Sanitary Drainage System

SANITARY DRAINAGE SYSTEM There are three degrees or grades of WASTE WA TER 1. Storm Water- from the rain. 2. Grey Water- wastes from laundries, wash basins, sins, showers, bath tubs!. ". #la$ Water - water %lus human waste solid and li&uid, urine, that is flushed out of toilets and urinals. ELEMENTS OF THE SANITARY SYSTEM 1. Soil Pipe-  any %i%e whi$h $on'eys the dis$harge of water $losets, urinals, or fi(tures ha'ing similar fun$tions. 2. Stack- a general term used for any 'erti$al line of soil, waste, or 'ent %i%ing. 3. Soli Stack Pipe-a 'erti$al soil %i%e $on'eying fe$al matter and li&uid waste.

Transcript of Sanitary Drainage System

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There are three degrees or grades of WASTE WATER

1. Storm Water- from the rain.

2. Grey Water- wastes from laundries, wash basins, sins, showers, bath tubs!.

". #la$ Water - water %lus human waste solid and li&uid, urine, that is flushed out of

toilets and urinals.


1. Soil Pipe- any %i%e whi$h $on'eys the dis$harge of water $losets, urinals, or fi(tures

ha'ing similar fun$tions.

2. Stack- a general term used for any 'erti$al line of soil, waste, or 'ent %i%ing.

3. Soli Stack Pipe-a 'erti$al soil %i%e $on'eying fe$al matter and li&uid waste.

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. Stack !e"t-an e(tension of a soil or waste sta$ abo'e

the highest hori)ontal drain

$onne$ted to the sta$.

#. !e"t- a %i%e or o%ening used for ensuring the

$ir$ulation of air in a %lumbing system and for redu$ing to

%ressure e(erted on tra% seals.

$. %"it !e"t-an arrangement of 'enting so installed that

one 'ent %i%e will ser'e two 12! tra%s.

&. 'et !e"t-that %ortion of a 'ent %i%e through whi$h li&uid waste flow.

(. )*a"c+ -any %art of a %i%ing system other than the main*, riser or sta$.

,. Mai" - the main of any system of $ontinuous %i%ing is the %rin$i%al artery of the

system to whi$h bran$hes may be $onne$ted. +

1. )*a"c+ !e"t- a 'ent %i%e $onne$ting from a bran$h of the drainage system to a

'ent sta$.

11 . 'ate Pipe -a %i%e whi$h $on'eys only li&uid wastes free f fe$al matter.

12. D*ai"-a sewer or other %i%e or $onduit used for $on'eying ground water, surfa$e

water, waste water, or sewage.

13. Se/e*- A %i%e or $onduit for $arrying sewage and waste li&uids.

1. Se/a0e- the li&uid wastes $ondu$ted away from

buildings/stru$tures, also of the storm water.

1#. Se/e*a0e-a $om%rehensi'e term, in$luding all $onstru$tion for 

$olle$tion, trans%ortation, %um%ing, treatment and final dis%ositionof waste.

1$. lea"ot Fe**le - a metalli$ slee'e, $aled or otherwise,

 0oined to. an o%ening in a %i%e, whi$h a %lug is s$rewed that

$an be remo'ed for the %ur%ose of $leaning or e(amining the

interior of the %i%e.

1&. T*ap - A fitting or de'i$e so $onstru$ted as to %re'ent the %assage of air, gas, and

some 'ermin through a %i%e without materially affe$ting the flow of sewage or waste

water through it.

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1(. Hoe D*ai" -that %art of the lowest hori)ontal %i%ing of a %lumbing system whi$h

re$ei'es the dis$harge from soil, waste and other drainage %i%es inside of a building

and $on'eys it to the house sewer. t should ha'e a slo%e of at least 1/3 to a foot or .

445 for e'ery ."4 meter . . 65 mm for e'ery "44 mm!.

1,. Hoe Se/e*-the house sewer is that %art of a %lumbing system e(tending from a%oint about four 6! or fi'e t7l feet from the inner fa$e of the foundation wall of a building

to the 0un$tion with another sewer.

2. Hoe T*ap - a tra% $onne$ted to

loy'est hori)ontal %i%ing or 8ouse


21. Relie !e"t - a 'ent the %rimary

6:resh Air nlet! fun$ti;n of whr$h is to. %ro'ide $ir$ulation of air between drainage and

'ent system.

22. P4lic Se/e*-a $ommon sewer dire$tly $ontrolled by %ubli$ authority to whi$h all

abutters ha'e e&ual rights .of $onne$tion.

23. Sipito"a0e- a su$tion $aused by the flow of li&uids in %i%es.

2. Spi0ot-The end of a %i%e whi$h fits into a bell. Also a word

synonymously with fau$et.

