ADHD

    (DHHS, 1999). Stimulants include Methylphenidate (Ritalin),

    Dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine), and Pemoline (Cylert). Other types of

    medication (antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, antipsychotics, and

    mood stabilizers) are used primarily for those who do not respond to stimulants,

    or those who have coexisting disorders.

    Researchers believe that psychostimulants affect the portion of the brain

    that is responsible for producing neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are

    chemical agents at nerve endings that help electrical impulses travel among

    nerve cells. Neurotransmitters are responsible for helping people attend to

    important aspects of their environment. The appropriate medication stimulates

    these underfunctioning chemicals to produce extra neurotransmitters, thus

    increasing the childs capacity to pay attention, control impulses, and reduce

    hyperactivity. Medication necessary to achieve this typically requires multiple

    doses throughout the day, as an individual dose of the medication lasts for a

    short time (1 to 4 hours). However, slow- or timed-release forms of the

    medication (for example, Concerta) may allow a child with ADHD to continue to

    benefit from medication over a longer period of time. Doctors, teachers, and

    parents should communicate openly about the childs behavior and disposition

    in order to get the dosage and schedule to a point where the child can perform

    optimally in both academic and social settings, while keeping side effects to a

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    minimum. If it is determined that the child should receive medication during the

    school day, it is important to develop a plan to ensure that medication is

    administered in accordance with the plan. Although the positive effects of the

    stimulant medication are immediate, all medications have side effects.

    Adjusting the dosage of the medicine can diminish some of these side effects.

    Some of the more common side effects include insomnia, nervousness,

    headaches, and weight loss. In fewer cases, subjects have reported slowed

    growth, tic disorders, and problems with thinking or with social interaction

    (Gadow, Sverd, Sprafkin, Nolan, & Ezor, 1995). Medication also can be

    expensive, depending upon the medicine prescribed, the frequency of

    administration, and the subsequent frequency of refills. Stimulant medicines do

    not normalize the entire range of behavior problems, and children under

    treatment may still manifest higher levels of behavioral problems than their

    peers (DHHS, 1999). Nonetheless, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)

    finds that at least 80 percent of children will respond to one of the stimulants if

    they are administered in a systematic way. Under medical care, children who

    fail to show positive effects or who experience intolerable side effects on one

    type of medication may find another medication helpful. The AAP reports that

    children who do not respond to one medication may have a positive response

    to an alternative medication, and concludes that stimulants may be a safe and

    effective way to treat ADHD in children (AAP, 2001).

    c) Multimodal Approaches:

    Research indicates that for many children the best way to mitigate

    symptoms of ADHD is the use of a combined approach. The Multimodal

    Treatment Study of Children with ADHD (MTA)is the longest and most

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    thorough study of the effects of ADHD interventions (MTA Cooperative Group,

    1999a, 1999b). The study followed 579 children between the ages of 7 and 10

    at six sites nationwide and in Canada. The researchers compared the effects of

    four interventions: medication provided by the researchers, behavioral

    intervention, a combination of medication and behavioral intervention, and no-

    intervention community care (i.e., typical medical care provided in the

    community). Of the four interventions investigated, the researchers found that

    the combined medication/behavior treatment and the medication treatment

    work significantly better than behavioral therapy alone or community care alone

    at reducing the symptoms of ADHD. Multimodal treatments were especially

    effective in improving social skills for students coming from high-stress

    environments and children with ADHD in combination with symptoms of anxiety

    or depression. The study revealed that a lower medication dosage is effective

    in multimodal treatments, whereas higher doses were needed to achieve

    similar results in the medication-only treatment.

    Researchers found improvement in the following areas after using a

    multimodal intervention: child anxiety, academic performance, oppositional

    behavior, and parent-child interaction. Positive results also were found in

    school-related behavior when multimodal treatment is coupled with improved

    parenting skills, including more effective disciplinary responses, and

    appropriate reinforcements (Hinshaw, et al., 2000). These findings were

    replicated across all six research sites, despite substantial differences among

    sites in their samples sociodemographic characteristics. The studys overall

    results appear to apply to a wide range of children and families identified as in

    need of treatment services for ADHD (NIMH, 2000). Other studies demonstrate

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    that multimodal treatments hold value for those children for whom treatment

    with medication alone is not sufficient (Klein, Abikoff, Klass, Ganeles, Seese, &

    Pollack, 1997).