2#. Se5l-The 'erti$al distan$e between the di% and $rown wire of atra%.

2$. Ro0+i"0-I"-The installation of all %i%es in the %lumbing

system that are in %artitions and under floors.

2&. Fi"i+i"0 - The setting of :i(tures.

2(. S6p-a %it or re$e%ta$le at a low %oint to whi$h the li&uid wastes are drained.

2,. S+at-a 'erti$al o%ening through a building for ele'ators, dumbwaiters, light,

'entilation, et$.

3. Slee7e-a sheet metal %la$ed when $on$rete is %oured to a$$omodate future

%lumbing %i%es.31 . Pipe +ae-an o%ening or s%a$e to a$$omodate a grou% of %i%es .

32. Dct -;%ening for 'entillation $ir$ulation of air.

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SA<TAR= 9RA< -re$ei'e the

dis$harges of sanitary and

domesti$ waste only.

a. ndustrial drain -this house

drain re$ei'es the dis$harges

from industrial e&ui%ments. 9ue

to some ob0e$tionable a$id

waste, this usually terminates

into a se%arate drainage basin.

b. Storm drain-this re$ei'e the

dis$harges of all storm. >lear water or surfa$e water washes e($e%t sanitary wastes

this usually terminate into ri'ers, laes, et$.

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1. Gal7a"i8e9 i*o" :G.% o* Steel Pipe made out of a ?ild Steel drawn through a die

and welded $ast into 5.44 meters long. ts usual life s%an is from 17 to 24years.8owe'er 

steel %i%e is sub0e$t to de%osits of salts and lime whi$h gradually a$$umulate and

e'entually $hoe the flow of water. This ty%e of %i%e is $orroded by alaline and a$id

water. That is why when used for hot water line, it deteriorates faster than $old water

su%%ly %i%e.

2. Platic o* S;"t+etic Pipe

There are two ty%es@

a. Rigid Ty%e

b. :le(ible Ty%e

Rigid Ty%e $an be@

1. oly'inyl $hloride 6B>!

2. >hlorinated oly'inyl >hloride 6$B>!

". Cn%lasti$i)ed oly'inyl >hloride 6uB>. oly%ro%ylene 6l!

7. A$rylonitrile #utadiene Styrene 6A#S

5. Styrene Rubber lasti$ 6SR!

:le(ible Ty%es are@

1. olyethylene 6El - >oil :orm at "4 meters

2. olybutylene 6#! u% to 174 meters long in $oil :orm

3. at I*o" Pipe-This is durable and is $on'eniently installed in most of the %lumbingneeds in building whi$h are less than 27 storeys high be$ause water usually leas at

 0oints due to 'ibrations. >ast ron is also affe$ted to a $ertain e(tent by $orrosion $aused

by the a$tion of $arbon dio(ide, sul%hur o(ide and methane gases forming a solution of

$arboni$ a$id and sul%huri$ a$id whi$h atta$ the metalli$ materials, $ausing a slow

$hemi$al rea$tion or o(idation to tae %la$e forming ferrous o(ide, $alled rusts.

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Two Ty%es@

1. SB- :or building installations.

2. DB -:or underground installations this are e(tra hea'y.

. Aci9 Reita"t at I*o" Pipe-?ade of an alloy of $ast iron and sili$on. t is

$ommonly installed in $hemi$al laboratories where a$id waste are being dis$harged.

#. A4eto Pipe - made of asbestos fibers and %ortland $ement. The thi$ness is

twi$e that of standard $ast iron. ?ost suited for embedment on $on$rete stru$tures.$. )it6i"o Fi4e* Se/e* Pipe- >hea%est light in+weight, re$ommended for house

sewer and se%ti$ tan installation. t $ould tae slight soil mo'ement without danger of

$ra$ing or %ulling out of its 0oint.

&. !it*iie9 la; Pipe-made from $lay and with+ a length of 4. 7 n@aeter treated with

gla)ed $om%ound. This is highly resistant to most a$ids and is well suited in

underground installations woring either as %ubli$ or house wer, or storm in drain.

#eing made of $lay. The %hysi$al %ro%erty of this %i%e is brittle. t easily $ra$s when laid

on unstable ground or base.

(. Lea9 Pipe-one of the oldest %lumbing materials. Fead is highly resistant and is 'ery

suitable to underground installation. #ut be$ause it is %oisonous and in0urious to humanhealth, it is ne'er re$ommended to $on'ey water for human $onsum%tion.

,. Gal7a"i8e9 '*o0+t I*o" Pipe- this is better than steel %i%e for %lumbing


be$ause it is more resistant. to a$id waste than the steel %i%e. +

1. )*a Pipe - The most e(%ensi'e of all ty%es of %i%e. ?ade of an alloy of )in$ and

$o%%er mi(ed at a %ro%ortion of 17 and H7 res%e$ti'ely. The brass %i%e is a su%erior

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material for waste and water installation be$ause otits smooth surfa$e aside from its

high resistan$.e to a$ids.

11 . oppe* Pipe- A durable material whi$h is e(tremely $orrosi'e res0stant-easiestto


  Ty%e I - hea'iest for underground installations

  Ty%e F - Fighter than ty%e $omes in fle(ible and rigid ty%e

  Ty%e ? - Thinner and a'ailable only in rigid form.


>olor >oding@

otable water - #lue

Ele$tri$ >onduit - ;range or Fight Gray

ndustrial System - Gray

>ommuni$ation >able- =ellow

Sewage System - ;range #rown


The si)e of the ser'i$e %i%e $onne$ting the main and the house being ser'ed is

go'erned by the@

a! ma(imum demand and the

b! %robable demand or %ea load

MA=IM%M DEMAND-refers to the ma(imum water dis$harge for %lumbing fi(tures

in terms of unit. The ma(imum demand of water su%%ly is e&ual to the total fi(ture

units in the %lumbing system wherein one unit is a%%ro(imately 'alued at H gallons

of water dis$harge %er minute.

PRO)A)LE DEMAND OR PEA> LOAD s another fa$tor $onsidered in

determining the si)e of the water ser'i$e %i%e. The &uestion of how many fi(tures

will be used simultaneously is diffi$ult to as$ertain. but a$$ording to sur'ey.

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a. The :ewer the number of :i(tures installed the higher the %er$entage or

%robability of their simultaneous use.

b. The greater the number of:i(tures installed, the lesser the %er$entage or

%ossibility of simultaneous use.


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a. 9oubling the diameter of a %i%e line in$reases its $a%a$ity u% to + times.b. A 24 mm ser'i$e %i%e $an su%%ly 2 bran$hes at 1" mm diameter ea$h it $ould deli'er 

u% to 14 gals/ min. Suffi$ient enough to ser'e CKL to 14 fi(tures.

$. A 27 mm ser'i$e %i%e $an su%%ly 2 bran$hes at 24 mm diameter. t $an deii'er u% to

1H gals/ min and ser'e 24 fi(tures.


a. TRAS-The only se%aration between the un%leasant and dangerously unhealthy

gases in a sanitary drainage system and the air breathed by room o$$u%ants is the

water $aught in the fi(ture tra% after ea$h dis$harge from a fi(ture. Tra%s are of steel,

$ast iron, $o%%er, %lasti$, or brass e($e%t in water $losets and urinals whi$h is

integrated 'itreous $hina.

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 A minimum

de%th of 2 in. 6.47. and a ma(imum of .14

63! are $ommon standards for water


 An e($e%tion to the rule that ea$h fi(ture sh4Kid ha'e ita own tra%. >ommon e($e%tion

in$lude two laundry trays and a it$hen lin $onne$tedMto a single tra% 6not more thin "1

When fi(tures are not always used, the water in tra%s $an e'a%orate into the alt,

breaing the seal of the tra%. es%e$ially in floor drains $onne$ted to soil %i%ing tool odor 

will emanate in the air. 6always fill with water!


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This il due to an inade&uate 'entilation of the

tra% wherein the atmos%heri$ minus or %lus

%ressure affe$t the installation. Tra% seal is

the 'erti$al distan$e between the di% and the

$rown weir of a tra%. Also it is the water in the

tra% between the di% and the $rown weir.

1. S8;<AGE- the result of a minus %ressure in the drainage system. 6ressure is a

for$e re&uired to mo'e gas or li&uid! when a large amount of water flow ra%idly through

the tra%, self si%honing is automati$ally de'elo%ed and the water $ontent of the tra%

6seal! s absolutely dis$harged. This is nown as a tra% seal loss. When the seal is lost,

ba$ flow of gases from the sewer line or se%ti$ tan will %ass into the tra%, funds its

way to the fi(ture drain outlet and s%read into the room.

<9RE>T ;R ?;?E<TC? S8;<AGE

This ty%e is the result of a minus %ressure in the %i%e

$reated by hea'y dis$harge of water from a fi(ture

installed on a line ser'ing another fi(ture at a lower floor 

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2. #A>I RESSCRE-This $ondition is $aused by a %lus %ressure whi$h blows the

water out6of the fi(ture. t ha%%ens usually when a large flow of water dro% and form as

slug and $om%ress the air inside the %i%e. The $om%ressed air will find its way out

through a weather %oint. The tra% seal will gi'e way and blow out of the fi(ture.

". EBA;RAT;< - This %ro$ess is a minor %roblem and less

%robable to drain the water inside the tra%. E'a%oration ha%%ens

only on floor drains not regularly used to admit water but is

e(%osed to e(treme tem%erature.

. a, >AFFAR= A>T;<- This ind ot tra%seal loss seldom ha%%en and is rarely

e(%erien$ed by homeowners. The $ondition

is $aused b' a sus%ension of a foreign ob0e$t

su$h as a string, rags, strands of hair 

e(tended o'er the outlet arm of the tra%.


The %ro(imity of sewage to %otable water 

at te(tures is ines$a%able. t is %ossiblethat sewage $ould a$$identally be

si%honed into %i%e $arrying %otable


 $. BE<TS-:or the admission of air and the

dis$harging of gases, soil and waste

sta$s are e(tended through roofs, and a system of air 'ents, larger %aralleling the

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drainage system is also %ro'ided. The ntrodu$tion of air near the fi(ture 6and in the $ase

of loo% 'enting, at the bran$h soil 6line! breas the %ossible si%honage of water out of the

tra%. Foo% 'enting whi$h %ermits an air and gases to %ass in and out of the soil or waste

bran$h instead of at its fi(ture, is fully effe$ti'e in %re'enting the si%honage of tra% seals.


1. ?A< S;F A<9 WASTE


This is the %ortion of the soil

%i%esta$ abo'e the highest

installed fi(ture bran$h

e(tended through the roof. t

ser'es as the teNminal for the

main 'ent and other 'ents of 

the %lumbing installations.

2. ?A< EBE<T

s that %ortion of the 'ent

%i%e system whi$h ser'es as

a terminal of the smallest

forms of units and grou%ed

fi(ture tra% 'entilation. The

main 'ent is $onne$ted full

si)e at their base to the main

soil or waste %i%e at or belowthe lowest fi(ture bran$h and

should e(tend undiminished

in si)e abo'e the roof or 

should be re$onne$ted with

the main soil 'ent at least

1.44 meter abo'e the highest

fi(ture bran$h.

The main 'ent also ser'es as

a relief 'ent for any ba$

%ressure. t must be free

from offsets to allow free

mo'ement of air. Cnder this

main 'ent are other different

ty%es of 'ents .

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". <9B9CAF BE<T

Sometimes referred to as ba$ 'ent. t S that % ortton ol the 'ent %i%e whi$h ser'es a

single tra%. t should be $onne$ted $lose to the ft( tuw ua% as %ossible, 11 should be

lo$ated underneath and ba$ of the fi(ture and 11 must be $onne$ted to the main 'ent

abo'e the o'erflow line of the fi(ture.

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 . C<T BE<T

This is that %ortion of the 'ent %1%e wh1$ll 'ent1late two .@i(ture tra%s. Csually used in

a%artments arranged ba$ ba$.

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7. >R>CT ;R F;; BE<T

This is em%loyed where two or more fi(ture tra%s are installed on a hori)ontal soil or

waste bran$h. The use of $ir$uit 'ent generally redu$es the $ost of the %lumbing


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s installed to 'entilate the soil and waste %i%e and the $onne$ting bran$hes other than

the fi(ture tra%s. Relief 'ent is %ro'ided when waste bran$hes are $ir$uit 'ented.

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. =;IE ;R #=-ASS BE<TFAT;<

;n a long 'erti$al soil %i%e a relief 'ent is installed at " to 7 floor inter'als. n this $ase,

the relief 'ent is referred to as the =;IE or by-%ass 'entilation.

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Refers to the 'erti$al %i%e of the %lumbing system

used as 'entilation of the %lumbing, installation and

fi(ture tra%s whi$h at the same time re$ei'es and

$on'ey liouid waste dis$harge from the fi(tures.

Widely used for small grou%s of bathroom fi(tures

%arti$ularly on a one or two storey residential


O. F;;E9 BE<T

Csed on :i(tures in a room away from %artitions. >ommon to beauty %arlors, barberssho%s and dental $lini$s and surgi$al rooms.

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RS' PR - 2


<G S=STE?S !

9ATE GBE< @ 14/4O/19ATE 9CE @ 14/15/19ATE SC#. @ 14/15/1


 Ar$hite$tural CTFTES+ 1, lumbing And Sanitary, The <ew Fadder Ty%e >urri$ulum,GE;RGE SAF<9A SAFBA<, 1OH5


 APC<; KR. FCB?< A. AR>8. RE<E G. :F;RE<9;